HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-04-21, Page 7✓ USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. 'Lost,- Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities • 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted - 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted - 19. Noticea 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted • 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals Classified ads are inserted at a rate of •2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts b-breviation.counts as one word. • Ads are subject to \ the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, .11, 12, 13, 15 -and "17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22),- rates on applica- tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 daysfollowing last Inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. ' 1. Coming Events CONSTANCE United 'Church Ham ' Supper, Wednesday., May llth, from 5:30 to 7:30. Adults $1.25; Children under 12, 50c; pre-school free. 1-21-3 CHARTER bus to .OHA In- termediate Hockey, Uxbridge vs. Seaforth, Friday Apr11'22. Tickets and information at Miller Motors; or Keith Mc- • • Lean. 1-21'~1 EGMONDVILLE Scout Pap- " ea- and Bottle Drive, Satur- day 'morning, ' April 23: Pap= ers and magazines in separ- ate bundles and securely tied please. 1-21-1 2. Lost, Strayed PAIR ..,• of black rimmed glasses on South Main Street. Phone 527=0677: 2-21 1- 4. Help Wanted MAN to operate . ditching machine. Alex Irvine, phone 527-0984. 4-21x1 WANTED Sales lady 'to represent Ontario Motor League in Huron County. Must have car. Good remuneration for right person. ,Write: OML, Blue Water Club, • . Box 518, Owen Sound, Ontario. 4-21-1 5. Bus. Opportunities •,SALESMAN wanted • for ex- cellent Rawleigh, routes in part Huron County. Full •or part time. Average about $3 per hour. Cash or credit. Ex- cellent opportunity , for goedd hustlers. Write Rawleigh, Dept. D-363-302, 4005 Riche- lieu, St. Henry, Montreal. - 5-21-1 • ' 6. Teachers Wanted Teachers Wanted McKillop Township Public School Area requires teach- er, Applications will be re- ceived for a qualified Public ✓ School teacher to begin school term in September, 1966, ' with minimum start- ing salary of $3,600. Apply stating qualifications, ex- perience and name and ad- dress of present Inspector. CAMPBELL WEY, Secretary - Treasurer, RR 2, Walton, 6-20-2 8. Farm Stock For Sale A number of pigs, 6 to 8 weeks old. bong llugilil, RR 2, Seaforth, phone . 482-75.48. r TWO whin faced calves. Frank' Iteynolds, phone 527- 1207, "Seaforth. 8-21x1 A nuMber of Hereford x Shorthorn yearling Steers for grass.. Fred dettehanate. Rhone Seafoieth, 5214I517. 8-21-1 THREE bull calves, Holstein, whitefaced, Pole Angus. Ted Van Tiyk, RR 3, Sea - forth, phone 527-1435. ' 8-21x1 0 ti FOURTEEN young sows, dub soon, bred Lacombe; .young Lacombe boar. Hubert Van Niekerk, RR 3, • Kippen, phone 527-0169. 8-21X1 EIGHTY pigs, from 7 to 0 weeks old. Joe Van Valken- goed, RR 1, Cromarty, phone Dublin, 14 R 13. 8-21-1 THIRTY -fiver pigs, 8 weeks• old. bon Carter RR 2, Sea - forth, phone 52l-1166. EIGHT Durham hteers;: weighing , beitweeln 700 and 800 lbs, James Cr Ker r- phoile '52/.0706, Seafoetib, 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGIOIRN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Avaiiatee now: Book your or- ders eaelY. SCOTT 'POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box .160 9-19-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale 1955..Pontiac, six, automatic, radio, 6 -good tires and wheels Phane.527-0357. 10-21x2 FOR SALE — Car, '52 Ply- mouth, 4 -door, grey sedan, in good running condition. 72 R 9, Dublin.