HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-24, Page 7• Spring Cleanin USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS • TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5: Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted • 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent • 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders -Wanted 22. Legal 'Notices 23. Business Directory • 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals • Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 .cents per word. Each number; initial. and ab breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to . the follow- • ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for 'each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per .insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- • ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates' on applica- tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inset Hon, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. • 1. Coming Events • LOBA Dessert Euchre, May 11th, afternoon and evening. Admission 50c. 1-17-1 CHSS—TV coming soon. A new show at Central Huron. 1-17-2 LAST; NHL game, Toronto in Detroit, Sunday April 3. Tickets and information, call Miller Motors, Seaforth, phone 527-1410. -1-17-2 DON Robertson and his Ranch Boys, Legion Hall, Seaforth. Friday, April 1st, sponsored by Seaforth Jun- ior Farmers. 1-16-2 2. Lost, Strayed LARGE, yellow Collie, with white ring on neck, wearing a leather collar. Finder please call Lewis Coyne, phone Dub- lin, 109 R 16. Reward. 2-17x1 4. Help Wanted _._ GIRL waited to watch two pre-school children, Monday to Friday, inmy home. Ap- ply Box 1549, Huron Exposi- tor.- • • ^• 4-17-1 MAN wanted to work at silo building, good wages paid. Please . contact Wes Hugill, Zurich, 'Ont., in person if possible. For more informa- tion, phone 236-4928. 4-15x4 POPULAR AVON COSMETICS .Has openings in Dublin, Eg- mondville and Winthrop. • Firj.e earnings; •convenient hours. Call collect, .451-0541, evenings, or 'write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave. London. . 4-17-1 ▪ CLASS "A" licenced .mech- anic; also need man with body work experience, Ex- cellent -working conditions, employee benefits and above average wage scale. Apply • Hensall Motors Ltd., Hensall, phone 262-2604. 4='17-1 • WANTED • MEN to work at HURON CONCRETE PIPE CO. Good wages and steady em- ployment. Call at Seaforth Plant. Telephone 527-0397, - 4-17-1 HELP WANTED Young man, to train ae op- erator for mobile mill. Please contact ED DOLMAGE, 218 Francis St., Mitchell, or phone 348-8507. 4-17=tf as APPLICATIONS The Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Com- e pany invites applications for the position of Secretary-.. Treasurer of the company, to fill a vacancy coming up around July of this year. The man for this pbsition should be bondable, good at figures and -have e<xperier"nce of office routine, correspond- ence, etc. Applications should be ode in writing, -stating age made etc., and availed to the Secretary-Treasttirer,. ,�. Usborne .& Hibbert Mutual ' Fire Insurance Co., Sex 299, Exeter, Ont., by Apra)' 2, 1966 Robert G. Gardiner, Presi- dent Arthur Fraser, Secretary - Treasurer. 4.16.2 4. Help Wanted REGISTERED Nurse's' as: sistant or nurse's aid. Apply to Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall,. phone 262-2830 4-16-2 APPLICATIONS Applications will be re- ceived by the undersigned until Monday, March 28, )966, for a position on the •Public Works Staff. Appli- cants must be able to operate all town equipment. E. M. WILLIAMS, Clerk, Town of Seaforth. 