HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-31, Page 11M USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, ,Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9.' Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent ,t 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory • 24 Cards of Thanks d5. In Memoriam 26. Personals. - 'Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow - .4 ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, I0, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- • ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For. cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inset• 'Hon, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates: .0 OMing.,Events_ ___... RUMMAGE Sale, Women's Hospital Auxiliary, Saturday, May 28th, 1-18-1 CESS—TV coming soon. 'A new 'show at Central Huron. • 1-17-2 LAST NHL genie,iironto in Detroit, Sunday li`ri1 3. Tickets and inforrhaticn, call Miller Motors, Seaforth, Bone 527-1410. ....1 17- FASHION . • Show, Walton Community Hall, Thursday, Me ch 31st., 8:30 p.m. Spon- ' sored by Walton WI. C1'otles cornlemerits of Eve -Mak; Jewellery conillements of Ansett Jewellers Ltd. • Shoe display by head's Shoes and Luggage. 1-18-1 4 r • 2. Lost, Strayed LOST on . Matin Street, be- tween Post 'Office lid Sfni'ttei Grocery, about March 19, u blue key case, containing several keys. Finder please leatre at Box 1552, Huron Expositor. 2-18-1 4. Help Wanted MAN for broiler and, general farm work. Phone Dublin, 126 R 13. 4-18-1 MAN to help operate ditch- ing machine. Alex Irvine, phone 527-0984. : 4=18x1 GIRL wanted to watch. two pre-school children,. Monday to Friday. Apply Box 1549, Huron Expositor. 4-18-1 MAN' wanted to work at silo building, good wages, paid: Please contact Wes Hugill, Zurich, Ont., in person if possible. For more informa- tion, phone 236-4928.-,4-15x4 CLASS "A" licenced mech- anic; also need man with. body Work experience. - Ex- cellent working conditions, employee benefits and above average wage scale. Apply Hensall Dilators Ltd., Hensall, phone 262-2604. 4-18-1 HELP WANTED , 4. Help Wanted RAWLEIGH business- now open in part [luron County. Trade well established. Ex- cellent opportunity:- Full time. ' Write Rawleigh, Dept. C 363-189; 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Montreal. 4-18-1 5. Bus. Opportunities GRQW CUCUMBERS and make EXTRA MONEY If you have a half acre or more, grow cucumbers for HICKS • A11.Hybrid Seed. Highest Prices Paid Free pick-up at gate. BICK'S Dublin, phone 30 R 3. 5-17-3 7. Situations Wanted Young man, to train as'op- eretor for mobile mil. Please contact - • ED DOLMAGE, 218 Francis St., Mitchell, or • phone 348-8507.. 4-17-tf FOR ,Bean elevator, steady employtnent, 45 hour week, time and one-half for over- time, 2 weeks holidays, good wages. Experience preferred. Apply . Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., •phone 262-2605, Iifensall. 4-18-1 WOULD YOU LIKE A CHANCE' O BECOME AN EXECUTIVE? 'could a eareer with an ex- panding Finance Company ',lith More than 1,650 l:inanche9 be of in't'erest to • ybu? A Qualifications Age — 23 to 35 Ilducation — Must be High School Graduate llxperience — Sales or Bank- ing helpful. Personality - Impressive ap- pearance, mentally - alert, Ability to get along with people Future —,, Promotiondepends on ability Marty fringe benefits Good starting salary Telephone or write for an appointment. C. Ballinger, BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. OF CANADA, 59 Ontario St., • Stratford, Ontario. Phone 271.8722, 9 td 5:30 daily 4-18,3 WOULD you like to have your, lawn raked and cleaned. Phone 527-1803. ' 7-18-1 8. Farm Stock For Sale TWENTY good pigs, 8 weeks old. Doug. Hugill, .phone 482-7548. 