HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-23, Page 9• • • • „, INSURANCE' WIND •• TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS, Phone 527-0447 ; Seeforth Representing • the WeStern Farmer's Weather Insyrance • Mutual Co, Weedateck Ont. rROMPP WATCH REPAIR SERVICE at 1SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watclithikon's - OPPOSITE POST OFFICE -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. SEAFORTH • • • Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability. • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance CIE' IE io sMoKE, No �DffUR / FUEL CH.FEF tikarriVO Wakien & BroadfOot• Phone 527-1224 — 51af41a 21 YRS •OLD? When you turn 21 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital •Insurance. To keep. insured, you must take out indi- vidual membership within 30 days. Get your application 'form, at a tank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. NEWLY WED? The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to ° cover husband and wife. Notify- your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both pay premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission - NEW JOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital. Inserance Certificate 00%1h -fent 'Form 104' that your present employer is requited to taive vou on leaving. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE elan ontatreatos sipConuilisslogi otittY 7, entitle • Huroin Honor sin p eighty • thls Sam- nter, • Dr,. A.., Harold Tailor, grand old medieat loan_ a gO4,- prich, .W46_1101004 by • gurm '-,Catinty Cenikeit- Monday 'after - neon on eompleting ,41 Years' Service as COttlitY -09al 14414 - clan, He -was appointed, ih 1925. His father, the, late Dr, Alex. Tailor, .had held OW same ap- •pointrnent for close to .40 years before- him, thus constituting an 80 -year span of service by father and son. In presenting the veteran, medico with a beautiful gold wrist watch, in behalf of the County Connell, Stewart Proc- ter, Morris, chairman. .of. the ProPerty Committee,.paid tri- bute to his fine qualities. The father had come to God- erich in 1870, and had returned to practise in the county town after taking a postgraduate course at the University of Edinburgh, and father and son had been prominent in the lives of thousands of people in Goderich and vicinity. • The recipient showered praise on all those goal officials' and staff with whom he had been associated. He mentioned particularly the goaler, 11. W. "Peg" Bell who had seen ser- vice in twowars overseas; to •w•••••••••.•••••••••.•••••••ov.••••••••••••...••••.........••..••... Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. clkief tUrilkeY, AIM fl-nbertsep; and the entire taft who 441." extended to him a great deal of courtesy, d Larry Scales) the zone forester with Ontario DePart‘. Meta of Lands and Forests, Presentehis annual report on, the Huron ReforeStation" Scheme to Huron County Council Monday afterneon, and then was honored with the presentation of a desk pen set by 'Reeve Ernest Talbot, $tan, ley, chairman of Agriculture and Reforestation, ih behalf cit Council. Afterme being in Huron Coun- ty for nine years, he leaves shortly to take a new post as Parra Forester with the i Depart- ment at Pembroke, Renfremi County. • Mr. Scales pointed out that the cost of, planting trees was only $1 per hundred to the owner. Total cost of planting this spring was $1,220, with county and township , sharing this cost equally. Trees planted numbered 58,880 on 71 acres in West Wawanosh, Turnberry, Stephen, Goderich and Ashfield townships. Mr, Scales stated *at he re- greted leaving Huron County as his reforestation scheme was a "dream",, certainly un- ique. It was very gratifying to work in a county where refor- estation is appreciated. "And, too," he added, "you are one of the greatest bunch of cigar smokers I ever met." Which remark produced quite a chuckle! SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL. TYPES CEMETERY MEMOLLYAL8 Inquiries are invitd. Tbletrlione Numbers: t*"."60 235-062_8 , CLINTON 482-9421 •SEAFORTH: 'COntact Willis Dundas ' 1965 AMBASSADOR 1965 ACADIAN 1965 CLASSIC SEDAN 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 'CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1959 FORD • See - the New 1966 _Models Now on Display MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 : Seaforth ALER TWINE Topnotch Tymex, and Breadth; rd 10,000 ft. BALER TWINE AVAILABLE AT .COMPETITIVE • PRICES • • •• • r. <YA e • 0q,.4. t A° 44, OM) Ph�ne'sgt4to • ,* • 13,),' a reOrded. voteof 043* Huron County Council ToRs- fleX afternoon decisively 1e* jected a recommendation . of the pounty, Equalization Com- mittee that the Comity Assess - meat Commissioner $ystetb, be established for ,the Countg, of Huron, effective January 1, 1967. liecOrded Vote Web :0 fol- lows; • For system: Alexander, Pori', Boyle, Golden, Gibson,, Jeffer- son," Kreuter, Leiper, *red- den; Snell, Stewart, Talbot, Thiel — Total 13. Against system: Cook, 