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Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hunt,
of London, wore guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. McMillan and
Mrs, T. W. McMillan.
Ur. and Mrs. Aldipier Troyer,
of Toronto, spent lie Easter
weekend at the home of Mr,.
and Mrs. Syd Gemmell.
Miss Mary Halliday, of To-
ronto, was an Easter guest of
her sister, - Mrs. H. H. Leslie,
and Mr. Leslie.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Willis
slit. and , Thomas J. Wat-
sof►, of London, visited Mr. and
Mrs- W. C. Bennett, Clinton, and
other relatives at Walton.
Mr, . and Mrs. Morley ,Wright
and Wendy, of Hamilton, were
Easter guests of Mrs. Alex
Wright. .
Mr. James Kelley, Toronto,
and Miss Eva Kellough, of Wes-
ton, were Easter guests of Mr.
and MIs. William Kelley.
of Peterboro, were guests of and Mrs. H. Barry have
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Willis and returned to their home in To -
Mrs. James E. Willis. ronto after spending the win -
Mrs. George Love, of Gode- ter in La • Habra, California.
rich, and Miss Margaret Harris, Last week they visited the. Iat-
of Toronto, were guests of Mr. Lull sister, Miss Mabel Turn
and Mrs. James F: Scott „for Mr. William G. McSpadden, of
Easter. Mc>tillop, and Mr, Zack McSpad-
Miss Ruth Joynt, of Toronto, den, of town, have returned af-
spent the Easter holidays with ter spending the .. past few
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt; months in California with their
Joynt. sister, Mrs. Fred Hutchings.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Keys, of Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling spent
Winchester, were Easter guests the Easter holiday with rela-
of Mr. R. W. Campbell and Mr. tives in Ancaster.
and"MrS, James Keys, in Mc- Gordon Rennie, of Sund-
Killop. ridge, spent the Easter holi-
Miss Mabel Kellough, London, days . with his parents, Mr. and
was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Mrs. M. R. Rnnie.
William Kelley, and Mr. Kelley Mrs, Henry Ford and chil-
last week. dren, of Fort Wayne, Indiana,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg S, Reid, of visited her mother, Mrs. W. A.
'Stratford, were guests of Miss 'Wright, last week, and Mrs.
Hazel Reid on Saturday. Wright has returned with her
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson for a visit.
and family, of Toronto, were Miss Alice Ann Nixon, of
guests ,of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Weston, Mr. and Mrs.' Waytouich
Wilson over the weekend. , and daughter,. of Windsor, were
Rev. J. Ure Stewart at pres- Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs.
ent is a patient in the K -W Hos- Dale Nixon.
pital, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Glenford. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Hays, have returned home after
of Detroit, were Easter guests spending the winter in St.
of Mrs. C. P. Sills. Petersburg, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reith, Easter guests of Mrs. Mary
of Kitchener, spent Easter week A. Hotham and Miss Leone
end with Mr: and Mrs. J. C. Hotham, Wilson St., were: Mr.
Crich and, Mr. and Mrs. C. and Mrs. Donald Millard, of
Reith; Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Holland, of To- Hotham and family, Winds-
ronto, were guests of Mr. and sor; Mr. and `Mrs. C. E. Laith-
Mrs. W. T. Dodds, McKillop, waite, Goderich, and Mr. Ed -
for Easter. ward Laithwaite and Miss Paul -
Mr. Thomas C1uif, of Mont- ine Anderson, of London.
real, and Mr. and Mrs. Armand Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hick -
Kirkland. Were holiday visitors nell,. Kirkland. 1+ke, spent
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hog- Easter weekend with Mrs.
garth and Miss Ruth Cluff. Joseph Matthews and Mr.
