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The Huron Expositor, 1966-07-14, Page 6
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett., . Jacqueline and Geraldine were Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keizer and family of Embro. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer McLaugh- lin and family of Kitchener are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and family. Ricky will remain for holidays. Master Perry Wilson of Lake- side is holidaying with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith. Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. Harry Webber, Mrs. Hiram Hanna and other members of the LOBA were entertained by the Lake- side Ladies' Orange Lodge at Lakeside bn Monday evening. Misses Edith, Karen° and Mon- ica Wittween of Montreal were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John. Wittween, Sharon and Brian. Miss Doris Mills has started work in the office of the Co -Op Insurance Co., London. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hern, Cheryl and Nancy, Miss Norma Hern, R.N., all of London were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern. Mr. and Mrs. James Stead and Jimmie of Thorald were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson at their cottage at Barrow Bay. Mrs. Clarence Mills is a pat- ient in St.' Marys' Memorial Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery., Mrs. ?17. Copeland and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn? Copeland, Cynthia and Ellen attended the Switzer reunion at - Queen's Park, Stratford on Sunday. Rev. John C. King, B.A., Mrs. Ring and June of Havelock, Moved into the . United Church manse on Tuesday. Mr. King was inducted as minister of the Woodham Pastoral Charge, in the Woodham Church. Mrs. Adrian Pringle of Lon- don visited on Wednesday with Mrs, M. Copeland and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl spent the weekend at Gravenhurst and Bracebridge. Mr. and Mrs. John Wittween, Sharon and Brian, Miss Doris Mills visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wittween and. family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Wittween of Bolsward, Holland, who arrived on Tuesday by plane and are visiting with their 'families. - Mr, and , Mrs. • John Rodd, Pamela and Calvih visited, Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence, St. Marys. Mrs. Jack Smith, Perry Wil- son, Hilda and Helen Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and Terri, Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack, Miss Barbara Skinner and Jini Rundle of Exeter, attended the Stacey reunion held at the Lions Park in Mitchell on Sat- urday. Lori Webb, Karen Insley, Michelle Robinson, Nancy Jaques, Pamela and Calvin Rodd and Cynthia Copeland are at tending the vacational Bible School at Elimville United Church this week. Mr. and Mrs. William McKay and Stewart of Windsor were Saturday evening guests ' with Mrs. Robert Rundle and family after attending the Stacey re- union in Mitchell. ° The basket of flowers in the church on Sunday were in mem- ory of the late Mrs. Troy Kirk who passed away at Stratford Gefieral Hospital on Tuesday. Misses Doris Mills and Dianne Smith were Wednesday eve- ning guests with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. Mita Ada Hopkins visited( on Stindsy evening, IUJ*ON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTIL, ONT-p JULY 14, I966 ACROSO t.l'~1a}i re S, st* a -(ab) ) 12.1- nct measure 13, T'r4ns, gression 14 -Man's nickname 115- Walk unsteadily 16-Youngsegr 17-Prepgsitlon 15 -Worm 19 -Man's nickname 20 -Surgical thread 21 -Repeats 24 -Military assistant 26 -Posed for portrait 27 -Drink slowly. 30 -Originate 33 -Sleeping - sickness fly 35 -Spread for drying 36 -Corded cloth 38 -Male sheep I 39 - Schedule 42 -Call for 45 -Cravat 46 -Definite article 49 -Vast throng 50 -Southwest- ern Indian 51. European 52 -Gaelic 53 -Dry, as wine 54 -At this place 55 -Unwanted plant 56 -Dutch town 57 -Paradise DOWN 1 -Unusual 2 -Frosts 3 -Occupied chair of Authority 4 -Lamprey 5 -Showy flower 6 -Climbing plants 7 -Conjunction 8 -Secret agents 9 -Temporary shelter 10 -Mance name 11 -Mexican laborer 19 -Exist •20 -Places 22 -Afternoon party 23 -Make lace 24.Perform 25 -Anger 27 -Frightened suddenJy 28 -Doctrine 29-Footlike part 31 -British streetcar 32 -Lamprey Ml's®® OM MOM M @M 1 ©®I.r9 MOMS ©MUM MOO Cl©E! ©O! OMB OBOOMM MEM BUM MOM ©©EN:B®II MOHO@ MOO FLIM© DOME CB .M©OC ©©©Cl i>,`IUE @MOO =BM IMkI MUM SOLUTION 34 -Period of time 37 -Fondled 39 -Quoted 40 -Relative 41 -Prefix: down 42 -Masticate 43. Learning 