HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-24, Page 15• Offered For Sale Countyof Huron 6% DEBENTURES as follows: Amount Due Price Yield $ 38,000 40,000 43,000 45,000 48,000 1 May 1972 1 May '1973 1 May 1974 1 May 1975 May 1976 99.39 6.125% 99.31 6.125% 99.23 6.125% 99.15 6.125% 99.08 6.12N% Prices are "and interest" DENOMINATIONS: $1,000 There are, no delivery or other charges to pay Enquiries—or orders for any amount—may be made to: COUNTY CLERK -TREASURER'S OFFICE, Goderich, or DONALD G. EATON J. L. GRAHAM & CO. Seaforth Phone 527-1610 Ltd. 25 King St. West Toronto Phone: 363-4411 Collect We Are in the Market For SEED OAT. • Gary • Rodney • Russell Registered, Certified or Canada No. 1. HIGHEST PRICES" PAID , We are now taking Corn Shelled or on the Cob W. G. Thompson & SonsLtd.. Hensall : Phone 262-2527 WA(TQN ..WE(If (Intended fqr 'last Week) The Walton UCW Unit met Wednesday ...evening, in the chuich parlor. Mrs, Allan Me, Call opened with the hymn, "agst As I Am, without; One Plea." . Mrs. Wesley Hacikwell acted as pianist. Mrs. Mae Sholdice read Psalm 51 as a scripture passage and followed with meditation, en- titled, "The Cry For Mercy." A poem, "The Businessman's 23rd Psalm" was read by Mrs. Nel- son Marks. A Bible quiz on the New Testament was conducted by Mrs. McCall. "Faith of Our Fathers" was sung. Mrs. -Nelson Reid gave as her topic an article from a clip sheet entitled, "For the Birds," following up with a letter from Rev. H. B. Gibson, of Portage la Prairie, Man., who two and a half years ago was appointed to serve McKenzie United Church at Portage la Prairie and the Long Plain Indian Reserve. Rev. Gibson expressed his thanks for the support . which had been given to the mission work at the Reserve. Bales of clothing are 'very welcd'tpe at the Mission, as there are many needy Indians with large fam- ilies at the Reserve. Mrs. Reid closed by .offering a "Prayer For the Hungry." The president, Mrs. Wm. Coutts, expressed thanks to those in charge of the service and to Mrs. Reid.. A poem, "If We Could Know," was read by Mrs. Coutts, and the secretary, Mrs. Jim Clarke, read the minutes and called the roll, answered with a Beatitude. Mrs. Torrance Dundas gave the financial re- port and received the offering. Mrs. Ernest Stevens, convener of the quilt committee, report- ed that. six quilts had been com- pleted for .the bazaar on April 13th • The Easter_ thankoffering will be held Sunday evening, March 27th, in the church auditorium with Rev. Allan Johnston, of Brussels United__Church, as the guest speaker. The 17th and Boundary Unit will prepare and serve the lunch and the Mc- Killop Unit ladies will be in charge of the concluding activi- ties: A clip -sheet on lotteries and drugs was passed around and signed by members. This will be sent to Robert McKinley, MP, at Ottawa. Mrs: Allan McCall, convener, of the bazaar committee, report- ed on the meeting held pre- viously. Members were ,assign- ed to their counters as follows: fancy work: convener,' Mrs. Mac Sholdice; cashier, Mrs. Nelson Reid, Mrs. Edward ,Miller, Mrs. George Dundas and Mrs. Luella Marshall; aprons: convener, Mrs. Cecil Lydiatt, Mrs. Peter McDonald, Mrs. Wm. Sholdice and Mrs. Roy Bennett; quilts: Mrs. Ernest Stevens; baking BARN CLEANER SILO U.NLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- - FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR. FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEAN•E, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES — SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton BEAT THE TAX WITH THESE 1964 PONTIAC, A.T.-E9292 1964 CHEV. BEL AIR "8", A.T. and R.—E9291 1963 CHEVY II SEDAN -E9287 1963 DODGE "8" SEDAN—E9498 1963 CHEV. SEDAN, Radio—E9290 1962 CHEV. SEDAN—E9499 1962 FORD GALAXIE,E9883 1961 CHEV. SEDAN—E5195 1961 CHRYSLER SEDAN, A.T.