HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-30, Page 61;-,4=" racY9Sn'in MOM= ONT.,;41444,391. 1966 . PO ft SCha Holds 1116iter „ANIMA( HEALTH 0 CENTRE At Your Your Co -Op now carries an ex- tensive line of Animal Health Products at very attractive prices. K 25 from Howard's 250 c.c. 25 doses for Mastitis Regular 9.90, Now $$.50 Injectable Iron Imposil Pigdex 100 with syringe Teat dialators .Combatic • Penicillin and Strepto- mycin Foot rot liquid Net. Instruments and manymore • SEAFORTH FARMERS - CO - OP Phone 527-0770 ion Iwo Winners The bingo sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 156, Seaforth, was well patron- ized Friday evening. Following are the winners of special games; Mrs. Kenne- dy, .Seaforth and Mrs. Walters, Walton; Tommy Burns, Dublin; Mrs. Baird, Brucefield; Mrs. Fred Slavin, Clinton. Door prizes went to Frank Skinner, Mitchell and Mrs. Mc- Kercher, Jamestown. Winners of the regular games were: Mrs. James Barry, Eg- mondville; Beverley Lee, Clin- ton; Mr. Tienkemp, Clinton and Mrs. J. Barry, Egmondville; William Steep, Clinton and Mrs. J. Barry, Egmondville; Jean Sanger, Mitchell; Beverly Lee, Clinton and Mrs. Scott Habkirk, Seaforth; Mrs. Fred Slavin, Min- ton;•Isobelle Young and Mrs. C. Woods, Seaforth; Mrs. J. Steep, Clinton; Mrs. William Steep, of Brucefield and Bill Austin, Sea - forth; Mrs. Lee, Clinton and Mrs. Joe Steep, Clinton; Alex McMichael, Clinton; Mrs. Fred Slavin, Clinton; Mrs. F. Malon- ey, Seaforth and Mrs. Gordon Lawson, Clinton. HENSALL .A. picnic birthday supper was held Thursday in Clamgregor Square. Bayfield, by friends in, honor of the birthdays of Miss A. E. Consitt and Mrs. C. Cook. Under perfect weather condi-. tions„ Riverview ,Park, Exeter, was the setting Saturday for the Thompson picnic attended by 220 of the office staff, mill employees and families of W. G. Thompson and Sons Ltd. from Blenheim. Kent Bridge, Rodney and Hensall. A -full line of sports for the children and adults with fav- ours for the children, swimming in the very fine new pool at the park and a tug of war formed the recreational period. Classified ads pay dividends. HAVE YOU TRIED • . . . 25c CAR WASH at CLEAVE'S SUNOCO High .pressure Cleaning 'for cars, trucks, motorcycles, lawnmowers, etc. ti New hydrostatic power steering o New operator deck, 26% larger New, more convenient control panel . ID New fin -and -wire straw tacks 0 New deluxe padded posture seat, o New big unit -type safety shieldi ' 0 New dry type air" cleaners 0 Bigger radiators. Bigger air scoops Yes, the big, tough rugged line is better than ever. Come and see. .9999.94,411449, The staff of the Henall, Pub- lic,".School with their husbands and" wives held a dinner party on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Elgie on Wednesday evening. Presentation were made to Mrs. Albert Shirray, Mrs. Mary liangh, retiring teachers, and to Roy Consitt, retiring custodian. Robert • Reaburn, principal, spoke to the retiring members and Mrs. B. Elgie made the pre- sentations to Mrs. Shirray and Mrs. M. Jacobi to Mr. ,Haugh. Mr. Eric Mansfield made the presentation to Mr. Consitt. Mrs. Charles Eckel, who with Masons Tour Hospital As a follow up to a donation made to South Huron Hospital by the Huron Masonic Lodge, masons of the district and mem- bers of the Huron -Bruce Lodge, Toronto, chartered a bus to look over what articles had been purchased with their don- ation.. They were greeted by Mrs. Dunlbp, Mr. Russ Hopper and Some of the ladles committee. They were then conducted through the hospital. Dr. Byron Campbell, 97, and his daughters Jean and Dorothy,'Toronto, were with them. They also drove to Zurich where they toured the new rest home being built and went to the arena where they were guests of Huron Lodge to a chicken barbecue. From there,.they went to the Masonic Lodge at Hensall, Calvin De Lucas, Toronto and his Huron and ,,Bruce officers installed and invested the Hur- on Lodge officers for the com- ing year. Dr. Campbell also took a part in this and present- ed to E. McKinley the late J. Ellis's certificate,- donated by Ms Mattie Ellis in memory of her father, a past "master of Huron Lodge many years ago, 'and the Worshipful Master when Dr. B. Campbell joined the Lodge. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. her husband" and' familr':are taking up reSidenee was 'honored at a. farq1Aell'Or- ty and presentation at b'et'bP.me Thursday afternoon, atteIltted. by neighbors and frigkiisi Who presented. her with' four TV tables. The party was arranged by Mrs. George bila. Visit Godetich Auxiliary, Nine members ef Legion Ladies Atutiliary,..1Virs. Clarence Reid, Mrs, Gatni?t,:41,7 lan, Mrs. Williarn Forte -stir; Harold Campbell, Misi' Mary Taytor, Mrs, Harpy Horton, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Wanda medinchey, Mr. R. Haye, at - tended the 19 birtildhY` anni- versary of Goderich Auxiliary, Tuesday. Winners of ,Penny Sale prizes from Hensall, were: Mrs. Clarence Reid, (3); Mrs. Harold Campbell, (2); Mrs. Gar- net Allan and Mrs. ,McClinchey, (1) each. I , • • ACROSS orouna cow a.C1rony (colon.) 12 -.Aroma 13•Shaketip,erl. an kino 14.$00!o -Saxon f;19111X 15. Determine 17- HpgreW letter 18 -Number 16 -Short blast of ,wind 21 .Platme 23.Polafio opinidn researcher 27. Near, 28- Nieto; fastener 29.Condedised moisture 31- Rootn In , harem 34. Exit 36 -Stitch 37 -Obstruct • 39 -Prefix; not 40- Encountered 42- Uncooked 44. Rent, 46.A state (abbr),' 48 - Spacp betweell two obJects SQ -Article of bed linen 53 • cravats 54 -Meadow 65- Faroe Islands' whirlwind 67 -33rd President 61 -Dine 62 -Woody plant 64. Rant 65 -Contorted 66. Places 67. Looked closely DOWN • 1 -Seed container 2- Poem 3- Fabulous bird ' 4.•Theli,014, 15.Fisagie 6.Dip,hthong ° 7-QUM r , oruinig5tqqg 11-R;rt.'et 9,Vedetable 10.Warlled 11 -Path , 16.Polisher 2040 aye focal te 22-OPOY1,00140 deity al- RIMc.tilious person- 24- RiVer In France 25.55 (Raman number) 26.DOMMunist 30 -.Main's name 32- Metal plate 33 -Toward the sheltered side 36 -Small lump 38- Determine I length KIMU EEAJ HMO =MOB OM DOW OMMII PgIUM2b EirEliile 21 ORMOW QM MOM WO MMO Cit10 ME MOM WOO MIMEO BM 05BOWWEffi OOMOB nmwn - MOB MO OMER= DOM MOW BODO WOO MWl MOM 41 -Pact 43 -Intellect 45 -Indefinite article 47.T hat is (0100 49- Locations 69. Killed 51 - Listen to 1011 52 -Small chtkiren 56. Before 58.A In °nil) 59. Nlature 60 -Man's nickname 63-. Latin conjunction 1 2 ' 3 4 6 7 - 8 Mi 9 ' . 10 1 1 ' 12 , ::::::$ .......•.: 1.3 r. • El sionote.!4' 2;:; 14 l',• MIN ... 13 Nei 16' 11110::;131.1;i:il 11111•11e.t41=11. II III I gt..tdi 14 ,..t.....o.ww.,:i.i. 19 II 29' .0: ,...... ....... 27. - . . MINI gi 24 25 26'PA .4.4 27 11111111110W 28,.... r.41111130 'tot oti! INN 44.700[E :4,14,1 EN 32 33 84 OX;35 36 ;,12.RO 111F:;:.;*611111 akte. 114,;;,•;;;; 1 i!ZL.t.S ' • .436-0,4,4•0 • • gt:t: 4.4 • ERR . !ON Mtti J 46 - lalgiS IN I I I ext. es •• ' 49 • . . 50 5) - 52 .0.0•11,., ......... , . • , ...1:&m:44, 54 •4,o, AS15E56 01.4e4.111 ',.::::: A004. 57 58 . 59 60 61 0:4 10:+1 62 63•:SO Sit...9 64 . la Rit4469 i ts. ...di • if 'Al odielS,i 67 , 11 NEWS OF HENSALL .‘ Award Two. Scholarships To Public School Grads • Two $25.00 scholarship& were presented Wednesday morning to Donna Lynn Forrest and Ro- bert Toviton, top boy and girl student .in- grade .eight of 'Hen - salt Public School. Presentation at the school was made by pres- ident Mrs. William Fuss and vice-president Mrs. James Hyde of Hensall Kinette Club which sponsors this project. Mr. Ro- bert Reaburn is principal of the school and teaches grade seven and eight. Chiselhurst UCW Chiselhurst UCW met with ?resident Mrs. R. Taylor open- ing with a poem. Mrsp R. Boyce, conducted tfie devotional, 