44 -The caama 47 -Rabbit 48 -Smooth 50 -Employ 51 -Pronoun NOTICE The offices of the Tuckersmith Munici- pal Telephone System and Township of Stanley will be closed From July 7th to July 28th for Annual Holidays. Emergencies for Tuckersmith Munici- pal Telephone System,_ phone any of the Commissioners, or Township of Stanley, phone Reeve, Deputy Reeve or Councillors. MEL GRAHAM 1;. St: James' Separate S�hOoI ' Wolds Annual Field Day Students of St. James' Sep- arate School held their annual field meet, Friday, June 24th, at the Lions Park when races, games and swimming were en- joyed. The events were arrang- ed by the teaching staff, assist- ed by the CWL. The results of the events were: Grade one Races: Jerome Aubin, Danny Arts and Bobby Costello; kick the shoe: Linda Dorssers, Har- old Van Doonils and Jimmy Nash; Shoe pile: Mike Regier, Joan Devereaux and Brian Nigh; wheelbarrow race: Danny Arts and Richard Verberne, Mary Lou Burns and Ann Jan - meat, Jerome Aubin and James Case; jack rabit race: Danny Arts, Linda Dorssers and Chris- tine Groothius; three-legged race: Linda Dorssers and Chris- tine Groothius, Joan Devereaux and Ida De Corte, Clare Dever- eaux and Patsy Scott. Grade two and three WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements = :It's a Profitable Pastime! shoe kick: Geri Kay Ryan, Lynn Regier add Brenda Fleming. Boys running race: Gary Phillips, John Janmaat, John Hauwert; wheelbarrow race: Tommy Hewitt and Gary Phil- lips, Michael Van Loon and John Janmaat, Michael Dever- eaux and Louis Arts; three-leg- ged race: Gary Phillips and Tommy Hewitt, Joey Jansen and Kenny Van Dyk, Michael Dev- ereaux and Louis Arts; shoe kick: John Hauwert, John Jan- maat, Louis Arts. Girls running race: Betty Hey- nsbergen, Margaret Van Dyk, Connie Van Dyk; running broad jump: Margaret Van Dyk, Kathy Van Loon and Mary. Van Door - en; three-legged race: Betty Heynsbergen and Kathy Van Loon, Janet Klaver and Mary Van Dooren, Margaret Van Dyk and Connie Van Dyk; shoe kick: Mary Ann Hauwert, Mar- jorie Jansen, Elsie Klaver. Boys running race: Jimmy Nigh, Larry Ryan and John Mark-- Nash; running broad jump. Larry Ryan, John _Mar -1 Nash, and ,Tames Flannery; three-legged race: Gary Arts, and Pat Devereaux, John Mark Nash and Larry Ryan, James Flannery' and Jimmy Nigh; shoe kick: John Mark Nash, Larry Ryan and Pat Devereaux. Girls running race: Elaine Heenan, Mary Theresa Nash, Geri Kay Ryan; wheelbarrow race: Rita Verberne and Joanne Primeau, Mary. Therese Nash and Ann Nigh, Angela Phillips and Eleanor Devereaux; three- legged race: Angela Phillips and Nancy Van Dooren, Ann Nigh and Mary Therese. Nash, Joan- ne Primeau and Rita Verberne; Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be motley in pocket. To advertise, (just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. ALL TYPES INSURANCE 'Donald G. futon Office in Masonic Block - Main Street Phone 5i7-1610 Seaforth Dorothy Heynsbergen, Mary Noble and Cathy Stewart; shoe kick: Dorothy Heynsbergen, Mary. Margaret Kelly, Mary Van Dyk. • Boys three-legged race: Gar- ry Groothius and Martin Ver- berne, John Van Dooren and Garry Nash, Stephen Ryan and Doug Reynolds; shoe kick: Mar- tin Verberne, John Van Dooren and Stephen Hussey; wheelbar- row race: Martin Van Loon and Arni Stinnissen, Martin Ver- berne and Garry Groothius, Doug Reynolds and Stephen Ryan; running broad jump: John Van Dooren, Eddie Burns and Wayne Reid. Grade four and five Girls running race: Dorothy Heynsbergen, Mary Janmaat and Dianne Phillips; running broad jump: Dorothy Heyns- bergen, Mary Van Dyk and Joanne Groothius; three-legged race: Dianne Phillips and Mary Janmaat, Mary Van Dyk and. WOODHAM Bethel Bible Picnic Bethel Bible Church School held their picnic at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blanchard. The results of the races and games were as follows. Six to eight years, Lois Dal- ton, Ron Blanchard, Laurie Ken- nedy; girls nine to eleven, Al - Cathy McGonigle; boys, nine thea Stannah, Pat Robertson, to eleven, Ronnie Dalton, Mark Brotherston, George. Zwep; girls over 12, Dianne Dalton, Ruth Burwell, Julia Blanchard; three legged race, Roy and Ron Dalton, Althea Stannah and Pat Robertson; adult three legged race, Mrs. C. Knetch and Mrs. Virginia Dalton; Harvey Greer and Mr. C. Knetch; wheelbarrow Ron and Roy Dalton, Peter and Mike Burwell; adult wheelbar•. row, Harvey Greer and Rev. Shantz, Dale Shantz and Hazel Greer; sack race, Roy Dalton, tton Dalton; necktie tying race, Mr. Greer and Mrs. Knetch, Rev. and Mrs. Shantz; hammering nail, ladies, Mrs. Dalton, men, Mr. Chris Kneteh; wedding an- niversary