HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-30, Page 4'or Aeot Results Use WANT -ADS Write your Ad here: tone word on eaeh line) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 Words (Minimum) 40t Over 12 words 2c word additional 12 14 15 16 17 • 18 19 20 20 Words Consecutive Insertions 6 times $2.05 -3 times $1.15 1 time. .55 21 22 23 24 25 25 Words Consecutive Insertions 6 times $2-65 3 times $1.45 1 time .65 26 27 • 29 80 30 Words Consecutive Insertions 6 times 3 times 1 time _ . $3.00 $1.65" .75 OVER 30 WORDS 1Si cents per word 510 above Deducrates fted rpald within 10 days of final insertion: _ These rates apply to person- to-person ads. in. Classifica- tions 2 3,* 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and If/ only Hundreds of people. in the Seaforth area read the Want -Ads Second and successive con- secutive insertions (ordered one time) 1 cent per word. RUN AD WEEKS (Number) BEGINNING Name Address , Phone • ......... Date ••••••••• MaiIto *pThe Huron Eicrtositor Seaforth. Ont. 47-1154 HURON OS1 rIRS, PRESIM 'IRIAN REV. DOUGLAS O. n; hIlniSter Joint Services in First Church with Northside United Church during July Sunday, July 3rd WORSHIP.— 11:00 A.M. Minister REV. J. CLIFFORD BRITTON, _ of Northside MRS. DON CARTER, A.R.C.T., A, mus. Organist •u, sE,Arou'yn„ QNT,, 1 1,966 Classified ads pay dividends. Brownie's DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Come as Late as 11 p.m., and see a Complete Show Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. First Show At Dusk THURSDAY & FRIDAY JUNE 30 - JULY 1 THE FIRST Feature Length ALL COUNTRY MUSIC Motion Picture Ever Filmed. "Country Music On Broadway" Loaded with,over 30 HIT SONGS HANK SNOW FERLIN HUSKY SKEETER DAVIS HANK WILLIAMS, JR. . STONEWALL JACKSON AND MANY MORE STARS Color • Cartoon 6 BIG NIGHTS _SAT. JULY 2 to FRI. JULY HERE COMES THE BIGGEST BOND OF ALL! lAN FLEMING'S 11hunder- ban" Starring SEAN CONNERY 8 as JAMES BOND SECRET AGENT 007 and CLAUDINE AUGER COLOR . . . (Adult Entertainment) . . . . CARTOON News of Brodhagen Holds' Churcho Picnic The annual picnic of St. Peter's Lutheran Church was' held Sunday afternoon at the school grounds. The Luther league members held a ball game and social eve- ning at the community park, Wednesday evening when Rev. and Mrs. Kappes were present- ed with a farewell gift. Miss Donna Pushelburg has taken a job in Grand Bend for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vock, Douglas, Joyce, Wanda and Billy have moved from Strat- ford to the home of the late Mrs. W. L. Querengesser which they purchased here. Relatives received word of the death of G, Lyon in London. He was the husband of the for- mer Ordilia Leonhardt. Richard Leonhardt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Leonhardt attended, a leader's seminar at Bayfield. Grades one to four and their teacher, Mrs.McLean of S.S. No. 7, Harvey's School, had a picnic at Seaforth Park on Tuesday. Grades five to eight and the teacher, Mrs. Don Sienion of Brodhagen. School went" on a bus trip to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shol- dice accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser, of Stratford, spent the weekend with Roger Sholdice in Orillia. Miss Beverley Sholdice and Miss Patricia Querengesser spent some holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sholdice in Scarboro. Sympathy of the community is, extended to relatives of Hen- ry Hillebrecht, who died at his hone here. ,A shower was- held at the community centre here .on Fri- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson, Walton', (Mary Ellen Doyle). Saturday the wedding recep- tion for Mr. - and Mrs. Roy El- liott, (Lorraine Muegge) of Mitchell was