HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-30, Page 16TnE HURON EXPOSITOB, S AI''QRTH''.'tl1Y'P.,.1i1NF+ .0, 196 u snow thtit San Tie of 41***4 ol the world's 10.401$ lif0 comp> wit 150 branch eioio Ihreughont North Ami ita th.$*sW. wive io doer oeprewwpip, raaj► I ire a/+w+y 490 - JOHN J, WALSH Phone 271-3000 -- 48 Rebecce St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada SPECIALS 1965 AMBASSADOR 1965 ACADIAN 1965 CLASSIC SEDAN 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 CHEV, BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1959 FORD See the New 1966 Models Now on Display MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 • • Seaforth You will be interested in the interest on Crows Trust GUARANTEED.TRUST INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Term, 3, 4 and 5 years Telephone 438-8314 or clip coupon below for descriptive folder 6.9 Years of Personal Service ....- TO: CROWN TRUST COMPANY 200 QUEENS AVENUE LONDON Gentlemen: Please send me your free folder describing GUARANTEED TRUST INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES, 1 understand I will be under no obligation. NAME PLS A E PRINT ADDRESS N PROVINCE ,..•.... advice from Doris Clark BIRTH QF A BABY DEAR DORIS — I was mar- ried in April, 1965. My husband left me when I was three months pregnant. My problem concerns announcing the birth of the baby (coming end of June). We are legally separated and I so much want to be able to put an announcement in the paper. Some people have told me not to announce the birth, but I feel this unfair. After all, the child is not illegitimate. Hoping And Happy DEAR HOPING Quite right. This baby is wanted and welcome, and should be an- nounced. No need to mention tile' defecting father. A newspaper item might read: Mrs. Mary Mother is pleased to announce the arrival of a baby (son or daughter), etc..,, . " Or you could skip the newspaper and send out little announce- ments to your friends en greet- ing cards you'll find in the stores, complete with picture of stork carrying little one, or baby. in cradle, and lines on which to write in the details of date, weight, name. The people who care about you already know the facts of your separation and will be glad to share your joy in the `baby's arrival. • DEAR DORIS — My . 84th birthday is coming up and it has been intimated that a dinner in my honor is being planned. Shy- ness has plagued me all my life- time. Consequently the role of Martha has been xny choice rather than that of Mary. Please advise me as to my gracious ac- ceptance and conduct 'on this important occasion. The dinner will be held in one of our nice dining places It will be quite informal and I have no way of knowing the number invited. It is a church group of mostly younger won; en. Constant Reader DEAR READER — You may be shy, but you . don't lack the ability to express yourself well. Your letter is nicely worded. But you have asked for help,. so" here goes: 1. Dress your best; get a spe- cial hairdo for the occasion; see that you are well rested. 2. When .people congratulate you, shake their hand, thank them and ask about their inter- ests rather than dwelling on your own. 3. Eat sparingly and keep your wits about you. 4. If they make a presenta- tion, get to your feet and say "thank you".in your own words, acknowledging all the trouble they have gone to, and remem- bering with them some of the happy times you have had. No need for a lengthy speech. Just tnake it warm and engaging; and don't allow shyness to make you tongue-tied. Think of how ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton. Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 5271610 - Seaforth 1965 ENVOY "EPIC" E9276 1965 CHEV. "8" SEDAN, A.T.--E8218 1965 CHEVELLE SEDAN, Radio -=-E5155 1964 OLDS SEDAN, A.T., R. P.S. and P.B.—E9395 1.962 FORD GALAXY, SEDAN, A.T.—E9883 1961 CHEV. SEDAN—E7981 1963 DODGE SEDAN, H.T.