The Huron Expositor, 1966-05-12, Page 11e
'blue coat'
.,a41on Stove and
Fuit.'t:1,8Ce- Qin
Office 627-4150 -- Res. 527-1053
Classified ads pay dividends.
D.terniiu` C .
To Re'organizeat) Gr
The Ontario Bean Marketing
and Ontario t e
ar a 8 an Grow -
ors Ltd., in a release over the
signatures' of A. Roy Coulter,
chairman of the Ontario Bean
Marketing Board, and J. A. Ir-
vine, president Ontario Bean
Growers Ltd., jointly announced
the following program of reor-
1. Application has been made
for supplementary letters patent
is collecting wool tor grading
and sale in the ,co-operative
plan. Shippers may. obtain.
sacks and twine free of charge
from the above or their Licen-
sed Operators.
Realize the -highest returns for
your wool by patronizing your
own Organization.
or by writing -to
40 St. Clair Avenue East
Toronto 7, Ontario.
Classified ads pay dividends.
WA Meets
St. Thomas' WA met at the
home of Mrs. William O'Shea,
May 3rd. President Mrs. W.
Boulton opened the meeting.
Mrs. Bruce McLean read the
.The Dorcas convener, Mrs.
McLean, displayed clothing for
St. Paul's Residential School,
.Albert. Plans were made for
thehome baking sale to be held
in the old telephone office, May
The Spring meeting of . the
Huron deanery will be held at
St. Paul's Church, Wingham,
June 1st. Rt. Rev, J. A. Wel-
ton, Bishop of Moosenee, will
be guest speaker.
Mrs. Boulton closed the meet-
ing with the Benediction. Lunch
was served by Mrs. O'Shea, as-
sisted by her daughter, Nancy,
Mrs. E. Dinsmore and Miss
Dorothy Parke.
to reorganize •Ontario B.gan
�ower s ltd.' to a non -share
capital co-operative,
2. The Company by-laws have
been approved by the Board - of
Directors of the Connpany and
by the Ontario Bean Marketing
3. Election procedures to el-
ect a Lew marketing board
which will be known as the On-
tario Bean Producers' u Market-
ing ing Board have been drawn up
and approved by the presently..
appointed Ontario Bean Market-
ing Board.
4. The Ontario Bean Market-
ing Board and Ontario Bean
Growers Ltd. will jointly call
meetings in the six main bean
producing counties to:
(a) nominate and elect a Di-
rector for Ontalrio Bean Grow
ers' Co-operatives for each dis-
(6) nominate and elect Bean
Growers' Committeemen f o r
each district;
(c) nominate Directors for the
Ontario Bean Producers' Mar-
keting Board.
5. The election -for the On-
tario Bean Producers' Marketing
Board will be conducted by mail
ballot. •
6' Representatives of both the
Ontario Bean Marketing Board
and Ontario Bean Growers Ltd.
will attend all county meetings
to explain election procedures
and to answer. questions.
7. Notices of meetings and in-
formation regarding the revised
Bean arketing Plait and the
reor . 'zed o
ga C m an i b
p y w lI :e
mailed to bean growers.
8. Details of election proce-
dures and the revised represen-
tation will be announced slort-
9. The county meetings are
tentatively scheduled for late
May and it is hoped to have re-
organization completed in June.
10. reorganization of both
the Marketing Board and the
Company has been fully discuss-
ed with a special committee of
the Ontario Federation of Agri-
OMSIP Registration
Local area residents, who
haven't yet applied for mem.
bership hi
the in t e QgtsurPo Medical
Services Insurance Pian will
have until May 16th to do 'so
as a result of a two -weeks ex-
tension" of the open enrolment
period announced by Health
Minister Dr. Matthew By Dym-
Those persons who enroll in
OMSIP before the May 16th
deadline will be entitled to full
coverage and benefits when the
Plan commences on July lst.
Dr. Dymond said the public
response to OMSIP had been
most gratifying and that appli-
cations received to date cover
Employment is -Up
Following a trend set in earl-
ier months, the employment pic-
ture in most of Huron .County
continued to show noticeable
improvement during April, when
compared to the same'peri'od in
At the end of April 1966; 202
persons were actively register-
ed for employment with the
Goderich National Employment
Service, compared to 389 a year
ago..This decline in .unemploy-
ment applied mainly to male
applicants, with 98 fewer.
C. M. Jutras, Goderich Nation-
al Employment Service Manag-
er, said the noticeable increase
in job opportunities was, due
primarily to increased employ-
ment particularly in construc-
tion and manufacturing through-
out the- area. Over 150 vacan-
cies for workers were listed
during the month.
The Goderich National Em-
ployment Service was success-
ful in placing in gainful em-
ployment some 125 persons dur-
ing April. Skilled tradesmen
such as bricklayers,' carpenters
and truck drivers are now in
short supply, with many open
ings available.
With the end of the academic
year only a month or so away,
students will become available.
Employers are asked to place
their future vacancies for stu-
dents with the National em-
ployment 'Service.
