HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-08-11, Page 3N • • • • • 4 M ��1 COLLEGE Serving Western Ontario 1941.66 OUR AIM 15 TO JUSTIFY THE CONFIDENCE PLACED IN US, AND WE. ARE ENDEAVORING TO MAINTAIN THE SAME HIGH STANDARDS. Fall Term opens September 6; 1966 Senior and Junior- Courses approved by THE BUSINESS EDUKATORS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Dail 5248621, 7284, nor 6307. Tuition $35 per month 4diimmummilmminam, RUBY'S. . MEAT MARKET -- RED and BLUE BRAND ONLY — DOLLAR BUYS CHICKEN LEGS and BREASTS 2 lbs. $1 Tasty Sliced BOLOGNA . 4 lbs: si Meaty PORK HOCK 41obs.s1 Sliced or by the Piece 21 lbs. -PORK-LI-1 E $-1 Skinless Wieners 2 lbs. 8 FRESH KILLED ONTARIO LAMB AVAILABLE THIS WEEK Free Delivery on Orders Over $2.00 PHONE 527-0040 — SEAFORTH il! Cater to The Monti* meeting of the I�CW waa held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brocthagen, with 15 members present, '14M.rs. Boyd- Driscoll, Mrs. Orland Ropier and Mrs. Minnie Welt were irk ;charge of devotions, their topic being "Contented or Discontented". The group was thanked by president, Mrs. Martin Dietz for --their topic. The offering was received and followed by a prayer. A dona- tion was received from the fun- eral of Henry Hillebrecht. The ladies are to cater to a wedding dinner on Oct. 1. Birthdays were reported by Mrs. - Lena Bennewies and Mrs. Mildred Pfeifer. Misses Phyllis Ahrens and Bonnie Hoegy spent ,a few days with Miss Beverley Sholdice at Grand Bend. Miss Lois Davey and Miss Joyce Parrott also with her there recently. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Siioldice attended the wedding recep- tion for Mr, and Mrs. Bob Lilly - crop, (Shirley Bolger) at the Legion Hall, in Brussels last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen and family visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgar, Molesworth, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice. and boys with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, Kitchener on Sun; day. During their holidays, . Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tait at Wasaga Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Haupt at Willow. Beach on Lake Sim- coe, near Sutton. They also spent a day at Camp Borden vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Bill McAffec. Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz, Sr., Kitchener, visited Mr, and Mrs. Wolfe Friday evening. They visited Sunday with Mr. and'Mrs. Dave Lemon, Seaforth.' Visitors with Mr, and 'Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy last week were, Rev. and Mrs, Alvin Querenges- WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. William Wal- ters, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern, Mrs. Tom Campbell, Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, visited with Mrs. John Coward on Saturday evening, celebrating her birthday. • and- Mrs.--H-arry-Sparling of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman:. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and family visited in Sarnia on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale and family. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. William Walters visited on. Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny of Crediton. Mr. Paul Kerslake spent a couple of days this past week with Dale Skinner of Elimville South. TAKE ADVANTAGE . OF SHUR-GAIN BULK VELIVE:R Bunk SHUR GAIN Feeds means 5 important savings for you. YOU SAVE TIME. IN HANDLING YOU SAVE SPACE IN STORAGE YOU SAVE LABOUR IN UNLOADING .YOU SAVE EFFORT IN FEEDING YOU SAVE MONEY ON LOWER PRICE LET US SHOW YOU HOW BULK FEED CAN FIT INTO YOUR LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY PROGRAM. Custom Chopping Cement For Sate All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold W M. STAPLETON & SON' COAL MERCHANT . Flour, Feed and Seeds, 00 Orders promptly attended to -- Dublin, Ontario i Lo)HUII.GAIN bulk,feedleruice Phone 31 r Ehnner ser, Ponoka, Alberta, They* also. visited other relatives lin- the district. Mr. and Mrs, Alwin Querengesser, Edmonton,, Alber- ta, at