HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-24, Page 8• 7 • • 141,4lON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAR, 24, 1966 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE clearing Auction Sale, on MONDAY, MARCH 28th, at 1 pan., at Lot 13, Con. 6, of Stanley Township, 2 miles South of Varna. MACHINERY Cockshutt 35, live power take -off trac- tor; A,llis-Chalmers C trac- tor; Cockshutt 350 haler, (new); 1Vlayrath bale elevat- or, 40 -ft. long; Cockshutt •4 - bar side rake; International 6 -ft. mower; International 3 - furrow plow, on rubber; In- ternational 7 -ft. binder; Her- gott threshing machine, 28 - inch, with shredder; Allis- Chalmers No. 66 power take- off combine; John Deere 10 - inch hammer mill; Viking el- ectric hammer mill, (new); Knight power take -off man- ure spreader; rubber tired wagon, with racks; 120 gal. gaa, barrell; 2 -wheel trailer; 2 -unit Hyman milking ma- chine; McCormick -Deering electric cream separator; Pioneer chain saw, (nearly new); 200-kt, snow fence, (new); 75 -ft, endless hammer mill belt, (new); dehorners; hydro electric fencer. Approximately 1500 bales mixed hay. TERMS—Cash, no reserve, farm sold. ALF & BRUCE JOHNSTON, Proprietors. Harold, Jackson, Auctioneer. 20-16-2 , - CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Hereford Cattle, Farm Ma- chinery, Small T,00ls, House- hold Furnishings, for George Watt, Lot 6, Con. 14, Hullett Township, 4 miles East of Blyth, 3 mileWest of Wal- ton, on County Rad 25, on SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1966, at 1 p.m. IMPLEMENTS — Case 700 standard tractor,3,340 hours, live PTO and hydraul- ic_ with 3 --point hitch, power steering; Case 4-bottorn, 14" senri-mounted plow; Massey - Harris S -P 80 combine, with straw chopper and power steering, 12 -ft. head, in good condition; Allis - Chalmers C tractor, with 2 -row corn or bean hydraulic lift cultivator; Versatile IV S.P. swather; Dion forage harvest- er, nearly new; sander for sharpening knives for same; O.K. silage blower with pipes for 66' silo arid clamps also inside pipes; 16 -run. -Me'»D seed drill on rubber; 7' Allis- Chalmers -side mounted mow- er for A.C. model C tractor;, 1 -ton Ford truck, 1951 mod- el; 12' John Deere spring tooth harrows; Oliver heavy duty one way disc, fitted for1 hydraulic lift; Contenintal, post hole digger; wire winder for Same; 3 forage racks, in good condition; 1 Case, 1 Buehler, 1 Hergatt rubber tired wagons, with good tires; flat rack with bunks for Buehler wagon, 514' x 12'; stock rack; Case culti- packer; PTO grass seeder for pasture • 'mixtures; Modern seed cleaner with screens and bagger; seed treater; 6" grain auger. 27'; Wisconsin 8 -HP gas engine; London spray motor spray pump, with 120 gal. tank on truck; Champion 'snow blower; wo- ven wire stretcher; Ratchet single wire stretcher; fencing tools; a quantity of water bowls; a. number of steel wrenches; air compressor and tank with hose; 7 -sections of harrows; 36 -ft. extension ladder; heat houser; 3 steel covers for round corn cribs; pig electric brooder; Case hy- draulic cylinder with hose; Lantz Sickle knife sharpener; section remover and riveter; a number of safety road signs; a quantity of red barn paint; a quantity of bushel hampers, with coversi a quantity of lumber; 1 cutter; 1 buggy; horse scuffler; single walking plow; grease guns; 3 tarpaulins, 8 x 1O'6 x 12, 12 x 16; a number of 5 gal. cans; 12 gauger shot gun; shovels, forks, chains and other articles too numerous , to mention. FURNITURE- and HOUSE- HOLD ARTICLES — walnut china cabinetand buffet; lazy boy chair; Westinghouse electric stove, 24"; Westing- house washer, With laundry tubs and bench! lamps; tables "Wardrobe; Chairs; churn; roll top writing desk; a quantity of +dishes, etc.: high chair and bassinette. CATTLE-L-Ilereford cows, pasture bred and the proper- ty of Donald McNall, Blyth, consisting of: 2 heifers, 3 years sorbet: 5 cows, 6 years old; 1 cow, years old; 1 An- gus cow, 8 yearSloold,• 1 Here- ford cow, aged; 1 Hereford •cow, .open; 1 Hereford 3---years-old,--(-registered)4 