HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-17, Page 121.20,1 TH MORON EXPOSITOR. SEAFORTH, ONT., MAR. 17, 1966 .ST0 COWMBAN NEWS OF .THE WEEK At the ifibbert Township Fed- eration of Agriculture . annual banquet, held in St. Columban WW1 hall, 120. people were Served by members oaf St. Colufliban's Catholic Women's League. Those seated at the head table were Rev. L. J. Coughlin, Rev. A. Daynard and Mrs. Daynard; president Robert Hamilton; county president Ron Skinner and Mrs. Skinner; sec- retarystreasurer of township, Russel Miller and Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. A. Cook, Mit- chell. Courtesy remarks were made by Mervin Dow. For the program Robert Hamilton was chairman. Mrs. Daynard introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Cook, Mitchell, who showed slides of her trip through Europe and Asia. Ap- preciation to Mrs. Cook was ex- pressed by Don Kernick. Mr. Roney, as representative of Hib- bert council, brought greetings from the council. Mrs. Don Brady and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sloan. John McMillan. Detroit, and Miss Noreen McMillan, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMil- lan. Miss Mary Murray, • Lucan, with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mur- ray. Ted Feeney, Kitchener, with Mrs. Mary Feeney, Miss Anne Melady, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Enright, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Dorris. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and Melody, Acton, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. I`licleeel Murray. Leonard Malteney; Lucan, and Miss Jean Maloney, London, with Mrs, Nora Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Plue, Codrington, with John Delaney and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Murray. Miss Rita Kennedy, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ken- nedy. Mr. and Mrs.Jack Mclver in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell. Set Plans For Dessert Euchre Mrs. Mae Habkirk and Mrs. Margaret Messenger are to be conveners for the lunch for a dessert euchre, to be held in the IOOF Hall 'on .Wednesday, March 30. Mrs, James Rose, Mrs. Joseph Grummett and Mrs. Keith Sharp are to be in charge of the tables. Mrs. Wm. Miller and Miss Eleanor Henderson are in charge of decorations. It was announced that Huron District meeting will be held at Hensall the afternoon of April 13th, and Mrs. Edna Caldwell, DDP for Huron, will visit Here April 25. At the next regular meeting, March 28, representa- tives to Huron District and to attend Rebekah Assembly in Toronto in June, will be nam- ed; also a district deputy presi- dent is to be appointed, as it is Seaforth's turn. Mrs. Gordan Papple won the mystery prize and tickets on , a draw for a platform rocker were, distributed. Funds are in aid of the CPT committee work. Mrs.,James-•Rose, NG, presided. SAVAUGE'S MARCH SALE CLOSES ON SATURDAY, MARCH 19th FINAL ..CLEARANCE of ENGLISH SEMI -PORCELAIN DINNERWARE Still a' Few Sets -Left in Following Patterns: "Rhapsody", "Ballad", "Manor House", "Alicia", "Azure", Venetian", "Wed- ding Day", "Tulip Time", Etc. TO CLEAR AS LOW AS $24.95 for a 61 -Piece Service for_8• • • Fine' English Bone CHINA. DINNERWARE In Wedgwood, Royal Albert, Royal Doulton, Minton, Spode, Etc., at t5%o Discount on orders of $50 and over 10%' Discount on Open Stock Costume JEWELLERY Clearance 590. Regular $1.00 Values—Some higher. English .Bone China Cups & Saucers (Reg. $1.00 Value) To clear at 79¢ All other Cups and Saucers at March' Sale Prices CUFF LINK and TIE BAR SETS at HALF PRICE... Reg. $3.95 Sets To Clear at $1.97 Reg. $5.00 Sets To Clear at $2.50 Reg. $2,50 Tie Bar Sets To Clear at $1.25 Trade -In WATCH SALE Your old Watch is Worth° MORE when you trade it in On a smart new time- piece at Savauge's March Sale! BUY AT MARCH SALE PRICES Jewellery: - Silverware - Clocks and Watches Billfolds - Cornflower & Monaco Glassware ' Aluminum Giftware - Etc. But . . . BUY TO -DAY! SALE CLOSES SATURDAY! WASUG ev eIiE ry . Gifts - Finethina EA oRPH I .. 20. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Shorthorn and Hereford Cat- tle; Farm Implements and Feed, on Lot 13, Con. 8, 'of Hibbert Township, % mile East of Staffa, 5 miles South of Dublin, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th, at 1 p.tn. A full list will appear in next week's paper. CECIL BOWMAN, Prop. W. E. Nairn and Son, Auc- tioneers. 20-16-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Livestock, Machinery, Hay and Grain, Lot 16, Con. 4, of Tuckersmith' Township, 'two miles East of Kippen, or six miles South of Seaforth, on TUESDAY, MARCH 29th, at 12:30 sharp. CATTLE — Holstein herd of 17 cows and heifers; three Holstein cows, due in April, unit bred; 4 Holstein heifers, fresh in Feb. and March; heifer 2 Holstein heifers, due in May; 4 Hdlstein cows, freshened in Feb. and March; 2 cows, milking and rebred; 1 far- row cow; 8 young calves; 4 Holstein heifers, under one year; 2 yearling heifers, (part Hereford); 3 grass steers. •PIGS — 19 pigs, 8 weeks ol d. IMPLEMENTS—All nearly new, in excellent condition. 1962 Fordson Major• diesel tractor„- with. all hydraulics;. C -A Allis-Chalmers tractor, complete with manure loader, bean scuffler and puller; 3 -- furrow Oliver hydraulic plow, 14 -inch bottom; Mar- vel grain thrower; lVMassey Harris grinder; Gehl ham- mer mill and 70 -ft. endless belt; oat roller; Massey -Har- ris fertilizer 15 -disc drill; land roller; Case land pack- er; New Holland' baler; 32 -ft. Smoker elevator, with motor; bale ,stooker; New Idea hay conditioner; 7 -ft. New Idea mower; New Holland rake; New Holland power take -off spreader; White snow blow- er: Triple K 9 -ft. cultivator; 9 -ft. . stiff tooth cultivator; International '7 -ft. combine, 'used one season, complete with bean attachments; 4 - section harrows; Bue1er wa- gon, with grain box; Cock- shutt one-way disc; 20 -ft. ex- tension 'hay conveyor; War- ner bean cooker, complete; Massey -Harris 8 -ft. binder, used for swathing; galvanized trough; farrowing crate; 3 heat lamps; trailer with racks; extension ladder; two fanning mills; 2 set scales; 2 - unit Universal milking ma- chine; 6 -can spray milk cooler; 10 milk cans; loading shute; wheel barrow; .elec- tric motor;. Stewart electric cattle clippers; 2 cutters; set sleighs; 5 cord hard wood; robes; chains; tools. HAY — Quantity baled hay and straw; grain. Other articles too numer- ous to mention. TERMS=Cash, rio reserve, farm .sold. JOHN SINCLAIR, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, George Powell, Clerk. 20-16-2 20. Auction Sales covers for round corn cribs; pig electric brooder; Case hy- draulic cylinder With hose; Lantz sickle knife sharpener; section remover and riveter; a number of safety road signs; a quantity of red barn paint; a quantity of . bushel hampers, with covers; a quantity of lumber; 1 cutter; 1 buggy; horse scuffler; single walking plow; grease guns; 3 tarpaulins, 8 x 10, 6 x 12, 12 x 16; a number of 5 gal. cans; 12 gauge shot gun; shovels, forks, chains and other artieles too numerous to mention. - --- FURNITURE and HOUSE- HOLD ARTICLES — walnut china cabinet and buffet; lazy boy'chair; ,and electric stove, 24"; Westing- house washer, wide laundry tubs and bench! lamps;• tables wardrobe; chairs; churn; roll top writing desk; a quantity of dishes, etc.; high chair and bassinette. CATTLE—Hereford cows, pasture bred and the proper- ty of Donald McNeil, Blyth, consisting of: 2 heifers, 3 years old: 5 cows, 6 years old; 1 cow, 7 years old; 1 An- gus cow, 8 years old; 1 Here- ford cow, aged; 1 Hereford cow, open: 1 Hereford bull, 3 years old,, (registered). TERMS—Cash. No reserve, as Farm is sold. GEORGE WATT, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George 'Powell, Clerk. 