the same home this week; Rev. and Mrs. Alvin Queren- gesser an Marylyn at the 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller. Mi. and Mrs. Edward Queren, gesser and Miss `Ella Queren- gesser, Edmonton, Alberta, are. visitors with Mrs. Louise Hide-• breeht and Edgar: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen and Gary, Windsor, are visiting Mrs. Caroline Elligsen and other rel- atives this' week. Gary Sholdice was sworn in as official postmaster for Brod- hagen on Friday, taking his father's place. His wife Barbara was also sworn in as assistant postmaster.. A shower was held at the community hall for Mr. and Mrs. ' Roy Beuermann, (Joan Parrott) Friday night, with The Stardusters playing. The couple were presented with a gift of money. Mrs. Murray Rock read DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carbert, Royal Oak, Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs. George Holland. Mrs, Joseph Jordan was in London with Mr. and Mrs. Al MacDougall.r. , •. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Maloney and children have moved from Kitchener to Mr. Peter Malon- ey's house on Ann 'Street. Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke were in Toronto attending the wedding of their niece. Mr. Michael Denomme; Dun- das, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. ed the funeral McCarthy in T Mrs. Mac Dorion with M Vincent. Rev. Father C.S.B., Gary In Mrs. Patrick and Mrs. Leo visited Mrs. Fr have left on a east coast. Mrs. John Terry McCarthy and Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy attend of Mrs. Michael oronto, 'Thursday. Vincent was in r• and Mrs. Ross Vincent Eckert, liana, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Coville. Benn, and Mr, Higgins, Toronto, ink Evans. Mr. and, Mrs Mancer Brown vacation to the Holland was in Oliphant with Mr. and Mrs, Don Heard and family. TT Mrs. Shirley Hinz of Shirley's Beauty Salon is on,,,,a week's va- cation at Pike Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Butters and daughter, of Hamilton visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters.' Mr. and Mrs. Billie Feeney and children, Kitchener, visited Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf. Mrs. Loe, Ryan, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mc- Quaid. Morris Council Morris township council decid- ed to purchase a 25 -foot flag pole at their August meeting, with all members present. Other motions passed includ- ed: —That road accounts in the amount of $6,714.49 be accepted as presented by, the road super- intendent; --That Stewart Procter and' Ross Smith be representatives on the Mid -Western Regional Tourist Council; —That William Elston repre- sent Morris Council to help in- spect the Johnston Drain; —That Morris agrees to accept responsibility for their share of proposed ambulance cost for Wingham, and District Hospital area. General Accounts • Tom Warwick, fox bounty, 4.00; Brian. Hopper, fok bounty, 4.00; Stan Hopper, fox bounty, 4.00; Grant Elliott, fox bounty, 4.00; Herbert Garniss, fox bounty, 4.00; Ontario Hydro, Bluevale street lights, 14.25; Wingham Advance Times, ads-' vertising, 1.80; Post Publishing House, advertising, 1.00; Muni- cipal World, supplies, 4.01; Lloyd Warwick, bulbs and care- taking Bluevale street lights, 16.00; Kilbarchan Nursing Home, 122.25; Morris Township School Board, advance for schools, 48,740.00; Receiver General of Canada, unemploy- ment stamps, 5.60; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, pension and income tax, 50.14; Bernard Thomas, repairs to hall, 187.28; Callander Nursing Home, 275.50; Helen Martin, 119.00. Road Accounts Sam Sweeney, bulldozing, 245.00; George Somers, brushes, nozzles and labour, 59,59; Old- field Hardware, chains and hooks, 18.53; J. C. McNeil, bat- tery and acetylene, 42.29; Alex Inkley, gas, fttel oil and tax, 151.36; Dominion Road Ma- chinery, leathers, ,packing and stub Lurie, 38358; Melvin Carno- ehan, backhoe Work, 28.00; Brus- sels Telephone Co., rent and tolls, 2219; E. E. Cathers, load- ing, hauling and supplying gravel, 4,978.35; William Me- Arter, mileage wages