HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-08-11, Page 10lOTHE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, RNTq AUG. 11, 1966 yo - •d SSIFIED ADS 24, Cardsof Thanks CAurt QF THANKS --I would like fo thank all those who seat me cards, and to the Sea - forth Canadian Legion Branch 156 for •the lovely box of treats I received. A very spec- ial thanks to chief surgeon, Dr. Johnston, Dr. Sheppard, Dr. Wermouth, Dr. Adamson, and Dr. Martin. Also to the nursing staff, orderlies and all other staff for the, wonderful. attention I received whilea patient in Westminster Hos- pital, London. Margaret Bannon. xl CARD OF THANKS — I wish - to thank my friends • and neighbours • for remembering me with cards, gifts, and treats while I was in the Chil- dren's Hospital in L o n d o n. Thanks to Dr. Brady, staff of Seaforth Community hospital, also Dr. Bailey and Dr. ow - ler and 'nurses and staff on 3rd floor Children's Hospital. Also special thanks to those who,, helped at home. It was all very much appreciated. — Carol Anne Staffen. xl 25. In Memoriam SCOTT — In loving memory of Lois Scott who passed away one year ago. August 14th. A tribute of love and remem- brance To a dear one, one of the best The joys that she missed in life's journey, May, she find in God's gar- den of rest. —Lovingly remembered by Aunts, Uncles and cousins. 25-36x1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. 'Edgar Stoll, RR 3 Kippen, wish to an- nounce the engagement of - their eldest daughter; Beatrice Dianne to Mr. John William Elliott, son of Mrs. William Elliott and the late Mr. Elliott of Exeter. The wedding will take place August 27, 3 p.m. at Brucefield United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyndall, RR 4 Seaforth, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Ann to.. Mr. Kennethaamuel Mc- Llwain, son of Mr. and Mrs. • -Harvey McLlwain of Sea - forth. The marriage will take place on September 10, 1966, at 4:00 p.m. in Egmondville United Church. Mrs. Bertha M. Habkirk wishes to announce the en- gagement of her granddaugh- ter, Norma Darlene Sills, to Mr. Douglas G. Fry, son of Rev. and Mrs. D. O. Fry of Seaforth. Wedding to -take place in First Presbyterian C h u r c h, Seaforth, Ontario, September 2nd, 1966. Births WETTLAUFER —In Seaforth Community Hospital, on August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Wettlaufer, Mit- chell, a son. Too Late WANTED =- girl or woman to work in a restaurant from 4 p.m. to,10:30 p.m. Apply to Box 1596, The Huron Exposi- tor. 4-36-3 LOST — Anyone knowing the whereabouts of 'a . Pontiac wheel disc call 527-0977, re- ward. x1 Too Late Too Late HELP WANTED TENDERS - MALE OR FEMALE To work evenings. Apply to UNITED DAIRY AND POULTRY CO-OP pass- I 4-36-2 The Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board invites written APPLICATIONS for the position of a full time Male Custodian and 2 Fourth Class Stationary Engineers Salary schedule: Custodians $2900 to $3300 Engineers $340Q to $3800 Annual increases in salary to maximum, sick leave and holiday plans in effect. Med- ical plan available. Excellent working conditions. Applications showing ex- perience. references and stal- ary, expected, to be received by ,the undersigned not later than 22 August, 1966. Any application not necess- arily accepted. Mr. L. R. Maloney`, Business Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board, Box 550, Clinton, Ontario. 4-36-2 FUEL4OIL TENDERS Sealed tenders, so marked, are invited by the Clinton Dis- trict Collegiate Institute' Board for the provision of 6B Bunker Fuel plus' additive, f.o.b. Central Huron Second- ary School, Clinton, for the period 1 September, 1966 to 30 June, 1967. State if terms net or discount. Estimated consumption 100,000 gallons. Storage capacity on premises 10,000 gallons., Tenders to be ingpossession_ of the undersigned not later than noon, 22 August, 1966, Lowest tender not necess- arily accepted. 'Mr. L. R. Maloney, Business Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board, Box 550, Clinton, Ontario. 21-36-1 FOR RENT TENT trailer, fully equipped, mattress, stove, lamps and frig. Phone 527-0147. 11-36-2 LOST — in 'store on Main St., Tuesday, green shopping bag containing lady's shoe. Phone 527-0634. Reward. xl Classified ads pay dividends. FOR SALE — Leg bath' tub with taps, also inside house doors. Phone 527-0104. xl FOR SALE — Ten good pigs, 8 weeks old. Ernie Crich, call 482-7507, -i Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m., August 20th, 1966 for the con- struction of entrance gates at the Seaforth Lions Park. The work is as set out in plans afid specifications which 'may be obtained from the un- dersigned. The work is to be completed by October 1, 1966. , A. Y. McLEAN' Chairman Seaforth Lions Club, Park Committee 21-36-2 TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 p.m., August 17th, 1966 for con- struction of as entrance ad- dition to Seaforth Memorial Arena. The worw- involved is as set out in plans and specifica- tions which may be obtained from the undersigned. The work is to be completed by September 15, 1966. W. R, SMITH Chairman ' Seaforth Memorial Arena Commission News of Varna 21-36-1 A community shower was held in the Varna hall, Wednes- day evening for Joan Rathwell. Mrs. Bob Taylor was chair- man of the program which .con- sisted of a ' mock wedding put on by the girls; a tap danee number by Cherryle and Linda Webster; an accordian selec- tion by Douglas Reid; and a reading by Anna McConnell: Contests were conducted by Wil- la Taylor and Barb Consitt. The address was read by Shirley Mustard. Joan thanked every- one and invited them to visit her at her home in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caldwell and family of St. Thomas spent the weekend with Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Dowson. Steven, Danny and Billy Jew- itt spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson and fam- ily. The Taylor family gathered at the Seaforth Lions Park Sun- day for their annual reunion. There were over. 100 family members present. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Zientarski and family (nee Grace Ann Taylor) of De- troit were guests at the reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tinney and Bill of Exeter' and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fletcher, Shelley and Sandra, of Kirkton were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Webster, Sunday. Linda Campbell is holidaying with her grandparents, Mt, and Mrs, Perce Johnston. John Talbot,- London, is hav- ing some holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McDonnell` • News of =. TCROM Mrs, Jeannie Wilson of Det- roit is a guest with ll/tr, and Mrs. J. L. Scott and Mrs, E. Moore. Mrs. Mabel Aikenhead of Egmondville visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Laing. Otto Walker accompanied by his son Kenneth Halker, London, attended the Fidd- lers' Contest at Siielbourne on Saturday and visited a cousin Herb Walker of Markdale, Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Hamilton re- turned home 'Monday after holidaying at Port Frank. Mrs. Robert Dodds is spend- ing a few weeks at the home of her son Mr. Harold Dodds of Walton. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kramer and son Bill -,of Philadelphia, Anna McLaren, Toronto, Mrs. Raymond Kadin g, Grand Bend, Wanda McLaren and Norma Parkhouse, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kendrick and family of Monktoa. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wal- lace, Margaret Wallace and Mr. Bob Parkinson, were guests at the Uniac-Boyes wedding which took place in Egmondville United Church, Saturday. The Harper family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Sun. with all members present, includ- ing Mr. and Mrs. John Harper and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hocking and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Harper a n d family. Ina Jefferson, London, vis- ited last week with her par- ents ' Mr. and Mrs.- JOhn Jef- ferson. Those who enjoyed a fam- ily gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Cole- man, on Sunday mere Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman, -Joan, Don- ald, and Allen. Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott and Ronald of Sea - forth, Mr. and MMrs. W. Caldwell, Brucefield, Mr: and Mrs. Fred Deichert, Kathrine and Ann, Clinton, Mr. and News of Staffa Staffa Women's Institute members and friends enjoyed a bus trip to London visiting the General Steel Wares in the morning, 'then went to Springbank for Hunch.. After lunch they toured the C.N.I.B. Tweedsmuir Hall and then to the theatre to see "The Sound of Music". After supper they did a couple of hours of shop- p'in.g• Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fell Have returned home from a motor trip to the 'western provincese Fay Templeman is visiting for a few days with Sharon Knott, Carlingford. Patti Norris is holidaying this week at S a u b. l e Beach with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burleigh and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long- man, Londesboro visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arm- strong and Mr.• and 1VIrs.`Jim Scott and Ronnie have return- ed home from a motor trip to the east coast. A 'Y Mrs. A. Beichert, Zurigh, Jer- ry Riff, an Diego, California, Mr. and Mrs, T. Laing, Mr,, and Mrs. R. Laing and family, Cromarty. and Mrs. Mabel Aiken'head, Seaforth, Many of the McKellar clan from Cromarty district at- tended the annual .reunion at Seaforth Lions Park on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffer- son and Ina visited on Friday at the homes of Mrs. Norma Jefferson, Munro, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Cleland, Listowel and Mr. and Mrs, Don Rheil, RR 5 Stratford. Members of the McPhail connection numbering. around 50 enjoyed a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPhail on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sillery, Exeter were Monday evening visitors at the home of Mrs. K. McKellar. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gar- diner, Ronnie, I3renda, Robbie Shirley and Ken Bearrs of Science' Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner attended the Gardiner family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howitt, Londesboro, on Sunday. 