HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-30, Page 8CN gxe9SITQR, 'YJtR , t3
., Jt1,I 3p,1966
Swim Suits
Regular or Bermuda Shorts
Casual Pants
SS Sport and T Shirts
. SS Dress Shirts
ummer Caps
Dress ..Straw Hats
Swim Suits
Regular or Bermuda Shorts
SS Sport or T Shirts
Batman 'T Shirts
Madras John Lennon Caps
2.95 to 4.95
2.95 to 6.95
4.95 to 9.95
2.95 to 6.50
2.95 to 6.00
29c to 1.69
1.95 and 3.95
Phone 527-0995
at your
1350 Bu. Westeel Rosco Grain Bin
Walk in Hatch -- SAVE $35.50.
GRAIN.aerator -- Save $22.06
CATTLE Oiler Double Chain
SAVE $20.00
Apron Oiler --= SAVE $7.50
PASTURE FEEDER --'for cattle salt
and Mineral SAVE $5.51
HAY ELEVATOR $92.95, 16'
See it to appreciate its quality
Regular $43.50 SPECIAL $33,90
Phone 527-0770
Freezers give you
more store space
in less floor space
De Lux Chest Model FD 6332125 Cubic Foot holds 788
pounds. Stock up on fruit and vegetables while they're
in season end buy large provisions of meat while
prices are. low. Model' FDG 32 Cheft Freezer has really
big cap city. Featurele Slim walt construction;' Nylon
• covered; pie radk; two removeable dividers and two store
, age baskets; two lee' cube frays and scrapers; atutomatic
Interior floodlight; Seal -Tits Lid. Built -In tock. Signal -
light arid Defrost Drain, Five-year Food Speilage Mier -
ratify. ,
SPECIAL $2694°
'► e:
u, Cards of Thunks
I. wish to express my Sincere
thanks and appreciation to ail
my relatives friends and
neighbors who so kindly re-
membered nle with flowers,
gifts, treats, cards and visits
while a patient in Seaforth
Community Hospital. Special
thanks to Drs. Brady and
Malkus and the nursing staff.
— Mrs. James Ducharme.
I wish to thank all those' who
remembered me with flowers,
cards and treats while a pati-
ent in Seaforth Communiy
Hospital. A special thanks to
the nursing staff, Dr. Malteds
and Rev. Scott. Bernard
Nott. 24-31x1
25.. In Memoriam
'BOYCE — In' loving memory
of Edward L. Boyce who pas-
sed away 2 years ago July 2,
Treasured thoughts of one so
Often bring a silent tear,
Thoughts return to scenes
long past
Years roll on, 'but memories
—Ever remembered by Mary
and Joan. -1
BYERMANN — In loving
memory of our dear husband
and father and grampa John
F. Byermann who was (called
to rest June 29th, 1965.
We do not need a special day
To bring him to our minds,
The days we do not think of
Are very hard to find.
They say time heals all sor-
And helps one to forget,
But time has only proven
How much we miss him yet.
-- Sadly missed and al-
ways remembered by wife
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Pow-
ell, RR 1 Auburn, announce
the engagement of their
daughter, Arlyn Mary, to Mr.
Glenn Everrett Montgomery,
son of Mrs as. Clarence
MontgorrierY, Seaforth. The
wedding will take place on
Saturday, July 23, 1966, at
2:30 p.m. in Trinity Anglican
Church, Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shea,
Dublin, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Ter-
esa Elizabeth to Mr. Jerome
is the
of a
no one
The more you tell,
The more you sell!
Dial 5274020
Albert Lassalhne, soh o f- Mr.
and Mrs. Norman an Laesaline,
Centralia,- The weddipg to
take place, Saturday, July 23,
1966.at 10:3.0 sem, in St. Pat-
rick's Church, Dublin, Ontar-
Mrs. Charlotte M. Hunt, Lon-
don, announces the engage-
ment of her daughtelr, 'Hea-
ther Dale to Mr. William
George henry Brawn, I3ami1-
ton, son of Mr. and Ml's:
liani McT, Brown, Jarvis St.
