HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-07-07, Page 10y,a a T Imo Nrmoaxgroit., gtocia r ,: o !1`fi. 1LYz, 1466 24, Cards of Thaw I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my relatives, friends and neighbors who so kindly re- membered me with flowers, gifts, treats, cards and visits while a patient in. Seaforth Community Hospital and af- ter returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Brady and Dr. Malleus and the nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital and the women of Seaforth United Church. — Mrs. Carl Holmes. 24-32x1 T wish to thank everyone who sent me cards and visited me while a patient in South Hu- ron Hospital, also the nurses and Dr. Goddard. It was all very much appreciated. — Pearl Taylor. 24-32-1 I wish to thank my many friends and relatives, for gifts and cards received during my stay in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to the nursing staff, Dr. M. Stapleton, Dr. Oakes and Father Laragh. — Isobel Rau. 24-32x1 25. In Memoriam MELADY In loving mem- ory of a dear husband. Joseph Francis Melady, who passed away eleven years ago July 4, 1955. , No length of time can divide the past, Too many memories hold it fast, Today, tomorrow and my whole life through, I will always love and remem- ber you. —Sadly missed by his wife, Marie. 25-32X1 RILEY — In loving memory of a dear husband, Joseph Riley, who passed away July 12, 1965.. You bade no one a last fare- well, Nor even said good-bye. ,You had gone before I real- ized And only God knows why, Your end was midden, your thoughts unknown, But you left a memory, we are proud to own. —Lovingly remembered by his wife. " 25-32x1 MACKAY — In loving mem- ory of my sister, Mrs. Myrtle MacKay, who passed away ori July 11; 1964.• Another year bas slipped into the past, Where memories and cherish- ed dreams will forever last.. —Ever remembered by her older brother.. 25-32-1 Engagements ag Mrs. Wallace Haugh of 'Bruce - field wishes to announce the engagement of her younger daughter Susan Jane to Barry Grant Linden, son of Mrs., • Charles Linden and the late Mr. C. Linden of Islington, The weddingto take place on Saturday, July 23rd, .1966 at 7 p.m. in Brucefield United, Church. xl Mrs. Elizabeth Brown. of Sea- . •forth announces the engage- ment of her daughter Linda Diane to Almer W i 11 i a m James, sort of Mrs. Ethel James of Wingham.•The wed- ding to take place Saturday, July 23, 1966 at 3:30 p.in. in St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth. xl Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Scott, • ,RR -1 Seaforth wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Helen Mar- • guerite to Mr. Ronald Charles Gross, son of Mr. William Gross and the late Mrs. Gross, RR 1 Auburn. Wedding to take place Saturday, July 30, 19,66 iri. Northside United Church, Seaforth at 2:30 p.m.. Social Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh, Varna will be pleased to wel- come their.. reatives, friends, and neighbors at their home on Sunday, July 17, 1966, 2 to 4 in the afternoon and 7 to 9 in the evening on the oc- casion of their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary. Gifts grate- % fully declined. Too Late FOR RENT –= furnished resi- dence, corner Godetich and Sperling St., Seaforth.Imrfied- fate possession ° Apply on premises to Mrs. Ross Sproat. x1 - WANTED — Twp young mien „boarders, phone 527-0175. -1 FOR SALE -- Late model, 66 Allis Chalmers combine, pric- ed reasonable. Clarence Smil- lie, phone 262-5141. xt ....EOR SALE — Hereford cows with calves. Contact Ralph Fischer, phone 24 R 25 Dtib- lin. 8-32-tf COMMUNITY SILVER. - WARE SPECIAL. SERVICE FOR 8 ONLY $69.95 Many other sets in stock to choose from. Wm, Rogers 78 -piece sets Service fol'. 