4-16-2 WANTED Man to drive truck, pick- ing up milk cans in area to South of Seaforth. This job is about 4 to 6 hours per -day and will start sometime dur- ing- the spring end last to end of summer. Apply to: . _ BOX 1546, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4-16-2 HELP WANTED - Man . For Utility Work Applications, in own hand writing and indicating edu- cation, age and . experience, will be received by the un- dersigned until 5 p.m., Mar. 31, 1966, for a man for utility work. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTIL- ITY COMMISION 4-16-2 5. Bus. Opportunities INCREASE YOUR EArtN- • INGS No capital required to start in business for yourself., Large profit. Write promptly for •complete ' - information. First come, first served. Raw- leigh, Dept.. C -363 -AV, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Mont- real. 5-17-1 GROW CUCUMBERS and . make EXTRA MONEY If you have a half acre or more, grow cucumbers for. RICKS. All Hybrid Seed. Highest. Prices laid _, Free pick-up at gate. BICK'S Dublin, phone 30 R 3. 5-17-3 8. Farm' Stock For Sale THIRTY pigs. Henry Klaver, RR 4, Clinton, phone 482- 9156. 8-17x1 FORTY -seven pigsto 8 weeks old: Apply Bob Pat rick; phone 527-1278. 8-17-1 TWO young Jersey cows, due soon: Arnold Campbell, RR 5, Seaforth. . 8-17-1 SIXTEEN York chunks. Gor- dan Papple, •RR 5, .Seaforth, phone .527-1418'. 8 17x1 FORTY -six weaner pigs. Ted Van .Dyk, RR 3, Sea - forth, phone 527-1435. 8-17-1 TWENTY 'seven Hereford heifers, weighing about 550 lbs. C. De Corte, phone 527- 1$28. 8-17x1 NINE hundred bales of choice first cut mixed hay; 600 bales of straw, no rain. Ed. Corbett, phone '236-4010, after 6 or before 8:15. 8-17-2 ABERDEEN Angus calves, make good bulls or 4-H calf prospects; also ' a few older females. R. J. Doig, geaforth,, phone 527-0763. 8-14-tf ONE York hog, 11/2 yedrs old; 20 good pigs, 7 weeks old; a number of others, ready in 2 to 3 weeks, all off purebred stock, (from David Steven's herd,' St. Marys). W. C. Millson, phone 527- 1167, after 4. 8-17-1 ONE York hog, 1 1years _ old; 20 good pigs, 7 weeks old; a numberof others, ready in 2 to 3 weeks, all off purebred stock, (from David Steven's herd, St. Marys). W. C. Millson, phone 527- 1187, after 4. 8-16-1 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pu lets Reci, x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now, Book your or- ders sally. _. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 160 9-14-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale 1959 Chev., 6 -cylinder, stick, two-tone, white and bronze, new tires. Sale pricey . $350; Phone 382 W 9, Brussels. ....,,.._. 10=17-1 11. Articles For Sale MASSEY=Ferguson cultiya- ter and ecuffler, 3 -point Bitch.. Ken Gibbings, RR • 4, Clinton, phone 4024419. 11-.17x1 11. Articles For Sale THREE spring coats, girls', size 14. Phone 527-0308. 11-17x1 SEVEN -foot 3 -point hitch: Mc -D mower. Arnold Camp- bell, RR 5, Seaforth. 11-17-1 BALED hay and straw. EV•- erett Storey, phone 527-0698. 11-17-1 GIRL'S spring coat, size 4, soft green, good condition. Phone 527-1137. 11-17x1 USED 17" Admiral • TV. Phone '527-0404, after six. 11-17-1 FIVE bushels of Alfalfa seed. Al Hoggarth, ' Kippen, phone 262-5492. 11-17x1 USED piano. Vincent Mur- ray, RR 5, Seaforth, phone Dublin, 102 R 16. 11-17x1 USED 2 -piece chesterfield, suitable for recreation room or cottage. Phone 527-0147. 11-17-1 THREE hundred bales of oat straw. • Apply Joseph Dorsey, Dublin, phone 83 _R- s, 11-17x1 FIVE hundred bales of first cut hay. Lloyd Cooper, RR 3, Kippen, phone 262-5000. 