HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-08-18, Page 10HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT.. AUG. 18, 1946 Seaforth WI Meets Seaforth Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Jos- eph Keyes with Mrs. Ross Gordon as co -hostess. The business was conducted by Mrs. R. M. Scott, presi- dent, The Institute decided to Friends Honor Bride - Elect Joan, Williams, bride -elect of September, was honored on Fri- day evening at the home of Mrs. John Oldfield by neigh- bors, at a miscellaneous show- er. The guests played bingo. A lucky chair was won by Mrs. Don Muir and a lucky cup by Mrs. Joe Williams. The oldest lady present was Mrs. Matt Haney and the one with the closest anniversary was Mrs. Jim Brown. An accordian selec- tion was given by Brian Old- field, ldfield, followed by anaddress by Mrs. Joe Cooper. Diane Old- field and Nancy O'Shea pre- sented the gifts which were opened by the bride. sponsor a Centennial Fashion Show in 1967, The Institute will have a booth at the Sea - forth Fair in September. Mrs. W. Coleman, secretary - treas- urer, rea,c1 a letter from their adopted girl in Hong Kong. The meeting was the Agri- culture and Canadian Indust- ries meeting with Mrs. Keyes and Mrs. Lorne Lawson in charge. The roll call was "name a different way in which wheat comes to our ta- ble". The motto "Farming is like a wheelbarrow, it stands still unless you push it" was given by Mrs. Lawson. Christine Turnbull played se v e r a i guitar selections; Household hints were given by Mrs. Ken Stewart. The guest speaker was Mr. Howson- of Blyth Milling Plant. He described the steps taken to produce wheat to flour. Mr. Howson was thank- ed by Mrs. Lawson. Mrs.' J. M. Scott displayed a quilt of Huron County made for the Agricultural Society by Mrs. Aikens of Dublin. S Mrs. Keyes conducted an Agricultural quiz. Mrs. Leon- ard Strong gave the general courtesies. Lunch was served by the committee in charge of Mrs. Gordon Elliott. !ala Slows, Harvest The welcome of rain last week slowed harvesting op- erations according to D. S. Pullen, Associate Ag. Rep. for Huron. He said local guages indicated in excess of t e inches of rain in recent show- ers. Pastures and hay after- math are already, showing im- proved growth. Plowing of stubble and sod for wheat is common in Hur- on County. Canadian Canners, Exeter, report that harvesting of peas will likely be completed and packing of sweet corn will be- gin this week: Agrologists have determin- ed the yellowing of white beans to be the result of eith- er root rot or sun scald. Rus - seting of bean leaves can be caused by either of these con- ditions. Bacterial blight of beans has not been observed in many fields this year. Some early varieties of beans have started to ripen. CLASSIFIED ADS 24. Cards of Thanks I WISH to thank all for their visits, cards and kindnesses while I was in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton, Fath- er Durand, Father Bensette. EverAlung was greiatly-ap- preciated.— Mrs. Lorne Feen- ey -1 25. In Memoriam DUNDAS — In loving mem- ory of my dear husband, George Dundas who passed away August 19, 1064. Time turns away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. —Wife and Family. 25-37x1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cole- man, RR 1 Seaforth wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara El- aine to Mr. Lorne Henry Gackstetter, son of Mr. and Mi S. Elmore-Gackstetter,._Ex- eter. The wedding to take place Saturday, September 10, 1966 at 3:00 o'clock in First Presbyterian C h u r c h, Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Van Vugt announce the engage- ment of their daughter Mickie Maria to Mr. John Andrew Hamilton of Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer (Hamil- ton. The marriage to take place in North Street United Church, Goderich on Septem- ber 17th, 1966. xl WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements --- It's a Profitable Pastime! .