HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-08-04, Page 9I ssi ied ^ ds USE THESE CJ.AS$tFICATIONS TO Y'Ot►Ft ADVANTAGE 1. Coining Event. '2. Lost, s Strayed 3. Found 4. Heln _ Wanted 5. Business 0pportunitiee 6. Teachers Wanted:._. 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock}For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12: Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. ForSale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted, 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices • 23. Business Directors 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26: Personals Classified ads are inserted at A rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum' 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications,,mini- mum 65 centsper insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal- Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment, or if paid• • by 10 days following Zest inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. Coming Events A music recital will be pre- sented by Nancy Berger and Joanne Fltligson at Seaforth D.H.S:, Sunday, A;uguat 7th at 8:30 .-p,rr1. Other talent will, be,. inoluded. Silver collection. ' '-34x2 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gemmell, (nee Norma Gieg), Friday, August 12, Zurich. Community . Centre, Desjarrline's orchestra. 1-35-1 BUS TO CNE, August 24, 27 and 31st. For information call Cleave Coombs' Bus Depot,. phone 527-9016. 1-35-3 REUNION, September, 3rd., S.S. No. 3 Tuckersmith. Pro- gram at 1:30 p.m. Supper at 5 p.m. Bring picnic basket and dishes. All former teach- ers. pupils and families wel- come: Local residents please contact former residents. 1-35-4 4. Help Wanted SALES CLERK and waitress wanted, full time. Must be neat and pleasant, good wor- ker, experience preferred. Ap- ply to Crick's Bakery. 4-35-1 RELIABLE (experienced. sin- gle manrequired immediately for modern dairy farm,pipe line milker, good wages, re- ferences required. Apply J. C. Smillie, Hensall, phone 262- 5141. ° 4-35-tf HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE._.,. Ltd. Requires School bus drivers, male or female, regular and part time. Excellent .. opportunity to earn extra cash. Must have pleasant personality, smart appearance, and accident free driving record. Desireable age 28 to 50. . • We will train successful ap- plicants and assist them in ob- taining a school busoperator's licence. Apply in person. 4-35-tf POSTAL CLERKS $4165 - $5215 POST OFFICE DEPARTIVII°EN1 Sarnia, Ontario For full Particulars as to duties, q�tialifaicatiops, azld.ap-. plication forms, see posters on display at Post Otfices"and National El'nployment Ser- vice. Send applie ation to the Civil Service etnipnission, 95.3 Dundas• St., London, Ontario, before August 12, 1966. Quote competition 66 -T -1058V. 4K35-1 LETTER ',CARRIERS $4215 -$4965 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Sarnia y,Ontario For full particulars as to duties, qualifieatiohs, and ap- plication forms, see posters on display at Post Offices and National Employnid t Ser- vice. Send application to the Civil Service Commission, 368 Dundas St., London, Ontario, before August 12, 1966. Quote competition 66-T-1057 435-1 .1 Help, Wanted' W. D AN A fJ .,.E a. T C .M TE. N- n or woman. Full or ,part time to continue supplying consumers in part of Huron, County with Rawleigh Products. New spec- ial offer selling method en- ables'eou to niake• $1004 week- ly full time.;.' $50 part time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. H-36$- 122, 4005., Richelieu, St, Hen- ry Montreal, 4-35-1 CENTRAL •HURON SECON- D.ARY' SCI.IOOI.e;. Clinton re- quires as -soon as possible, 1. FEMALE CUSTODIAN, sal- ary range $1$.00 to $2300'com- menserate with experience. Excellent working conditions, sick leave and.holiday plan in effect, Written applications, show- ing experience, references and salary ex. peistecr, to be receiv- ed. by the undersigned. not la- ter than 15 August, 1966. Any Application not neces- sarily accepted, Mr. L. R. Maloney, ' Business Administrator, Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board. 