Seaforth. Wedding to take
place on Saturday,• July the,
ninth, 1966 at 4 o'clock in
New St. James Presbyterian
Church, Oxford Sreet at Wel-
lington, London, -Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth,. Beat-
tie, RR 4 Walton wish to an-
nounce the engagement of
their daughter Margaret El-
aine to Mr. Ronald Wilson
Little, Brampton son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Little, RR 1
Seaforth. Wedding to take
place Saturday, July 23, 1966
in Cavan United C h u r c h,
Winthrop at 3:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Murray,
Dublin, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, .Mary
Theresa. to Robert Thomas
Stapleton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Stapleton, Dub-
lin. The marriage to take
place July 16th, 1966 at 11:00
a.m. in St. Columban Roman
Catholic Church, St. Colum -
Mr. Alex Kerr of Seaforth,
wishes to announce the en-
gagement of his daughter,
Karen Kay, to Glen Leroy
Eaton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Eaton of Seaforth:
The wedding to take place on
Saturday, July 16th at 2:00
o'clock in Northside United
Church, Seaforth.
BURNEAU — In Clinton
Public Hospital, on June
, 26, to Mr. and Mrs, Gus
Burneau, a son. •
GOODYEAR --- In Clinton
Public •Hospital, on June
23, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Goodyear, a son.
KLAVER — In Seaforth
Community Hospital, on
June 24, to Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kllaver, RR 4. Sea -
forth, a son.
McIVER — In Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, on June
23, to Mr, and Mrs. Louis
McIver, RR 1 Staff a, a
WALES ---• In Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, on June
25, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Wales,. Seaforth, a daugh-
Too Late
FOR SALE - A bunch of
goad strong York pigs. Apply
Alvin Dodds, phone 527-1748
FOR SALE —Approximately
10 acres of standing hay. Jos-
eph. Lane, 34 R 16, Dublin.
• .8-31.1
FOR SALE — 19 acres of
standing hay. B. Westerveld,
RR 1 Seaforth, phone 527-
0308. xl
NOTICE — The Williamson
family picnic will be held at
the farm home of Lorne Car-
ter on Sunday afternggo July
FOR RENT — Bayfield, 3 -
bedroom cottage, all conven-
iences. AvaiIable. July 3-17,
Augu .t 7 - September 4: Con-
tact BA1-8918 Toronto or,
Vance cottage ' Bayfield.
FOR SALE — Used Frigi-'
daire in good condition, Rea-
sonable, phone 527-1706. -1
FOR SALE — practicaIly
brand new. wedding dress,
worn only once and 4 tiered
.French illusion veil, scallop-
ed. Bos. 1590 Huron Expbsi-
tor. 11-31x2
FOR SALE — 30 pigs, nine
'weeks old,114 R 8 Dublin. -1
WANTED — 1 year old boar,
Theo Van Bakel, St. Colum -
ban. Phone 125 R 13 Dublin.
WANTED — A quantity of
standing hay, Ron Beuerrnann
126 R 3 Dublin. 11-31-2
FOR SALE —a. 85 good York
and Landrace pigs, 9 weeks
old. W. Millson, 527.1187,
LOST --- Herefordroue
600. pounds, Lot 2, Con. .1
1'uckersmith, 527-1827.
8-31 1
Mrs. William Turnbull 'wj
hold a Trousseau Tea on J y
9th, in honor of her daughter
Barbara, bride -elect of Jul4i.
Guests will be welcome fro;n
2 p.rn. to 5 p.tn. and in the
evening from 7 to 9 p.m.
PIan, to
The Meenorial Chapel in
Bayfield t emetery; 'vita o h
has just been completed, will
be dedicated Sunday, J u 1 y
10th. ,
The dedication service will
take place at 7 p.m. and any-
one interested is invited to
Meet At
Lions Park
,The ninth annual picnic of
the Reid family was held at
the Seaforth Lions Park on
Sunday with 57 in attend-
Mrs. Ruth Carter and Mrs.
Elsie Keys conducted e sports
program. Silver dolllars were
presented to the new babies
of the year. They were the
children of Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. George
Cantelon and Mr. and Mrs.
,Tack Mustard.
Convenors for the 1967 pic-
nic are to be Mr. and Mrs.
George Cantelon and Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H i 11.
Mrs, Francis Hunt was again
asked to take charge of the
117 Balis
The Ball family reunion at-
tracted 11.7 to the Seaforth
Lions Park on June 19th.
The officers are : Honorary
President couple, Lloyd and
Edna Pfaff; President couple,
Hugh and Elizabeth Ball;
Vice-president couple, Warr-
en and Marie Gibbings; • Sec-
retary-Treasurefi couple, Ar-
nold and. Bev Riley; Commit-
tee, Norman and Ida Wright,
Bill and Merle St nbur K
and Mary Gibbings.