+�c s�i'•• � �a-L:..ut�1•" 7 ��i N • WE ARE BUYING WHEAT—OATS—BARLEY MIXED GRAIN AND WILL BE'. BUYING FLAX ---BEANS =- CORN AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Wheat Contracts Available -- Seed and Fertilizer, if Required — B. and G. Grain Aerator and Drier. Regular 86.5ft. SPECIAL This Week $80.00 Cash Truckload tots of grain delivered directly to your grainery at Competitive prices CONTACT US BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 62/.91+ • Seaforth Births HUNT — In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital on August 17th to Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis Hunt, RR 1 Seaforth, a daughter. KENDRICK — In St. Joseph's iospital, London_ on July 27th, to Mr, and Mrs: Har old Kendrick, (nee Judith Boshar ), London, a daugh- ter, Connie Michele. PRIDHAM — In Stratford General Hospital, on Au- gust 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pridham, RR 1 Cromarty a son William Harold Lloyd. WALLACE — In Seaforth Community Hospital on. August 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wallace, Cro- marty, a daughter. Too late WILL BABYSIT small child- ren in my home'. Phone 527- (428. -1 FOR SALE — 8 started pigs. Arnold Sainieson, RR 4 Clin- ton, Phone 482-9828. -1 FOR SALE — 12 acres of standing secondcut alfalfa. Ernie Crich, 482-7507. -1 FOR SALE OR RENT—dwell- in- no, 48 on Wilson St., Sea - forth. Vacant on or about September lst. Apply Joseph Taylor, P.O, Box 328, Mitch- ell: Phone 348-8639. xl FOR SALE -- vvi.11 likely have clean oat straw to spare. E. R. Dodds, 527-1748. -1 FOR SALE — A radio and motor for 1957 Dodge car. Phone 527-0237. -1 FURNITURE' Customers settee, 5 ft. long; custpmers double settee, 8 ft. long; two display tables; one mirror., approximately 3 ft. x 5 ft. Can be inspected at Mac - Donald's Shoe Store. -1 FOR SALE — 8 pigs, 7 weeks old and 11 pigs, 10 weeks old. Hugh Benninger, 130 Dublin. xl FOR SALE =- two women's coats, women's dresses, in good condition. Apply Box 1599, The Huron Expositor. -1 WANTED •— someone to take over payments on Singer sew- ing machine which does fancy stitches, buttonholes. Can be had for $8.00 monthly or $54.00 cash. Write Box 1598 The Huron Expositor. -2 FOR SALE 30 acres stand- ing second cut alfalfa. John Peckitt, phone 482-7567 Clin-, ton. xl FOR SALE — fifty acre farm, hydro, drilled well, pressure system, three bedroom brick house, hydro and water . in barn, 1 mile off black top road and school, 3 miles from Kippen. Phone 527-0306. 14-37-tf HONEY FOR SALE — now pouring fresh clover honey, 28e lb. in your own containers Wallace Ross, Seaforth. �l TENDERS' WANTED An- invitation to tender for work at the Seaforth Memor- ial Arena which Was contain- ed,in The Huron Expositor of August 11, 1966 is cancelled and replaced by the following: Tenders will be received until 4 p.m, Friday, August 26, 1966 for , the oonsirtiction of an entrance addition to Seaforth Memorial Arena. The work involved is as set out in plans and specifica- tions which may be obtained at the Town Clerk's office on and after Friday afternoon, August 19, 1966. The work in to be complet- ed by October 7, 1966. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily bo accep- ted. Tenders 'are to be addressed to the undersigned and mailed to or left at the Town Clerk's office, Seaforth. SEA1 ORTH MEMORIAL toirt ARENA COMMISSION t 1 LOCAL BRIEFS o Visitors with Mr. an,d Mrs. John Aubin aver the week- end included Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farquharson., Niagara Falls, Mrs. W. A. Farquhar- son, Mrs. Jack Scott and daughter Dawn, Carol Mc- Donald, Mrs. David Allisozi, all of London, Mrs• Norman Thompson, Listowel, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Henderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hube and Billy of Mitchell, Mrs. W. A. Farquharson is spending a weeks holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Aubin. Janet Turnbull passed with honors the first semester at the University of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jor- dan, Sarnia, spent the week- end with Mrs. Jean Fortune. James Case has returned home after spending a week with Mrs. Hazel Cleary and family, London. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mel- linger, Rosa and Stephen .of Toronto visited with friends in town this week. • Mrs. John Coutts and Mar- ian have returned home after spending three weeks in wes- tern Canada. While there they attended the Kroeker-Stratton wedding. Mr. and Mrs. John Aubin and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Au - bin of Kitchener returned from a two weeks vacation at Peace River, Alberta where they visited Mr. and 1VIrs. Pat Aubin and family. Mr. Finlay Ross of Michigan is the guest of his sister lVfrs. Joseph Beuerinann.. Mrs. J. M. McMillan has re- turned from Sault Ste, Marie where she spent the past Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket., To advertise, just Dia] Seaforth-527,024.0 _ week. • Mrs. Mary Kunz and family of Chicago visited friends in town, . Mrs. Frank Devereaux and Joan Devereaux were guests of 111r. and Mrs. Frank S. Sills over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ben- nett left on Monday on a mo- tor trip to Winnipeg to visit Mr. Ed McCreath who is in St. Boniface Hospital there, Mrs. Fred Hutchings of Cal- ifornia is visiting her sister Mrs. Cartwright Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley, Mr. Jack McSpadden, and Mr. and Mrs. William G. McSpadden of McKillop. • Mrs. Richard Taylor, Chat- ham, and Isabel Cummings, Ottawa, visited Mrs. Slater. While here they also visited Mrs, Maude Cummings, who is a/patient inSeaforth Comi munity Hospital. Ann McConneIl and Katie Scott have returned from a month long trip to Europe. Mrs. Jacqueline O'Dell and girl friend, Phoenix, Arizona, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hem- berger have returned from.. Toronto where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Doug Knowles. Mrs. W. H. Arthur and threeboys of Miami, Fla., are holidaying in Bayfield with her mother, Mrs. F. J. Bech- ley. Mr. Ron Trewartha, British Columbia, is spending the month of August with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Tre- wartha. " . Mrs. Douglas Knowles and Cathy Scarboro visited Mrs. Margaret Sclater. Mrs. E. J. Adair, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. Mar- garet Sclater. L.A.C. N. G. Hubert and Mrs. Hubert have returned. to Rivers, Man. after holidaying with Nor. and Mrs. Lyle Racho and family. Alan McLean has returned from honey Harbour where he spent the summer as jun- ior counsellor at the St. Cath- erines YMCA boys camp. Members of the SDHS cadet Corp who spent the summer at Camp Ipperwash and have returned home are Murray Hulley,, David Brady, Roger Beuneweiss, James Rowat, Nico Peters, Ean Dolmage, Mitchell Dineen, Ralph Young Wm, Morris and Wm. Mc- Grath. , - Mr. and -Mrs. C. B. Stewart of. Toronto Spent the weekend with 'his mother, Mrs. Harry Stewart. A. Y. McLean has returned from Saint John N.B. where. he attended the annual meet- ing'of the Canadian Week'liy Newspaper Association. Mrs. J. Weir has returned to Detroit after visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mn and. Mrs, Andrew Houston, Ml's. Jahn Currie of Wind- sor is 'tllte guest of Rev. and Mrs„St 5Wart: Mrs. t,q`?Ixm, Kelley has re- turned from Toronto where she spent the week -end, Eva Kellough, of Tronto and Mab- el Kellough of London return- ed with, her. Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss Mary Geddes spent a few days ,last. week with Mrs. Stewart Geddes at Blue Water Beach. Ivy Townsend, Waterloo, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Ray- mond , Townsend. Mrs. 'Beth Knap and Faye Mathieson spent (their holi- days at Banff. Linda Bryans, Myra Mc- Nair, Mary Watson, Vickie' Dunn and Anne Sills enjoyed a week's) holiday at a cottage in Port Elgin. CONSTANCE. NEWS OF THE WEEK Mrs. Jack Medd entertained friends at a surprise shower for Jean Flett, prier to her mar- raige to Ron Jewitt. Contests were conducted by Glenyee Jewitt. A decorated wagon was drawn by Kerri Medd, (full of useful gifts). Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Fergu- son of Forest, visited with Mrs. Elma Jewitt and family. Mrs. Ross MacGregor, Mar- garet and Mary' spent a few days in Hamilton. Mary wrote her R.N. exams. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Osborn and Melody through the week were Mr. and Mrs. David Chaffee of Mitchell, Mrs. Howard Osborn, Cheryl and Mary Ellen and Mrs. Mary Leonhardt, Bornholm. Mrs. William Dale spent a few 'days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don Glousher and Karen of Blyth and Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Scott and girls, Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs -D. Veenstra and family of Strathroy and parents of Holland and Mr. and Mrs. Art HaverKamp of Goderich, were Thursday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Haver - Kamp and family. 