HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-24, Page 5NEWS Oki WAL ?N
Surprise Dinner
arks Anniversary.,
M _
A dinner party, arranged
as a surprise by members of
their family marked the for-
"tieth wedding anniversary of
,lyfr. and Mrs. Clarence .Mar-
tin, on Saturday. The dinner
was held at the home of their
• daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mts. Herold Pryce,
Before the dinner, the
grandchildren sang "40th
Happy Anniversary To'You".
After dinner Fred Martin
acted as master of ceremonies
and presented his father and
mother with a purse of mon-
ey from the family.
Mr. Martin thanked them
all for everything they had
done for them.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin have
a family of three. (Naomi),
'Mrs. Harold Pryce, RR 1;
• Seaforth;. (Fred), 340 Crosby
Dr., Richmond Hill and
(Edna), Mrs. Floyd Jenkins,
Ingersoll. -They have eleven
Mrs. Martin was the form-
er Margaret H. Mooney, of
the sixth line of Morris Town-
r. Martin lived on the
fifth_ line . of___Morris. _ Town-
They were married on the
9th of. March, c by the late
Rev. James Scobie, at the
Belgrave Parsonage,
Recalling thein wedding
day. Mrs. Martin said it was
" clear and cold, with very
deep snow and heavy drifts
after a recent storm, for the
horse and cutter to plough
, through,.
On the evening of March
12th; a -surprise gathering
arrived at the home of Mr,
• and Mrs, Martin, when
neighbors, friends and rela-
tives came to celebrate their
40th anniversary.
A pleasant evening was
spent playing progressive
euchre, with the following
as prize winners.
Ladies' high, Mrs. Walter
Bewley; ladies? low; Mrs
Donald Fraser; men's high,
Kenneth McDonald; men's
low, Stewart McCall.
Alvin McDonald read a
congratulatory address and
Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and
Walter Bewley presented the
couple with a pole 'Damp.
Mr. Martin replied, thank-
ing them for the gift.
Weekend guests. with Mr.
and. Mrs. Martin were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Martin, Har-
riet and Paul of Richmond
Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Jenkins, Jeffrey and Rose-
., marie Graves, Ingersoll..
A progressive euchre par-
ty will he held Friday even-
ing in the Community, Hall,
with the following commit-
tee in charge. Mrs. Ray
Huether,-Mrs: Stewart Hum
phries, Mrs. Edward Miller,
„ Mrs. Alvin McDonald and
Mrs. George Pollard.
Sponsor 'Fashion Show
A Fashion Show sponsor-
ed by the Women's Institute
will be held in the Commun-
ity Hall, Thursday evening
of next week.
he committee includes,
Mr . Kenneth McDonald,
Mr . Ronald Bennett, Mrs,
Herbert Traviss, Mrs. Roy
Williamson, Mrs. 'Frank Wal-
ters, Mrs. Stewart Humphries
Mrs. • Roy Williamson and
Mrs. Nelson Marks.
Party at Huronview
The Women's Institute
sponsored a birthday • party
for the members of Huron -
view, Clinton, Wednesday
afternoon.' '
The' program consisted of
action song, Janice. Van
Vliet; •community singing;
,square dancing; Easter hat
parade; skit; musical numb-
ers by Mrs. Herb Traviss
and Mrs. Emerson Mitchell.
Mrs. Jan Van Vliet was
a -
master of ceremonies. Seven-
teen birthday gifts were dis-
tributed by Janice Van 'Vliet,
Mary Watebn and Douglas
Mitchell, to the residents
with March birthdays.
An impromptu orehestra,
fitted with .St. Patrick's hats
and instruments composed of
some of the willing Huron -
view residents was enjoyed.
Lunch was served, follow-
ed with birthday cake by the
Walton ladies.
The cblitunittee in `oharge
included Mrs. Stewart Hum-
phries, Mrs. Nelson Marks,
Mrs. Herbert Traviss, Mrs.
