HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-07-07, Page 3R�su.Its
Grade. 004.'10 GMS nine
Allan, • Mergie; Anderson,
Debbie, b', Campbell, Jgl}t► D ,
nan, Brian; Elder, ed; For,
rest, Donna; Forrest, 'Nancy;
Ray, T.anda; Dovit;tS, Kay; MOB,
Susan; Kiefer,. 'Dorothy; Max-
well, Sandra; Mock, Mary,; Moir,
John; ,Pryde, Brad; Reid, Linda;
Rooseboom, Albert; Rowe, Bob;
Russell; Bill; Sangster, Pam;
Schwalm, Marjorie; Smale, Len;
Smale, Sharon; Smith, Bob;ane;
Taylor, Pam; Towton, ; Tra-
vers, Tom; Walker, Murray;
Weide, Ray. Kinette awards --
girls, Dgnna Forrest; boys, Bob
I,.re: Anno.0
Grade seven to Grelde eight
Alexander, Iris; Armstrong,
Janice; Bisback, Allan; Canner.
oni- Bill; Campbell, Brian; Chap-
man, Rod; Clement, Garry; Q1er
ment, Ron; Corbett, Al; Dignan,
Wesley; Ferguson, Ken; Gar-
niss, Georgina; Hay, Brenda;
Hovius, Albert; Hoy, Billy;
Jacobe, Sharon; Keys, Anne;
Koehler, Brenda; Link, 'Brenda;
McEwen, Kathryn; Mock, Doug-
las; Mousseau; Brad; Munn,
Kathryn; Munn, Paul; Parker,
Ricky; Prouty, John; Reaburn,
Joey; Rooseboom, Minnie; Sang-
ster, Linda; Thomson, John►,;,
Tinney, Carol; Triebner; Don;t
Troyer, Beth; Webster, Wendy;
Willert, Gerald.
Grade six to Grade seven
Allan, Pauline; Bell, Ann;
Blackwell, John; Bonthron,
Shelly; Christie, Catharine; Con-
. lin, Bob; Corbett, Wayne; Cor-
nell, Bev; Currie,' Carmen;
Fields, Brian; Fields„ Mervyn;.
Fuss, Cathy; Harburn; Keith;
Heal, Julie; Jackson, David;
Kiefer, Davey; Maxwell, June;
Maxwell, Bob; McNichol, Janice;
Mock, Tim; Munn, Sandra;.
Noakes, Donald; Noakes, John;;
Parker, Michael; Pryde, Gordon;
Rowe, Jim; Sangster, Michael;
'Sangster, Sheila; Simmons,
Jackie; Skea, Dorothy; Stret-
ton, Peggy; Thomson, Mary;
Toornstra, Elsie; Travers, Sher-
ry; Vanstone, Joe; Weiberg,
Wilma; Willert, Sharpn; Wynja,
Grade five to Grade six
Beaver, Brian; Blackwell,
Helen; Broderick, Karen,•• Camp-
bell, Randy; Chuter, Sherry;
Davis, Kay; Dignan,, Susan;
Drysdale, Jill; Elliott, Ricky;
Hovius, Effie; Kipfer, Shelley;
Koehler, Keith; Lavender, Bren-
da; Mattson, Terry; . Mickle,
Pam; Parker, Patti; Parsons,
Brenda; Reaburn, Jeff;' Roose-
boom, Martha; Rowcliffe, John;
Sangster, Bonnie; Smith, Scott;
Triebner,. Mary; Vanstone,
Chrissie; Veal, Melonie; Wilson,
S.hroe4ett„ Kennet ;' Sbroeder,.
:•Sandra', Sirnpson,, Jean; Sanith,
"•Danny.; Thomson, Beatr1ce;
'Triebner,; ,Carl; Turvey, Danny;
Van Wieran,Jo-Attn; Van. Wier -
en, Patricia; Webster, Billy;
Weidor Gerald;; Willert, Dar.
