The Huron Expositor, 1966-05-26, Page 12144TIW RURONEXPOSITOR, SEAFORTII, ONT., .10./S- OF RENSALL '.• •Y 26 1966 ensall Resident Heads South Huron Institute The South Huron Women's Institute elected officers for the coming year, at their dis- trict annual, held in Dashwood. Officers elected were: Past President. Mrs. James Drurn- mond, RR 2Kippen; 'President, Mrs. Fred. Beer, Hensall: First Vice -President, Mrs. W. D. Mack, Crediton; Second Vice - President, Mrs. Delbert Geiger, Zurich; Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs Wilbert Dilling, Hensall; Assis- tant, Mrs. Ed. Lamport, RR 2, Centralia; Federated Representa- tive, Mrs. Jetties Drummond, RR 2, Kiepen; Alternate, 'Mrs. Gar- net Hicks. Exeter: Auditors, Mrs Robert Bell, RR 2, Kippen, Mrs. William Bell, Kippen: -Area Delegate, Mrs. Leonard Strong, Egmondville, alternate, Mrs. Gerald McFalls, RR 3, Ex- eter; 'County Delegate, Mrs. Gerald McFalls, RR 3, Exeter. tors' report. Crediton issued an invitation to next year's 'Dis- trict Annual which was accep- ted on motion of Mrs. E. Des- jardine, Grand Bend. seconded by Mrs. Warren Brock. Mrs. Beer gave the Presi- dent's report and commented on the theme "Not what we get out of our W.I., but what we put into it that pays divi- dends". The Secretaries reports were given by Mrs. W. Coleman, Seaforth, Mrs. Shapton, Credi- ton, Mrs. John Rader, Dash - District na'sw Standing Conveners Agriculture and Canadian Industries, "Mrs. Leonard Prang, Zurich; Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mrs'. Nola Taylor, Grand. Bend; Historical Research and Current , Events, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hensall: Home Econom- ics and Health,, Mrs. Franklin Skinner, RR 3, Exeter: Public Relations, Mrs. Harry Caldwell. nensall; Curator. Mrs. John McLean. RR 3. Seaforth; Reso- lutions, Miss Ruth Skinner, Ex- eter: Junior Cenvener, Mrs. William Strong. Seaforth: Mrs. W. D. Mack and Mrs, Ed. Lamport are to look after the exhibit at the area conven- tion. Mrs. Ervin Rader was named to the Book Comtnittee. Mrs, Sid Baker, Dashwood, brought 'in the slate of officers. I Mrs. Neal and Miss '13ddiard were scrutineers on motion of• Mrs. James Drummond and Mrs, William Bell. Mrs. Brad - nock conducted the Installa- tion of officer. Mrs. Wilbert Dilling was secretary for the election of officers. In other business at the meeting Mrs. Wesley Bradnock F.W.I.O. representative conduc- ted the ratifitation of the fol- lowing district directors. Mrs. Leonard Strong for Seaforth; Mrs. Earl' Neil for Crediton; Mrs. Sidney 'Baker for Dash -- wood; Mrs. Thomas Herb for Elimville; Mrs. Lee Webber for Hurondale; Mrs. Vern Alder - dice for Kippen East; 'Mrs. Raymond Katin for Grand Bend; and Mrs. Delbert Geiger for' Zurich. Mrs. Gordan Papple, Seaforth, moved the acceptance of these eight officers which was seconded by Mrs. JohnMc- lean, Seaforth. • The secretary, Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, Hensall, read the min- utes of last year's annual. Mrs. Vern Alderdice gave the audi- wood, Mrs. E. Cowan, Elitnville, Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend, ' Mrs. James McAllister, Hensall, Mrs. James Drum- mond, Kippen East, Mrg. R. E. Pooley, Hurondale and Mrs. Harold Thiel, Zurich. Reports of the standing committees were given: Agri- culture and Canadian Industries Mrs. Gordan Papple, Seaforth; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Franklin Skinner, Exeter; Historical Research and Cur- rent Events, Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Hensall; Citizenship and Edu- cation, Mrs. Nola Taylor, of Grand Bend; Public Relations, Mrs. Harry Caldwell, Hensall; Curator, Mrs. John McLean, of Seaforth; Resolutions, Miss Ruth Skinner. At the afternoon session, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hensall, conducted the ''In Memoriam". The speaker of the day Mrs. Allan Neal of Sarnia spoke on program planning. Miss Lid- diard, Huron Home Economis, reported ,on the work of the 4-H clubs. 1VIrs. Wesley Brad - nock brought the re- port and Mrs. James Drum- mond reported the progress on the, planning for ,the Huron County Plowing Match. Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Elimville gave courtesy remarks. Amber Lodge Amber Rebekah Lodge met May 18th, with Noble Grand, Mrs. George Clifton presiding... Some member i will attend a birthday party of the Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter, June lst, some will go to Brussels May 24th, to attend friendship night of Brussels lodge. Mrs. Garnet Mousseau who with her husband and, family are taking 'up residence in Ridgetown was presented with a gift, presented by Mrs. Clar- ence Volland. During the month of June, Mr. Gordon Griggs, B.A., will occupy the pulpit in Carmel Presbyterian Church, during July they will worship in the United Church, in August the United congregation will be guests in Carmel Church. BRUCEFIELD Miss Margaret Aikenhead, Mrs. Abe Zaplefe, London, visit- ed with their sister, Mrs. Y. Oldwenkle, Saturday. Mre and Mrs. Ellwood Stack- house visited with Mrs. W. Strackhouse Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson. The flowers in the church were in memory of Mrs. M. Layton, placed 'by her son, Mr. Elliott Layton and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish and their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray dirock left by plane for England. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason, Windsor, and Rev. and Mrs. Sydney D av Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Har- greaves spent the weekend with Mrs. Hargreaves parents. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson and other relatives. The Boy Scouts and their leaders spent a weekend at Fanshaw. Dam. The Young Peoples Anniver- sary was held at Beucefield United Church, Sunday, with Kippen congregation as guests. Miss Bonnie Robinson and Miss Joanne Aldwinkle had charge of th.e service. Rev. D. E. Stewart was the special speaker. The choir consisted of young people of the congrega- tron, with Miss Barbara Swan at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. James Boughan spent the weekend with Mr. Glen Swan and family. Mrs. 'Walter Moffatt is visit- ing in Ottawa -with •Mrs. James McDonald. Miss Elizabeth Scott, London, is a guest, with Mrs. Elsie For- rest. Miss Erma Broadfoot, Sun- ridge,Mrs. Harold Freffry, of Richard Landing. spent the Weekend with their brother, Mr. John Broadfoot and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer. Broad - foot attended anniversary ser- vice on Sunday. CLASSIFIED ADS 24. Cards of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to all relatives and friends for their cards, flow- ers, treats 'and visits •while I was a 'patient in Clinton Hos- pital. Special thanks to Rev. Stuart and Dr. Flowers and Dr. Wallace also the nurses on 2nd floor. — Mrs. OliVe Jarrott. I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for the cards and treats arid those who" inquired for me while I was a patient in Vietbria Hospital and since returning horrie and a special thanks to those who supplied transcrort- ation for me and my wife. Thank -you. — Norman Young. xl Births BUCHANAN — In Seaforth Community Hospital on May 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, RR 1 Clin- ton, a son, HUARD In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on May 22, to Mr. .and Mrs. Maur- ice Huard, Goderich Street Seaforth, a daughter. McGEE — In St. Joseph's Hospital, Landon, on May 20, to Mr. and Mrs, Dave M c G e e, a son, ,Jeffery • TAYLOR — In South Huron Hospital,' Exeter, on May 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Taylor, RR 1 Staffa, a son. VERELLEN — In Seaforth Community Hospital on May 19. to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Verellen, RR 2 Monkton, a son. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Van den Hengel Wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Anne, to John Middegaal, son of Mrs. Anna Middegaal and the late 1VIr. Bert Midde- gaal, RR 1 Blyth. The wed- ding to take plade Saturday, June 18, 1966 at 10 a.m., in St. james' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth. Social Mr. and Mi% Albert Horner, Seaferth 1011 hold "Qpen liaise", to their, telatiVeS, ,friefidS and • neighbors on Too Late WANTED— part-time house- keeper, woman or girl, Write to Mrs. W. J. Finnigan, Eg- mondville. 1 FOR SALE — strong bunch of York pigs. A. R. Dodds, phone -27-1748. - -1 FOR RENT — pasture avail- able for 7 or 8 head of young cattle. John Janmaat, phone 5.27-0655. , xl FOR SALE — 12 ton of mix - .ed grain. Apply to Mervin Hodgert, Lot 34, Con. 9, Log- an. -1 FOR SALE — 24 pigs, 7 and 8 weeks' old. Albert Vos. RR4 Seaforth, 527-1-465. -1 FOR SALE A choice lot for sale. Apply to Garnet Dal- rymple, Egmon dville. • 14-26x2 FOR SALE --Crosley Shel- vador refrigerator, across -top freezer, good condition. Ken 1VIpore, 527-0508. -1 FOR SALE — Coleman nat- ural gas space heater includ- ing double lined pipes, also coal and wood annex, in good condition. Jack Eisler, phone 527-1175. ' xl NOTICE — the 'June supper sponsored by the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church will be held Wednesday. June 15 in the church hall at 6:15 p.m. -1 FOR SALE — 20 pigs, 7 to 8 weeks old. Arnold Jamieson, phone Clinton 482-9828. -1 FOR SALE — 10 good pigs, 6 weeks old, Preston Dallas, RR 4 Seaforth, 527-0827. -1 Teachers Wanted McKillop TownShip Public School Area reqtilres teach- ers. Applications will be re- ceived for a qualified,,Public School Teacher to begin school term in" September, 1966. with minimurn start- ing salary of $3,600. Apply stating qualifications., ex- perience and name and ad- dress- of present Inspector. Applications to be in by June 3rd. CAMPBELL WEY, Secretary Trdasurer ' BR 2, Walton. 6-26-2 Sunday°, June sth, 1960, frehi CRQMARTY untended or last week) Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thames Laing were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deichert o ZUrich, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Musselman., Richard and Marian, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gra- ham of Avonton, viPited.,Sat- urday evening with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace White, Avonton visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wallace. Miss' Carol Arm Dow ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. Mervin Dow, attended the School Queen's Banquet at the Hotel London Friday evening. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow and family - were Mrs. William Priest and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardin- er visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knechtell, Rostock, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dunn of Mankota. Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Debbie visited Sunday with 'their daughter Mrs. Shirley Elliott and family a Essex. Nancy Elliot returned home for some holidays with her grandparents. , Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar visited with Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Francis, Woodstock, Sun- day. Mr. Andrew Hamilton of Exeter visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamil- ton. Mr. Andy McLean is a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, suffering from head injuries received in an accident at his farm home near Cromarty. DUBLIN Attending the graduation of Miss Karen Dill at Victria School of nursing,- London Qn Friday were Mrs. Wilbur Maloney, Seaforth, Betty Lou Pethick, Dublin, Joanne Stapleton, Dublin and Mrs. Jean Dill, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Warren, L o n d o n, Mr. Bill Warren, Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dill. St, Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mal- oney . and family, Mr. a n d Mrs. Steve Maloney and fam- ily, Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maloney. Miss Mary Evans, Windsor- yisited Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costella visited Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Costella in West- brook and Gananoque, Ont. Miss Eileen O'Rourke, Lon- don visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred O'Rourke. Mrs. Joseph Dill attended the graduation exercises of Victoria Hospital at Convoc- ation Hall, University of Western Ontario, 'Fr i da y. night. Miss Karen Patricia Dill was one of the ,graduates. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mal- oney are in Downsview with Mr. •and Mrs. Carman Lad - den a nd children. • Mrs. Kathleen • Monohan, Kitchener visited Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy. Miss Mary McConnell is in London with Miss Elizabeth Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Feever and childen, Kitchener are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray. Mr. Jack Stapleton. Lon- don visited Mr: and Mrs. Fer- gug Stapleton. Mr. Tom Feeney and son, London visited Elmer and Louis Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jordan, Miss Mary Jordan, Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall of Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hall and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Friend and daughters at Lions Head. John Freriks and Frank Van Bergen are patients in ,Ureaforth Community •Hospit- 11. Mrs. Patrick Ryan and, Mary Margaret are visiting in Davison, Michigan with Leut. Col. and Mrs. Edward Tozer. Parents -attended the meet- ing of Mother St. Peter of Sorina on Adolescence in the church hall Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cron- in and children are visiting Mt. Carmel.. Mrs, Jim Givlin and child- ren, Wellesley visited with Mrs. 