Following is a list of the
winners in the races and oth-
er events: Under 3, David
Nilson, Kathy Gibbings,
Bradley Miller; under 6, Ken
Haggith, Cheryl Millson; 8
and under, Paul Gibbings,
Michael Gibbings, Ron Hag-
gith; under 8 girls, Kathy
Gibbings, Sandra McGregor;
under 1° girls, Brenda Gib -
trigs, Linda Dolmage; under
12 boys, John Gibbings, Rich-
ard.Dolmage, Bruce Dolmage;
under 16. girls, Connie Gib-
bings, Debbie Gibbings; boys
under, 16, John Gibbings,
Richard Dolieage, Bruce Dol -
mage; 'Women. over 16, Don-
na Gibbings, Janice Wright;
Men over 16, Joe Eveleigh,
Arnold Riley; Ladies throw
the ball, Donna Gibbings;
Ladies kick the slipper, Mary
Gibbings; Men kick the'sdip-.
per, Ken Gibbings; . Guess ,100
feet, Ken Vodden;, Throw the
egg contest. Connie: and Bill
Gibbings; Count the candies,
Lloyd Penfound.
The Sol Williams family re-
union was held Saturday at
the Seaforth Lions Park with
70 in attendance,
The committee members
are Mrs. Wilfred Hauck, Mrs.
Jelin Stager; Mrs. John Slug-
aske and Mrs: John Hauck,
The winners of the games
and races were as follows:
Baby Contest, Joey Stager,
Julie Sluaskc .and Donald
Williams; 1-4, all kids got
prizes; 5.6, Doreen Williams,
Jennifer Allen; 7-$, Darrel
Williams, Debbie Dietrick
9-10, Danny 'Williams, Daviel
Williams; 13.14, Alice Marie
Allen, Jane Allen; Gtresaing
game, Mrs. Carl 'Dietrick,
Next year's picnic will be
convened by Mrs. Pearl Al-
The Staffa United Church ,'era tiibles.
Women met in the Family Life.
Centre, Wednesday evening,.Mr, and Mrs. Calvin. Christie
Mrs. Ceeil Bowman conduct•
ed the worship service and us=-
ed as her theme, prayer. Mr?r.
Leslie Miller read the, scrip-
ture. Mrs, Bowman led in pray
Miss Vera Hambly, presi-
dent, presided for the business.
Mrs. Gerald Agar gave • the
treasurer's report. Mrs. Ears
Sma1e and M. Sohn Drake
were appointed as a committee • Anniversary visitors With Wir.
to buy extra silver and dishes and Mrs. A'ohh • 1(.tilier ' an4 fent,
for the kitchen. Mrs. Gerald ity.were•Mr. and Mrs, Ken Dune
Agar and Mrs. Robert McCougli-, cant, Janice, Sheila and Floyd,
ey ere its chalrge of getting ek., 1irkten.:
Women's Institute rn
Wednesdae... evening in th
Community Hall With Mr
G.egrge McCall and Mrs. Har
old ' ,Bolger as co -convenor
or Health,
Mrs. Roy Williamson, pre
*Kent, opened the meetin
The motto "Health is vvealth
Let no one be a Spendthrift'
was taken by Mrs. Harol
Bolger concluding with
poems. Mrs. George McCa
introduced the guest speak
Mr. Frank .J'. Vodemesi, foot
wear •specialist of London
Mr. Fodernesi• spoke on foot
wear problems and showed
slides of the different'" bone
of the feet and explained; the
workings of the varlopa bones
and muscles. Following the
slides when the members ask
ed questions regarding their
own personal problems Mr
Fodemesi anwsered them.
Mrs. McCall thanked the
speaker and presented him
with a gift.
Mrs. Roy Williamson took
charge of the business. Roll
Call was answered with "A
Health Rule that should be
Emphasized". The correspon-
dence was read by the secret-
ary, 1V1rs. Gerald Watson.
The project for' the 4-11
girls this fall will be Supper
Club and leaders will be ap-
A centennial project w a s
discussed and a committee
consisting of Mrs. Alvin Mc-
Donald and Mrs. Margaret
Humphries was appointed. it
was indicated that those wis-
hing to order a Flowering
Crab Tree could through the
Convenors were advised to
ontact the press secretary's
efore each meeting.
The Fair Board committee
ncluded Mrs. William Hum-
hries, Mrs. Roy Williamson,
Mrs. George Williamson, and
Mrs. Kenneth McDonald.
Mrs. Ken McDonald gave a
epor`t on'the East Huron Dis-
rict Annual at Moncrieff re-.
ently. Each member will be
sked to take to the Plowing
etch at leash two covered
ies hi boxes which will be'
upplied, also pickles.