Roy Williamson. In charge of
program, ' Mrs. Jan Van
Vliet and Mrs. William Hum-
Attend Canepr Meeting
A carload of ladies at-
tended the supper meeting! of
Huron County Cancer Society
held in Wesley Willis United
Church, Clinton, Thursday
The guest speaker was Dr.
Townsend, of Guelph, who
showed a film strip entitled
"Sun on Skin". After busi-
ness was discussed, Dr.
Townsend showed slides ori a
tour taken last fall through
Bulgaria) Romania, Yugo-
'slavia'and Albania.
Miss Eilene Williamson and
girl friend of Brampton, vis-
ited overthe weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wil-
Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Ryan
of 'Woodstock spent Sunday
with the former's . parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lane,
and family of St. Columban
were Sunday .visitors at the
same home.
Mr. 'Malcolm Fraser re-
turned to his home in the
village last Saturday.
Miss Pauline Thamer at-
tended a hair dressing con-
vention at the Royal York
Hotel, Toronto last weekend,
Theie season's new hair styles
Mr. Rollie Achilles left
fast week to resume his
work on road construction in
Newfoundland. •
Mr. and Mrs., Murray Mills
and family, Brantford, were
weekend guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills.
Mr,' and Mrs. Philip Shanks
of Sarnia are visiting with
their son-in-law and daugh-
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kos-
Mr. Brian Traviss of Wes-
tern University, London,
spent the weekend with -his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb
A... pot -luck supper and
social evening was enjoyed
by the McKillop Group Fri-
day -evening, ' in. SK No. `9
McKillop. Lost Heir winners
were: Ladies' high, Nancy
McNichol; ladies' hywT, Lois
Wildfong; gent's high, Fred
Rose; gent's low, Donald,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bilyea
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred McClymont Sunday.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Allan Hayter
an,d Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson
attended a banquet at Clinton
School Monday."
Several ladies front the Varna
UC attended Presbyterial at
Clinton Tuesday.
The Varna UCW is sponsor-
ing the play, "The Bracelet of
Doom," presented by the Sea -
forth Junior Farmers on Mon-
Remember! It takes but' a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just Dial
Seaforth 527-0240.
March' 27th to April 2nd
Your Public Library can serve as a
centre for education and entertainment.
To 'children, .the Librarians can. open the
doors to new worlds of adventure, fun
and knowledge or the wonders of Nature.'
To the senior, now retired, there are
manfvolumes of information .on handi-
craft or hobbies that will helpto occupy
the leisure hours.
In your Library are the worlds of
past and present. Make use of your
eforth Bea
dvance to Semi-finals
Led by Jack McLlwain, who
scored four goals, the Beavers
went on to defeat Lucan Tues-
day night by the 'score of ,11
to 3, and take the series four
games to one: Bob Beuttenmil-
ler and •Larry Dale had two
•goals each, with singles going
to Earl Dolmage, Ken Doig and
Bob Doig.
Seaforth led 2-1 at the end
of the first; 5-3 at the end of
the second period, and then ex-
ploded for six unanswered goals
in the third -period, to wrap up
the game and take the series.
They now meet Port Dover in
Select Student
For Leaders' Club
Kenneth Devereaux, 19, of
Seaforth District High School,
who has 'been selected as a
member of the University of
Western Ontario and London
Free Press Student Leaders'
Club, was a member of last
year's Juvenile "B" WOAA
team. He is also active in 'gym-
nastics and was captain of his
school football team.
Kenneth was selected by the
principal and staff 4f Seafo
DHS was a Student Leader.
He has been president of the
students' council and ,secretary -
treasurer of the Boys' Athletic
Association. His activities have
won him the school letter for,
An Award of Merit in life-
saving is among ,his achieve-
Kenneth, son of Mr: and„•Mrs,;
Arthur, Devereaux, RR 4, Sea -
forth, plans to take a general
science course at the University
of' Toronto.
In his essay he poses
the ques-
tiori, why "vote.
"Bishop grudge gently forced
the cork out of the bottle that
enclosed him and peered out.