20-16-2 CLEARING .-ATJCTION- SALE- • Clearing Auction' Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery, at Lot 2, Con. 13, • Hullett Township, 2 miles West and 2 miles South of Walton, or 2 miles South and 6, miles East of Blyth, on WEDNES- DAY. MARCH 30th, at 1 p.m: LIVESTOCK — 30 Here- ford feeder. steers, 950 to 1.000 lbs. IMPLEMENTS — W-6 Mc- Cormick tractor;• John Deere A tractor; No. 50 hydraulic loader; No. 29 Owatonna 12 - ft. self propelled swather, used 2 seasons; New Holland 270, power take -off baler, in new condition; .heat houser; 32 -ft. Case grain and bale elevator; 3-H.P. gasoline en- gine; Cockshutt wagon and 15 -ft. rack; Wood, electric grain roller, 1-II..P. electric motor; Titon No. 50 chain saw ; Stewart electric clip- pers; Duitt cattle oiler; el- ectric brooder, 500 chick capacity;. -3.0 -ft: grain• •auger;, wheel barrow; • 25 cedar posts; 1 bushel grass seed; 12 -ft. John Deere cultivator; ,Gehl 10" hammer mill; 3 - furrow International Ace Bottom plow, on .rubber; 6 - section drag. harrows; _3,S.ec- tion harrow stretcher; Min- neapolis 100 'bushel power take -off manure 'spreader; John Deere 17 -run grain and fertilizer drill; Case 10 -ft. packer; 4 -furrow Internation- al Ace Bottom ' plow; John Deere 2 -row mounted scuff - ler; John Deere' 7 -ft, semi - mounted mower; Interna-, tional one-way disc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 3 end tables; 2• brown"' iron beds, springs, mattresses; kitchen stool; Kenmore oil space heater; magazine rack; quantity fruit , sealers; din- ing room table, 6 chairs; 2 Congoleum rugs, 9 x 101/2; Other articles tpo numerous to mention. TERMS—Cash, po reserve, farm sold. LESLIE REID, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell,' Clerk. 20-16-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale. of Hereford •Cattle, Farm Ma, chinery, Small -Tools, House- hold Furnishings, for George. Watt, Lot 6, Con. 14, Hullett Township, 4 miles East of Blyth, 3 miles West of Wal- ton, on County Road• 25, on SATURDAY, • MARCH 26,., 1966, . at 1 p.m. . IMPLEMENTS — Case 700 standard tractor, 3,340 hours, live PTO and hydraul- ic with 3 -point hitch, power steering; Case 4 -bottom, 14" semi -mounted plow; Massey - Harris S -P 80 combine, with straw chopper and power steering, 12 -ft. head, in good condition; Allis - Chalrters model C •tractor, with 2.l'ow corn or bean hydraulic lift cultivator; Versatile 12' S.P. swather; Dion forage harvest- er, nearly new; sander for sharpening knives for same; O.K. silage blower with pipes for 66' silo and clamps also inside pipes; 16 -run Mc -D seed drill on rubber; 7' Allis- Chalmers side mounted mow- er for A.C. model C tractor; 1 -ton Ford truck, 1951 mod- el; 12' John Deere sprfng tooth harrows; Oliver heavy duty one way disc, fitted for hydraulie lift; Contenintal post hole digger; wire winder for same; 3 forage racks, in `good condition; 1 Case, 1 Buehler, 1 Hergatt rubber tired wagons, with good tires; flat rack with, bunks for Buehler wagon, 51/2' x 12'; stock rack; Case culti- packere PTO grass seeder for pasture ' mixtures; modern geed cleaner with screens and bagger; seed treater; 6" grain auger, 27'; Wisconsin $°-HP gas engine; London. spray motor spray pump, with 120 gal. tank on truck; Champion snow blower; wo- ven wire stretcher; Ratchet single wire stretcher; fencing tools; a quantity of water• bowls; a number of steel wrenches; air•eoinpressor and. tank with,. hose; 7 -sections of harrows; 36$t,' extension ladder; heat Mouser; 3 steel $80,000.00 Used Machinery Inventory AUCTION SALE • SATURDAY, MARCH 19th, Starting Time 12:00 o'clock. 40. Tractors MSF 90. diesel, 2; M -F 85 diesel; M -F 85, gas; M -F 65, diesel; M -F 50, gas, 2; M -F 35, diesel; M -F 202, Ind.; M -H 44, gas, R.C., 2; .'Pit -H 30 and cultivator, 2; Ferg. 20, 85, 2; I.H.C. 275, diesel; I.H.C. H• . I.H.C.