Two members will be on
et and their will :tie fifteen •wo
e kers from ,each diatriet, each
s. day. The cgSrt of the tent '
$500.00 -and eachstltute'is
s to tppjy their own towels.
The July meeting° Will be
- a museum visit to Goderich
g and a picnic I n c h in the
1 park.
Luneh was served by Mrs.
d George PtiIlaed, Mrs, Ken -
two, neth McDAnald Mrs', George
11 McCa11, Mrs. Clarence Mar-
r tin, and Mrs, Harold Bolger.
Church services in Duff's
United Church. on July 3 and
s 10th will he withdrawn, July
17 service in Walton at 11
a.m., July 24 at Mgncrieff
and on July 31. at Walton.
Mr. Colin Fingland of Wing -
ham will conduct the services,
There will be rfo S.unday
school during July.
About 100 attended the
congregational picnic held in
the Community Park. Monday
evening. The . Walton U n• i't
was in charge of serving the
lunch with the 8th and 16th
finishing up. Brian Traviss,
Gerald Smith, and Rev. Arth-
ur Higginbotham were in
charge of sports and. Mrs.
Sholdice the pre-school child-
ren. Each group was respon-
sible fop a game or contest.
Ball was enjoyed by the
young people.
Miss Dorothy Bolton of
Rochester, N.Y. is visiting
with her aunt Mrs: Margaret
Mr. and Mrs, William Uh-
ler of Burlington visited over
the week -end with Mr. Ern-
est Uhler and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hapk-
well of Exeter visited on Sun-
day With the former's moth-
er, Mrs. W. C. Hackwel}.
Miss Geraldine D e n ni s,'
student nurse at Stratford
General Hospital is spending
a four week vacation with
her parents, Mr. ad. Mrs.
William Dennis.
Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Ennis,
Steven and Leanne of .West
Hill spent the week -end with
Mr. enc met s. Douglas Ennis. `
Mr. Malcolm Fraser has
returned home after being
confined to Seaforth Com-•
r- .rmnity liospitalr
Mrs. Forest IY�IpKay, Walt -
i; on, eera, Leslie McKay, 'Lis-
towel a'nd Mrs. Elgin Deuar,
Atwood left last Saturday
ford threes weeka tour of the
Western'' Provinces.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Maier
of Loudon and Air. ad Mrs.
Robert. Pritchard, Kim and
Mark of Toronto were week-
end guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs- David Watsori.
Mr: and Mrs. Nelson Reid
attended the funereal of the
late Clifford Maohan at Sar-
nia last Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennis
of Toronto spent the week-
end with Me... and Mrs, Alex
Mr. and Mrs. William Dins:
more and Bruce of 3 rampton
were week -end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
.McGavin. Mr. and Mrs. John
McGavin and family of Owen
Sound spent Sunday with his
Susan Murray, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray
underwent a tonsil -ectomy in
London last week.'
Mrs. Fern Patterson and
her sister Miss Amye Love of
Toronto left last week to vis-
it with relatives at New West-
minster, B.C. and on the re-
turn trip will visit with rel-
atives and friends in other
Western provinces.
Mr. Torn Love of Sudbury
spent several days this week
with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. George Love.
Scott and David Mills, sons
of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mills
of Brantford are spending a
week with their grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills; -
Kimberly Ott of Kitchener
is spending a few weeks with
her grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. ,Frank Walters,
Mr. and Mrs', Fred SincIair
of California are at present
visiting with their daughter
Mrs. Graham Sholdice and
Mr. Sholdice
Mrs. Elgin Porter of Win-
nipeg. Manitoba spent sever- s
al days with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Porter. t
cash register duty each day
Following an illness of three
years, Joseph J. Jordan passed
away June 12th, at Alien Park,
'Son of the late James Jordan'
and Mary Kenny of laublin, On-
tario, he is survived by five sis-
ters, (Mary) Mother M. Jerome;''
(Aileen) Mother M. Evelyn;
(Isabel) Mother M. Agatha of
Ursuline Community; Mrs. Wil-
liam Byrne, (Betty) :.Allen Park,
Mich.; Mrs. James Crandall
(Peggy) of Wyandotte, Mich.;
and four brothers, Lyall, of
Toronto; Jerome and ,Theo of
Detroit • and Gerald of Sarnia.
The•body of the late Mr. Jor-
dan rested at . the Varan Fun-
eral Home, Alyn Park, Mich.,
until. Wednesd'ay,.. June 15th,
then to St. Francis Cabrine.
