HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-30, Page 9SEAR:PRIV:00.
The Pooi is now operat-
ing on a daily basis.
Open — Weather Permitting ,
130 to 5;30 and 7:00 to 9:00
FREE SWIMMING Instruction for school
children by qualified instructors
available each morning.
Two Instruction Periods — Swimming in-
struction,this year will be provided
in two periods:
First Period—July 4 'to July 27
Second Period --August 1 to August 24
Registration for July Classes closes June 24
Registratiog fOr August Classes closes July 25
Cases Itre being arranged for July and stu-
dents are asked to report "at the times indicated
in a story which appears on Page One of this,
week's issue of 'this _paper.
Red Croso .Tests will be conducted at the "e
• conclusio*, of each period, and will be
preceded by pre -.testing carried out. by
,the instruction staff.
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
7 to 9 p.m.
Learn to swim with qualified instr• uctors. A,
minimum of 19 lessons—$2.00 plus admission• .
:Make application in person or. phone
•Ahe:g0.0.- _527-0950
Swimmers interested in competitive swimming
are asked to register at the Pool.
Children under High School Age:
15 Cents, or $3.00 for Season's Ticket •
Fourth and Additional Child's Season's
• • Ticket in one Family — FREE
(Note—Season's Ticket good during July and August only).
High School Students:
25 Cents, or $3.00 for Season's Ticket4'
25 Cents, or $4.00 for Season's Ticket
Children of one family and two adults—$10
(in -each case, a checking basket is included)
Arrange to hold your annual picnic amid the
pleasant surroundings of the Lions Park!
Complete facilities. Admission is FREE. A
nominal charge is made for the rental of
The Booth in the Park Pavilion carries ' a
• complete stock of ke Cream,
- Pop, Hot. Water
The new Picnic" Pavilion is available until 7:00
p.m. each day, without charge, for the use of
picnic groups on a first -tome first-served basis.
In the event of bad weather, it will be expected
that groups will • co-operate. to permit maximum
use being made of the 'pavilion protection.
• The pavilion may be. reserved •each
evening after 7 o'Clock for special
gathering or meetings.
• Redervations may be made at the Park. Rental
fees are related 0 the nature of the event, and
will e avised on request. •
• For further information
A 4 Call the. Senforth Lions Park
Phone 5/70950 ,
Swimming •instruetio
classes for July' at the Sea
,fOrth• Lions.rool have bee
arranged, as fOtio'n au
commence lvlanday
Beginners — 9:00, - 9:9
Teacher — Mike EacRa
john Primeau
Joanne Primean •
Janet Bolton
Carl Bolton
Joanne Schenck
Janice Schenck
Brent §chenek
J4lie Johnston
Gloria Johnston
Ttonamy Johnston
Teacher — Robert Cosford
1,ori Kennedy.
Nancy Mulder
Susan Kunder
Brenda .Dale
Ronnie Dale
Donnie Dale
Cindy Lou Glanville
Carolyn Kidd -
Bill Hoff
Julie Bell
Terry Marshall
Teacher—Jim Montgomery
Jim McClinchey
Debra Elliott
Ruth Govier
Judy I. Swan
Stephen Rice
Brian Ritchie
Peter Beattie
Deborg, Moggach
Paul Hulley
Robert Hiusser
n KellY Itidd
-• Ida Stinnissen
n Jerome Auburn ,
d -Bobby Schendk
Allen Dale •
0 Teacher Jae Cornish
e Rickey Scott •
Fatty 'Ynn Coombs
Martin Van Loon
Lenny Lansink
Ricky Ruston
Joanne Melauson
Marjorie Jansen
Joey Jansen
Margaret Van Dyke "
Mary Van Dyke
Teacher --• Peter Stinnitt
sen and Mike Stinnis00
Cathy McLean