`" 10-I9:3 THIRTY -one pigs, 7 weeks old. Henry Klaver, Highway 8, phone 482-9156: 8-21x1 1955 Chev. %-ton, custom cab, fair tires, body in fair condition. Price $250. Phone 382 W 9, Brussels. 10-21x2 11. Articles For Sale USED baby buggy, in good condition. Phone 527-0434. FOR SALE — Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, 1 flat hay rack. Lew Bolton. 11-17-5 NORTH American Fashion Frocks, low prices, good material. Contact Muriel ..Workman, • 527-0458. 11-18-5 QUANTITY Russell seed oats, grown from registered seed. $1.35 bushel. Lewis. Coyne, phone 109 R 16, Dub- lin. 11-19x3 • SEED FOR SALE Garry Oats, Registered Russell Oats, Certified. Herta Barley, Certified SPENCER.JEFFERY, RR 1, Staffa, Phone D blip, 116 R 10. 11-19-3 KELVINATOR refrigerator, good working condition, priced cheap. Grant Chesney,' phone 527-1594, Seaforth. 11-21-2 FIVE hundred bales of mix- ed hay. John Jansen, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 527-1677. 11-21-1 SEED for sale, Timothy, Birdsfoot Trefoil. Frank Fo -ler; - 33/4 miles •West `of Seaforth. 11-21x4 1,400 bales of good hay; 400; baleg of straw. Carl Hoven; Phone -527-1738, RR 1, Sea- fortl - 11-21x1 THIRTY gal. electric. water heater, white enamel finish. Hank Van Rooijen, phone 527-0705. I'1-21-1 JOHN •Deere 13 -run .seed fertilizer -drill, on rubber, very good condition. Phone 114 R 8, Dublin, 11-21-1 PIANO, in good condition. Apply Oliver Wright, phone 527-1727. 11-21-1 SET of truck racks; for 3 -ton stake. Frank Kling Ltd. 11-21-2 HAY, 1,000 bales. Paul Vog- els, RR 2, Dublin, phone 86 R 11, Dublin. 11-21-1 FOUR or 500 bales of hay. E. Beuerman, phone 527- 0196. • 11-21-1 YELLOW baby buggy, in good condition. Phone 527- 0,$40, • Mrs. Howatt, Jarvis St. 11-21-1 BALED hay and straw. Al- vin Elligsen, RR 2, Walton, phone Dublin, 104 R 12. 11-21x1 INTERNATIONAL 400 PTO spreader, in perfect , shape, no further use. Bill Holland, Clinton, phone 482-3245. 11-21x1 THREE piece chesterfield, rust andbeige, suitable for recreation or cottage. Phone 527-0747. 11-21x1 QUANTITY second hand Pine, 3 x 12, from 12 to 17 feet long. John Tremeer, Sea - forth, phone 527-0313. 11-21x1 EARLY seed potatoes, Cob- lers, from certified seed. James East, RR 4, Clinton, phone 482-7578. 11-21-2 ONE Myer's i H.P. jet pres- sure pump, with well jet and 40 ft. of double line pipe.' Pump and motor re- cently overhauled. Phone 527-0425. 11-21-1 MAPLE syrup orders taken, $7.00 a gallon. Phone 482- 3214, Fred McClymont, Var- na. 11-21-1 ,TIIIRTEENeruti Oliver disc fertilizer drill, power lift. 'Ephriam' Hasse, phone 5-21- 1188, Seaforth. • 11-21x2 PAIR of banker's grey Men's slacks, size 34, inseam •29". Perfect condition. Phone 527- 0208. 11-21-1 SI$ hundred bales mixed hay. Joe Holmes, RR 4, or phone 374 J 5, Brussels. 11-21-1 AN International., 3 -furrow ace bottom drag plow on rubber, in good condition. 2Apply010, of after 6Corbett, p.m. 11-21-1 CEDAR posts, peeled, braces; .anchor posts; steel posts, 6' and 7,' lengths; farm fence and hog fence, hi 'all weights. 'opnotcll Feeds Ltdx,..Phone 521-1910., Seaforth, 31-21-1 QUANTITY of wheat, oats wide barley, grown from reg- istered Seed. Garry Finlay- son, phone 521-1168, ER 2 Kippein 11, 21e1 ALFALFA Seed, grown frail Vernal. GoVerettilent' 7.'eate0, No. 1 95%,,, germination. Laity Wheatley, .1$1ione 021k I !. 11. Articles For Sale HONEY, 2 and 4-1b. pails,. last of '65 crop. Wilmer Kelly, James St., phone 527- 1023. - 11-20x2 QUANTITY of Timothy seed, $12.00 per bushel. Some Alf- alfa and Herta Barley. E. Beuerman, phone 527,0196. 