Grade three to Grade four
Alexander, Joan; Beer, Linda;
Campbell, Fred; Campbell,
Wayne; Cleni{ent, Billy; Cor.
bett, Steven; Dougall, Brian;
Elliott, -Eddie; Garniss, Gary;
Garniss, Roger;• Gass,; Brenda;
Keys, Daryl; Knight, Anne;
Kyle, Karen; Kyle, Tony; Lav
ender, Bradley; Love; Gregory;
Lovell, Kevin; Mickle, Judith;
Noakes, Robert; Parker, Cindy;
Parsons, . Richard; Rowcliffe,
Patti; Smithy Debbie; Soldan,
Robert; Stretton, Nancy; Tra-
vers, Gail; Veal, Michael.
Grade• two to Grade three
Bell, Sylvia; Blackwell, 'Ida
Ann; Buchanan, Bradley; Cald-
aldwell, Jamie; Campbell, Gregory;
Clement, Bobby;. Dixon, Wendy;
Eckel, Doug; Hovius, Robert;
Ingram," Sandy; Knight, Stevie;
Koehler, Garry; Kyle, Kathy;
MacDonald, Terry; Mattson,
'Perry; Moore, Tim; Munn, Jane;
'Munn, Beth; Parker; Kim;
Rooseboom, Shirley; Rowcliffe,
JoAnne; Rowe, Lori; Smith,
Doug;,. Turvey, Beth; Vanstone,
Robert; Vanstone, Susie; Van
Wieran, Clarence; Van Wieran,
Robert; Wareing, Kevin; Wonna-
cott, La Donna.
Grade one to Grade two
Baker, Bradley; Baker; Tam-
my; Bell, Douglas; Chuter, Kim;
Consitt, Dwight; ",Cooper, Barb-
ara; Cornell, Gregory; Dougall,
Robert; Elliott, Christina; .Hall,
Linda; Garniss, Paul; Keys,
Beth; Koehler, Betty Lynn;
Kyle, Debbie;. McClinchey, Paul;
Love, Gary; McDonald, Trudy;
Moir, Garry; Munn, John; Par-
ker, Cathy; Parsons, --Gregory;
Pepper, Brenda; Pryde, Janet;
Reaburn, Deana; Reid, Steven;
Sangster, Kathryn; Soldan,
Kathryn; Thiel, Stephen; Toor-
nstra, Clarence; Trenchard,
Yvonne; Triebner, Harold; Won -
Yvonne; •Triebner, Harold; Ven-
ner, Stephen; Wiedo, Catherine;
Willert, Bernice; Wonnacott,
Grade four to Grade . five
Adkins, Gloria; Alexander,
Ross; Allan, Joan; Allan, Lloyd;
Bisback, Kevin; Blackwell,
Mary; Buchanan, Kevin; Camp-
bell, Bob; Campbell., Jane;
Chuter, Diane; Consitt, Bill;
Cook, Kathy; Forrest, Joan;
Fields, Cecil; Gass, Gary; God-
dard, Joan; Heal, Jane; Ingram,'
Ricky; Jacobe, Raye; Joynt,
Pat; Lawrence, Paul; Lovell,
David; MacDonald, Tony; Rea -
burn, Paul; Rowcliffe,' Billy;
- Kindergarten to Grade One
Armstrong, Murray; Baker,
Robbie; Beer, Betty; Caldwell,
Terry; Campbell, Judy; Cook,
Jennifer;• Dittmer, Angela; Eck-
el, Debbie; Elder, Linda; Elder,
-Scott; Elliott, Janice; Elliott,
Jenny; Fuss, Cheryl; Hall, Dav-
id; Lavery, Robbie; Love,
Elaine; McAllister, Karen; Mc-
Curdy, Nancy; McKinley, Rich-
ard; Moore, Terry; • Mousseau,
Frank; Regan, Terry; Roose-
boom, Jane; Shearer, Joyce;
Shiels, Kevin; Simmons, Dale;
Soldan, Karen; Stanlake, Randy;
Stretton, Susan; Triebner,
Grace; Vanstone, Mary Ann;
Van Wieren, Doreen; Varley,
Kenneth;• Venner, •Michael;
Wareing, Paul; Willert, Ervin.
Teaching staff last school
year , included': kindergarten,
Mrs. Helen' Scone; grade one,
Mrs. --Beryl Elgie; grade two,
Mrs. Mary Dalton; grade three,
Mrs. Mabel _Shirray; grade; tour,
Mrs. Mary Haugh;; orifi Ave,
Mrs. Faye Forrester;, gradee six,
Mr, Eric Mansfield; grade sev
en, Alva, can AMY; •grade
eight, Mr.,Robert Beabuun..Mrs.