• M; LI.C. A and cultivator; I.H.C. VG' -4; A -C W -C-4; A -C B; John Deere B, 3;. John Deere 'H; Oliver 55 diesel; M -M M -M R; Oliver 60 and culti- vator; Ford 8N; Ford 9N, 2; Case SC; Fordson; Ford Dex- tra; Cockshutt 30'. Combines 10 S.P., all . makes;, . 20 P.T.O. 6 balers; 30 plows; corn pickers; 25 disc-harro'tvs; corn planters; spreaders;-dnl- tivators; mowers; rakes; til- lage tools; hammer mhls; other miscellaneous egt.�ip- tnent. • Goods subject to previous sale or trade. TERMS—Cash, or pre-ar- fanged credit. 'William Johnson, Auctioneer, LEE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Rodney, ,Interchange 15 and 401 Highways, . 20.14..1 20. Auction Sales EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Auto, Farm Imple- ments, Hay, Grain, House- hold Effects and Miscellan- eous Items, on the premises, Lot 15, Con. 1, Hay Town- ship, 11/4 tulles South of Hensall or 3% miles North of Exeter, on Highway 4. The undersigned auction- eer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 18, at 12 p.m. Real Estate: Parcel • No.; 1: 100 -acre farm, Lot 15, Con. 1, Hay Township, 10 acres mixed bush, more or less, remainder all tillable. Fully modernized 11/2 -storey brick dwelling. Large "L" shaped barn, com- pletely modernized for beef cattle, silo, 2 drive sheds, garage and poultry house. Buildings all in first-class condition. Parcel No, 2: 40 acres ad- joining farm, Lot 16, Con. 1, Hay Township, with no buildings. These are exceptional good farms, well situated, land all tillable, choice clay .loam, highly productive and in first-class state of 'cultiva- tion. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate -10% on day of sale, additional 10% in• 30 days, balance in 3 months. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. PLEASE NOTE—Farms to, be offered in one unit. :. Auto • ---- Meteor, --1-964,. 4-' door sedan. low mileage and in new condition. Ford diesel 5000 new range standard, fully - hydraulic tractor, like new. M.F. 50 standard tractor, equiped with. loader, new condition. Also • a full line of Farm Machinery to be offered. MRS. BEATRICE FABER, Administratrix for the .estate of the late John .. Faber DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVII' WALPER Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION. SALE - Clearing Auction Sale of Cattle, Machinery, Hay and Grain and Household Effects, at Lot 35, Con, 9, Goderich Township, 42 miles West of Clinton,, on - SATURDAY, MARCH 26, at I' p.m. CATTLE — 1 grade Hol- stein .heifer, due June 7; 1 registered Holstein heifer, due May 14;-1.' registered Hol- stein heifer, 15 months old; 1 registered Holstein heifer calf, 11 _months; 4 Holstein- Hereford cross steers, 15 months old; 1 Holstein -Here- ford cross steer and 1 heifer, 1 year. old. - MACHINERY Massey - Harris 44 tractor, in good condition, withheat houser; International' 200 tractor, row crop, withfast hitchand cultivator; 3 -furrow Massey' plow; . Fleury-Bissel disc; Cockshutt side rake; hay loader; New Idea manure spreader; New Idea 7 -ft. mower; • .4 -section harrows; land packer; 8 -ft. cultivator; McCormick 7 -ft. binder; -Mc- Cormick seed drill; rubber tired wagon, with 16 -ft. rack; 2,000 ib. scales; • exten- sion ladder; water trough; emery and 'motor; wheel bar- row, and other articles"t'oo numerous to mention. HAY and GRAIN — 800 bales mixed hay; 2,000 bush- els of mixed grain; .10 -ft. of ensilage. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 4 'high back chairs; dining room furniture; bedroom suite; coal and wood range, (Empire); cloth rack; com- bination door. 34" by 82"; fruit jars and many other ar- ticles. TERMS—Cash. No reserve, as farm is sold. MRS. MURRIEL GRIGG, Proprietress. Bruce Rath:well,. Auctioneer. 