4-35-2 APPLICATIONS For Caretaker Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until noon Monday, August the 15th for caretaker for Hibbert Township Public School Sec- tion. 3, Duties to commence September lst, 1966. Please state salary expected!. Lowest or any application not ,necessarily accepted. ANNE BURCHILL, Secretary - Treasurer Dublin, Ontario. 4-35-2 7. Situations ` Wanted EXPERIENCED man desires fanin_ • work.. Phone 60 R 3 Dublin,. 7-35x1 8. Fagan Stock For Sale TWENTY pigs, 8 weeks old.' Doug Hugill, RR 2 Seaforth. Phone 482-7548. 8-35x1 FOR SALE -,- Hereford cows with calves. Contact Ralph" Fischer, phone 24,R-25 Dub- lin. ,.. 8-32-tf THIRTY pigs, 7 weeks old.' Don Carter, 527-1166. 8-35x1 EIGHTEEN good • pigs, nine weeks old and a white faced calf, two weeks old. Ted Van Dyk, phone 527-1435, Sea - forth. ' 8-35x1 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- uers early. SCOTT POULTRY, FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 ,_ 9-32-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale 1950 DODGE, good condition, Bruce Coleman, . plume 527- 1938. 10-35x1 1960 RAMBLER wagon parts, only 2,000 miles, on new 6 - cylinder motor; good trans- mission, rear end. Phone 262-2121. 10-34-2 THREE' ton Dodge truck, stock racks, good running condition. R. J. D 6 i g, 527- 0763, North Main St., Sea - forth. , 10-34-3 11. Articles.For Sale FOR SALE=Case combine. spiked -tooth cylinder, PTO; like new. Phone 527-1187. -2 Cross and Olive Crystal NOW ONLY .79e EACH Goblet Wipe Dessert dish Champagne Cocktail Liqueur 01d Fashion ' Juice Tumbler Pilsezter Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-32-11 SWINGER Polaroid • Clam s onyY;$,24.05. Ta,kes &tures in 10 seconds. Buy one to -day at Anstett Jewellers Ltd. ' 11-32-tf WE sell and service Timex w a t e lh es- priced' from $17195 up. Conte in end choose one as we have all models In stock. Anotett Jewellers Ltd. ' 11-32-tf Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery, repairs Ding Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks • Bead Restringing Repair cost -time jewellery Anstett Jewellers. Ltd.. 11-32-tf YORK 8 transistor radios, with batteries and earphones. These radios have very good sound and, reception and are guaranteed 1 full 'ear. An,- stett Jewellers Ltd. P -r 1 e e $27.50. 11-32-tf CASE combine, spike tooth cylinder,.. P.T.Q., pick-up and' scour clean,. like . new. Also grain box. Dave Watson, 5,27- 1.1$7. - 11-35•1Xt Ne 11- Articles' For Sale 1966•'• XAARA"twim .. jet ., 1 month old, good condition. Must get $425,00. Phone 527- 947.0 between 6 and 7 p.m. on week -days, or apply box 850, Seaforth. 1135-1 STOCK FARMERS . We 441 have a few openings for the construction of 50 -ft. circular liquid manure tanks., Each is poured concrete and heavily reinforced. CARL'S CURB CONSTRUCTION LTD. RR 4 Ilderton, Ont. Phone 666-1385 or 666-8 11-133Q-57 COMMUNITY SILVER- WA$E SpE 1AL SERVICE FOR 8 ONLY $69.95 Many other sets in' stock to choose from. Wm. R,ogers.78-piece sets Service for 12 with chest ONLY $59.95 • ' Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-32-tf A-6 CASE "combine,, with Plover •attachment, in good condition. ' Larr\ Wheatley. Phone 527-0105, 11-34-2 PINE timber, 6 x 10 x, 26 feet long. Pine house, floor panel, doors, 1%" thick. Win- dow frames and sash, various sizes. Walter Murray, Sea - forth. 11-34-2 SPECIAL SALE-3x8x16 ash rack sills; white ash stakes; 2x10 cedar for rack tops. Fred Hudie, Clinton. Phone 482-6655. 11-34x2 1956, 300 INTERNATIONAL utility tractor, good condition, $700.00. John Van Beers, RR1 Clinton, Call 482-9265. 11-35x1 BLUE and white Gendron baby :buggy, used •one , year. Converts to car bed. Like new condition. Also play pen. Da- vid Livingston, RR 2 Seaforth, 11-35-1 SIX STRING Spanish guitar, new condition, phone 527- 1826. 11-35x1 TEN CAN milk cooler, Phone 527-1738, Carl •Boven. 11-35x1 GRAIN BOX, 14' by 8' by 2' deep in good condition. Apply Frank Reynolds, • phone 527- 1207. 11-35-1 50 -piece sets English Dinnerware Service for 8 ONLY $29.95 • 18 patterns to choose from and all are oven stock Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-32-tf BEATTY stabling. 