Mr..and Mrs. Clarence Arm- and • Mrs. Lester Leonhardt: ' '"�
strong and family, of St. Cath- Monsignor J. .A. Feeney
urines, were weekend guests of of London, Mr. and 'Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson. Frank Stock and, family " of
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
lb. 35
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London, Mr. and Kra. Dan
Costello, Dublin, Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Morrjsonti 'Wat-
erloo, visited on the weekend
with, Mr. and Mrs. ,Jack
Meagher. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williams
and daughter and Mr. 'and
Mrs. Joe Williams and fam-
ily, all of Kitchener and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Neilly of Pais-
ley spent Easter Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wil-
liams of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve John-
son and family of London
spent Sunday with Mrs. Joe
Johnson of Seaforth. •
Mrs. Haney returned home
this week from Scotland
where she spent several
weeks visiting her sister,
Mrs. Cockburn and family.
Miss Etta Jarrott of Strat-
ford visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cochrane
of John St., on Easter Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. J. TI. Grant
of Waterloo were visitors
here Sunday.
Mr. Bob Geddes spent the
Easter holidays with Mrs.
Geddes and Miss Mazy
John Weber of Toronto,
spent Easter with Mrs. Jean
Miss Pat Gould of Ottawa
was a guest of Miss Elaine
Oke this week.
Mrs. Orville Oke was a
delegate at the forty-seventh
annual convention of the
Ontario Federation of Home
and School Associations
Which was held at the Inn
on the Park, in Toronto last
Mr. Gordoh' Balfour, Hes-
pler and Miss Arpha Topper,
Toronto were Easter ,week-
end guests at- the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Muir an41.
Rey. and Mrs. B. T. Mc-
Spadden, Jack- and Marilyn
spent the Easter holiday with
Mr. McSpaddep's father, Mr.
Zack McSpadden.
Mr. Theron .Bettles has
returned home after spend-
ing the past months in Flori-
Mr. and Mrs. William Hart
and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Butters of Dublin visited the
,coal fields of Kentucky over
Visitors with Mrs. Theresa
Maloney for Easter were Mr.
'and Mrs. Frank Maloney and
family of Preston, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Overholt and
family of Centralia, Mr. and
Mrs. Reg. Aubin and family
of Harpurhey and Mrs. Lor-
etta Skin and family of See -
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hicjujell
of Kirkland Lake visited Mrs.
Theresa Maloney recently..
Mr. and Mrs. A. Houston
have -returned --from- -Detroit
after visiting for a weejk with
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon M.
Hays, Detroit, Mich., and
Miss Mary Lou Sills, Chat-
ham, were Easter guest of
Mrs. C. P. Sills.
Mrs. Ed Holland, Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Richtie spent the
weekend . with their sisters
and brothers-in-law, ,Mr. and
,Mrs: R. Watson, Seaforth;:
Mr. and. Mrs: William Dodds,
Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs.
C. Christie of Hensall..
Mrs. Laura Jermyn of
Brussels spent Easter Sunday
with her daughter, Mrs. Al-
ma Pinkney.
Miss Mary Crich of, Mc-
Master University, Hamilton
was an Easter guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Miss' "_Ginger Florence
Chamberlain of Kitchener
was an Easter guest of her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. William Brown and
Miss ' Carol Brown.
Mr. James Crich of Mark -
dale spent the Easter holi-
days at his home here.
Mr and Mrs. Craig Willis
of Kitchener were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Willis.
Miss Marjory Bickell of
Toronto spent the Easter hol-
idays with Mr. and Mrs.
George Smith in Hullett
Miss Gladys Thompson
spent the Easter holiday in
Toronto with her sister, Mrs.
George Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs Douglas
Stewart and family of Tor-
onto, were Easter guests of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Setwart.
Council, Clears
(Continued from Page 1)
facilities by Plowing Match
—learned Street Committee
was contemplating program
whereby one street a year
would be completed with storm
sewers and paving;
—approved bylaw establish-
ing house numbering system be-
ing worked out' by Clerk Wil-
liamson, following representa-
tions by the Chamber of Com-
merce last year and earlier this
—agreed daylight saving time
would begin April 24 at 12:01
a.m. and continue to October
30, at 12:01 a.m.
