The Huron Expositor, 1966-04-14, Page 66-4HEHURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., APRIL. 14, 1946 WALTON NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. Oil Mr's. Herbert Kirkby and Marti, of Woodstock, spent Easter °Sunday with the fprm- er's father, M r. h' ank Kirkby,. old Mr. and -Mrs. Douglas Kirk- by. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rutledge and family, Streetsville, were guests at the dome of Mie. and' Mrs. Roy Bennett last Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McMich- ael and daughter, of Preston, and Miss Audrey McMichael, of Waterloo, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Michael. Miss Eleanor Keyes, Reg.N., of K -W Hospital, Kitchener, vis- ited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Sholdice. Mrs. Hilda Sellers and _Mrs. Percy Holman, of Barrie, left last week for New York, where they. will spend the Easterva- cation. Miss Ruth Ennis and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Steven and Leanne, of Torontb, Were week- end guests at the 'home of Mr. UNIT THREE, UCW • The April meeting of Unit 3, UCW,, was held at the home of Mrs. G. A. Whitney. Miss Ab- bie Seip opened with a poem, "Legend. .of Violets." A hymn was sung and .the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Minutes were read and roll call was an- swered by 14 members. An invitation was received to attend First Presbyterian Church thankoffering April 21, when Miss Jennie Hogg will be the speaker. Mrs. Broadfoot and Mrs.' McDougall took over the devotional part and Mrs, Dun- lop favored with a piano solo. Mrs. Gordan Papple gave an' in- teresting talk on "Women's In- stitute's Work." Mrs. McDougall thanked all taking part and Mrs. Whitney for the use of her home. The meeting closed with Hymn 87 and benediction. and Mrs. DeuSlas Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marks of Exeter, were Sunday guests at the liotne of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamont and Larry, of Windsor, were .Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bosman. Master Jimmy Qesch, of Zur- ich, is spending Easter week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bosman. Miss Linda Leeming, of Mit- chell, is spending the Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leem- ing. Mr. and Mrs. William. Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mach- an, Karen and Kim, of Sarnia, were, Good Friday guests at the Agree of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. Easter guests at the home of rs. Walter Broadfoot were s. William Leeming and Mrs. ern Patterson, Seaforth; Miss A1> ye Love, Toronto; Mrs. Wm. E ' uharson, London, and Mrs. Helen "Matthews, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. George Hanlan, of Lloydtown, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis last Tuesday. Miss Susan Humphries is va- cationing with her uncle and aunt, Mt. and Mrs. Horace 'Lit - ledge, ut- ledge, London. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid spent the Easter weekend in Stratford, guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore. Mr. David Sholdice has been confined to Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital for the past week. Mrs. Floyd Jenkins, Jeffery and Rosemarie Graves, of In- gersoll, were Easter Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Clar- ence Martin. Guests at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lydiatt on Easter Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ry Whetstone . and family, God- erich, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lydiatt and Barry, • of Kitch- ener. WHITE .:BEANS Order Your Seed Early ! CERTIFIED No. 1 . $12.50 per, Cwt. We have All Popular Varieties grown _from foundation seed. Quality and 'Germination Excellent CONTRACTS AVAILABLE FERTILIZER and EPTAM At Competitive Prices COOK BROS. MILLING Co. Ltd Phone 262-2505 HENSALL -. ONTARIO PERSONAL STATIONERY 100 FOLDED SHEETS . • AND 100 ENVELOPES Both Printed $3.50 d ' For your own use or for gifts Avon Velfum club size white notepaper printed in black or blue ink . . . with imprinted matching envelopes. Attractively boxed. Order Item 3350. - Choose from these Four Type Styles - 2114u. (Wallt;t _Lamont TYPE STYLE A10 • Mrs. John findcrsnn TYPE STYLE Ae MRS.