Mary • Jacobe, Principal's relief..
teacher. •
Next year -the staff will in,
exude; kindergarten, - Mrs. Hel-
en Scone; grade one, Miss Mar-
garet Johns; grade two, Mrs.
Maryi Dalton; grade three, Mrs,
Doreen Oesch; grade four, Mrs,
Jean Jolly; grade five, Mrs,.
Faye Forrester; grade six, Mrs..
Beryl Elgie; grade seven, Mr.
Eric Mansfield; grade eight,
Mr. Robert Reaburn. Principal's
relief teacher, Mrs. Mary Jac-
.Mensal! UCW
Hensall UCW
Hensall United Church Wo-
men was under the leadership
of Unit four, ,with Canada as
the theme. Mrs. Elgin Roweliffe
based the devotional on teach-
ing, reading passages from St.
Mrs. James McAllister was
the 'moderator on a symposium
op Home ;.Missions with Mrs. T.
Sherritt, Mrs. 'F. Beer, Mrs. J.
Flynn and Mrs. H. Caldwell, as.
panelists, each describing the
various phases of the United
Church in Canada. In conjunc=
tion with this Mrs. R. Peck
read a letter from Rev. Ben
Smillie giving some 'of his im-
pressions while a student on
the Mission Boat Thomas Cros-
ley. Mrs. George Armstrong
gave a report on the work of
Dr. Savage in the West . and at•
Cold Lake. .
Mrs. E. •Chipchase read a let-
ter from Wrinch Memorial Hos-
pital, . Hazelton, B.C., in apprec-
iation of the June bale.
Two of Miss Greta Lammie's
pupils performed. Catherine
McEwen favoured with a piano
solo and Carmen Currie sang a
lively Canadian song.
Mrs. H. Currie presided for
the business portion. The con-.
veners of standing committees
gave reports as follows: Miss
Mary Goodwin, finance; Mrs.
Harvey Keys, visitation; Mrs.
E. Chipchase, supply.
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'their wiVes•enticed he •tite. too,
olOnt sem, *Or meg ail h
bands to"a steak •barbecue
If -ay Town$hip Fark, ` Y-ednesd.y
evening: Tan. 110V,Iiatot, chair.
Olen Of the boards and Jame,
Sangster, Mede the:, rpresenta -
tions,' of beautiful table -'lam
to, retiring teacher, s,, itifrs. Nary
Haugh and Mrs. Albert Shirrdy.
Each class of Hensall Public
School held a party at the
school on Wednesday afternoon
when prizes were awarded and
lunch served. Students in grade
eight presented their • teacher,
principal Robert Reaburn, with
an electric alarm clock. Debbie
Anderson made the presents-
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shirray
left Tuesday for a vacation xo
the West Coast.
Mrs. Donald MacKinnon is a
patient at St. Joseph's Hospital,
Messrs. Vernon and Orville
Hedden, St. Catharines, visited
their brother Herb Hedden for
a few days this week.
At Seaforth Lions Carnival,
Friday evening, Cindy Bisback,
five years of age, at present re-
ceiving treatment at the Crip-„
pled Children's Centre, London,
was the winner of a $40.00 tran-
sistor radio in a draw for sev-
eral valuable` prizes. Cindy is
the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Bisback of Hensall:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Lewis of..
Sarnia left Wednesday by jet on
a teachers' flight for the Brit-
ish Isles and the Continent of
Europe. Their 13 -month old
daughter • Shelley is, staying
with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter . Spencer, during
their absence. -
Miss Suzanne Kyle, a gradu-
ate of Goderich Business Col-
lege, has accepted a position in
the office of Dutch Laundry and
Dry Cleaners, London.
Mr. Don Kyle, on the ;staff of
the Bank of Montreal, Hamil-
ton, was a weekend visitor with
his parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Byron,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay
and family, Hamilton, were
weekend visitors with Mrs.
John Henderson and family.
Their children Pamela,. Sheila
and Kevin are spending their
vacation at. the Henderson resi-
dence. •
Mrs. Archie Noakes has re-
turned from St. Joseph's Hos-
pital,. London, where She was
a patient for two weeks having
undergone surgery.