11-17-1 COLONY house, 10' x 12', good condition. Gordon Wren Kippen, phone 262-5513. 11-17x1 CULTIVATOR, pull type, 9' 6", on rubber. Cornelius Van der Pryt, phone Dublin, 17 R 8. 11-17-1 FARMALL "H" tractor, A-1 condition; also 22 calibre rifle, Marlin repeater. Ted Visser, Dublin. 11-5.7x1 QUANTITY • of -mixed grain; - hot water heater. Phone 527- 0107, Seaforth, James Axt- mann, RR 2, Walton. 11-16-2 TURQUOISE and white baby buggy, $20. Phone 527-069Q, l'1rs. Harold Dodds, RR 4, Walton. 11-15-3 ONE dining room suite, in good 'condition, consisting of table, six chairs and china cabinet hutch. Phone 527- 1313. 11-17x1 QUANTITY of Vernal Alf- alfa seed;' also some double cut Red Clover. Apply Pear- son Charters, phone Hensall, 262-5003. 11-17-1 GRASS seed, Timothy, Alf- alfa, Red Clover, ' limited quantities. Arnold Jamieson, phone 482-9828, Clinton. 11-17-2 GARDEN tiller, with 3 h,p.a• Briggs &. Stratton motor, used only about -25 hours, at Crown Hardware, phone 527-1420. 11-17,1 USED 12 -foot section of base cupboard, suitable for base, ment or work shop. Needs some repairs. See it -atm the - Crown Hardware. 11-17=1 BUILDING, scantling frame, 18' x 36', to be removed by June lst. 550- cash. Murray Dennis, RR 1, Walton, phone 527-1866. '11-17x2 FOR SALE — Honey, Clover honey, 4-1b. pail, $1.25; 8 -ib. pails, $2.35; 2 30-1b. pails only $8.00 each. Wallace Ross Apairies. 11-16-2 .GARR'Y Oats, grown, from•. registered seed, first genera- tion,suitable for seed; also a few bushels of Red Clover' seed. • •Robert Fo'theiinr�gham, RR 3, Seaforth, phone 482- 9196. 11-17-2 WANTED - Someone to take over pay- ments on RE -POSSESSED Singer automatic zig zag sewing machine.. • All the fancy patterns aiee yours. Re- gular $239.00, balance $61.00 or $6.00 per month, your old. machine accepted as down payment. GUARANTEED. Dealer. Write Box 1545, The Huron Expositor. 11-16x2 SILVERWARE SPECIAL Community Plate coffe spoons, box of 4, reg. $5.00, now a price, $2.50. 4 pat- terns , to choose from. Lady Hamilton, Affection, Morn- ing Rose, Artistry. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11 -15 -ti Pierced Earrings 'di -PRICE AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Buy now and beat the tax 11-14-tf SEED • GRAIN Grown from Registered Seed. Canada No. 1, • Herta Barley Canada No. 1, Russell Oats Canada No. 1, Clintland 60 • Oats Canada No, 1, Selkirk Spring Wheat ,• Mixed Grain available from the above seed.' LORNE FELL, Staffa, phone 116 R' 1-1, Dublin. 11-12x8 • SEED FOR SALE Russell Oats, registered. Keystone Barley, certified. Red Clover, cleaned and test- -ed 1Vtixtures available with or without spring. wheat. RUSSELL BOLTON, phone 5227-1428 AIT BOLTON, phone 52i-0455 • 11,1�, *HE HURON 'EXPOS.ITOI r11Q.l I.. ON'•i • 11. Articles For- Sale DTJRO-Therm Apace heater,' large size, equipped with thermostat control and fan; also 200 gal. oil tank. Phone 527-0394. 11-17x1 TREES, 4 to 6 years old, Spruce and Scotch Pine, for transplanting, $1 each. Will deliver in lots of 5 or more, Apply Lloyd Medd, phone Clinton, 482-9836. 11-17-3 SEBAGO No, 1 Ontario pota- toes, grown from certified seed in 1965, $2.50 per 75- 1b. bag. Edward Ahrens, Brodhagen, phone Dublin; 132 R 13. 11-17x2 USED Warner 350 electric brooder; International 12 - tooth cultivator, good condi- tion. Wilmer Turner, Varna, phone Hensall, 262-5334. ��. 11-17-1 ONE .and one-half inch pipe; 5 -gal. pail's; door; angle iron; incinerator; oil drum; quar- ter round; kitchen sink, Ap- ply Clarence Reeves, Cclm-. mercial Hotel. 11-17x1 SURGE .2 -unit milking ma- chine, pump and pipe eine; Viking electric,cream sep- arator, 750 lb. cpacity. Gorr don Richardson, Brucefield, phone 527-1996. 