HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-05-19, Page 11'THE HURL gX 51ToR 5EMFORTH/ C$Tv ; .Y 1!d USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOU R ADVANTAGE 1. boln`IpB Ev>eflts 2. Lost), Strayed ed .r. 3. rimed t 4. Help Wanted 5. Bus n ortunitie 6. Tec ers W ted ua i'ns 7. Si t t o Vented' _ 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy, 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Prope For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To- Rent 18.Prapert r Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auctio>o Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory • 24. Cards:" of Thanks .25. In . Memoriam 26. Personals ; Clas• sified ads are inserted at a rate , of 2 cents- per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow • ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40'c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65e, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- , mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. • • a • • • • • 0 • v For cash payment, or if paid• by 10 days following .last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. ' 1. Coming Events RESERVE Wednesday, July 27, fork Annual Brodhagen and District Chamber of • Commerce Chicken Barbecue. • 1-22-4 COP Chicken Barbecue, on' Thursday;, June " 9th, Con-' stance Hall. Supper 5:30 to 8. Pam ° Adults, $1.50; children, • 75c, under, 6, "free. 124 -2 - RESERVE: Wednesday, July 20, for Annual Moncrieff Chicken Barbeque. THE;, U.C:W annual smorgas- bord' at Henson, U n int a :d Church on June 8, from 5-7 p.m., featuring turkey, ham, salad and dessert. Admission adults $I.50 and children (und'er' 12) 75e. RESERVE Wednesday, July 20th' for the Annual Supper and Carnival' in St.Colum- ban. 1-25-'1 WINGHAM Barn .Dance and Program, Crystal P a l a c e, Mitchell, Saturday, May 21. Program 8:30 ; to 9:30 and dancing till 12. 1-25-1 Q.E.S. will hold an Antique' Fair, tea and sale in the afternoon of June 9th in IOOF Hall: Anyone wanting to display- antiques phone Mrs. Dolena McQuaig, 527- 1962. 1-25-1 EVERYONE invited! Hear about Canada's part in Free- dom from Hunger and the Training Centre for Asian .Food Technologists at My- sore India.. Slides, . adresses, 8:30 p.m., May 25, Walton Hall, sponsored by Women's Institute: Members come 8:00 p.m. Special collection. Re- freshments,. "Self-help! No .ecountry wants a handout!" 1-25-1 2. Lost, Strayed ANYONE having silver boards and wedding cake pillars 4borrowed from Trap- nell's Bakery are asked to please return them. . 2-25-1 WOULD the person who took a• black leather Grub-bag'"by mistake from Mrs. :George. Reeves auction sale on Satur- day last, please, leave ,at Hildebrand Paint and Paper store, 2-25-1 4. Help Wanted RELIABLE woman for part- time help • 'in store. Apply Box 1574 Huron Expositor. 4-25x1 WOMAN to work four nights a week from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Kilbarchan Nursing Home, 527-0860 Seaforth . 4-25-1 Assistant Superintendent County' Home Applications will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the above position for the Huron County Home (Huron - view) . State age, experience, qual- ifications. Excellent employ bene- fits. Salary to be negotiated (state present salary). Applications close 12:00 noon,, Tuesday,. May 24, 1966. For further details contact: JOHN G. BERRY SECRETARY • BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Oh' HURONVII W COURT HOUSE , GODERICIf ONTARIO. • Phone 524.8612 4'-2l5*1 ..del Wanted t L u,...• P w . ?