Ross Love who spent a few
days in Madison, Wisconsin,
with his son, Dr. Robert Love
and family, who recently took
up residence there, returned
home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Volland
have rented the property of
Mrs. Archie Noakes on Queen
' Cpl. C. K. Harrison, Mrs. Har-
rison, Barbara and Steven of
Summerside, P.E.I., are vaca-
tioning for two weeks with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Smale and Sharon., and
other relatives. Cpl.' Harrison
has been posted to Camp Bord-
on, where he will teach elec-
Visitors for a week with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas- Kyle, Sr.,
were Mr. Simon Kipfer, a bro-
ther of Mrs. Kyle's and Mr. and
Mrs. Mervin Kiefer, a nephew
from Minnisota, U.S.A. It was
the first visit to Canada for Mr.
and Mrs: Mervin. Kipfer who
were thrilled with the country
and its beauty. They also tour-
ed Niagara Falls and visited in
St. 'Catharines.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse
and family and Mr. Austin
Deitch, all of St. Catharines,
were ' weekend visitors with
Herb Hedden.
Mr. Roy Kyle has returned
to Newfoundland after a three-
week visit with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. T. Kyle, Sr.
-Mrs. T. Kyle, Sr.' and her
niece Miss Irma Kipfer, Toron-
to, left by plane Tuesday morn-
ing for Iowa, where they will
spend two weeks visiting with
the former's brother, Dave Kip-
fer, who is in poor health, and
will also visit relatives in Min-
Joseph L, Flynn is resting
comfortably in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, with a fractured
leg, sustained when his •car rol-
led over in a ditch, near Zurich
On- Saturday. He was alone in
the car. The accident happened
114 miles south of Zurich and
% mile east of the Goshen Line
in Hay Township, OPP W. G.
Glassford; of Exeter Detach-
ment who investigated stated
damages to the car were $800.
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Glanville
have taken up residence in their
home on Richmond Street South.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sim
Roobol and Mrs. K. Lagerwerf,
are Mr. and Mrs. Tony Van Dyk
of Quebec.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol and
Mrs. Lagerwerf spent a few
days last week at Niagara Falls.
Mr, and Mrs. William Smale
and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Willert and Patricia, God-
erieh, attended, the funeral of
the late Alfred (Al) Pearson, at
Scarborough, on -.Wednesday.
Mrs. Elsie Talma of Holland,
arrived last 'Wednesday by
plane to spend at year vacation-
ing with her daughter and • Bon-
in -law, Mr, and Mrs. Peter
Toornstra, iensall, and " with
her four sons and three daugh-
ters who reside in Canada and
the United States. , Mrs. John
King7na of Shipka is a daugh-
'HIS , Find
fio for an 1 �- k �'
skating; POO- the 41444404.
of professionat P0040i, COW .
Ward was receired from 4.4e,
Western Ontario consarvotOre
of Music that.the;¥isses.14
and Bonnie Sangster suetWul'
ly completed their 6th year' ofr
ballet with first .class :honors.
They are the pupils of Mrs, Mr
Za'blocki of Clinton, They are
the daughters of Mr. and Mis.
John Sangster of Hensall, „ •
Paul Bedard of London is.
spending his vacation with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mcg,
Stewart Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Consitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McLean, Exe-
ter, Mr. William Fairbairn, at,
tended the funeral of the late
Mr. Alfred (Al) Pearson, on
Wedeesday, at Scarborough.
News of
Mrs. Alfred Moffatt attended
the graduation exercises of her
grandson, David' Moffatt on
Monday afternoon at Lambeth
Public School. He was valedic-
torian of his class and received
an award of $25.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Marv. Routzon
of Florida are spending the
summer months with her sis-
.ter, Mrs. A. Moffatt.
Mr. Charles Taylor, Stoney
Creek, visited Sunday after-
noon with Mr. and Mrs. -N.
Long. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mur-
ray, Exeter, visited Monday
afternoon and evening.
Mr. Lorne Schneider and fam-
ily of Stratford visited Monday
evening. with Mr. Robert Thom-
Mrs. Hazel Blake and Roxy of
London attended the Cooper -
Link wedding at Centralia, Sat-
urday and spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Coop-
er and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter of
Chatham spent the holiday
weekend with' Mr, and Mrs.