OMSIPenroiliyent period
extended to May 16th
Ontario Health Minister Dr. M. B. Dymond has announced that residents
of the Province may still receive full Ontario Medical Services Insurance
Plan coverage and benefits by July ist providing they enroll in the Plan
before May 16th.
"The Plan is a success," ' declared the Minister. "The number of
applications received ,already cover more than 1,100,000 of our citizens."
Dr. Dymond added, how-
. ever, that a large number of
• residents had indicated they
would join OMSIP but for
a variety of reasons had
been unable to send in°their
application in time. The
OMSIP open enrollment
period has therefore been.:
extended by two weeks in
order that these persons
may qualify for coverage
from the day the Plan goes
into effect on July lst.
"The May 16th deadline
is final," added the minis-
ter. "This enrollment dead-
line cannot be extended any
further because it takes
time to process such a flood
of applications even with
the most modern equipment
The extension of the open
enrollment period means
that those residents who
have already enrolled; and
those who enroll before May
16th, will be protected by
OMSIP, beginning July 1st.
Ontario residents wlio en-
roll after May 16th will
have to undergo a minimum
three. month waiting period
before they are entitled to
OMSIP coverage and bene-
fits, said Dr. Dymond.
OMSIP head office is located at 135 $t. Clair West, Toronto.
Applications are already being processed by modern
• ` micro -photo methods and computers.
Many old age pensioners have automatically bethrenrolled
in OMSIP but most must fill in and 'submit an application.
Those who will get automatic ,coverage are pensioners
who are presently receiving benefit under The Ontario Old
Age Assistance Act, or those pensioners who have been
declared eligible for coverage by the Ontario Department
of Welfare. These pensioners have already received their
OMSIP registration cards.
All other pensioners must complete and submit an appli-
cation to receive OMSIP coverage.
If you have not received an OMSIP registration card, or
have not already sent in an application form, you must apply
before May 16th for coverage when the Plan starts on July lst.
Notification of acceptance to be sent out shorty
People who have already enrolled' in OMSIf' need
'not apply a second time.
Dr. Dymond stated that their applications are now
being processed, and their notification will arrive in
the mail very soon.
OMSIP provides practically all -physicians' services
as benefits including:
• Doctor visits in the home, office or hospital.
Diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and injuries.
• Diagnosis, pre-operation care and treatment,
surgery and post-operation care.
• Obstetricalcare,-including pre -natal and post-
natal care'effectjye.from the date of enrollment.
• Anaesthesia and X-rays for'diagnostic,
surgical and other procedures.
• ' Treatment of fractures and dislocations.
• Certified specialist services at established
rates when you are referred to the specialist
by your doctor.
• Certain denial surgical services performed in
a hospital.
NOTE: OMSIP will not pay for the cost of hospitaliza-
tion. OMSIP is an additional service, not a substitute
for Ontario . Hospital Insurance. You will still require
coverage by Hospital Insurance.
OMSIP is a voluntary plan
and .you can cancel your
membership at any time.
The government, how-
ever?, can only cancel mem-
berships in the case of mis-
representation, misuse of
services, non-payment of
premiums, or 3 months after
a member has ceased to be a
resident of Ontario.
If you fill out this appli-
if required, additional application forms are available from any
bank, or from OMSiP, 135 $t. Clair Ave., West, Toronto 7.
Cation and mail it now, you
will be eligible for OMSIP
'Coverage beginning July 1st.
Otherwise you will haw to
wait a minimum of 3 months
for your coverage to begin.
Since these applications
have to be recorded with a
micro -photo machine, please
print carefully and plainly
with a ball point pen only.
some 1,299,00Q riahlenita of Op
"The Plan is. a ,success," said
the minister,
OMSIP is a voluntary, Gov -
enigma. administered medical
care insurance scheme that will
help pay for practically all doc-
tors' services wherever they are
provided in the home, the doc-
tor's omce or the hospital.
The minister explained that
the extension of the open enrol-
Inent period by two weeks had
been recommended 'by the sev-
en -member, independent Medi-
cal Services Insurance Council,
a body set up to advise the Min-
ister of Health on the admin-
istration of the Act.
The Council felt an extension
was warranted because there ap-
peared to be some confusion in
the minds of a number of penp
sioners as to whether they had
been enrolled . automatically in
OMSIP or whether they had to
apply for membership in per-
"The only Pensioners who
have been enrolled automatic-
ally have already received their,
OMSIP registration cards en-
titling them to OMSIP coverage
as from last April 1," declared
Dr. Dymond. "All other pen-
sioners must apply if they wish
to join the Plan."
The minister added that those
pensioners, not enrolled auto-
matically, who had sent in ap-
plication forms already 'would
receive notification of their
membership acceptance before
the second -stage of OMSIP'com-
mences on July 1.
"But all other pensioners -who
haven't applied as yet -- even
though they may qualify for
coverage at no cost to them-
selves or be eligible for at least
partial -premium r assistance—
must send in 4 an 'application
form to OMSIP before May 16
if they want coverage from July
1 onwards," he said. ,.