11-2.0x2' FOR SALE Red Clover seed, permanent pasture seed; 200 bales of straw Carl Dalton, phone 527-0702. • 11-20-2 FOR SALE — Alfalfa seed, germination 94%. Phone -527- 0858: -F1=20-3 REPOSSESSED Zig" Zai senting machine, does fancy stitches, buttonholes. Can be had for balance owing, $52, cash or $8200 monthly. Write Box 1557, Huron Expositor. 11-20-2 PONY, very quiet with child-, ren, new harness; 2-22 • cali- bre rifles, one with sights, shotgun; Allis Chalmers pow- er mower, A-1 condition. Lorne Cronin, Dublin, phone 4. 11-20-2 CEDAR posts, peeled; 12' braces; anchor posts; steel posts, 6' and 7' lengths; Paige wire and barbed wire, in . all weights. Borden Brown, Kinburn Store phone 527-1387. r 11-20-tf OLDER model dining room suite, oak finish, in good con- dition. 6' chairs, buffet, round table, will seat twelve; nearly new wardrobe, with mirrored door, in Fruitwood finish. W. R. Smith, phone 527-1262. 11-21-1 SEED FOR SALE . Russell Oats; registered. • Red Clover, cleaned and test- ed RUSSELL BOLTON, phone 527-1428 ART BOLTON, phone 527-0455 11-19-tf 12. Wanted To. Buy BOY'S 26" bicycle. Phone 527-0264. 12-20-1 ONE -half H.P. electric mo- tor, preferably vertical. Phone 527-1537. 1241-1. ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames; cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will `Suy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578 12=19-tf 13. Wanted - WANTED Cucumber growers- for Rose Brand pickles. We have: Top prices ^ Free pickup at farm Hybrid seed. For information and con- tract, . write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd., • Guelph. 13-19-3 GROW CUCUMBERS and make EXTRA MONEY If you have . a half acre or more, grow' cucumbers for BILKS gAII Hybrid Seed. Highest Prices Paid. ,Free pick-up at gate. RICKS Dublin, . phone 30 R 3. ' 13-21-3 14. Property For Sale, LOT, in Egmondville. Phone 527-0458, 14-21x6 WHITE brick cottage, with 4 bedrooms upstairs and '4 rooms downstairs, built-in cupboards and hydro through out, on ' a large lot, in the Village of Staffa. Apply to 371 Ontario • Street, Stratford, Ont. Phone 271-4071. 14-21x2 CHOICE lots on North Main St. Sewage available. R. J. Doig, .phone 527-0763. 14-21-tf HOUSE, insul brick siding; also shed, on lot. in Village of Constance, • cheap. Mrs. W. R. Jewitt, RR 1, Clinton, phone 527-1638. •14-2.1-2 SIXTY - acre 'farm, with house, " barn, silo, plenty of water, between -Seaforth and Kippen. Apply Box 1561, ,Huron Expositor. -•---•--14-21x1 FOR SALE — Cottage, in Bayfield_ area, 3 _ .bedrooms, furnished, large lot. Cash or terms. • Apply to Box 1556, Huron Expositor. 14-19-6 FRAME cottage, in Brussels, asphalt siding; 6 rooms and 3 -piece bath, closed in porch, oil furnace, new kitchen cup- boards, n`eivly painted out- side, good garage. Phone Dublin, 34 R 5, or Blyth 523'- 9262. 14-20x2 OLDER style, 4 -bedroom, white brick house, in Waltoh. Situated on 7/A -acre of land, with a good barn, garage, newly drilled well and new bathroom. Close to Central Sehool. Phone Seaforth, 527- 0537. 14-18-5 FOR SALE , Farm, close to .1 ippen, 180 acres, modern home, two large barns. Possession in fa1t, 4966: douses, stores and 'apartments in Seaforth and Mitchell. Joseph McConnell • Realtor, 'tooth St,, Seaforth, 14. Property For Salo ONE hundred and fifty acre farm, good ,clay loam, well drained; barn 50' x 6Q', cement stabling; implexnent shed; hen house; 7 -room brick house, hydro, pressure system. Farm 1:3/4 milles from No. 4 Highway, on Concea- sion 6, Morris Township. Er- nest Noble, RR 4, Brussels, Ont., phone 523-9438, . L4 -15x8 REAL ESTATE 100 acres, 7 -'room house,' barn 65 x 65, new silo, drill- ed well. Close to Clutton. Price $16,000. 5 -room frame house, full basement, barn 32 x• 24, 1 acre of land, 6 miles North of Goderich. -Price $6,000. 