He found himself attending two
sessions at Parliament — his
first and his last. He sat down
in a spectator's seat with ex-
pressionless interest. But soon
his face changed to one of bore-
dom, disgust and anger. These
government , leaders were .act-
ing like frustrated children—
threatening, wrangling and trad-
ing biting remarks. -
'iHe immediately retired to
his bottle pulling the cork in
after 'him.. This was' the last
time he was going to have any-
thing to do with politics.. .Let
them argue; he was safe. Be-
sides, why should. he vote? l'le
did not care which man had
—.Nobody's opinions are- worth-
less. Even a stopped clock is
right twice a day!
Proper name for the ordinary
house cat is "Domestic Short -
After a mother had been
hounding him about it for three
weeks, her eight-year-old son at.
long last got around to thank-
ing his aunt for a Christmas
gift. "Dear Auntie," he wrote,
"I'm sorry I didn't thank you
before for my Christmas pres-
ent, and it would serve me right
if you forgot all about my birth-
day, which is next Saturday."
the biggest peppermint stick.
"Then one day the commies
came and stepped on his trans-
parent shelter, shattering it to
pieces. Bishop shrieked out in
pain; but had he the right?"
Say it With
"Say It With Flowers," was
the theme for a mixed bonspiel
held Saturday by the Seaforth
Curling Club and sponsored by
K. C. Cook, Florist of Clinton.
Each of the ladies on the rinks
was presented with a corsage,
and the winning rinks with pot-
ted plants, as well as woollen
blankets by Mr. Cook.
In the 9 a.m. draw, ,fifstprize
went to Chester Grigg, from
Peterboro, with 3 wins plus 11,
and second prize to the Stan
Curtis rink from St. Thomas,
with 2 wins plus 10. The third
prize was won by Frank Young,
of Goderich, with 1 win plus 7.
Glen Chesney, Seaforth, with
.3 wins plus 19, won the first
prize in the' 11 a.m. draw, with
Mrs. Chesney as vice, Bill Mc-
Laughlin,- second, and Mrs. Mc-
Laughlin, lead. Second prize
went to Art Wright's rink with
2 wins plus 8. Mrs. Wright was
vice, Cliff Petrie; second,, and
Mrs. Petrie, lead. Third prize
went to a rink from Sarnia,
skipped by J. Burr, with 1 win
plus 6.
A meeting of the project,
"Accent., On_ Accessories," was
held at the home of the assist-
ant leader; Mrs. B. McGregor,
and opened with the 4-H pledge.
The roll call, "The ,basic color
theme of my wardrobe," was
answered by 17 girls. Minutes
were read by Janice Eyre, and
Anne Kleinhaar was nominat-
ed secretary for the next meet-
ing. The name of the club is to
be "Seventeen Tuckers."
The members decided to
have navy covers with white
lettering. The girls took notes,
on: (1) planning your accessor,
ies; (2) accessories to compli=
ment you; (3) making 'accessor-
ies, and (4) accessories around
the clock.
Word. was received by Mrs.
Peter Gridzak that her brother-
in-law, James Leslie 'Sim, aged
51, passed away at: his home in
Londoi'i on Friday. His wife is
the former Blanche Watson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Watson, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carter, of
Chatham, spent the weekend
visiting the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Hood.
Mr. Michael Connolly', Tillson-
burg, has purchased Mr. John
Sinclair's farms, and takes pos-
session immediately.
Sunday guests with Mr. Rob-
ert Thompson were: Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Schneider, Paul, Gar-
ry, Gail and Dale, of Stratford.
Mr. Charles Eyre, RR 2, Kip -
pen, has sold his farm to Mr.
A. Timmerman, l{R 3, Kippen.
Mr. Robert Elgie, accompan-
ied by Mr. Wilfred Mellis, vis•
ited a clay last week with rela-
tives of.,.the former 2t Port
Dover. .
facilities for the reading public' pf the Seaforth district. Next
week Library officials are making special preparations for
Canadian i.fbrary. Week, and urge the public to, -visit ' the
Library during the week
QIJA semifinals. The second
game in a best -of -seven series is
scheduled for Seaforth next
Tuesday night.
A good crowd of over 700
fans were on hand, and the
winner of the basket of groceries
drawn at each game was Mrs.
