HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-17, Page 11USE THESE CIASSIFICATIONSI TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted f 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale • 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15: Property For Rent e 16. For Sale or Rent M. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory • 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam • 26. Personals • Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word. Each 'number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other- classifications, . mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- t' dere Wanted (21), and Legal Notices, (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above- -rates. ... • 1. Coming Events • O.E.S. Afternoon Euchre, on March 24th, in IOOF Hall. Lunch served. DANCE, Brodhagen Com- munity Hall, Friday, March 18th. Music by the London -Set. 1-16-1 .G.ApARET Dance, Brodhagen Community Hall, Saturday; Mardi 19, Al Wagner's Or- chestra. Free lunch. 1-1,¢-1 DESSERT Euchre, in: IOOF Hall, Wednesday, March 30, admission 75c. Sponsored by Edelwiess Rebekah Lodge. 1-16-1 MARCH 20th, NHL Hockey, Toronto in Detroit. Tickets and information, call Miller Motors, phone 527-1410. 1-12-4 THURSDAY, March 24th, a Euchre Party, . IOOF Hall, Brucefield; at 8:30 p.m. Draw for. $50, 'lunch prpvid- ed. Sponsored' by Bracefield Lodge, 1-16-1 DON Robertson and his Ranch Boys, Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, April 1st, sponsored by Seaforth Jun- ior Farmers. , 1-16-2 SEAI'ORTH Public School "Spring Concert", in the School Auditorium, April 1, 8:00 p.m. Tickets available from the pupils. 1-16-1 FASHION Show, Walton Community Hall, Thursday, March 31st., 8:30 p.m. Spon- sored by Walton WI. Clothes complements o Eve -Mar; Jewellery complements of Anstett Jewellers Ltd.; Shoe display by Read9s Shoes and Luggage. 1.15-2 2. Lost, Strayed NOTICE: If the party who re- moved a new red dog collar, on March 2nd, with a chain attached to a ring on the col- lar, will return the same to cat owner, a reward will be given said party. Phone 527- 0684. 2-16x1 4. Help Wanted -SALES clerk and waitress wanted, must be neat, cap- able and willing to,, work at once. Apply J. C. Crieh, at Crich's Bakery. ' 4-15-2 CLASS "A" licenced mech- anic; aTso need man with body work experience. Ex- cellent working conditions, employee benefits and above average wage scale. Apply' Hensall Motors Ltd., Hensall, phone. 262-2604. 4-16-1 WANTED MEN to work at HURON CONCRETE PIPE CO. • Good wages and steady em- ployment. Call at Seaforth Plant. Telephone 527-1206 4-16-1 • Young Woman For PBX switchboard, who also has had some experience in general' office procedures. 40 hour week. Shift work may be necessary from time in time, between' 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Permanent position. Excellent working conditions. Average starting rate of pay - All replies held in confid- ence. Give details of educa- tion, age, experience, Mari- tal status and any other in- formation in your letter of tprAieation, addressed to: Administrator, . SEAFORTH COMMiToTY tiosritTAL • 4-102 .1;• °flelp Wanted MAN wanted to work at silo building, good wages paid. Please _contact Wes Hugill, Zurich, Ont., in person if possible. For more informa- tion, phone 236-4928. 4-15x4 REGISTERED Nurse's as- sistant or nurse's aid. Apply to Queensway. Nursing Home, Hensall, phone 262-2830. 4-16-2 WANTED Man to drive truck, pick- ing up milk cans in area to South of Seaforth, This , job is about 4•to 6 hours per day and will start sometime dur- ing the spring and last to end of summer. Apply to:. BOX 1546, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4-16-2 HELP WANTED Man For Utility Work Applications, in own hand writing and indicating edu- cation, age and experience, will be received by the un- dersigned until 5 p.m., Mar. 31 „1966, for a man for utility work. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTIL- ITY COMMISION ' 4-16-2 APPLICATIONS The Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire ,Insurance Com- pany invites applications for the position of Secretary= Treasurer of the company, to fill a vacancy coming up, around July of this year. The •man for this position should be bondable, good at figures and have experience of office routine, correspond- ence, etc. Applications should be made in writing, stating age, experience, etcand mailed. to the Secretary-Treasurer,' Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Box 299, Exeter, Ont., by April 2, 1966 Robert G. Gardiner, President Arthur Fraser, Secretary Treasurer. 4-16-1 5. Bus. Opportunities HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG INCOME -Mail Today THE W. T. RAWLEIGH CO. LTD., Dept. C-363-HY, 4005 Riche elieu, Montreal, P.Q. • Gentlemen: I am interested in the world famous Raw- leigh line on a ( ) part time basis ( ) full time basis ( ) Please send me FREE Cook Book and catalog with full details. Name Address, City . , Prov. ..... 5-16-1 8.•.Farm Stock For Sale TWO white faced calvee. John Jansen, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 527-1677. 8-16x1 SEVENTY pigs, 8 weeks old. Don Carter, phone 527-1186. 8-16-1 ELEVEN pigs. Apply Joseph Nolan, St. Columban, phone 123. R 16, Dublin. 8-16-1 THIRTEEN real good pigs, 7 weeks old. Carl Vanderzon, North Main St., phone 527- 1772. 8-16-1 ONE 21/2 year old registered polled Hereford bull. Sam McClure, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 527-1668. 8-16x1 TEN good chunks, 10 weeks Old. Doug Hugill, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 482-7548. 8-16x1 HOLSTEIN cow, carrying second calf, bred Hereford, guaranteed right. Phone 02- 9903. 8-16-1 ABERDEEN Angus calves, make good bulls or 4-H calf prospects; also a few older females. R. J. Doig, Seaforth, phone .527-0763. 8-14-tf ONE York hog, 11/2 years old; 20 good pigs, 7 weeks ready in 2 to 3 weeks, all off old; a number of others, purebred stock, (from David Steven's herd, St. Marys). W. C. Millson, phone 527- 1167, after 4. 8-16-1 9. Poultry For, Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Beak your or- ders r- de SC TT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Phone 527.08 '7af orth Box 160 9-14-tf 10. Tsed Care nor Sale 1'964 Ford Gal,aerie sedan, automatic:, power Steering, and brakes. Call Clinton,. 482-3802, after 5. . 10-15x2 g7 10. Used Cars For Sale 13. Wanted , WANTED' Cucumber growers for Rose Brand pickles. We have: Top prices Free pickup at farm Hybrid seed. For information and con- tract, write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd., Guelph. 13-15-3 1960 Morris Oxford . sedan, 20,000 miles. Apply Box 154.7, Huron Expositor. 10-16-1 11. Articles For Sale QUANTITY of mixed grain. Harold Dietz, Dublin, phone 126 R 6. 11-16x1 EIGHT hundred bales second cut hay.. Joe Connolly, 527- 1578, RR 1, Dublin. 11-16x1 MARTIN Orme piano, in good condition. Phone 527- 0827, Preston Dallas. 11-16-1 ONE thousand bales of hay; 500 bales of straw. John Jan- sen, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 527-1677. 11-16x1 NINE hundred bales of mix- ed hay. Phone 431 J 4, Brus- sels, Ross Bennett, Walton. 11-16x1 QUANTITY of mixed grain; hot water heater. Phone 527- 0107; Seaforth, James Axt, mann, RR 2, Walton. 11-16-2 WINDMILL, 30' high, with 5' wheel. Phone 4$2-9945, Clinton, Mac Wilson, Bruce - 11 -16x1 TURQUOISE and white baby buggy, $20. Phone 527-0699, Mrs. Harold Dodds, RR 4, Walton. 11-15-3 LARGE meets • of heavy cardboard, each 34" x 44", while . they last, 20 cents each. Huron Expositor. 11-15x2 ELM wood for sale by the cord or in the tops; 2 pails of frozen raspberries. Harold Storey, phone 527-1057. 11-16x1 U - D Warner 350 electric brooder; International) 12- tooth cultivator, good condi- tion. Wilmer Turner, Varna, phone Hensall, 262-5334. 11-16x1 PCV Licence, Class F. Inter- ested parties phone Hensall, .262-5042.. 11-16:1 VIKING electric cream sep- arator, ineNoe-le condition; 2 DeLaval milker units; stain- less. steel pailand lid. Phone 482-9903. 11-16-1 CHINA cabinet; modern 3/4 bed frame; modern chest of drawers and dresser; wood- en rocking chair; oak buffet; cedar chest; ,.electric stove; formal dress, size 16: Phone 527-0458. 11-16-1 GIRL'S poncho dress, Ter- relene and linen, size junior 11; brown 2 -piece dress, with 'pleated skirt,. size 12; ,navy blue pleated skirt, size 12; girl's CCM 28 -inch bicycle, new tires, good condition. -May see forenoons or even- ings. Mrs. J. M. Nagle, Dub-. lin, phone 134. 