HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-05-12, Page 129,1101N- E, , oSLTGIR SE PQIlTH>.-ONT., MAY 122, 1966 C~�ML supEo Super Fh►r FLOW et FERTILIZER FER AINE R w+LCISION c,iwnuun•FO Mw -f CANADIAN WSIRIE. ..,.ED 1.11 y � Extra Special Prices! Bulk or Bagged -- Picked Up or Delivered Prices are strengthening due to ingredients being in short supply. Book your order today and be protected Anyone who bought Fertilizer from vs between Jan. 1.5, 1966, to April 7, 1966, PLEASE bring in your Bills -- you have a CREDIT coming to youl Funk's and United Early Hybrids Available CERTIFIED No. 1 BEAN SEED' (Treated if required) $12.50 per Cwt.,. F.O.B. Mill SEED GRAIN GRASS SEED Ontario Mixed Grain and Barley in Truckload Lots at Special Prices CONTRACTS ON FLAX, MIXED GRAIN, BARLEY, OATS, BEANS AND CORN Contact Gs before you buy. 131:TCF1 TOPNOTCH FEEDS LiMITED Phone 527-1910 Seaforth Read the Advertisements .-- .It's a Profitable Pastime! t NEWS OF lTk;NsALT, Linda Somerville Recalls United Nations Experience Miss Linda Somerville, Wal- ton, United Nations student of last year, spoke on -her -trip to the UN and World's Fair, and showed colored slides, at the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge, May 4th. She was introduced by Noble Grand Mrs. George Clifton, who services will be presided for the regular meet-.. held this Sunday, May 15, at ing of the lodge. The mystery 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., when the prize was won by Mrs, Clar- guest minister will be Rev. J. once Volland. A dainty lunch 5, Fox, of Windsor, a former was served in the lower lodge minister of this church. hall. The annual rummage sale, Legion Alxiliary Meets sponsored by the Kinette Club, held Saturday, was successful, with a good attendance. Cloth- ing not sold will be donated to the UCW for their bale. The Kinette Club of Hensall wish to express sincere thanks to all those who made the rummage sale a' success. Money raised from this sale will go to help serve the community's greatest need. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mc Leod, of Guelph, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T, Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, of Blenheim, were weekend guests with Mr. and, Mrs. Stewart Mc- Queen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. ' Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Harry -Horton, Mrs. Wm. Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor, , Mrs. John. Erb and Mrs. W. H. Bell, mem- bers of Hensall Legion Ladies' lienjanlin Franklin defined Auxiliary, participated , in a man as "a toolmaking animal". Family Sunday was observed at Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, when the)10yrites of baptism were conducted by Rev. J. C. Boyne. Children baptized were Brenda Elizabeth Bell, Darren Robert Moir and. Jean Marie Pollock, The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary met May 3rd with president Mrs. Harold Campbell presid- ing. Mrs. Clarence Reid was in- stalled as a new member. Plans for the Zone Rally at Seaforth, May 25th, were finalized. Mrs. E. R. Davis won the mystery prize, and Mrs. C. Reid, the guessing prize. Ten members of the Hensall Kinette Club attended the inter- club meeting for District 1, at St. Thomas, May 4th. Mrs. Jack Drysdale and Mrs. William Fuss were lucky draw winners. Mrs. James Hinsall, of Hop- wood, England, will arrive May 12th, to spend a three weeks' vacation with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.. and Mrs. Barrie Jackson, David and Anne, in Hensall, and will also visit with her two. aunts, Mrs, Barney Mc- Gibbon and Mrs. Emily Hurd, of. London, whom -she--has not seen for 50 years. INSURANCE' WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. only electric heatin can offer you all these dvantages unmatched cleanliness Electric heating is flameless. There -is ho combustion to create dirt, dust, film, or soot. Windows, drapes, and walls all stay clean longer in electrically heated homes. unmatched comfort Electric heating offers room•by-room or zone temperature control. ' It is quiet, creates no draughts, no chilly spots—just gentle, even, constant warmth, ti unmatched value ' Electric heating is maintt3nance-frees it offers extra living space and can have a significant effect on the re -sale value of your home. Yet, with all its advantages, electric heating costs far less than you may think. For more information about electric heating, consult a qualified electric heating contractor, or your Hydro. your hydro b`H-6.3392-WK Ej bowling tournament at Seaforth on May 4th. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Smale, Mrs. Erb, Mrs.