--E9498 1963 FORD COACH—E8655 1961 METEOR COACH—E9488 1959 CHEV. 3/2 -TON PICKUP --C73814 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT Seaforth Motors • Phone 504750 w Seaforth LOT OPEN 7EVENINGS• TO 9:00 they fees, DEAR DORIS -- I go tp seho_ol en my bike and other children from another school come up to us and trig. usx kick us, and many•other tl►inge6 then we get blamed for doing it to them when we didn't. In winter we are always get- ting etting hit with snowballs. I'm not just speaking for myself but many others: Please tell me what I could do to prevent -this. Urgent DEAR URGENT — If this is a gang attack, better tell, your teacher or the principal. To get to the bottom of it, your princi- pal will probably have to go to the principal of the other school. No school official has juris- diction over boys and giria once they are off school property, but the police have; and if the principal's warning doesn't work, he can' and will call the cops. • To Uncertain Mother — Pd' need to know more about your daughter. Did she leave the ward work because she had an aversion to illness or because she didn't like working with people? Her interest in biology and mathematics right indicate a career as' laboratory techni- cian or home economist, or teacher. She needs some high quality counseling, that's for sure. Her school record suggests a won- derful potential.. Help her to find the guidance she needs, ei- ther from her school or through the nearest branch of the Na- tional Employment Service. News of Cromarty Marks 801 Birthday. e Mr. and Mrs, Everard Kers- lake assisted by their daugh- ters, entertained 40 relatives at their home Saturday evening, 'honoring Mrs. Kerslake's mo- ther, Mrs. Janet Drake on her 80th birthday. A unique fea- ture of the event being the presence of Mr. M. McKellar, Seaforth • and Mrs. K, McKel- lar who also had their 80th birthdays during the week. A smorgasboard dinner was served. Music and cards pro- vided entertainment for the evening with solos by Misses Denise and Barbara Kerslake and Mrs. Drake, Mrs. R. Me- Coughey, Staffa, Miss Agnes Bray, Thames Road and `Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, London,'play- ed piano numbers,, Many, gifts and good wishes were present- ed to Mrs. Drake. Guests in at- tendance were from London, Seaforth, Niagara Falls, Car- lingford, Thames Road, Staffa and Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harburn and. Mr, arid Mrs., Bruce Tur- ner and son Michael of De- troit attended the Delmage re- union at Lions Park, Seaforth, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitzman of Niagara Falls, USA, spent the weekend with Mrs. Grace Scott and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner, have returned home after their wedding trip to the eastern provinces. Mrs. E. Moore is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,. 'Hugh Moore and family, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Cole- man, Coleman, •Seaforth, were Sunday evening • visitors visitors with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. FABULOUS FINALE FOR JUNE DAIRY MONTH Elegance aid economy combine to make a supe June Dairy Month dessert, compliments of whipped skim milk powder. That handy powdered dairy food, so easy to use and so low in calories, gives desserts a heavenly light tex- ture and refreshing quality folks find irresistible on hot days. ORANGE CHIFFON PIE • (Makes 6 to 8 Servings) 1 baked and cooled 9 -inch pie shell; Ph teaspoons un - flavored gelatine; 1/4 cup cold water; g eggs, separated; 1/2 (6 -ounce) can frozen concentrated orange juice, thawed; 1/4 teaspoon salt; 34 cup sugar; 1 cup ice cold water; 1 table- spoon lemon juice; 1/s cup :skim milk powder. .. Sprinkle gelatine ' over cold water; let stand 5 minates. Beat egg yolks slightly in double boiler. Add orange juice and salt. Cook stirring constantly, over simmering water until thickened. Add gelatine and stir to dissolve. Chill until softly set. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry.. Gradually beat in sugar and continue beating- until stiff peaks form. Measure ice water and lenion juice into bowl; sprinkle with milk powder and whip until soft peaks form. Fold into orange mixture along with meringue. Turn into pie shell and chill. J 219 WANT ADSS:,BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime/ Farmers, thinning of, REMO LLIN ? Start .with the ,herd, and the herd will pay for, the other. improvements Rebuild your herd using sires that in- crease production and raise the sale value of breeding stock. • You can use well 'proven dairy sires such as Maple Lea Skokie (Holstein): His daugh- ters average 6% more milk than their herd- mates. One was sold at auction recently for $3,750. Tested beef sires rare available, like Elm- lea KD Spidel 38T (aereford). Seven of his ten tested steer sons had gains on feed of over 100 pounds in oitie month. For tested and .i:.1. proven sire "mater- ial" for herd building contact your local technician of • WATERLO CATTLE B EED I N AOCIAtI1 YOUR FAMILY WOULD SUFFER IF YOUR HOME BURNED DOWN They'd suffer .:. loss of clothes, belongings and shelter at least. And they could