HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-08-04, Page 1010-403E HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., AUG. 4, 1966 • CLASSIFIED ADS Engagements 1Vir. and 'Mrs. Kenneth G. Flett, Clinton, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Elizabeth to Mr. Ronald Wilbur ,Jewitt. son of Mrs. Jewitt and the late Mr. Wilbur Jewitt, RR 1 Clinton. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Au- gust 27, 1966 at 4 -o'clock in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Norman Alexander, Londesboro, On- tario, announce the engage- ment or their daughter, El- aine Agnes, to Mr, Joseph Lienet Cousineau, of • Webb - wood Ontario. The marriage will take place Sattuday, Au- gust 13th. 1966, at 2:30 p.m. in the United Church at Lon- desboro. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wil- Ilams, Seaforth wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Joan Marie to Mr, Gary Robert Betties, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bet- ties of Winthrop. The wed- ding to take place September 3, 1966 at 2:00 p.m. in St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, Ontario. Births°. KEYS — Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Keys of Winchester are happy to announce the ar- rival of their chosen son., Brian William, age three months. I(LUNGEL — In South Huron Hospital,' Exeter, on July 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klungel, Queensway Nurs- ing Home, Hensell a daugh- ter, Eloise Patricia. McGREGOR — In Seaforth Community Hospital. on August 2, to Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, RR 3, Kip - pen, a sqn. RYAN — In' Stratford Gener- al Hospital On July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ryan, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Davey, RR 2 Monkton wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Esther, to Mr. Roger Russell Sholdice, °Hine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdied; Stratford. formerly of Brodhagen,. The marriage to take placeon Saturday. September 3, 1966 at 4 o'clock in Bethesda Un- ited Church. -1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dick of Cromarty announce. the en- gagement of their youngest daughter Bonnie Marlene, to Larry William Kellington, eldest son • of' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kellington of 'Brussels. Marriage to take place on Friday, August 12, 1966 in Brussels United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Forrest of Niagara Falls, Ontario an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marion Elaine to Mr. Kenneth Victor Bed- ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bedard, Seaforth. The marriage will take place on August 13. 1966 at 3:00 p.m, in St. Patrick's Church, Niag- ara Falls, Ontario. Births CHESNEY — In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on July 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Chesney a son. • News of Too Late FOR SALE — 84 good York and Landrace chunks, worm- ed and castrated. W. C. Mill - son, phone 527-1167. -1 WANTED TO BUY — Feed oats or mixed grain from com- bine, able to truck it. W. C. Millson, phone 527-1167. -1 MURDOCH In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, John. R. Murdoch who passed away 3 years ago August 2, 1963. A page in the book of mem- ory, Is silently turned to -day. —Remembered always, by his wife and family. • 25-35-1 STOCK FOR SALE — 15 pigs 8 weeks old. Bbb Patrick, ph. 527-1278. -1 WANTED TO BUY — Two Holstein calves. Phone 527- 0098. -1 FOR SALE — Parts from Massey clipper combine in- cluding good canvass and pick-up. E. Uhler, phone Brussels 337 W 19. 11-35-2 WANTED — $8,000.00 for 1st mortgage on 100 acre farm in McKillon.„Township. Apply to Box 1594, The Huron Exposi- Phone 482-7578. - -1 FOR SALE — New potatoes. Phone 482-7578, Clinton. -1 FOR SALE — Collie pups, 4 months old, willing to work. Arnold Jamieson, RR 4 Clin- ton. Phone 482-9828. -i FOR SALE — One girl's bi- cycle, 26" size, in good -shape. Phone 527-0731. -1 ST. COLUMBAN Gordon Moylan was suc- cessful in his examinations in grade nine pianoforte. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moylan. Brian Lane, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Jack ..Lane. received honors in rade two piano- forte. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pinn- sonault and son, Joe. visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver. Pat ShepPard, Bev Deck- ard and Connie Reidel, Kitch- ener, spent last week with Karen Kale. Mr. and Mrs. sill McMillan and Anne Marie, Noreen and Danny were in Detroit attend- ing the funeral of the late John McMillan. Mr. and Mrs.. Fergus Me - lady and family. Belle River, visited Mrs. Joseph Melady. Mr.- and Mrs. Leo" Smith, Acton, visited IVIr. and Mrs. Albert. Cronin, Sister Donald Marie of the Maryknoll Sisters, is visiting ' her parents. • Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan. She has been assigned to Stockton. Califor- nia, to a catechetical centre. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Quaid and family. Windsor, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQuaid. Mr. and Mrs. John William- son. London visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doyle. Joanne Murray is in Craf- ton visitino Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Sloan. Mr. arid Mrs. Mike Gallag- her and family, Montreal are News of Varna Dietz - Docking Doris Caroline Docking and Hugh Gene Edward Dietz ex- changed marriage Vows in Bethel -Munro United Church. Rev. 0. R. Flindall officiat;- ed in a setting of white ,chrY- santhemums and ferns. Mrs. Charles Walkom accompanied Mrs. Allan Siemon, RR 4 Mit- chell who sang "The Wedding Prayer" and '0 Perfect Love." visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lou O'- Reilly. Mary Anne Cebaski, Lon- don, is 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pur- cell and family. Kitchener, visited Mr; and Mrs. Jack Mc- Iver. Maxine and Murray re- mained to spend a holiday here, • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sloan and family of Windsor spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Con- nor attended' the funeral of Angela O'Connor in Toronto. Angela was the daughter of M. and Mrs. Norman O'Con- nor. ' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mur- ray and Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'- 'npurke and Danny were in Toronto attending the wed- ding of their niece Saturday. John, Mary Ann, Tony and Joe Van Bakel are in London this week visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Taylor and family motored last week -end to Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mts. Ron Taylor and family spent a few days at Port Huron. The service in the Varna United Church' on Sunday will be conducted by Mr. Alan Scott of Eginondville. Watson Webster, drummer with the Banockburn Pipe Band, spent the week -end at Sherrill, New York at the Golden Anniversary of the City of Sherrill. 'Sbtty mem- bers of various bands of this district attended. Mr, and Mrs. Pred McCly- mont loit Monday morning • by train for a. trip to the West Oast, M. and Mrs. Cecil Dowson spent the at vtrek at a cot- tagetin. Skelton Lake. near :(. Steesteit, 4*.e;w1tt. is having a holkklY w,Uth1 ale* Arid ' btother-iii Vitt "It1111:0) oua ta • Zarlo T bony Adnitig.d7 on ° 4.•tut Stith'4,, and Irarnid DVI4i6 News 'of Cromarty A family picnic was held at the home' of IVLr. and Mrs. Jim Miller and family Sunday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott who will soon celebrate their twentieth' wedding an- niversary. 41, L,C) AL BillEF$ Visitors with' Mrs, ,teo. Etevenson duranig the Wk end were IVIrs. s,Naftel Qt Barrie and Dr, Ceril Gardiner c.)f New Vaven, Conn. They were in the area toattenci, the school r , entlinn Blytil. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matt- hews and daughter Jacqueline have returned from a 10 -day trip to Cupp Briton Island visiting Mrs. Matthew's rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bas- tain and son Joseph spent. the week -end with Mrs, Helen Bolton. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Jack Case and Mis. Jean For- tune last week were: Mrs.' Wm. Byrne, AllanPark, Mich. Mrs. James Leganet, Kathy, Jane, James, Ken, and John Leganet of Indianapolis. Mrs. Hazel Cleary and Shawn, London, visited with friends in Seaforth. Mrs. Jean' Fortune, Mrs, Jack Case. and Jimmy Case were in Midland recently. Mrs. Thomas Appleby and grandson, Curt MacDonald have returned from a two Week. motor trip to the Cana- dian west. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heis- er of Indianapolis, Ind. spent a weelt with Mr. and Mrs. C. Montgomery, N. Main St., and attended the Montgom- ery -Powell wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hod: gert and fainily of Milwaukee, Wis. are visiting friends and relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Eehing- er o London were guests with Mrs. Belli Pryce and Mrs, brecht. Beulah Woods' of Indiana- polis, Ind., spent holidays vis- iting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. Montgomery, N. Main St. and has left by boat for England where she *111 spend several months. Mrs. Almira Chambers of Preston has been visiting her The young couple have taken ue residence on the groom's farm at RR 1 Bornholm. The bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking, ER 1 Staffa, was given in marriage by her tether to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietz, RR 5 Mitchell. She wore a formal gown of nylon chiffon silk faille styled with a batteau neckline, cap sleeves, natural waistline and a controlled skirt enhanced with lace applisues. The Cat- hedral train fell from a large chiffon rose and a headpiece of, drop crystals, and pearls held her elbow -length veil. Her bouquet was of red roses and babe chrysanthemums. Mrs, Henry Leonhardt of Thamesford was her sister's matron of honor and Mrs. Walter Stinson, Mount Clem- ens, Mich., and Miss Barbara Dietz, RR 5 Mitchell, sisters of the groom, were brides- maids. They wore floor -length frocks of turquoise satapeau featuring rose api4liques on the waistline, sleeves and skirts with a train falling from a bow at the necklines. Their cascade bouquets were of pink roses and white chry- santhemums with pink Areamers. The bride's niece, Colleen Leonhardt, was flow- er girl in a pink nylon dress. She carried a basket of chry- santhemums and roses.. Dale Leonnardt carried the rings on a heart shaped pil- low.. Paul Dietz, RR 5 Mitch- ell, was groomsman for his brother and and another bro- ther, Barry Dietz and the bride's brother-in-law, Henry Leonhardt, ushered. The, bride's mother received in a powden blue chiffon gown trimmed with lace and match- ing hat. Mrs. Dietz chose a two-piece frock in pale pink with • matching accessories. Their corsages were of pink roses.' Serving 'the guests at- tending from Saskatchewan, Fort Erie, London, Kitchener, Lucknow, Granton, St. jair Shores, Ottawa, Thamesford. and Mitchell were Mrs. Glenn Francis and Misses Romona Worden, Barbara, Shirley and Marion Docking and Janice Patterson. For their wedding trip to Calgary. • the .bride wore a white chiffon frock with or- ange satin'trim, orange -access- ories and an orchid corsage. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. Ol- ive Scott, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bridges, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott and family Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott and family, Miss Janice Wright, Mr. Rick Gib- son, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Patter- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tinning and David, all of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Oppenhauser and family Monkton, Mr. and. Mrs. Don Swindell and family, London, Mr. Bruce Davis, Mr. Charles Cottle, Mrs. Grace Walkom of Fullerton, Mr. Howard Rinn and Miss Noreen Walkom of Woodham. Sports were enjoy- ed follovved by a smorgasbord supper. , Mary Jane Swindell, Lon- don, is holidaying this week with Betty Anne Miller, Bruce Miller is in London with Bill and Paul Swindell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laing were Sunday visitors with Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. Caldwell, trucefield. •Mr.yand Mrs. Harvey Itist- net, Stkly and 13111y, Gttelph, visited Sunday with Alt. and IVIrs,13111 Ittillery and family. Mr. and Mrs,Bftce .Cleland and Children a tistevo vis- ited recently With I. and Ito 3effers0h. Mr, end Mrs Wxn. Itainsey, List a wor6 Stwho' vittlthro t. And iVrit Ale*azt asb"the-e- daeA of lus Stewart Love, of Ile Perrot, si- ter, Mrs. Wm, Doh -nage and M. Dolinage of 1114.11.ett. familv.reunion was held Weci7 nesday evening when mem- bers of the family attended. Thomas R. Cluff, Montreal, is