4or- bett, Cuthill, Dalton, DUtihar, Etherington, Geiger, ' Hardy, gayter (Elmer)) Hayter litAldrick, Jewell-. (2), "Kerr, Mellwain, *Kenzie, Moody (2), Noakes, Procter, Robinson, Smith, • Stirling, Thompson (Duff), • Thompson (Elgin), Wonch Total 26. - Prior to the vote, diScussion indicated doubt in members minds regarding cost, necessity for establishing the system. at the present dine and fear of inability to obtain qualified personnel. The Equalization Committee in its •recommendation, pointed out that one of the most impor- tant factors relates to availabil- ity of staff. Eventually each and every local municipality will be faced with the problem of ob- taining a licensed assesser. As long as your assessor continues to do the work on a temorary license, you do not have a pro- blem. Once this assessor leaves your municipality, then you must obtain the services of a . licensed person. "Further, in view of the fact ' that it is apparent all counties will eventually. be adopting this type of assessment system, we feel it would be more ad- vantageous for the County of Huron to establish the County 'Assessment Commissioner Sys- tem now, •in order to have some choice of staff, 'and at the same time to be able to re- tain in our County, men who STAFOA • Miss Kathy Willard, Exeter, is spending a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family: Misses Janet and Edna Mil- ler, London, spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller. A large crowd attended Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner's wed- ding reception in Staffa Hall, Saturday evening. KIPPEN The annual reunion of the McBride family Was held Sun- day afternoon at. the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Wood; Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laird and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laird of. Islington, visited Mr. and Mrs. John. McGregor and Carol. Mrs. M. Schnell of Regina, Sask., visited Monday after- noon with her nephew, Mr. Ed- gar ,McBride and Mrs. McBride and Sharon. Mr. Douglas McBeath, Hamil- on, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc - Beath. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries - tap -of Mitchell yisited Sunday with the latter's 'Ifather, Mr. Robert Thompson. Miss Sharon McBride enter- tained friends Saturday to a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Ruth Miller, RN, of Woodham, whose marriage will take place in Woodham, July 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. James Arta- strolig of Staffa called Sunday at the home of Mr. R. Thomson, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Lohg. Remember! It takes but a moment to -place an Expositor Want Ad and be nioney in ponket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 52710240. are presently licensed and working in the ,,coluitx of Bur. M. Jelly, OntariO Department of Munichial Affairs, who Pre- viously had met the committee, also addressed Council in ses- sion before the vote was taken. He recommended for Huron County eleven. Male assessors and two clerk -stenographers, at an estimated eost of $68,700 fqr salaries alone, for a total estimated County cost of $86,200, against 'a provincial. grant of $8,000. In addition; Mr, Jelly said provision would haye to . be made for offices - and furniture with 50 per cent grants on equipment. In answer to a question, County Clerk -Treasurer ' J. G. Berry stated no room would be available in present Court Houk and that total cost of the proPosed system could well exceed $100,000 per year. Committee chairman Thomas Leiper, Hullett, during the dis- cussion, stated that on a recent tour of the south of the County, he had• found at least four as- sessors who wanted to quit. "We Have some assessors under licence but won't be able to replace them with' qualified assessors" he said. • "However, I want to point out that regarding the over-all cost, this -total of $86,200 does not include office space nor equipment," Reeve Leiner in- formed Council. Figures indicated • that be- tween $40,000 and $50,000 is being spent now by the County on assessing, the chairman pointed out. Reeve Carl Dalton, Seaforth, declared he was "getting more confused as time goes on." Owning a farm in McKillop Township and a house and lot WOODHAM Mr. and *rs. Walter Levy and tilargaret attended the community • shower 'held in Russelldale Hall, Friday eve- ning fcir. Mr. and Mrs, David Levy: Miss Olive Stephens, St. Marys and Miss •Adk Hopkins were Friday supper guests with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. ' Mr. and Mn. Roy Keizer and family of Embro and Mrs. Dav- id Shamblow of Kirkton were Sunday guests with Mr. and, Mrs. Lawrence Beckett, jaeque- line and Geraldine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack. Mr.• and Mrs. Gerald Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Clarke of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Rohde and Robert, Mitchell. • , Mr. and Mrs. John Wittween, Sharon and Brian, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Tony Van Beek and fairkibr of Hesp- ler. Miss Olive StePhens of St. Marys spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ,Mills, Doris and Keith. Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela. and Calvin visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roundell, Patty and Mark of Caistorville, Sun- day. • Mrs. Lloyd Smith spent three days in Montreal, attending the convention of the Beta Sigma Phi 'Sorority. • Mr. 'Don Brine took a' fishing trip to Northern Ontario on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Webber in De- troit, Mich. Miss Julie .Ford of Winchel- sea spent the weekend with Mr. and- Mrs. William Dickey and family. Mrs. Edith Crossley of Van- couver, Mrs, Albert Leslar, Mrs. Florence Gilbert of Ben- gough, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford, Mrs. Harry Ford of Kitchener, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey and fam- ily. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH PROCLAMATION! RE DOGS In accordance with a resolution pas- sed by the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Tuekersmith, and by virtue of the provisions of Bylaw N. 8, 1965, I hereby proclaim that no dog shall be allowed to run at large in the Township of Tuckersmith. ELGIN THOMPSON, Reeve, Tuckersmith, June 7, 1966. • . . . "lee. UMW Plc;POTOA, tkrAVORTit lon4rITISeafvoarittesbear incettrtarinetburat ..fthaSatet.r than urban values," rtsitsesrenitf alithisav7ears at&ait'f."4 He was assured it was just Reeve Didt nomport, , "NOW is the county' system going to, differ from the pre- sent time where assessing is • done lbcally by municipalities?" he asked. • Mr. Jelly replied that the County of Wateripo had report- edlarge accounts of assessment gained in the switch. Reeve Thompson sijggested that now there are '26 munick polities to look after. Appoint- ing eleven in their place did not seem feasible to relieve the situation. Reeve Grant Stirling, Goder- Ich Township, said he had been talking recently to representa- tives of other counties and they were unamious in stating that actual cost was far in excess of the estimate. "You can be absolutely sure of that!" he exclaimed. FUNERAL ANNE ROSE LYNCH Requiem High Mass was held in St. Columban Roman Catho- lic Church, June 15th, for Miss Anne Rose Lynch, 86, of Sea - forth, who died June 12th, at Huronview. She was born in McKillop Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lynch, and had lived there un. til 1959, when she moved to Seaforth. She had been a resi- dent of Huronview for three years. Surviving are a sister, Miss Agnes Lynch, also of Huron; view, and several nieces" and nephews in Detroit and Clinton. Rev. J. L. Coughlin officiated at the mass. Pallbearers were Fergus Reynolds, Detroit; Cle- ment Reynolds and Hubert Reynokis, Clinton; Joseph Moy- lan, Waterloo; Earl Fortune and Danny Fortune, Detroit Burial was in St. Columban cemetery. •••••ftwoom...am••••••••••Veranimilosiolooft,./0 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 ftmiralma.wammaromemoworrow. USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - 'EXETER, Ont. • Directors: Robert G. Gardiner • R.R. 1, • President- Cromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe •• RR. 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, • Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucan Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harty Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser - - Exeter WIUJAM 11. Phone 527-0879 • • Arnold. StinnisSen • G• ROUP •• .14PE • 'AccICIENT -84 aKKNESS $4.10R MCI:0CM; PENSIONS •• ANNUITIES T49resentin IM 0 'SLife Assur,ance COmpay Goderich St. East - Seaforth of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 You can't argue with KILL LETEHDES M WITH PROVEN HIPMAN ATRAZINE SPRAY ' There is Still Lots of Time When Applied with ATRAOIL The proven weedkiller for use .on corn. Kills annual . grasses as well as broadleafed weeds- It is also possible to kill quack grass without damaging darn. Kill the Weeds be- fore they kill your profits! Contact us for more details and litera- ture or, better still, see -50 acres on my 'farm • sprayed for quack grass last year. CUSTOM SPRAYING Custom Spraying mink' the most modern equipment, particularly designed to handle Atrazine, thus ensuring the most effective results. MILTON' Ili DIETZ Purina Chows — Sanitation Products Phone 527-0608 : SEAFORTH, R.R. 3 CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED Montreal - Hamilton • Winnipeg Saskatoon - . Edmonton L. 1965 -ENVOY "EPIC" — E9276 1965 CHEV. "8" SEDAN, A.T.—E8218 1965 CHEVELLE SEDAN, Radio—E5155 1964 OLDS SEDAN, A.T., R. P.S. and P.B.—E9895 1962 RAW GALAXY SEDAN, A.T.—E9883 1961 CHEV. SEDAN—E7981 1963 DODGE SEDAN, H.T.—E9498 1963 FORD COACH—E8655 1961 METEOR COACH—E9488 1960 CHEV. SEDAN—E9245 1959 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICKUP—C73814 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED AT Seaforth Mot rs Phone 527:,17S0 'Seaforth LOT ortN EVENINGS TO 9t00