11-17x1 TWO `spring coats, one teen- age, (blue) ; one girl's coat, -(rose), size 10; also jackets and other clothing, in good condition. Mrs. Ross Richard- son, RR 1, Zurich, phone 236-4620: 11-17-1 MOFFATT air conditioner, in good shape, 4 -button mod- el, ready for installation, for upper sash mounting, 3/4 h.p., 115 volts, 60 cycles. Vent controlled. Apply to Seaforth Community Hospital. • 11-17-2 EARLY BIRD SALE Travel Trailer, Tent Trail- ers, Boats, Motors. Tents, new and used. Compare our prices Camp -Out Rental, Sales, Highway 8, Stratford, Phone 393-5938. 11-17-1 L.A. Case, new rubber on back, good condition, price $500.00; Fordson Major die- sel, price $700.00; barley, oats and wheat mixture,. enough for seed; 1,000 bus. Alfalfa from Vernal seed; Timothy from Climax seed; elm tree tops _ for taking away. Robert Dalton, RR 1, Londesboro, phone 527-1366. 11-17x1 JAMESWAY • Plan your Barn Renova- tions now. See us for stabl- ing barn clearnes, cow bowls; also enquire about our pow- er•- choring equipment •'for beeflots, poultry and hog houses. Authorized Jamesway Power Choring Dealer for Huron County. Howson & Howson Ltd. Blyth, phone 523-4241. 11-17-2 12. Wanted To Buy HAY and straw. Leh Watson, 13 'Tullamore Road, Bramp- ton, phone 451-4804. 12-13-5 ANTIQUE furniture, picture ames, cupboards, lamps, and dishes, eibc. Will buy,individua] pieces or complete household. Phone 271-1578. •. 12-14-tf WANTED TO BUY — Child's crib, in godd 'condition. Telephone 527-1314, after 6. 12-16x2 13. Wanted MALE boarder wanted. Box 1550, Huron Expositor. 13-f7x1 $3,600 on first lmortgage, on farm. Apply to Box 1548, Huron Expositor. 1.3-17x2 WANTED Cucumber growers for Rose Brand pickles. We' have: Top prices Free pickup at farm Hybrid seed. ' For information and con- tract, write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd., Guelph. 13-15-3 14. Property For Sale HOUSE, in Egmondville, can be used few two families, oil furnace, new roof '•-and two bathrooms. Phone '527.0498. 14-17-4 HOUSE for sale in Egmond- ville. 3 bedrooms; gas fur- nace, bathroom, new roof, and extra lot. 'House needs some repair. Phone 527-0458. 14-14-tf COMPLETELY renovated, modern 4 -bedroom house, in Hensall, close to business section. Extra lot, low taxes. Edison Forrest, phone 262- 5076, Hens'all. 14-14-.tf FRAME house, with insul brick siding, on West Street. Six rooms, with bath, oil furnace, -•newly decbrated last year, -•Phone 262-2041 or 527-0735. 14-16-2 ONE hundred ' and fifty acre farm, good clay loam, well drained; • barn 50' x 60'; cement stabling; implement shed; hen house; 7 -room brick house, hydro, pressure system. Farm 1% miles from No. 4 Highway, on Conces- sion Morris Township. Er- nest Noble, RR, 4, Brussels, Ont., phone 623,9438 - 1.4.16x8 14. Property For Sale FARM FOR SALE 110 acres, good buildings, clay loam land, in cash crop area of Stanley Township. Immediate possession. HAROLD JACKSON Realtor, Phone 527-0640, Seaforth, Ontario. -14-16-2 REAL ESTATE FARMS FARMS 100 acre farm, 10 -room brick house, large barn, 60 x 60 and 35 x 40. Cldse to Blyth. Price $23,000.00 Close to Auburn, highway farm, 100 acres, 10 -room house,plenty of water, (bath) furnace, large barn, 60 x 65. Close to Auburn, highway farm, 100 acres, 10 -room house, good barn, milkhouse. Close to Auburn, 100 acres, 11 -room house, baths, barn, 56 x 58, henhouse 105 x 45, driveshed, silo, price $22,000. Close to Auburn, 10 -room house, barn 54 x 52. 