HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-05-19, Page 1,4 h • • a - • • • Whole' N9.• 5:125 • 107th Year. • Ammo Sends Tinto To Hospital, Two Hensel', men were in ur• - ede Tuesday afternoon i when they were sprayed with liquid:, ammonia. The accident emir - ed while the men were prepay-• ing to .apply ammonia to corn fields at the McKillop farm of Robert McKercher, RR 1, Dub- lin, Roy Armstrong, 20 and' Ger rard Forestall, 22, were spray - with ammonia when the hose with which they were filling a field applicator became detach- ed from a supply tank truck. Mr. McKercher droye the, in- jured men to Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital where Mr. Arm- strong was admitted and Mr. Forestall was treated and allow-' ed to go•home. Hospital officials said Mr. Armstrong suffered. burns to the face, head and shoulders. The ammonia fumes also had an effect on him. Mr. McKercher said Arm- strong wag soaked with the am- monia and swallowed some of it, but that Forestall was not hit directly by the spray and, as a result was not as serious- ly injured. " It was 'fortunate the men were not using anhydrous am- monia in place •of liquid' am- monia", he haid, adding that an- hydrous ammonia is . more dan- gerous than the liquid form. Investigations Wednesday, suggested the accident was caused by a faulty valve, Mr. McKercher said. Raise $2,300 Donations to Seaforth district Cancer Campaign -total $2,300. campaign chairman R. J. Spittal said Tuesday. The campaign closes on Sat- urday. MISS MARY SCOTT, WHO will. graduate Friday from the Victoria Hospital School of Nursing. A graduate of SDHS, she is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Scott, Seaforth. SE-AEQ•RT , Q1gJ i 'T] It's CLEAN-UP TIME in Seaforth and Public works employees co-operate and lead the way, by putting oil on the roads in order to keep .the 'dust down. •Seaforth Chamber of Com- merce in co-operation with Seaforth Council is again sponsoring` the annual Clean-up Paint -up campaign. Here' Alf Pryce, (left) wields a power spray on James Street west, while in the back- ground, Tom Jorgenson tends the pump. As a preliminary to the spraying program, Town fore- man, Harold Maloney graded the street with the power grader. (Expositor photo by Phillips). . uckersmith telephone Converts Bayfield to Dial Bayfield telephone exchange switched over from the opera- tor system to dial telephone at 3:01 a,m., May 15th. Bayfield ,telephone exchange of • the- Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System began opera- tions on March 17, 1949, in the building owned by Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms on Main Street, Operating the cutover devices and clearing traffic from the manual switchboards were Murray McKindsey and Wil- liam Dowson. They were assis- ted by Steve Meidinger, of the Hay Systemm,, and Martin Prich- ard, of Onthrio Telephone Ser- vices. Others assisting at the cutover were F. Gemmell, On- tario Telephone Services co-or- dinator; J. Portsmouth, Bell Telephone co-ordinator, and Andy Ahonen, Northern Elec- tric Co. installer and Bev. Broadfoot, Bell ,Telephone, of Clinton. Attending to • the switchboard in the evening were Mrs. Pearl Sheddick and Jack Caldwell, Hensall. Attending the ceremonies were the Tuckersmith Tele- phone System chairman', Lloyd Lovell and commissioners, Har- vey Coleman and Arthur' Nich- olson, Mel Graham, secretary - treasurer of the System and Mrs. Graham, Gordon -Hess of Northern Electric, Mrs. Wallie McBeath, Brucefield, Mrs. J. Kellar, Seaforth, Mrs. William Dowson and Mac Webster, Var- na. Arthur Nicholson was a commissioner seventeen years ago when the manual switch- board began operation in the Bayfield office. Wally McBeath was -. the serviceman. at that time and still is active as sup- erintendent, but was unable to SDHS Competes At Mitchell Seaforth District Collegiate won three second-place'ribbons and one third-place ribbon at the Huron -Perth track meet held in Mitchell, May llth. J. Taylor won two ribbons in `the junior boys' division. He won second place in the high jump and finished third in the pole vault. Also in the same classification, Harry Scott took second place in the triple jump. Seaforth won their pther rib- bon in