- Taylor and Mrs, Horton were bingo and penny sale winners. Unit Four, UCW Mrs. James McAllister chair- ed the meeting for Unit Four of the UCW `Thursday, May' 5th, using as the theme, "The God of Love." The devotional, "Jesus Walked By the Sea of Galilee," was presented by Mrs. Harry Horton, with prayer offered by Mrs. Sim Roobol. Miss Amy Lammie read an article on the beautiful thoughts on the com- ing of Spring, The study of .the Christian Church in Trinidad was given by Mrs. J. Flynn, whcr told some facts on the mode of living of the natives of Trinidad. A busi- ness period followed, when the chief subject brought out was the smorgasbord, scheduled for Wednesday, June 8th. Mrs. Grace Harpole and her com- mittee was in charge of the so- cial hour, and Mrs. M. Traquair welcomed members., Health Inspector: "Don't you know it isn't sanitary to let your hogs run around the house this way?" Native: "Can't say that I do. We ain't lost nary a hog in 15 years." Legislation approving the Ontario Medical Services Insurance`Plan—OMSIP for • short—was passed in the Ontario Legislature on Feb. 18th of this year. Coverage commenced April 1st for social assistance recipients. Coverage will begin July 1st for those who have already enrolled, or who enroll now before May 16th. GINGERICH - SALES ,A SERVICE LTD. Phone 527-0200: Seaforth marognionoommemornmeironirornoranroorormournoo GEO, A. SILLS it SONS Phone 5274620. t . . FRANK KLING LTD. Phone. 527-1320 Seaforth Consult your EIfttric I Contractor for further information OMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE - REGARDLESS OF AGE, INCOME - OR HEALTH Everyone who has lived OMSIP has been estab- monthOntario eligib eeto join, lished to provide adequate except those who are enti- insurance coverage for the tled to physicians' services payment of doctors' bills, under another Act. and to make this coverage Members are free to available to all Ontario resi- choose their own doctor.' If dents regardless of their age, a member travels outside income or state of health. the Province, and requires Enrollment in.OMSIP is care, OMSIP will still pay voluntary, the doctors' bills up to The Plan is intended for OMSIP established rates. individuals and their fam- People who find they can- ilies and does not provide not continue to pay for all group coverage.•,(Groupcov- or part of their OMSIP con- erage is where a number of tract because of unemploy- individuals collectively pur- ment, illness or disability, chase insurance through may apply for- temporary their place of employment, assistance in paying their union; etc.) • . . fees. • ZION .. Mrs.' lkfary Williams, Burford, spent Sunday with her sister-in- law, Mrs. Vera Moore and Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl, Miss Nancy Lannin, Wood- stock, spent Mother's Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bush - field and Mr. and Mrs. Lawr- ence Hannon attended the. fun- eral of their aunt, Mrs. Robert Sadler, at the Lockhart Funeral Home, Mitchell, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Ross Gordon and Barry and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman, Statfa, were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Malcolm on Sunday and celebrated Mrs. Malcolm's 77th birthday. Miss Joan Britton, Toronto, was home for Mother's Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Shel- don and family, St. Marys, Were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Dalton Malcolm on Sunday; al- so Sunday evening, Mr. Robert Bibb, Sherrie and Lynn, of Glen- coe, were visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bur- chill, Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mrs. ,Herb Britton Sunday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bur- chill, Wingham, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton visited recently with Mr and Mrs Bob Keyes, Grand Bend. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill Sunday evening were Mr, and Mrs. Wadland, of Woodstock. Lightning moves 30,000 times as fast as a bullet. - HospitaI A. (Continued from Page 9) Crich;. 1/2 -gallon ice ei;eann, iter, 2789, Joanne Melanson; •Bisset's, Goderich, 2.7O1<, Mr. WinDrinks, Canada Dry thynPark ke,ledra drawn front all Co., '587, Frank Smale; baby tickets put rt yo by set, Eve -Mar, 2127, Mrs. Mayor Flannery, won-erby Scott Habkirk; vase, AnMrs. Harold Connell. stett Jewellers, 1819, Mrs- . __. The following 4ave cash Rose Phillips; glove and ball, donations: Don Woods; Me - 1213, Jack Henderson, Hen- Connell and Stewart; Dr. Sall; planter and plant, K. C. Gorwill; Topnotch Feeds; Cook, Clinton, 16,13, Terry Mrs. Taylor; Willis Dundas; Box; camera, Keating's Drug Macbonald Shoe Store;, Don Co., 1775, Mrs. Jr. Storey. Eaton; Dr. Buljubasic; Dave's Tide; 905, Marilyn Lee; Barber Shop; Joe McConnell; jewellery case, Savauge's