HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-07-14, Page 100 11 ,Fj N EXI'OSITOii, SEAJ'QR.TH, ONT., JT.7LY 14, 1966 2. Cads of Thanks SSIFIED ADS Mr, Joseph Downey wishes t1 anir the staff at Seaforth Cvitnxnunity Hospita1,• Dr. Staplietor, Father Laragh, Vatber Saigeon and all who visited him and sent cards and Who were so kind during his recent illness. 24-33x1 The families of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coutts and of Mrs. Edward McCreath wish to express their appreci- ation to all who were so kind during their recent and sad bereavement and particularly to Mr. and Mrs. Adin Forbes and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hogg and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Smith and Family, Clifford Smith, The Engel Families, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Little and. Family, Mr. Robert Campbell arid Family, Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht, Mrs. Gertie Purcell and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Braniss, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark, Staff Hiawatha Restaurant Coll- ingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ceutts and Family, Mrs. John Coutts and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cardiff and Fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coutts and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coutts and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill W ilbee and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lindsay afi'd Family, The Lindsey Families, Alberta, Mrs. Annie `Johnston and Family. Mrs. Mary Clark and F a m i 1 y, Messrs. Alex and Donald MacDonald, Walton Rural Mail Carriers, Walton Neighbors and Friends (Wal- ton Women's Institute), Rur- al Route No. 2 Walton, Wal- ton C.G.I.T„ Boundary neigh- bors, Walton, McKillop Town- ship ngighbors, Rebecca Lodge, Brussels, Rebecca Lodge, Seaforth, Order of the Eastern Star 233 Seaforth, Canadian Legiin, Brussels 218, Mr. and Mrs: Bill Mur- ray, Mr, and Mrs. Jake Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs, Graham Mac- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie, The Rutledge Famil- ies, Wesley Willis U.C. Sun- day School Executive, Wesley Willis United Church Choir, United Church Women - Wes- ley, Willis United Church Clinton, The Mary and Mar- tha Unit - W e s 1 e y, Staff R.C.A'.F. Post Office Clinton, Principal and staff .Clinton Public School, Pupils Clinton Public School, Clinton Public School Board, Clinton Busi- ness friends and Associates, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hawthorne and Family, Con- gregation St. Luke's United Church, Islington, . U.C. Wo- men St. Luke's United Church Islington, Staff • Head. Office Canada Malting Co. Ltd., Staff Laboratories Canada Malting Co. Ltd., Staff Win- nipeg Office Canada Malting Co. Ltd., Staff Calgary Office Canada Malting Co. Ltd., Staff Molson's Brewery (On- tario Limited), Mr. and Mrs. Eric Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. George Valentine, Mr. and Mxs. Harry' Graisser, Miss Erma Leach, Miss Patricia Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Eric McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armiers, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Men's Club St. Lukes United Church, for flowers and donations to Brussels Burial • Chapel, Ontario Hos- pital Auxiliary . and Ontario Heart Foundation. 24-33-1 Ei}gagements 25. In Memoriam Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dear- ing, Staffa, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Christena, to Mr. William James Forrest, Seaforth, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Forrestt, Seaforth. The wedding to take place Saturday, August 13th, 1966 at 2:00 in Staffa 'anted Church. xl Mrs. Elizabeth Brown of Sea - forth announces the engage- ment of her daughter Linda Dianne to Almer William James, son of Mrs. Ethel James of Wingham. The wed- ding to take place Saturday, July 23, 1966 at 3:00 p.m. in St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bolger, RR 2 Blyth, Ont. announce the engagement of their daughter. Shirley ` Elizabeth, to Mr. Walter Robert Lilly - crop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ir- vin Lillycrop of Hamilton, Ontario. The wedding to take place on Saturday, August 6, at 3:30 o'clock in Duff's Unit- ed Church, Walton, _Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Arend Bakker, RR 1 West Monkton wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Jane, to John A. Hoggart, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart of RR 1 Londesboro. The wed- ding to take place on Satur- day, July 30, 1966 at 3 p.m. in Atwood Presbyterian Church, -1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Schwal mof Hensall, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Rac- hel, to Donald Carl Coghlin, Blyth. Ontario, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Coghlin, Atwood, Ontario. Wedding to take place August 20th, at 3:00 .p.m. in Carmel Presby- terian Church, Hensall, Ont. - -1 Births O'CONNELi .