and book- keeping, 235,&; lames Case - more, 'wages, 434,00; John Smith, waged,„'116:11.4 the address. A band concert was held at the community centre on' Suit' dray evening with, the Brodhag- en Band entertaining and lead- er Albert Hing in charge. The Partridge -Smith wedding reception was -held at the com- munity centre on Saturday. Messrs. Clayton and Robert Ahrens have returned home from taping a summer course at the University -»of Western Ontario in London. Murray Edwards,. Hamilton, with his friend Kenneth Ahrens at his home for the weekend, Mrs. Jack Hinz accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Knight to the home of Mrs. Charles Ah- rens were she remained for. the weekend. Rev. and Mrs. Winston Bone and Alma of British Guiana, Miss Edna Weigel, Hanover, with Mr. and Mrs..Reuben Buuck Rev. Bone was the gueat speak- er at St. Peter's ' Lutheran Church on Sunday. A basket of flowers adorned the chancel of the church, from the funeral of AIex Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laurence visited Sunday evening with Mrs. August Hillebrecht. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer- mann, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beuer- mann, Michelle, Michael and Scott visited with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuermann recently. Mrs. Ada Armstrong, Exeter, at the same home. ZION Mr. Ross. Murdie, - Seaforth, visited his cousin, Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Thursday. Mrs. James Statton, Mrs. Fer- gus Lannin, are under doctor's care in Seaforth Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- non, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield, attended the funeral of their cousin, Fred Saddler, in Mitchell last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Aikens and Ann, spent Sunday in 'Sauble Beach .with their daughter, Mr,' and Mrs. Neil Nairn and boys. Mrs. Elmore Kleinfeldt, Exe- ter, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens on Friday on her way to Mitchell, to visit Mrs. Doro- thy Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Aikens visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Brooks and brother, Mr. Eick- meyer. Mrs. Ted Parsons and Jim Owen. Sound, visited her daugh ter, • Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Srnal on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham o Toronto and Miss Mary” E. Gra ham, Dresden, spent Monda with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal colm and attended the Malcolm reunion in Stratford on Sunday Mr. Bruce Malcolm left on Monday for two weeks at Camp Couchiching. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hardill, Milton, visited a few clays with their cousin, Mrs. Mary Mal- colm and attended the Malcolm reunion on Sunday. " Miss Mary E. Graham, Dres- den, is spending a .couple of weeks holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Malcolm and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, and Susan, Sebringville, visited Mr. and ;Mrs. Dalton Malcom Tuesday evening. Mrs. Blythe Lannin has been directors of girl's ,.camp at Bin- ninni and Gayle Lannin, coun- cellor for the past week. Mrs. Reg Sudrnore, Mrs. Har- ry Thompson and Debbie, Dian- ne and Marie, . Tedy, Jimmie and Cathy, Clinton, visited Mrs. Cudmore's sister, .Mrs. Charles Roney and Mr. Roney on Thurs- day. Mrs. Fergus Lannin, Mrs. James Statton, have returned home from Seaforth Hospital this week. Mr. Carl Allan and Jim Ron- ey and cousin Harold Williams left' on Wednesday for a trip north and will visit Ottawa -be• fore coming home. Mrs. Herb Britton spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Len O'Rourke and attend- ed Patti's birthday. Miss Nancy Lannin has finish- ed her summer course in Wood- stock and is spending the rest of her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin. e f y Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. • To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. , SCOINS' CLEANERS Re -opening after Holidays Monday, Aug. 15 Phone 527-0830 For pick up pose to Toronto Sea girth Pee Wees perticipa tell!"