the intermediate division, when Doug Dalrymple was se- cond in the long jump. All together 11 records were established at the meet, which saw Central Huron . Secondary School finish first in the boys' division„( with St. Marys winning the girls' team division. Individual stars were Clare Magee of Central Huron and Jack .Murphy of St. Marys. Ma- gee won five events •with Mur- phy finishing first in four events, all races. , MISS PATRICIA FAULKER, ` daughter of Mrs. Marys Faulk- ., net' .22 Dayton St., Calt and the a late Wm. J. Faulkner, and niece of Miss Lillian, Faulkner, graduated May 11, from St. Joseph's 1lospital School of Nursing, Haniiltdn. She was presented With a sciiolarshiti given by the St. Joseph's Hospital Medical Staff for post graduate study in nursing adminstration which provides u. year's study. at University. She is a grad- uate of St. •Petriek's Separate School : and 'the a1 CoUeg- iata 'Tic. �lite, sti and Will .attend . t1n $rsit -of. Western • iiilr'' ar~in,:,•'London this fat :, • SDAY, MAY 194966 P,A:9-ES PLANS WORK ,00 apttpl 'Program Single Copieei 1Q: ; tali $4,Q0 a Yearim Advange,: ' A capital expenditure,: Pre: painting and repair. of the ,gram totalling $46,000,00, ' was •overhead water tower. The approved by the Public ?Allay' ;work which was completed re- fContnnission at a meettfig, on ' cently included !relining the in- , Tueaday. .terior of the tank with a plastic Of the total $33,000' will pro; t1!pe material which will add vtd6'for work hi the electrical 1'§ to 20 years to the life of the department, the balance for tank according to PUC mane - waterworks. ger R. J. Boussey. Other work. } will include replacement. of a a electricallcmwork will in -l number of control valves, some vo ve _replacement of several of "which have been in service overloaded• secondary lines, underground_ for more titan 50 dating of certain Obsolete years. In addition, it is planned transformer equipment, and of new street provilight- to overhaul one of the deep. 'srory . well pumps as well as increase ing installations as worked out with the town. the capacity of certain service High lighting the $13,000.00 'lines at various points in town. In some cases Mr. Boussey said waterworks program is the re- lines as small one inch were serving several accounts and these will be replaced with larger pipes Offer Bonus As a means of encouraging tthe updating of residential services, the PUC will pay a cash bonus ,of $50.00 to every residential consumer.. who . re- places a two wire service or in- adequate service with a 100 amp.' service and at the same time install a major appliance. Payment will be made upon ap- proval of the HEPC inspection Department. Mr. Boussey said there are 64 two -wire services in use in town. He added the PUC would supply without charge an out- side meter when changes in, services were carried out. attend as he 'is a patient in St: Joseph's Hospital, London. The other present operators are Mrs. Reg. Francis, Mrs. J. B. ,Higgins, Mrs. R. Roy Fitz- simons, Mrs. Fred Watson and Mrs. Malcolm Toms. Bill Gib- son of Hensall, like Mr. Cald- well, assists on the occasional Sunday. Past operators have been El- la 1VtcKay, Ann Tate, 'Mrs. Fred Arkell; Mrs, Emerson Heard, Mrs. Bev. McClinchey, Mrs. J. Cluff; ,Mrs. Norma Wallis and Mrs. Percy Renner. - Prior- to the cutover, lunch - was served at 'Mr. and' Mrs. Toms' home. Two Area .Residents Are: Accident Victims Two area residents were kil- led in separate car accidents Saturday night. Elaine Hegselwood, 9, of Lond'esboto, was killed in a two -car ,collision near Goderich. The accident occurred when she and four other children • were being driven to a Goderich drive-in theatre by a, family friend. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hessel- wood, of RR 1, Londesboro. Her sister, Brenda, 13, broth- er, Kenneth, 11, and two friends Jeannette Riley; 12, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Riley, of Londesboro and Clayton Riley, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Riley, Clinton and the driver of the car, Sam Jamieson of Blyth were taken to Alexandra Mar- ine and General Hospital, God- erich, for treatment of shock and bruises. The driver of the other car, John Schneiker, ' 21, Goderich; was not injured. The accident occurred as the Jamieson car, proceeding west on Highway 8, turned south to- wards the theatre. Goderich coroner, Dr. N. C. Jackson, who pronounced the girl dead at the scene, said she died of a broken neck. Elaine was in Grade 3 at Blyth Public School. He said last night the deci- sion to hold. an inquest would depend on police findings. OPP Time is Running Bible Society Canvasses Sunday was Bible Society Sunday in Seaforth and all this' week the society has been can- vassing the community: The can- vass will continue until Saturday The Bible Society is respon- sible for practically all Scrip- ture translation and all Scrip- ture cripture distribution in the tradi- tional missionary areas • of . the world. Last"year the society dis- tributed 80 million volumes of Scripture in the world. This, was an, increase of• 10 million over the previous year. Last year, on an average, the Scriptures ap" peered in a new language every 20 days. To meet the increased demand for Scriptures in hundreds of languages, the Canadian Bible Society ;must provide $800,000. in 1966. Constable Robert Brennenman, of the Goderich detachment is in charge of the investigation. Elaine is survived by her par- ents,, sisters, Verna and Brenda and brother, Kenneth, all ' liv- ing at home and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James East of Hullett Township and Mary Hesselwood, of London. Funeral service was held on Tuesday, with burial in the Clinton Cemetery. . Killed at Auburn Miss . Mary Isabella Houston, 51, of Auburn, was killed and three other women • injured when their* car went off a con- cession road, one and one-half miles north of Auburn. • Miss Houston, a home econ- omics teacher at Hillcrest, was involved_ in a car accident last year. As a result of that ' two - car crash at Galt, last March, she was semi -paralyzed. In good condition in Clinton Public Hospital are her sister, Jean, 48, of Toronto, with••face cuts; Miss Jean Jamieson, 51, of Toronto, bruises; . Miss Isa- bella Richard, '72, of Cummock, Scotland, fractured wrists and cuts. Miss Houston is also sur- vived by her parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, of Auburn and a second sister, Frances of Auburn. Service was held Tuesday at Auburn, with burial in Col- borne Cemetery. Out ° For. ..Bazaar of Values ,Bargains Area shippers have only one tnbre week in which to take part in the draw for $50 which is a feature of the Bazaar of Values being sponsored by Seaforth area merchants. The Bazaar of Values contin- ues -until the • end of next week and the draw for the final prize will be announced in our issue of June 2. All that is necessary to be In line to win a prize is to send -or bring into The Expositor office a sales slip showing a purchase from one of the participating stores, or failing a sales slip, one of the ads clipped from the Bazaar of Values on pages 8, Q and 10 in this issue. Make sure your name' and address are on each, sats slip. At the end of the program, One of the nates will be seleet- ed, who will receive $50.00. Seaforth automobile dealers have joined other Seaforth mer- chants in , a special ,"Bazaar of 'SHOP THIS PAGE i01t VOUQ NEED 61` r i 'Values honoring. customers n this tt'Adifig 'den, .. . Not for a 1eng i:,�me ahave rhotic been so many fine used cars on the market - - and the place to find the car you want at the price you want to pay is right here in Seaforth this week. You will really be "in orbit" when you get behind" the wheel of one of the many fine cars now on display in Seaforth. They are the most! And you Will have the added advantageof buying with confidence from your local dependable dealer. Shop Seaforth automobile dealers this week for your "Bazaar of Values" in either a new or used . automobile. 11` hey will make you a real automobile deal. • Shop all the Seaforth area stores displaying "Bazaar of Value'yposters for outstanding buy this Week that you, data .afford to miss:, • L. 