'and Mrs. Roy McDonald : offered .prayer. Mrs. Robert Kinsman gave a paper entitled Christian Citizens, "The Canadian Indians" followed with a film on Indians of Manitob,a. HEAVENLY LIGHT DESSERT FOR DAIRY MONTH Light and lovely is the keynote for summer deserts made from whipped evaporated milk. Simply let ice crystals form before turning the evaporated milk into a chilled bowl, whip rapidly, and in no time at all it triples in volume. Fold tt, it into jelly mixtures for divine chiffon pies and spectacular molded desserts or give it a special setting this Dairy Month of June in pretty scalloped raelon cups. LIME CHIFFON CANTALOUPE CUPS. (Makes 8 Servings) 1 (3 -ounce) package lime jelly powder; 1 cup hot water; % cup sugar; tablespoons lime juice; 1% tablespoons lemon juice; 4 small cantaloupes; % cup (1 small can) evaporated milk, chilled icy cold. Dissolve jelly powder in het water. Add sugar, lime juice and lemon juice. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Chill until - softly set. Cut cantaloupes in half, remove seeds and dram. Whip chilled evaporated milk until it will,form soft peals. Fold into' gelatine mixture. Spoon into cantaloupe halves, heaping slightly. Chill until firm. Garnish with inint leaves and lime twists. J 218 • We're going on VACATION • SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY WILL BE .CLOSED FOR VACATION 9 Sat. July 23 to Mon. Aug. 8 Seaforth Upholstery PRONE. 52/4190% SEAFORTH Mrs. T. 13rintnell favoured with poems. Lunch hostesses were Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs: William Brintnell and Mrs. ;Earl Kinsman. ' Dr. and Mrs. Carey Joynt and David Bethlehem, 'Pa., who, have been visiting relatives in Hensall, ,are vacationing at their cottage at Manitoulin Is- land. Kinettes Name Committees Hensall Kinettes met with Mrs. Harold Knight as hostess at her home. A letter -from the adopted girl in Italy was, read. President, Mrs. William Fuss, who presided thanked the execu- and Mrs. Richard Jones, Mr. John Furtago of Seattle, Wash- ington and Mr and Mrs. J. C. Cochrane' of Seaforth. Hensall WI executive met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Clarence Reid, to plan programs for the coming year. President, Mrs. • Beverly Beaton presided and assistant secre- tary -treasurer, Mrs. Robert El- gie took the minutes. President Mrs. Bob Bell open- ed the meeting of Presbyterian Arnold Circle in the church school room. The worship period taken by Mrs. Harold Campbell and Mrs. tive for their co-olleration. and Lloyd Mousseau had "What is wished the incoming presidentSuccess" for the theme. Roll Mrs. James Hyde success forcall was answered with a gift of a toilet article to 'be sent to missions. Mrs. Al Hoggarth gave two humorous readings. the coming year. A committee was set up com- posed of Mrs. Harold Knight and Mrs:Fuss to plan for the 10th anniversary in October. Mrs. Knight won the raffle. Following the meeting a turn - Oyer meeting of the club was held and new committees for 1966-67 were appointed. • Gifts were presented to Mrs. William Clement, Mrs. J. Drys- dale, Mrs. Bob Caldwell and Mrs. Fuss, ,-who were celebrating birthday& Crazy bingo winners were Mrs. R. Baker, MrS. H. Caldwell, Mrs. J. Deitz, Mrs. R. Wareing and Mrs. Knight. Huron County Historical So- ciety met in Ethel Community Centre, June 20th, with Glenn Heuther as chairman. Gordon McGavin told of early times in Walton vicinity and also. Spoke on the coming plowing match. An article on the Pioneer Spence Pottery in .EtheI was read by Mrs. Bill Campbell and Mrs. Carl McDOnald, in old time costume, gave an amusing read- ing. • H. Harris and Mrs. Stan Spieran conducted the musical period. Mrs. R. S. Hopkins of Saddle Lake Island, Michigan, visited her sister Mrs. Hugh McMurt- rie for a week. Other visitors with Mrs. McMurtrie were Mr. Plans were'made 'for the