Art Wright; Ziler's Welding Jewellers, 468, Mary Clarke, Shop; Bell Foundry; Walden Stratford; sauce pan set, 596, and Broadfoot; Fred Knetsch; • Gordon A. Wright; bath mat, Shell Station; George'E. -Un- G. A. Ingram Co., 621, Lou- ger, Brantford; Welder's Ser- ena Montgomery; dress mat -vice, London; 1VfcKague erial, Simpson -Sears, 1773, Chemical, Toronto; Seaforth Mrs. Clarence Walden; Rose Medical Centre; , Elva Keith Dust and air freshener, Co- Beauty Salon; Miss Nan Op.,, 1973. Mrs. William J. Taylor; Beaver Foods, Lon - Storey, RR 2; flashlight, Co- don. Op., 308, Elmer Rivers; gro- ceries, Wilkinson's IGA, 1813 Mrs. D. IVIillson; three sil- ver dollars, Province of On- tario Savings Bank, 2344, Mrs. Asa Deeves, Hensall; � - gallon ice cream, Bisset's, Goderich, 2052, Miss Mary Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527.0240. LOGAN-„TOWNSHIP DUMP' For the Use of Logan Township Residents Only for the disposal of tin cans and glass. DEFINITELY NO -- stones, rocks, pieces of which can be burned, the carcass ofrany animals orthinany decaying material. , . A $50.60 FINE WILL BE IMPOSED ON THOSE NOT COMPLYING WITH THESE RULES By Order. LOGAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Many qualify for full or .. partial assistance Since the aim of OMSIP leg- islation is to provide adequate medical insurance for Ontario residents, full •or partial"pre- mium assistance is available - for those who require it. Automatic fully -paid coverage Many residents and their dependants have automatic- ally received fully paid cover- age under OMSIP. These are people who are already re- ceiving benefits under the fol- lowing Acts: • The Blind Persons' Allowances Act • The Disabled Persons' Allowances Act • The General Welfare Assistance Act • • The Mothers' Allowances Act • The Old Age Assistance. Act. • The Rehabilitation Services Act Automatic . •fully -paid cover- age is also provided for old age security pensioners and their dependants declared el ” gible for ,coverage by ' he Ontario Department of Public Welfare. • • Fully -paid coverage on application People resident in Ontario for the past 12 months and who had no taxable income in 1965 get 'full assistance. . This . means if, these people make out their application form now, before. May 16th, they will get OMSIP protec- tion, fully paid for by the government, starting this July 1st. In addition, many who have been resident in Ontario for -the past 12 months will be eligible for partial assistance, depending on their taxable income and number of de - pee DO YOU QUALIFY FOR PARTIAL ,ASSISTANCE? endants. (See b Yes, if you are a single person and -your taxable income in 1965 was $500 or less. Complete cost $60.00 Government pays 30.00 You pay 30.00 ($7.50 every 3 months) • Yes, if you have one depen- dant, and if together your total taxable income in 1965 was $1,000 or less. Complete cost.. . . . $120.00 Government pays.. 60.00 You pay 60.00 ($15.00' every 3 months) What is taxable income? Taxable income is the amount of your income upon Which you pay tax after exemptions for dependants and other allowances have been deducted. Yes, if YOU -have .a family of 3 or more, (find if your family's total taxable income in 1965 was $1,300 or less. opt Complete cost $150.00 - Government. pays90.00 You pay . 60.00 ($15.00 every 3 months) HERE'S YOUR APPLICATION 'ORM—Please use BALL POINT PEN. Cut out form carefully. Mail today! INSTRUCTIONS 1. if you have a Social Insurance Number write it in the squares provided starting with the first number in the first square. If you do not have a number, place a v mark in the square marked NO. 2. Print your last or Family Name in the box. (Example: -Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.). 3: Print your first and second Given Names in the boxes, (Example: John, Harry, Mary, etc.). If you have a nickname or are commonly known by another name for mailing purposes, please indicate in the box (narked OTHER. 4. Print you;•adtress in the first box; your City, Town, Village or Posf Office in the next box; and your County or District in the last box. 5. Write the number of the day on which you were born in the box marked DAY. Print the name of the month (or its abbreviation) )n the box marked MONTH. Write the number of the year in the box marked YEAR (Example: 9 Feb,.1,927). 6. Men should place a V mark In the box marked MALE. Women should place a - v' mark in the box marked FEMALE. ' 7. If you are single place a v' mark in thcbox marked' SiNGLE. If you are' married place a' / mark in the box marked MARRIED. If your status is other than single or married (Example: separated, divorced or widow- ed) write your status on the line marked OTHER. .8. Write your occupation and the kind of business or Industry in which you work (Example: Carpenter— Building Trade; Farmer—Agriculture; Salesman— Bakery). 