HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-31, Page 12.- TMIE HURON EXPOSITOR J1l �s SEA4ORt HxQHT:, MAR, :.1. 1966 21:Teriders; Want CLASSIFIED • ADS 20. Auction Sales ONTARIO LACOMBE BREEDERS' SALE At Stratford Fair Grounds, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th, at 1:30. W. M. Cockburn, 260 Kathryn Cres., Newmark- et, Secretary. 20-18-2 ONTARIO LANDRACE ASSOCIATION SALE At Palmerston Fair Grounds, FRIDAY, APRIL 15th, at 1:30. Catalogues from Secre- tary, W. M. Cockburn, 260 Kathryn Cres., Newrtiarket. 20-18-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction, Sale of Cattle, Pigs, Machinery, Hay and Grain, at Lot 11, Con. 9, Tuckersmith .Township, five AUCTION SALE miles South of Seaforth, on Estate Auction Sale of MONDAY, APRIL 11th, at Proforroperty,, inEathe Towown Stf 12:30 ,p.m. — ,p• 7' Holstein 2 blocks North of No. 8 C cows, fresh and due to fresh- Highway, on THURSDAY, en in April and May; Brindle APRIL 7th. at 1 p.m. sharp. cow, due in April; Holstein 7 -room frame house, as - year -old heifer; 4 Hereford phalt siding, 3 -piece bath. steers, rising 1 year; 1 Here- 30Terdas SSold subjectb lance o re ford heifer. York sows, serve bid. PIGS — with litters: 2 York sows due Estate of late time of sale; 3 York sows, ISABELLA M. ROSS due in May; York hog, one Fer further plparticulars, ap- year old. y to IMPLEMENTS John Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Deere 420 tractor. with heat or McConnell & Stewart, hooser; 10 -inch hammer mill; Solicitors30-20 17-2 tt, endless 4-sectionspring hn tooth drab, Deere; International double disc; harrows; land roller;' rubber tired farm 'wagon; "hay rack; 'grain box; tractor bean or corn stuffier; Mas- sey -Harris No. 11 manure Spreader, on rubber; Interna- tional 7 -ft, power mower; In- ternational 8 -ft. power bin- der; 13 -disc Interrnational fer- tilizer drill; 2 -furrow Case plow; 5 bunches cedar shin- gles; electric fencer; steel barrel; 32 -ft. • extension lad- der; set scales; 2 -wheel trail- er; 21 -ft. grain auger, with motor; 3 -point hitch milk carrier; tractor umbrella; wire stretchers; forks; shov- els; chains; tools; 2 -unit Surge milking machine, pip- ing for 17 cows; milk cans; chicken feeders; 21 -ft. weed sprayer. HAY and. GRAIN — 500 bales mixed hay; 500 bushels oats; 150 bushels mixed grain; 175 bushels'fall wheat; 7 -ton cob corn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS= -- China cabinet; large bureau; washstands: bedroom suites: crocks; sealers. TERMS—Cash, no reserve, farm sold. ' CHARLIE EYRE, Proprietor. Harald Jackson, Auctioneer. 20-18-2 AUCTION SALE. Auction Sale Farm Stock -Implements, Hay, Grain, Straw and Household Effects, North Half. Lot 12, Con. 5, Morris Township, 3 miles East of Belgrave. MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1966, at 12 p.m. Sharp., CATTLE — 3 purebred Ayrshire cows, 4 years old, Hereford calf at side; one Aryshire cow, 3 years old, Aryshire calf at side; 2 Here- ford calves; 1 purebred Ayr- shire heifer, 15 months old; 26 Hereford steers, ranging from 850-1,050 pounds; five Hereford steers, 650 lbs.; 5 Hereford heifers, 500-600 lbs.; 2 Ayrshire steers, 400-' 500 lbs. HAY — Approximately 700 bales. - GRAIN — Approximately 450 bushels Russell Oats, grown from registered seed. STRAW — Approximately 150 bales. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS_ 12 cu•. ft. Westinghouse re- frigerator. with 75 lb.. food freezer; 4 -burner Moffat el- lectric range; dining table and six chairs; desk; kitchen table and chairs; 1 pair step ladders; 1 occasional chair; 2 occasional tables; 1 drop -back couch; stone crocks and fruit jars; 1 wardrobe, Eng- lish Oak; 2 twin beds, Eng- lish Oak, with mattresses. IMPLEMENTS — Massey - Ferguson gas tractor, model No. 50, live power take -off, independent hydraulic, ex- ternal valve far loader; one Freeman manure loader, with snap coupling hydraulic hose, 1 year old and gravel plate; 1 heat houser, 1 year old; 1 Massey, -Ferguson No. 62, 3 - point hitch, 3 -furrow" plow, with 18" coulters, 1 year old; 1 10 -ft. Kangskilde J. F. cul- tivator, 3 -point hitch, with rubber tired gauge wheels, 1 year old; 1 Massey -Ferguson 3 -point hiteh No. 32 7 -ft. power riitW'er, 1 year old; 1/4 - ton International truck, with racks; 1 John. Deere wagon, on rubber; 1 16 -ft. flat rack for wagon; wooden grain box for above rack;. 