HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-04-14, Page 7• ., • `Spring Clean USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming ,Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 0. Poultry For Sale 10. Used (;ars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Relit ' 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted. 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personal's Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification' 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents .per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. 1. Coming Events CHICKEN Barbecue, Wed- nesday, May 25, Egmond- ville Church. 1-19-2 O.E.S. Dessert Euchre, in I.O.O.F. Hall, Wednesday, April 27th, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Prizes. Admission 50c. 1-20-1 2. Lost, Strayed 7. Situations Wanted WILL baby sit, over the weekend. Phone 527-0633. 7-20x1 LARGE yellow short haired dog. Finder , phone Frank Fowler, 482-3377. 2-20x1 LOST on Main St., between Post Office and Smith's Gro- eery, about March 19, a biose° key case, Containing. several keys. Finder please leave at Box 1552, Huron Expositor. 3. Found WATCH, on Goderich St. Owner may have dame by proving property. Phone 527- 0131. 3-20x1 4. Help Wanted WILL do washing, ironing and seyving for children and teens, in my own home, Phyllis Fry, phone 527-0652. 7-20x1 DRESSMAKING and altera- tions, detailed finishing. Rea- sonable prices. Fast service. No tailoring. Phone Susan Dale, 527-1882, Seaforth 7-19-2 8.: Farin Stock For Sale TWENTY -five real good pigs. Henry Kl'aver, RR 4, ,Clin- ten, phone 482-9156. 8420x1 TWENTY -nine pigs, 8 weeks old. George Love, Walton, phone 527-0637. 8-20-1 TWENTY -five pigs, 8 weeks cid. Doug Hugill, RR 2, Sea - forth, phone 482-7548. 8-20x1 GOOD young Holstein cow, with week-old calf. Mrs. Mina Jewitt, phone 52-7-0466. 8-20-1 TWENTY -two pigs for sale. Apply Joseph Nolan, St. Col-.. umban, phone 123 R .16, Dublin. 8-20-1. 11. Articles For -Sale 14, Property For Sale GIRLS' spring coats, - sizes 4 to 6, beige, navy and red. Phone 482-7419. 11-20-1 GIRL'S bicycle, CCM, 18" frame, geed condition. Phone. 527-0115; 11-20-1 QUANTITY Climax Timothy seed. Don Dodds, RR 1, Sea - forth, phone 527-0686. 11-20x1 TWO milking Shorthorn heifers, one due now. Apply Lorne Fell, .Staffa, phone 116 R 11. . 8-20x1 TWENTY -five pigs, 7 to 8 weeks old. Robert Rekele, RR 1, Dublin, phone 527- 0715. ' 8-20-1 TEN pigs, '7 weeks old; six Muskovey ducks. Douglas Racho, Highway ' 8, 11/2 miles West of Dublin, 8-20x1 FOR SALE — Choice young sows and hogs, suitable for breeding stock. Arnold Jam- ieson; phone 482-9828. 8-19-2. TWENTY -eight pigs, 9 weeks. old. Harry Reynen, lot 20, con. 7, Hibbert, RR 1, Staffa, phone 114 R 8. Dublin. 8-20-1 REGISTERED ,York hog and some registered open gilts. Orville Workman, phone 262- 5044, - 8-18-3 ABERDEEN . Angus calves, make good bulls or 4-H calf prosi5ects; also a few older females. R. J. Doig, Seaferth, phone 527-0763. 8-19-tf WOULD YOU LIKE A CHANCE TO BECOME AN EKECU-TWE—? Would a career with an ex- panding Finance ' Company with more ,' than 1,650 branches be .of interest to you? Qualifications Aga.