20 16-2 21. Tenders' Wanted 21. Tenders. Wanted SEPARATE DRAINAGE TENDERS Township of McKillop For the construction and repair, according to engineer's. report, plans profile, specifi• - cations and instructions, to bidders, will be received by the undersigned until noon, Saturday, April 2nd, 1966. (1) McKillop-Hullett Boun- dary Dram, 6,700 lineal feet, ,(8,730 cu. yds.) open wok, clearing brush, ex- cavating and levelling spoil bank. Township to supply . 60 feet of 4 -foot pipe. Work to. be complet- ed in July. (2) Johnson - Irvine Drain Improvement, 6,500 lineal feet of open work, 1,700 cu. yds. (approx. 700 cu. yds. to be trucked to fill old channel and form embankment) and to low- er culvert.Additional in- struction to bidders on item 2 are • in Clerk's Of- fice and work to be con- structed and completed during August, 1966. Contractor to be covered by Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insur- ance. A certified cheque for 10 percent of the bid to ac- company tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, profile, etc„ may be seen at my office. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Township, RR 1, Seaforth, Ontario. 21-16-1 DEPARTMENT • OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA, TENDERS SEALED TENDERS ad- dressed to Secretary, Depart- ment of Public Works of Can- ada, Room B 326, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and endors- ed "TENDER FOR HAR- BOUR REPAIRS AND IM- PROVEMENTS, (REPAIRS TO SOUTH PIER), BAY - FIELD, ONT.", will be re- ceived until 3:00 p.m, (EST), WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1966. Tender documents can be obtained through: Chief Bit- gineer, Room E-443, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ont:; District Engineer, P.O. Box 688, Dominion•. Public Building, 457 Richmond St., London, Ont., and can be seen at the Post 'Office at Bayfield and Goderich, Ont. To be considered each ten- der must be submitted bre the forms supplied by the Depart- ment and must be accom- f!diithterden the tender The lowest or any tefi-der not necessarily accepted. 1tOB1:fT• Po i 1E% Sears. tart'. GRAVEL TENDERS Township of East - Wawanosh Sealed tenders, (marked "Tender for Gravel"), for ap- proximately 10,000 cu. yds. gravel, % screen. Contractor to supply, crush and deliver to roads of said Township, under supervision of Road Superintendent. Crusher to be fed by shov- el and contract to be com- pleted by Sept. 30, 1966: A certified cheque for $300.00 to accompany tender. Tenders close April 2, at 5 p.m. C. W. HANNA, Road Superintendent, , Relgrave„ Ont. • 21-16-2 22. Legal Notices NOPICE • TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against' ' the Estate . of ALBERT CLIFFORD. BROOME, Carpenter, late, of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of August, 1965, are required to file the -same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 2nd day of April, 1966, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, On tarip,, this 7th day of March, 1966. - HAYS, PREST & HAYS,,. Barristers and Solicitors, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. " 22-15-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ETHEL ADA WEBSTER All persons having claims' against the Estate of Ethel Ada Webster, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of January, 1966, are hereby notified- to -send _ In. full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of Ap- ril, 1966, after which date, the assets will be distributed having regard only- to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, On- tario, this 10th day bf March, 1966. McCONNELL & STEWART, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the 'Executors: 22-16-3 23. Business Directory JOHN E. LONGSTA.FF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Thes., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30p.m. Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment only Phone 527-1240 -- or 4824010 23. Business Directory A. M. HARPER . Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office SEAFORTH VETERINARY • CLINIC J, 0. Ttunbtill„i);V.11f, V.S. „ W. R. Bryans,,D.V,M., V.S. P. DCS Cul s., VV'.M” v S.. . Phone 527-1760' .° • Seaforth A. - W. SILLERY Barrister ', Solicitor, •Etc, • Office 1527.11350 - Rea. 527-1643 Seaforth - . Ontario McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. , P. D. McCONNELL, 'Q.C. " D, I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 • BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 Night 527-0885 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls— 527-0510 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital' beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks THE sisters and nephews of the late Clifton Clare Way, of London, Ont., wish to ex- press their sincere apprecia- tion for messages _ of -sym- pathy also thanks to Mr: G. A. Whitney and Rev. A. Scott Mrs. James Stewart and Mr. George Hays. - 24-16x1 WE wish to express our sin- cere thanks and apprecia- tion to our relatives, friends and neighbors, for the 'many acts of kindness and expres- sions of sympathy received during our recent bereave- ment. — Mrs. Harvey Tur- ner and Family. 24-16x1 Mr. and Mrs. George Stone wish to thank all the friends and neighbors who helped to Make their 25th' Wedding Anniversary such a pleasant one anti also for the lovely presents given. 24-16x1 I would like to thank my relatives, friends and neigh- bors who • remembered me with cards, treats and visits while I was -a patient in -Sea - forth Community Hospital and since returning home. - Also to thank Dr. Malkus and Dr. Brady, Miss Drops and the nursing staff. It was all deeply appreciated. — Mrs Thomas Carter.', 24-16=1 'WE. would like to take this opportunity of saying thanks to each and every one who has helped in so many ways while. Jim' has been in the hospital. Words cannot ex- press the feelings we have for the visits, cards and treats sent to the hospital. Al- so for the boxes sent to the home and those who have so kindly taken me to visit Jim: Special thanks to Drs, Brady, - Malkus and Hunt, Box's Am- bulance and nurses at both Seaforth and London Hospi- tals; ..also to our many good friends who 'have helped in various ways. Your t thought- fulness is greatly appreciat- ed and shall never be for- gotten,°— Jim and June Bol- ger. 24-16x1 WE would like to .thank all our relatives, friends , and neighbors, Father H.Laragh, Father J. T. Saigeon, St. Jame's Separate School Board teachers and pupils, St. James' Catholic Women's League for their Mass offer- ings, floral' tributes, messages» of sympathy, also all those whet helped in anyway dur- ing our recent 'sad bereave- ment. _John and Danny Maloney: • 24-16-1 I would like . to express my sincere thanks to "telatives, friends and q neighbors who remembered me with flow- ers, cards, treats and visits while I was a patient in Sea - forth Community Hospital and since I left. Thanks to Drs. Brady and Maikus, Miss Drope and all the nursing staff. Everything was deeply appreciated. Thanks also to Rev. and Mrs. Shatto for their encouraging visits. — Mrs. Lydia Hoegy. 24-16x1 • 25. In Memoriam- CUDMVMORl+.",—In ' ever loving memory of our dear father, Roland Cudmore, who passed away on March 16th, 1928. —Daughters and Sons, 25-16x1 Births KALE — At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital,' en March 10, to Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Kale, RR 5, Seaforth, a daughter. McKELLAR — At Seaforth Community Hospital, , on March 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McKellar, Sea - forth, a son. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shea, of RR 1, Dublin, announce the engagement of their - daugh- ter Veronica Frances, to Mr. Charles Alfred Pricee son of Mr. and. Mrs. Alfred Price of Seaforth. Wedding to take place in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Saturday, the 16th of April, at 10:30 o'clock. xl e Births • • STURGEON l At Alexan- der Marine Hospital, God- erich, oh March 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sturgeon, a daughter. MOIR --- In St. Joseph's Hos- pital London, on March 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moir, Hensall, a son, O'ROURH1i ... At Seaforth Community Hospital, on March 10, to Mr, and. Mrs. `ehn O'Rourke,, ' lUt 1, DOM, brit.; a 301. Too Late FOR SALE — Orville. Greer, 0547. FOR SALE — bed, springs and good condition. Lemon, phone 5 Baled hay. phone 527- 11-16-1 Continental mattress, in Mrs. Dave 27-0330. 11-16-1 FOR SALE — Quantity of mixed grain. Arnold Taylor, Brucefield, phone 482-9155. 11-16x1 FOR SALE — Honey, Clover honey, 4 -lb. pail, $1.25; $-lb. pails, 42.35; 2 30-1b. pails only. $8.00 each, Wallace Ross Apairies. 11-16-2 WANTED TO BUY --One high chair, in good condition. Phone 527-0527. 1216-1 WANTED TO BUY _ Strol- ler, in good condition. Phone 527-1813, Seaforth, 12-16x1 WANTED TO BUY Child's crib, in. , good condition. Telephone 527-1344, after 6. 12-16x2 FOR SSALE — 1956. Ply- mouth, 4 -door, body, motor and tires in excellent condi- tion. Two snow tires. Price $275.00 Phone 527-1424. - JUST ARRIVED Latest Fashions ' in Spring' and Summer. Costume Jewel- lery. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. . 11-16-t i APPLICATIONS. Applications will be re- ceived 'by. the - undersigned until Monday, March . -28, 3966, for a position on the Public Works Staff. Appli- cants must be able to operate all, 'town equipment. E. M. WILLIAMS, Clerk, . Town of Seaforth. 4-16-2 • Obituaries CLIFTON C. WAY Clifton Clare Way, 53, of Lon, Ton,' was found dead in his apartment, 753 'Richmond St., London. Born- at Goderich, a son of the a late Mr. and Mrs. Alva' Way, of Egrnon'dville; he was educated in. Tuckersmith and Seaforth 'schools. He° was a member of Egmondville United Church. He had served in the Air Force for two years in the Second World War. Surviving are •four sisters, Mrs. Russell (Helen) Dallas, RR 1, Brucefield; Mrs. Ida Jackson, London; Mrs. Robert (Gladys) Cross, London, and Mrs. Harold (Evelyn) Shera, Egmondville. A. Masonic service was held Sunday night. A private funeral service was held Monday at 2 p.m. at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, with Rev. Alan Scott, of Egmondville United sChurch, officiating. Temporary entomb- ment was in Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum, with burial later in Maitlandbank cemetery. Pall- . bearers were Donald Jackson, Jack Dallas, William Dallas, Preston Dallas, Warren Shera and Keith Cross. FRANCIS W. HARBURN A highly esteemed resident of Hensall for the past twenty years, Francis W. Harburn, 61, died suddenly at his work while employed as night watchman for Exeter Canadian Canners; at their warehouse at Grand Bend, Saturday afternoon. The late Mr. Harburn was born at New Liskeard; was a member of Hensall United Church, and a member of Exe- ter LOL. • Surviving are his wife,' the foresee . Madeline Walden, of Westfield; one daughter, Mrs. John (Geraldine) Eckel,. RR 1, Varna; five sons, William, God- erich; Glenn, Stratford; Murray, Grand Bend; Laverne and Keith at home; two sisters, Mrs, Roy (Hilda)' Smale, RR 1, Hensall; Mrs. Mary Potter, Stratford; two brothers, Henry, Staffa, and Marvin, Florida, , and three grandchildren. Largely attended funeral ser- vices were held from the Bon- thron Funeral . Home, Hensall, at 2 p.m,. Tuesday, conducted by Rev. H. F. Currie, with inter- ment in Stat& cemetery. Pall- bearers were J.im Sinale, David Smale Lorne Brodhagen, and Harold,. Garth and Lloyd Me-. ' •diinehey. k - s r; 4D n M r r r