Cir- cle's September meeting, when - Mrs. Helen Davis of New Jer- sey, who travels all over the world speaking and showing films for Women's Institutes will be present. The meeting closed with Mrs. Mildred Bell and Mrs. Don Mousseau serving coffee and dessert. , Visiting with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Horton are Mr. J. W. Page of Langley, Buckingham, England and Mr. and Mrs'. Col- in Caton, Frimley, Surrey, Eng- land. Mrs. Caton is a niece of Mrs. Horton and lVir. Page a brother. Michael John Talbot, infant son of 14.r. ,arld Mrs. poyle Tal- bot, became' a member a St. Paul's Anglican Church, Sunday, in the Sacrament of Holy Bap- tism, with the Rector, Rev. J. P. Gandon officiating. Mrs. Mary Taylor of Hensall, and her granddaughter Nancy Kaye, London, leave by bus on July 7th to spend a month va- cationing with Mrs. Taylor's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton' McIntosh and family in Vancouver, B.C. Cldsdified ads pay dividends. JUNE DAIRY MONTH BRINGS FORTH DAZZLING DESSERTS All the old-fashioned goodness -of strawberries and cream go into ,his easyto-make version of the classic theesecake. With no baking involved and very little cooking,' the tract? tional flavor is still there, thanks to fresh cream and cottage cheese. - STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE PIE (Makes 6 to 8 Servings) 1 chilled 9 -inch crumb crust; •2 egg yolks; 3/4 cup water; 1 (4 -ounce) package lemon pie filling mix (not instant); 3/4 cup sugar; 3/4 cup light .creatn,1% cups sieved cottage cheese; 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind; 1 pint fresh strawberries; '1 tablespoon Lemon juice; % cup strawberry jelly, melted.. teat egg yolks slightly in a saucepan. Stir in 1,4 cup of the water, the pie Ailing mix and the,1/4 cup sugar; combine well. Stir in reinaining 1/2 cup water and the Ordktd, Cook over medium heat, .stirring constantly until Wakened. CooL•roci fold in, cottage cheese and lemon rind, pour Into crust: ChI 11. ltalve berries and arrange on top,a6,1eMort juice " IMO jay; 'tool and spoon over berries. Chill', ° at S-operlot-Bit-Horday sherriff's Want MASHED POTATOES • • 12 oz. pkg. 4* Stuart. House FOIL WRAP • • • • 12" x 25' roll box 310 Tang Orange or Orange -Grapefruit FLAVOURED CRYSTALS • • 5 pkgs. $1 ASSORTED FRESHIE • • 10 pkgs. 490 White or ColoOred-White, Pink, Yellow. KLEENEX 2 large 400 pkgs. 55 Scotian Gold , IAPCEP-LCEREJAUllI1/2 gal- pkg. 390CE 2 48 oz. tins 590 SilvetWood's "Meadow Gold" PRODUCE Sweet, Juicy Thompson SEEDLESS WHITE GRAPES • • lb. 390 Size 138's SUNKIST ORANGES 2 doz. 890 Local Grown -At Their Peak STRAWBERRIES quart box 390 . FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY mith's SUPERIOR 'M FOOD MARKETS.:1, • Phone 5274990 . Free Delivery Now That Summer Is In Full 'Swing How About Swinging Into A Deal At The WEST- END IN MITCHELL Have A ,look at the beautiful selection o Ne* Pontiacs and Buicks GOOD WILL USED CARS . 1964 2 -door Pontiac HT, 8, AT, full power, radio 1964 2 -door Pontiac 6, AT, Hard Top 1964 Chevelle 6 cylinder, standard, with radio and white walls; a real nice one - owner car. - 1965 Volkswagen Standard. 1963 Chev- 4 -Door Standard, . with radio; low mileage. 1962 Pontiac 2 Laurentian, 6 cylinder, Auto- _ Matic, with radio. , 1961 Ford 8,' AT, with radio 1959 Ford 8, with radio , A number of older models at good savings. Look at these TRUCK SPECIALS 1963 1/2 Chev. Fleet side 1963 GMC 1/2 -Ton Step side complete with stock racks 1962 Econo Line.Ford Panel 1961 11/2 ton Chassis and Cab; a real beauty one -owner truck with dual wheels; all ready to, go to wok. . --, A FUL i LINE of NEW GMC Trucks o Serve Your Needs, There are 1/2 Tons HD., 3/4 Tons, 1 Tons.'You name it -we have it. -NOW AT • GARAGE. OPEN EVERINIGIIT TILT 10 SERVE Y011 AND ALL NIGHT IF WE IIAVE TO, CCM 3484934 MITCHELL 4