1 John Deere tractor manure spreader; 1 MViassey-Harris 11 -run disc grain drill; 1 set 3 -point hitch Ferguson disc harrows, 1 set Aitkenhead double sided, 1 Iong and short tooth chain harrows; 4 -section •of. drag ljarro*s; 1 ltilessey-fear- ris ,side rake; 20 -ft, bale el- evator; 20 -ft. grain auger,. with extra pipes; 1 3 -ft; hitch now IS1ewet; 1 *Weft lend • rtilter; 1 rttbbt r tired 1'tini- ' Intint Wheel: bar:race; ce;1.. Weed'0 20. Auction Sales -LL milking machine, consisting of pump, motor, solution racks and 2 stainless steel milker units; Viking electric cream separator, stainless steel bowl; Sunbeam electric cattle clippers, with spare blades; 1 rubber tired wood- en grain box; electric emery and grindstone; 90 -gal. gal- vanized water trough; three rotary type Jamesway hog self feeders; 2 hen feeders; 1 set ear markers; snow fence; 2 barn ladders; barn radio; steel fence posts; ce- dar posts; forks; shovels; pails; root pulper; hoof clip; pers; logging -chain; 2 elec- tric motors and many articles too numerous to mention. POULTRY — 100 Stone Leghorn pullets, laying five months. TERMS—Cash Farm sold. DENIS LANGRIDGE, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk 20-18-1 1 catch basin. 1 junction box on e O'- Reilly Extension Drain- age 'Works. Contractor ' to supply all materials. Plan and profile may be seen at Clerk's Office. A certified cheque for ten percent of bid to accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be opened at re- gular Council meeting on Monday, April 4th, 1966, at 9:00 p.m. MRS. ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk, Dublin, Ontario. 21-17-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of • Machinery, Cattle and Feed for Bill 'Blacker, 'Sr.,' Lot 28, Con, 5, Hullett Town- ship, 21/2 miles North. of Clinton, Highway 4, West Y mile. On SATURDAY, .APRIL 2nd, at 1:00 p.m. 24 HEAD OF CATTLE 24 Holstein cow, bred Feb. 10, 1966; Holstein cow, bred Jan. 21, , 1966; Holstein cow, bred August, 1965; Guernsey cow, milking and open; 4 BWF last summer calves; 8 BWF yearling heifers, (OPP approx. 600 lbs.); 8 BWF yealbs.).rling steers (approx. 500 MACHINERY WF ' Allis-Chalmers trac- tor, (in good condition); 8N Ford tractor; front-end man- ure loader to. fit 8N Ford or Ferguson tractor, snow blade (fits loader); set of heavy duty 10x28 tire chains (will fit bigger tire).;. Ford trac- tor grill guard; Ford 2 -fur- row mounted plow; 7 -ft. 3 - pt. hitch mounted cultivator and scuffler shields to fit cul- tivator; 13 -run International seed drill; 6 -section of dia- mond tooth. harrows horse scuffler; 2 -furrow Fleury- Bissel trail plow; 26 -plate 6 - ft. Fleury-Bissel, disc; Fleu- ry-Bissel 8 -ft. disc, (new); rubber tired Massey -Harris wagon; 16 -ft, hay rack; 7 -ft. 3 -pt. hitch mounted mower; 7 -ft. reciprocating Case rake; model 45 McCormick -Deer- ing baler, motor driven; 32 - ft. bale elevator, 1 year-old;: heavy duty r/4 H.P. ,electric motor; 6 -ft. Massey -Harris binder.; .Massey -Harris bind- er, suitable for parts; Massey - Harris 7 -ft. binder, in good condition; 10 -in. belt driven Case hammermill with two screens; 30 -ft. drive belt; In- ternational manure spreader; Viking milking machine, nearly, new, - (pipes for 20 cows and 2 milking units); Viking cream separator, nearly new; 6 stainless steel milk pails; 2 steel water troughs, approx. 