nearest .picnic date, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Knetch. Grade six and seven Girls running race: Marie Heynsbergen, Nancy Phillips, and Mary Ann Klaver; three- legged race: Nancy Phillips and Maria Heynsbergen, Leanne Melanson and Darlene Dale, Rosemary. Van den Hengel -and Marlene Nash; ball throw: Ther- esa Fleming, Nancy Philips, 1Vlaureen Connolly; shoe kick: Leanne Melanson, Jean Dever. eaux and Ann Noble. Boys running race: Jack Hey- nsbergen, Luke Janmaat and Titre Hoff; three-legged race: James Bannon and Jack Heyns- bergen, Tim_Hoff and Ken Jan- maat, Peter DeGroot and John Lansink° ball throw: Luke Jan- maat, ick Heynsbergen and Tim Ho • bpys crab walk: Jack Heynsbergen, Luke Janmaat and Peter DeGroot. Simrnois2d Annual BACK CARE SALE now at BOX FURNITURE BACK CARE DE LUXE Reg. $8950 N ow.$645° SAVE $2500! Discover the secret of balan`ed sleep: OnlySimmons Back Care gives you the full-length, firm support you need—for truly restful balanced sleep. Exclusive Ad- justo-Rest coils, luxurious damask cover, micro-qulited to foam top and bottom—and you save $25.00! More healthy savings during this great sale: Back Care—keg. $79.50—NOW ONLY $54.501 Remember—for extra comfort, longer mattress life, get a matching box springl Same savings, same low; sale prices' SAVE $55.55! SIMMONS "GARLAND QUILT" CONTINENTAL, Complete with matching box spring and legs; luxurious quilted cover: exclusive Adjusto-Rest coils -3'3"— Choose from six headboards at special savings during this sale! `hone 527.6680 .a RE Seaforth KIPPEN A farewell dinner party was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs,. .Lloyd. Cooper, honoring Mrs. Carman Tiem- kamp who is leaving for Edmon- ton. On behalf of her friends present, they _presented her with a piece of Blue Mountain Pottery. CROP REPORT Many farmers have completed haying in HuropA,,County. Yields have been above average. A good rain would be very wel- come at this time although crops are not suffering. Beans and corn . continue to grow very- well. BURNS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING 'OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth DID 1OU KNOW f the work?' leading Rie honovivas companierr with. ISO .,i.. .throughout Nosh America A* the Sim Lao iropriNeadh. alive ie. Pour Oommemuiis. toad 14 at strr+oke? JOHN J. WALSH Phone. 271-3000 — 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance- Company of anada NOTICE! Brian's Hairstyling will be closed for holidays Jul 25th to Aug. 8th Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! 1965 FORD SEDAN—A94755 1965 ENVOY "EPIC" — E9276 - 1964 OLDS SEDAN, A.T., R. P.S. and P.B.—E9395 1963 DODGE SEDAN, H.T.—E9498 1962 CHEV. SEDAN, R•-968008 1961 CHEV. SEDAN --E7981- 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN -46141 1961 METEOR COACH—E9488 1961, CHEV. SEDAN, A.T.—E8410 1960.CHEV. 34 -TON PICKUP, (low mileage)—C73560 1959 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP—C73814 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT Seaforth Motors' Phone 527-1750 : Seaforth LOT OPEN EVENINGS TO 9:00 You CnN WiffEE Bd'E • l "'""".."'" Lots of other dandy prizes tool 1 EVERY WEEK ELMER 'IS GIVING AWAY: CCM. IMPERIAL "700" BIKES ONE BOY'S ONE GIRL'S LYTE "ACCESSORY KITS Each Kit contains bicycle lock, handle grips, bell, mud flap and streamers. HOW TO ENTER 1 Cut this contest out of paper along dotted lines and color the picture. Or draw a picture that looks like this and color It. FIND THE Enter Elmer's Summer Safety Contest 1 This contest is based on Eltner's rule "Ride your bike safely', i obey all signs end,signals". Find .the seven errors in -the plc- f tune then color it and mail to address below. It's•Fun I ERRORS HERE 2 List on separate sheet of paper the seven things wrong in the picture. 3 Mail contest and list to ad- dress on Ealw Form, Don't for- get to fill in your nome and address. Fill in and mail before JULY 27 10: ELMER c/o ONTARIO °SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET WEST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO ....: W...................mio.... ,area...:..-.. Or.W.. *...,.,..........W. 4 All entries become the pro- perty of Elmer the Safety Ele- phant ,and cannot be returned. 5 Children of employees of this newspaper, the Ontario Safety League and C.C.M. may not enter. Contest No. I NAME 6 Any child of elementary school age may enter - 7 Judges will be Traffic Safety authorities. Judges' decision is finol. 4steit, 1 ADDRESS , AGE (Town or City) TELEPHONE , Boy Old .., r • dlimommloolo 41,4,..11.0.0 ...OWN • 4' • r et r n r t 4' 1 • • • 4