TERMS—Cash, No reserve, as Patin is gold. GEORGE WAT'X', Proprietor. Harold .Tackson, Auctioneer. Merge Powell, Clerk. •' ' 20-16-2 • CLEARING ATJCTJON SALE • • Ciowittg 'Attetiitsti Sale et Patin 'fitoek and Machinery,: • at Lot 2, ':Com. 10, Hullett T4141141111, West told mile, South of Wa1to, or 2 miles sonfhand 6 miles 20. Auction Sales East of Blyth, On WEDNES- DAY, MARCH- 30th f at 1 p.m. LIVESTOCK — 30 Here- ford feeder steers, 950 to 1.000 lbs. IMPLEMENTS — W-6 Mc- Cormick tractor; John Deere A tractor; No. 50 hydraulic loader; No. 29 Owatonna 12 - ft. self propelled swather, used 2 seasons; Neiv Holland 270 power take -off baler, in new condition; heat houser; 32 -ft. Case grain and bale elevator; 3-H.P. gasoline en- gine; Cockshutt wagon and 15 -ft. rack; Wood electric grain roller, 1-H.P. electric motor; Titon No. 50 chain saw; Stewart electric clip- pers; Duitt cattle oiler; el- ectric brooder,,, 500 chick capacity; 10 -ft. grain auger; wheel barrow; • 25 cedar posts; 1 bushel grass seed; 12 -ft. John Deere cultivator; Gehl 10" hammer mill; 3 - furrow International Ace Bottom plow, orT rubber; 6 - section drag harrows; 3 -sec- tion harrow stretcher; Min- neapolis 100 bushel power take -off manure spreader; John Deere 17 -run grain and fertilizer drill; Case 10 -ft. packer; 4 -furrow Internation- al Ace Bottom plow; John Deere 2 -row mounted scuff - ler; John Deere 7 -ft. semi - mounted , mower; Interna- tional ane -way disc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 3 end tables; 2 brown iron beds, springs, mattresses; kitchen stool; Kenmore oil space heater; magazine rack; quantity fruit sealers; din- ing room table, 6 chairs; 2 Congoleum rugs, 9 x 10%; Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—Cash, no reserve, farm sold. LESLIE REID, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. 20-16-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale Of Cattle, Machinery, Hay and Grain and Household Effects, at Lot 35; Con. 9, Goderich Township, 41/2 miles West of Clinton, on SATURDAY, MARCH 26, at 1 p.m. CATTLE — 1 grade Hol- stein heifer, due June 7; .1 registered Holstein heifer, due May 14; 1 registered Hol- stein heifer, 15' months old; 1 registered Holstein heifer calf, 11 months; 4 Holstein - Hereford cross steers, 15 months old; 1 Holstein -Here- ford cross steer 'and 1 heifer, 1 year old. MACHINERY — Massey - Harris 44 tractor, in good condition, with heat homer. International 200 tractor, row crop, With fast hitch and cultivator; 3 -furrow Massey plow; Fleury-Bissel disc; Cockshutt side rake; hay loader; -..New Idea manure spreader; New Idea 7 -ft, mower; 4 -section harrows; land packer; 8 -ft. cultivator;, McCormick 7 -ft. binder; Mc- Cormick seed drill; rubber tired wagon, with 16-14.. rack; 2,000 lb. scales; exten- sion ladder; water trOugh; emery and motor; wheel bar- row, and other articles too numerous to. mentiOn. HAY and GRAIN — 800 bales mixed hay; 2,000 bush- els of mixed grain; 10 -ft. of ensilage. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 4 high back chairs; dining room furniture; bedroom suite; coal and wood range, (Empire); cloth rack; Com- bination door, 34" ' by 82"; fruit jars and many other ar- ticles. TERMS—Cash. No reserve, as farm is sold. MRS. MURRIEL GRIGG, Proprietress. Bruce Rathwell, Auctioneer. • 20-16-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE ' Clearing Auction Sale of Farm' Implements and Mis- cellaneous Items, for William J. Manley, Lot West % 4, Con. 10, McKillop Township, 1% miles North of Brod- hagen and 2 miles West, on FRIDAY, APRIL 1st at 1 p.m. Consisting of the following: Rubber tired wagon and flat rack; Massey -Harris trac- tor manure spreader; si rake; M -H 11-dise fertilizer drill; Cockshutt cultivator, 7 - ft.; International 3 -pt. hitch 3 -furrow plow, nearly new; Dearborn 6 -ft. power mower;. 1 24" 3 -pt. hitch disc plow; buck rake; 2 walking plows; sleigh and rack; 8 -ft. culti- packer; 1 set of 5 sections of harrows; lset of 4 -section harrows; chop box; Little Beaver electric hammer mill and motor; grain auger and motor;coal chicken brooder, 500 cap. ;hot „ water brooder, 500 cat--3-.