HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-06-09, Page 10UL-txrupMAW N.eIEPoS>41.OR, SKAPORTII, ONT., JON -On -66s 23. Business Directory ._..A,. 1 . `,/�., M �+y�. LTER i. , RV. M.+.w Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 5274850 -Res. '527.1643 Seaforth Ontario 1OHN E. LONG.ST.A.FF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth. Office: Tues., Then., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat; 9, .to 12 noon • Thursday evening by appoint - Merit only Phone 527:1240 — or 4112.7010 Mon., Wed. -'- Clinton Office A. M HARPER Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street Telephone Goderielr 524.7562 SEAFORTH VETERINARY " • CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. B. Bryans, D.V.M„ V.S. G. R. they, B.S., D,V.M., V.S. P. D. Cuhi&, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth 24. Cards of Thknks I wishto thank all those who made calls, sent cards, treats and flowers while I was a patient in Seaforth Commun- ity hospital. Special thanks to nurses, Dr. Malkus and Dr. Brady. =-. Frank Vanbergen. 24-28x1 The family of the late Ver- dun Rau wish to extend their. sincere thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness, cards of sympathy and flow- ers. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus, the Seaforth .Fire Department, the Police De- partment, the management and staff of Seaforth. Shoes, Holy Name Society, Knights of Columbus and the Catho- lic Women's . League Box Funeral Home, Father Dur- and of • Dublin and Father -Laragh.And Father Saigeon. 24.-284. I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for flov�ters, bardst treats and vis- its f received while a patient in the hospital Special thanks to the Chadian Cancer Soc- ety,. the Directors of the South Huron Agricultural - Society and the Egmondville ,. United Church Women. Ev- ' erytbing was''greatly apprec- iated. — Mrs. James Doig. 24-28x1 25. In Memoriam I .would like to thank my neighbors, friends and rela; tives for their visits tb me while 1 Was, a patient in St. J'o eph,'S, ospital, London, al- so for t 1 o w e r s, cards and treats. My thanks to Rev. Stuart for his' visits also Dr. Malkus and Box Ambulance. It wasvery much appreci- ated. 'Value Mci3eth. . -1 D of a dear husband, and. father Thomas Pryce, who passed away June 19th one year ago. God called you home unto his own eternal rest, Your lie here on earth had passed the test, We smile with the world but we do not forget In our golden memories you live with us yet. — Ever - remembered by wife Theresa and family. 25-28x1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. John B. Link of Hensall wish to announce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Joanne Carol, to 'Jack Ralph Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper of Kippen. The Wedding to take place on, Saturday, July 2nd, 1966 at 2 p.m. at Cen- tralia Faith Tabernacle. -1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Young of Goderich announce the en- gagement 'of their only daughter Peggy Jean, to Mr. Douglas Alan Rbwcliffe, only son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Car - mon Rowcliffe, Seaforth. The wedding will' take place Sat- urday, July 2nd, 1966, at 2 o'clock in Knox .Presbyterian Church, Goderich. xl Mr. John W. Talbot, .Seaforth announces the engagement of his daughter Una Mary, to -Mr. Robert Heslip Smitham, son of Mr. and Mrs.. F.W. Smitham, London. Wedding to take place July 2nd, at 1 o'clock in Northside United Church. xi 2.5. In Memoriam PRYCE - In loving memory Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benne- weis, Seaforth, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Joanne. Margaret