HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-09-01, Page 411 4- THHE,'HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT.,, SEPT. 1, 1966 Students and Parents Will Enjoy Our "School Headquarters" It offers an unique advantage: TEXT BOOKS FOR GRADE 13 Books, Binders, Pens Paper, Book Refills, Math Sets, Clothes, and many other items can be had at one stop Check Our School Opening Special Values All supplies required by pupils of St. James' School, Seaforth, are available! Check our Children's Wearing Apparel • LARONIES Seaforth's 5c to $1.00 Store Stationery - Gifts WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime! P UBLIC N OTICE THE COUNTY OF HURON and THE TOWNSHIPS OF ASHFIELD, COLBORNE, GREY, GODERICH,. HAY, HOWICK, STEPHEN, TUCKERSMITH, TURNBER- RY, USBORNE and WEST WAWANOSH have passed a by-law to regulate the installation of new entrance ways and the improvement of exis- ting entrance ways that impede* the flow of water. • The by-laws require: 1. That any person wishing to have a new entrance way in- stalled to his property from any Huron County Road or Township Road of the Town- ships listed MUST secure a permit from the County En- gineer, or Township Road Sup- erintendent as the case may be. 2. That the. work will be done by the municipality only after the . permit is issued. . 3. That the owner must pay for the work, 4. That only new corrugated met- . alpipe will be used. 5. All proper existing entrance ways will be maintained and replaced (when required) by the municipality, as in the past, at no cost to the owner. For -further information, a copy of the - by-law or permit application forms, contact the County engin- eer, Court House, Goderich, Ontar- io, or, the appropriate Township Road Superintendent, or Clerk at his municipal office. • :••.•1'4,;-•.'.'i DONALD • McKENZIE • Oh i iaiii f b our'ity „ otd W'oittn tt e r News.. of Varna Mrs. Tom Consitt, Paul and Scott spent the past week vis- iting her mother, Mrs, Evans at Cranbrook. Torn Consitt attended the International Beef Breeders Convention at Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson attended the Flett-Jewitt wed- ding in Clinton Saturday, Several, ladies from the community attended a show- er for Gail McBride at Goshen Tuesday nights Mr. and Mrs. Mel Webster and Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dowson and family motored this past week -end to Bracebridge, New Liskeard anti other points north. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Dowson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Tipping, Danny and David of Sarnia. The Varna U.C.W. will meet in the church basement, Thursday evening, Sept, t. Mr. and Mrs. Fred lAcGly- mont have returned "c ne from their trip to they west coast. News of Winchelsea The ladies of Winchelsea and Mrs.. Newton Clarke of Exeter surprised Mrs. Tom Campbell with a birthday party Friday evening. Her birthday was Sat- urday. Karen Kerslake visited with Sharon and Helen Batten of Elimville. Mr, and Mrs. James Smith, Exeter, visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Camp- bell. Mrs. Phil, Hern, Mrs. John Coward and Mrs. Elson -Flynn attended the flower show on Tuesday evening at Russelldale Hall. Barbara Gilfillan spent Moil=' day with Carol Bell, Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hut- ton visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern. Bessie Frank of St. Marys visited with Mrs. Isabel Sug- den. se` Mrs. Isabel Eugden and •Ten- nyson Johns attended the dec- oration services • Sunday at- North tNorth Nisourri. BATTEN REUNION Over 50 descendants of the late John Batten and Elizabeth (Taylor) Batten attended a fam- ily picnic Sunday, at the farm of Valentine Becker, Varna. Guests came from., Exeter, London,. Detroit, St. Marys, Sea - forth, Winchelsea and Centralia. Ross• Oke, Exeter, the' presi- dent, conducted the business meeting. The officers' elected are: president, John Miners, Ex- eter; secretary, Mrs. John Min- ers. Mrs. Orville Oke, Seaforth, was in charge of sports and con- tests. • Mrs. Valentine Becker supervised the serving of sup- per. Invest Securely in'a 6% Guaranteed Trust Certificate 3to5Years Contact John A. Cardno SEAFORTH - Representing: Huron & Erie Sterling Trusts Guaranty Trusts Crown Trust Co. of Canada THIS WEEK AND NEXT by Ray Argyle CRISIS IN. THE COMMON- WEALTH Next week's conference of Commonwealth prune 'ministers comes at an embarrassing time for Mr. Pearson. Beset .by prob- lems of labor unrest and infla- tion at home, he mulct turn his attention to Commonwealth af- fairs while Canadians would much- rather have him dealing decisively with pressing prob- lems in this country. There is, moreover, the dan- ger that the conference Will re- sult in further shrinking of the Commonwealth and heightened disunity among its member na- tions. And there is nothing Mr. Pearson can do about it. The major topic on the egen- da will be the seemingly insolu- ble Rhodesian situation, where Premier Ian Smith remains ada- mant in his stand that his coun- try will not bow to London's.de- mands for racial equality. Despite a variety of economic pressures, and despite the very harsh effects these pressures have had on the Rhodesian economy, Mr. Smith's rebel re- ghne appears as firmly en- trenched as ever. Whether Rhodesia is even still a part of the Common- wealth is a good question. It's a question no one, least of all Prime Minister Wilson, cares to face up to. Technically, it might be supposed that it is, in that Smith declared continued loyal- ty to the Queen when his rebel- lious colony—declared itself out from under the British colonial office. But a rebel regime•it