-rPTO driven -grant seeder; trailer and rack; posts; planks; lumber; chains and blacksmith vice; set of scales; stone boat; rope:, forks and shovels, and a host of other iteifis tee numerous to mention. ' TERMS—Cash, on day of Sale, No Reserve, as farm sold. WILLIAM 3. MANLEY, Proprietor, Prank& Buuck, 4uctionter. '2047-2 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Machinery, Cattle and Feed, for Bill Blacker, Sr., Lot 28, Con. 5, Hullett Town- ship, 214 miles North of Clinton, Highway 4, West 14 mile. On SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, at 1:00 p.m. 24, HEAD OF CATTLE 24 Holstein cow, bred Feb. 10,, 1966; Holstein cow, bred Jan. 21, 1966; Holstein cow, bred August, 1965; Guernsey cow, milking and open; 4 BWF last summer calves; 8 BWF yearling heifers, (OPP approx.' 600 lbs.); 8 BWF yearling__ steers (approx. 500 lbs.). MACHINERY WF Allis-Chalmers trac- tor, (in good condition); 8N Ford tractor; front-end man- ure loader to fit 8N Ford or Ferguson tractor, snow heavy duty 10x28 tire chains (will fit bigger tire); Ford trac- tor grill guard; Ford 2 -fur- row mounted. plow; 7 -ft. 3 - pt, hitch mounted cultivator and scuffler shields to fit cul- tivator; 13 -run International seed drill; 6 -section of dia- mond tooth harrows; horse scuffler; 2 -furrow 'Fleury- Bissel trail plow; 26 -plate 6 - ft. Fleury-Bissel disc; Fleu- ry-Bissel 8 -ft, disc, (new); rubber tired Massey -Harris wagon; 16 -ft: hay rack; 7 -ft. 3 -pt. hitch mounted mower; 7 -ft. xeciprocating Case rake; model 45 McCormick -Deer- ing baler, motor driven; 32 - ft. bale elevator,' 1 year old; heavy duty 1/4 H.P. electric motor; 6 -ft, Massey -Harris binder; Massey -Harris bind- er, suitable for parts; Massey - Harris 7-ftbinder, in good condition; :10:in. belt driven - Case hammermill with two screens; 30 -ft. drive belt; In- ternational manure spreader; Viking milking machine, nearly , new, (pipes for 20 cows and 2----milleirtg--units)4„ Viking cream separator, nearly new; 6 stainless steel milk pails; 2 steel water troughs, approx. 150 gallons; hydro electric fencer; bat- tery electric, fencer; rubber tired wheel barrow; 2 canope rods for Ford tractor; 5 5 -ft. pig troughs; • 2 10 -ft. pig troUghs; horse sleigh; M -H dump rake; loading shute; stone boat; pig crate; set of 2,000 lb. scales; heat lamp; 10 -ft. ladder; • cattle water bowl; 3 or 4 logging chains; 120 -ft. 11/2” rope; 7 sling ropes and car;, 7 used- ear tires; whipple trees and knee yokes; block and tackle; pul- leys for hay fork rope; rope cattle halters; set of britch- en harness;' 10' x 12' colony house; 10' x 26' colony house; 2 electric chicken brooders; 2 rollsof _chicken wire; 5 chicken shelters; 10 planks, 12' x x 2"; 2 sheets steel siding, 18' x 4'; 10 chicken feeders; grease gun and cartridges; hand cement pick. MISCELLANEOUS — door hinges; litter carrier track hinges; ,cetw chains; shovels; brooms; devises and other articles too numerous to mention. - Quantity of Hay, • Grain and 'Straw. Terms of Sale — Cash 5r/ Sales Tax Will Be In Ef- fect. BILL BLACKER, Prop, Joe Corey, Clerk, Richard HeLobb, Auctioneer. 20-17-2 AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farm Stock. . and Implements, 'for Garnet J. Taylor, Lot 20, Con. 6, ,Hibbert Township, 11/4 miles West of Staffa, 13/4 miles North, on WEDNES- DAY, APRIL. 6, at 1 o'clock. CATTLE 18 good Short- horn cows, bred Shorthorn, due soon, bred from July 1 on, 11 carrying second calf; 45 good chunks of pigs. , • MACHINERY — 1 Super W4 tractor, ' good rubber; 1 B.W. tractor, with scarifier, corn planter andl fertilizer attachments;' 1 S Case trag- tor; 1 Dion threshing ma- chine, 22 x 38, on steel, with drive belt; 1 3 -furrow McCormick ace -bottom plow on rubber; 1 2 -furrow Mas- sey -Harris plow; 1 New Hol- land 268 hay liner baler, 2 years old; 1 8 -ft. McCormick - Deering double disc; 1 8 -it. McCormick -Deering eultivta- tor, on rubber; 1 13 -run Cockshutt seed drill; 1 8 -ft. McCormick -Deering binder, like new canvass; 1 New Hol- land- 110 bushel ground driv- en manure spreader; 1 4 -bar McCormick - Deering side take; George White 32 -ft. bale elevator; 2 rubber tired wagons,,-. with 10 -ft. hay racks; 1 drop -head hay had er; t 10 -inch Cockshutt grain grinder; 1 30 -ft. endless belt; 1 20 -ft, grain auger; set of -sleighs-, 150 -good -galvanized sap pails,and 2 pans. TERM ---Cash, GARNET TAYLOR, Prop. Larry Gardiner, Auctioneer. 