8-18-1 REGISTERED York hog and some registered -open gilts. Orville Workman, phone 262- 5044. 8-18-3 ONE registered and ° one grade Holstein cow, due end of April. Apply to Ron Ban- nerman, phone 527-1158. 8-18x1 ABERDEEN Angus calves, make good bulls or 4-11 calf prospects;^also few_older females.4.1C. J. D,oig, Seaforth, phone 527-0763. 8-14-tf • 9 Poultry, For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and St'arted.. Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed -Chicks aid Cockerels, Av aable. now: Book your or- ders,;e'a -' • SCOTT.. POULTRY . FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 944-tf 10. Used Can "For Sale 1951 Chev. pick -tip truck. William M. Hart, Searorth. 10-18-1 1960 Moririe Okford sedan, 20,000 miles. Apply Box 1547 Huron Expositor. 10-1$x1 1958 Chev. Bieeayne, fair condition. Harold Bolger, Walton, phone Brussels, 498 J 14. 10-18x1 FORD one -ton truck, good racks and tires. Four -speed transniission. Reasonable. Or- ville Workman, phone 262- 5044. 10-18-3 11. Articles For Sale FOR SALE — Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed 1 flat hay rack. Lew 'Bolton. 11-17-5 FOR SALE — McClary kit- chen stove, white enamel, combination coal, wood and gas, propane or natural. Phone 527-0453, after 5 p.m. 11-17-2 NINE hundred bales df choice first cut mixed hay; 600 bales of straw, no rain. Ed. Corbett, phone 236-4010, after 6 or before 8:15. 8-17-2 USED 12 -foot section ofbat cupboard, suitable for base- ment or work shop. Needs some repairs. See it at the Crown Hardware. 11-18-1 G'ARDEN tiller, with 3 h.p. Briggs & Stratton motor, used only about 25 hours, at Crown Hardware, phone 527- 1420. 11-18-1 101 Massey tractor,, good rubber; good shape, cheap; 10" John Deere hammerinill and belt. Harold Bolger, Wal- ton, phone 498 J 14, Brussels. 11-18x1 QUIET gelding, 21/2 years old, 14-2 hands, black, well bred; also single harness, western saddle. Mrs. J. Mc- Neil, phone , 76-J, Brussels. 11-18-2 ONE and one-half inch pipe; 5 -gal. pails; door; angle iron; incinerator; oil drum; quar- ter round; kitchen sink; baby's high chair; baby's mattress; oar wheels. Apply Clarence Reeves, -' Commer- cial Hotel. 11-18x1 SURGE 2 -unit milking ma- chine, pump and pipe line; Viking electric cream sep- arator, 750 lb. capacity. Gor- don Richardson, .. Brucefield, phone 527-1996. 11-184 NINE hundred bushel of barley, oats and wheat mix- ture,• good enough for seed. Robert Dalton, RR 1, Lon- desboro, phone 527-1366. 11-18x1 WINDMILL, 40 -ft. tower, large wheel, oil bath gears, in good working shape. Mer- vin Beuermann, RR 1,, Dub- lin. 11-18i':1 BOSHART Cotillion dining. room table, 6 .chairs and a break -front' cabinet, like new; also rose 3 -piece,' sec- tional chesterfield. 'Call' 527- 0901. 11-1.8-2 TWELVE'2-row, 5 -hole nests; 4 3 -row 5 -hole nests, rollaway type, used 2 years; 14 con; munity roll -away nests. John Janmaat, RR 2, Seaforth., Phone 527-0655. 11-18x1 11. Articles For Sale TENT, 9' x 12', in good con- dition. Phone 527-0844. 11-18-1 TWENTY -five cord dry wood' Verne. Alderdice, phone 262- 5494, HeYnsall. 11-18-1 USED' 24 -inch electric range. Box Furniture, Seaforth. 114'8-1• USED Westinghouse electric dryer. Box Furniture, Sea - forth. 11-18-1 SPRING coat, turquoise blue, size 10 petit. Phone 527-0317. 11-18-1 THREE spring coats, girls', size 14. Phone 527-0308. • . 11-18-1 USED_ 2 -piece chesterfield, suitable for recreation room or cottage. Rhone 527-0'747. • 11-18x1 gUANTITY of mixed grain.; hot water heater. Phone 527- G107, Seaforth, James Axt- mann, RR 2, Walton. 11-18-1 GIRL'S spring coat, size . 3 to 5, soft green, good condi- tion. Mrs. Hugh McPherson, phone 527-1137. 