Church, , Requiem High Mass
was celebrated by his nephew,
Rev. James Jordan, CSB.. Inter-
ment took place in Michigan
Memorial Park Cemetery, Flat
Rock, Mich.
Pallbearers were Roy Bolger,
.lack Jordan, Don Byrne, Don
McLeod, Marvin Sequin and
Basil Byrne, Jr., all of Michi-
gan. Relatives and friends were
present • from Toronto, Sarnia,
Chatham and Seaforth, Mr, Jor-
dan was ,a nephew ofMrs. Jean
Fortune, of Seaforth.
Henry liillebrecht, 65, Logan
township, died suddenly at his
home Friday evening.
. Born in Logan, he was the
son of the late Mr. and Mrs:
Henry Hillebrecht. He was a
life long resident of . lot 32,
con. 8, in the township. He was
a member of St. Peter's Luther
an Church, Brodhagen.
-Surviving are a brother, Nor-
man, with' whom he lived;, a
sister, .-Mrs,. George (Carrie)
Stoskopf, Fullerton, township.
Funeral 'services were ' held`
Monday at the Heath -Leslie
Funeral Home,. Mitchell, at 2.30
p.m. with his minister Rev. John
Kappes officiating. Burial was
in the church cemetery, Brod-
Pallbearers were Ivan Ben-
newles, Charles Scherbarth,
Harvey Ahrens, Edgar Hille-
breeht, Norman Rock and Carl
Attending ' the funeral from
a distanne were Me: and Mrs.
Henry Scherbarth,• Detroit; John
O'Reilly, • Toronto; Dr. Waiter
17a ding, Pita -tan; and Mr. and
Mrs, • Clarence. Green, Grand
and family, Cromarty, attended EARL W. PdTMAN
anniversary services and visit- Earl W. Putman, 46, Toronto,'
visit -
ear Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. formerly of St.
Carter Kerslake and family. Thomas, died
Attending se , .ces and vi it- Thursday' at St. Michael's Flospi-
ing Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. tel, Toronto, . .
.lolin Templetuan and family
Were: Mr.. and Mrs, Jim Scott,
and Ronnie, Mitchell and Ur.
and Mrs., Nell. Bell, Carol,'Lorie,
Julie and Lee, Seaforth.
..uu.,,Wuevaf. r.0 14,
He is survived .by his father,
Albert Putman, St. Thomas,
three brothers,!. glen, • Mamie'
tawan, Ont., A. Rae, 'St, Thomas,
Wil1#etn J„ Seaforth; and 'Ott
sister, Mrs. ' Murray °{Oral) Nott,
Pateras'er"vices were;. 'held
Saturday at Williams'' Funeral
il'Qme St. rThon ias . Hartel was
ies Blhndale Mettlerl'ai Park, St,
Mrs. Elston Cardiff, 76, Brtts-
sels, formerly of Wroxeter, died
Thursday at St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal, Landon. She was the former
Ada May Morrison.
She is survived by her hus-
band; two sons, , arke, Cal-
gary; Ross, . s township; •
one daughter, Mr .Dean (Lea-
ta) Davison, Listowel; three
brothers, Aston, St,. Cather -
Ines; Gordon, London; Herman,
Melville, Sask.
Funeral services were held
Saturday from the D. A. Rann
Funeral 'Home, Brussels, . with
Rev. L. Johnson of Brussels
United Church officiating. Bur-
ial was in Brussels, Cemetery.
Mr. Alfred (Al) Pearson, 48,
el 119 Portsdown Road, Scar-
borough, died suddenly Sun-
day morning, collapsing ori .the
front lawn of his home with a
heart attack.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Edna Saundercock, form-
erly of I ensall, three daugh-
ters, Barbara Debbie and Bren-
da, and one brother.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday, from Jerrett's Fun-
eral Honhe, Scarborough. Mr.
Pearson • was a brother-in-law of
Mrs. William' Swale, ilensall,
50 ton' of bulk
For spreading on
Pastures and Hay land
Regular 69.50
$60.00 . per ton
Delivered and Spread
Phone 527-0770..
A well established Real Estate Company
has an opening for a man to sell real estate
in the Seaforth and Mitchell district• An ex-
perieiiced salesman would be preferred,
however training will be given. All inquires
will be confidential and inquiries should be
sent to
Walkerton, Ont.
very best
We wit 'have fresh Shipments of
Strawberries (PICKED FRIDAY)
--for Statlyday's busil'iess, This Will
•' ".
. o Peak Weekend. See 61* +atside
Display, Thursday and Bat da ,