20-174 AUCTION SALE Estate Auction Sale of Property, in the Town of Seeforth, East W11111014 St., 2 blocks North - of No, ft Highway, on THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, at 1 p.m,. sharp. 7 -room frame house, as- 20. Auction Sales phalt siding, 3-pieee bath. Terms, 10% down, balance 30 days. Sold subject to re serve bid. Estate of late ISABELLA M. RQSS For further particulars, ap ply to Harold Jackson, Auctioneer or McConnell & Stewart Solicitors 20-17-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Shorthorn and Hereford Cattle, Farm Implements and Feed, on Lot 13, Con. 8, of Hibbert Township, % miles East of Staffa, 5 miles South of Dublin, on WEDNESIrjAY, MARCH 30th, at 1 p.m. The following: CATTLE — 10 Shorthorn cows, with calves by side and rebred; 6 Shorthorn and Hereford yearling steers; 5 Shorthorn and Hereford year- ling heifers. FEED -3,000 bales mixed hay; 1,000 bus. mixed grain; quantity loose straw. IMPLEMENTS — A.C. "WD" tractor, in good condi- tion; A.C. combine, • with mo- tor and pick-up; A.C. PTO baler; Popup bale loader; A.C. PTO side rake; A.C. 7 - ft. power•mower; 32 -ft. Car- dinal bale elevator; 16 -disc Ontario power lift fertilizer drill; I.H.C. 3 -furrow plow; M. -H. 4 -section of spring tooth cultivator; Fleury-Bis- sel 8-fr . double disc; 6 -sec- tions' of harroWs;-Steel land roller; M. -H. 7 -ft. binder; Dion 22, x 38 threshing ma- chine, , grain thrower ' and shredder, drive belt; Oliver tractor manure spreader; 2 rubbet tired wagons and racks; 12 -ft. grain auger; CockShutt manure spreader; hay rack; 1 H.P. motor; 2,000 lb. scales; extension ladder; Viking cream separ- ator; P.T.O. tire pump; 175 - gal. gas tank; range shelters; 2 steel water troughs; feed boxes; set of taps and die; sap buckets; forks; shovels; tools, etc. Some, household effects. Staffa W.I. lunch booth on • grounds. No Reserve Terms Cash. CECIL BOWMAN, Prop: W. E. Nairn and 'Son, • Auctioneers. 20-17-1 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 26th, 1966, at 1 p.m. Clearing Auc- tion of Holstein cows and re- gistered Herefords, Imple- ments arid' 'Miscellaneous - Items, at Lot 32, Con. 4. El- lice Township, 11/4 miles South of Kinkora and •one mile West. Donald Kelly, proprietor. James Stock, auctioneeie. 20-17-1 21. Tenders Wanted DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS ad- dressed to Secretary, Depart- inent of Public Works 'of Can- ada, Room D:326, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and endors- ed "TENDER FOR HAR- BOUR REPAIRS AND IM- PROVEMENTS, (REPAIRS TO SOUTH PIER), BAY - FIELD, ONT.", will be re- ceived until 3:00 p.m. (EST), WEDNESDAY, APRIL ,13, 1966. Tender documents can be obtained through: Chief En- gineer, Roorn E-443, Sir Charles , Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ont.; District Engineer, P.O. Box 668, Dominion Public Building, 457 Richmond St., London, Ont., and can be seen at the Post Office at Bavfield and Goderich,. Ont. To be considered each ten- der must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment and must be accom- panied by the security speci- fied in the tender docurnents. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Secre- tary, GRAVEL TENDERS Township of East Wawanosh Sealed tenders; (mar' ked "Tender for Gravel"), for ap- proximately 10,000 cu. yds. gravel, % screen. Contractor to supply, crush and deliver to roads of said Township, under supervision of Road Superintendent. Crusher to be fed by shov- el and 'contract to be cotn- pleted- by Sept. 30, 1966. A certified cheque for $30_0.00 to accompany tender. Tenders close Aptirlat 5 p.m. C. W. HANNA, Road Superintendent, Belgrave, Ont. 21.46-2, DRAINAGE TENDER Township of Hibbert Drain tenders will be re- ceived - by the undersigned until 0 p.m., ilVlonday, .April 4th, for the ristruction of 2,956 llneal feet of closed 21. Ten as Wanted drain. 