HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-23, Page 6-0"-4011XlIZON 'OS/TOR. SEAFORTH, ON r., JIM xess. ' 'mom To iRUCEFIEI.D Ham and Strawberry SUPPER -Wed., June 29th From 5:30 to 8 p.m. Admission $1.50 School Age, 75c BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH (Services at Orange Hall) Sunday, June 26th 9:45 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL CIasses for all ages 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. ' GOSPEL SERVICE Guest Speaker:. , REV. FLOYD SHANTZ `Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through Grist.' Romans 5:1 Classified ads pay dividends. CASH BINGO Friday, June 24th 8:15 p.m.. Legion Hall, Seaforth . 15 Regular Games for $10.00 One $50.00 Jackpot to go Three $25.00. Specials (Children under 16 not permitted) r ADMISSION : $1.00 Extra Cards 25c, or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK LAKEVIEW CASINO .GRAND BEND Friday, June 24th "THE EVIL" British Mod. Sound. An Out- standing Group from The Castle, St. Catharines *.*, * Saturday, June 25th "TERRY . LINN and the ROYALS" —Five . Men and a Gal— ..*** Coming•July. 1st weekend, Lee. & Dee and " the Roulettes and Sunday July 3rd, .The Rogues. The Outstanding Group of Canada! Scouts Parade (Continued from Page 1) Rev, Winn: A guest at'the• ser- viae was the Ontario Commis- sioner, Lawrence May, of Pal- merston. The group committee of Eg- mondville is composed of Mr. Moore, chairman; Jim Rose, secretary -treasurer, Robert Wal- lace, Jim McGregor, Everett Smith and Norman MacLean. The Egi iondville leaders are: Cubs, Mervin Nott, C.M., Mrs. Mervin Nott, A.C.M., Rev. Scott, A.C.M.; Scouts, Jim Boyes, S.M., Ron Eyre, Bill McGrath; Rovers, Ken. Smith, Skip. saammaiimi DQmiaioh FIRE RESISTIVE insulated FILING CABINETS • Underwriters' approved Fire Protection for vital business documents 4 Legal and letter size in 4, 3 and 2 drawer models. Push button drawer controls •. Unique locking arrangement and many other features. SEE THEM TO -DAY AT: The Huron Expositor Phone 527-0240 FIRST - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • REV. DOUGLAS O. FRY, Minister Sunday, June 26th SUNDAY SCHOOL — 10 A.M. WORSHIP —•11:00 A.M. MRS. DON CARTER, A.R.C.T., A. mus. Organist Cromarty Anniversary Services Sun., June 26th II a.m. and 8 p.m. Dr. F. G. Stewart, C.D., D.D., of Kitchener, Guest Speaker Special Music Everyone Welcome RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Williamson, (nee Mary Ellen Doyle) Friday,, June 24th BRODHAGEN Community Hall Ian Wilbee's Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch Tour of Historic Homes Wednesday, July 6th, at 2 , p.m. Begins at Cairn Harbour Park, then to Laithwaite, Free- man and Rundle homes, through Benmiller, (with stop at old Woollen Mill) Saltford to Ridgewood Park 3 to 5 p.m. Tea at Ridgewood Park, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Harman. Everyone welcome, your own transportation. Tour may be joined at any point or proceeddirectly to tea. Tickets' $1.50 on sale at Huron Expositor, from members of Executive or during the tour. Proceeds to furnish Society's room at Museum. SNOWBALL BING EVERY SECOND MONDAY CLINTON ' CLINTON LIMNS ARENA — 9 P.M. D.S.T. SHARP' JUNE` 27 — AUGUST 8, 22 --- CASH JULY 11, 25 SEPTEMBER 5, 19 PRIZES 15 Games fp '.: 30 • 2 Sltihr -the Wealth 'Games Shail~a466:Weaftti with $500.00 SndwbaIl (Irr 50 Ishinibers or Under) - 1 MAJOR 11INGO FOR $500.00 • 01444mN: $1..00 Paz 'pare( OAEW: Lasha ee1.00 DOOR 'IttzeS> - , cuts" TES Ab `ER ntENT 1 odds rota Community Work BY TAO 11411IVICE CLUttt OP CLINTON a LOcAL Ml's* k ranktgaer of Mit chejl at.,,vialtOr.at the .home of her cousin, Mr, and Mrs, Irvin Trewartha, i+Ias, Beatrice Patterson of Mitchell is a visitor