25 single stallunchion stalls and a pen 12' x 14', Viking cream sep- arator, 800 lb. capacity, two unit Surge milker with piping for 14 cows. Apply Russell Miller, Staffa, phone 61 R 5, Dublin. 11-35x1 12. Wanted' To Buy ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578. 12-32-tf 14. Property For Sale BRICK cottage it village' of Egmohdville, property of Ber- nard Nott. Equipped with a three piece bath, 'new gas fur- nace, . built-in kitchen cup- boards and garage. This is a well kept home, situated in a, pleasant location. Available immediately. Apply to Mer- vin Nott, phone 527-0167. 14-34x1 TWO apartment house on Welsh St., $5000.00. Contact C. J. Dennis, 10320 Grand River E., Brighton, Mich.. 14-33x4 HO' USE, several rooms in- cludes bathroom, gas heated. Phone 527-1994. 14-34x4 CHOICE lots on North Main St Sewage available. R. -• J. Doig, phone 527-0763. 14-32-tf FIFTY ACRE, farm, h y d r o, drilled well, pressure system, 3 -bedroom brick house, hy- dro and water in barn, 1 mile off black top road and school, 3 miles ' from, Kippen: Phone 527-0306'. 14-35x1 BRICK cottage in village of Egntondville, property of Ber- nard Nott. Equipped with a three piece bath, new gas fur- nace, built-in kitchen cup- boards and garage. This is a well kept home, situated in a pleasant location. Available immediatel'y., Apply to. Mer- vin Nott, phbne 527-0167. 14-35-2 NEAT COMPACT SMALL HOME Suitable for one person or a couple, g%as heated, choice location, liviinngiootn, kitchen, one bedroom and bath. Possession within a month. WILLIAM M. HART Seaforth Salesman GEO. R. JOHNSTON • REAL ESTATE LTD. 14-35-1 Ge' 15, Property For Rent, TWO, h rDie. f- eti orn tinnier*,p ex, �I contained, reasonable rent, 527-0032. 15-32-tf. APARTACONTS now 4'00l - able, $25 to $60. Apply Rax-.. vey Dale, Phoue 527.1400, 10-30-4 MODERN- 2 -bedroom mart,; ment, Phone 5,27-0810, or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15 -32 -tri• ON Main Street, 2 -bedroom. apartment. Heated with new gas furnace, Box 1559, The, Huron Expositor, Seaforth.. 15-.32-tf COTTAGE in Bayfield, three bedroom, all conveniences. Phone 564-2403, Bayfield. 15=34-3 HOUSE, 37piece b a t h, tuM- nace, available August lat. Otto Walker, Cromarty, call 119'.R 10- Dublin. 15-3.4x2 14 -FOOT Cabin trailer, by the week or the month; trailer hitch supplied. Phone '527- 1300. 15-4x2 COMPLETELY furnished house trailer, sleeps four a- dults, at Paul Bunyan Camp site, Bayfield, by day, by week or be week -end. Mrs. Al Haveling at the Camp site. Mrs. Arnold Scott Seaforth, phone, 527-1357. 15-35x2 16. For Sale or Rent HOUSE in Cromarty with % acre of good property ajoin- ing. Otto Walker, Cromarty, phone 119R 10 Dublin. 16-34x2 19. Notices ELECTRIC motors, repairs, and rewinding. H -J's Repair Service, 123 Erie St. South, Clinton (formerly Levitt's Motor Repair). • 19-34x3 SINGER Sate s- and Service, sewing machines vatuuan clean- ers, floor polishers', and type- writers. Call Jim McGregor, phone 527-1486. 19-32-tf ELECTROLUX C'a nada 'Ltd, Sales and Service, ao,ozd, deader Arvin . Riley, la Light, house Sb., Goderich, piifete 5 6514. , 19.32etf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd.,.; Phone 527-1720 - Seaford' • 19-32-tf ORDERS can be phoned to the address below for "Studio Girl" cosmetics and "North American Fashion Frocks,". Mrs. Muriel Workman, 527- 0458, Seaforth. 19-35-3 Dead Stock under New Management ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLY Garnet Smith We are here to give you faster service and . better prices, :paid on the spot for dead- or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 AND UP FOR ANY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 700, LBS.,,' according to size and condition. Smaller animals picked up free. also free veterinary inspection. Call Collect Atwood 356-2022 24 hrs. a day= -7 days a week Lic. No. 401-C-65 19-32-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19-32-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives .rf Ontario. To arrange for 131"; Up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seafoe1h, 527-1646, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R- 