1 catch basin. 1 juneticm box on the O'- Reilly Extension Drain- age Works. Contractor to supply all materials. Plan and profile may be seen at Clerk's Office. A Certified cheque for ten percent of bid to accOmpany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be opened at re- gular Council meeting on Monday, April 4th, 1966, at 9:00 13.m. MRS. ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk, Dublin, Ontario. - 21 -17-2 Township of McKillop TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUC- TION Sealed tenders will .be re- ceived by the • undersigned until 2 p.m., Friday, April 1, 1966, for placing 8,000 cubic yards, more or, less of pit -run gravel on road allowances, lots•30 and 31, from Con. 1, to Con. 2. Material to- be sup- plied, loaded and delivered by the contractor to the sat- isfaction of the Road Super- intendent. Certified cheque for $400. to accompany each tender. Work to be completed by May 31, 1966. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WILSON LITTLE Road Supt. RR Seaforth, Ontario. 21-17-2- , DRAINAGE Tender • 7Twp. of Tuckersmith For the Construction of the Henderson Drainage Works, 1965, Closed Work only, according to the En- gineer's profile and specifi- cations. Tenders clearly • marked "Henderson_Dr. • age Tender", will be received b§a the undersigned until April 4, 1966, at 12:00 o'- clock noon. Extent of work. 855 lineal feet of closed drain. " _ 3 catch basins. township to supply tile and pipe. A marked cheque for ten percent of contract to accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plan, profile and specifi- cations may be seen at the Clerk's Office. JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontarib. 21-17-2 22. Legal Notices • NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate - of ALBERT CLIFFORD • BROOME, Carpenter, .late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of August, 1965, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 2nd day of .April, 1966, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. • DATED at Goderich, On- tario, this 7th day of March, 1966. • • , HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers and Solicitors, • 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. 22-15-3 • NOTICE TO ,CRED1TORS • In the Estate of ETHEL ADA WEBSTER All persons having claims against the Estate of Ethel Ada Webster, late of • the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of January, 1966, are hereby notified to send in full • particulars o - their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of Ap- ril, 1966, after which date, the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth,, On- tario? this 10th day of March, 1966., McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, • - Solicitors for the Executers. 22-18-3 ,23. Business Directory A. W. SILLERY • Barrister, Solicitor, Etc, Office 527-1850 - Rea. 527-1643 Seaforth • - Ontario A, M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 5247562 McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527.0850 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or DO CalLs Phone R 10 BOX • FUNERAL SERVICE Pri3ippt and careful attention • Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phonesel_ Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontarie LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-9510 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390-• - Seaforth 24. Cards of Th4nks I wish to thank relatives and friends who visited me, Mao those who sent me cards and gave me treats. A special thanks to Dr. Malkus, nurses • of the staff, Father Durand and Father Saigeon. It was greatly appreciated. — Mike McLaughlin. 24-17x1 I would like to express my sincere thanks to relatives and -friends -who remembered me with cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hos- pital. Thanks to Rev. D. "0. Fry, Dr. Malkus, Miss Drope and all the nursing staff. Ev- erything was deeply apprec- iated. — Mrs. James Raeho. 