27 x 18, 65 'acres, broilers 'contract, 9,000 broilers, price $16,000. Close to Londesboro, 30 acres, 9-ruom house, barn 54 x 36, including 30 sows, tractor. plow, disc. Price $13,000. North of • Goderich, ,high- way 21,_144 . acres, 7 -room house, bath, qil furnace, barn 45 • x 56, large driveshed, price $22,000. 140 acres, 9 -room house, (bath), oil furnace, barn 80 x 45. drilled well, milkhouse, 4 -unit milking parlor, tie-up for 56 cows. Price $42,000..., Close to Dungannon, 200 acres, 150 acres workable land, 10 -room Stone house, bath, furnace, large barns, 55 x 70, 34 x 48 and 18 x 30, 24 x44. 117 acres, Highway 21, 7 - room house, barn 74 x 34. Price $21,000. 160 acres, 8 -room house, good barn, silo. Concession 4, Goderich Township. 4 miles from Clinton, 105 acres, 8 -room house, good barns, silo, tie-up for 30 cows, stable cleaner. Mullett Township, 210 acres, 9 -room house, barn 30 x 72; 36 x 70; 20 x 26. 40 milk cows, '20 heifers, ell implements, milk contract, open $10,000 yearly, price $47,500. Dublin, 100 acres, 9 -room house; bath, uil• furnace, new double garage, new barn, milkhouse, bulk cooler, two- storey henhouse, 156 x 28, 33 milk cows. Londesboro, 156 acres, 10 - room brick house, large barns,. 42 x 66; 35 x 56; 29 x 18, silo, milkhouse, bulk cooler, price 831,000. , Close to Clinton, 180 acres, 8 -room house, good 'barn 42 niilk cows • and heifers, all the implements, price $33,000 rt • 14. Pro.ierty For Sale Close to Clinton, Highway, 320 acres, 2 houses, all con- veniences; --large barn, can be bought 'with. 90 head of dairy, cows and heifers and all the implements. Close to Clinton, highway, 220 acres, 10 -room house, large barn, can be bought with cattle and implement -se milk contract 115 acres, 7 -room house, good barn, driveshed, silo, 20 milk cows and implements, price $28,000. 95 acres, 8 -room house, large barn, 20 milk cows, Goderich Township. Price $23,000. 10 acres,_ good buildings, between Clinton and Goder- ich, Highway 8, price $10,500 100 acres of land op High- way 8, Holmesville, price $10,000. ° Lovely house in the Village of Waltdn, price $12,000. Call C. BURUMA RR 2, Clinton, phone 482-3287 Salesman for JOHN BOSVELD Meaford, Ontario. 14-16-1 15. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15-14-tf THREE - bedroom upstairs apartment. Harold Jackson, Seaforth. 15-16-2 APARTMENTS, $16 to $60. App1Y Harvey Dale, phone 527-1406. 15-10x8 APARTMENT, on Main St., heated with gas furnace, available shortly. Box 1540, Huron Expositor: 15-12xtf FOR RENT — Apartment, available now, with private entrance, close to . uptown. For further information call 527-1352. 15-14-tf TWO 100 -acre pasture farms, good pasture, never failing water. A. Shanahan, 142 Joseph St, Clinton, phone 482-3802. 15-16x3 SELF contained, attractive apartment, one bedroom, a large living- room, full bathe room, - kitchen. Box 1541, Huron Expositor. 15-12xtf 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED= Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442w 6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23 EI,ECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-f4-tf FOR AUCTION SALE .•_• • SERVICE - that is most efficient and courteous call Wright Auc- tioneer. Phone liensall, 262-5482 Percy Wright, Cromarty. 19-13-$ 19. Notices VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Sorg vice for all Makes Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262.5350,, HensaU, 19.14,1f INTERIOR, exterior paint- ing. Eldon Jarrott, Brucefield, phone Clinton, 4827544, 19-15x3 JUST ARRIVED . Latest Fashions in Spring and Summer Costume Jewel- lery. - ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-16-tf. DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead'or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT ' Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton; 482-7269 Licence No. 356-941.4 19-144f NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS AUNT, Phone Seaforth,'527-1946, or - MICHAEL MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16e Dublin. Call Collect 19-14-tf SINGER Sales and Service, sewing machines vacuum clean- ers, floor polishers, and type- writers. Can Jim McGregor, phone 527-1486. 