held. itemember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth _527-0240. RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Rene Van Loon, (nee Shirley Eckert) Seaforth Legion .Hall Sat., July 9th Ladies Please Bring Lunch RECEPTION Me. and Mrs. Don Tremeer,' (nee Wendy Moore) Legion Hall, , Seaforth Friday, July -15th at 9:30 p.m. Norris Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch WELCOME TO . . . KINGSBRIDGE GARDEN PARTY SUNDAY, JULY 3rd Supper 4:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. TURKEY and HAM ADULTS, 51.50 —.CHILDREN, 75c GAMES — PRIZES — ENTERTAINMENT — SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL'S GIRL'S BAND — PIPE -BAND — UN- DER DIRECTION OF D. A. MacLENNAN — KINGSBRIDGE CHILDREN'S CHOIR The New Kingsbridge School Will Be Open to The Public For Inspection PRIZE DRAW — $100 Cash Prize; 2nd Prize, Hand Made Dinner Cloth; 3rd Prize, Corning Ware. ENTERTAINMENT AT QUEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth All This Week and Next THE COUNTRY • PLAYBOYS . . •.. • /R. 440:C.4I, fiROFS aid Mrs, 14404 .4, Waits of Duhdasi,Voht: few days with - Mr. and. Mrs. claEence Arm- strong and fatniVWere weeks end guests of M. and Mrs. Howard JacIpsOn. Visitors at the home fitr, and Mrs. glen Steffen Oyer the week -end were Mr, Awl Mrs. Harvey Meatier and fame, ily who have just Teturrted from, Germany and are now stationed at flagotvillei Other guests were Mr. atid Mrs. Lloyd Mosher, Patricia and Brenda who are now stationed at Greenwodd, Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. M. It IVIcKen, zie of Oshawa and Miss Lynn Godfrey, Whitby were guestS of Mrs. M. Dorrance. Mrs. Earle Bell of Toronto is ,spending the sunimer here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sinclair of Palm Springs visited in Seaforth and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robert- son and family of DownsveiW were guests of Mr. Edwin P. Chesney -oVer the week-encl:"- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mil- ler, Burlington visited with Mrs. E. C. Smith. Miss Ruth Morrison,.Thorn- hill holidayed last week with Mrs. Reg Kerslake at Bay- field. Miss Dianne Kerslake and Mrs. Douglas Charles of Tor- onto spent the week -end with Mrs. Reg Kerslake. Hans Joachim Elder of Hamburg, Germany has come to Canada to take up resid- ence with his grandparents, Mr: and Mrs. Arnold Col- ciougb, Cosiborna St. Clinton.. mss Ivy Townsend; Sea - forth, who gradaated fr 0 Goderich Business 0:011eliVA has joined the staff of the Industrial Development Bank, Waterloo, ; Mrs. Wilfred BaStain and son, JOsepli, spent the last week with her mother Mrs, Helen Bolton. Miss Dorothy Bolton, Roc- hester, N.Y., waited with Mrs. Helen Bolton. Miss Susan McLean- Who has been accepted as a m,em- ber of Company of Young Canadians left last week for Nova Scotia to attend a train- ing course. Mr. and Mrs.°Lorne E. Law- son have just returned from a month long vacation to the West Coast, where they were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan T. Jones, with sons Ken and Larry of West Vancouver, B.C. During their stay, they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Nottingham and family, and Ali-. and Mrs. Bert Nottingham, of Ladner, and Mr. and IVIes. Gordon Buchanan, of Hanes, asi well as friends in Burnaby and Whiterock. The Lawsons trav- elled to Vancouver by CNR, and returned home via bus though the Rogers Pass to Calgary, CPR to Winnipeg, and spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Crawford of Manitou, then via Air Can- ada to London. While in Vancouver, Mr.' Lawson atended a colour tele- vision seminar, and with Mrs. Lawson, they were giv- en a private tour through iirector E. P.tanley Seacock 7,4on.