'Ambrose Givlin. Mr.' and Mrs. Joseph Shea tire in Windsor with Mr. and , Mrs: Carl Begier. Mr, and Mrs. Xeith Mc OtittliZ iVrt8 bolaraus- t thf Ms1ti4 1re ahl Mr. 111 itratisltopf in ,ItitriS. • g4 in the aftettiOtitt and 14, Bentenibert Xttakes but t $u the eVenihg, pit the itoliiefit to Plate an Ejttlogittig Ad a be . Oridy beeatiOrt their' „ fiftieth 'Want , Jan Wedding ttnL rrnr Gitt ts.tftltet,,, , 15• *ti fus grae1ea.i4S, declined, lYlai Seit�tth 0240 M. and Mrs. Bern Grahams and Sharon and gaul of $ae- forth and Mr. Gary Durance of 111cKillop spent: Saturday evening with Mr. and lgrs. Eldin Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter of Chatham spent the week - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hood. end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes of London visited Sunday with Mr. Robert Thompson. Little Charlene Littleton'of London is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Littleton and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Russell Faber and Darlene. • (Intended for last week) The met at the church May 17. Mrs. Lloyd Lovell took the worship. Mrs. Emerson Anderson assisted by 'Gary showed pictures taken last winter while vis- iting Florida. Dianne and Darlene McKay gave a piano duet and also sang later on with Mrs. Broadfoot accom- paning. A "Mother's Day Poem" was given by Mrs. Bert Fab-- er. Courtesy remarks were by Mrs. John Anderson. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Ross Love and Mrs. Pearson- Charters. Young peoples Anniver- sary services at St. Andrew's United Church took place on May 15. Rev. D. Stewart con- ducted the service with Miss Dianne McKay, Miss Gwen Hendrick and Mr. David Turner taking part in the worship service. Special mus- ic was rendered by the choir with Miss, Jean Ivison at the organ and a quartette by Joan Sinclair, Debbie Ander- son, Grant and Kenneth Jones. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert in - OF THE WEEK chided M. nd Mts. 34,0,1 Diekert, Barriston and; -Mr. and Mrs. Gera14 klubbard and boys of Harriston. Mr. and Mgs. Grant Love of Caro, Mich. SP n t the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride and Sharon. Sunda y viators were Mrs,. Robert Dalrymple, Bonnie and Betty of Brucefield. Mr: and Mrs. .0 swal Brown, of Detroit, lVfich. vis- ited! Mr. and Mrs. N. Long Sunday. Mrs. Eldin Kerr has been a patient in Seaforth Com- mhnity Hospital.. Mrs. Hazel Blalce.and Way of London spent the week- end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper and famllY. Mr. and Mrs. George Long of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Bessie Gillis of Bog- nor visited Mr. and Mrp. John Long of Owen Sound Norman Long, Thursday? Mrs. Reid Torrance and Miss Jean Ivison spent •the week -end at Drysdale Beach with their cousins, the Misses Barnby. LEGION LADIES' AUX. Zone Commander Evelyn Carrol of Goderich visited the meeting of the Ladies, Auxiliary to the Legion. President Peggy • Coombs occupied the chair and wel- comed Mrs. Carrol and pre- sented her a gift on behalf of the members. The rummage and bake sale was postponed for this month but it will be held on July 9th. • Comrade Jacqueline Racho and Comrade Leona Huisser were installed as 1st and 2nd vice-presidents owing to the resignations of Comrade Angela .Watson and Coinrade Hazil Dillon. 1963 FORD, 4 -door sedan, 6 cylinder, radio License A98977 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, 2 -door sedan, radio License E2091 1960 DODGE, 4 -door Station Wagon, 8-cyl. License 91778X 1961 DODGE, 4 -door sedan, 6 -cylinder License E10878,, - 1961 FORD 2 -door Hard Top, 6 -cylinder, radio License A61487. Rowcliffe Motors - Dodge & Chrysler Phone _527-1670 Seaforth ' • • , DAILY ON °I1GAIS • _ ; . JUST PRINT YOUR NAME, ADORES cincl•TEI:EPNONE* , , . . , .Numeigit,"oWThit: PACK OF AN IGA:CASH' REQISTER. ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 25-28 INCLUSIVE. -',VE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. FARM FRESH, U.S. No. 1 PARTY MIXES'rrME 25 -oz. 99g Boftle STRAWRERRIES SHIRLEY GAY FROST int SERVE SHORTCAKE ONT. GROWN, , CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE MAC APPLES 5ii lab; 59 NEW CROP BARLINKA GRAPES Ib. 39 ONT. GROWN SNOW MUSHROOMS lb. 49 ..SUNKIST LEMONSize 6 f'31‘ 45 140's BLUE WATER FROZEN COD FISH AND CHIPS¥ORK FANCY FROZEN -, 1 TOP VALLE (ALL FLAVOURS) ICE CREAM SEE HIS WE EIti 'GA H13it M46111 Ob' .44.4.4* 60Tt1ANOING VALII