HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-04-21, Page 10io-,:rHE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONS'„ APRIL. 21, 1966 DECORATING Interior and Exterior DOUG DALTON SEAFORTH Phone 527-0962 SEAFORTH MONUMENT • WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas DID You KNOW . that Sam Life of Canada is a• of the world's leading life insaraass companies, with 150 branch ares throughout North America? Aa the Sax Lias reproiessIl- ativeinOar coininernitsi, may 1 be o/ servicer JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 -- 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company, of Canada PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW -FOR AGRICO FERTILIZER • FREE SOIL -TESTING SERVICE • BAG AND BULK DELIVERY SERVICE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA Contact your local dealer -or BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna -- Phone 482-7435 ROBERT TAYLOR, Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton — Phone 482-9144 Anhydrous Ammonia Representative HAUGH BROS., Brucefield — Phone 527.0927 PERSONALIZED COASTERS GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES Phone 527-0240 Contract Your Bean Acreage at E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. — Quality Michigan and .Ontario -- Sanilac and Seaway Seed - Fertilizer Supplied — EPTAM Available FERTILIZER WE HAVE BAGGED 'OR BULK - HARRISTON FERTILIZER Available At Competitive Prices SPRING SEED• Registered, Certified and Commercial Spring Seed Available SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL E. L Mickle &Son Ltd. HENSALL - Phone 262-2714 0 Hensall 1Narneies Institute Instills Slate .of Officers Hensall Women's Institute an- nual meeting was held Wednes- day evening in the Legion Hall, when Mrs. Stirling Graham, of Cromarty, spoke on her trip to Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Japan, enhanced with pictures. She was introduced by Mrs. Harry Caldwell, who also took the tour, comprised of 34 adults, led by -Roy and Mrs. Jewell, of Dutton, which they travelled some 28,000 air miles, as well as hundreds of miles by special bus. Roll call was answered with payment of fees, and yearly standing reports were present- ed. The 30th anniversary will be observed at the May meet- ing. District Director Mrs. Carl Payne gave a report of the board meeting held here recent- ly. Instead of the June picnic, members will go out to dinner. Plans were discussed for the district annual in Dashwood on Thursday, May 19. Mrs. Payne sang a vocal solo, "Springtime," with Miss Lammie as accom- panist. Mrs. Jack Corbett presented the 1966-67 slate of officers, who were installed by past president Mrs. Fred Beer: Past president, Mrs. Beer; president, Mrs. Bev- erly Beaton; first -vice-president, Mrs. V, M. Pyette; second vice- president, 'Mrs. Rodger Venner; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.. James McAllister; assistant, Mrs. Robt. Elgie; press reporter, Mrs, Clar- ence Reid; district director, Mrs. Clarence Reid; alternate direc- tor, Mrs. R, A. Orr; card con- vener, Mrs. W. B. Cross; assist- ant, Mrs. Harry Horton; pianist, Miss Greta Lammie; assistant, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; branch di- rectors, Mrs. Pearl Koehler, Mrs. Mary Funk, Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. Standing Committees: Agri- culture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Garfield Broderick, Mrs. Clarence Reid; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Jack Corbett, Mrs. Mary Funk; Home Econ omics and Health, Mrs: Walker Carlile, Mrs. Wes Richardsgn; advice from Doris Clark Two. Left Feet DEAR DORIS—I am not . a wallflower yet, but I'm afraid I might. grow -to- be -one- i£..b..don'_t learn how' to dance prettysoon. When I do go out on the floor I don't know the steps, and it's awfaully embarrassing even if the boy 'does'n't seem to notice. Most of the girls' naught on quickly. I didn't. It's not be- cause of nervousness, because I'm just as awkward dancing with one of my girl friends as with a boy. There are teen dancers out of school and I wouldn't even dream of going to them, even •though many other kids do. • A Troubled Dancer DEAR TROUBT.F.D — Cheer up! Some people are born with two left feet — but everybody stumbles around a bit at first. Get a go-ahead from your mother ,i for practice sessions - at,. home with one or two girl' friends. There are records • and instructions to be had. - Practice makes perfect! DEAR DORIS—At the time we 'were making up the list to invite to our sons's wedding, they were to be married in the chapel. So instead of including the cousins and aunts and uncles who live far away and probably could not come, we sent them announcements. Then they decided to have the ceremony in the • church. The bride's parents did not ex- tend their list, and neither did we. All the local or nearby relatives came. Since the matter may come up again, I'd like your opinion. Still Wondering 'blue `coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 521-0150 — Res. 527=1053 WET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES • SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD' SALES -- SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton TRAIN TO TORONTO Askabout:convenient departure and return times,. . For Information, phone the local - CN Passenger Salic Office • 0 it rif *90. K'ylT Fga0h�' w j4oD V teed Pore $3.90 CANADIAN NATIONAL .. DEAR WONDERING — Only part of the problem was solved by the move into the church. There Was still the Iittle mat- ter--of--keeping-•your•-list- within - the bounds set by the hosts of the reception—the bride's" par- ents. Other things being equal f'd lean in the direction of invit- ing all relatives your consider