- dont Ontarin,, has ,been ap- penstCd, first Xesiona! Dixac- tor,of the Midwestept Library Co-OPettliVe. Ho. will start his duties on Oetober lst. Since 1981, Airs Beaeock bias been -Assistant Director of London Public Library and Art Museum, Previous to that he worked 'With county lib- raries in Ohio, in the United States and. in,Larnbton coun- ty 'in Ontario. The Midwestern, Regional Library yvas -organized nearly two years ago to heltomprove library . service in the four cotmties, of Waterloo, Wells ington, Perth and Huron. It will set up services that most of the smaller libraries in tile region are 'unable to provide to their borrowers. It will have • available in Mr. Bea - cock an experienced profes- sional who will offer advice to any library seeking help. Williaxn Templin of Fergus the Chairman Of pie Regional Board, said that he is quite happy with the choice of Regional Director. "A num- ber of applications were re- ceived, including several from the United States?', said the chairman. "and Mr. Bea-. cock was our first choice". CTV's television station CH - AN, where Larry Johns is on theropintenance staff. 'he Royal. Conoorvatort'.,of muste, 11°J:onto, .has aahOwte4g, t! Si ara,rssWats ware.: ,azWpg thQ successful atifiOatei$: in the *recant -exaraihatioliS: hehtin Stratford; . In the practical eXalnlliatlena Jeanne. D. U1gsen, ER wo, ton, receivedirst class Honors in grade. 10; Jo -Mw, Goettler, Dublin, first honors in grade eight; and Mary Jane Looby, first class honors in grade fives Sandra Gray, also of Dublin obtained honors in grade eight. In, the_ exaMinations in. ther- ory, the Conservatory's list of those who passed, included Eth- Cousins Born Three Days Apart Two Hensel' sisters gave bieth to their- first child just three days apart last week. Mrs. Carl Goodyear, (nee Mary Coultis) and Mrs. Gus Burneau (nee Peggy Coultis) both had boys at the Clinton Public Hospital with Dr. J. A. Addison a the attending phy- sician at both births. Mrs. Goodyear gave birth Thursday morning to an eight - pound two and a half oz. boy and on Sunday morning Mrs. Burneau gave birth to a son weighing seven pounds llozs. 1.* 1001014.-1M gtt .,tirst ias huluga. Au grads, fgour .gaaatorbotatt 4,45, Sea forth, who tad fist Apo. hell? »'s4n grade .one, . . RECEPTION Mr. and -Mess -Larry G4diner, (Alke Welker) Staffa gall Friday, July ist .. Music by Norris Orcbel4ra, • • EVERYONE, Wfil,COME Ladies Please Bring Lunch 1.1adWalem101'iea..".eo••P!ftm.ftftmse....o..ir, - • . BETHEL - BIBLE CHURCH (Services at Orange Hall) Sunday, ,July 3rd 9:45 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all ages 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. SPECIAL SERVICES To mark the induction of Rev. - Floyd Shantz as Minister of the congregation. 4ermon Subjects: 11:00—Why the Church Never Gives Up - Ezek. 2:3-7 7:30—The Measure of a Church Rev. 11:1 Special Music at both Services "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through Crist.", Romans 5:1 Tonight and Friday Night AND DOMINION DAY AFTERNOON BANNOCKBURN PIPE BAND Billie Meek -- A new approach to Comedy, featuring his show stopping banjo THURSDAY JUNE 30 Friday Afternoon, LOG ROLLING CONTEST JULY 1st BEAUTY CONTEST PRELIMINARIES BANNOCKBURN PIPE BAND Friday Evening „BEAUTY CONTEST FINALS ESAll the old favorites and new ones too Bingo -Penny Sale -Darts -Paddle Wheels The famous Carter rides are back again RIDES Ferris Wheel and Merry-go-round DAN In the big Picnic Pavilion, commencing at 10 o'clock. Admission 75c — Thursday night music by the Chevelili Friday night the Windjammers play GATE. PRIZES VALUED AT $1600 INCLUDING COLORED TV and HI Fl SETS Admission 50c —Iv Children Free Free 'Parking