-982186 1961 METEOR SEDAN—E9488 1961 DODGE SEDAN—E9497 1958:DODGE "8" COACH, A.T., $195.00--A11991 NAME YOUR OWN DEAL Beat the Tax Increase on New and Used Cars at Seaforth Motors Phone 527-1750 'Seaforth OPEN EVENINGS — No Reasonable Offer Refused table No, 1: convener, a+lrs. Marl• ald Bennett; cashier, Mrs. Jack Mcwing, Mrs. Torrance Dun- das, Mrs. Gordon Murray) 11irs. Emerson 'Mrtchell, Mrs, ,Tack Brown and Mrs, Howard 'Back- well; baking table NO, Of. ems- vener, Mrs. Allan McCall; cash- ier, Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham, Mrs. Walter Bewley, Mrs. Nel- son elson Marks, .Mrs. Ralph_ Traviss, Mrs. Herbert Traviss 'and Mrs; Ray Huether;. candy: convener, Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrs. • Wm. Thamer; touch and take, Mrs. Leonard Leeming, Mrs. Jack .Gordon, Mrs. Lloyd Porter; ' miscellan- eous: Mrs. James Clarke, Mrs. John Hislop; cashier for both, Mrs. R. Achilles; receiving: Mrs. A. Higginbotham, Mrs. Walter Broadfoot and Mrs. Wm. eoutts. Mrs. Ralph Traviss reported on a meeting of the supper com- mittee for the 1966 plowing match. 'Mrs. Coutts closed the meet- ing with Hymn 485, "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross," and pray- er. Refreshrnent hostesses were Mrs. Herbert Traviss, Mrs. R. Traviss and Mrs. Edna Hack - well. 0th and 16th Meet The 8th and 16th UCW Unit met at the home of Mrs. Doug- las Fraser Wednesday. The cop- per collection was taken and the meeting opened with Hymn 359, "Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken," with Mrs. Harold Bol- ger at the piano. Prayer was offered by Mrs. H. Bolger. Mrs. Wm. Turnbull read the scripture from Matthew 25:31- 46. The topic, "God's Standard of Judgment" and "Selfishness is Self -Destroying" by Padre Young, was also given by Mrs. Turnbull. Mrs. -Harold Bolger conducted the business. The roll call was answered by 14 ladies and one -guest present: "Take Up the- Cross, heCross, the . Saviour Said," was. sung. It was proposed by Mrs. Jan van Vliet and Mrs. Donald Fraser that everyone make and' bring an article for the May 24th bazaar to the next two meetings. Pyjamas, quilts, etc., which had been made, were handed in. Grace was sung and lunch served by Mrs. Donald Fraser, Mrs. Elmer „Hart and the hostess. ''• UCW Unit Meets . The 17th and Boundary + Unit of UCW of Duff's United. Church met at the home of Mrs. Clif- ford Ritchie. Ten members . an- swered the roll call with a do- nation to the March of Dimes. Mrs. George Williamson op- ened the meeting with a call to worship. The scripture taken froni Psalm 149 was read and Mrs. G. Williamson led in pray- er. Mrs. Bert Williamson had charge of the topic entitled, "God's Love • For You." Mrs. Bert Williamson had a reading on "The Best Things in Life." Mrs. Roy Williarijson took -.ov- er the business session. Mrs. George Williamson thanked all who had helped with catering to the Boy Scout banquet. The .meeting closed with prayer . by Mrs. G. Williamson. Lunch was served by the hostess and com- mittee. The afternoon was spent quilting. The McKillop Unit met at the home of Mrs. Jack Bosman with 16 ladies attending. Mrs. Charles McCutcheon presided for the devotions, opening with a reading and hymn; "For the Beauty df the Earth." Miss Tena Dennis read the scripture from Genesis 19, beginning at verse 15, and the 15th Psalm; also a reading, "Just For Today." Mrs. Laverne Godkin`'- and Mrs. Charles McCutcheon sang "Alone," as a duet, . with Mrs. Campbell Wey accompanying. Mrs. Wm. Dennis led in prayer and read a poem, "The Best Memory." Mrs. L. Godkin play- ed a piano Solo, -after which Mrs. C. Wey gave a reading en- titled, "Family Time of Day" by Margaret Dane. Mrs. L. God - kin conducted a 'Bible quiz on the Book of Exodus. Hymn 164, "The Church's One Foundation," was sung and Mrs. McCutcheon closed with prayer. Mrs. John Burch presided for the business. Reports were pre- sented and announcements made regarding the Presbyterial Re- gional in Clinton, Walton thank - offering and Seaforth thankof- fering. Plans Were made to pack boxes for shut-ins. The closing hymn was "Saviour Again To Thy Dear Name we Raise." Lunch was served ,,,by Mrs. Jack Bosman, Mrs. Wm. Dennis and Mrs. Laverne God - NEWS OF W 0HAM (Intended for last •week) Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Me Lean, of Puslinch, and° Me, Cal- vin Wigood, ' of Campbellville, were Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Wi-lrQn, -Mr. and Mrs. Dungan Mc- -Naughton were Saturday even- ing guests with Mr. ' and Mrs, George Wilson. - Mrs. M. Copeland 'and `Jean visited with Mrs. George Stev enson at the Smith Nursing home in St. Marys, and later with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moun- tain. For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE • SEE JOHN . A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527.