150 gallons; hydro electric fencer; bat- tery • electric fencer; rubber tired wheel barrow; 2 canope rods for Ford tractor; 5 5 -ft. pig troughs; 2 '10 -ft. pig troughs; horse sleigh; M -H dump rake; loading shute; stone boat; pig crate; set pf 2,000 lb. scales; heat lamp; 10 -ft. ladder; cattle water bowl; 3 or 4 logging chains; 120 -ft. 1.r" rope; 7 sling ropes' and ear; 7 used car tires; whipple trees and knee yokes; block and tackle; pul- leys for hay fork rope; rope cattle halters; setof britch- en harness; 10' x 12' colony house; 10' x 26' colony house; 2 electric chicken brooders; 2 rolls of chicken wire; 5 chicken shelters; 10 planks, 12' x 1' x 2"; 2 sheets steel siding, 18' x 4'; 10 chicken feeders; grease gun and cartridges; hand "cement pick. MISCELLANEOUS — door hinges; litter carrier track hinges'; cow chains; shovels; brooms; elevises and other articles too numerous to mention. Quantity of Hay, Grain and Straw. Terms of Sale — Cash 5% Sales? Tax Will Be In Ef- fect. BILL BLACKER, Prop., Joe Corey, Clerk. Richard H. Lobb, Auctioneer. 20-17-2 Township of McKillop TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUC- TION Sealed tenders 'will be re- ceived by the ' undersigned until 2 p.m., Friday, April 1, 1966, for placing 8,000 cubic yards, more or less of pit -run gravel on road allowances, lots 30 and 31, from Con. 1, to Con. 2, Material to be sup- plied, loaded and delivered by the contractor to the sat- isfaction of the Road Super- intendent. Certified cheque for $400. to accompany each tender. Work to be completed by May 31, 1966. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILSON LITTLE Road Supt. RR 1, Seaforth, Ontario. 21-17-2 DRAINAGE Tender Twp. of Tpckersmith For the Construction of the Henderson Drainage Works, 1965, . Closed Work only, according to the En- gineer's profile .and._ specifi- cations. Tenders clearly marked "Henderson Drain- age Tender", will be received by the undersigned until April 4, 1966, at 12:00 o'- clock noon. Extent of work. 855 lineal feet of olosed drain. 3 catch basins. Township to supply tile and pipe. A marked cheque for ten percent of contract to accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plan, profile and specifi- cations may be seen at the Clerk's Office. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario. 21-17-2 22. Legal Notices 21. Tenders Wanted DRAINAGE TENDER Township of Ribbert Drain tenders will be re celved by the . undersigned until 5 p,m., Monday, Aprils 4th,' for the construction of 2;956 lineal feet of closed drain. . PUBLIC. SCHOOL; ARBITRATION Notice of Hearing 23, Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTAFF . QPTOKET UST Seaforth .Oce: Tues., Thurs„ FI'i.,'9 to 5;30 Pm - Sat., m.Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment only Phone 527.1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M„ V.S. G. R. Gray, B.S., D.V.M., V.S. P. j . Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 Take notice that I R. S. Hetherington, Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, have been appoint- ed by the Municipal Council of the County of Huron, pur- suant to Section 48 of the Public Schools Act, as an ar- bitration board, to hear an Appeal of certain ratepayers of the Township of Tucker - smith against the refusal of the Municipal Council of the Township of Tuckersmith to either deal .with . or release certain lands from County of Huron School area No. 1, for the purpose of forming a union school'section with the Town of• Seaforth. And further take notice that a hearing will be held at the Court House in the Town of Goderich on Tues- day, the 12th day of April. 