Nelson Hood.
0804 v* . Cate.:'
fi i�ki ,
.{.' -
" _T. and, Jer�.,'.TOMO,
Fegtr aln ,. P'thy, Bell ,.
Lon$ ts`1aO, .fid': B
andfa rWy,,'C1OPPawa, , and err
au44 . Jain Gleam '
chadlren, Westar,. visited ki rs..
'rank Evans. : '
Via udttit Friend., K,itgbfln ;
er, visited with Mr. and WS.
Charles Friend,
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Groseclx
and family, Landon,' xtsate4
and, Mrs John Krauskopf and
family, Govozioque. '
Mr, pit Mrs. Gordon Costello
and children, Westbrook, : with
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Costello.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holland
and faintly, Scarborongh, and'
Mr. and Mrs. John Trappier,
Gerald and Susanne of Mont-
real visited with Mr. and Mrs.
George E. 'Holland,
Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Kraus-
kopf, Port Hope, . visited Mrs.
Nicholas Krauskopf. -
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton
Galt, visited Mr: William. Staple-
Mother M. Stephonie of the
Pines, Chatham, was with Mr.
and Mrs. John Flynn.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gaunt
and their son, - Father J. Gaunt
C.S:B,, Detroit, were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Mr. and Mrs. 'A. McDougall
and family,' London; visited
with Mrs. Joseph Jordan.
Mrs. Charles - Friend and
daughters . are spending a
month at their cottage in Lion's
Mrs. Joseph Dill is in Simcoe
with Mr. and . Mrs. Lester
Mrs. Joseph Melady and Mrs.
Teresa Coville are attending a
five-week summer course in
Goderich, which leads to a cer-
tificate in junior Education.
Monsignier 'A. Durand of St.
Peter's Seminary, London, visit-
ed with Rev. R. Durand.
Mr. and Mrs: Bob Bibby and
family, Kirkton, visited Satur-
day evening with Mrs. John
Coward. •
Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs.
John Coward attended' the
trousseau tea for Miss Dianne
Delbridge in Exeter, Saturday,
at the home of her parents,
Mayor John •Delbridge .and Mrs.
-;•Ruth Horne spent the holi-
day with Jean Lamptis, at
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne
of Sunshine Line visited Wed-
nesday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. William Walters.
Randy, Wendy and Sherry
Gilfillan, Exeter, visited on Sat-
urday evening with Mrs. Colin
Gilfillan and Barbara.
Mr, Tom ,Campbell' has taken
a job with Canadian Canners in
Exeter as night watchman.
Mr. Roy Miller of Sunshine
Line spent the. weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and
family, and also Brian Hern of
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne
attended the Pym reunion in
Exeter, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton
of Elimville visited Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Sanfor Hutton and
News of
Several families from the com-
niunity attended the Stephen-
son picnic at the Seaforth Lions
Park, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morrow
and l r. and Mrs, McCleod, PiI-
ot Mound, Manitoba, attended
the Stephenson picnic and visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lee
McConnell on Monday.
Mr. and •Mrs. Earle Tipping,
Danny and David of Sarnia,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Dowson on the weekend.
Mrs. Alice Webster of Wind-
indsor is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Wat Webster.
Miss Elizabeth .Little and Mr.
Bob Johnston, Toronto, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Perce Johnston.
David Jewitt, Seaforth, and
Steven Jewitt, Constance, visit-
ed" on the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Dowson and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Dowson
left by plane last week for a
trip to the west coast.
Miss Romona Worden and
David Kemp are attending
summer school at Western Un-
iversity for the next six weeks.
Mr. Harry Cole, London, vis-
ited on Friday and Saturday
with . Mr. apd Mrs. Freeman
Miss Ruth Horne, Jean Lam-
mie of • Centralia and Mrs. Ger-
ry Grubb of Farquhar took a
bus trip to Toronto on Tues-
day with the pupils of Kirkton
Public School.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wal-
ters visited on Sunday evening,
with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day -
man and family, Kipperi and al-
so with Mr. and -Mrs. Russell
Lee and David of Exeter.
► Thi . -
In .Ful wing
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