11-18-1 ELECTRIC McCormick -Deer- ing cream separator. Doug Fraser, phone 496 W 6, Brus- sels. 11-18x2 SHOES for sale. 5% off to help pay the tax, at the Foot- wear Service, Main St., -Sea- forth. • 11-18x1 PRIVATE sale of furniture, until April 7th.. Stewart Mc- Gregor, East Williarn St. 11-18x1 FIVE hundred bales of first - cut hay. Lloyd Cooper, RR 3, Kippen, phone 262-5000. 11-18-1 NORTH American Fashion Frot ks, low prices, good material. Contact Muriel Workman, 527-0458. 11-18-5 SPECIAL Corn_ ing Ware settee pan sets $15.88, reg. $18.95. T. B. Marshall; Wal- ton. 11-18-1.. EIGHT -foot of kitchen cup- boards, new. Mrs. Roy Dol- niage, ph"dhe 527-1288. 11-18-1 MAPLE syrup orders taken, $7.00 a gallon. Phone 482- 3214, Fred McClymont, Var- na. 11-18x1 KROEHLER, grey • nylon 2 - piece sectional chesterfield; bird cage and stand; 13 win- dows and frames, size 19" by,. 52". Phone 527-1403. 11-18*2 QUANTITY of Alfalfa seed, With a light Mixture of Red Clover.. Gordon Dale, RR 4, Clinton, phone 482-9206. ' . 11-18-1 JUST ARRIVED Latest Fashions in Spring and Summer Costume Jewel- lery. ANSTETT JEWELLERS • LTD. - 11-16-tf ` HE;HURON $X Slroot, „ 11. Articles For Sale TREES, 4 to 6 years old, Spruce and Scotch Pine, for transplanting, $1- each. Will deliver jn lots of 5 or more. Apply Lloyd Medd, phone Clinton, 482-9836. 11-17-3 SEBAGO No. 1 Ontario potar, toes, grown Prem certified seed in 1965, $2,50 per 75, lb. bag. Edward Ahrens, Brodhagen, phone Dublin, 132 R 13. . 11-17x2 MOFFATT air conditioner, in good shape, 4 -button mod- el, ready for installation, for upper sash mounting, 3/4 h.p., 115 volts, 60 cycles. Vent controlled. Apply to Seaforth Community Hospital, 11-17-2 JAMVIESWAY Plan your Barn Renova'r tions now. See us for stabl- ing barn cliearnes, cow bowls; also enquire about our pow- er shoring equipment for beeflots, poultry and • hog, houses. FOR SALE Used Beatty litter carrier, complete 'with. track, hangers, switch and pole. Don Garland, Pinker- ton, Ont., phone 366-2335. 11-17x2. FOR SALE —. 9' 6" Kongs- kilde cultivator; CA Allis- Chalmers tractor, with scuf- fler. Larry Wheatley; RR 1, Dublin, phone 527-0105. 11-17-2 20% OFF All Glassware and Lead Crystal Pieces shown in our window. ANSTETT. JEWELLERS LTD. 11-17-tf GRASS- seed, Timothy, Alf- alfa, Red Clover, limited quantities. Arnold Jamieson, phone 482=9828, Clinton. 11-17-2 GARRY Oats, grown from registered seed, first genera- tion, suitable for seed; also a few bushels of Red Clover Seed. Robert Fotheringham, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 482- 9196. 11-17-2 SILVERWARE SPECIAL Community Plate coffe spoons, box of 4, reg. $5.00, now Iii price, $2.50. 4 pat- terns to choose from. Lady Hamilton, Affection, Morn- ing Rose, Artistry. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. • 11-15-tf Pierced Earrings 1/2 -PRICE AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Buy riow and beat the tax 11-14-tf -SEED FOR SALE Russell Oats, registered. Keystone Barley, certified. red Cdlover, cleaned and test- Miittures available with or without spring wheat. RUSSELL BOLTON, phone 527-1428. ART BOLTON, phone t 527.0455 11-14-tf Authorized Jamesway Powers Choring Dealer for Huron County. Howson & Howson Ltd. Blyth, phone 523-4241. 11-17-2 12. Wanted To Buy BUGGIES, complete with shafts. Phone Stratford, 271- 1578. 12-18-2 HAY and straw. Len Watson, 13 Tullamore Road, Bramp- ton, phone 451-4804. 12-13-5 ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy individ call -pieces--or -coplete -house hold. Phone 271-1578 12-14=ft' 13. Wanted 19 Notices $ PTTC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, All ,work guaranteed, -Write or phone - LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442w 6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23 WANTED — Boarders, to share room. Mrs. A. 1VIcNich- ol; phone 517-14021 Seaforth 13-17°4, $3,600 on first mortgage, on farm. Apply to Box 1548, Huron Expositor. 