HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-04-14, Page 3• • • w • • e • • r • ROY N. .BENTLEY Public Aecoultttant 4. Britannia Road East - Goderich Phone, 5.249521 Read the Advertisements — It's aProfitable Pastime! INCOME TAX Farmers do not contribute to the Pension Plan until next year when they complete their 1966 tax returns. Earnings do not indlude Investment I'ncmMe, and the exemption is only $600.00. TELEPHONE 527-1250. for appointment H. G. MEIR, Courtlellor Contract Your Bean Acreage at E. L M1CKLE & SON LTD. — Quality Michigan and Ontario Sanilac and Seaway Seed — Fertilizer Supplied . - EPTAM Available FERTILIZER WE HAVE BAGGED OR BULK • HARRISTON FERTILIZER Available At Competitive Prices SPRING SEED Registered, Certified and Commercial, Spring Seed Available SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL EL,...Mickte&SOn Ltd. HENSALL - Phone 262-2714 Ways.t Sere Oniofls Take a look at the vegetable counter next time you're shop- ping and you'll notice the big displays of yellow cooking on- ions: Dde to a bumper crop this year, Ontario onions are appearing on most markets across Canada, They're thrifty buys, too, and many stores are advertising them as "specials". You'll notice that the onions are marked Canada No. 1 and are packaged in plastic or mesh bags in 2, 3, 5, 10 -pound or larger sizes. They should be well cured, dry and firm with no sprouts or decay. Since onions will keep for at least two or three weeks in. the .kitchen cupboard, don't hes- itate to huy the larger size bags. There are only about five med- ium-sized onions to a pound and you will find many uses for them, to pep lip winter meals. The home economists of the Consumer Section, Canada De- partment of Agriculture, sug- gest some interesting ways to use a bag of onions. Take a impound bag for ex- ample: —Served baked or creamed, you'll use 1', pounds -12 small or 6 to 8 medium onions, for six 'servings —In a stew or casserole you'll use at least 1 pound -5 to 6 medium onions or 2 2/3 cups sliced, for six servings. —In Onion soup you'll use 1 pound -2 2/3 cups sliced for French onion soup; pound, 1 1/3 cups sliced for chowder or cream soups for six servings. —Served with hamburger or steak you'll use at least one-half pound -1 cup chopped. —In salads you'll use at least 1/4 pound chopped or sliced. —Fd French fried onions you'll use .1 pound of sliced large onions for six servings. You'll probably think of many more ways to use them too. So next time you're shop- ping, "don't forget the onions." Remember! It takes but a moment to place an• Expositor Want Ad and be money in •pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. -- NOTICE For Co -Op . Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 5.27-1464 -,- John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck. • Farm Liability ' • Employer's Liability, • Accident and , Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance Yearning for something Long, w and racy? Or something large, posh and powerful?. .....Or something - quietly compact'? Go ahead! Area COucII • LOGAN iCOUNCJL L an Council. met Wrih. a inear�Mers . present and Reeve $atter presiflirag. Ke15014,8 oil' the Grey Braneh Q•f the 419b- -west, Squire, Regan and .4ag- Batt drains were read and pro- visionally , adopted, with court. of revision to be held May -4. There were no appeals on the Winteningham drain and one appeal was received and'-''ai1. lowed on the Kerr drain, and the ,by-laws were given their final readings. Tenders are to be called on the above six drains, subject to court of rer vision. Frank Campbell from the Campbell Insurance Agency, was present, explaining •• the -policies held by council, with all being renewed. The road superintendent was authorized to attend the 'super- intendent's superintendent's school to he held in Guelph, May 9, 10•. and;11„ Road' accounts totalling $3,645.78 and +general accounts amotintint to. $8,279.52, were ordered paid. GREY TOWNSHIP Grey Township Council met when motions adopted includ- ed: That the tender of Hanna & 'Hamilton to construct 'the 'ROW - land Municipal Drain foie then price of $1,400.40 be accepted. That the resolutipft .pf Feb 7th, 1966, to instructEnginee James A. Howes to examine and' report on the open portion of the Sixth Concession Drain, to clear all lands from Lot 16 to Lot 25, Con. 6, be rescinded. That Engineer Jas. A. Howes be instructed to examine and• report an the West McTaggart Drain to improve, the . drain with tile of suitable size to clear all lands in the water- shed with greater volume 'to the outlet, subject to the pro- visions of Section 52 of the Drainage Act. That the auditor's report for 1965 be accepted. That Bylaw No. 6 of 1966 to appoint a warble fly inspector, be passed. That Charles Thomas be ap- pointed chairman of the Cen- tennial Committee for Grey. Accounts paid included: Frank Cowcan Co., general insurance, $666.