at the horn° of her cousin, Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Trewartha. Mrs. Louise Cowdy and Miss Betty Cowdy of Kitchener were guests. with Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Adams and Miss Donalda Adams, Saturday, Mrs. Leslie Cox, Clinton, is spending the week with, Mrs. Peter Moffat, • Mrs. Arthur - Edmunds and daughter Carol of •Barrie were here on Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Finnigan who spent the past months there returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacLean celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on June 14th with a family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. MacLean and family will move to their new home in Kitchen- er at the end of this month. Mrs. Jean Fortune and Mrs. Jack Case attended the funeral of the former's nephew in Al- len Park, Mich., last week. Mrs. E. J. Kenny is visiting her brothers and sisters in Elm Creek, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pedersen of Antioch, Cal., are visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bennett of Clinton and Mrs R. K. McFarlane of town. Miss Ella Elder returned last week from Venice, Florida. Mr. , and Mrs. Jack Easson of RECEPTION Mr: and Mrs. Don Tremeer, (nee Wendy Moore) Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, July 15th at' 9:30 ,p.m. Norris Orchestra Ladies Please Bring Lunch Brownie's DRIVE' -IN THEATRE CLINTON Come as Late as 11 p.m., and see a Complete Show Box Office Open at 8:00 p.m. First Show At Dusk n THURSDAY• & FRIDAY June 23-24 TOP FAMILY 'ENTERTAIN- MENT CLARENCE, THE CROSS- EYED LION The roaring funny tale of a teenager in Africa and the jungle "gentleman" she picked for a pal. • MARSHALL THOMP•SON . BETSY DRAKE Color Cartoon Thurs., June 23 Only FREE POPCORN 'FOR CHILDREN BEFORE 9:45 SAT. — MON., — TUES. June 25.27.28 OUR MAN FLINT makes love in 47 languages! He's a Karate Champion, Brain Surgeon, Swordsman and Nuclear Physicist . . HE'S THE TOP MASTER SPY. OF 'ALL TIME JAMES' COBURN LEE J. CORB - GILA GOLAN (Adult . Entertainment) Color Cartoon WED., —. THURS., -- FR1. June 29.30 -July 1 THE FIRST Feature Length ALL COUNTRY MUSIC Motion Picture -Ever Filmed. COUNTRY MUSIC ON BROADWAY Loaded with over 30 HIT SONGS HANK SNOW t` RLIN HUSKY SKEETER DAVIS HANK WILLIAMS, JR. - STONEWALL JACKSON AND MANY MORE STARS Calor Cartoon c on ncl Naatt: IltionmatAtt, .I:• .. Weston were guests of -D r, and tf, IfirtM1 Shanrioxt Aver the weekend: Mr..ander Mrs. ere Deuu *esus Weeyes •ooff Winchest their parents, . Mr, and .Mrs, James Keyes and Mr. $. W. Campbell of McKillop. Km.. J. Hillebrecht returned with them for a holiday and also to .visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowie of Calabogie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.. Sills recently marked the 57th an- niversary of their wedding. ASK FOR 0 INVITATIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER THE HURON EXPOSITOR • • f 1867 1.967 CENTi NN1ALICOMMI$SioNEa 'Report No. 5 program, At Centennial Com. A television series about the drama of life in New York City used to end this way: "There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This has been one of them.' Around Centennial Commis- sion headquarters at Ottawa we are beginning to look at Can- ada's 1967 celebrations in the same way. There are many thousands of national, "provin- cial and local gFQjacts_ under way across Canada to mark our 100th birthday and they all make stories. The big national projects alone are numbered in dozens—the Confederation Train and Caravans, a 4,000 -mile can- oe race, the Canada Festival, the Youth Travel program; pro- grams for • the performigg arts, visual arts, folk arts, athletics, tree