24-17x1 I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for th lovely cards and treats I received while a patient in Seaforth Community Hospi- tal. A special thanks -to Drs. Malkus and Brady and the nursing -staff. It - -was all greatly appreciated. — Mrs. Don Horne. 24-17x1 WE would like to thank all our wonderful neighbors, friends and family for the beautiful gifts, Money and cards received at the surprise gathering on our 40th Wedd- ing Anniversary. • Thanks again. — Clarende and Mar- garet Martin. 24-17x1 WE Would like to thank our family, friends and relations for open house on Saturday, March f2th, on our 25th Wedding Anniversary and for the' gifts, cards and visits we received. We would also like to thank our neighbors and friends for the surprise party on Tuesday night and for the gifts we received. — Jim and Erma Williamson. • 24-17x1 THE family of the late Al- bert O'Reilly wish to thank friends' and relatives for kindnesses shoWn during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to 'Father. H: J. Laragh, the staff of Sea - 'forth Community Hospital and the W. J. Cleary Funeral Home. • 24-174 I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for cards, letters and treats received while I was a patient in the ho,spital. Special thanks to UW of Northside United Church, Dr.Malkus, Dr. Brady and the nursing staff. George Connell. 24-17x11 I would like to thank, all my Seaforth a n d Brucefield friends who were so 'kind Visiting me, sending cards, gifts and letters during the past three months- while I have been a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. All these though tful remembrances have been greatly appreciat- ed. — Sinderely, Mrs. Wr 0. Johnston, Clinton, Ont. 24-17-1 SINCERE thanks to Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkus and staff of Seaforth Community ()spite' for- kindness re- ceived while ti pa -tient there. Thanking all friends who re- membered me with cards and flowers and those delicious treats that were received 'by my family; also the wonder- ful care given to my baby while I was away. Every- thing was greatly appreciat- Annie-A/61001m; • • • 24-17x1 WE wish to express our fan-. cere thanks and appreciation to our friends, neighbors, rather H. Laragh arid St. - James' Catholic Women's League 'tor their Mass, offer- ings; the many acts of kin& nes$ and expreasiotwof sym- pathy raaalved during our recent bereaVetnent. and Mrs,. Xarel Buys, 24-17x1 23. Business Directory JOHN E LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST•• Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri„ 9 to 5:30p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening—by-;sppeint• ment only Phone 527-1240 or 482,7010 Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINtO • J. O. Turnbull, D.V.141,, W. R. ttryansi,D,Wit„ V.S. G. n.Grayin.s., V.S. P. D. CO% Phone 5274760 Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks ROGERSON — In loving memory of a dear father, Walter Rogerson, who passed away March 23rd, 1947. Dearest daddy, how we miss you? How our hearts are filled with pain? Oh Allis world would be. a Heaven, • Could we hear your voice *You againg areone but not forgot- ten, Years can never ease the pain, In the hearts of those who krve you, Till the day we meet again. —Sadly missed by daughter Myrtle. 25-17-1 Births DONOVAN — At Seaforth Community Hospital, on March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. ' James Donovan, Mitchell, a Son. MUELLER '— At Seaforth Community Hospital, on March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mueller, St, Marys, a son. REBELO—At Seaforth Com- • munity 'Hospital, on March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rebelo, Mitchell, a daugh- ter. DALTON — At Seaforth Community Hospital, on March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dalton, Seaforth, • a son. STURGEON—At Alexandria & Marine GeneAl Hospital