HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-16, Page 3g. a AVAILABLE AT • COMPETITIVE PRICES Phone 5274910 Seaforth • WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — a Profitable Pastime./ • TEE SHIRTS HOSIERY - SPORT. SHIRTS Handkerchiefs Wallets - Billfolds • and a host. of other Gifts for that Popular Guy on His Day! Finest Selection of FATHER'S DAY CARDS .• by Coutts -Hallmark and Rustcraft 10c - 15c - 25c - 50c • .0 — GIFT WRAPPING — Check Our Up -to -Date 1 0 RECORD BAR We have the Top Tunes! NEW RECORDS EVERY WEEK LARON Seiforth's 5c to $1.00 Store STATIONERY and GIFTS OPEN FRIDY NIGHTS The. Burbn Cllantr of 'Agtiahlfarawill hold banquet, bt-Belgrayei' -July 'ant to celebrate the 25th anniVer, sary,Of thu Oganitst,ion, • • The committee in charge of the banquet •told those present at a Thursday night meeting of the county executive, that the guest speak - et would be Gordon Bennett, a former agricultural representa- tive- for Huron County. The county Organization will send a -letter toeach of the township ,federations -asking them to provide . compliMent- ary tickets for all past presi- dents and their wives: Presi- dent, Charles Thomas said the townshilis; should try .to Send all fernier members who had worked hard for the Federation even if .they were not presi- dents. In the president's remarks, Mr. Thaiaas,cAumated4 the Zone tWo conference held the Listowel, .TIIN!, 7th. He said, 0,4r,j4g esctission the, cennty presidents were 644 114*,.,nit0h money they felt was needed to ran their county fed- eration. He said his answer, based on what he felt they should be doing, was $100,000. He said the days are almost gone when a fariner can do his own income tax and they could; charge him for doing it. He said this was especially true for the farmer with, hired help who must calculate such things • WOODHAM The. Messengers met in 'the church basement Sunday morn- ing with Graham Robinson in charge. The offering was taken by Eddie Rodd and David Tomlinson. A film called "The Church Is People" was shown. Earl Thomson read the scrip- ture. Peoms were read by Judy Dickey and Murray Insley. Linda Timms and Margaret Parkinson sang a song. Debra Jaques .closed with prayer. Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Doug- las spent the weekend in De- troit with Mrs. Smith's parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock. Mr. and 'Mrs. Gerald Lawson spent the • Weekend at Barrow Ba;y. Mr. "and Mrs. Gerald Brint- nell, Terri and Scott; Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle and Larry attended the eighth birthday dinner held at the DOminion Hotel in ,Zurich on Friday eve- ning, for Mrs. Albert Scott of. Exeter and later returned to the Scott home in Exeter for the evening. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett Jacqueline and Geraldine, Nr. Wilson Dodge of Clande- boye, enjoyed fishing at the Morrison Dam on Sunday after- noon. Mrs. William Adamthwaite of Calgary, Alberta, visited for a few days with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. N. R. Ernst. Rev. and Mrs. N. R. Ernst and Mrs. William. Adainthvvaite of Calgary Alberta 'visited recent- ly with the former's daughter, Mrs. E. H. Gorell and Mr. Gor- rell of Port Elgin. Mrs. John Wittween enter- tained for Brian's fourth bir- thday on Friday afternoon-. Pamela and Calvin Rodd, Day-' id, Sharon and Sandra Janssen, Naney-,Jaques, Robbie Amas, of Kirkton, Karen Insley and Sha- ron Wittween. ,Games were played and lunch consisting of hot dogs, cake and ice cream was served. Sharon JansSon • 'and Sharon Wittween started their school term on June 1st. The basket of flowers in the church on Sunday were in mem- ory of the late Herbert Lang- ford of Granton, .a former mem- ber of this congregation for many years. Mr. Jim Payne of London and Wednesday visitors with Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack. WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING of • - •AtigariaA ta7t and pension Ow paymenta.r. .14r1 Tif0MAB ad44.4- the roPi onition :toad proyide 14W# yer service 'and other 'benefits to vie farmer.. "X yik anyobe would mind paying' $5Q a year for this, serviceA' he said. 'The ,president said these services are provided in Sri. tain and the farmers are VII - ling to PAY for them, • Mr. Thomas also mentioned he was elected a board member of the Mid-Weatern Ontario Develop;nent Association. Be said he felt since Huron Conti- ty only had representatives - from ....towns, that someone should represent rural Huron. He added MODA was now put" ting moreemphasize on rural development than they had in the'Past. Also 'at the lneeting, a altiliat Farmer who attended the Farm ,Safety Conference inGuelph sp.