1966, 'commencing' •at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And further take notice that the purpose of the•hear- ing is to hear representations, argument and evidence relat- ing to the appeal, to reach a decision thereon and to assess the costs of the appeal. And further take notice that all interested parties are invited to. attend and submit such representations, arguments or evidence as is calculated to assist in a just decision of all aspects of the problem. R. S. Hetherington Arbitrator 22-18-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ETHEL ADA WEBSTER All persons having claims against the Estate of Ethel Ada Webster, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died On or about the 28th day of January, 1966, are hereby notified to send"' in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of Ap- ril, 1966. after which date, the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, On- tario, this 10th day of March, 1966. McCONN`HLT, iz STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 22-16-3 23. Business Directory Ai M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderith , 5247582 BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527.0680 — Night 527-0885 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 23. Business Directory A. W. SILLERY• Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Office 5271550 - Res. 627.1$43 Seaforth - Ontario 24. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank my neighbors, friends and rela- tives for cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Hospital and in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don; also special thanks to Dr. Brady and Dr. Carroll and the nursnig staff. -,— Malcolin A. Fraser. 24-18x1 THE family of the late John Kellar wish to express their heartfelt gratitude for the many expressions of sym- pathy and acts of kindness during their recent bereave- ment. . 24-18-1 THE family of the late ,Wil- lard Elliott wish to express their deep appreciation for the many acts of kindness and• expressions of sympathy extended them in their re- cent bereavement. 24-18-1 I would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neigh- bors who visited me, and sent cards, treats and boxes of fruit while a patient in Seaforth Community Hospi- tal. A special thanks to Dr. Malkus, Dr. Brady and the nursing staff. It was greatly appreciated. — Jack Carter. -- 24-18-1 WE wish to thank our neigh- bors and friends for floral tributes and messages of sympathy received during our sad bereavement. Spec- ial thanks to the staff of Kil- barachan Nursing Home, Dr. Malkus and Dr. Brady, Rev, Tschanz and the Box Funeral Horne. — Miss Phemia. Low- rie, Nieces and Nephews. ..24-18x1 24, Cards of 'Thanks I wish to express my apprec' cation for the many kind- nesses extended me while I was a patient in hospital, — John Lane. 2,4-18x1 1 wish to thank Dr: Malkus and the nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospi- tal, Teen -Twenty, Legion, Police Association and all others who were so kind during my recent illness. — Gordon Hulley. 24-18x1 I wish to thank all my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and those who visited me while in Stratford Hospital; special thanks to the nurses of the second floor East wing 'and to Dr. Scratch and Dr. Pyper. —Vivan Cooper. 24-18-1 • Births GORW ILL At St. Joseph's Hospital. London, on Mar. 23, to Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Gorwill, a daughter, Ann Patricia. HEMINGWAY — In Guelph General Hospital, on Mar. 22, to Mr. and Mr`s. Don C. Hemingway, a daughter, Katherine Marie. MOREY — At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Mar. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Morey, Galt, a" son. PULLMAN — At Seaforth Community Hospital, on March 27, to"Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pullman, Seaforth, a daughter. TWITCHELL — At Victoria Hospital, London, on Mar. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Murney Twitchell, London, (nee Jean McGregor), a daugh- ter, Kimberly. Ann. SALLOWS — At Seaforth Community Haspital, on March 25, to Mr. and Mrs. James Sallpws, Seaforth, a son. Births SELVEY—At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Mar. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Phiulp Selvey, Seaforth, a son. , Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Mothers, of $luevale, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Ellen, to Mr. William Bruce Camp- bell, son of Mr. It. W. Camp- bell, of RR 1, Dublin. Wed- ding will take place April 9. 18x1 Too Late WANTED Man for general mill work. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE . EASTER PARADE Goderich St. West Choice of three beautiful homes. Goderich St. East Two-family apartment, re- turns good income. Egmondville — Main Street Neat, tidy, fairly new 2 - bedroom brick home. Out i/z mile , Brick home, with fifteen acres, three fireplaces, Bayfield New 3 -bedroom cottage. Around Town and in Eg- mondville Medium priced homes and low cost homes. Farms in this area wanted. WILLIAM M. HART Seaforth. Salesman GEO. R. JOHNSTON Real Estate Too Late FOR SALE -. "Massy -Harris tractor spreader, with good. rubber. Apply to Fred l3.uch- anan, phone 527-1517. 18-1 FOR SALE .- 30 good pigs. John Benjamins, RR 1, Blyth, phone 523-4278: 8-18-2 FOR SALE — 70 pigs, eight weeks old. Joe Von Valken- goed. Cromarty, phone Dub- lin, 14 R, 13. • 18-1 WANTED TO BUY — One endless 7 -inch wide hammer mill belt, about 75 -ft. long. John F. Bell, phone 527-1356. COMING EVENT — Watch for the 'April Sale Specials, April 14, 15 and 16, Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative. 18-1 FOR SALE — Quantity of Timothy seed, $12.00 per bushel. Some Alfalfa and Herta Barley. E. Beuermann, phone 527-0196. 11-18x1 FOR SALE — A quantity of Timothy seed. Wilfred Cole- marrp phone 527-1875. 18-1 FOR SALE — 1956 Dodge Regent, standard shift, six - cylinder. Reasonably priced. Phone 527-1813. 10-18x1 FOR SALE — 1,400 bales of good hay; 400 bales of straw. Carl Boven, phone 527-1738, RR 1, Seaforth. 11-18-1 FOR SALE — 25 weaner pigs, 8 weeks• old; also two Holstein, bull calves, Ted Van Dyke, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 527-1435, 8-18-1 FOR SALE — 1951 Chev. 1 - ton truck, with good tires, new battery, runs, good, with stock rack. Best offer. Phone 482-7536. 10-18-1 FOR SALE — Long white formal. size 12; one white brocade party dress. size 12. Phone 527-0403. 11-18-1 FOR SALE — Jamesway oil brooder and chick feed- ers, like new •Phone Dublin, 52 R 15. 11-19-1 ALL PRICES, EFFECTIVE- MARCH-30—AP-RIL .2 INCLUSIVE. WE -RESERVE THE RIGHT TO' LIMIT QUANTITIES PRODUCT OF ISRAEL JAFFA NEW CROP RANGES SIZE 105's 00Z, C U.S. NO. 1 HEAD .LETTUCE 2H ads 35° RED EMPEROR FANCY GRAPES ,b. 29¢ TREESWEET UNSWEETENED ORANGE JUICE CY GREEN PEAS or FRENCH E° SHIRLEYGAY NYLONS SIZES 8K-11 CLARK BEANS1'CHILI SAUCE LIBBY'S FROZEN CUBED SQUASH 2 BPos 9 TOP VALU POWDERED DETERGENT 2 -Ib. 3 4Tins' i 10 -ax. .8 Tins 3 ,Pair 9 61s,ez. '1 Tins 49° 88' MONARCH POUCH PAK ASST'D FLAVOURS CAKE MIXES 6 P-1;. 1 YORK. FANCY STYLE CORN •'• MONARCH PARCHMENT , MARGARINE CLARK 0 -oz. or 'TOMATO S 1 VEGETABLE OUP 9 Tins 10 -or. t Tins 3ri-l, 1. er- Pkgs. SHIRLEY GAY 24�. Strawberry Pie Fami-iesize 59¢ One ,24' -oz. Plastic With the purchase Ctner. N1aP le Leaf ofo Ctone n2er4•oz.at. pinethe- tl LIQUID Reg. Price DETERGENT of only 8 , FREE r CANADA'S FINEST PERSONALLY SELECTED RED BRAND BEEF! BLADE or SHORT RIB WIN CASH DAILY ON IGA'S EXCITING NEW QUIZ SHOW: `yI GIVE AWAY" CFPL Radio CKWW Rtdio CKNX-TY 4014DON , WINDSOR WINGHAM Ib. ROUND BONE BONELESS SHOULDER ROAST LB• 59` IMPERIAL ROAST It 85` CHUCK STEAK Lb. 790 CROSS CUT ROAST Lb. .790 C TABLERITE (5 VARIETIES) COOKED MEAT 3 vdt-Tic. 790 TABLE -RITE WIENERSPks' 59' T4BLE.RITE BOLOGNA Lb. 39° SHAMROCK SIDE LAMB IN THE BASKET lb. 39g LAMB SHOULDER ROAST OR CHOPS Ib. 59' WILKINSON'S N1 -LB. PKG. SEAFORTH SEE THIS WEEK'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES! ! .! A • • • 4 4 • • • • a r