— 23 to 35 Education — Must be High School Graduate s Experience — Sales• or Bank- ing helpful Personality — Impressive ap- • pearance, mentally alert, Ability to get along with people Future — Promotion depends on ability Many fringe benefits'. Good starting'salary Telephone or. Write' for an appointrnlenti ' C. Ballinger; - BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. OF CANADA, 59 Ontario St., Stratford. ' Ontario. Phone 271-8722, 9 to 5:30 daily • 448-3 HERE'S YOUR KEY TO' A BIG,INCOME - MAIL TODAY The W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd:, Dept. D-363-HY, 4005 Riche- lieu, Montreal, P,Q. Gentlemen: I am interestO r in the world famous Rdwa Leigh Line on a ( ) part-time basis ( ) full-time basis ( ) Please send me M1': Cook Book `and ' catalogue with full details. Name Address City . Prov. 4-20-1 Reply in writing and state qualifications, for position of LIFEGUARD and Supervisor of Swimming Classes Write: Mitchell Lions Club c/o Hugh Edighoffer Mitchell, Ont. RED Clover seed, Londes- boro cleaned. Dave Watson, RR 2, Walston, phone 527- 1187. _ 11-20*1 FEW gallene of" maple left. Apply to Harry Joh '- ston, RR 1, Dublin, phone' 527-1815. 11-20-1 1,400 bales of good hay; 400 bales of straw. Carl Hoven, phone 527-1738, RR 1, Sea - forth. 11-20-1 HONEY, 2 and ' 4-1b.° pails, last of '65 crop. Wilmer Kelly, James St., phone 527- 1023. 11=20x2 APPROXIMATELY 6 tons of feed beans. Apply M. J. Linton, RR 4, Mitchell. 11-20x1 9. Poultry •For Sale' KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders' early. ... SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD.. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-19-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale FOR SALE — Car, '52 Ply- moul h, 4 -door, grey sedan, in good running condition. 72 R 9, Dublin. 10-19-3 1961 Dodge, 6 -cylinder, stan- dard; 1964 Valiant, 8, wagon, A.T., both in good condition.' Charles Reeves, phone 52/- 0834. 10-205c1 FORD one -ton .truck, good racks and tires. Four -speed transmission. Reasonable. Or- ville Workman, phone- 262- 5044. 10-18-3 GIRL'S 24" bicycle, in good condition, reasonable. Phone 527-0633, Frank J. Smple. 11-20x1 QUANTITY of Alfalfa seed; girl's CCM bicycle, medium. size. Edgar Elligsen, • phone. 104 R 14, Dublin. 11-20-1, HERTA Barley, grown from registered seed; also Timothy and Red Clover seed. Arnold Jamieson, phone' 482-9828. 11-20x1 TWO boys' sports jackets, one dark, one light, size 14 to 16, in perfect condition. Mrs. Jack Patrick, phone 527-0047. 11-20-1 QUANTITY of Timothy seed, $1.2'.00 per bushel. Some Alf- alfa and Herta Barley. E. Beuerman, phone 527-0196. 11-20x2 11, Articles For Salo' EpS'S , 28" bicycle, $15.00, Phone 52Z -o264. 11-20=1 CCM- boy's' bicycle, 26", • in gttbd condition. Harry Gor- don., phone 527-1518": 11-20x1 QUANTITY of; Timothy seed. Wilfred Coleman, phone 527- 1875. 11-20-1 ONE white bassinet, good condition. Phone 527-1947. 11-20-1 1;500 bales of flrst duality hay. Ted' Sjaarda,, Highway "4 miles West of Seaforth, phone 482-9882, 1-20-1 FOR SALE — Alfalfa 'seed, timothy seed, 1 flit hay rack. Lew -Bdltoii. 11:17-5 ALFALFA seed',' $1800' per bushel. Andy Palsa; AR 2, Iensall. 1149x2 FORMALS, blue', pinit and fellow, si a 10`'ancl 12, like new. Phone 527-1352. 11-19-2 FOR SALE - Cottage, in Bayfield area, 3 bedrooms,; furnished, Large lot. cash or; terms. Apply to Box 1556; Huron Expositor. 14-19-6, HOUSE, in Egmondville, can:. be used for two families, oil; furnace, new roof and two+. bathrooms. Phone 527-0498., Frank Nigh. ' 14-17-4 FRAME cottage, in Brussels,: asphalt s Mg, 6 rooms. ands 3 -piece bath, closed in porch,. oil furnace, new kitchen cup- boa>I!ds, nes ly painted ,out-, s>de, good garage. Phone. Dubif*, 34 -Ii 5,, or Blyth 523-, 9262. 14-20x2' OLDER style, 4 -bedroom white brick house, in Walton., Situated on '/s -acre of land,; with a good barn, garage,' newly drilled well and new` bathroom. Close to Centrar School. Phone Seaforth, 527-, 0537. 14-18-5i COMPLETELY renovated, modern 4 -bedroom house, in° Hensall, close . to business; section. Extra lot, low taxes.' Edison Forrest, phone 262-' 5076, Hensall. 