A. Bethune.
K of C Sponsors
Hockey. Tourney
The Father Stephen Eckert.
Council, Knights of Clumbus,
announces the organization of
what is hoped will be an an-
nual event, in the .form of a
hockey tournament for teams
from the Separate Schools in
the Council area.
Two trophies will be donat-
ed by the Father Stephen Eck-
ert Council to the winners. The
teams are. picked froth Grades
3, 4 and 5 for Squirts, and from
Grades 6, 7 and 8 for Pee Wees.
For the first year of the -
tournament there are six teams
entered, including .Mt. Carmel,
St. Columban and Seaforth Sep-
arate Schools. The first set of
games commence on Saturday,
Mar. 26, with the finals on April
2. At a recent meeting it was
decided to give Mt. Carmel team
a bye. Total goals will decide
the winners.
Schedule of games, Saturday,
Mar. 26: 9 a.m., St. Columban
Squirts vs, St. James' Squirts;
10:30 a.m., St. James' Pee Wees
vs. St. Columban Pee. `Wees; 1
p.m., St. James' Squirts vs St.
Columban Squirts, and at 2:30,
St. Columban Pee Wees vs. St.
James' Pee Wees.
The same schedule will be
Seaforth downed Listowel. 6-1
Saturday night, to even their
WOAA Midget semi-final series
at one game apiece.
Seaforth built up an impres-
sive 3-0 lead in the first period
of play. Gary Nicholson open-
ed the scoring at 4:10 on a goal
assisted by Brian Leonhardt and
Jon. Fraiser. At 15:20, Murray
Henderson scored unassisted,
and 'at 17:45 Gaily Nliolson
scored 'his Second, assisted by
Jon Fraiser.
In ' the second period the
teams battled on, more , even
terms, with Alan Carter coming
up with many key saves to stop
the Listowel squad. Seaforth
went ahead 4-0 early in the sec-
ond, frame on a goal by Glen
Nicholson, assisted by Don Mur-
ray. Listowel fought back and
at 18:45 they scored. Ross 'Nik-
kie shot _the puck past Alan
Carter in a good month scram-
ble, with the • assist• going. to
Dave Simpson.
In the third period Seaforth
went ahead 6.1 with Murray
Henderson scoring his second
and third goals of the game.
Glen Nicholson assisted on the
last goal. Alan Carter played
another standout period of hoc-
key in the Seaforth nets,
thwarting all Listowel efforts..
Referee R. J. Boussey award-
ed 21 penalties, with Listowel.
collecting 12 of these. Listowel
also collected the only miscon-
duct of the game.
The final game in thisseries
willbe played in Seaforth on
Saturday night. The• winner
will advance to the WOAA fin-
There was a little old lady
who walked up to a beatnik
and asked: "Cross-town buses
run all night?"
Whereupon the young Bo-
hemian snapped his fingers and
replied: "Doo-dah, Doo-dah."
followed on Saturday, April 2,
with Mt. Carmel teams playing
the winners of the first series.
All games will be played at the
Seaforth Memorial Arena.
• Seaforth Mixed League
Team ,standings: Sunflowers,
96; Petunias, 95; Sweet Peas,
89; Daffodils, 81; Daisies, 76;
Marigolds, 47.°
Ladies' high, single, Carol
Brown, 253; high triple, June
Boussey, 599.
Men's high, single and ,tri-
ple, Eric Matzold, 296 and 788.
Egmondville Church League
Team standings in playoffs:
Turtles, 12; Bo -Hunks, 7; Weas-
els, 7; Lucky. Strikes, 7; Snap-
pers, 5; Ramblers, 4,
Ladies' Auxiliary Sports
Chevelles, 113; Spark Plugs,
108; Busy Bees, 1Q2;, Deadeye
Dicks, 65; Queenettes, 60; Eag-
er Beavers, 35.
High singles, Winnie Nott,
240; Jackie Racho, 235; high
triple, Bev. Smyth, 555; Norah
Brown, =544.