to Mr. James Robert Knights, son of Mr. Reginald Knights and the late Mrs. Knights of Eg- mondville. Marriage to take place on July. 2, 1966 at 7'30 p.m. in Egmondville United Church. - xl Mr. and Mrs: Morley Stor- ey, Seaforth wish to announce the engagement -of their daughter Gwendolyn Beat- rice, to Mr. John Douglas Patterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Patterson, Sea - forth. The wedding to take place Saturday, July 2nd, 1966 at 3:30 in .First Presby- terian .Church, Seaforth. (Cor- rected). Too Late FOR SALE OR RENT — 4 bedroom house situated on 2 lots, on George St., Seaforth. 3 -piece bath, gas furnace, in- terior newly d e c'o rated througout. Available June 30. Phone 527-1175 after 5:30 p.m. ' 16=28-2 FOR RENT — 3 -bedroom house, modern conveniences. Phone 482-7548. 15-28-tf Faders Day June 19Th SU,QE�D,a ATHER BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR Phone 527-0995 Seaforth ADS Too Late FOR SALE — rubber tired wagon, complete with forage harvester box and roller tarp unloader, 16' x 7' x 7'. R. E. McMillan, phone 527-1016. 11-28-1 SWINGER Polaroid Cameras only X24.95. Takes pictures in 10 seconds. Buy. one to -day at Anstett Jewellers Ltd,. . 11-28-tf FOR SALE— 8 pigs, 8 weeks old. Albert Vos, RR 4 'Sea - forth, 527-1465. -1 STRAWBERRY and H a m Supper, Wednesday, 'June 29 at Brucefield United Church. 1-28-1 YORK 8 transistor, radios, with batteries and earphones. These radios have very good sound and reception and are guaranteed 1 full year. An- stett Jewellers Ltd. Price $27.50. ' 11-28-tf FOR SALE -37 small chunks, William Papple, Egmondville, 527-0807. • -1 WANTED — Grass for 3 or 4 head. Call 527-1748 around 7 a.m. -1 FOR SALE — New squared timbers, 1, 12 x 12, 21 ft. long; 2, 11 x 12, 30 ft. long; 1, 10 x 11, 40 ft. long; num- ber of used timbers numer- ous lengths. Carl Dalton. 11-28x2 FOR SALE — 2 black and white faced calves and one Holstein bull calf. John Wil- lens, •527-1255, RR 4 Sea - forth. 8-28x1 WE sell and service Timex watches priced from $'7.95 up. Come in and choose one as we have all models in stock. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-28-tf Classified ads pay dividends. FOR SALE — 3 -bedroom residence, on West William St., Seaforth. Modern -throug- out. Nearly new oil furnace. Large 'lot. Box 1566, Huron Expositor., 14-28-1 FOR SALE 2 white-faced bull calves. C. DeCorte, RR 2 Seaforth, phone 527-1628. -1 Increase the Value of YOUR HOME! Beautify Your Property by paving' your driveway or Parking Lot. For Free Estimates, Call raft` ow -2714540,. cotleet . or 5274477. LOCAL Mrs. Peter Moffat, iN e 1 St., Seaforth was.'in, Strat#ord. on the week -end ter; attend the dress rehearsals ',Of' the Stratford Festival, Mr. and Mrs. C h a x'>~.6 s. Reeve, Mrs. Anona Cro*ier, Mr. Dave McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend attended the Order off. the Eastern Star church service at Lakeside, Sunday. Weekend guests with Mrs, Grace Bell and Jessie Fraser included 'Mrs. Annie Wood;' Calgary, Alberta, Mrs; Isabel Campbell, Teulon, Manitoba and Sgt. R. D. 13e11, Vimy Barracks, Kingston, O}ttarie, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bell, Stratford and Mr. Ross Bell, Shakespeare. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sproat, Beamsville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gear of Fergus were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burns had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Rourke, Det- roit, Mich., and all attended the Silver Jubilee of Father Harry Feeney in Kitchener, last Saturday. Mr. Zack McSpadden is visiting in Richmond Hill with his son, Rev. Bert. Mc- Spadden, Mrs. McSpadden and family. Mrs. Linda Binnedyk vias granted the diploma in pub- lic health nursing from the School of Nursing, Western Ontario University, May 25. Mrs. J. S. Cairns and Mrs. Hugh McLachen, Egmond-- ville spent the week -end in Fergus and Acton. Mr. Joseph Sills, Baltimore was a guest of his brother, Mr. F. S. Sill's and Mrs. Sills, Mrs. C. P. Sills, Mr. D'Or- lean Sills and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. J. Sills. WANTED . — Companion, housekeeper, 'for elderly Sea - forth lady. Capable of taking full charge, good wages, ev- ery convenience, very Com- fortable home. Apply Box - 1586, Huron Expositor. -1 FOR RENT' • — Apartment. Frank Kling Ltd., phone 527- 1320. -1 FOR SALE — 7 -room insul- covered cottage on double corner lot, 3 -piece bath and newly attached • sun porch. Nice location, • near churches and f6ur blocks, -7; from the main corner. Apply Box 15$5 Huron Expositor. 14-28-2 DUBLIN The members of • St. Marys' Anglican Guild, Dublin, met at the home of Mrs. William Smith: - Mrs: Smith, president,pre- sided. The scripture reading, meditation and prayers were taken by Mrs. Lloyd Humph- reys. Mrs. Roy Burchill, gave the financial report. Mrs. Brown read a chapter .from the study book. Mrs. Smith closed the meeting with prayer. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Kramp served lunch. The next meeting. ' will be held at the home of Mrs. Rus- sel Kramp, June 22nd. Miss Judith Ann Friend, gra- duated from the Kitchener'Wa- terloo Hospital School of Nurs- ing,. Saturday. She is a graduate of, Mitchell District High School and has accepted a posi- tion at the United Church Mis- sion Hospital, at Bella Bella, British Columbia, and will commence• duties there in Oc- tober. ' Mr. and Mrs. Friend enter- tained at a buffet dinner in honor of their daughter Judith Ann, Sunday. Guests attended from Toronto, Ancater, Galt, Seaforth, Walkerton, London, Carlingford and Carnforth, Eng- land. Mr and Mrs. Martin Feeney, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello, at- tended the 25th anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Pother Harry Feeney, C.I17, in Kitchen- er, Saturday. Miss Patricia Curtin, Streets- ville was a graduate of Kitchen- er -Waterloo Hospital School of Nursing, Saturday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curtin, formerly of Dublin. Mrs. John Hall visited in De- troit with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and family, Chippawa, visited: Mrs. Frank Evans. Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, prin- dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mf s. Neil Stapleton and daughter, . Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. lion Agar and Son, London visited', with .Mr. and Mrs: ,Ed Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gaffney and children, Mr. ,and Mrs. G. L. holland and hinny, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Gaffney and fami- ly, Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Holland. Mr. Bill Eckert of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. George. Coville. , M. John Maloney, of RR -5, Seaforth has purchased a lot from Mr. Michael Nagle on ttt Iatl Street and • will be bttaaiing a >r'etitictte oft itAlf.F.S Mr. and X rS A. 