13-17x26 WANTED Cucumber growers for Rose Brand pickles. We have: Top. prices Free pickup at farm Hybrid seed. For information and con- tract, write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd., Guelph. 13-15;3 ELECTROLUX C a nit d a Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich,_ phone 524- 6514. 19-14-tf 14. Property For Sale FOR SALE —4 -bedroom 4 -bedroom house, in Walton, situated on '/s acre of land, good barn, newly drilled well and bath- room Phone '527-0537. 17-2 HOUSE, in.Egmondville,-can. be used for two families, oil furnace, new roof and -two bathrooms_ Phone 527-0498. Frank Nigh. . 14-17-4 OLDER style, 4 -bedroom, white brick house, in Walton. Situated on 7/s -acre of land, with a good barn, garage, newly drilled well and new bathroom. Close to Central School. Phone Seaforth, 527- 0537. • 14%18-5 FOR SALE --- A ' modern in- come home, near school and churches, newly painted, on nice quiet street in Seaforth. Box 1551, Huron Expositor. 14-17x2 COMPLETELY renovated, modern 4 -bedroom house, in Hensall, close to business section. Extra lot, low taxes. Edison Forrest, phone 262- 5076, Hensall, 14-14-tf ONE hundred and fifty acre farm, good-. clay loam, well drained; barn 50' x 60', cement stabling; implement shed; hen house; 7 -room brick house, hydro,- pressure system. Farm 11 miles from No. 4 Highway, on Conces- sion 6, Morris Township. Er- nest Noble, RR 4, Brussels, Ont., phone 523-9438. 14-15x8 FARM FOR SALE 140 acres, good buildings, clay loam land, in cash crop area of Stanley Township. Immediate possession. HAROLD JACKSON Realtor, 527-0840, Seaforth, Ontario. 14-16-2 Phone R AUCTION SALE • SERVICE that is most efficient and courteous call Wright Auc- tioneer. Phone Idensall, 262-5482 Percy Wright, Cromarty. t9-13-8 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5360. Herman, 19-14-tf DEAD ANIMALS.: REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLI. CT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 19-14-tf 15,A Property For Rent 1V[ODERN 2 -bedroom ap `t- ment. Phone 527-0810 et Ex- eter, 235-1510. . 15-14-tf APARTMENT, on Main St., heated with gas furnace, available shortly.' Box 1540, Huron Expositor. 15-12xtf FOR RENT — Apartment, available now, with private entrance, close to uptown. For further information call 527-1352. 15-14-tf SELF contained, attractive apartment, one bedroom, a' large living room, foil .bath- room, kitchen. Box 1541, Huron Expositor. 15-12xtf 17. Wanted To Rent TWO to three bedroom house, in or near Seaharth for a family of, 3 adults fide .tuly 1. W. H, $iereen, 93 Fairview Ave:, `Stotiffville,- 17-18-1 NOTICE - We are shipping- cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phpne' by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seafort'h, 527-1946, or MICHAEL -J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16; Dublin. Call Collect -` 19-14-tf SINGER. Sales and Service, Sewing machines vacuum clean-, ens, floor _polishers, and type- writers. Call Jim McGregor, phone 527-1486. 19-14-tf MASONRY service — Chim- neys , repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; basements repaired, water- proofed and tahite coated. Work guarant4eed. R,ay Squire phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 19-I44f- -. WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720,.— Seaforth 19-14-tf NOTICE " Township of Hibbert • In order to facilitate Snow Plowing operations in the Township of Hibbert, the public is asked not to park cars on the 'Township Roads. The Council of the Town- ship of Hibbert will not be responsible for damages to any 'vehicle parked on the Township roads. ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk -Treasurer. - 19 -13-6 TODAY CLASS' WE WILL CONTINUE OUR LESSONS ON THE DEFINITION OF WORDS ' 19» oticea:— JACK'S Furniture Repair Broken furniture and other wooden articles repaired, At rear of 84 Albert St., _Clin- ton, phone 482-9695. 19-18-tf NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday ' and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5:30 p.m. No wire fencing, old con- crete, or car bodies permitted. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk. 19-18-tf • 20. Auction Sales .CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Implements and 'Mis- cellaneous Items, for William J. Manley, Lot West • Ye 4, Con. 10, McKillop Township, 11/4 miles North of Brod- hagen and 2 miles West, on -FRIDAY, APRIL 1st, at 1 gm. Consisting of the following: Rubber tired wagon and flat rack; Massey -Harris trac- tor.. manure spreader; side rake; M -H 11 -disc fertilizer drill; Cockshutt cultivator, 7 - ft.; International "3 -pt. hitch 3 -furrow plow, nearly new; Dearborn 6 -ft. power mower; 1 24" 3 -pt. hitch disc plovee. buck rake; 2 walking plows; sleigh and rack; 8 -ft. culti- packer; 1 set of 5 sections of .harrows; lset of 4 -section harrows; chop box; Little Beaver electric hammer mill and motor; -grain auger and motor;eoal chicken brooder, 500 cap.;hot water brooder, 500 cap.; PTO driven grass seeder; trailer and rack; posts; planks; lumber; chains and blacksmith vice'; set of scales; stone boat; rope; forks and shovels, and 'a host of other items too numerous to mention. TERMS—Cash, on day of sale. No Reserve, asfarm sold. WILLIAM J. MANLEY, Proprietor. Franklin Buuck, Auctioneer. 20-17-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Cattle, .Hogs, Feed and some Household Effects, at Lot 16, Con. 6, Logan, 3 miles North of Mitchell, on Highway 23, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, at 12 :30 ..o'clock sharp. CATTLE — ' 9 Hereford steers, 800-1,000 lbs.,; 1 Here- ford steer, 650 lbs.; 1•. -Swiss steer, 600 , lbs.; 1 Hereford heifer, 900 lbs. • HOGS — 4 York sows, due first week in .May. FEED — 400 bales of straw; 15 tons of mixed grain. MACHINERY — Case 200 'tractor, with LPTO, live hy- draulics and Freejnan load- er: Case DC 4 tractor; M -F 9 -ft. 3=point hitch disc; M -F 7 -ft. cultivator; IHC 91/z -ft. trail cultivator; Case ,95 -bus. manure spreader; Case. wa- • FLUNKO, WNATS YOUf2 DEFINITION OF MISERY? Rll?» ' 41 WW1 1,1,190441 0 Auction Sales. 17ox1. Cash . 2 . rtra4': plow, ,Jelin Deere 2 -furrow mounted plow; .$-section .of barrows; 3 -section dt'ag cul- tivator; Mc -Deering b,anuner-. mill; •Case 4 -bar side rake; 11: -run seed drill• trailer; 2 binders; bay loader; cutting box; 12 -ft. grain auger, with 1/3 H.P. motor; lbiunt For. est threshing machine, with endless belt; quantity of scrap iron; steel water trough, and 'a host of other articles to numerous to Mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Table and. chairs and other household 'items. TERMS—Cash, no reserve, as farm is sold. 5% Sales Tax in effect. GODFRIED J. BURT, Prop. R. G. Gethke, Auctioneer. Dial 3;47-2465. 20-18-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery and Cows, at Lot 6, Con. 6, Stanley 1/4 Township, •1.miles North of Hillsgreen, or 3 miles South of Varna,' on Parr line, SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, at 1 p.m. MACHINERY — 58 Maj r diesel tractor; John Deere tractor; '52 Ford. tracto , with mounted mower; John Deere 4 -bar side rake; Mc- Cormick -Deering manure spreader. on rubber; 2 rub- ber tired wagons; 4 -section sprinv tooth McCormick - Deering.. drags; set land pack- ers; Massey -Harris disc; Case 16 -run power lift fertilizer seed drill; 13 -run 3 -point °hitch- -Dempster