14-19-tff ONE hundred and fifty acre• farm, good . clay -loam, well drained; barn 50' x 60', ,.cement stabling•; implement shed; hen house; 7 -room brick house, hydro, pressure system. Farm 11/2 miles from. No. 4 Highway, on Conces- sion 6, Morris Township: Er- nest Noble, RR 4, Brussels, Ont., phone 523-9438. 14-15x8 YELLOW . chiffon formal, size 10; evening pumps, set with rhinestones, size 7; dark brown borg jacket, size 12. Phone 527-1536. 11.20-1 ONE Myer's 1/2 H.P. jet pres- sure pump, with • well "jet and 40 ft. of double line pipe. Pump and motor re- cently- overhauled. Phone 52'7-0425. ' 11-20'x1 REPOSSESSED Zig Gag sewing machine, does fancy stitches, buttonholes. Can be had for balance owing, $52. cash or $8.00 monthly.. Write Box 1557,. Huron Expositor. 11-20-2 QUANTITY of Birdsfoot Trefoil, 75c lb. Apply Dal- ton Diegel, RR 1, Bornholm. 11-19x2 MAPLE .syrup. orders taken; $7.00 h o�ia. Phone 40- 3214, 'r`ed-' MCCtlIOnont, Vary na... 1149»2' NORTH Arieilid to Frills %i Frocks, low' prices, goad material Co1itltzt M,iiriel Worktndn, • 527 458. 11-18-5 MEADOW Fescue and •Brorrie Grata minced, ` suitable for pasture; also Alfalfa seed. Stervaat Dale, phone .527- 1406, 11-19x2 QUANTITY Russell seed oats, grown from registered. seed. $1.35 bushel. Lewis Coyne, phone 109 R 16, Dub- lin.i Remember! It takes but' a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be 'money in pocket. To advertise, just iyial Seaforth 527-0240. SEED FOR SALE Garry Oats, Registered Russell OatS, Certified . Herta Barley, Certified SPENCER JEFFERY, RR 1, Staffa, Phone Dublin, 116 R. 10, 111E4 PONY, very quiet with child- ren, new harness; 2-22 cali- bre rifles, one . with sights, shotgun; Allis Chalmers pow- er mower; A-1 condition. Lorne Cronin, Dublin, phone 4. • 11-20-2 PIPE, 11/2"; 5 gal. pails; door; angle iron; incinerator; oil drum; kitchen sink; baby's. high chair; baby's mattress; car wheels; hardwood floor- ing; lumber. Clarence Reeves Commercial Hotel. 11-20x1 CEDAR posts, peeled; 12' braces; anchor posts; steel posts, 6' and 7' lengths; Paige wire and barbed wire, in all weights. Borden Brown, Kinburn Store phone 527.1387. 11-20-tf SEED FOR SALE , Russell Oats, registered. Keystone Barley, Certified. Red Clover, cleaned and test- ed RUSSELL 'BOLTON, phone 527-1428 ART BOLTON, phone 527-0455 11-19-tf FOR SALE Locally grown Alfalfa Birdsfoot Trefoil Red Clover Also Cert, 'ed Climax, Timothy Certified Dollard. Red Clover Canada No. 1 Century Peas Grown on own farm Locally grown cereal grains and mixtures WE. GROW, BUY, CLEAN AND SB%,L FARM SEEDS. R. N. Alexander Londesboro 11-19-2 15. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510. • •--15-19-tf APARTMENTS, $16 to $60•. Apply Harvey Dale, phone' 527-1406. 15-19x8 FARM house, 7 -rooms mod- ern conveniences, oil furnace. Bruce Roy, Londesboro, phone 523-4237. 15-19-tf GRASS available for 6 or 7 head of cattle, 400 to 500 lbs. Apply Box 1558, Huron Ex- positor. 15-20-1 19. Notices 4AWN rolling done. Phones 527-0647 or 527-9016. 19-20x2 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to Uzlited CQ-Op4rol ,a Ontario, To Arrange for pieg- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. - FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 5274946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect - 19.19-tf HEATED apartment, private entrance, private bathroom. Available 1st of. May. Phone 527-0722. 15-20-1 ON Main Street, 2-L edrooni apartment. Heated with new gas furnace. Box 1559, The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 15-20-tf APARTMENT,available on May 1, in Goderich St. East McMaster building across from New Hospital. Heated self contained suite. Appy Harvey Dale, phone 527- 1406. 