God- ericli, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen ,Sturgeon (nee Donelda Los - tell), a daughter, Muriel Jane. Engagements, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Govier of Seaforth, Ont., wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter June Marie, 'to Mr. Larry Thomas Ray- mond O'Connell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas aConnell, Clinton, Ontario, wedding to take ,place in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Ont., On -Saturday, the 16th 01. April, at 2 o'elock. xl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eckert, RR 1, • Dublin, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Shirley Cecelia, to Mr. Rieny Van Loon, :son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Van Loon, RR 2, Kippen, the wedding to take place in St. ,Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Saturday, April 16th, at 12 O'clock. xl Too Late COMING EVENT — Ham and Strawberry Supper, at the Cromarty Presbyterian Church, June 22nd, 1966. 1-17-1 Classified ads pay dividends. FOR SALE — Registered Holstein cow and heifer, due to freshen end of March. Doug. Racho, Highway 8, 11/2 miles West of Dublin. 17-1: COMING' EVENT — tam- ing, Brodhagen'tommunity Hall, Friday, March 25th. Music by The Counts Five, -1 FOR SALE 4-bedrOoin house, in Walton, situated on % acre of land, good barn, newly drilled well and bath- room. Phone 527-0537, 17-2 Classified •ads pay dividends. Toe Late FOR SALE — 6 Hereford cows; 5 Hereford heifers, due soon. Phone Robert Camp- bell, 527-0675. 8-17x1 FOR SALE e--• 120' of good used ridgeroll. Apply to Roy Lawson, Goderich St, West... - • 11-17x1, FOR SALE — Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, 1 flat hay rack. Lew Bolton. 11-17-5 Classified ads pay dividends. FOR SALE — McClary kit- chen stove, white enamel, combination coal, wood and gas, propane or natural. Phone 527-0453, alter 5 p.m. 11-17-2 FOR SALE — Lloyd stroller, in good condition. Phone 527-1402; • 11-17x1 FOR SALE — Small white and brown Fnx Terrier, house broken, very good with children. Papers avail- able. Mrs. Dave Netzke, Jar- vis St., Seaforth. 11-17-1 FOR SALE — 1951 Chev. pick up truck. William 111, Hart, Seaforth. 10-17x3. FOR SALE — A modern in- come home, neareschool and churches, newly painted, on nice quiet street in Seaforth. Box 1551, Huron Expositor. 14-17x2 Classified ads pay dividends. FOR SALE — 9' 6" Kongsi• kilde cultivator; CA Allis- Chalmers tractor, with scuf- fler. Larry Wheatley, RR 1, Dublin, phone 527-0105. 11-17-2 FOR SALE ---- Used Beatty • litter carrier, complete with track, hangers, switch _and pole. Don Garland, Pinker- ton, Ont., phone 366-.2335. 11-17x2 FOR SALE — 2 Holstein cows, due soon; 3 fresh .Hol- stein cows. ElginSchade, RR 4, Walton, phone 527- 0327. 8-17-1 WANTED — Boarders, to share room. -Mrs. A. McNich- ol, phone 527-1402, Seaforth. 13-17-2 WANTED TO RENT—Grass for 9 yearling calves. Mac Stewart, RR 1, Dublin, phone 527-0897. 17-17-1 WA-NTED • --Cattle by the month for grass; also 5 Hol- stein, cows for sale, due now., Lorne Tyndall, Clinton, 482- 7152. • 13-17-1 FOR SALE Girl's poncho dress, Terrelene and 'linen, size junior 11; brown 2 -piece dress, with pleated skirt, size 12; navy blue pleated skirt, size 12; girlfs CCM 28 -inch bicycle, new tires, good Con- dition. May see forenoons or evenings. Mrs. J. M. Nagle, Dublin, phone 134, 11-17-1 FOR SALE=•4 choice York- shire sows, to farrow within a month, bred Larndrace; also. 2,000 bales of mixedhay. Stanley Jackson, RR 2, Kin - pen, phone 527-1927, 17-1 20% OFF All Glassware and Lead rystal Pieces shown in our window. • ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-17-tf Remember! It , takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. NEW FOR SPRING The Go -Go Tapered Jeans with the in -look Boys' 4.50 • Men's 5.50 a a 4 • • KORATRON Permanently Pressed Dress Jeans BOYS: 8 to 12—$4.50 • 12 to 18—$5.95 •Men's 7.95 Men's Koratron Dress Pants Wash them -- Wear Them Never needs presing — Sizes 28 to 44 1*495- to 13-.-95- BILL !SHE MEN'S WEAR tt Ih�ne5274995 ••t Sonforth