is, unrecognized by Her Majesty's ministers and other Common- wealth nations. Is Rhddesia nowto go the way of South Africa, enthusiastically booted o'ut of the Common- wealth? That's one way of solv- ing a "Commonwealth" problem in that it could be argued that by kicking her out of the club, her behavior (like South Afri- ca's) is no longer the responsi- bility of the club. But that's unlikely to happen. Rhodesia's unilateral declara- tion of, independence came nine months ago, after Ian. Smith and his white supremacy followers rejected British insistence that blacks be taken into -the govern, ment. Since then, a variety of sanc- tions have been applied, and with increasing effect. Foreign investment has come to a near standstill, neighboring African countries are . imposing trade bans, and there are reports Rho- desia has sold only one quarter of its tobacco crop --- its chief source of foreign exchange. . But still Rhodesia survives, and fresh talks are now under way between British and Rhode- sian delegations, But as long as Smith knuckles under to•his ex- tremist supporters • and refuses to take any blacks into his gov- ernment, other Commonwealth Afro -Asian countries will not News of Zion A group of ladies from Zion attended the shower for Wanda Moore at Staffs' Hall, Thursday evening. Mr.. and Mrs. Bob Pheonix, Burlington, visited Mrs. ' Mary Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm, Wednesday. On Sunday Mary E. Graham, Mrs. Gretta De Clute and friend, Tor- onto, visited at the same home. Mrs: Lorne Aikens and -Ann were in Exeter, Saturday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Norris Sillery. Mrs. Lloyd Barker, Betty Ann and Russell attended the Moore reunion at Springbank Park, London, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harback, Stratford, were dinner . guests of Mrs. Mary Malcolm,- Sunday. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith in the loss df her mother, the late Mrs. Garnet Harper. �w f M ���• j�+SPECI 4 1965 CLASSIC SEDAN , 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE--6 Cylinder 1960 CHEV. 4 -door SEDAN 1959 FORD • Here Are New 1966 Models Still Available 1966 AM,DASSADOR 1966 AMERICAN 220 MILLER MOTORS Plume 62744109e9fdrEh allow London to reach any kind of settlement. Prime Minister Pearson, who finds Smith's racial policies re- pugnant, will go along with the colored Commonwealth in the general denunciation of Rho- desia. But there is little eco- nomic contact between Canada and Rhodesia, and thus little Canada can do to bring Smith into line. As if Rhodesia wasn't prob- lem enough, the Commonwealth prime ministers meet at a time when another African Common- wealth country Nigeria — is undergoing severe tests which threaten to split the country among warring tribes. The second army mutiny within six months installed a new regime in Nigeria a few weeks ago. With 56 million peo- ple, Nigeria is the most popu- lous and potentially the most powerful of all west African states. The tragedy of Nigeria is that despite an "enlightened" Brit- ish colonial administration, the country never got beyond the stage of tribal loyalties which have split Nigeria into four jealous regions. Col. Y. G'owon, the new mili- tary chief, is said to regard a loose confederation of the con- tending regions as • the best chance of keeping the country intact. In varying degrees, it' all sounds like an old record play- ed over again, dor Mr. Pearson,, ills "rip' to the- Commonwealth conference can be little more than a melancholy journey, un- dertaken against a background of growing divergence within the Commonwealth and unsolv- ed problems at home. CORSETTIER Bras, Girdles, Corsets and Support Garments TO FIT ALL FIGURES At Reasonable Prices Mrs. J. Hoelscher SEAFORTH • George St. .— One Block East of 'Library Friends Honor Bride Elect slzrprise shower was held in 1zonor of Joan Williams, at the hoarse of Mrs. John Lansink, with Rose Lansink and Mary Eckert acting as hostesses. Games were played and then Joan, along with her mother and Mrs, Ken Betties, mother of the groom, opened the gifts. Mary Lansink made Joan a hat out of the bows and ribbons. Lunch _was served by Mazy Eckert, Velma Wright, Mary, Dianne and Rose Lansink. Classified ads pay dividends. DJD YOU KNOW , ",. T''^ .1.'tliat Sun Life of C iada is ono of the world's leading f ifs i urance} companies, with 150 branch olnes throughout North America? As the Sun Life`represent- ative in your community, may I be of service? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 -- 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime! SEPTEMBER. SPECIALS 6 cit. Complete tests and adjustments of en- gine electrical system, including carbu- retor idle and speed adjustments. $3.95 8 cyl. $5.45 Most Models --Parts Extra Your car carefully --washed and finish -- — protected with quality liquid wax polish $9.95 Most Models ASH ' AND PC LISIH,lNG eaforth Motors Phone 527-1750 Seaforth 25 YEARS OF PUBLIC CONFIDENCE GODERICH L.JSiNESSCOLLEGE PLAN A CAREER WITH A FUTURE OUR AIM IS TO JUSTIFY'THE CONFIDENCE PLACED IN 1 US, AND WE ARE ENDEAVOURING TO MAINTAIN THE SAME HIGH STANDARDS. �r BUSINESS MACHINES r ACCOUNTING MODERN COURSES w SECRETARIAL Our courses, final examinations and diplomas are under the direction of the Business Educators Association of Canada. Our courses are constantly being revised to meet ' the demands of modern business. REGISTIiATION WEE11 15th. FALL TERM �PENS SEPTEMBER. 6 IT IS -NOT TOO -LATE TO REGISTER. RESERVE YOUR DESK TODAY! In order to obtein the best results, we urge students to attend on the opening date. Dial 524-854: : 7284, or 6807 for an appoiniment