15-20x1 WitAtted To Bilk BO,Y'S 26" bicycle. Phone 527-0264. 12-20-1 ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, -cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house - held. Phone 271.t57'ii'•'12-19-tf 13. Wanted WANTED • Cue'umber grdt rs , for Rose Brand pickles. We have: , Top prices Free pickup at farin Hybrid seed', Fo3r inforf nation and con- tract, write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd., Guelph., 13-19-3 14. Property For Sale • FOR 'SALE Farm, close to I' .ippen, 186 acres, modern home, two large barns. Possession in fall, 1966. Houses, stores and apartments in Seaforth and Mitchell. Joseph McConnell Realtor, St., Seaforth, 14-20-1 19. Notices LAWN ROLLING G. HEARD CONSTRUCTIQN Phone 527-0307, Se-oforth.. 19,20-2 MASONRY service -- Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; basements repaired, water- proofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 19-19-tf 20. Auction Sales PIANO LESSONS Theory Accordion Lessons . For information call MRS. JACK SCHOONDER- WOERD, A.R.T.C., RTt 3, Mitchell., phone 348- 8383. 19-19-2 JACK'S Furniture Repair. Broken furniture and other wooden articles repaired. At rear ' of 84 Albert St., Clin- ton, phone 482-9695. 19-18-tf N'OTI-CE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old con- crete or car bodies permitted. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk. 19-18-tf WATCH REPAIRS 20. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Machinery and Household Effects, Lot 6, Con. 4, Millett Towxlsbfp, 3% miles West of Seaforth and 2 miles North, on kin- bltrla Read, SATURDAY, APRIL. 16th, et 1 p.m. . CHINERY — cock- shu 30 tractor; 3 -furrow` plow; disc plow;, 3 -section drag harrows; fertilizer drill;. New Idea manure spreader; Cockshutt 4 -bar side rake; extension ladder; woven wire stretcher; electric fencer and posts; New Idea power 7 -ft. mower; barbed wire; double block wire stretchers!; iron posts; cream separator, with motor; dia- mond harrows; dehorning clippers; electric grain' roll- er with motor; 2 large self pig' feeders; wheel barrow; 3,000 lb, scales;' grain grind- er; ,grain auger and motor; 32=ft. hay elevator; White threshing machine, ' with drive belt; circular saw; forks; shovels; chains; tools. HOUSEHOLD. EFFECTS— Upright piano, (good); oak dining room suite; small tables; rockers; setee; chairs; bedroom china;. sealers; coal oil lamps; antiques; writing desk. Other articles 'too numerous 16 mention. TERMS—Cash. - • Proprietor Estate of- late Ross MacGreg- or. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 20-19.-2 CLEARING - AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Machinery, and 'Household Effects, at West -half Lot 3, Con. 7, of Hullett Township, / mile East .of Kinb'urn, on MON- DAY, APRIL 18th, at 1, p.m. MACHINERY — .1963 No. 35 Ferguson tractor, (nearly new, 1,000 hrs.); gas tank and pumps'; 4 -row Cockshutt bean cultivator; New Idea side rake; 3 -furrow Ferguson plow; front-end bean puller; land roller; manure spread- er; spring tooth harrows; lev- eling harrows; corn and bean Ford cultivator, hydraulic; 9 -ft. land cultivator; 8 -ft, Bissel . disc; Allis Chalmers combine; 13 -run fertilizer drill; grain elevator; wagon and rack, on rubber; Ford - Ferguson pulley; Ferguson manure loader; 'icireular saw, hydraulic; forks; shovels;, tools; set double blocks; 'set' harness; fence stretchers; post hole digger; 4 pig troughs; grease gun; 39 bags fertilizer; 4-12-10 lumber; 7-2x4's, 18 -ft. long; 6 2x d's, 16 -ft. long. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Beds; springs; mattresses; 2 dressers; bedroom chair; .din- ing room •table; rocking chair; chesterfield; 4 chairs; sideboard; 4 scatter mats; small table; television and table; 2 kitchen tables; nine kitchen chairs; kitchen cab- inet; ironing board; 2 toas- ters; hot plate; iron; churn; butter bowl and printer; coaly oil lamp; utility table; 'Leo- nard frig.; coal stove; step ladder; washing ''"machine; lawn mower; kitchen uten- sils; other articles too num- erous to mention. • . • TERMS—Cash, eo reserve as farm sold. BASIL L.. HORNICK,Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. -George Powell, Clerk FAST SERVICE. • - All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-11120 — Seaforth 19-19-tf VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice'°for all makes. Filter Queen Sa]iea Varna. Phone 262-5350. Heihsll. 19-19-tf ATTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used.. All work guaranteed. Waite or phone LOUIS BLAIN; RR2 Brusse11, phone 442w6. Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23 E FCTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and ° Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. • • 19-19-tf R AUCTION SALE SERVICE that .is most efficient and courteous call Wright Auc- tioneer. Phone Mensal', 262-5482 Percy Wright, Cromarty. 19-13-8 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Di9abled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling, & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 19-19-tf SINGER Sales and Service, sewing maohinas Vacuum dean- ers, floor polishers, and type. vii tees, Colt Jtin McGregor! phone 6274486, 19.1 • TJIE MOON EXPOSITOR, teAF9itm, oNT., T ' . 2Q; Auction Sales • .. `21, ender , W • ed dor; pig' trough; wheel 'bT row; cc4 ny h'u brooder steye4 iron kettle amid stand; quantity of 1nmber; ¥a»Y'. other , items too ntpperot$ to xn2atton, TERMS—Cash, no reserve as farm is -rented'. MRS. LILLY FORREST', Progri4e>tress, Bruce Ratilweli, . AuFtjeneer, Mel Graham, Clerk , 20-20-1 v'i CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Cattle, Pigs, Machinery and Hay, 'at Lot 3, Con. 6, Stan- ley Township, 4 miles South of Varna, 1/2 mile North of Hillsgreen, on SATURDAY, APRIL 16. at 1 o'clock. CATTLE — 1 Holstein cow, fresh 4 weeks; 1 Hol- stein. cow, due sale time; 1 Holstein cow due in May; 4 yearling steers. ' PIGS '--, All Yark sows, 2 sows, due sale time; 2 sows due in May; „3 sows due in June; 4 sows with pigs just weaned; 3 just 'bred; 30 weaners. , HAY — 300 bales mixed hay. IMPLEMENTS — John Deere M tractor, with PTO and scuffler; Oliver 60, row and bean puller; plow; Inter- national cultivator; Fleury- Bissel double disc; 13 -run Cockshutt . drill; Case land packer; diamond harrows; Case 4 -bar side delivery rake; Massey -Harris 6 -ft. binder; Massey -Harris 75 bushel manure spreader; Buehler wagon and hay rack, gravel box; hay loader; trailer with stock rack; Fairbanks 10 -in haminermill, with drive -belt International grain grinder 2,000 lb. scales; fanning mill 200 -ft. i/2" cable; emery `with Iii H.P. motor; Nations single -unit milking machin Viking ' cream separator root pulper; extension lad - CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Fain , Steck, Land lmpiofl its; at. Lei 5,, Con•. 7, Logan Town - OAP, 21/2 nobles East of No. 23. Higl yvay, turning at Wil- la* .O ove,..on 1NF$PAY, APRB.. 20., comtnenc�ipg at 1 p;m, • CATTLE — 5 cows, with calves at ,side; 1 co\v dna at time of sale; 3 'cows. due in May; registered Hereford bulb; 5 Hereford yearlings, IMPLEMENTS — Oliver 80 tractor; Allis-Chalmers, 13 tractor; McCormick- 7 -ft. binder on rubber; fertiizer seed drill, 16 disc; 3 -furrow Bissell plow; International 9 -ft.' double disc; -s•4-section drag harrows; International 3 -section' drag harrows; 1 set 4 -section harrows; manure spreader;. 