Sheryl Bennewies
Shauna Jane Graham
Ross Govier
Dawn- Wood
John Lansink
Joanne Groothius
Arni Stinnissen •
13ill Salisbury
Joey, McLean
Stephen Southgate
Dwayne Cornish
4-- Larry Dupee
Brenda Finlayson
Tom Pullman
John Pullman
Betty MacDonald
• Douglas Southgate
Ron Dalrymple-
Cathey Sorters
Brian Dale
Teacher — Ruth !Gorwill
Cathy Sedley • •
Kevin Bennett
Fay Storey
David Hulley
Nancy Scott
'Bria,n Armstrong-
, osanne Engel
AnnetteZwep • ,
Stele Ifostenink-
tarar414d EICZotiteetItulcriCe
•Geot)ge Zwep
'Tea her •-=• Robert Costord
Nor ay Houston
,Tanice Houston
]&arr Ellen Knight
Bru e Knight
rue Meintsl
her McIntosh
ie Van Vliet
!TOO Van Vliet
X$mrly Finch
. •
Teacher -41m Montgomery
C:ai Doig
to ara Anne Doig
We dy Ritchie
Kay Coombs
$ajira Ruston
'Ro ld Kennedy
Tracy Baker
Nazicy O'Shea
Terry Ritchie
Teacher — Ruth Gorwill
Lina Heard •
Pci4tld Heard
Dar ene Storey
D#Id Ste. Marie,
Ya*e Cardno
Dayid Dalrymple
Migray Bennewies
,Matgaret Mongomery
Tec Montgomery
Susan Maxwell
Vicki Ste. Marie
TeaCher — Jane Cornish
Kevin Campbell
Kimberly Campbell
Steven Bennett
Bill O'Shea.
Beginners — 9:35 - 10.05
Teacher -Mike MacRae
Sharov Engel r
Murray Armsirong
Donald Armstrong
Brenda Papple
Oary Phillips
Sheila Prager
Robbie Chesney
Barbie Cheansi •
`Loon Savauge
„Alan SaVauge ,
Junior '
Teacher Peter Stinnis-
sen and Mike Stinnissen
7 WiiI144 044seu
•Plane ase
• Ma rY janmaat
• Janinflat
Betty IleYnabergen •
•AVIarie Heymibergell' !.;
Treaehor7.4110 NontgQytet
• Kean J.441/4.4. •
Mary 4141 Ra4we,
• Nicholas Hauvrt.
ffanwert •
Joan Nobel
Deanna. Nobel
Pain Geddes";
Gord Geddes
Doug Geddes ,
Nancy Knight
Warren :Knight
Ralph Whitmore
Joyce Pearson
Allan Cardiff
Janet Blake
Mary Anne Blake
Julie Valiance
Lloyd Vallance
Donald Gibson
Bill Shorteed
, John Rutledge
Julie Hanna
Roy Hemingway
Donald Workman
Sharon Johnston
Sandra Johnston
Linda Godkin
Bryan Godkin
Laurie Bell
Beginners -- 10 :10 -, 10 :40
Teacher — Mike MacRae
Pamela DeGroot
Paul Gibson
Joanne Gibson
Brian Lane
Patrick Rowland
Barry Lane
Patti Rose
Debbie Rose
Janice Rdie
Tony Loomans
Agatha Loomans
Teacher Robert Cosford
Ann Janmaat
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, TITURDAY, JPNE 36, 1966 Second Section, Pages 9 to 16
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Age •IS no barrier when it conies torenjoying
the facilities at theSeaforth Lions Park as these
pictures, taken last year indicate. The wading pool
serves little toddlers while in the large pool is pro-
vided a full program of swimming inaruction for
some. four hundred. children every Milliner. The
Lions Park and Pool program is made possible by
the proceeds of •• the Summer Carnival which is
underway this week. Special holiday attractions
are planned for Thursday night and, Friday after-
noon and evening.
Sheila Geddes
Teacher — Ruth Gorwil
Peggy Gibson
Irene Gonunans
Margaret Shortreed-
Him Humphries
Gerald Rutledge
Paul Ryan
Susan Humphries
Roger Humphries
Joe Hulzebos
Ross MacDonald
David Staffen
Carol Anne Steffen
Teacher — Jane Cornish
Michael Van Loon
Mary Elizabeth Vallance
Frances Blake
Janet F. Cardiff
Frances Exel
George McWhirter
Colleen Cardiff
Ann M. Watson
David. Watson
Ross Mitchell
Junior •
Teachers — Peter Stinnis-
sen and Mike Stinnissen
Patrick Kelly
Mary Kelly
Mary Margaret Rowland
Luanne Rowland
Colleen Rowland
*Os. Somers.
