HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-16, Page 17• a f1;,1#. 'i; YOUR ORDER NOW FOR AGRICO FERTILIZER I'' FREE ,.SOf, TESTING SERVICE ;'40 BAG AND SULK DELIVERY SERVICE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA Contact your local dealer or - BRUCRF"IELD SERVICE, DEFQT A, J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna ':- Phone 482.1435 ROBERT,TAYLQR, Sales Representattive RR 3, Clinton Phone 482•9144 Anhydrous. Ammonia - Repre0o tative HAUGH BROS„ Brucefiold. — Phoane 527-0937 WANT ADS .SRXNG QUXCK RESUl 'S; »Ia1027-0240 R ORDER NOW! AVOID- SPRING RUM! Get your requirements of Bagged or Bulk Fertilizer — at . HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LTD. Phone 482-9133 CLINTON - ONT. ' CUSTOM MIXING OUR SPECIALTY THINET Now Available For Corn Root Worm Control See Us For Your, Spraying. ;Needs A COMPLETE •STOCK Atrazine, Korn Oil, Eptam, 2 4 D's Y.. MCP80, MCP48, Linuron, Tropotox Plus 64, Endutox-E, Carbyne, Avedex, etc. AT COMPETITIVE PRICES AR �rfiilirers L RR 4, Clinton Phone 482-9133 Highway No. 8, Half Way between Clinton and Seaforth Eoritract 'Your Bean Acreag at E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. — Quality Michigan and Ontario —` Sanilac, and Seaway Seed -- Fertilizer - Supplied - EPTAM Aviailable FERTILIZER WE HA'Er, BAGGED O I`,ARRISON,.EMU Available At;00,111NtitiveePiices itRING SEED 1 egistered, Oortif ed' and o inleXciial Spring Seed .'Available P'E ;r) AI.! ErE 1,i4IX. 141=MM AVAP, LE ,E I1OR ()ALL ilicK Ltd.• - �I Phofle2 62'2 4 'FFA Tlie .pppils of 8.0.110, C',.ar4 3, Hibbert TOWnshiP, accony: panted by their teachers„ yrs. Edna Heli and Mr ervin Me-' f?oXi$tcl,' enjoyed a bus trip to the Detroit, Zoo, oft Friday., A large crown of friends and relatives attended, a shower hi.7 Staffa United: Vit4rch k"aznily Life Centre, 'Friday evening, honoring Miss rat Drake, on. ;her .coming niarriage on Awe, 1„ 1tli�sSes . Sharon A gar and Xs- abel MMCaugiier planned the 'evening, Readingswere enjoy. ed, by Miss Olive Epeare and Piano jastrumentals (inlayed bY. 112z's. Robert MCCengbeY, An address was read, by Miss Janie Parsons, The guest of honor who received Many love- ly and useful_ gifts thanked everyone. Mrs. Mary Miller has return- ed to her home -after visiting. for several weeks with .Mr,. and Mrs..Raymond Miller and fam- ily, Munro. Miss Janet Dewan, London, was a weekend guest of Misses Janet and Edna Miller. Legion Corer By JACK HOLLAND Well comrades here we are right into the summer season and all the Legion activities that are connected with this season of the - year. To start with, the golf tournament • held last Sunday at the Doig Golf Course was a real success with a big turnout and perfect wea- ther preveiling. We have a large number of golfers in the branch and here are .the- win- ners. • Low score, for the Learn - Moore Trophy, Angus MacLean; low score for the Branch 156 Trophy, Neil Bell; . Duffer's Trophy was successfully de- fended by Keith. McLean; Put- ting Trophy won by Jim Wat- son, Jr. The committee members, Dost Eaton, Don Muir, Chuck Wood • had everything lin- ed up and all •went over with- out a hitch. For the non golf- ers there was the old stand-by the euchre game and of course, all the diehards were there. Among them of course. was Ole Slippery and his partner, Mc- Goosh and the bean farmer, the oatmeal savage and his mate, and of course the toughies, Kruse. and Holland. After the golf was over, a fine buffet sup- per was served in -the :brantch, so all in all a real good day. Don't forget ladies, I hear from reliable sources, that. •a mixed tournament is in the offing, so sharpen up 'your putting iron. And talking of activities, the Branch is holding a Jack Eisler night on Friday night, June 17. Now we all know what a trem- endous job Jack has done for minor hockey in Seaforth and he has devoted his talents for the past 15 years to help • the youth in our community to learn how to play hockey and as the boys grew older they went on to the minors and the intermediates and as : a result, Seaforth can well be proud of having a team that has won two` Ontario provincialtitles, twb years in a row. Through the years Jack has had a vol- unteer staff of helpers • and they certainly deserve a big vote of thanks, but Jack was always the kingpin, so to you all, let's come out on June 17, and say hello to a great guy. This week marks an anni- versary-: date for manythou- sands, as it was twenty-two years ago on June 6, that saw the invasion of Europe. It was the day that the entire free world, had been waiting for and". for the men in service it meant the end of long years gf train- ing. . For many hundreds, it meant death on the Normandy beaches for many more they would car- ry the scars, of war for years until they passed on to the sold- ier's heaven, and for . other thousands who . came through unscathed, , it was the Big ad- venture, never to, be forgotten and let's hope `never to be re- _peated. . So, I'll close with a thought for our pals who twenty-two ,years ago died for the cause freedom "At the: going down of the sun, and in. ° �''tte morning, we will' rexnet i'fier ' heth". ,You've,heard, of course, 'that a wafch. dg is ICAO Who keeps 'binning aLtb,Tnd in lTr- les .to'wind -himself up. SIL YOU• EI Jr. :J'Cr.RLD SA ;tit $ kViCi'1 Phos CAW: w 480,2$(1, .. eluifit± t W 491'41,--6,00114044 Metropolitan Metropolitan United Church, London, Ont., was .the setting for the wedding df Sandra Diane Dennison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dennison, KIPPEN. The Kippen East Women's Institute meeting will be on Thursday, June 16th, at 8:30 p.m., in the Legion Hall, Hen- sall. Mrs. Mildred Bell is hos- tess and Mrs. -'Grant McLean, co -hostess. The roll call will be one reason I like farming. The speaker, a representative of an oil company, will speak on. the subject "Discover Canada by Car". The motto by Mrs: Wil- liam Bell, is "He who thinksby the inch, talks by the yard, should be kicked by the foot." Mrs. John McGregor will have 'a contest. The history of McKil- lop will ,be given by Mrs. Ross Sararas and lunch will be serv- ed by Mrs. Ross Sararas, Con• vener, Mrs. James Chalmers, Mrs. Doug McGregor,. Mrs. James Drummond, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and. Mrs. Cecil Pull- man. NO SMOKE, NO.ODOUR, HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 -= Seaforth 4t. Brydges, Oat., od Pre/alt Wayne WilSPn,< of. ondon, $04 of AXr and Kra, Upward Wilson 'of Hanover, 9nt, Rev. Anne Graham, offtciatedt The bride, :given. in Marriage by her father, choso a Moor• `length gown of white nylon or. ganga, with 'rene i Choltill ;lace applique .and " a semi -.full Skirt falling into a train at the back. This was crowned •by a floor length. silk .rllnsionveil, She carried a lrotaitttet Ot gar- 4denia, stephanotis, Pink roses w 4 trailing ivy, Maid of honor was. Miss Heather Dennison, sister of the bride. Iiridestnaids were : Miss' Margaret Langdpn, St, ThQ1144 and Miss Ruth Ann Wilson„ ids - ter of the grooin. They wore matchingfloor length gowns of Imperial blue criptal charm, with a panel pendant from the shoulders at back. 'they else wore veiled silk illusion head- pieces. Mr. Allan Wilson, Hanover, brother of tate ' groom ' was groomsman, while Jerry Hyatt, Windsor, and George Tcinnear, London served as ushers. Reception f ollpwed in Rea- son Hall, :Mt. •Brydges, with guests in attendance from Bar: rie, Markdale, Hanover, Niag- ara, Kitchener, Walton and Brussels. Following a Honeymoon trip to Kentucky, the couple will reside at Apt. 10, 448, Victoria. St., Strathroy, Ont. Mrs. Wil- son will be on the teaching staff of Strathroy District Col- legiate Institute in September. WINCHELSEA Mrs. Garnet Miners spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Johns and family of Elim- ville North. Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne, Sunshine Line visited Thurs- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny. Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs. Bev Morgan and Susan visited Sunday at Lucan with Mrs. Gladys Atkinson. rop# IW C,EP ELD UCW The 110W .of ;Briteeftel4 Un- ited Chareia, beld tl icir aMmal., vlaiter s day na lyedaieada.I', 4itne asst, The ladies oi:-G;ashen,.. c)ntarto St., Clinton,' it pi en, were g!testa, President, Mr H, poor gave the call to. worship. Mrs, Robert Wafers :ted in the open. ing; 'prayer. Mrs. Robert Allan read the scripture, Mrs. Wel:: teals gave a short meditation: and led in prayer. A trio, composed of Mrs'. mac Wilson, violin, ',Mrs. Fed; Mac, Gregor, organ; and Mrs: GQr, don Riehardsba, played iwd 'hymns. Mrs. E. Allan welcomed the guest speaker, Rev. •Stuart, pas- for at Brucefield .United, who spoke on how \ye Mist .adapt to the various cha»ges that ome into Qlrr lives yrs..'aek edderson thanld •thine speak- er. CAVAN:.UCyy Cavan United. Church Women met in the. Church, When ;guests included members of . Northsidse UCW. The president opened the meeting with 'a poem, which was followed by singing Hymn 164, accompanied by Mrs. Joe Little at the piano. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Lorne Elliott and Mrs, Lou Bol- ton led in prayer. A duet, "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" was sung by Mrs,• Bob Campbell and Mrs. Stanley Hillen, with Mrs. Alex Dennis at the piano. Mrs. William Dodds read a poem, "The Pre- sence of a Smile". Mrs. Little welcomed the guests and intro- duced Mrs. Torrance Dundas, of Walton, who shoved slides of the trip she . and her husband took to England and Europe last summer. Mrs. Robert Dalton thanked Mrs. Dundas and . presented her with a gift. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an. Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To• advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240., Used Equipnient One '63`Corvar Monza Sports Coup, 4 -speed, bucket seats, really good. '58.Thunderbird, really good older prestige . '62 Mercury Sedan, rough, wellexperienced experienced but runs OK, cheap. '55 Ford 3 -ton truck, 8' x 16' box, rebuilt motor, new tires and brakes. Tires of all sizes at real savings at HAUGH BROS. FARM- 'EQUIPMENT One Mile East of 'Brucefield Brucefield —,Ontario Arnot Stlr�lsn :, GROUP. JA E 'ACC1DE end_ SICKNESS ' ,. t4AJQR..ME L' PWsJ9N$ 4-TAN11ULTIES. tepresdntIng Sun Life ASSilliira give Comp an Godeficb St. 'gait Q Canada,, TE1.ti+'HdNi; SSI-A+41Q PSTR. l x : e v7,. --t :t .- ,+: Phone 527=020 •Seaforth NOTICE TO WHITE BEAN .GROWERS. AM IB -EN Now Cleared for White Beat*:•. Apply Amiben pre -emergence. to your white bean crop, eith- er overall, ($10.15 per acre. for chemical) or Banded on the row, 0$3.50 per acre for chemi- cal). Excellent annual broad leafed weed* and annual grass, control. .. Don't be ,disappoint- ed =- Order your supply now from - INTERLAKE CHEMICAL SERVICES LIMITED —. KIPPEN TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORTH , including Ragweed and Mustard. Jwo weeks' vacation with,pay T Ontario Department. of Labour on ,July l,- 966, will erten' via''atioti" lay. benefit§''to' .gall, .1 time, and i' xnrt'pa t time, einpioyees in,: l o' Province's �-general ,:and cobstrtiction - industry. You will be centrad to: • . atleast.one we k's,,vdcation withgpay,each . year~ppr'.,the first red lears.Orthiployihent, •,`pa`yi neat to be on,tha basis. df at .1 st.- % of Y you ',pay;for all c Trace dettc'`during' `thtc vaca- tion year, and • when You have ,completed 36 rnonths of tgnl+intious or nor-(SOftintious employment ,with thesame etrip1oyer you will be entitled to .two weeks' vacation with pay. Payment 1 will be on the basis of at least 4% of your pay for all work'done during the'vaxatton year. How does the plan work? An employee having four years continuous or non -continuous employment as of July 1, 1966 will qualify for two weeks' v'a'cation with pay providing the employee has not already taken a paid vacation during his fourth year of employment. An employee commencing work On or after July 1St, 1966, will be entitled to one.1ceks'. paid vacation in 196768-6g. In 1970 the em- ployee would be entitled to two weeks.'/d'ea- tion with pay. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR—H. L. ROWNTREE, C, . C., MINI$'1 BR, Two weeks' vacation may be granted sue» cessively or divided into two peridi;C§':r6 'fitie week each. - Only employees in the Construction industry will be required to use the vacation starp'and stamp book method of payment. itegulations and general inforinatibn pamphlets containing detailed information may be obtained by writing to: Department of Labour - ;hbour"Standards Branch, 74 'Victoria.S'treet, `mann l 1, O'ntatio. 1