� . w ern• a . donee evenings :';and an wegk- de in restaurant; a Write 'to ox 1570, Hgon Expositor.., 4-24x2 M tin for Utility • Mirk. Q Applications, ln_;oyirn band:, writing and indic tting edu- cation, age, and experience, if any, will be received by the May, undersigned Until 5 p.m. 66, f a man for utility work. Seaforth Public Utility CominiSsiop , . • 4-25-2 APPLICATIONS Male or female for the - position of Secretary- Treas- urer of ;the Seaforth Public Utility Commission will be received .by the . undersigned up to and including May 31 next. Knowledge of bookkeeping and typing is a requirement. Applicants are to indicate age, qualifications and ex- perience. Seaforth Public Utility Commission 4-25-2 5. Bus. Opportunities AVON TERRITORIES open in Egmondville. and, Winthrop Write or phone collect evenings: Mrs. M. Millson 17 Hawkesbury London, 451-0541 • 5-25-1 7. Situations Wanted TRY the Astronaut orchestra for modern and old-time dance music, phone -262-2143., 7-25-4 S. Farm Stock For Sale TWENTY Hereford and Dur- ham cattle, due at grass time. Box 1562, Huron Ex- positor. , • 8-23-tf TWENTY- pigs, 8 Weeks old. Doug Hugili,' RR 2 Seaforth, phone 482-7548. 8-25-1 HOLSTEIN bull calf, 'Ted Van Dyke; Mill Read, Sea - forth, 527-1435. '8-25x1 BUNCH of good strong York pigs. A. R. -Dodds, phone 527- 1748. 8-25-1 ONE' Holstein cow and two Holstein heifers, due. • soon. Phone 527-0327. 8-25-1 TWENTY -five pigs, 8 weeks old. Joe Van Valkengged, Cromarty, phone ,D u b li n. 14 'R 13. . • 8-25-1 SEVENTEEN `pigs, 6 weeks old. Tonv De Jong,'RR 3 Sea - forth, 482-9983 Clinton. 8-25x2 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets, Red x S x Rede` Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available new. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT POULTRY, FARMS, LTD. ' ' Seaforth Phone 527-0847' Box 160 9-23-tf 11 ArticlesFor Sale • .AN\i :I TE'd atee' " iiphidl ter- ;ed:. In' green ,and ell finlish-, ed wood, g o a'condition. Wri.d te.:box 123 Wingham or call 357-2545' after 5':30 • .m; '1' '11-25x1. JCOLLIE pupsr from' good tt e dogs.Ph n 7-1 - .ca 1 a 52 915", 11-25'1 -z TWO' male toy'' Manchester terriers. William Pappl4;'1E:g- lnondviile, phone 5274080V , ...11-25-1: BIRDSFOOT trefoil, Frank Fgwler;- 3314' miles' 'west "Of; Seafortb. ' 11,E -'25x2 GERANIUMS, tuberous `•••beg= oriia, fiberous•,begonia,- Hardy, u'm mr, dracena, a complete' line of flower plants. 'Spanish onions, tomatoes, sweet, pep-' Pers,. cabbage, 'red and 'white; broccoli, Brussels sprouts, - cauliflower. ,C o=m e in and browse!. around our green- houses and! meet your. friends. Baker's. Greenhouses, Sea - forth, open every day and evening.' 11-25x2 10. Used Cars For Sale TRUCK, 1964 Mercury pick- up, long wide box, .30,000 mil e s, excellent condition, - $1,350.00. 1960 Ford F700, 174", wheel base, 900 tires, 2 -Speed rear axle, 5 -speed transmission, '14' rack,, $750. Raj' Stanley, Kinloss, phone Bervie 2314. 10-25x1 11. Articles For Sale GOOD• 1.0" galvanized pip- ing. Phone 527-0758." 11-24-2 RABBITS, all -different sizes. Phone '527-1715. 11-25x1 BORDER Collie pups; seven weeks ,old, Arnold Jamieson, Phone 482-9828. 11-25-1 UNITSTEP, pre -cast concrete steps; Call Frank Kling Ltd. Saforth, phone 527-1320. d . 11-25-8 REFRIGERATOR in excell- ent working condition, ideal for a cdttage. Phone Mrs. D. Cornish, 5x27.0584. ' , 11-25-1' CCM girls bicycle, 28" wheel, blue and white with parcel carrier, like new condition. Phone 527-1535. 11-25-1 TWELVE -volt Motorola car radio; price, $10.00. Phone 527:1968. 11-25-1 QUANTITY of mixed grain, good quality, baled hay. Jim Jamieson, phone 527-1256. ' 11-25x1 IRISH Cobier seed potatoes, grown "from certified seed last year. Phone Clinton, 482- 7578. 11-24-tf• PIONEER Seed Corn. A limited quantity of 85, 90 and 100 day maturity sped still available. Eric' Ander- son, RR 1, Londesboro, phone 527-1896. 