9. Print the first names of your wife or husband (spouse) in the first box. Then print the first names of all your eligible dependant children, starting with the oldest, in the following boxes. If you have more than five eligible dependant children continue your list in the section on this side of the form. if you have more than 10 eligible dependant children, list -them v parately and return with your application form. Under BIFITH DATE, write the number of theday-of birth, print the month and write the number of the year of birth, (E*ample:18 Sept.1954). Under SEX, write M if the child is male, F if the c)rild is female.. . Sign your name on the line marked SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT and 'write in the date and year. . W YOU ARE, AF;PLYiNG FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE - Read this sec ion very carefully and complete either the section marked 'A' or the one marked 'B' (not -both). 12. Remember, if you receive benefits under any of the Acts listed ander 0(1) in the folder entitled "OMSus..,W HAr IT MEANS AMO W HAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU". you should not complete an application form. You will be, provided automatically with fully paid coverage. 10 11 ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS . Birth Date Day Month, Year Sex MorF FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN APPLICATION FORM PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE BEFORE COMPLETING PARTIALLY ASSISTED PREMIUMS ' Cost for those eligible for Complete Government- You premium assistance Cost pays Pay (a) The single person $ 60.00 (covering only the member) with a taxable income in 1965 of $500 or less (b) The family of two $12000 (covering the head of the family end ono eligible dependant) with a tote( taxable income In 1965 of $1,000 or less (c) The family of three or more. ......... .3150 00 (covering the head of the family and l with atotal taxable income) in 196$ of St,300 or Tess - FULL PREMIUMS Cost for those not eligible for premium assistance On The etngle'person (miring only the member) (b) The family of two (covering the head of the family and one eligible dependant) (e) The family of three or more (covering the,head of the family and all elloible dependants) 330.00 *30.00 . (37,50 3 Months) x5.0000 e 3 man a) 30D.00 360.00 (315.ry03 - 3 n oMhs) • cosT 360.00 a year ($15.00 every 3 months) $120.00 a year ($30.00 every 3 months) 3160.00 a'year ($37.50 every 3 months) SEND YOUR.,COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO. OMSIP, P.O. Box 1700, Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. 1. Do ydu have a rr f Social Insurance yes, insert) If Number 7 Social i Insurance Il Number' I. [ III For office use only 1 2. Y+ Your Name •tJo p+ Please print 4. Your Last or Family Name 3. Given Names (First) (Second) Other Address Please print 5. Birth Date RR i or P.O. Box or Street & Number City or Town or village or PostlONlce County or District Day •Month j Year 6. Sex Male Female 7, Marital Status 8, Occupation & Nature of Business or industry ° I II. LIST Single Married Other (specify) DEPENDANTS spot's. and/or a term wormer mutt baok:a ct end unmarried). Other depehdants ebd fully employed children must apply far separate cinema*. Given,Nemes ` 'Spouse Only . Day Binh Date Month Year Sex M or F Given Names Only y Day Birth Date Month Year Sex 3rd child Mor F 1st child Coldest eftelbfey • 4th Child " 2nd child 5th child 10. In Mang for eeyerage under The Ontario AI am nowt or total have edits, services Insurance List additional dependant old days, dren In space pPO lded above. covcered care by pa ernmehnt dt that information given by me Is correct. . ' ...: For office use only SlynStwe Ot /yfptissnt .........4041".,,, . rtl%+.. APPLICATION FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE 11. I hoive lived In Ontario for the past 12 months. i am not covered for total medical care by government. I agree to allow the Medical Services Insurance Division to verify all statemeritsf made by me on this application. (SIGN A OR B ONLY) A. NO TAXABLE INCOME I hereby apply tot full premium assistance I and my eligible dependants had no taxable in- come for the 12 months ended December 31st last. I state that the Information given by me is correct. Slpnature of Appllgnt Date 19 B. TAXABLE•INCOME OF 31,300.00 OR LESS I hereby apply for partial premium assistance fly taxable inoome and the taxable income of my eligible dependants was in total $_ -- for the 12 months ended December 31st last. I state that tha•information given by me is correct, • 3,0naturs a} AppUaet Date 10 . • . • A e• • x • • 4 a t1 u to 9