'X McLean were in Toronto S t: week' end. " Mr. ad Mrs. 1A0Grebe• ner of Kitchefler were callip on friends. in town on Satur . ' day LAC .'i$verett Feikar, who has been stationed at Moose Jaw for solne. time bast 'been moved to C. F. B. Trenton and with Mrs. Felkar and family expect to spend a few days visitingrelatives in Sea - forth later this month on the way to Trenton. Miss Donna Marie Anne Carter graduaited from the University of Toronto on Thursday with a B.A. in General Arts. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill J. Carter, Richrnon d , Ont., and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Downey of Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dawney and. Miss Anne Downey attended the graduation. Said one fellow to another, "My wife has been talking for two straight days." "What is she talking about?" "She didn't Say." Classified ads pay dividends. ST, • cOLUMB4N The i*JethoIke 'Women's Leake net in tsh ham` Tuesday evening -with the 'president, '1V1rs. 'tlincertt Mur- ray presiding . FMhex• Coughlin was pres- ent ,and. activities at the Som- ". l i s ,scar•nxva, were d sCus ed, It vas decided to serve din- Hers. in the hail during the week of the Plowing Match. Mrs. Vincent Murray and Mrs. Frank Ryan gave re porta .of the Diocesan Con- vention held recently in. Len- don. e -don. A prize, donated by Mrs- Joseph Melady, was won by Mrs, Joseph N..olait. Miss Carol! young a n d friend, Toronto. viSIttd;• Mr. and Mrs,, Michael Murray, Jack Malone, who ;is sta- turned in PTevtfnur hand,. spent the week: end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Downey were in Toronto, +wring tlie'' week attending: the gradua- tion of their niel+e, Miss Don- na Carter, Miss Nell 'Doyle, -London, visited with Teddaoyle. • Miss Luella ',Moylap, Kit- chener 'and Mlss Jean Moy- lan, Zurich visited" . Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan. Leonard Maloney, Luoan, visited his home here. Closing June 30th, next We are • closing Doris' Beauty Salon at the end of this month, but will continue to accept appointments until and including June 30th. DORIS' BEAUTY SALON • See. Us. For our prayung.eds A COMPLETE- STOCK - Atrazine, iiorn Oil, Eptam, 2.4 E'* MCP80, MCP48, Linuron, T.ropotox Plus 64, Endutox-E, Carbyne, Avedex, etc. AT COMPETITIVE PRICES HARRISTON Fertilizers Ltd. RR 4, Clinton - P•hone 482-9133 Highway No. 8, Half. Way between Clinton end Seaforth CHICKEN LEGS or BREAST FRESH "OVEN READY" ROASTERS CHICKEN THE BASKET 3'%2-41/2 Ib. Average Ib. CANADA PACKERS. SWEET ;PICKLED COTTAGE Ib. ROLLS .. CANADA PACKERS WIENERS - 550 CANADA PACKERS DEVON, LAMB THE BASKET • lb. 350 LAM SHOULDER CHOPS 4 OR ROASTIb. 449¢ ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JOIE 8-11, U.S. NO. 1 INCLUSIVE LETTU We Reserve the Right ta' Limit Quantities GOLDEN CHIQUITA Bananas FLORIDA FANCY CORN THE COB SIZE 140's SUNKIST LEMO S° °° Coes SUNKIST VALENCIA, SIZE 138's• ORANGES wU.S. N0. 1, . • • • CALIFORNIA FANCY BEAUTY. PLUMS • • • i • it • • ;1 DOZ. 3.63, BAG KAM_ LUNCHEON MEAT I12-oz.9 Round .Tins w MAPLE LEAF EXTRA LEAN CANNED COOKED .1 /2 -Ib: a HAM Tin LI BBY'S RELISH • Ho9 • Sweet tdGreen 12 -oz. Jars • . • Hamburg • Corn - SHIRLEY GAY "OVEN FRESH" , APPLE Fan �y Si .00 PIE Ste - Pies NESTLES 'KEEN INSTANT (Assorted FIaVoun) SOFT DRINK MIX , 2 n' 9.90 JAVEX . LIQUID BLEACH,. ..2 P t c 890 Ctnrs BIG •'G' .BREAKFAST CEREALS • Total 8 -oz. • Cheerios 101A -oz. JOHNSON ',1' CLOTH • Wheaties 12-er. • Lucky Charms 8 -oz. TOWELS BLUE r 2. Pkgs. 690 2 fkl2 990 TOP VALU LIQUID DETERGENT 32-oz. I stc.530 Ctners • •TOP VALU FOIL WRAP12"x25' '29 ' LADY PATRICIA HAIRSPRAY Firm or Soft FROZO -CHOICE FROZEN 2-bz. �1� b0 Tins • VEGETABLES • Z� y 790 • Green Peas • Peas and Carrots Bags • Mixed Vegetables KRAFT VELVEETA' CHEESE .. 'Pkg ' 690- KRAFT CHEEZ' WHIZ . ,.... 'gar � 690 ! • '• 4 • v • 5