su er burns or other -painful injuries. There might be loss o Ife—sleeping children, are often over- come by smoke. A fire in your home could have disastrous effects. Yet home fires are far from uncommon ... an average .of 25 every day In Ontario last year. You can protect‘your family and property by acting to eliminate four con -it -non causes of home fires . • Keep matches away from children • Don't overload electrical circuits ` • Be careful In using and staring inflammable materials • Doh't smoke when you're lying down—in bed or on a chesterfield cON TANC-E ,NE=WS of TNE7. EEK Mr. and WS. Wtllta,xr, Dale and Mrs. Ella Jewitt :attended the Ex=WardenPr' Banquet held at Tiger Dunlop inn, Wednes- day, - Mrs, 'Frank Riley and Mrs. Sadie Riley attended the. '7,5th birthday ' of St. James' W.A., 1;'riday, at the St. James' •Mid diotort Church. Mr. Bill Hoggart of Kitchen- er and Mr. Paul McMaster. of Ridgetpwn spent the weekend with Mr., and Mrs. George Hog- gaart. Mrs. IVIeMaster, Carol and Mark returned home after spending a week with her par- ents, - Mrs. Geerga 1VIcllwain and Mary attended a shower at the home of Mrs. G. A. Whitney, Seaforth, Saturday, for Miss Una Talbot, prior to her mar- riage in July. Miss Kathy Dade visited the past week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ail Mrs, Don Qlousher and 'Karen of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Hun- ter of Goderioh, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp son and family. Mr, and Mrs, Archie Hog- garth and family London, and Mn and Mrs. William Dowson and family, Varna, were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. Ella. Jew- itt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator and Billy spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca- tor and' family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley vis- ited on Saturday, the latter's brother-in-law, Mr. Ernest El- lwood of Clinton who is a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier, Brian, Paul and Kevin of, Lis- towel visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Georgye Mcliwain and Mary, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and family, Bornholm, visited Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan- and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Don Glousher and Karen, Blyth, visited -Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. William Dale and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and family and Mr; Bev: Jewitt, tra- velled Sunday to Buffalo and Niagara- ' Falls.. • - Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Reg T.awson, and BURNS CLEANER . NER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth Mrs. brae AnderSotr 011 .the birth of ,t101. 11tcrs. . Mr, .and • Mrs. Petri Huth, Marion and ,Muriel, Clifford, visited en •• Sunday with Mrs. .Jessie MacGregor. ' UCW •met Wednesday with Mrs. Frank Riley in charge, Mrs, William Pale introduced the guest' speaker, Mrs. Bee- croft. Mrs. George McIlwain thanked the -speaker. For Complete INSURANCE ' fn; Your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT,'LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE;, JOHN A. CARDNQ Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 . -Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors BA -LER TWINE Frani Your 10,000 feet 7.115, single bale 7.05, 1,0 ales or more 6.95, 20 bales or more. 6.85, 40 bales of more SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP Phone 527-0770 Remember/ It takes but a moment "to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money y in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. HULLETT TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA BOARD APPLICATIONS Applications will be received by the Hullett Township Public School Area Board for the position .of Caretaker for the new Hullett Township . Central School in Londesboro. Duties will consist of keeping school clean and normal maintenance. Outside landscaped areas will be maintained and in the Winter snow will be kept clear of the Bus loading platform and entrances to the school. TheSalary offered is $3,800 Per Annum to be paid in Monthly Instal- ments.- Applications must be received by Saturday, July 2, 1966, at 6:00 o'clock p.m., and must be clearly marked as to contents. Any application not necessarily ac- cepted HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Secretary - Treasurer,- Rit 1, Londesboro, Ontario. PE7 AT £,S INSURANCE ASSOCIATION HOIYIE e• LIFE 4 AUTO FO at 1 • e e :n,