`DONALD PHILLIPI3? tYPE STYLE Al2 Myr. Davia Robinson TYPE STYLE MB tfpDER FROM • THE 0 NEW$ or yyL4WN Duft's , General UCW Has Interesting Easter Meeting The General UCW of Duff's United Church met Wednesday evening in the church Sunday school rooms. Hymn 40, "God Moves in a Mysterious Way," was sung in opening, with Mrs. Martin Baan at the piano. An Easter worship service entitled, "Darkness and Light," was presented by Mrs. William Coutts, president, and Mrs. Wal- ter Bewley, vice-president, of the Walton Unit. Candles were used during the . service a n d formed an appropriate Easter setting. Hymn 104, "Christ the Lord is Risen Today," was sung, af- ter which Hymn 783, "Christ, Our Passover," was read re- sponsively and `prayer, was of- fered by ,Mrs. Bewley. The of- fering was received by Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham, of the Stewardship and Recreation committee, gave an interesting topic, Choosing for her theme, `And the King shall answer and say unto them: Verily, - I say unto you, inasmuch_as ye have done it unto one. of the least of these my brthren, ye have done it unto me." Mrs. Donald Buchanan thanked Mrs. Higginbotham for her message and spoke of the great need in the world today. The secretary, Mrs. Campbell Wey, read the minutes and re- ported on the World Day of Prayer and the Thankoffering service. Mrs. Kenneth McDon- ald, treasurer, gave an encour- aging financial report. Mrs. Emerson Mitchell gave a suppeP committee report, when dinner menu prices were adjusted as follows: turkey din- ner $1.75, dinner hani $1.50, buffet 01.25 and lunch „$k.00. These prices were accepted by the meeting. Mrs. Mitchell al- so announced that 'the kitchen committee had purchased a number of articles for the kit- chen, which she had on dis- play. A film entitled, "Calling in Brazil," will be shown at the May meeting. The leader of the Canadian Girls in Training, Mrs. Neil. Mc - Gavin, requested the .UCW 'to cater at a mother and daugh- ter banquet. Walton Unit la- dies volunteered to cater to the dinner. • A request was made for us- ed nylons. A box will be plac- ed in the church kitchen for these,—The-spring bale -of --cloth ing will be packed in several weeks with May 1 set as the deadline, this to be left at the church. Mrs. Charles McCutcheon and Miss Tena Dennis gave reports on the fourth annual Presby- terian UCW meeting held in Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton. The closing hymn was'100, "In the Cross of Christ I Glory." Prayer was offered by Mrs. Buchanan. Hold Open House Open house was held at Wal- ton Public School Wednesday afternoon when 'the following program was presented by the children: Junior Room Songs (boys), "Indian Children"; (girls), Mrs. Jenny Wren; Grade 3, story in song, "U ly 'Duckling." Interm diate Room, — Chorus, "Flag of Canada"; chorus play- ed on flutes and sung in three parts; story in song;. story of Africa with the Ballad Action song, "Soldier, Soldier"; chor- us with descant, "Christ the Ford is Risen Today"; Easter carols, solos by Marion McCal- lum, Marie Nolan, Heather Mc- Donald, Kathie Backert. Senior, Room—Boys, "Away to Rio", solo part, Bill Shortreed; boys' c h o r u s, "Westering Home"; boys' and girls' three- part chorus, "Jacob's Ladder"; girls' two-part: Prayer, "Unison, Try to Remember"; three-part, "Turn Ye to Me"; Dutch dance, Connie Coutts, Judy Thamer; accordion solo, Gordon Mit- chell. ., Madhatters Meet Walton Madhatters met at the home of Mrs. Gerald Wat- son Mbnday. The next meeting will be held at the home of Brenda Bewley when Joyce McNichol and Brenda Bewley will bring lunch. Sherrill Craig read the secretary's report. Mrs. Kenneth McDonaId talk- ed on the care of scarves, af- ter which the group tried dye- ing. Mrs. _Watson demonstrat- ed a hand -rolled hem. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, Sandra and Monica Atlne, Lon- don; Mr. David Hackwell, Strat- ford, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Reid Hackwell, Exeter, were Easter guests at the home of Mrs. Edna Hackwell. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fox were: Mrs. Chris Hoist, of Zurich; Mrs. William Hoff, Mrs. Tom Adams, Mr. John Reid and Miss .Avril' Reid, Seaforth; Miss Gladys Broome and Mr. Nor- man Nicholson, London, and Mr. Joseph Kernick, of near Exeter. 4 Mr. and Mrs, Donald McDon- ald, Grant and Elaine, of Mon- treal, were Easter visitors With the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,Lawrence Ryan. Mr. and Mrs John McGavin and family, of' Owen Souiid, .tlytatf: '.