'F. FORD OF THE Sea - forth Lions Club wild has been elected as Zone Chair- man for Zone 3 ,South, which includes seven district Lions Clubs. Names Delegates The Seaforth Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. Earl Papple for their Citizen- ship and Education meeting. The new President,'. Mrs. R. M. Scott was in -charge of the bus- iness part of the meeting. Delegates to the District An- nual being held on May 19, in Dashwood are Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs, R. M. Scott, Mrs. R. J. Doig and Mrs. G. Papple. The Branch Tweedsmuir His- tory Curator, Mrs. R. J. Doig, was made a member of the Huron County Historical Socie- ty. Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs. R. M. Scott and Mrs. J. E. MacLean were appointed to look after having the Institute Crest placed on the sign at the ell- trance ritrance to the town. The, program was in. charge .of Mrs. John Kerr, chairman and Mrs. B. Coleman: Mrs. Cole• man gave the motto, "Don't Worry 'Abet.'" People Knowing Your Life, Make Your Life Worth' Knowing". A recipe for "better citizens", (written by the late Mrs. William Kerr); was given by Mrs. G. Papple. Mr Fred Bissett, of Goderich show ed slides of Huron County and • of a recent trip to the West Indies. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. 'Ken Stewart. WILLIAM EDWARD (TED) Southgate, „Seaforth business- man who died last week fol- lowing a long illness. Advance Plans for Minor Ball Funeral serliges for. W, 1'3. Ted Southgate were held at St. Thomas' Anglican, porch, 'rl- dtay afternoon, Mr.'S0/011,049, 48, well known Seaforth: 'boar nessman died May 11th, it> Bea forth Community. HQspital fol- lowing an 'illness extending: nearly a year. . Mr, Southgate was a life long resident of . Seaforth.' Following graduation from the ` Seaforth Collegiate Institute, he was on, the staff of the Dominion Bank for a number of -years prior to " enlisting during the second war.. On his return to toWn he was on the staff of the Huron Ex- positor until about 15 years ago, when he purchased the general insurance agency of the late E: 'C; Chamberlain. He was secretary -treasurer of the • McKillop Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company and until recent- ly was secretary -treasurer" of the Seaforth District High School Board. A former assessor for Sea - forth be -also had been a justice o'f the peace andclerk of the Division Court. During several provincial and federal elec-. toins he served as riding return- ing officer or election clerk. Active in the Lions Cltib, ' he was a past president and. zone chairman. Particularly inter- ested in the Lions Park and in crippled children work, he was treasurer of the park cominiti tee. He was a member of Sea - forth Branch 156, of the -Can- adian Legion and members of the Legion and Lions attended the funeral home Thursday • evening. Particularily concerned in the affairs of St. Thomas' An- glican Church, of which he was a member, he served in the choir for 30 years, as well as holding other church offices. As secretary and . business man- ager of Huron Church Cainp at Bayfield, he played_ a, major role in the establishmmnr'end development of the camp. Born in Toronto, he was the oldest son of the late W. E. Southgate and Mrs. Southgate. In 1948, at Woodstock, he was married to Elsie 'Murray, of Stratford who survives togeth- er with a family of two sons, William and Paul and a daugh- ter, Carol Ann, all at home. He is• also survived by. his mother, three sisters, Mrs. R. S. (Eliza- beth) Johnston, Brampton; Mrs. • Patricia. Troutbeek, Seaforth; Mrs. W. B. (Lillian) Genan, of Niagara Falls; three brothers,, MacLeod R., Kitchener; Ken- neth, and James, • .Seaferth. The remains retted at the R. S. Box funeral home here until Friday afternoon when impres- sive services were conducted by "his rector, Rev. Harry Donald- son. During the service R. J. Spittal sang accompanied by the organist, Miss Jane Cornish. Attending the service were Bishop W. A. Townsend, Lon- don, Canon B.A. Silcox, Wind- sor, Rev. William 0. Straw, of Hamilton, Rev V. K. Blake, of (Continued on Page 67 Although the weather has been holding ` up practises and work on the diamond, plans are being completed. •for 'Minor Baseball here this summer:" • On Wednesday, the WOAA• groupings Were made up and, include three teams entered from Seaforth. Pee Wee Group: Clinton, (B); Seaforth, (C); Mitchell, (C); Exeter, (B); St. Marys, (B); and Lucan, (D). Bantam Group: Clinton, (B); Seaforth, (C); Mitchell, (C); Exeter, (B); and Lucan, (D). Midget Group: Listowel (B); Clinton, (B); Seaforth, (C); Mit- chell, (C); Hensall, (D); and Lu- • can, (D). The Pee Wees and Bantams are ready to go. The Midgets need a manager and coach. The Minor Baseball Executive hope§ that in the next few days two people out of all Seaforth will volunteer to coach and manage this team. The Association has been as- sured that. Council will look after the grass ,and fix up the diamond. The screen will be fixed and some fill is •being supplied. Due to the fact that some equipment is required, such as balls, mits, bats and pads, the association will have the players sell booster tickets. Thesewill admit holder to all games. Please be generous and help the: boys out. There is also a need for volunteers to umpire the games. The Pee Wee sched- ule is• being drawn up on Thurs- day. The others will follow, Help in' all departments is needed. Won't you help'? Con- tact either Leo Hagan or Bob Dinsmore this week. Conveners for groups in the: area are: Pee Wee, Howard Tait, Clinton; Bantam, Hugh Hodges, Clinton and Midget, Doug Andrews, Clinton. More Help At Home - Scottish Farm Visitor Farm labor is more available in Scotland than in Canada and as a result Scottish farmers employ more help than their Canadian counterparts, accord- ing to a young Scottish farmer who is a visitor to McKillop this week, William J. McConachie , 23, said more farm owners hire workers over there because it is much easier to find farm laborers. • Mr. McConochie is one ,of nine young farmers from Great Britain who arrived in Mont- real, April 26th. They will visit Junior Farmers in Ontario until July 22nd, when they re- turn home, Of the nine, visitors, four are Scottish, three, Eng- lish and two, Irish. Mti •,McConachie is a member of the Scottish Association of Young Fanners, At home, h,e assists his father and brother on the. family farm in Nairn- shire, • where they specialize in fattening beef cattle and grow- ing barley. Until May 24th, he is stay- ing with Don McKercher of McKillop, who is Provincial Junior Farmer Director for Huron County, Last week he visited with Ross Veitch, Brus- sels, a member of the North Huron Junior Farmers. Commenting on other dif- fernede in farming in the ..two countries,, he said the output per - acre was usually higher in Scotland•'."because of the longer grew! ig season ,there and niso because of more moisture in the. land, 'He said there are not the extremes in temperature in' Scotland and this allows for a longer growing season. Compares Mr. McConachie added that although, the output per acre was greater, the overhead is al- so greater, partly because of the additional workers who DtfN McKERCHLar (right) of Mielillop; slims Scottish farmer William McConachie ,an ammonia applicator. Mr. .-Me- Cetiadhie, one of nine young farmers.front Creat Hrttiar `visit• ing farms in Ontario. is a ,guest thin week at the Me t+erche't fari1i, tLttjitieitbr plioto Phillips)r are employed. He said theav- erage farm worker in Scotland earns about. $35 a week plus board but that farm wages are increasing. From -what he had seen, farms in Scotland were more mechanized especially dairy farms, but Mr, McKercher was quick to point out that he had not seen •a modern Canadian dairy farm as yet. On the subject of: similari- ties in the farming, of Scotland , and Canada, Mr. McConachie Faid the land of both countries is similar and the farms are generally about the same size. The British government pro- vides some subsidies to farm- ers, , , A major difference .he notic- ed between the small towns of both countries was that here there is more room around houses and very few fences. in Scotland, he said the houses are closer together with fences be- tween them. He added there werefew wooden houses in • Scotland, but he noticed many in Canada. Mr. McConachie visited 111ont- r'eal and Ottawa' earlier on his trip, He said there are more old buildings in the cities in Scotland but in Canada the few old buildings he saw were mainly chinches: ;With an accent that vita hardy noticeable, the Scottisdi. farmer said that he Was enjoy, trig his visit to Canadaatltd, the people halgate ort of their' 'ay to be kind to hies