• in. a tournament in• Dwo $eund, $aturday. Althoixgh they, lost both contests, they. put UQ, good games considering- the fact their opponents in • each matchwere from a higher .etas- sifieation than the local' team, In their opening gene' they gave a bigger,, Owen Sound team a solid battle but lost 8 3. Owen Sound, a class "A" team took_ advantage of Sea- forth's errors and scored nine runs in four innings before Seaforth settled down and held their opponents scoreless while scoring their three runs.' In their second game, the locals were matched against a 'class "AA" team from Toronto. The Toronto team also took ad- vantage of the 'local's errors and nervousness to score 11 runs in the first inning: How- ever, lowever, the locals improved as the game went on, but couldn't contain the bigger and -mote experienced boys. The final score was 21-6. The class "C" Seaforth team, although they lost, made a good showing against much bigger teams in higher classifications. The Seaforth lineup for the two games was as follows: Ger- ry Feeney, catcher; Bill Salis- bury, catcher; Tim Hoff; pit- 4cher, short stop; Garry Eisler, third base; Don Nicholson, pit- cher, fielder; John Gorwill, sec- ond base; Jim Bannon, 'first base; Larry Broome, centre field; Peter Beattie, left field; Jim Putman, right field; Randy Wood, left field; Hank Grooth- ius, right field. The Pee Wees ended the sea- son with 3-8 record. They were defeated two straight by Mit- chell in the group finals. The scores were 14-10 and 7-4. It is hoped ,the team will do bet- ter next year and should with their added experiehce. LADIES' AID" ' - The ladies' Aid of First Pres- byterian Church,were entertain- ed at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling, Tuesday afternoon. As the weather was cold, games were enjoyed in the house. Among those winning. prizes were Mrs. George Hillis, Mrs. Robert B. Scott, Mrs. Lew Teb- butt, Mrs. W. E. `Butt, Mrs. H. H. Leslie and Mrs. R. S. Hab- kirk. Remember! It takes bur a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth 'blue coal'" Champion Stove and Fprnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 INSURANCE WIND • TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F.' KEYS Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock,. Ont. ILIA Pboa e.527-6870 a MEN'S and BOY'S SHORT SA.EEVE TO CLEAR fprice BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR Phone 527-0995. Seaforth ARE WHEAT—OATS--BARLEY MIXED GRAIN AND WILL BE BUYING FLAX -- BEANS—CORN AT COMPETITIVE PRICES B. and G. Grain Aerator and Drier. Regular 86.51). SPECIAL This Week $80.00 Cash • Truckload Tots of grain delivered directly to your grainery at Competitive prices .CONTACT US BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL TOPNOTCH FEELIS LIMITED' Phone 527-1910 Seaforth Safety -Tested . USS , :CAR SALE! AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET 1966 Pontiac, Grand Parisienne, HT, fully equipped 1966 Chev. Belaire 8, AT 2-1965 Pontiac Parisienne, 4 -door H.T. 2-1965 Pontigc Laurentians, Sedans 1965 Chev. Belaire, 8-cyl. 1965 Pontiac Strato - Chief Sedan, 6-cyl. 1965 Ford Galaxy 500, 4 -door HT. 1964 Ford Custom Sedan, AT. 1964 Ford) Galaxy 500 4 -door H.T., fully 1964 Pontiac Parisienne, H.T. 4 -door 1964 Chev. Belaire, V-8, A.T. A Wide selection 'of 1964 and I963 Chevs., and Pontiecs, hardtops and•sedans 1964 Pontiac, 6 -cylinder; A.T. 1964 Pontiac, Custom Sports Convertible, 327 engine. 1963 Chev. Belaire Sedan. AT. 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, V-8. 1962 Pontiac Sedan AT. 1963 Ford 2 -door, H.T., 8 cylinder A Wide Selection of Other Models, 1957 t8 1960 to Choose From STATION WAGONS -?-1964 Chev. Station Wagon, V-8, A.T. 1964 Pontiac Parisienne, 327 Station Wagon 1-1962 Olds 4 -Door Station Wagon - TRUCKS 1-1963 Chev. 1/2 -Ton. Pickup, Long Box • 2-1962 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pickups, one long box, one short box A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on all Late Model Cars —Many other Models to chi from BR'USSELS MOTORS - B tU`SSEIS ONTARIO' PHONE 1731The Home of Bluer Used Card„ OPEN EVERY EVENING