-69; Monteith, Monteith & Co., audit accounts' township $425, School Area $100; The Municipal World, one subscrip- tion, $5; J. C. Conley, office sup- plies, $21.49; Lathar Weber, of - Sis Gets the , Compliments DEAR DORIS—I am 12. My mother favors my 14 -year-old sister. Often she says I am like my father. This is true because we have almost everything in common.. But is constantly say- ing it the right thing to .do? She is always saying that my young brother and I cause all the trouble in the house. The other times she says it is Dad and me. My sister hardly gets yelled at at all. I feel as though I could never confide in her as a mother.. But Doris,' I love her and would do anything , to help her, but she won't let me. Always Getting Heck DEAR ALWAYS — You are suffering from being in the dead middle. Big Sister has the distinction of being the oldest; Little Brother of being the youngest. How, ohhow, can Gra Middle Maid shine? Since Dad is your kindred spirit, why not thank her for the compliment next time she com�,ares you? She loves him, doesn't she? Then do one of the nice things he does; and for the present confide in him. * ¥ .O, CONFIDENTIAL; TO ADOP- TIVF PARENT —•,• The trouble started when Daughter Number Two arrived from the agency. Bedwetting, excessive demands, temper, are all protests against losing the spotlight. Why not seek the skilled guidance that is there .for you? No social worker expects you to be perfect. Even natural par- ents have rivalry problems! If you,_get enlightened help from the child care agency .you can in all likelihood reverse the 'trend; and help Daughter Num- ber One to be a happier, healthier personality from now on. CONFIDENTIAL TO IN LOVE- -One of the unsensible things commonly said is that when sex urges occur they should be grat- ified or emotional harm will' re. sults, Freud's teaching has been USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President Cromarty Martin„Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice-president Wm. H. Chaffe --RR. 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond _McCurdy ' R.R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucan Agents: Huth- Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur? Fraser - Exeter misinterpreted. He never taught that the control of sex urges was harmful. It is their repression that can do damage; that is, the denial• of their existence; or the guilt feelings that make us banish natural desires to our subcon- scious mind. We should acknowledge and cherish sexual feelings as part of God's gift to us, learning how to control; when to enjoy, and how to avoid abusing them. •* 0A DEAR DORIS—Do you have any booklet dealing with eti- quette in a time of sorrow ane death? This is a subject that is not- at all pleasant and perhaps to be genuine in your friend- ship and concern is most wor- thy—but I have wondered about this question many times. Mrs. Proper DEAR MRS. PROPER—There are etiquette books in our lib- raries with sections •on proce- dures re death notices, funer- als, burials, flowers, fees to clergyman and so on. Thoughtful friendliness beats any formal observances. To, go to the . person who is shocked with 'their loss, to give love, to help serve a lunch or take care of an out-of-town guest; maybe to just be there where she is, without talking; these are the precious, comforting services which can help. Remember, too that those weeks following the funeral can be dreadfully empty and lonely. To drop in With a bou-' quet, a book, an invitation to go for a walk. shows you haven't forgotten about your friend and her grief. Time will help heal the des- perate hurt, and the mourner will rearrange his or her life eventually. But right after the shock of death is "when a fell• er needs a friend.” DEAR DORIS—When my sis- ters and I were young our mother and father, who were wonderful parents, told us the bare facts of sex and the dis- cussion was closed and we were afraid to ask any other que- tions. So I learned most of what 1 know from my old sister, -and my younger sister 'came to me with her questions. I would like to have an easy relationship with my children on this subject so that they feel free to come to me with any questions or problems. Just' Mammy DEAR MOMMY — Good for you. And this is the clincher: The boy - or girl who shares' these' discussions comfortably will also run for 'help when teen boygirl problems are driving them up the wall. - The parents who close the subject after one prime discus- sion of the 1+acts of Life do a child great injustice. I'm send- ing you the names of the books I recommend on Sex and Dat- ing. fico supliess $3,44; 14ounty of Hutgn, •ty lrewriter, 00; *ate ' geaconHereld, a4y.