2 International mowers; International side rake; International hay ted - der; drop -head - hay loader, used 3 seasons; Goodison all - steel threshing machine, with endless belt and grain throw- er, 28 x 46 cylinder; Mount Forest threshing machine, 24 x 36 cylinder, with •straw cutter;" 2 100 -ft.' endless drive belts; 25 -ft. endless belt; grain thrower with pipes, 24 -ft.; heavy duty trailer; set of sleighs; 2 -wheel trail- er; 2 post hole augers; elec- tric brooder; 9 roof jacks; cream separator; steel wheel- barrow; fanning mill, with - bagger; 2 electric fencers; aluminum ' scythe; work bench' and vise; . wlrenchesl; chisels;. tools; set of grapple forks; sausage stuffier and•, meat grinder; chopper, with speed jack and bagger; cab- bage cutten; good cook .stove; 40 -ft. extension ladder; 1 set double harness; 2 sets single harness; de -horn clipper and gouger; Burdiggo castrator; buck rake; 1928 Buick motor and chassis; '55 Buick car, good tires and motor; gas pu,lnp; some anchor posts; forks; shovels; chains; hoes, and all kinds of .good tools too numerous to mention. FEED* — 30 tons mixed grain, oats, barley, wheat; some baled hay and straw. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS —2 Collie' pups, TERMS—Cash, no •reserve as 'the farm has• been sold. FRED HORNE, Proprietor. Auctioneers: T. M. Kelly and R. G. Gethke 20-20=1 Remember! It takes but. 'a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To,advertise, just Mal Seaforth 527-0240. 1 e; ITS, INFURIATING TO DRIVE IN WITH YOUR BRAND NEW $7000 AIR-CONDITIONED CONVERTIBLE - AND 1VOBOoY PAYS YOU A'" BLIND BIT O'V• ATTENTION.,,, For the con;! tiplp i o <il x .40' cement, iosk **- age shed, 81/27- double ever - head; d0Ors, :•cement flair, peaked halt'> �rodiG; Tender Willi be received until April 00th. i9' 6 No tender -nece ;scarily an= cepted. • • Tender to be addressed: D. W. KUNDER - Secretary - `Tsre ilrp)v' Seaforth District High Rennet Board. 21-20-2 BECAUSE SOME CLOWN IS HERE WITH A 40:1EAR- OLD NAY BALER -I! t'4 %---I iiNfOhs- a,. FOR SAL RY • TENDER 44' x 24' (1'o;=Storey stor- age shed), known as the ag- ricultural building. Cement block, steel overhead doors, with asphalt roof. To be re- moved. This building can be seen at the rear of 'the Seaforth District High School. Tenders will be received until April 30th, 1966. No tender necessarily ac- cepted. Tender to be addressed; D. AV. KUNDER Secretary - Treasurer, Seaforth District High School Board, 21-20-2 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST' Seaforth . Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment Phone 527-1240 -ronly. or 482.7010 „Mon-, Wed. Clinton Oflde' ' SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D,V,M., .V.S. W. R. Bryans, D V.M:, V.S. • G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cuuis, D.V.M., Phone 527-1760 - • Seaforth., A. W. SILLERY Barrister; Solicitor, Etc. Office 5274850 -. Res. 52T.1 Seafo}th _ . • - Ontario Additional Classified See Page f 8 I'LL SET GIRLS ARE ScATIReo SOME OF HE ME, 01-1 YES, GIRLS DO HAVE ONE -ALL CONSUw1IN9 CONTINUING FEAR. i v 4i' + !ai�dfiiimi 11 w in,-•. ,1 E�, ({uunn�f.h% I`. 1 ; THEY ARE AFRAID -OF LOSING THEIR. BEAUTY, THEIR ATTRACTIVENESS, THEIR CHARM. NO WONDER BOYS FEAR GROWING UP. THEY'RE AFRAIDHTHEY'LL NEV,CYNTHIA,LEND US A BUCK ...WE KNOW THAI BAG IS' FULL OF 'MONEY i dr 0,„13 ALL RIGHT, WHAT IS IN ITS V00 REALLY WANT TO KNOW IIIIIIIIIIu'' * '"igII,IQIIIj1'III� ,i1 . \ \\\\ \"II,'1 ,