--approvedappointment of
Archibald, Gray & McKay to
set on a petition to provide
proper drainage' and necessary
outlet for area at northeast cor-
ner of town, including study of
existing outlet through town in-
to ,Tuckersmith.
—named Moss Savauge and
Councillor Brian Flannigan ad
thvi+rt' repreSentativea, on MODA,
Obituaries: -
Funeral services will be ,hei 4
Thursday in Aylmer, #or - DicF
John• Pavid Colctuhpun, assist~
ant superintendent of London%
Westminster Hospital, who died
at' his home on Monday. Re
was 58. -
Dr. Colquhoun was born in
Salt Springs, N.S., and gradu-
ated in 'medicine from Dalhou-
sie University in 1932.- life inr
termed at Montreal General
Hospital before setting up his
first general practice in Ethel
in 1934. He moved to Seaforth
in 1938, and practised here
until he joined the RCAF in
After--the;war he practised in
Aylmer and in 1958 joined the
Department of Veterans Af-
fairs. He moved to Westminster
Hospital after training in hos-
pital administration at Sunny -
brook Hospital in Toronto. He
leaves his wife and two sons.
John Passmore, of Exeter,
formerly of Hensall, a retired
Hydro superintendent, passed
away Saturday in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, . following a
lengthy illness, in his 89th
He came to Hensall in 1910,
where he operated an electri-
cal business as well as being a
Hydro superintendent. The late
Mr. Passmore took an . active
part in the 'activities of the
village; was a member of Hen-
sall United Church; member of
the IOOF, Hensall Lodge 223.
He Is survived by three sons,
Kenneth, Aylmer; Rev. Robert,
Owen Sound; John, Delhi; two
daughters, Mrs. William (Zetta)
McLean, Hamilton; Mrs. Lorne
(Susan) Elder, Hamilton; one
sister, Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Ex-
eter; 19 grandchildren and four
great-grandchildren. Mrs. Pass-
more deceased him in 1950. He
was also predeceased bythree
sons, Gerald, Carl and Albert.
Largely attended funeral ser-
vice was held Monday from the
Bonthron funeral home, Hen-
sall, conducted by Rev. H. F.
Currie. Interment was in Exe-
ter cemetery. Pallbearers were
Robert Cann, Melvin Gardiner,
Ken Duncan, Robert Mayers,
Gilbert Johns and Lorne Pass-
William H. Brodhagen, 79,
of Seaforth, died Saturday,
in ;Seaforth Community Hos-
pital, following a short ill-
ness. He was a native of Mc-
Killop Township where he
farmed for many years. He
was a member of St. Thomas''
Anglican Church. ,There, are
na immediate survivors._ The
funeral service was held on
Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the R.
S. Box funeral home, Sea -
forth, conducted by Rev. H.
Donaldson. Burial was in
Maitlandbank cemetery, Sea -
Pallbearers were Gordon
Nicholson, Allan Pease, Lloyd
Pease, Wilfred Coleman, El-
mer Cameron and Maurice
,Flowerbearers were Garry,
Gray, Doug Racho, Harnon
Brodhagen and Lyle Racho.
The annual meeting of St.
•Patrick's Catholic Women's
League was' held, in the Par-
ish Hall, Monday evening,
with twenty members pre-
Presiding president, Mrs.
Joseph Shea opened the
meeting with the League
Prayer and a Hymn was
sung in unison in honor df
Our Blessed' Lady. Mrs. Har-
old Meager gave her annual
spiritual report followed by
the membership... repert by
Mrs. Joseph . Ryan.
The report on citizenship
and immigration and press
was read by Mrs. Joseph
Stapleton, in absence of Mrs.
}high Benninger.
Mrs. Michael McLaughlin
reported on education and
social action.
Spiritual Director, Rev.
Remi Durand, installed . the
new executive for 1966-67.
He thanked the outgoing of-
ficers and welcomed the new
The . 1966-67 executive is:
President, Mrs. Lorne Cron-
in; Past President, Mrs.