11-23-tf CEDAR posts, 'peeled] 12' braces; anchor posts; steep posts, 6', •Mid 7' lengths; Paige wire and barbed•.wlre, all weight$, Borden Brown K;iribtijrn `Store :phiono 5271387 11.234tf 12. Wanted To Buy ANTIQUE!• furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and diahes,• etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578 12-23-tf BALED straw, wheat or oats. Phone or write Thomas Han: lon, Ingersoll, phope 485- 2270. - 12-24x2 13. Wanted ROOM, by young lady. Call between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 527-1315, Seaforth, 13-25x1 14. Property For Sale LOT, in Egmondville. Phone 527-0458. 14-.21x6 CHOICE lots on North Main• St. Sewage available. R. J. Doig, phone 527-0763.._ .14-23-tf a 5 Property For gent �,. FI QNE aparti lent far .rent, Frank Kling .Ltd; `15-25 'l;. iROOM And .beard available aPmfPrtable Olean Reasonable -rates. CaI1fin;; 1QR8. • 1� 24ryry 17; Wanted T4 Rent PASTURE -for 8 or `'10, head of tyearlins., . Apply G. ,'Ha ilton, ensall, p hQne . 2 -. 522,x.,, tie t7-25- 19,; :Notices ,GARDENS": Illed with roto tiller, lawns mowed.' Harold Maloney or Pat Heenant ,, ,call ,527 1424. « 1,t4;.25x, JAAtx'S Furniture Repair.; Broken furniture:.and 'other. wooden....articles 'repaired, At ,rear of 84 ,Albert Ott': Clin- ton,. phone 482.9695 is -,23-41, SINGER ••S. a les, annd.',.Ser'vice, sewy!iing• ma'c'hines vaciiihna^. ers, • Roar -poliisher••s, ',and "tinDe, writers. . Cats JiA1 M IGre phone 527.-1456. 19 -19 - NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal' Dump ' Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturdayafternoons, from 1 to 5.00 p.m. and Saturday morning from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. .ATTRACTIVE .3 - bedroom home on John Street. New bathroom, kitchen, new gas furnace. Apply W. •R. • Smith, phone 527-0990. 14-23-3 THREE -bedroom residence, on West William St., Sea - forth. Moder nthroughout. Nearly` .new •oil • furnace. Large lot. Box 1566; Huron Expositor. 14-23x4 ONE -storey_ house in Brod- hagen. Russell Sholdice, 347- 2634. 14-24-tf THREE • bedroom frame house modern kitchen, three piece bath, new gas furnace, 1/2 acre of garden available. ,spring of 1967, possession 1st of July, . 1966...Cali . Philip Krauskopf, phone 135R3 Dublin, weekends. 14-25-3 FRAME house and small barn on large lot, 1 block east of Main street, corner of Goderich and East lam St. Immediate possession, for information contact Mrs. William Hurst,..' RR 1 Mpnk- ton, Ont., phone 356-2618. 14-25x3 FIVE bedroom house, asphalt siding, . garage attached, hot water heating, niedern con- veniences, kitchen range and. TV aerial included. Close to uptown, immediate ,posses- sion. Apply to Charles Reeves or Mrs. 'B.. Hildebrand, 14-25� 1n• 1%2 Million , Dollars Real , Estate Listings°Sea- forth Area n Six Months. We Have Sold FARMS We Have Sold HOUSES We Have Sold COTTAGES We Have Sold LOTS • WILLIAM M.,HART SALESMAN — SEAFQRTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON ...REAL ESTATE LTD.. 14-25-1 15. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510. ' 15-23-tf APARTMENTS, $16 to $60. Apply Harvey Dale, phone X527-1.406. 15-19x8 -FOR RENT — 2 -bedroom apartment. on Main Street. Phone 527-1210. 15-23-3 FOR RENT — Pasture avail- ablre for 15 head' small cattle. Phone 527-0587. 15-23-3 ON - Main Street, 2 -bedroom apartment. Heated with. new •gas furnace. Box 1559, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 15-20-tf FOR RENT -- ' 3 bedroom house, in Dublin. Immediate possession. Contact Peter E. Maloney, Dublin, or phone Sebringville, ' 393-6589. 15-22-tf TWO - bedroom heated apartment„ private entrance, on North Main Street. Phone 527-0282, or contact Robert Beutenmiller. 15.23-tf LOWER apartment on North Main, gas heated, furnished if desired. Carl Dalton, phone 527-0702. 