* on farm satsfy, Bob rob- Pringhant said he learned et the Conference ,Many farm ac- eidents are caused by improper bitching, falls, and fatigue, He added the -fatigue factor played a large -part in accidents and most accidents occured in the mid-raornifig and mid-afternoon when a farmer is the most tir- ed. Co'ncerning accidents be - tureen farm vehicles and cars, he told the members .there were 244 such accidents in On- tario last year. He reminded thein the Junior Farmers were selling warning signs to put .on farm machinery and they would be selling them at the Interna- tional Plowing Match in Mail - lop. , He ended his speaeh with the reinark, 'You could have your first 'accident on the last.. day of your life." iittODHAGEN NEWS OF THE WEEK MIMI Shirley TrentoWsky of London, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Ad. Trentowsky of Brod- hagen and Miss 'Ilfiarierie -BMA' n6tt. Motuit Bridges, registered nurses, left on a, three month tour to Western Europe by pike from New York. Rev.;L 'Rennes and delegate, Mr. Norman Bennewies, attend- ed the convention of the Eas- tern Canada Synod at Water- loo. Mrs. Albert Querengesser and Alf. attended the 25th wedding an-niversary dinnet for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stouch (Adelia Querengesser) at their home in Kitchener. A shower for 1V1r. and Mrs. Henry Hinz of Mitchell was held in the basement of the Community Hall, Thursday eve- ning. The couple was presented with cash. Progressive euchre was played. The wedding reception for. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert, (Gloria Muegge) was held- at the Community Hall here, Fri- day evening. The wedding dinner and rec- ceptidn was held Saturday at the Community Hall, for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ryan, (Mary Walsh), ' Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdioe attended the wedding of their nephew, Bill Clark, to Joyce Thorton at Windsor, Saturday. Mrs. Toledo Beuerman and Mr. Pete Miller of Waterloo, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller. • Bouquets of pink and white carnations adorned the altar of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday, from the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert (nee Gloria Muegge). on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Eick- meyer returned after visiting HURON CROP REPORT Crops already planted are growing "favourably, but some areas are in need of ram. Last week's rainfall was heavier in the southern part of the county. Most of the corn planting is completed and the planting of white beans is in full swing. RUBY'S Meat Market (In the Former Staffeh Store, Between ,Canadian Tire and Hildebrand Paint) Emphasizing Personal Service And Quality 'Meats Hotnemade M'eat Prodiicts ,Fresh Meats Poultry, A' .* Cured Meats MAIN ST. SEAFORTH her sister, Mrs. Irene Barth at Marble Rock, Iowa, then .ac- companied Dr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, Mitchell and Mrs. Edith Beuerman, Seaforth, on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Die - gel, Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family of Burlington, visit- ed Mrs. Charles Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. - Thomas, Irene, Michael, of Hamilton also visit- ed Mrs. Ahrens. M (r. and Mrs. Martin Burch and David, Mn' and Mrs. Leo- nard Burgess and Mr. an -d Mrs. Carl Burch, Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Burk. • Mrs. Peppler, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Beuerman, .Sea - forth visited with Mrs. Lorne Hillebrecht and Edgar, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visited Mr, and ' Mrs. Lorne Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz, Kit - cher, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. liver, Stratford for the weekend. Mr. Ray Beuerman, St. Cath- erines, visited with his family and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beterman for the week- end. Mr. Ken Ahrens, Eric Coll- nitz, Woodstock, accompanied by, Mr. Wilfred Ahrens and Mr. Ed. Leonhardt, Walton, visited Ruther Glen for a week. STANLEY UCW Stanley UCW met at the home of Mrs. C. McGregor, with Mrs. N. Baird and Mrs: C. Hor- ton as co -hostesses,. The devotion was given by Miss Bowey. Mrs. L. Wilson read the .scriptures, followed by prayer. The study; "Guiding Star" was given by Mrs. Stuart. Visiting 'committee ,for July and August ,is Mrs. H. Taylor and Mrs. L. Forrest. Picnic is planned for July 13th, at the summer home of Mrs. Ross Scott. The atmoshpere weighs as much as a layer of water 34 feet deep. • BRUME itirpcofilkid VON Unit 3 of-, the Brucefield UCW niet .