Joseph Shea; First Vice -Pres-
ident, Mrs. John Nagle; Se-
,cond Vice -President, Mrs.
Lou Rowland; Third Vice -
President, Mrs. Louis Bros -
ens; Treasurer, Mrs.. George
Goottler; Secretary, Mrs.
William Poppe.
Is Entertained
In honor of her approach-
ing marriage,' Miss Veronica
Shea, RR 1,,. Dublin, was en-
tertained at a • number of
Mrs. Lorne Ellah, 378 Al-
bert St., Stratford, surprised
her with a miscellaneous
shower. D`debrations includ-
ed a cake in the shape of two
Program five teachers and
their wives gathered at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. C. L.
Searsy, 51 Shreustbury St.,
Stratford for a miscellaneous.
shower in. her honor. Miss
Shea is secretary for Pro-
gram. five.
Miss lonelda Adams of
the .1*, A. D. McCurdy School
of Centralia, is spending the
holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs tni t ..dan',s.
dee#ings: #o_ Show
A program covering as -
Teets of educational teievi-
Sion and giving sampling of
materials used in Metro Tor-
onto and of experiences there
backed up by a display and
demonstration of up to the
minute equipment will be
presented in the Auditorium
of the Seaforth District High
School on the afternoon and
evening of, April 27th.
The program has been ar-
ranged as a result of study
carried out .by John Nagle,
supervising trustee of Dublin
Police Village and Charles
Friend, chairman of the Hib-
bert Township Area Board.
The afternoon program
will run from 2 to 4 p.m.
and from 4:20 to 5:15; The
first part is designed to in-
terest trustees, councillors
and the general public. From
4:20 material , interesting
both them and any teachers
who may be present will be
presented. The evening pro-
gram will be ;aimed at
display and demonstration of
equipment will be a feature
of all programs.
The speaker will be Ron-
ald E. Dodge, Supervisor of
EIementary School Televi-
sion, Toronto, who has had
wide experience in both
teaching and television and
is now actively connected
with M.E.T.A., a co-opera-
tive association 'which pio-
neers, develops and produces
programs for broadcast in the
metropolitan Toronto area.
Mr. Nagle in discussing
the program said that in view
of the increasing interest and
importance of Educational
Television at all levels of ed-
ucation it was felt the pro-
ject will be a worth while
experience for ' trustees and
teachers and for °any others
interested in education. He
added that since it was a
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore
and family, of Lindsay, spent
the Easter weekend' with Mrs.
E. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. T.
L. Scott and family.
-Mrs. Shirley Elliott and fame
ily, of Essex, spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Wallace. -
Susan and Ronnie Elliott are
holidaying this week with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs:
Wallace and Debbie.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell
and Mrs. Grace Scott have re-
turned homeafter holidaying
in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. .Norman Jeffer-
son and children, of Munro, vis-
ited Friday 'evening with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Jefferson. Miss Ina Jefferson,
of London, spent the Weekend
with her 'parents.
• Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Carlyle Meikle and family
were Mr. and Mrs. James
Meikle, Exeter; M. and Mrs.
James Scott and Ronnie, .Mit-
chell, and Mrs. Sadie Scott.
Mr. Frank Stagg visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Reg
Stagg' and family, Exeter. .
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKel-
lar and children. of Seaforth,
were weekend visitors with his
father, Mr. Lindsay McKellar.
Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Staf-
fa, visited bn Good Friday with
her father, Mr. Lindsay McKel-
Miss Dorothy Scott, St. Marys,
and Miss Agnes Scott, of Lon-
don, spent the Easter, holidays
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Scott.
Misses Margaret, Jean Rus-
sell, Margaret 'Ann Wallace,
Alice Walker and Carol Howe,
all of London, spent the week-
end at their respective homies.
Mr. John Scott, of Dorset,
spent a few days with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott.
Miss ,Shirley Gardiner, Strat-
ford, visited her parents.
Mrs. Verna Brooks, Stratford,
is holidaying with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace.