12 with µchest •ONL ` $59.95 ,• • Anstett Sewellers Ltd. 11 -32 -ti FOR SALE .. _ _- Quantity ;Gnarly oats. A d o I a n Timmerman, 262-5504, 11 1i fppen, l -1 P011. SALE"— forty ages of ' mixed :itapditig US', Will cut tend' eendltiolt If deed, Maey .Harris o 6 peover mower. My rrhi N:ci d0 '141.O.' 3i iribtne.. Phone '527- 0266 Or t/27' -1'0B'>. - .. , Too lute 50 -place, sets Euglisb-Dinnerware • Service for 8 ONLY X29.95 18 patterns to choose from and all are openi 4 stock Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-32-tf FOR SALE -- 20 acres of mixed hay. Apply to Joseph Ryan, Walton, 527-0668. -1 FOR SALE — 22 pigs, seven to eight weeks old. Henry Klaver. Highway No. 8, phone 482-9156. -1 FOR SALE — 15 acres of mixed hay. Martin Maloney, 102 R 22, Dublin. -1 • FOR SALE — Used Frigi- daire in good condition, Rea- sonable, phone 527-1700. -1 AUCTION SALE Complete Clearing Sale for the Estate of Alex Smith at Lot 25, Con. 4, McKillop Township, 2 miles north of Seaforth on county road No. 12, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 at 1 p.m. sharp Registered and grade Jersey milking herd, 45 other cattle various ages, Hereford bull 4 years old,5 sows, 32 chunks, feed including 2000 bales hay, 5 acres 95 day coin, 38 acres 3 -way mixed grain, machin- ery including 3 tractors, _com- bine, swather, baler, 1963 z/z ton truck, etc., GORDON JACKSON, Auctioneer, Listowel. 20-32-2 Cross and Olive Crystal NOW• ONLY .79e EACH Goblet - Wine ., Dessert dish'. • Champagne Cocktail Liqueur Old . Fashion Juice Tumbler Pilsener Anstett Jewellers Ltd. rt,:. 11-32-tf FOR SALE — garden tractor, S•riihplicity,, with cultivator, 3 hp., 4 cycle, cheap. W. Put- man, phone 527-0202. xl FOR RENT — .3 bedroom. house, 4 -piece bath, gas fur- nace, George St. S. Contact Jack Eisler, phone 527-1175.' xl FOR SALE — 10 acres of standing hay, Sam Scott, 527- 0806, Roxboro. -1 Jewellery Repairs, "r•We: doe3Sairs all types of jewellery 'Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery An9tett..J.ewellers Ltd.. 11-32-tf WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUX-ILIARY . The Women's Hospital Aux- iliary met in the Hotel Clinton, for a dinner meeting. President, Miss Gladys Thompson presided for a short business meeting. Mrs. F. R. Cosford, convener of the Spring Rummage Sale, re- ported that the project was successful, The auxiliary wishes to thank everyone who helped ire any way. Mrs. B: R. Smith offered to make up the list of those who will work in the gift shop. Any- one interested should contact Mrs: • Gmith. ,. The entertainment committee Mrs, Gordon Beuttenmiller, Mrs. R. S. Box, Mrs. Ken Etue and Mrs. R. J. Boussey took charge for the remainder of the eve- ning when contests and bingo were held. Huron TB Assoc. Meets The regular meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis As- soeiation was held in Clinton Town Hall, Thursday, with Mr. G. A. Watt presiding. Routine reports were given by Miss Eileen O'Brien, Mr. J. E. McKinley, Mr. E. E. Walker, Mr. E. C. Boswell and Mrs. 13. Davidson, Members were told there will be a nursing home survey in October and an edu- cational display at the Interna, tional Plowing Match possibly with equipment to take X hays. Appreciation.. and best wishe were expressed ro Dx K M. Louise Robertson d ` ." g thei Beilnty. • News " >>t Br�dhagen:, Billy 'Ownont ,as delegate,' Beverley Sholdiee, Wu Dietz, Maynard 1.1047 and Davi4 Leenhardt attended! the 'Luther League Convention in, I itchein' er over t1,e .weekend. Youth Sunday was observed at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Sunday with members. of the Luther League taking part. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy and family, were at Prances Lake for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, R. Sholdiee and Beverley were at Grand Bend as was Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shol- dice and boys. Thursday evening, about 13 friends- • of Donna Leonhardt surprised her on her 13th bir- thday, July lst, with an open air party at the home of Cheryl Bennewies. On Thursday evening the Monkton Lions Club held their ladies' night with a banquet and dance at the community centre here. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Beuerman, (Joan Parrot) held their wedding dinner and re- ception at the same hall. Mr., and Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family of Burlington were with Mrs. Charles Ahrens for the holiday weekend. Mr. Larry Kistner attended a -leadership school, at London last week. Mr. Leonard Miller, Waterloo, Miss Karen Schuzrime, Baden, and Mr. and Mrs. John Moore arid family, Dublin were with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Linda and returned with them for some holidays. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Buuek and Bobby of Toronto visited Mr. and • Mrs. Reuben Buuck. Mr, and Mrs. Louie Bennewies visited with Mr. and Mrs. Theo- dore Nowack, Kurryville,- on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon . Miller - visited with Mrs. Toledo Beuer- man and Mr. Pete Miller, Wat- erloo. Mr. Ray Beuerman, St. Cath- erines, was with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer- man, Sunday and with his family at the home of Mr. and `Mrs. James Shortreed, Walton. Mr. Clayton and Robert Ah- rens are attending summer school at 'Western. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Rode, Detroit; Mrs.' •Edward Prueter; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bach, and Marion, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Prank New and Mrs. .Emma Koch,. Strat- ford, visited with 1Vir. Edward Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. (Intended for last week) The Lutheran Church Wo- men of St. Peter's Lutheran Church met with Mrs. Albert Bauer, Mrs. Irvin Miller and Mrs. Harold Rock • in carge of devotion and Bible study and prayer by Pastor Kappes. After the routine business, a birthday hymn was sung for Mrs. Lloyd Prueter. Lunch was served by the committee in charge and the executive, fol- lowed by the presentation of a coffee or tea carafe to Pastor and Mrs, Kappes as a parting gift. Lori Ann Scherbarth, (laugh: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scherbarth was baptized dur- ing the Sunday service at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, with Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Gilck and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mikel the sponsors along with the par- ents. Mr. and Mrs'. Glen Brickman, Barry, Tamara and Terry, of Parry Sound with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz. Mrs. Elizabeth Morenz of Kitchener at the same home. Rev, and Mrs. John Kappes, and Tanya leave this week for Kingston were he will attend summer school and then they expect to reside in Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, Raymond and Janet and Mrs. Barbara McLeod of Mitchell, with Mrs. Rachel Ahrens on Sunday. News of Walton Dr. Jean Mills, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills and family, Brantford and Mr. Cecil Oke, London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs." Earl Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buttell, Bogies' Beach. Mrs. Edna Haekwell visited with Mr. and Mrs. David Rock- well, Stratford last Sunday. Mrs. William Dinsmore and Bruee returned home to Bramp- ton after spending the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin. Mr. Malcolm Fraser spent the weekend at his summer cottage near Pine River. Cathie McGavin, daughter of Mr. and Mts. Neil M*Garvin is at present confined •to Wingham Community Hospital; Mr. and Mrs. William Coutts, Karen and Connie, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. James • Cutts returned home with' them ei'ter spendirig a week. With their daughter and • sori"inylaw, • M Aline Thompson and Mrs. Tecta wfattd of -Toronto. visa, ed. with Mrs. Edward Miller lash 's.... Hoids Annual icrlic The annual Sunday ,Sellaol end Congregational 04.10 of St, I eter',a Lutheran 'Church, Bro.dha+en, was held on Sun-, day with a good attendance. In - thea afternoon, sports were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moor, Mrs: - Ray- mond Gloor, Linda W o 1 f e, Sheila Dietz and Joanne E1- ligson. Results of the, races and contests were as follows: 5 and under girls, Cindy Sumon, Faye Wolfe; b ay s, Gregg Maar, Kenneth Pushel- berg; 6-7 girls, Linda Glazier, Gayle Beilermann; boys, Doug Eickmeier, Robert Benneweis; 8-9 girls, Kathy Leonhardt, News of Zion Mr, and Mrs. Jack Malcolm, Mitchell, visited his aunt, Mrs. Mary Malcolm Tuesday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lennie