'Glenda Pfaff, Crediton, spent a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Pearson, Eric, Colleen and Janice of Win- nipeg visited the home of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Taylor and other relatives on route to their new home in Washington D.C. .Visits Son Mrs. Luther Sanders visited with her son, Mr. Ken Reed, who is a patient in Westminis- ter Hospital, London. Fred Buchanan and Earion Osborn visited Saturday eve- ning with Mr. and) Mrs. Murray Machan of Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kiln and Greg, Ajax, were week- end eekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. Irene Grin -016y visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties, Winthrop. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken ,Preszcator were Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hill of Crediton, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Preszcator and Billy Mr. and Mars, Earlaa Osborn and Melody visited Sunday eve- ning with Mr.. and Mrs. Marvin McDonald and Kinin; Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, . Reinders and family of Drayton, visited Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert HaverKamp and family. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Buchanan and fan};ily attended the Buch- anan picnic held in Exeter, on Sunday. ' SCanday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth. were Mr. and Mrs,. Harry Bridges .and family, 'Wingham, Lawrence Taylor and Edith Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vander Malan, Paul, Mark and Margie, Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Whyte and family. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farnham, Detroit, visited Sunday with Mrs. Moss MacGregor and Mar. geret:- Mrs. Roy Vincent and Mark, Blyth, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and fam- ily. Mr. and;' Mrs. George Wynne, Mina Wynne of Forest, visited Sunday with Mrs. Elma Jewitt and family. KIPPEN Mr. • and Mrs. Ted Robinson and two children- visited .Sun- day at Wabash and Croton. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, FRESH BROILER • PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 17-20 1NCLUAIY1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMiT QUANTITIES. GRADE "A' TOP VALU 1st' GRADE CREAMERY . BUTTER 1 -LB. PRINT C': LANG ISLAND • .� BUCKLING ... ... «. oiocHa"� '” 390 CESOSETXTPAAGCKEERRSOSLMIOSKED• Ed i."VALU FROZEN GRADB "A" t ,99g ESX PACKERS DAINTY PACK COOKED MEATS 3. Z.. 890• TURKEYS 6-9 b. ESSEX PACKERS LINK SAUSAGE ... Asst. Cold Cuts ►"E• 83¢ Essex Packers •Id.••. 690 BOLOGNA "ESSEX PACKERS LINK SAUSAGEk9: ESS'cX PACKERS 1-K I,..®9 SIDE BACON W$i�� (by the Piece) ib. 3 t LIBBY'S 1 . SWEET GREEN HAMBURG • HOT DOG • CORN \ Y /i 1 {TOP VALU ASSORTELI� ` SWEETENED RELISH SAVE 33c FRUIT DRINKS BLACK DIAMOND PLAIN CHEESE SLICES 10"oz. Pkg. l.. TANG ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS £ Pkge.a%a.ox: 45' DUNCAN HINES (Asst'd Flavour) CAKE MIXES • - 2-19oz¢ Pkgs. 89 MAXWELL. HOUSE - g - Instant COFFEE JarOz, $1.19 FAB POWDSRED (Special Pack) SAVE 40e 48.07. TINS 81G G CEREALS WHITE SWAN' BATHROOM TISK -- ASSORTED COLOURS TOP Valu r SANDWICH ...8READ i, WHITE SLICED ROLLS 2 Pkgs. 69 • Cheerios, 101/2 -oz.• • Wheaties, 12 -oz. • Lucky Charms, 8 -oz. • Trix, 8;z•oz. STOKELY FANCY FROZEN GREEN PEAS or 12.o, tr�1:•, e KERNEL. CO'k.'N , LBag i1� REALEMON PUNCHN • • Strawberry Lemon 8 -oz. q( /L E EV t 1 �! e5hel ry Lemon (�tlg i6 Grape Ltlmon Tin DETERGENT . , Si elPkg. 59¢ CHERRYYPIE • 24 -oz. Family Size Pie 11 1 TCI'�!+PrCA 6 IH;tilAD1E':101 `y C 24.07. LOAVES OTATOES s.., i FalG01.12J OlL�e/n GOI P J� STAMP r wlTH T4,,. go",,» ,hry' 'p IrM, p flet >7, 1,�NM ASpNI �1�.' Cllr IPO VALUASU COUPON cc ro )j OOOOOOOOOO OOOOO000O0000000 7LKINSON' NO. 1 GRADE FREESTONE PEACHES . • ONT. GROWN No, I (51O 30'.) CELERY Stalks 2 "'•I 49c Chorry Tomatoes 290 WEB 'GRAPES GRAPES g, . 9,a U.S. NO. 1 WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 4 ;;; 55' Q. 99c ONT. GROWN BUTTERCUP SQUASH 2 1•, 39' C/.HADA N0, I CARROTS Ean: 9 ,SEAFORTH' • 1 is 1, } s t 4 1