fertilizer. drill; 3 -furrow rubber • tired plow; 2 -furrow rubber tired plow; Graham plow, with wide and narrow teeth; .Mc- Cormick -Deering electric sep- arator; ' 1 -unit McCormick - Deering milking machine; oat roller; snow blower, with 3 -point hitch; posts; ' chains; 'forks. HAY — Loose hay. COWS — 2 Holstein cows, to freshen April and June; Hereford -Jersey cow, due in June. • TERMS=Cash. RAY PEPPER, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 20-18-1 30, ,Auction Sales diamond narrows;Papec for- age harvester; 14104,C1/4 - niers .forage blowerl. new Holland; , baler;. Case ,Fide rake; 3 forage wagons and rac'k's; Nei ,idea 'bay condi- tioner; P pec tracts r ham- mer mill; 8 -ft Cockshutt binder; eleetric ,hammer mill;. Gem oat roller; 3 fr.P, motor; Waterloo threshing mach' ; 1/2 H.P.motor; Z 'Manure loaders; hal elevraltorr'' ,post hole digger; spraay motor; weed sprayer; paint sprayer;. grain. auger; Deere manure spreader, .(70 bus; cement mixer; 7 -ft, New Idea' tractor 'tidier; 7 -ft, Tri- ternational tractor corn WO - Fier; emery; Stewart clip- pers; de-horners; 2 -way car radio; forks; shovels; chains; tools. " GRAIN --- 2,000 bushels grain. Other articles too numer- ous to mention. TEEMS --Cash. Property, 10% down, bal- ance 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. ' Estate of the late DR. JOHN K. -KELLY Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. ALFRED NICHOL, Executor 20-18-2 AUCTION, SALE Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, for Garnet J. Taylor, Lot , 20, Con. _ 6, Hibbert Township, • 11/4 miles West of Staffa, 13/4 miles North, . on WEDNES-'. DAY, APRIL 6, at 1 o'clock. • CATTLE — 18 good Short- horn cows, bred Shorthorn, due soon, bred from July 1 on, 11 carrying second calf; 45 -good chunks -of- iigs�=---- MACHINERY — 1 Super W4 tractor, good rubber; .1 B.W. tractor, • with stuffier, corn planter and fertilizer attachments; • 1 S Case trap - tor; 1 Dion threshing ma- chine, 22 x 38, on steel, with drive belt; 1 2 -furrow McCormick ace-bottom.;plow on rubber; 1. 2 -furrow Mas- sey -Harris plow; 1 NOW H,ol- land 268 .,hay liner ;baler, 2 years old; 1 8 -ft. McCormick - Deering double disc; 1 8 -ft. McCormick -Deering ctylt yta- tor, on rubber; 1 13 -run Cockshutt seed drill; 1 8 -ft. McCormick -Deering binder, like new canvass; 1 New 0o1- larid 110 bushel ground driv- (en:manure spreader; 1 4 -bar McCormick - Deering side rake; George. White 32 -ft. bale elevator; 2 rubber tired wagons, with 16-ft.,hay racks; 1 drop -head hay oad- er; 1 l0-inch_Cockshtitt grain grinder; 1 30 -ft: endless belt; 1 20 -ft. grain auger; set of sleighs; 150 good galvanized sap pails and 2 pans. TERMS—Cash. GARNET J. TAYLOR, Prop. Larry Gardiner, Auctioneer. 20-17-2 ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farms and Machinery, ,at Lot 18, .Con. 7, Morris Township, 11/4 miles South and 3 miles West of Brussels, on. TUES- DAY, APRIL 12, at 12:30 p.m. FARMS --Parcel 1;, 100 acres, with good buildings, 90 workablel; Parcel 2, 100 acres. 65 workable. MACHINERY — Interna- tional tractor, 400; Interna- tional Super C tractor; Ver sitile 12 -ft. swather; (1 year old); 10 -ft. wheeled tractor. disc; International 10 -ft. cul- tivator, on rubber; 10 -ft. land packer; 4 -furrow Inter- national p 1 o w; fifteen - disc , International fertilizer - drill; fertilizer spreader; set Additional Classified See Page 8 • SITTIN6.I.N FRONT OF DANCE HAIL IN THE SIMMER, WEARING A WHITE T-SHIRT, RND DRIUNG A REO GT CoNUERTIBLE, WM4 A BROKEN RADIO` '1010\701 II ,.��LI I,. iX 1/0Nlx?O\ I MUST REMEMBER ' TO CHECK MY. ALT ITVDE! / WHEN YOU'VE BEEN WORK IN 'THE BROUGIT-Si'RIcer TeOPIC5,EVEN SNO\N LOOKS GOOD! SWEET, HOPP \ WITH THE COST' OF LIVING THE WAY IT,15 TODAY, AFFORD TO SAVE MONEY