planting, new buildings for arts centres, museums and so on. I am going to tell you in this column of one of the national projects about which I am quite excited. It is the Armed Forces Tatoo, the big,' big cross -Canada show which will be presented by the Department . of National Defence. At the time of writing I am• particularly excited ' about this event because I have fresh in my mind an advanoe look at the mission headquarters recently Brig. C. Arnold Peck and Cap- tain Ian Fraser, of the Depart- ment of National Defence cen- tennial planning staff, described the two-hour show—of which there will be 147 performances in 40 cities across the country —and provided storyboard il- lustrations and taped excerpts of the stirring music especially composed for the Centennial. I can predict that Canadians will be given a thrilling sur- prise when they see the Armed Forces Tatoo, which will be one of the highlights of the 1967 celebrations. The advance pres- entation which we saw and heard at Ottawa showed that the Forces' project is being con- ducted in a highly professional manner. There will be 80 colorful selections in 12 major scenes of the Tattoo • with static bands, marching bands, pipes a n d drums, scenes from history as far back as 1665, a naval gun - hauling race over obstacles, a drummer boy's idea of what war was like in 1812, 150 sailors dancing a hornpipe, action scenes on the battlefield—even an actual World War II Spitfire in an enactment of a Battle of Britain "scramble"., •' The Armed Forces Centennial team has done research deep in- to history, 'through the yeal' to. the period when the early French and British regiments were stationed in Canada, and they have produced not only the music of the regiments but also the servicemen's songs of the, canteens and. messes ' which also have been sung by the citi- zenry of yesterday and today. Research also has. been done for the Tattoo in Europe by Captain Fraser foir considera- tion of the best military tattoo productions and techniques at Edinburgh and 'on the contin- ent. Captain Fraser, it has been painted out, produced the Arm- ed Forces show at the Seattle World's Fair which proved to be one of the highlights of that exhibition. After seeing the very profes- sional advance work done by the Defence Department's Cen- tennial staff I do not hesitate to recommend that you watch for the date of the performance, whether it be an indoor one or an outdoor one, nearest to your area and be sure to attend. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, Just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Morenz 5.•,.,, (nee Ann Dijck) Dashwood Community Hall Fri., June 24th Desjardine's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME Classified ads pay dividends. STRAWBERRIES For Sale Order your berries early and be assured of your require- ments for the season. Phone 482-3462 F. W. ANDREWS Clinton Saturday . Dancing SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Saturday, June 25th WITH MUSIC BY THE CHEVELLES Dancing 9 to Midnight ADMISSION $1.00 Dancing will continue each Saturday night. BG:NiGHTS AND. DOMINION DAY AFTERNOON ! DIFFERENT •PROGRAMME EVERY DAY WEDNESDAY JUNE 29 RCAF CLINTON STATION. •BAND Ron Leonard -- Comedian, Puppeteer Betty Green in Songs and Magic THURSD*Y TUNE 30 SDHS GIRLS' TRUMPET BAND. Billie Meek • A new approach. to Comedy, featuring his show a stopping bango Friday Afternoon JULY .1st Friday Evening LOGROLLING CONTEST BEAUTY CONTEST PRELIMINARIES BANNOCKBURN .PIPE. BAND BEAUTY CONTEST FINALS ANCE- To the CHEVELSin the big Picnic Pavilion, commencing at -10 o'Yclocksi Admission 7Sc GATE PRIZES VALUED A7 $i'b00 rNciiparwLCoLoRED Irr��ssi�►�n SpC•-- �'I�r`�'�'r�e�r Free d 4 4 4 4 4 1 R 4 4 4 4 4 0 0