150 acres, close to Wire throp, 10 -room brick house, barns, 40 x 66; 40 x 56; 3 x 40; 16 x 42, level land, all tiled. Lovely house in Walton, (bath), furnace, fireplace, 8 -room frame house in the Village of Londesboro, bath, barn, 18 * 24. Price $2,000. 20 acres, brick house, 8 rooms, bath, oil furnace, barn, 40 x 60, 4 miles from Clinton. Price $12,500. 1,15 acres, 7 -room house, good barns, 20 milk cows, all the implements, close to Clinton. Price $28,000. 80 acres of land, Con. 6, Township of Goderich. Pripe $5,200. Down, $2,000. 180 acres, good buildings,. 40 milk cows , and heifers, full line of implements, close to Clinton. • 150 , acres, Highway 8, close to. Clinton, 7 -room house, large barns, 60 .x 36; 52 x 36. . 315 acres, 2 houses, one new house, bath, oil furnace, fireplace, full basement large barn, silo. Can be .bought with cattle and implements. 90 acres, frame house, good barn, Highway 8. Price $10,000 cash. • 95 acres~ 7 -room house, barn, •95 x 58, including 20 milk cows. Price $23,000. • : ' 100 -.acres, frame house, bath, .barn 56 x 58, henhoute 105 x 45, silo, large implee ment shed, 5 miles" from Au- burn. Price $22,000. • Between Dunlop and Car- low, 195 acres, 190 workable,. brick house, bath, furnace, good barn, level land. Price $35,000. 14,0 acres, 9 -room house, bath, oil furnace, barn, 80 x 45,.• tie up 50 cows, 4 -unit milking • _ parlor, .:millshouse. Price $42,000. Close to Dungannon, 2!00 acres,. 150 acres workable land, 10 -room stone .. house, (bath), furnace, large barns, 55 x 70; 34 x 48; 18 xv 30; 24 x 44. ;}... 160 acres, 8 -room house, good barn, silo, Concession 4, Goderich Township. 4 miles from Clinton, 105 acres, 8 -xoom house,, good barns, new silo, tie up for 30 cows, stable cleaner. Hullett . Township, 210 acres, 9 -room house, barns,- 30 arns;30 x 72; 36'x 70; 20 x 26, 40 milk cows, 20 heifers, all the implements, milk con- tract. Price $47,500. Auburn, Highway farm, 100 acres, 11 -room house, (bath), furnace, barn 60 x 65, plenty water. Close to Auburn, 100 acres, 10 -room house, good barn, milkhouse. • Close to Londesboro, 30 acres, 9 -room house, barn 54 x 36, including 20 sows, tractor, plow, disc. Highway 21, 60 acres, brick house, (bath), furnace, barn. -Price $16,000. Right of way to the lake. Close to Auburn, le -room -house, barn 54 x 52; 27 x 18, 65 acres, broiler contract 9,006. Price $16,000. Blyth, 100 acres," brick house, good buildings. Londesboro, 100 acres, brick house, 8 rooms, barn 56 x 60; 25 x 40. Price $19,000.. Call C. BURUMA RR 2, Clinton, phone 482-3287 Salesman for JOHN BOSVELD' 14-21-1 15. Property For Rent . MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- meat. Phone 527-0010 or Ex- eter, 235-1510.. 15-19-tf APARTMENTS, •'$I6" to "$60. Apialy Harvey Dale, phone 527-1406: 15-19x8 ON Main Street; 2 -bedroom apartment. Heated with new gas furnace. Box 1559, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 15-20-tf GOOD grass available fot a number of yearling cattle. Good water. Joe Holmes, RR 4 Brussels, or phone .374 J 5, Brussels. 15-21-1 FORTY -three acres of grass- land Eric Peters, 11..R 2, Brussels, phone 497 W 4. 15-21x1 THREE - bedroom upstairs apartment. Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Ont. Available" on MO 1st. 15-21-2 STORE for rent, Main Street, Seaforth. Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Ont. Available on May 1st. 15-21-2 THREE bedroom 'house, modern conveniences, im- mediate pessessien.' Apply to Philip, Kratitkopf, Dublin; 1 1 f f • , , 15, Property For Rent CRASS for 6 or 7 head of cattle, 400 to 500 lbs. Phone Dublin 123 R 16. 15-21-1 FIFTY acres, suitable for beans, corn or grain. Gordon Scott, phone 527-1787. 15-21x1 ONE large aparitenez t, on a main street, 2 bedroopis, kit- chen, bathroom, living room and sunroom. Gas heated, hot and cold water. Private entrance. Apply P.O. Box 642, Seaforth. 