15-22-tf HEATED apartment, 4 or 5 rooms, private entrance, pri- vate bathroom. 'Mrs. Margar- et Sclater, phone 527-0722. 15-24-tf ONE large apartment, on a main street, 2 bedrooms, kit- chen, bathrooms, livingroom and sunrootn. Gas eated, hot and cold water, Private entrance. Apply P.O. box 642, Seaforth,, 15.24x2 No wire fencing, old con- crete or car bodies permitted. JAMES I.. McINTOSH, Clerk.' 19-23-tf PICTURE FRAMING AT BEATTIE FURNITURE CLINTON *or 19-24-1 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes.' Filter Queen Sales, Varna, Phone 262-5350. Hensall. 19-234f SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or. phone LOUIS BLAKE, RE2 Brussels, phone '442 w 6, Bruss els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. '19-17x23 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, taiitgh't- house St., Goderich, phone . 524- 6514. • • • 19-23-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT q. Darling & Col pari of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, • 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 19-23-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTET94 JEWELLERS Ltd. 'Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-23-tf 20. Auction Sole, with 'calf •"}� , , xde�>• 1 Shxt- horn cow (excellent) in calf; 1 Shorthorn bull ready ' for :service; 2 Shorthorn heifers in calf; 2 dairy cows in milk; 3 finished yearling, ,h „ifere e 4 feedlot yearling steers;. 9 grass cifers;. erne11 calves; 10 pigs just eaned. MACHINERY -, Massey Harris is tractor Jr. 101 . 0 m• plete with elt,pullaY; Mount Forest grain sepalator; . with 'shredder, (28.44) 18. eleva-; tCaseor; 150 4 ftar. endlsiidcraess kedri, .ve belt; bexcels- bent condition; International 2 furrow ace bottoin plow; 9 ft. stiff • 'tooth cultivator; M.M. grain binder, 7 ft., good, canvasses; 4.;sections drag harrows; Case 2"furrow trail plow; rubber tired wagon and rack; I.H. Bream separ- ator, Many other small articles too numerous to 'mention, Terms of the sale, cash, the farm has been rented. ROSS ' BROADFOOT, Prop. Phone Henson 262-5061 PERCY C. • WRIGHT, Auctioneer Phone Hensall 262-5482 ROSS LOVE, Clerk. 20-25-1 CLEARING AUCTION -•SALE At Lot 22, Concession 2, Hibbert Township, 11/4 miles south and Pk miles west of Dublin, 11/4 miles •south of St. Columban, on MONDAY, MAY 30TH at 1,:30 p.m. sharp CATTLE — 31 high grade Holstein cows, fresh and due to freshen around time of sale; 1 Jersey cow, milking. This is a ' choice lot of• :ows, anyone wanting gooa cows don't iriss this sole. • No reserve as farm .is sold. Terms — CASH BART POSTMA, •Proprietor J. L. RYAN, Auctioneer J. M. McQUAID,• Clerk 20-25-2 AUCTION SALE Of Ferfn, Stock, Machinery; Household Effects and some Antiques at Lot 33, Con. 5, Logan Twp., 3 miles north east of Dublin, on SATURDAY, MAY 21 at 1:00 O'clock', CATTLE — 7 Durliam and Hereford cows with calves at side; 2 Hereford heifers, 650 lbs. HOGS — 4 York Sows; 34 •i s 7 to 10weeks old. NS 150 hens, 1 year old:. PEED — Approximately 200 bales hay; small quantity of mixek grain. IMPLEMENTS and MIS- CELLANEOUS — Case mod - 'el S tractor; 2 furrow II C ace bottom plow; IHC 6' cul- tivator; IHC 11 run disc drill; 2 section harrows ' with pole; 3 section harrows' with pole; IHC 5 ft. mower; wagon and rack; 2 steel manure spread- ers; dump rake walking NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United .Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up' at your farina phone by Sat- urday night. •- • FRANCIS HUNT, Phone, Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE. Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect , 19-23-tf MASONRY service — Chim- tieys' repaired; repointed; stone work; fireplaces built; basenients repaired, water- proofed and ,white - coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 19-23-tf NOTICE To Property Owners to Destroy Weeds Township of Hibbert Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1960, Section 3, 13 and 19, that unless noxious weed's grow- ing on their lands within the Municipality of the Township. of Hibbert are destroyed by the date of June 1st, 1966 and throughout the season, the . Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charg- ing the costs against the land in taxes, as set out 'in the Act. • The co-operation of all citi- zens is earnestly solicited. 204 Auction Sales' • pl'Puu; Cock .. utt. g�iridez.and: belt; fanningmilk Steel. Wheelbarrow; Viking ..cream separator; beam scale;; block and,: t ac k l.e; steel water u akettle and. ,u•g , 9 stand; h0ftN fence; el- .etre k e e >I bro a de _ 4 c x� h it: lr; n crates; 3 range she/WO; 1 lay i cage,a 't - y ng c para. y for 15 hens; • .:electric fencer; .quan- tity' of scrap iron; 36 ft. ex- tension ladder; forks; shov- els; chains; and a frost of other articles too numerous too mention. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 3 wooden beds;.. 1 iron bed;' 2 day beds; 3 small tables; extension table; 3 lawn chairs; 4 chrome chairs;6 dining room; chairs; -2 wash stands; victrola, with records; antique sideboard; •Quebec heater; coal, furnace; leve seat; antique clock; 3 win- dows: • 1 door; commode chair; quantity ,of dishes; sealers crocks; and other household effects. • Terms — CASH 5'7 sales tax in effect No reserve as farm is sold. TOM BURNS, Proprietor R. G. GETHKE, Auctioneer 347-2465 Monkton 20-25-1 21. Tenders Wanted Tenders Wanted Morris Township Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, June 6, 1966 for the construction of the McArthur Drainonsisting of 12,040 ft. of ()peg' drain and the remov- al of 36" concrete tile on C.P,R, and replacing it with 24" metal pipe supplied by the Township. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office.' A certified cheque for 10% of the contract price must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN Clerk, Belgrave, Ontario. • 21-25-2 SEPARA_V • Drainage Tenders Township , of McKillop for the contruction anti re- pair according to engineers report, • plans, profile and specifications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until noon, Saturday, June • 4th, 1966. (1) Bowman. Drainage Works, 2250 lineal feet (850 cu. yd.) open work, clearing brush, excavating, levelling spoil bank and repairing 4242i lineal' feet of closed drain. Contractor to supply FUNNY 40W OFTEN A BEAT -UP OLI? HOUSE HAS 'A SHINY NEW CAR OUTS I DE q�9U�;(IIP4':I' ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk ED CHAPPEL, , Hibbert Twp. Inspector Jr... HOLMES,' Perth County Inspector 19-25-1 20. Auction Sales TWILIGHT -CLEARING AUCTION SALE to be held at, the farm, Lot 151/2 Tuckersmith Twp., 1 mile east of Iiippen on (high- way). hardtop road, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, $ p.m. D.S.T. featuring ?6 head livestock, hogs, tractor, Mount Forest grain separator and farm im- plenaetats. LIVESTOCK •— 3 roan cow's with choice calves by side; 1 Hereford cow With c51£ by side; 1 ShorthoXit 21.•`Tenders Wanted 0 or a sr a. latter.: (2) . Krauskopf Drain., 14,672 lineal •feet (7000. cubic; 3 yd,)' ' opew drain; , ,excavating: it ,s even b.and i11$ � z 41 #5 ,feet ...flet of closed 'dr4114 catch, basin, TUwnsh3 ? to .nip - ply tile and pipe. Work to be' completed on above .drawl � s.b . September ber ,.y ,�. 1st, X96 , u C,tintraeter -1a.: be ered Wor Y co krnan 5; Coo pensation and Public Liabil- ity Insurance. A certified cheque for 10% .of the bidlo accon7pany, the tenders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, profile, etc. may, be seen at my office. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk RR 1 Seaforth, Ontario 21-25-1 22. Legal Notices ''NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MELVIN PETER. MESSENGER All' persons having claims against the Estate, of Melvin Peter Messenger, late of the Village of Egmondville, in the. County of Huron, 1.,a- bourer, deceased, who died on the 20th day of April, 1966, are hereby notified to send :,..in full . particulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 9th day of June, 1966,. • after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, On- tario, this 16th day of May, '1966. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario . Solicitors -for the Administratrix 22-25-3 NOTICE .TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLARD HALLIDAY ELLIOTT All persons having claims against the Estate of Willard Halliday Elliott, late of the Town of Seaforth; in ,the County . of Huron, Retired Restaurant Proprietor, de- ceased, who died on the 1lth day of March, 1966', are here- by notified to send in full. particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of June, 1966, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only 'to claims then received.' DATED at Seaforth, On- tario this 16th day of May, 1966, McCONNELL & STEWART • Seaferth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-25-3 • 'winos Director", Oodsrich 0 �••� ::SeAtorth. Ad to ho i. rent., FLOWERS .FOR EVERY ' • OCCASIQN 1,4 Phone 527-139.0 '' - :Seaforth: ox1 kC•' FUNERAL ,SERVICE: Prompt ^and carefu - attention .. buTai ce' Sc ice ,• Howe a} For''Ali oee i4`ns phones: Day 527--068/Or":.T,NigyhtT� 527" 85 ..;.W�,J; CLEARY' "r•. Seaforth, On to r LICENSED, EMBALMER • and FI RAL DI1WL'foR: Night or Dar:Q.41111 :-., 27-0510 - J. A. B RKE'''' Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN.. ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 JOHN E. LONCISTAFF • OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office.; Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9' to 5:30 p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon' Thursday evening by appoint ment only Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. -= Clinton • Office • 114E CAR 15 AN EXTENSION of THE MANS PERSONAL IMAvE - SLEEK, MODERN, FAST, LUXURIOUS.,,.. WHAT'S THE HOUSE? ' A. M. HARPER • -Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich • 524-7562 SEAFORTH, VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryana, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S:,- V:M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART, Barristers, Solicitors,"Ete; 'P. D.-M@CO Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. , Phone 527-0850 A. • W, SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office .527-1850 Res. 527;1643 Seaforth - , Ontario For Additional Classified See Page 12 •. • • Boxholders' Names Not Given Out! It is not possible -for us to divulge the name or address of any advertiser using a Huron Expositor box number. Please do not ask forthis information. ,UST ANOTHER DARN NECE551Ty FOR THE WIFE AND CHILDREN �'p. � i ��-•'`-�.'� . ��� anew M THOSE WOULD BE \ CONSIDERED MODERN MASTERPIECES 1F THEN! WERE DONE IN OILS, ON CANVAS AND FRAMED. THIS WASHING MACH IN IS ALWAYS GOING WRONG! OP COURSE IT IS -AL1, MSCI-1ANICAL GADGETS GET WORM AND TORN! ' 1i(i IIS 1i lid U IT'S NOT SO LONG AGO THAT WOMEN USED NASHgOARDS, AND 'THE DIDN'T WE'R OUT;, � DON IN JAM, BUTTER ANIDMUD ON AN ED WALL, THEIRY PA , P RTISTIC AND AESTHEl1C VALuE EQUALS A sGOL.DING . . NO - BUT THE WOMEN DIQ DADDY,AREN'T'IOU AGTUAu,Y... HOT IN. THAT SIG ...,NES! WEA -r52? • Natukr 4' y ,t*