• •fen, tiers, Rowland Drain, $22,Q0; 'drainage debenture, $18.49; #oleswortb street lights, $23.13;. Riemstrg Nursing Horne,. Mareb acet,, $122:25; Queensway Nurs- ing.nome, March acct., $122,25; Humphries ' &' Co., relief acct., $102.34; Shelter for Relief, $20; Root. Cunningham, fuel oil, re- lief, $30.86; Robt. Cunningham, fuel oil, office, $17.58; C. M. Stevenson, fox bounty, $12; Nei- son eison Hanna, for bounty, $16; Her- bert Kneisel, fox bounty, $4; Clifford Dunbar, license, fire truck, $2;• Elwood McTaggart, maintenance and supplies, fire dept., $16,50; George Rowland, gasoline, fire dept., $1.35;, M. J. ,Engel, welding, fire dept., $2; J: C. Conley, supplies, ,.fire de- partment, $1,54; Jim. Dobson, garbage collection, Ethel- • Vil- lage, St 4; Roads and Bridges, $3,399.05; total, $5,189.46. ZION Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl over Eas- ter were: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Seiler,: from Pembroke; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Diehl and fam- ily, of Seaforth; . Mr. Shelby Williams, and Mrs. Mary Wil- liams, from Burford. Mrs. Vera Moore has return- ed home after spending the past month with Mr. Shelby Wil- liams and Mrs. Mary Williams, of Burford. PROMPT WATCH REPAIR - SERVICE 1...- at ' SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BURIS CLEANER NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 Seaforth litertnnOiri.000SIT+oR .-die . OPEN! fiAMY -T. Orylie:4 Son:. Alt, TYPES .OF. CEMETERY- MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited, Telephone. Numbers EXETER 235-0620 CE,'INTON 4t -4,112i:''. S.EAFORTH. Contact Willis Puni#ar,. ,. . • ID. YOY KNOW ... tbamt Sun Lit m of °mod!; i. a Of the wodd'e glib) compsnies, with I'SOtixich ,ditgr throughout Nbath fi riche" Alt eh* Sew LW r'Il'PT.00 Ova iw >a . piety I bo e*rosor_F JOHN J. WALSH F; Phone 271-3000 -- 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD ` Sun Life Assurance Coinpari r of Cainada-- Pick up the April issue of the Reader's Digest. In it you'll find the "Investors Story" l2 full pages on how Investors car. help you make money: It's the complete story on the many ways that Investors can help you plan for your retirement, your children's education, or that trip that's still only a dream. Whatever your goal —.whatever your means, the Investors Man has the plan to suit your needs. Read the "Investors Story" in the April issue pf the Reader's Digest — then call your Investors Man. He's your best friend financia11v. glije Cia=.SYNIDICATE_LIMLTED _ or mail this coupon — Without obligation, please send me more information •Name Address City/Town Prov.. TRAIN TO TORONTO 'Ask about convenient departure and return times For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office wHl CANADIAN NATIONAL. • PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR AGRICO FERTILIZER w Go -Ahead people make things happen with a low-cost Go -Ahead Loan from . TORONTO -DOMINION The Bank wher9_ people make the differencet • FREE SOIL.TESTING SERVICE • BAG AND BULK DELIVERY SERVICE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA Contact your local dealer or BRUCEFIELD SERVICE DEPOT " A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna --- Phone 482.7435 Seaforth Community Hospital. is giving consideration to offering for sale a number of Serviced Buliding Lots IN THE AREA NORTH OF TETE HOSPITAL ON GODERICH 'STREET EAST Decision on whether or not to develop the lots will depend on the number of potential purchasers there may be. Persons interested in purchasing a serviced lot now or in the near future are asked to communicate with the undersigned. There is, of course, no obligation, the purpose of this survey being to determine the demand that lnay exist for lots at this location, so that plans may be put in hand. •_ ROBERT TAYLOR; 'Sales Representative RR 3, Clinton -- Phone 482.9144 ' Anhydrous Ammonia • Representative HAUGHI BROS.,, t3!ruceffela ++ , Phone, 527.0927 JAMES M. SCOTT v v' Chairman of the'Property . Committee Seaforth Community Hospital