close—in terms of intimacy and affection. For the not -so -close, an announcement is better, since it. does not suggest send ing a present. DEAR DORIS—Our only son (11) feels so sorry for himself that he is outnumbered by our three girls that he is in a con- stant state of rebellion. We live on a farm but there is no wood to carry in or ashes to carry out, • so I put him to work in the house, with help- ing set• and clear the table and dry dishes and tidy his room. He's so • scared he'll dry one more dish than' his sisters, he just, makes working with him a pain in the neck. He often says, as a Iast slam, "Boy, if I only. had a brother!" My husband and I are won- dering if taking in a welfare boy around his own age • would be the answer? Just One Boy DEAR JUST — Some "Only Boys"' preen themselves on the admiration of their "harem"! I suspect your girls gang up. on this one. Father could help. How about some man -talk? A boy -man o µt- ing,• like fishing, football game, horse .show? Home chores are fine, 'but are there some addi-' 'tional ones" which might call for he-man' strength? Taking on a 'welfare boy to meet a desperate .need like this might put too big a burden on such a guest—considering the needs he himself may have. But ou could discuss the idea with y,gur • child care agency.' • DEAR DORIS—I'm a widow and have been living with my sister a year. But she had no children, so there is great ten- sion in the house when,my mar- ried sons and families come to visit. me. The boys want me to get a house of .my -own -- and fast. My sister is lonely and wants me to stay. My furniture has been in storage. Houses are scarce and expensive around here. What To Do? DEAR WHAT — Better to live closeby than in her lap:- You ap:You want freedom for children, she wants freedom from them. Could some grown -up -type pro- geny help you swing it finan- daily? Shop for the Just right house until you find it, enlisting your sister's help all the way. She needn't feel slighted if you talk it out with her first. .. As you grow older, you'll prize her companionship even more. Classified ads pay dividends. -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insuirance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • P'ire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services . •• Wind Insurance Historical Research, Mrs. Robt. Elgie, Mrs. T. Sherritt; Tweeds- muir History, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Miss Mattie Ellis, Mrs. N. Z. Cpok; Public Relations, Mrs. Elizabeth - Riley and Mrs. Pearl Koehler; Resolutions Convener, Mrs. Carol Payne; auditors, Mrs. Inez McEwen, Mrs. Harry Horton. Mrs. Peck gave courtesy re- marks. President Mrs. Beaton presided for the business, and Miss Laramie for the program, Program conveners were Airs. Cross and Miss Lammie; host- esses, Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. John Skea. CROMARTY ' WMS Meets Mrs. M. Lamond, president of the Women's Missionary Society, presided at the Easter meeting which was held in the church Good Friday evening with the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxil- iary and CGIT group as guests. Scripture lessons were read by the CGIT girls, alternating with the congregation. Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. W. Harper pre,. sented' the meditation; Mrs. T. L. Laing led in the Glad Tid- ings prayer. Mrs. C. Douglas and Mrs: Harper received the offering which was dedicated by Mrs. Lamond. Mrs. J. C. Boyne, as guest speaker, gave an impressive Easter message, using as her theme, "Good Friday." She was thanked by Miss. Olive Speare. The CGIT members contribut- ed specialNaster-.:un laical_ num- bers, accompanied' by Miss Car- ol Ann Dow at the organ. Eas- ter .poems were read by Mrs. Gerald Carey. Mrs. Lamond gave" courtesy remarks and closed the meeting with prayer. Remember! It takes but a moment to place . an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. MOLSON'S APPOINTMENT WADDING MANN- MaeTA.V1SH Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mann; RR 1, Goderich, were married on Thursday, April 7, at 3:00 p.m., in Clinton United Church parsonage by Rev. Grant Mills. The bride is Mrs. Beatrice Mc- Tavish, daughter of Mrs. Jen- nie Stockton, Drumbo, and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mrs. Jennie • Mann, of Hul- lett. ' The bride wore a blue and silver brocaded taffeta street - length dress with white organza, pillbox hat, and a corsage of red carnations. The matron of honor was Mrs. Ross Mann, Bluevale, who wore a beige embroidered lin- en street -length dress with beige flower hat. The groomsman was Ross Mann, Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Mann will live at RR 1, Gode- rich. Classified ads pay dividends. INSURANCE WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing th4 Western Farmer's Weatheq Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED OFFICE SUPPLIES Phone 527-0240 : Seaforth BEAN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE FERTILIZER SUPPLIED D. K. Hackwell The appointment of David Hackwell as Sales Representa- tive in the. Stratford area has been announced by George R. Munro, Vice -President, Mar-. keting, Molson's Brewery. (Ontario) Limited. Dave Hackwell is well known in the Stratford area, and is affiliated with many sports and. fraternal organisations. He will be replacing Dennis Riggin, who has been transferred to London. . • PASSEPORT POUR LA TERRf OP, II( -sP,k11/* -2yAej,* ,expo67 PASSPORT rc MAN ANI J riFS \.\ ('+RI II Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch!Open aril build a Family Expo 67 Tat& Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 87 -April 28 to Oct. 27 at Montreal. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY •woo.on, orlyd iNiiirNrw•.hY1Hee 4 w 4 r Ir •