a guest of Ruth Cluff and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hoggarth. Diane Henderson, McKillop, sang a solo in First Presbyter- ian Church, Sunday morning. Mr and,Mrs, Stan Dorrance, of Chatham, were Sunday vests of Mrs. Mae Dorrance, David Grieve, Niagara Falls called on friends ,4n town on Saturday. Miss Nellie Broadfobt, Tor- onto is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Broadfoot, North Main. Mary Sills has returned horrie after completing the two-week course at the On- tario Athletic Leadership Camp at Lake Couchiching. While there she obtained the Royal Life Saving Award of Merit and an officials' inter- mural basketball rating. Mrs, Martha Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson attended the Narva School Reunion, Saturday at Green- och school section No. 6, Bruce County, Mrs'. Thompson. Sr. was the ,oldest ex -pupil at- tending. Relatives and friends came. together at the home Mr. and Mrs. C. Montgomery to honor newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Tim- mins and daughters, Janie Sue and Kathy Anne, Oakville spent the week -end • at t,he home of Mrs. A. Bethune. I Remember! It takes but a Moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, , just Dial, Seaforth 527-0240. News of Kippen Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family accompanied by Dean Brawn of Greenway vis- ited Wednesday evening with Mr. Brown's son-in-law, and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mousseau. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Oostra and daughter of Fort William are spending a few days with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wierr,en and fam- ily. It is fifteen years since they last saw each other. Mrs. Ivor Bodenham .re- turned honie Tuesday from Owen Sound where, she visit- ed a week with her daughter Mrs. David Toms and Mr. Toms. Louise Kirk is holidaying with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirk of Port Stanley, Paul returned home Friday front spending two weeks with his.grandparents. Mr. end. Mrs. Beli and fam- ily are holidayin0 at Wasaga tieach ileeompatifed by Barb- era; Gridiak, /What tigie , ie tatient Ib Clinton r'ithlie PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3 • 6 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. MID -SUMMER SAIX WALLPAPER . , READY.PASTED, PATTERNS•AND PLAINS - Reg. 85e- 1.09 S.R. NOW .65 S.R. Reg. 1.19 S.R. NOW .79 S.R. Reg. 1.29 S:R. , NOW .89 S.R. EXTERIOR HOUSETAINT Kem Professional. Undercoat 6.85 gal, Trim and Tinting ' 100% Pure A-100 Latex Super One Coat .7,25 gal. 9,95 gal. 10.45 gal. 11.37 gal. , HILDEBRAND PAINT and PAPER • Kem and Martin-Senour Paints Sunworthy and Waldec Wallpaper • FREE CUSTOM TINTING FOR OUR CUSTOMERS Phone 527.1880 SeaForth le • 1. THE HURON EXPOSITOR r SEAFORTH • ROUND BONE SHOULD ROAST .ib. ROAST . . la ' CHUCK STEAKS 69 ifiFERIAL 6 9 ' RIO RAND N , CUTBEEF OR VEAL FUORT... ROAST. La 59' STEAKETTES . : .1...LB*. LB 69' 1.REDgBili.RANESC DT RIB STEAKS Le 89' .S6uuRRI:DsssECEAcMuirtFitIARIECLINOK CUBE STEAKS ....LL SAUSAG . . . .. 65' N • 0 VAC PAC 1.05 . . . TENDER AND TASTY, RED BRAND BURNS LUNCHEON MEAT ROLLS 3 :a 99' • ,BACON IL LIVER • LIVER ' • I/RUNSWEIGER BURNS WIENERS 5 1-16. Yoe Poc • INSTANTv7OF FEE JAR TOP YALU CHOICE FRUIT'"TDIL COCKTAIL SOFT RITE (ASSORTED COLOURS) 'BATHROOM TISSUE... U.S. NO. 1 RED CARDINAL _ 'ONTARIO GROWN No. 1 FIELD . TOMATOES (ilf.1 ONTARIO GROWN tlo. 1 FIELD 11.14149ST (SIZE 131I'd TOMATOES :LT 99`, ORANGES rz. 55c (SIZE 48'4, • ONT. GROWN CU GRADE TRANSPARENT' GRAPEFRUITS F°B 59c° APPLES.... tr. 29`: $utuarr 146'0 r.Ju4. Ho. t LEMONS • 86 39c. DRY ONIONS trd 49c THOMPSON —GRAPES 2 'sic 49 MAXWELL HOUSE ALL-PURPOSE GRIND 'COFFEE . . ..... . . . • 95 PLUS .,. A SPECTACULAR CLASSIC BOOK (*ER SEND 50e AND 3 END FLAPS FROM,MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE TO CLASSIC BOOK OFFER, .BOX 130, COBOURG, ONT. TOP VALU Sandwick Loaf BREAD. sinee PIE 9 TOP YALU CHEESE SLICES pKG, French Fried POTATOES 99(1 SOMERDALE FROZEN FARMHOUSE FROZEN" APPLE oz. $ FRENCH PASTRY RASPBERRY PKGS. 24 -OZ. ,88 24 -oz. 0 LOAVES 'FAMILY SIZE PIE 390 PLAIN 8.0z. 330 •' 41 LADY PATRICIA . P • HAIR SPRAY 14" SOFT .PLUS WHITE TOOTHPASTE 6 1,- TIN ECCI.11IZE : ' ' HOMY/ _ c,‘ , -6 TU" • 4 •