15-21x2 PASTURE 100 acres, excellent vreter and shade, 3 miles from Sea - forth. Inquire giving name, address and phone number to BOX 1560, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 1,5s 21-1 19. Notices LAWN rolling done. Phones 527-0647 or 527-9016. 19-20x2 JACK'S Furniture Repair. Broken furniture and other wooden articles repaired. At rear of 84 Albert St., Clin- ton, phone 482-9695. 19-18=tf SINGER S a 1 e -s and Service, sewing machines vacuum clean- ers, floor polishers, and type- writers. Call Jim McGregor, phone 527,1486. 19-19-tf NOTICE Tucersmith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from, 1 to 5:30 p.m. • No wire fencing, old con- crete or car bodies permitted. JAMES L McINTOSH, Clerk, 19-18-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 -- Seaforth: " 19-19-tf NOTICE - W'e "are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-operatives of Ontario. To ,arrange for pick- up at your' farm, phone by Sat- urday night, t "" FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, • Phone 114 .R 16, Dublin. Call Collect • 19-19-tf LAWN ROILING G. HEARD, CONSTRUCTION Phone 527-0307, Seaforth. MASONRY service — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; basements repaired, water- proofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth, 19-19-tf 19, Notices` VACUUM- Cleaner Sales dc" Ser vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350. Hensail. 19-19-tf Classified ads Pay dividends. SEPTIC TAIW t LEAl E1 l4dern equipment used. Al'. •wq", guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 BrusselIs, phone 442 w 6. Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424, 1947x23 EI,,RCTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, au0 onized dealer ' Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich,. phone 524- 6514. 19-19-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled - Animals CALL COT.i.ECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 • 19-19-tf 20. Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE at Staffen's Flower and . Gift Shop -. Seaforth, on FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 29, at 8 p.m. Artificial flower arrange- ments; china; novelties; wall plaques; vases; floor plant- ers; jardineers. Host of -•other articles. . TERMS—Cash. • Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 20-21-2 I'T'S JUST ALONG HERE SOME.WNEQE.... AUCTION 'SALE Auction Sale _ of Household Effeets and Property, in the Village of Staffa, on WED- NESDAY, APRIL 27th, at 2 p.m. sharp. • Frig.; electric stove; dining room table and 6 chair.~; 2 buffets; kitchen stove; two studio couches; 2 beds and 3 mattresses; TV set; dresser; 6 "lamps; clocks; iron; Iron- ing. board; .sewing machine; floor polisher; 2 radios; wash- ing machine; electric fry pan; toaster; silverware; dishes; pots and pans; lawn chairs and many other mis- cellaneous items; also 1953 Chev. 2 -door car. PROPERTY — "Large lot., 2 -storey white frame house and large L shaped barn, in good condition. Sold subject to reserve bid. Estate of the late LLOYD ELLIOTT. Larry Gardiner, Auctioneer. 20-21-1 Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket, To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. T 1 WISH YOU'D SLOW DOWN SO WE WONT MSS IT! THE.,,H4!totiogxPorrok SEAFORTII,, M1i+l ., APit110 14, 21, Tenders Wanted TENDERS J L 'BE RECEIVED - For the construction a .. a 22' x 40' gement block $o - age shed, Ste' doable over- head-. doors, cement floor, peaked asphalt roof. Tenders will be received until April 30th, 1966. No tender necessarily ac- cepted. Tender to be addressed; D. W. KU,NDER Secretary - Treasurer, , Seaforth District High Sehool ' Board. 