Seaforth Legion- League
Team standings: Go;Gos, 123;
Gophers, 85; Birdies, 72; Spit-
fires, 72; Polecats, 71; Ram-
blers, 60.
Ladies' high, single and tri-
ple, Barbara Alexander, 261 and
692; men's high, single and tri-
ple, Alvin Smale, 273 and `702.
This league has two schedul-
ed games left.
* ac. ac
St, James' Church .Leagu.e'._....
Team standings: Sweepers,
103; Blowers; 96: Cowboys, 89; ,
Alley Cats,` 82; Hustlers, 79;
Misfits, 76.
Ladies' high, single, Fran Ry-!
an, 229; high triple and aver-
age, . Martha Van Geffen, 649
and 216.
Men's high. single, triple and
average, Andre Aubin, 335. 879'
and 293.
Men's inter -Town League
Team standings to. date: Exe-
ter' 202; Goderich, 192; Clinton
RCAF. 174; Cloud 'Nine, 172:
Seaforth. 150; Jim's Selects, 150;
Zurich, 104. :. ,
This coming Saturday will end
the regular schedule. The fifth
place team will receive a bye
in the first round of tive „play-
offs. The first round will have
Team 1 vs. Team 3; • Team 2 vs.
Team 4, and Team 6 vs. Team 7.
High average to date: 13.
Nicol, 238; high five, R. Farqu-
har, 1447; high single, J. Fuller,
Congratulations are extended
to Eric Matzold, a prominent
bowler in Seaforthieagues,, up-
on rolling a sparkling 408 game
Monday night in Exeter.
Last year his partner, Art
Finlayson, -of the old Kippen
Tigers, now calfed the Seaforth
Tigers, rolled a 416 game at
the same lanes.
Another member of this team,
Bill Brown, came through with
a 354 game the same evening.
"Rear back and lot uo with your fast ball •... than duck!
You buy the best 'whob you
buy your suet at Stelivart'.s,
and we always sed. below
the standard price,. Qur.
range •Qf .baster $tilts is at
its beat 110Art,
59.50 -to 85,00
All -Weather
Popular poplin all-weather•-
coats, in all the new styles
and lengths, in bone, beim.
olive, black
and navy
New :Sport Shirts 2.91 .4p
Half Sleeve
Dress Shirts 3.95 up•
Reg. Dress Shirts 495 up
New a.::
Easter Ties 1.00 to, 240 '
Puff Handkies
Felt Hats 8,95'`
Lovely all -wool coatingsin nobby
weaves, diagonals, checks and tweeds,
in beige, powder, rose, green, yellow
and navy 29.95 up
Regular or' reversible all-weather
coats, featuring plain shades, fine
checks, bold checks and tapestry
types. A most popular coat for Eas-
ter and throughout the Spring sea-
Crepes, laces, knitted fabrics, linen
effects and novelties • feature this
brand new range of one-piece and
'suit dresses. Choose yours today at
10.95 to 29.95
Easter hats` feature higher crowns
in a wide range of straw, ribbon and
flower hats. Visit. -sour "Hat Bar"
today. Prices range from,,.,,
3.95 to 12.95
New Spring Gloves 1.95 to 12.95
Ngty Easter Scarfs .. 1.00 to 2.95
Spring Handbags _ ..•... 5.00 to • 9.95
Buy your brand pew this
Thurs., Fri., Sat. Only
We will give you a discount of
You save 10% on the price
and beat the sales tax in-
crease of 2%.
Listowel Midgets
Seaforth Midgets
-Saturday Night, March 26th
at 8:00 p.m.
Series tied one game each
This is the deciding Game
ADMISSION — 25c and 35c
Seaforth Chamber -of Commerce
Phone Directory
The Seaforth Chamber of Commerce shortly
will revise and re -issue its phone directory
card, indicating, the phone numbers of Sea -
forth businesses. The directory card will be
distributed throughout the Seaforth trading
While every effort has been made; to con-
tact all who may wish to be included, it is
possible some have been omitted. Any busi-
ness .or professional office wvhb' blas not been
contacted- ' by the C of C, and who wishes to
be included, is asked to phone
before Mardi 30th next