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-32-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead of• Disabled Animals•. CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350•-C-65 19-32-tf SEPTIC TANK$ CLEANED • Modern equipment, used. All work guaranteed.Write or phone LOOMS. BAKE, R112 Brussels, phone 442w6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23 Jackson Aluminum Ltd. HOME SPECIALTIES Phone day 527-0777 Evenings 527-0032 , 19-32.tf VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5850. Hensall, 19.324f 19, Notices NOTICE ckersmith Municipal Dulnp Will be oPen until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, icon* 1 to 5.00 p.m. and Saturday morning from 10:00 to 12:00 a,zn. No wire fencing, old con- .rete or car bodies Per#nitted- JAMES I. MOINTOSH, Clercs. 19-32-tf 20. Auction 'Sales ESTATE ' AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Property and Household Effects in the vil- lage of Hensall, 71 Queen St., on - SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 at 1 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - chesterfield and chair (like new); two platform rockers; 2 foot stools; coffee t a b 1 e; step-up table; electric lamps; walnut bedroom suite (like new) ; two single iron beds, sprj gs and mattresses; two dresers; 3/4 bed and • dresser; Frigidaire stove' (like new);. 9 cu. ft. Frigidaire refriger- ator with freezer; chrome kit- chen set; kitchen stool; drop- leaf table; china cabinet; elec- tric clock; toaster; frying pap; coffee pot; garbage can; kitch- en utensils; dishes; china; bed- ding; electric washing mach- ine; sealers; crocks; garden tools; lawn chairs: lumber. PROPERTY - 4 -bedroom house, modern kitchen, four - piece bath, new oil furnace, full basemen t, aluminum storms, excellent condition. Immeiate possession. 111% down balance 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. CHATTELS - CASH Property Estate of the Late LAURENE McKENZIE HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. MEL. GRAHAM, Clerk 20-35-2 21. Tenders Wanted Drainage Tenders Township of Hibbert Drain Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned till 6 p.m., Wednesday, August 17 1966. (1) COYNE DRAIN - for excavation of 5100 •lineal feet of open drain (2600'cu. yds.) and 1340 lineal feet of closed drain. (2)• VIVIAN DRAIN -4360 lineal feet of closed drain. Contractor., to supply all materials. Plans and specific- ations may be- seen at the Clerk's office. 111 NURO • EX!tl70$1 OR ftp 2L Tenders Wante d. . Lowestor an tendeznot necessarily accepted A cerci- lied` cheque- for 10% of ten- der bid must accompany each tender. •4 ANNE $URCHILL.., Clerks Dublin, Ontario 21-35-2 22, Legal Notices TOWNSHIP OF TUCEER, SMITI Treasurer's Sale of Land for Taxes Township of Tuckersrnith County of -Hugon TQ WIT: By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the • Reeve of the Township of Tuckersmith on - der his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearing date the 16th day of march, sale of lands inarrears of taxes in the Township of Tuckersmith will be held at the Town Hall, Seaforth at the hour of 9:00 o'clock in the evening on the 6th day of September, 1966, unless the taxes and costs are soon- er paid. Notice is herby given that the 'list of lands forsale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished in The Ontario Gaz- ette on the 7th day. of May, 1966. and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office this lst day of June, 1966. • JAMES. I. McINTOSH . Treasurer 22-28-13 NOTICE TO. CREDITORS In the Estate of ANDREW DONALD COUTTS deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Andrew Donald Coutts, late of the Township of McKillop,. in the.County of Huron, mail carrier, who died on or about the fourth day of July, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned, on or before the twenty-third day. of August, 1966, ,,after which date the executor will pro- ceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Brussels this twenty-thii+d day of July, 1966. CRAWEORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor. 22-34-3 23. Business Directory A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 Res. 527-1643 Seaforth - Ontario kz' 09 TMr Mites ,A 223. Business Directory .JOJTN E. LON1ST .FF Oman= .. .Seaforth Of3ce: Tues., Thum, Fri., 9' to 5:30 pas,. S t. i1 to 12 noonx, > rsd ` .ening kr- mot, ar appoint. meat, only . Pbone 537-174Q487404 Mon., Wed, ^•*- Clinton Once. n HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57• South Street . Telephone Goderich5344562 SEAFORT VETERINARY' CLINIC J. O Turpbull, W. R. Bryan, D.V.M., V.S. P. D CLIMB, I}.