21-20-2 FOR SALE BY TENDER 44' x 24' (1% -storey stor- age ,shed), known as the ag- ricultural building. Cement black, steel overhead doors, with asphalt roof. To be re- moved. - This building can be seen at the rear of the Seaforth pistrict High School. Tenders will be received until April 30th, 1966. No tender necessarily ac- cepted. Tender to be addressed: D. W. KUNDER Secretary, - Treasurer, Seaforth District High School Board. 21-20-2 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAr'F ''OPTOMETRIST . . Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. • Sat.,' 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment only: Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 Mon., Wed: — Clinton Office SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D,V.M., V.S; W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. G. R. Gray, S.S., D.V.M., V.S. P ...D_ .Cullis,_ V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. •Office 527-1850 - - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth - Ontario BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 Zak. Business DiY�.��+ e; .FUNERAL H Go�derrleb.ASt N.,, ••JSSeta�fTost1b • AMB LA CE SMA: MA: . 'h Adjustable hospl# .beds rent" a FLOWERS ,FOR EVERY OCCASIQN Phone 5271306 - Seaiforth: McCONNELL STWART Barristers, . Solfciters, t Etc. P. D; McCONNELL, D. I STEWART-Q. Seaforth, Ont .;. Pbone52,7:0850 A. M. HARPER • Chartered Accountant 55.57, South Street.. Telephone Goderich . 524.7562; J.A. 13111KE Funeral Director' and •Ambulance Service DUBLIN : - ONTARIO Night or .Dar' Calls Phone 4.3 R. 10 W, J, .CLEA >Y Seaforth,• Ontario. LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls -- 527-0510 24. Cards of Thanks THE nieces and nephews of the late William Brodbagen,-, wish to express their sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness shown during their sad bereavement; also spec= ial thanks to the Box Funeral Home, • Rev. H. • Donaldson, - Drs. Malleus,, and Brady and Musing' staff- of`the 'Seaforth Community Hospital. It all was greatly appreciated. 24-21x1 WE wish to thank all our . friends and ..neighbors for a most enjoyable party to cele- brate our twenty-fifth wedd- ing anniversary, held -at SS No. 2, McKillop. We would also like to express oiit thanks to those who remem- bered us with cards, flowers and lovely gifts. This will long be remembered• — Herb and Hazel Harrison. 24-21x1 I would like to thank every- one for treats, cards and vis- its, a special thanks to Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkus. Thank you to Rev. Sliatto' and nurs- ing staff while I was a pat- - ient at Seaforth Community Hospital. — Ed. Regele. 24-211x1 I would like to thank Ian - those who were so kind to send cards and treats and all those that. visited me while ,. T was a ,patient in Westinin- •ster • Hospital, London, and special thanks to .the doctors and the nursing staff and. al- -56 ' 'special thanks: -to those - .. . whp were so kind as to bring my wife - to . see me. Everything was gratefully appreciated. Thanks again.' =Dave Netkke. 24-21x1 Additional . . Classified' See Page 8 R.; �, •,•.•..,..,...... ;,:Ulil'' ill% 11•' lilt apilmmesa emir.= /111 —n RIM aril® 1, slill ill": X1111 1011 . .111 OFTEN ", ' - lit NOT YOU SEI. 11 A TARTAN =•=M: SP-DE..1111 WEB. III.. 4__ II 1111 MEM. 11111 mull 111 ■ 111 .,.BUT IAM A OIRBC1 DESCENDANT OF THE SPIDER. WHO TOLD ROBERT BRUCE TO TRY, TRY, F�ti1TRY. NPN.- j w,� NOW DO YOU LIKE Bi=iNG A LYON 1N A DEN OF DANIELS P DADDY, WHY BONY WE HAVE PINNEr2 OUT EVERY NIGHT WHILE MUMMY'S AWAY? WILL YOU PICK UP -fFIE CHECK? HE WAST ""Wi-( S 1HE BABE? 1'LI. HAVE YOU KNOW THAT'S MY OAUGHTER:II ti