-04.915 . Seaforth O#flee► DJ'rettly Opposite Seaforth Motors Mr. Oliver Hazelwood is a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital, having suffered ' a heart attack Friday afternoon. Mr. Ray Smith and Betty Lou of London visited Saturday with Mrs. Mary Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kraemer and family, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Barbara were Sunday guests. Mrs. William Hall, of Strat- • ford, was a Sunday afternoon visitor with Mrs. John Butters. Mr. Arthur Allen, of McCon- nell, Man., visited recently with relatives in the village. Bridal Shower Prior to her forthcoming wedding, Miss Dorothy Dickey was honored by the community "-Friday evening by a miscellan- eous shower. Mrs. John Rodd escorted Dorothy 'to a tasteful- ly decorated chair. Mrs. Ted Insley acted as chairlady and gave a couple of readings. Mrs. Glenn Copeland led a sing.song; Karen Rodd favored with a piano solo; Ann Parkinson and Kathy Thacker sang a duet; Mrs. Lloyd Jaques gave a read- ing, and several contests were enjoyed. Mrs, Ted Insley read the ad - 'dress and Mrs. Jim Rohde and Elizabeth Thacker presented Dorothy with her gifts. Doro- thy .thanked the ladies for their gifts and lunch was served. UCW Has Meeting ,The UCW met Tuesday eve- ning in the church basement with twenty-eight members pre- sent. Group LII was in Charge. Miss Jean Copeland opened the meeting with quiet music. Scriptures were read by Mrs. Norris Webb and Mrs. Ira Mc- Curdy. Mrs. Ted , Insley and Mrs. Leonard Thackerr sang a duet. The study of Trinidad was continued by Mrs. John Rodd. Roll call was answered by "your first Sunday Schoolteacher and where." Mrs. Bob Robinson, the president, i oiklActed • tba buss- tress• Finaicial report was ;giv- en. by Miss Jean Copeland, Tile meeting w•as closed with the• be>1ledietioYi, The Ladies' Lodge stead a eueh}'e in the hall Thursday ev- eding > with 10 'tables in play: Priere byd Flipzes, Mrws. Wilfredvon Wilson;:laloneies' hands, Mrs, Cecil Neil; men's High, Archie Levy; lone hands, Mrs. Oliver Jaques (playing as a, man). Tickets were sold on a roast of beef and won by Mrs. Lorne Hodgins.' Mrs. Robert Rundle spent the week with Mrs. Wilbert Payne and Jim and Mr. Fred Payne, of London, ' and visited with Mrs. Fred Payne in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Rinn, Gail and John, of St. Marys, and Mr. Don Willard, of Rus- seldale, were Sunday supper guests with Messrs. William and Howard Rinn and Miss Noreen Walkoni. Mrs. Robert Rundle enjoyed the theatre party at the Odeon Theatre, London, on Saturday morning, sponsored for the Lon- don Radia Station CKSL's Cof- fee Club members. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keizer and family, of Embro. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ball and family, of Dundas. Mr. Webb attended the Life Underwriters' conference in Toronto on the weekend. A community shower was held Friday evening in the church basement for bride -elect Miss Dorothy Dickey, whose wedding to Mr. Gerald Morley, of Exeter, takes place April 2, in Woodham United Church. THE'HURON tomos "l .O A *PNS ONT9 MAW, 24 11 11 R!! Y Nr 'BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Road East Q4 erlch Phone 524-9521 - wAyroS°B, ING atficl , .ia$I1J4W; 0141' 1965 AMBASSADOR 1965 ACADIAN 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1960 PONTIAC TWO -DOOR • See, the New 1966 Models Now on Display MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 Seaforth Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times_ • For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office wtii 1 One W E FARE 40SLUE AR Fare PARE $3.90 `]lie one beer so good it made Canada famous for beer throughout the world! In Ireland and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced beer. i tl frisk.; o le de &I qt Dublin's popular Abbey inn: Yii:tl'a.ic The CALLING BREWERIES- LinOted