`Miss Catharine Scott, of Sea -
forth, is holidaying with her
grandmother, Mrs: Grace Scott.
Guests entertained , at the
home of Mr.- and Mrs. T. L.
Scott to celebrate Mrs. 'E.
Moore's 84th birthday were:
Mr. and Mrs. T. Gillespie, Ko-
moka; Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mr,
and Mrs. T. Laing,
Holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Dow and fam-
ily were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Worthington, Margaret and Les-
lie Anne, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Fry and Richard, Bramp-
ton. Richard is holidaying this
week with Brian.
Mr. arid Mrs. K. McKellar
visited Mrs. McKellar's sister,
Mrs. 0. R. Francis, who is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
A pot -luck dinner, sponsored
by the CGIT girls and their
leader, Mrs., Lamond, was held
in the church Monday with
their secret pals as guests. Af-
ter all 1>,ad enjoyed a bountiful
meal, the girls .entertained with
Easter music. Miss Geraldine
Templeman gave' a reading in
keeping .with the season.
"Can you describe your as-
sailant/" asked the policeman
as he picked the bruised and
battered man from the pavnent.
Cable the reply: "That's what
fa dbing.whett hg hit mel"
non-profit venture it would
be expected boards. attend;
Ing would make a contribu-
tion to cover the expenses.
Re suggested five to ten
dollars a unit would be
fair, the amount to be
based on the number of units
attending and that arrange-
ments would be made to cal-
culate and receive contribu-
Win in
Re -Match
Seaforth Police. Association
continued their winning ways
a$ they defeated Robt. Bell
Industries for the second
straight time Monday even-
ing. .
The Police counted all the
scoring as Robt. Bell's only
goal came off the broom of
Gordon Hulley. Chief Mulley
played the first ten minutes
of the game for Robt. Bell.
The Police then took con-
trol of the game and Bob;
(Dinger) Dinsmore started
the scoring for the Police on
a sloppy goal with John
(Red) Sinnimon and . Jack
(Mighty Urses) Ungarenum.
Play - continued back and
forth with Police goalie Ted
(Boat) Wales making some
easy stops.
The Police continued to
press the attack when Jim
(inky) Scott scored on a
picture goal from Doug.
(Jr.. chief) Hulley and Bob
(Dinger) Dinsmore. Then
Don (little chief) Hulley
scored the final goal of the
night on passes from Kieth
(stretch) -. Ruston and Bill
(farmer) Dinsmore. The fin-
al score Seaforth Police As-
sociation 3, Robt. Bell Indus-
tries. 1.
The 'Police 'Association
planning a game in the near
future with Habkirk's Bus
Drivers and it is hoped a
good turnout can be manag-
ed to help get minor baseball
Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Pierce
and Linda of Sarnia visited
on Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Thompson.,
Miss Judi Thompson " return-
ed with them for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson,
and J6hn visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law-
son of Clinton..
Miss Janey Roest visited
on Sunday with Miss Agnes
Hover Kamp. Mr. and Mrs.
W. Roest were Sunday even-
ing visitors.
Miss Blanche Dalton spent
the weekend with Miss Kathy
Mr. and . Mrs. Ken Presz-
•cator -visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Hill of Credi-
ton Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs.. Wilmer
Glousher, Barbara and Stew-
art visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexe-
ter of Blyth.
Miss Deanna Dale is spend-
ing the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Mrs. Jim Medd visited on
Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs, Lloyd Medd and
family. .
Mr. and. Mrs. Hudson
Woodruff of St. Davids are
spending the Easter Holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Whyte and, family.
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Fogt of
Streetsville visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Verne
TH! • H 1R : XPO . TPitr, WORTWPWi
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Town of
The Council of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me
to declare DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, adopted for the
Town of Seaforth, during the periods of
Sunday, April 24th, 1966
at 42:01 'a.m.
to —
Sunday, October 30th, -1966
at 1201 a.m.
and respectfully request the citizens to observe the sante.
GOT SAVV $'' ist "