The Council's recommenda-
tion for ad extension of the
open enrolment period came af-
ter it was reported there ap-
pears to be a sizable number of
old age pensioners who have not
as yet applied. It was felt that
the two-week extension would
enable many of these elderly
citizens to send their applica-
tions in so they may be entitled
to coverage as soon as the Plan
In addition, said the minister,
a number of applications forms
have had to be returned to ap-
plicants for additional informa-
tion and clarification. The exten-
sion would also enable these
persons to be covered from July
1 onwards.
Dr. Dymond stressed, howev-
er, that whereas he approved
the recommendation, made by
the Medical Services Insurance
Council there would definitely
be no additional extension of
the open enrolment period af-
ter May 16.
People who have already en-
rolled in OMSIP need not ap-
ply a second time. Dr. Dymond
stated that their applications
are now being processed, and
their notification will arrive iri
the mail very soon,
'"Ontario residents may still
apply for OMSIP enrolment af-
ter this date but they will have
to wait fora minimum of ' three
months before they ,are entitled
to coverage against the cost of
doctors' bills," he said.
Application forms are avail-
able from chartered banks and
are also being published" as part
:of newspaper advertisements,
Forms may also be obtained -by
writing the Medical Services In-
surance. Division, • Ontario De-
partnlent of Health, 135 St.
Clair Avenue West, Toronto.
"I would urge anyone intend-
ing to enroll in OMSIP and who
hasn't yet done so to send in
an application form as quickly
as possible," declared Dr. Dym-
ond. "None of us knows when
a sudden illness will strike and
at least OMSIP coverage will
remove the additional burden
of financial worry over the pay-
ment of doctors' bills."
The Oatllolic Wprnen'e'.'x+eagtie:
of R 3auies" V h; Seaterti,
tin' me the school "atlditornum
with Mrs. Arthlir Pev. ereauzr,
president, preifiding.
Rev. Father g, J, Laragb::Q;,..
ened the meeting with prayer,
£oltowed by a hymn with ac-
eompaniment by Mrs. Alice'
Stiles, Mrs. Jack Case, social
convener, reported on .94 bun-
dles of elothing sent to the St.
Vincent en
n t de Paul ul
et .
Visiting committee for Mayr
are Mrs.; Bervel Skinn and •Mrs.
Jack Case. Mrs. Arthur Dew
ereaux read the names of the
committee• conveners for the
new year. There are: Spiritual,
Mrs. Joseph McConnell; maga-
zine, Mrs. Mel Cooper; Marian
Villa, Mrs, Kett Etue; librarian,
Mrs. Frank Nigh; press, Mrs.
Alvin Smale; entertainment,
Mrs. James Kelly; decorating,
Mrs Herman !hurt1
ConOn.golcertiY lunch. Mrs,. C e
one,. Ars,•J ..,stn es
!!Miss „Mita 'Duul~Itll�.
,Mrs, Arthur peveitieaux•and
Mrs. 11004.Maioeey we. +' am -
ed delegates to .attend• they
diot<esan :eonventlon to 1 . held'
tom. month in London, Co9:ven,,
ers for the tau and babe sale at
the Becctory' .on June lSlth are
Mrs, Bobert .Huard, , Mrs, Janes
Melly, Mrs. John Lens
s ' lI
M� s sora unsari.
Father H. J. Laragh spoke .on
the Mission which was held pre- . .
viously, and on CBC television
Mrs. James Kelly, entertain,
went convener, read a Metter
from the Ststerin Peru; TO
mystery prize was won by $ia.
ter Mary Raphael, F.unch wars
served by Mrs, Michael Wil
Hams, Mrs. James Devereaux
and Mrs. Joseph Hevereau?f.
That the security of Free Life Insulrance
is added to the security of Saving .. .
and of Borrowing .. .
Current Dividend 5% -
Freezers give ' you
more store ' space
in-- less floor space
, De Luxe Chest Model FD 632-225 Cubic Foot holds 788
pounds. Stock up on fruit and vegetables while they're
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prices are low. Model.. FDD 32 Chest Freezer has really
big, capacity. Features: Slim wall construction; Nylon
covered; pie rack; two removable dividers and two stoe-
age baskets two ice cube trays and scraper; automatic
interior floodlight; Seal -rite Lid. Built-in lock. Signal-
' light and. Defrost Drain. Five-year Food Spo.iIage..War-
Phone 527-0680
Safety Tested
1--1965 Pontiac Convertible, 8, fully
2-1965 Pontiac 4 -Doors, HT, fully
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1.1965 Chev. Biscayne, 6-cyl., A.T.
1-1965 Meteor Montcalm, 4 -Door H.T.
8 cylinder
2-1965 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans
2-1965 Chev. Bei Airs -6 Cyl. and 8 C
1-1965 Chev. Impala Convertible, 8 .
2-1965 Chev. Impala 4 -Door H.T., 8
1-1964 Bel Air, 8-cyl.,. A.T,
1-1964 Pontiac Custom Sport ConVertib
2.1994 Chev. Impala, 283.
3--1984 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans—Auto-
fully equipped, 6 and 8's
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A Written Guarantee for 60 Days on off La
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