4-H Club Judges Soil All. 4-11 Corn Club mem- bers and others interested in soils will 'take part'in a land judging competition- iii the Londesboro area on Wednes- day. After registration at 10 a.m. in the Londesboro Hall, J. P. Fish, Soils and Crops specialist for Huron C•oiinty and Kenneth M'usclovv, Field Officer, Maitland River Val- ley Conservation Authority, will provide the instruction on a road tour of the area. They will comment' on the. various soils as to their suit- ability and limitations for dif- ferent cropping practices, and kinds of crops. , ; Following lunch, contest- ants will place a number: of different soil profiles in their order of preference for the growing of different kinds of crops. Prizes will be awarded(to the winners at the conclusion of the reasons for placing by contestants and the official reasons by Mr: Fish. FUNERAL ALEXANDER MITCHELL Alexander Mitchell, 92, RR 1, Walton, died Thursday at River- dale Nursing Home, Mitchell. For many years he operated a saw mill in north McKillop township. He had no immediate Survivors. Funeral services were held Saturday from. the G. A. Whit- ney• funeral home, Seaforth. Burial was in Maitlandbank cemetery. Pallbearers were Albert Sie- mon, Dalton- Diegel, Lorne IIul- ley, Fred . McGaviii, Edward `Scherbarth, and Edward Ben- newies. Friends Honor Bride .0 Elect_ The ladies of RoXboro beld shower in the Orange Hall, Seaforth, Thursday evenings to honor Marjorie Agar, bride -el- ect of this month. Mrs, Francis Coleman was in charge of a program which consisted' of a`' sing -song, piano selections by Sandra Coleman, and Angela Devereaux, eon - tests with Sheila Bray, Mrs. Foster Bennett and Mrs. Arnold Krotz as winners, and a humor- ous reading by Mrs. Francis Coleman. Connie and Mary Eckert and Kaye McCowan presented cor- sages to the bride, the bride's mother and the groom's moth- er, Mrs. Plaskett and escorted them to decorated chairs. Janneke Van Rooijen read the address and girl friends of the bride presented the gifts. A bride's book made by Janneke Van Rooijen and Kaye McCaw - an was given to the bride. Mar- jorie thanked the ladies and lunch was served. Calf Club The fifth meeting of the Sea - forth Calf Club was held at the farm of Earl Papple, Seaforth, Monday. Business was conducted. Don Watson, Clinton, demon- strated how to clip and fit a calf. A lesson on dairy and beef. cattle breeding concluded with a quiz. George Townsend, Sea - forth thanked the host. Lunch was served following the meet- ing. KIPPEN NEWS Mr. and xis. Scott Kerr 01 Wellingtoa Visited' recently with' Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Campbell visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, l 1. Kerr.. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood are spending this week at the home of their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Car- ter, of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lawrence and Jim, of Moose Jaw, Sask., left for • home Thursday morn- ing after visiting two ' weeks with the former's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robin- son. Mr. and .Mrs. Eldin Kerr visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Papple of McKillop township. Oswald Brown, Detroit, and Marguerite Alch, Windsor, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. N. Long, Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rumble, Steven and Douglas of Clark- son, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Alderdice over the week- end. 0' WINCHELSEA Rev. Hugh Wilson of Exeter, was minister at Elimville Un- ited Church on Sunday. He ad- ministered baptismal service for David Russell Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lee of Exeter and Larry Ross Mathers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Math- ers also of Exeter. Miss Dora Delbridge of Exe- ter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey. Miss Kathy Hern is spending this week at Goderich camp. OF, THE I WEEK Ronnie Wilson ,of Heusall spent a few 'days visiting Garry and Lynn Alderdiee.. Huron . Harvest Good The harvesting of oats and barley is progressing at full speed in Arran County, re- ports D. S: Pullen, Associate Ag. Rept. He said yields are slightly below,' average as a result of the prolonged dry spell. • Most field crops are suffer- ing for a want of moisture. Pastures continue to dry up because of the dry weather. Many dairy farmers have had to increase stipplemexital feeding in order to maintain milkflow. Soil moisture appears to be more abundant in South Hur- on then in other areas of the Cuunty. FOR RESULTS THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth ANNOUNCEMENT Laving sold MacDonald Shoes to Ed Taylor, effec- tive September 1, 1966, I wish to express my apprecia- tion to the many friends and customers who, during the years we have been in business, have been so kind and co-operative. . Mr. Taylor has had 20 years experience in the shoe business and is fully qualified to providea complete shoe service to the people of the Seaforth area. I know that he can look forward to a continuance of the support and co- operation which we have enjoyed. MacDONALD SHOES BUlNESS SOLD SALE COMMENCING THURSDAY AUGUST lIth at gam Lorne MacDonald MacDONALD SHOES Having sold our business, effective September 1, 1966, we must reduce our inventory. We offer real savings! ' B1G SAVINGS ON - BACK TO SCHOOL CHILDREN'S SHOES Oxford Strops Slipons Reg. 3.95 to 5.95 NOW 2.77 tp 477 Teenage FLATS. Black & Brown Reg. 3.95 to 6.95 NOW 2.77 & 377 LADIES SUMMER FOOTWEAR • Reg. 3.95 & 4.95 'NOW 2.77 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES ILLUSION & STACKED, HEELS Reg. 6.95 to 9.95 NOW 3.77 to'.77 ALL MENS and BOYS SHOES GREATLY REDUCED TO CLEAR MacDONALD SHIES - SEAFORTH