$71110 home f Mrs. Mel raIiam with AO members present The devotions were led by Mrs. Roy UP140-021 and Mrs. Arnold Taylor. A skit entitled "The Unit *dine was 2Pgr. formed by seven members with KM Vic. ' Hargreaves as leader. A discussion followed concerning the proper , way to conduct a Unit meeting. The, business session follow- ed with Mrs. Allen 'Rill, Unit Leader in charge. The straw- berry supper on June Mb was discussed. A member who js leaving the group, Mrs. Shirley Han.rock, was presented with a gift. The draw prize, was won by Mrs. St. Lovis. Mrs. lien' cock provided the -entertain- ment for the evening, end lunch was served by Mrs, John Taylor and her helpers. Unit No. 1, of the. Tucker - smith unit met at the home of Mrs. G: Richardson. Mrs. B. Walters and Mrs. E. Stall had charge of thedevo- tions. Mrs. Walters opened the meeting with a poem. A hymn was sung, with Mrs George Henderson at the piano. Mrs.. Stoll took as her topic, "Friend- ship" and spoke on be life of the Rev. John, Ross, who in -the pioneer days was a minister at Brucefield. Mrs. John Broad - foot chaired the business part of the meeting. Mrs. Elgin Thomson gave the secretary's report. Mrs. Mrs. Norris Sillery gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Broadfoot chlsed the meet- ing with a reading. Mrs. Rich- ardson, the hostess and her as- sistants, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. C. Ham and Mrs. Berry served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. William Scott spent a few days in London. Mr. and Mrs. George Goadie and baby Spent the weekend With Mrs. Goadie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allan. Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, Lakeside, Min., Helen Broadfoot of London visited on the week- end with their parents. The IOOF Memorial SerVice will be held Sunday, at 2 p.m. Mrs. B. Sholdice visited with her daughter, Mrs. Paterson on the weekend. ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and,Mrs. Voll. Kitchen- er visited Mr. and Mrs. Au- guste Ducharme, on Sunday. Mrs. O'Connell, Detroit, vett a few days With Mrs. Mary Williams. Miss Jean Maloney, Lon- don and Leonard Maloney, Lucan with 1Virs. Nora Mal- oney. Classified ads pay dividends. INSURANCE - WIND• TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 : Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather. insurance Mutual Co.,.Woodstock, Ont. I. SEAFORTH MOTORS CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE IAVEYOUR FIRONT-ESD'. ALIGNMENT SPECIAL PRICE ALL MODELS - * CORRECT CASTER and CAMBER • 4 CHECK STEERING RADIUS * ADJUST TOEAN 4 ADJUST STEERINp BOX * ADJUST FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS * INSPECT FRONT SUSPENSION Regular $8.95 SPECIAL WHEEL BALANCE PRICE — $L25 PER Weights Extra $6.95 s „... • ATRAZINE • -:•:SPR4Y, • • There is Still Lots of Time When Pplied with ATRAOIL The proven weedkiller for use 04, WA, Kills annual grasses as well as- br9adleafed weeds. It is also possible to kill quack graSS without damaging corn. Kill the Weeds be- fore they kill your profits! Contact us for more details and litera- ture or, better still, see 50 acres on my farm sprayed for quack grass last year. CUSTOM SPRAYING Custom Spraying using the most modern equipment, particularly designed to handle Atrazine, thus ensuring the most effective results. -,MILTON J. DIETZ Purina Chows — Sanitation Products Phone 527-0608 : SEAFORTH, R.R. 3 CHIPMAN CHEMICALS LIMITED Montreal - Hamilton - Winnipeg - Saskatoon - Edmonton • . . • . FOR. FATHER'S DAY 'GIFTS SURE TO BE APPRECIATED SHOP AT SHINEN S We have a large selection in famous make dlothitig at reasonable prices in SUITS and 2 -pant, styles; all sizes Better wools in new patterns; 1 39.75to 59.00 DRESS SLACKS We have a large selection; all sizes. 4.95 to 13.50 SHIRTS . New arrivals in sport and dress shirts, white, smart patterns, short and long sleeves. S., M., L., O.S. 2.95 to 5.95 • OFT on mo Po -pular Mies ,527-150 otors Seoforth HATS Straws, fells. • 1.00, 245, 3.50, 7.95 MEN'S Bermudas and Swim Suits 1.95 t� 3.95 • All Sizes Special reduction ,for Father's Day on all work clothes; also on men's jacketS; ties, sox, underwear, pyjamas, etc, at SHINEN'S .Preatorth Wit o