and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pep- per attended the Potter reunion Friday. Mr. Gordon Herbert, Kelowna, B.C., visited Mrs. Mary Mal- colm,' t Wednesday and also visited 'lila niece Mrs. Mabel Higgerson. Mrs. Mary Crawford return- ed home to St. Marys .after visiting her friend Mrs. Mary Malcolm for a few days. Nancy Lannin was home for the weekend and is starting summer school in Woodstock, Monday. ••- Mr. and M.S. Roy Pepper, Ex- eter, were dinner. guests with their cousin, Mrs. Mary- `Mal - coli, Friday. •0601TUe Siemon; boys, Warren .R enl, Doug D. eita; 19-11 girl!s,. Sharon Snaith, Sheila Smith; boys, Jackie Campbell, Dale Benneweis; 12-13 girls, Jo - same Prueter, Janice D.eitz, boys, Merle Hoegy, Wayne Ahrens; 14-15 girls, Pi ylis A hr e n •s, Jane Pusbelbere; boys, Donald Bach; 1e and over, girls, Barb Sholdice, Peggy Elligson, Helen Gloor; Wheel barrow race, Gary Deitz and Darwin. Deitz, ' Glen Dohnage and 1Vrerie 'Hoegy;' Shoe Scramble, girls, J 1 n e Vock; boys', Gary Deitzl Kick the shoe, girls, Sheila Deitz, Sherri Mogk; Baclrward race, boys, Merle Hoegy, Gary Deitz; Throw the ball, Murray Anderson, Christine Scher - berth; Oldest man present, Mr. Orland Rohrer; Oldest lady, Mrs: August Hillebrecht; Longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rohrer; Most recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert; Youngest person,- p r e s e n t, John Bauer, son of Mr. and' Mrs, Albert Bauer. The fish pond was under the direction of Mrs. Jack Gloor, Mrs. Oscar Eickineier and Cheryl Benneweis. The children were treated to ice cream bars, which were dis- tributed by Mr. and Mrs. Gary Shohiice and orange drink served by Mrs. J a c k Gloor, Mrs. Oscar Eickmeier and Mrs. Art Campbell. Arrangements for a buffet supper were made by a com- mittee headed 'by Mrs. Jack Vock. At the supper hour, Mr, Jack Gloor presented Pastor and Mrs. Kappes with a gift of money as a farewell. gift on behalf of the congreg- ation, prior to their departure for Cochrane where Pastor Kappes.will teach high school. FUNERAL 9EIITRUDE 13.441 ;NICI OL L:S Mrs, Gertrude M'ay. Nicholls, 82, Seaforth, died Friday, at Huronview, .Olinton. She was born ie Brucefield, a daughter of the late William and'Mary (Kennard) Picl ney. )She married Wesley Nicholls in Seaforth, who predeceased 'her in 1946. She was a member, of First Presbyterian Church and a life member of the LORA, Seaforth. Surviving is one niece, Mrs. Ona Fortune, Seaforth. Funeral SerXieea were held Monday, ' froom, the ,R. S. Box funeral„ home, Seeforth, .with Rev. J. C, Britton officiating. Burial was in Maitlandbank Cemetery.. The pallbearers were • Enos Boshart, Glen Snaith, Bill Trap- nell, Luciene 1Zeinberger, Burt Reid and John Pullman. Flow- erbearer was Freda, McGavin.r - ALBERT BERNARD NOTT Albert Bernard Nott, 81; died at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, at Vic- toria Hospital, London, He had been ailing for six months and had been seriously ill for ten days prior to his death. Born in Sault Ste. Marie, he moved to Mullett township, where he farmed. For the past 12 years he lived in Egniond- ville. -He married the former Agnes Dorothea Townsend, who survives. He was a member of Eg- mondville United Church. Also surviving are sons, Earl, RR. 4, Clinton, qn the home farm; Elgin, RR. '4, Clinton; Harvey, Dundas; Mervin, Sea - forth; two daughters, Mrs.. Gordon • (Bernice) Richardson, Tuckersmith; Mrs. Ward (Win- nifred). Knox, Clinton; one brother, -Victor, Sault Ste; Marie,; 17 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren: Funeral services will be held o LOCAL Miss MargaretV 1,4ean is visiting in Southampton.` Mrs. Hugh Sproat, Mrs.'11. J. Sproat; Mrs. .fiber, Mrs. l3arry and families of Detroit spent a few days here. Mr. Bob Geddes, London is visiting his grandmother Mrs. E. Geddes and Miss Mary Geddes. Among those attending the Laithwaite-Anderson wedding in Goderieh on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. John L. 11otham and Mr. Bernard Hotham of Windsor, Ontario, Mrs. Mary A. Hotham and Miss Leone Hotham of 38 Wilson St., Seaforth. Mir. and Mrs. Donatar/ Mill- ard of Brantford, On a r i Q. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cooper of Kippen and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cooper of Hensall, also attended, Miss Donelda Adams is tak- ing a specialist course in art at the Ontario College of Art, Toronto. Visitors for the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. Pat- terson for the Patterson -Stor- ey wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson and family all from Peterborough, Mrs. J. W. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rouse, Norwich, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tu$ford, Strathroy, Messrs. Bill Bates, Ross Wilson, Harold Work - holden, Wayne Wilillams, all from London, John Parsons, Lambeth and Alan Patterson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Jew and family are holidaying in Lin - say. Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce Friday from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth, at 2 p.m.' Rev. A. W. Gardiner, of Strathroy; will officiate. Burial will be in Egmondville Cemetery. BRIEFS and Mrs. Mabel I:Wawa trav- elled by air Sunday to?. spend a few weeks in, Edmonton, Mr. Harry Corby and Me. Elmo Rossen otE Detroit spent -- last week-ead with Mn. Amos Corby. Mr. Russell Fleming, Cline ton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Flem- ing. OPP Cpl. Al Bowering and family of Walkerton attended the Lions. Club C a r nivel Thursday evening. Dr. Donald •Mills and Mrs. Mills, of London visited her mother Mrs: Raymond Nott. Mrs. Hugh Sproat and. Mr. R. J. Sproat of Detroit called on friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunlop and Ruth were in Midland. Mr. an Mrs. Ron Mason of Windsor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGonigle, Mrs. -Ada Dale spent a few - days in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hud- dleston of Dixie were guests of Mrs. Thos. Habkirk. • Miss Mary, Dodds, - Toronto is spending her holidays with Mrs. R. B. Scott and Miss Jean Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Piggott of Cooksville were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Clinton. Mr. Gordon C. Rennie of Sundridge is visiting his mother Mrs. W. R. Rennie. Mrs Rennie who spent the past few weeks in Sundridge returned with him. Mr. W,- C. Barber of St. Thomas attended the Lions Carnival on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. M, Hays of Detroit spent the hol- iday week -end with Mr. C. P. Sills. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise just Dial Seaforth 527-0240; NEW CROP -OUTSPAN U.S.. NO. 1 RED 'CARDINAL GRAPES C• Lb. - 3 CHIQUITA BANANAS 2Lbs. 35` ONT. GROWN . NO. 1 WASHED URGE CELERY STALKS BUNCH 29` FOR REFRESHING "COOL DRINKS, PLASTIC LEMONS AND LIMES s =t 29c, • SUNKIST WHITE GRAPEFRUIT. • • • CORONATION SWEETENED' FRUIT DRINKS TOP . VALU. (PLAIN OR PIMENTO) CIIEESE.LI S CES AYLMER c,ONDENSED(TOMATOlO-ox. 8r VEGETABLE) Tin£ 99 SOUPS ST. WILLIAMS 24 -oz. JAMS (STRAWBERRY er Jan 99 RASPBERRY): TOP VALU 4/41 s -oz. $ INS • TOMATO KETCHUP 3•90-oi TOP VALU FROZEN PKG29cLEMONADE CHASE & SANBORN 1 -Ib. 89' COFFEE (ALL PURPOSE GRIND) Bag DOG FOODPARE) BEEF (SPECIAL BEEF GRAVY 3 Tins 45¢ ( PACK) Tins JAVEX 728 -oz. LIQUID BEACH CMer 79¢ SUAVE SHAMPOO EGGBorR. DRIO iBr. 790 BRYLCREEM Kings= HAIRDRESSING • Tuba790 FRASERVALE FANCY FROZEN 24b. �c Mixed Vegetables A Poly Bags 89 iSH� and FROZEN HADDOCK �:.596 Pkg. POTATOFROZEN SHOESTRING 2 -Ib. 49° Poly Bag SOLO PARCHMENT FAMILY PACK 3.10.89, MARGARINE (spEcrAh yPAK) .Pkg. TOP VALU 'FIRST GRADE Pk9.�, BUTTER SHtRLEY GAY APPLE PIE 24 -oz. C Family Size Pie39 TOP VALU EVAPORATED MIK -6►'T;,,s`'99 6 WHITE OR PINK 10 4 -oz, 99 TINS a • CANADA'S FINEST PERSONALLY SELECTED RED •BRAND TABLERITE TRIMMED ROUND STEAK Ra�T Ib. AII. TASLEDIT[ µGTS NR# GOVERN .ISNT INSMCTED :r• • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT r,• . TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 4•9 INCL. PRIMROSE BEEF ST'EAKETTES 'TOP VALU SIDE . BACON TOP VALU WIENERS . Ib. 1 -Ib. Vat(1'oe 990 7.16. -b Vat Pae 59q4: gi, d w f 4 0 9 • • • F 4 • r •