▪ CtJar o Deyereaux
• j1,(44:171Caobrrfinetett
•Chrigitizto ,Oroothimo
liege Proothius. .
• Te4cher Jai* dorn1414.
, Planne
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Tj-aeel °a, ce :°rdssb,1:11. °4P6eat
1 Intermediate ' •
seri , and Mike StinniSsen '
Mary Nohel
Jack Heyrisbergen
Josephine WiLlems
Arts. • ,• •-
, Leanne Melanson
Pat Devereaux
'Mary -Lou DeGroot
Margaret Eckert
• Lauren Moggach
Ralph Wood
Joan Hildebrand
Donna Fry
Barbara I'szacovics
John Wright
Brenda Dungey
Lynn MacDonald
Terry Dale
Carol Bell
Beginners — 10 :45 - 11:15
Teacher — Mike MacRae
Joyce Blake
Bruce Blake
John Wilson
Joan McArter
Jacob Peters
Eddy Peters
Randy John Cotisins
Gerry Jutzi
Keith Braby
Owen Braby
'Cynthia Braby
Janet Osborn
Teacher — Robert Cosford
Vincent Kumm
Bernice Kumm
Ken Pennington
Earl Pennington
Bennie Pennington
Dale Wheeler '
Murray Nichol
Janet Elizabeth Pearson
Kim Sullivan
Maureen Sullivan
Douglas Smith
Joy Fischer
Gaye Fischer
Teacher—Jim Montgomery
Deanna Barry
Mary Louise Burns
Ann Bannon
Danny Arts
Diane Van Dooren
Teresa Van Dooren
Nancy •Van Dooren
Mary Van Doren
John Van Dooren
Laura Van Dooren
Rita Van Dooren
Greg Fischer '
Joan Osborn
Teacher — Ruth Gorwill
Susan Coombs
Wayne Cobnabs
Larry Moir
Siobhan Xetilid"*
Peter DeGroot
Randy Alexander
John Gibson
Brad Finlayson
Brenda Hodgert
Rosemary Newnham
Diane Lynn Toman •
Anne Wilbee
Anne Hopper
Peter Harvey
Penny. Hulley
Luke Janmaat
John Groothius
Mary Jane Southgate
Garry Groothius •
Peter Gibson
Connie Mcftirter
Joan Stephenson
Starr Fischer
Laurie Fischer
Beginners — 11 :20- - 1 5 0
Teacher Mike .MacRae
Rhonda Keffer
Bruce Raymond
Carol Raymond
Steen Metal
Robert Armstrong
Chris Brigham
Fernie Elliott
Brenda IVICCutcheon
Karen Hertingvvay
'• beta' "eter''•
'Teacher — Robert Cosford
Scott Bridge
Robert Bridge
Patsy Jamieson
Patricia Rooney
Debbie Keffer •
Jackie McWhirter
Anne Stratychuk
Susan Budnark
Jack Logan
Teacher—Jim Montgomery
Joan Marie Huether
Barbara Elliott ,
Joan Simpson
Susan Beuerman
Brenda Lynn Savauge
- Michelle Savauge
Elaine. Hopper,
Steven Maxwell
Bonnie Dungey
Sandra Coleman
Teacher -- Ruth Gorwill
Laurie Bridge
Douglas Fry
Jane Ribey
Vicki O'Rourke
Gail O'Rourke
Patti O'Rourke
SusAn Langlois
Elizabeth Johnston
.Earl Ribey
Carol Ann Racho
Teacher — Jane Cornish
Judith Ann Dorsey
Lynn Swart
Reg. Swart
Joanne Swart
Pon Melady-
Karin Davidson '-
Elizabeth Davidson
Jane Allan
Jeffrey Allan
Paul Krauskopf
Joan Wilbee
• Senior
Teachers — Peter Stinnis-
sdn and Mike Stinnissen
David Harvey
Jean Devereaux
Judy Hulley
Ruth Anne Dunlop
Charlynn Fry .
Ron Henderson
Stewart McLean
Tom Devereaux
Beverly McCall
Gail IVIcWhirter
:Linda Wilson
Murray Workinati
Nancy Louise reason