19-14=tf MASONRY service Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces -built; basements repaired, • water- proofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth, 19-14-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-14-tf NOTICE Township of Hibbert In order to facilitate Snow Plowing operations in the Township of Hibbert, the public is asked not to park' cars on the Township Roads. The Council of the Town- ship of Hibbert will not be responsible for damages to any vehicle parked on the Township roads. ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk -Treasurer. 19-13-6 PICTURE FRAMING AT•-. Beattie Furniture CLINTON - 19-1..7-1 24, MicttoiiSalmi ,, 'CL aLNO "AUCTION N SA E iClearing teen• able _... I,,. vestoek,. Nt ;letter, gay and Grain, Lot .8, Cron. 4, Pt' Tttckersxnith TpwkisluP, , miles East p# Kippen, or s rniles>, $outh of Seatogihr,,nn TUESDAY, MEM at 12:39 sharp• CATTL,,E - -- Holstein held of 17 .cavus and heifers; three Holstein eowa, due in April', unit bred; 4 Holstein heifers:", fresh in Feb. and March; 2 Holstein heifers, due in May; 4 Holstein cows, freshened:.. in L'eb: and March; 2 coins, milking and rebred; 1 farms row cow; 8 young calves.; 4 Holstein heifers, under one year; 2 yearling heifers, (part Hereford); 3 - grass steers, PIGS — 19 pigs, 8 weeks, old. IMPLEMENTS—A11 nearly new, in excellent •condition. 1962 Fordson Major diesel tractor, with all hydraulics; C -A Allis-Chelmersi tractor, complete with manure loader, bean scuffler and puller; 3 - furrow Oliver hydraulic plow, 14 -inch bottom; Mar- vel grain thrower; Massey - Harris grinder; Gehl ham- mer mill and 70 -ft. endless belt; oat roller; Massey -Har- ris fertilizer 15 -disc drill; land roller; Case land pack- er; New Holland baler; 32 -ft. Smoker elevator, with motor; bale stooker; New Idea hay conditioner; 7 -ft. New Idea mower; New -Holland rake; New Holland power take -off spreader; White--snow••-blew•- er; Triple K 9 -ft. cultivator; 9 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; International 7 -ft. • combine, used one season, complete with bean attachments; 4 - section harrows; Bueier wa- gon, with grain box; Cock 'shutt one-way dise; 20 -ft. ex- tension hay conveyor; War- ner bean cooker, complete; Massey -Harris 8 -ft. binder, used for swathing; galvanized trough; farrowing crate; .3 heat lamps; trailer with racks; extension'• ladder; two fanning mills; 2 set scales 2 - unit Universal milking ma- chine; 6 -can spray milk coo'l'er; 10 milk cans; loading - shute; wheel bapow; elec- tric motor; Stewart electric cattle clippers; 2 cutters; set sleighs; 5 cord hard wood; robes; chains; tools; 44 Mas- sey -Harris tractor, with heat houser, in good condition. HAY — Quantity baled hay and • straw; grain. • Other articles too numer- ous to mention. TERMS—Cash, no reserve; farm sold. JOHN StNC'LAIR; -'Prop.' Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. 20-16-2 Additional • Classified See Page 8 SUP*412. ear I HOPE THIS i5 ONLY A NIGHTMARE! 'j (It( THIS SORT OF THING ANNOYS PROGRESSIVE CANADIANS 11 11!J' WELL:.. IF I CANT c.OME IN woULD YOU PASS MY mi. FROG OUJT? Z LEFT WIM IN THE BATHTUB, • AND . .