�iiYltt7sl tr rtis tJ1�a. $f' . _i At? home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerdon McGavin. Miss Ruth Ritchie, of Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cliffordilc ,'e. Mr. and Mrseorge Hibbert and family visited Sunday with Mrs. Walter Nelson, of Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Coutts, Robbie, Rickey and Carol Anne of Toronto, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Coutts. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das spent Sunday in' Wellesley, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clements Stutz. Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray tluether, Steven and John were: Mr. and Mrs. Watson Webster and Mark, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes, Danny and Mary, Clin- ton, and Master Stephen Burke, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. William Dins- more and Bruce, of Brampton, were weekend guests at the home of . the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin. Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie, of London, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rit- chie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCow- an, of Newmarket, spent Eas- ter weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan, .• - Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Marshall, Susan and Sandra, of North Bay, were weekend • guests with Mrs. Luella Marshall and Mr. Malcolm Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and family, of London, visited over the weekend with the Humphries and Bennett fam- ilies. Mr. and Mrs. William Uhler, of Burlington, are holidaying with Mr', Ernest Uhler and fam- ily. Mrs. Robert Pickering, San- dra and Kim, of Oakville, and Mr. and Mrs. David AStdrews, Toronto, were weekend guests with Mrs. George Dundas. Mr. and Mrs..Allan McCall and Beverley spent the week- end at Burlington, the guests of Mr. and Mfrs. Harold Brown. Beverley reanained for the Eas- ter vacation, end Warrene- turned with them for holidays here. Easter weekend guests a the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Watson. were: Mr. and Mrs Don- ald Maier, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Pritchard, Kim and Mark, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ott and Kimberley and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Delion, -all of Kit- chener, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wal- ters. ' Mrs. Edward Miller visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Turvey, Brussels. News of Staffs 4-H Club Meeting, Staffa No. 1 4-11 u'Homemaking Club, "Accent on Accessories," - met at the home qf.. Mrs. Lorne Fell and opened with the 4-11 Pledge. Bach girl answered the roll call with one point she learned about caring for acces- sories. The secretary's report was given. Mrs. Laing gave notes on "Jewellery" and "The care of jewellery." The girls practiced their skit for achieve- ment day. The Good Friday service for Rev. Daynard's three charges was held Friday evening , in Staffa United Church. Miss Carol Vivian returned home from Stratford General Hospital Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Drake on the birth ofalheir son in Stratford Gen- Hospital on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willard, Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Miller" and family. Misses Edna and Janet Mil- ler, London, visited over the Easter weekend with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mil- ler. Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and family, Brampton, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Do your remodeling now. -Do it with an HFC Householder's Loan. AMOUNT LOOF AN * 100 300 11000 000. 3500 4000 5000 MONTHLY 60 months 48 .months $ 73.35 117.37 146.71, PAYMENT 35 months ; 57.72go 80.18 144.0 -180.37 30 months $ 23.73.24 1.4 , PLANS 20 months 6,12 18.35 5811 12 months $x.46' 228.37 91.56 $ 101.01' 126.26 Above psymenb include princlpal and interest and ere based oe prompt repaymedL but do not lncludathe costo, Ilia Insurance. HOUSEHOLD HFC's Householder's Loan provides up to $5000 to do whatever needs doing around your home or apart- ment. Gives youupto 60 months to repay. 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