-- In Seaforth Community hospital, on July 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Larry O'Connell, Seaforth a son. FRAISER— In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital. on July 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Doug. las Fraiser, Egniondville, a daughter. STEPHENSON —.- In loving memory ,of a husband and father' Leo,. Stephenson who passed away ten years ago on July 12th, 1956. , Your chair has • long" `•'been vacant, . Your voice has long 'been silent, But the hearts you taught to love you Still miss you and always will. —Sadly missed and always remembered by Effie, Don- ald and Bill. 25-33x1 HACKWELL — In loving memory of Wesley C. Hack - well, who passed away July 22nd, 1964. His smiling way and pleasant fece .,Are a pleasure to recall He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all.. Someday we hope to meet him , Someday, we know not when, To clasp his hand in the bet- ter land, Never to part again. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. 25-33x1 FOGT — In Brampton Mem- orial Hospital, on. July 7.^ to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fogt, Streetsville, (nee ' Muriel Dale) a daughter. Classified acts pay dividends. Too Late FOR SALE good used Frank Kling Seaforth. FOR RENT modern, in Frank Kling Seaforth. — Quantity of cement blocks. Ltd., 527-1320, • -1 — Apartment, good condition, Ltd., 527-1320, -1 FOR SALE — Massey Fer- guson baler, 3 years old, also Malcho bale conveyor. Fran- cis Coleman, RR 1 Seaforth, phone 527-1555. 1 FOR SALE — Folding bed and mattress, also extra good mattress, Thomas Burns, Eg- mondville. xl LOST OR STRAYED —from Seaforth Recreation Grounds, July 11th, small Clack spaniel and collar. A n.s w e r s to Blacky. Reward., Ted Lith- gow, Egmondville. xl FREE — good topsoil from a gangway. Free for taking away. Torrance Dundas, Wal- ton. phone Brussels 470 J 5. ' -1 Too Late FOR SALE — Quiet, well- mannered riding horse, west- ern style saddle and bridle, in good condition, phone 527- 9277. -1 FOR SALE, LEASE or RENT — new building for garage or machine shop, insulated ceiling and office, new living quarters, •in Hensall. Lloyd Lovell. 16-33x2 FOR SALE — A number of good pigs, 7 and 9 weeks old. Ted Van Dyk, Mill Road 527-1435, ,Seaforth. „ -1 WANTED First mortgage of 56500. Will pay going rate of interest. Apply Box 1592, The Huron Expositor. -1 TENDERS Tender for Paving Curb and Drain Tenders will be received by the undersigned..up to and in- cluding August 1, 1966 for paving parking lots, cons- truction of c.urb and gutters and installation of a drain at Seaforth Commuity Hospital. Plans and specifications may be seen on application to JAMES M. SCOTT Seaforth, Chairman, Property Committee, Seaforth Community Hospital 21-33-2 MONKTON — Two storey brick home on main street, large lot. Livingroom, din- ingroom, kitchen, 3 bed- rooms, 3 -piece bath, large „ recreation room, full base- ment, new oil furnace. Price $10,000.00. ROSTOCK — Handyman's special; frame house, kitch- en, livingroom, two bed- rooms, 3 -piece . bath, coal furnace. Appro ately Y2, acre of land. ediate possession. Price 4,750.00. MITCHELL One storey ranch style; large -living- room with fireplace, dining - room, kitchen, two bed- rooms, 3 -piece bath, den, patio and attached garage. Oil heat, centrally located and .possession .as arranged. Price $10,500.0b. —One storey frame house; livingroom. kitchen, two bedrooms, and 3 -piece bath. Gas. seat, and close to high school on St. Andrew. St. Possession as arranged. Price $9,500.00J --One and a half storey brick house; livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, six bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, oil heat. Two blocks from. downtown. Price $11,000. —One and a half storey frame house; livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, 'three bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, gas heat. Close to park and downtown. Possession as arranged. Price $7,000.00, VICTORIA and GREY TRUST (Stratford) Telephone - Office: 271-2050 Don McTavish -Res: 625-8788 Joe . Delesie Res: 393-6216 14-33-2 Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 o'clock P.M., August 1, 1966 for repairs to the exterior of the Seaforth Town Hall. The work necessary includes painting, pointing, replace- ment of slates, etc. Tenders must show an it- emized cost of all work pro- posed and must be received in an envelope Clearly mark' ed "Tender". Ernest Williams, Clerk. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Going On Holiday Our shop will be closed from July 23rd to Aug.2nd FLANNERY - CLEANERS.. Phone 5270250 „Seaforth • CROMARTY Name RW1MacL.ean,. As Supervisor A former resident of Egmond- ville has been named superin- tendent of schools for KilAhen- er. Roderick W. MacLean, who has been an inspector since 1958, was chosen from 15 ap- plicants. / Mr. MacLe�alt who has spent the past 24 years in the Kitchen- er public school system is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roderick MacLean. He attend- ed school in Egmondville and is a graduate of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. The 51 -year-old new superin- tendent, who takes a special in- terest in audio-visual educa- tion, predicts a greater use of television in schools. A pilot program tried in Kitchener this past year proved successful. BRUCEFIELD Mr. Wm. McCleringham of Waterloo is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Glen S w a n and family. Mrs. A. Paterson spent Sun- day in Toronto. Holy Sacrament will ' be observed in Brucefield United Church next Sunday at 11:30 ' Miss Ina. and Ellen Mae Scott spent the week -end with relatives here and in Bay- field. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pepper, Neustead, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob LeBeeu were dinner guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pepper. Mrs. L. McClung and Rob- ert of Watford are visiting with Mr. ancix+1Vi;rs. Jim Hen- derson and o her friends. Friends a„ , neighbor§ held' a miscellaneous" "shtiwer on on Monday evening for Miss Suane Haitgh.uane.,.received many 'lovely ift5k}' ° Mr; and Mrs. Jim Chaptiel of Gerakdton are 'visiting with his parents Mr.' and Mrs. Fil- mer Chappel. Ronnie Gardiner is holiday- ing this week at Camp Kin - tail. ' • Miss Barbara Ann Gardin- er has taken a' position at Grand Bend for the summer months. . • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing, Lorraine, David and Peter left on Friday on a mo- tor trip to the west going as far as Moose•Jaw andvisiting friends at Sault_ Ste. Marie and Port Arthur en ratite. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sword, Baden were Sunday visitors with' Mr, .and Mrs. Calder`+McKsig. Mrs. Jean Gray of Indian Head was a recent guest with Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Chan- nel. han- e plGuests with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow and family are Miss Joan Harper, sister. of Mrs. ,Dow and• an aunt, Miss P. Ransom both .from York, England. Mrs. Stanley Dow, Mr. Roger Dow, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dow and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen and family, Miss Joan Harper, and Miss P. Ransom attended the Dow family reunion al the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butson, Staffa on Sun- day. • Recent visitors , with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig were Mr. and Mrs, Bob Wood and son, Stephen of Toronto. Mr. 'and Mrs. Calder Mc- Kaig visited on Sunday with cousins Misses Mary and Hel- en Thompson of Fergus. Mrs. Jahn Hocking accom- panied by Mrs. Archie Me- Phail of Fullerton are enjoy- ing a plane trip .to visit an uncle and aunt in California. Pass Exams Pupils of Mrs. Collins were successful at recent Western Conservatory of Music examin- ations. • Grade three: Dianne Staple- ton, H.; Peter Simpson; grade eight,_ partial, Yvonne Pryce; theory, grade two, Brenda Pryce H; Elaine McClure; grade two, Tracy Carter; grade three; Jan- et East, H; Karen Tyndall, Jan- et Otten; grade -Suit Brenda Finlayson; grade five, Judy Hul- ley, 11; grade eight, partial, Maureen Ryan, Leonard Ryan.. He also believes a Twin City board of education would, aid the integration of Grades 1 to 13 and would'break down the existing division at the elemen- tary and secondary level. A large unit of administra- tion would provide specialized services, particularly for those children with a Yearning diffi- culty, he says. It would also permit splitting large specialized classes to el- iminate grade spread. Mr. MacLean thinks a com-I bined board is inevitable con- sidering the regional govern- ment movement in the area. "We strive for excellence in our system which reflects fav- orably on our pupils." Promotion Ideas He is interested in ungraded schools. Children under this this system would, proceed with a group of their own intelli- gence. Promotions, would be based on units of work or years. Some schools of this type are already in existence in Toronto and North York. ZION Mrs. Gladys Balfour, Mitchell, called on Mrs. Mary Malcolm, Wednesday afternoon. David Hammon is spending the week at Binnimi Camp, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R'inn and Miss Rebacah Hill, Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. George, Pepper, :Mitchell, visited Mrs. Mary Mal- colm Friday afternoon., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and family attended the Baker reunion in Stratford, Sunday. BliODHIAGEN NEVrrs OF THE Mr- and Mrs. Russell. ShQI- diceebave sold their home here to r, and Mrs. Peter B.ein: era, of Mitchell., who took possession on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Shol- dice and Beverley intend mov- ing to Strat f,Rrf , but are at present in Grand Bend. Relatives received word of the death of Harold Querenges- ser, 49, of Detroit. He was a former resident here, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Querengesser. The pupils of Mrs. Audrey Vorstenbosch presented a piano recital at the 1 rodhagen and District Community Centre on Wednesday evening. A shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert, nee Gloria Muegge, at the commun- ity centre on Friday evening. A wedding reception was held at the community hall, on Sat- urday, for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dietz, (Doris Docking). The Mogh reunion was held. at the community park on Sat- urday and the Beuerman re- union and Morenz reunions. held on Sunday, Rev. Teigen, Kitchener, con- ducted the service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have placed their trailer on the pro- perty of Mrs. John L. Benne- wies and are residing there. Mr. and Mrs, Dick Brink- and family spent Friday in London, and Springbank Park. Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Diegel and sons of Owen Sound, visit- ed with George and William Diegel. Mr.° and -Mrs. Jim Arbuckle, Scarboro, with his grandmoth- er, Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wolfe and Steven, London, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne' Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Michael _Connol- ley, Jacqualine, Herald; Se> ringville and Denise Hinz, St. ThRevoma, ans atd theMrssa, Hmearold borne ' rill, with Mr.. and lVirs, Robert- Gil- bert.' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer- man, London with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Manuel Beuerman. Mrs. Edward Prueter who had been staying with Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon. Bach, London is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. filbert Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wolfe and Mrs. Ida Swantz, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McNaughton and Glen, Willow Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, Phyl- lis, Wayne and Marilyn, Brod- hagen, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ahrens, on Sunday. Mr. Al Fowler; Milbrook, with his friend, Clayton Ahrens at the same home. Seaforth W.I. The Seaforth Women's Insti- tute will hold their picnic Sun- day afternoon, July 17th, at Riverview Park, Stratford. Please bring food, dishes and cutlery for your own family. Lunch will be pooled and bev- erage will be supplied. Classified ads pay dividends. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. George Coville spent the weekendn New - York, where they attended the 11'larra-- Mollica wedding. "• Mrs. Howard Burgess, Flint, Mich., visited Mrs. Joseph Dill. Billy Smith was in St. Pauls, with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harp- er. Jack and Louis Stapleton at the Lady of London Camp, at Arva. Mrs. George E. Holland, Mrs. John Flynn and Mrs. John Frappier visited in Sarnia with Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds. Mrs. George Ducharme is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Bill Dill has returned to Navy duty at Cornwallis, Nova Scatia. Mary O'Connell is .a patient in Seaforth hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and family, St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris -and family, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mrs.red Eckert and family, Galt, - with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kramers. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. Thanks - - - I wish to express appreciation to those who have patronized me during my years in business here, and to all who have been so kind in so many ways. It has been greatly appreciated. ' Doris Gordon Doris' Beauty Salon TOP VALU 'UNSWEETENED APPLE JUICE • FUNNY FACE ASSORTED Pre -Sweetened DRINK MIXES • YORK SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER TOP VALU 8 2 Pkgs. 16 -oz. 'Jars 88` LIBBY'S FANCY PEAS CORONATION• S, RELISHES DOG • HOT• BARBECUE TOP VALU "OPEN FRESH" rs C WHITE OR' DREAD WHOLE WHEAT .3 LIBBY'S SWEETENED (ASST'D. CITRUS JUICES .... INSTANT COFFEE COFFEE 6 -OZ. JAR c .ALI. PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY. 13-16 INCLUSIVE. ••. ..• HOSTESS. TEA BAGS SPA K TOP CHOICE BURGER 15 -oz. .8 Tins 12 -oz. ,Jars 24 -ex. Loaves FLAVOURS) SCORE 2 ' 880 HAIRDRESSING : . 1-)b. Bog Pkg. of 100 DOG FOOD .. 2 1Pkg VANITY (ASST'D. COLOURS) -BATHROOM TISSUE 6 RoUs PERSONALLY $.EL'ECTED TABLERITE RED BRAND BEEF BLADE or SHORT RIB Obaai !an 4.0 'RRSONAItt 51550 YORK FROZEN 930 POT PIES • C RKCHICKEN KRAFT PARKAY 69¢ MARGARINE TOP VALU PLAIN $$¢ CHEESE `SLICES .... Pk KERR'S ASSORTED 88¢ CANDIES GUM JU UD OOPS, 3.1 Pkg °z' • 88 88 4.5 -oz. Cls Tube 4 P es 88¢ Zkg. 69¢ Pkg. 16 -oz, 59¢ Pkg. 99' * ....,41 KING OF' •111.1. ROASTS ROUND BONE PRIME RIB _ ...16.79 Shoulder ROAST ESSEX PACKERS SMOKED, WI's) COTTAGE ROLLS R,, 79`. {IED BRAND ESSEX PACKERS ■ Rig STEAK Ib, 89`y LINK SAUSAGE PK(. 690 ESSEX PACKERS CHEF WEES + RED BRAND Chicken WIENERS.. 59`:CHUCK STEAK 59¢ ESSEX PACKERS ASS'D PACK r BEEF or VEAL COOKED -MEATS :�. 79' STEAKETTES ° It,. 69' ESSEX PACKERS SIDE BACONZ1bi 41.05. 1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT � TO- LIMIT QUANTITIES. WILKINSON'S SEAFORTH ONT. NO. 1 NEW,CROP POTATOES , 10 -LB. 5 O C BAG RED WE CUTTERS WATERMELON. AVER:.88 SOUTH, ;AFRICAN OUTSPAN ORANGES ..,..15112; DOZ, 590' FOR REFRESHING DRINKS ; FRESH LIMES .DOZ, .59¢ R • 1' • • • • •