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab, $•A., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527,1760 , - Seaforth Auctioneer FARl1 and F1JRN1.T THE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465 Monkton BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: . 'Day 527-0680 - Night 5274885 J. A. BU'RKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich, St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. • FLOWERS FOR EVERY. OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth • W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls .- 527-0510 McCONNELL & .STEWART Barristers, ' Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to thank all who re- membered me with gifts and cards while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to,.Dr, M.' W. Stapleton and h'e nursing staff. - Mrs. Eldon Hulley. 24-35-1 We wish to thank relatives, friends end neighbors for their help and acts of kind- ness shown us in the death of William McKay. • S p e ci a l thanks to Rev. Currie, the Bonthron Funeral Horne and the pallbearers. - Oliver and Margaret MacKay. 24. Cards f Tee. ttlIe kind n . h oft 't�p8.t p1� 0t Walton .1 44 comuunjty' for ill+e love y wyeddneg .'Otte .wo reed ceiv. pecial't anks#� all those who collected and 1he1p-, Pel in the' ,seIea tipn Of ' the gifts .AN rf# :! n ;not : eX1:0193 haw grateful; we are to.• all who . renlelnhered us, - ,. 'Mair garet and bort Stevens! ' 24.35x1; 1 °would. lake toy"thank rel- ations and friends 'fur tixeir.,. g ts'and lkurdness $hgwnl'. e: duringr#nv stay, in Seaforth /Ju un•1ty I-raspital.,.;Sp cal_ thanks to Dr, 1, 1:,,;' Brady, �th11er Laragb.Father Ben- • Bette, Miss Drope and the,nur sing staff. Everything was deeply appreciated. Mrs, Joseph Matthews, 24-35x1 I would '111t1419. Oy Oanlrs,;so friends very mucachrid, to n ir egl l a.tbors i,v ufor s. cards. letters, Owers. gifts and visits. Also to those who have helped at home .while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, and to thank Ia . Campbell, the sixth floor nur- sing staff ursingstaff and Rev. Mills. It has all been very much ap- preciatedfr - Mrs. Dorothy Layton. 24.35-1 25. In 'Memoriam BROOME - In loving mem- ory of our dear father, Albert Broome, who passed away one ' year, ago August 6, and a dear mother who passed a- way four years ago, Septem- ber 13. Years of striving, little to play Loving, giving, the whole of the way, A cherished smile, a' heart of gold To the dearest parents the world could hold. -Lovingi'y,remembered by the Family, 2535-1 Engagements The engagement: is announced of Jacqueline Elizabeth Drag- er, youngest daughter of Mrs. Martha Drager, Seaforth; On- tario, to Gerald lYLaxwell Ab- bott, Thorndale, Ontario. The 'wedding to take place Satur- day. August 20th, 1966, at 2:30 p.m. in Crumlin United Church. ' Mr. and Mrs. Edmund H. Godkin, RR 2 Walton, wish to announce the . engagement of their daughter Merle Hester to James Joseph Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Burns, Courtright. The marri- age will take place • August 27th, at 2:30 p,rn. at Sacred Heart Church, Sarnia. For Additional. Classified Page 10 MY GAS PEDAL STUCK ....AMP MY ' BRAKES FAILED! WE CAN SUE -n-'.E MANUFAGTUR`.R Fol2 A PAGk:ETi a e. L'TTTLE. SISTER �W IJLL , C IVC THEM TO YOU. YES • f, '-1 ') "9 ; OPEN v! LE rME NAVE THEM t RAD UP, WINGS SACK REDUCE SPED . f MUST POINT ok1T To CYNTHIA 11-IATSIAE DoE.N'T NEED To Go lb -THAT QEC, NAIL E'lERY NIGHT TO NEAR TWAT CRAZY MUSIC! IT JUST I20L-t-S AC-QoS5 fiNE' LAkE.Atsb W61-11. IWO, "tl-i PI.AcE,... AND ('CAN'T evete'IELt. AT HER. To TORN 11' DOWN I