11-16*1 FOR SALE — Repossessed Singer Zig Zag .sewing ma- chine, in portable cabinet. Does fancy stitches, button- holes. Can be had for balance swing, $57.00 cash or $8.00 monthly Dealer. Write Box 1544, , Huron Expositor. 11-15x2 WANTED Someone to take over pay- ments on RE -POSSESSED Singer_ automatic zig zag sewing machine) All the fancy patterns are yours. Re- gular $239.00, balance $61.00 or $6.00 per month, your Old machine 'accepted as down payment.,GUARANTEED. Dealer. Wrie Box 1545, The Huron Expositor. ' 1.1-16x2 SILVERWARE SPECIAL Community Plate coffe spoons, box of 4. reg. $5.00, now r/z price, $2..50. 4 pat- terns to choose from. Lady Hamilton, Affection, Morn- ing Rose, Artistry. ANSTETT JEWELLERS - LTD. 11-15-tf Pierced Earrings ' lb -PRICE AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS I TD. Buy now and beat " the tax 11-14-tf SEED GRAIN G own from Registered Seed. ada No. 1, Herta Barley Canada No. 1, Russell Oats Canada No,,, 1, Clintland 60 Oats Canada No. 1, Selkirk Spring Wheat Mixed Grain available front the above seed. LORNE FELL, Staffa, phone 116 R 11, Dublin. 11-12x5 SEED FOR SALE Garry Oats, certified Russell Oats, registered. Keystone Barley, certified. Red Clover, cleaned and test- ed Mixtures available with or without spring wheat. RUSSELL BOLTON, phone 527-1428 ART BOLTON, phone 527-0455 11-14-tf 12. Wanted To Buy HAY and straw. Len Watson, 13 Tullamore Road, Bramp- ton, phone 451-4804. 12-13-5 ANTIQUE furniture, picture amen, cupboards, tames+ and diabos, ate, Wilt buy indd3iVidual pdecis' or comlete imueeboltl. Phone 271-1578. 12 -14 -ti 14. Property For 'Sale LOT for sale, in Egmondville. Harold Workman, phone 527- 0458. 14-16=1 HOUSE for sale in Egmond- ville. 3 bedrooms, gas fur- nace,_ bathroom, new roof, and extra lot. House needs` some repair. Phone 527-0452. 14-14-tf COMPLETELY renovated, modern 4 -bedroom house, in Hensall, close to business section. Extra lot, low taxes: Ellison Forrest phone 262- 5076, Hensall. I4-14-tf FRAME house, with instil brick siding, on . West Street. Six rooms, with bath, oil furnace, newly decorated last year. Phone 262-2041 or 527-0735. 14-16-2 ONE hundred and fifty acre farm, good clay loam, well drained; barn 50' x 60', cement stabling; implement shed; hen house; 7 -room brick house, hydro, pressure system. Farm 11/2 milles from No. 4 Highway, on Conces- sion 6, Morris Township. Er- nest Noble, RR 4, Brussels, Ont.,- -phone --523-•9438-,-- . 14-15x8 REAL ESTATE FARMS FARMS 100 acre farm,' 10 -room brick house, large barn, 60 x 60 and 35 x 40. Close to Blyth. Price $23,000.00 Close to Auburn, highway farm, 100 acres, 10 -room house, plenty of water, (bath) furnace; large barn, 60 x 65, Close to Auburn; highway farm, 100 acres, 10 room house, good. barn., milkhouse. Close to Auburn. 100 acres, 11 -room house, baths, barn, 56 x- 58, henhouse 105 x 45, driveshed, silk), price $22,000. Close to Auburn, 10 -room house, barn 54 x 52; 27 x 18, 65 acres, broiler contract, 9,000 broilers, price $16,000. Close to Londesboro,, 30 acres, 9-r'oom house, -barn -54 x 36, including 30 sows, •tractor, plow, disc. Price $13,000. North of Goderich, high- way 21, 144 acres, 7 -room, house, bath, oil furnace, barn 45 x 56, large driveshed, price $22,000- 140 acres, 9'2room house, (bath), oil furnace, barn 80 x' 45, drilled well, milkhouse, 4 -unit milking parlor, tie-up for 56 cows.. Price $42,000. Close to Dungannon, . 200 acres, 150 acres workable land, 10 -room stone --house, bath, furnace, large barns, 55x70,34x48and 18x30, 24 x44. 117 acres, Highway 21, 7 - room house, barn. 74 x 34. Price $21,00.0. 160 acres - 8. -room house., good barn, silo. Concession 4, Goderich Township. 4 miles from Clinton, 105 acres, 8 -room house, good barns, -alb, tie-up for 30 cows, stable cleaner. Hullett Township, 210 acres, 9 -room house, barn 30 x 72; 36 x 70; 20 -x 26: 40 milk cows, 20 heifers. all implements, milk contract; open $10,000 yearly, price $47,500. Dublin, 100 acres, 9 -room house, bath', oily furnace, new double garage,' new barn, milkhouse, bulk cooler. two- storey henhouse, 156 x 28, 33 milk cows. Londesboro, 156 acres, 10 - room brick house, large barns, 42 x 66; 35 x 56; 29 x 18, silo, milkhouse, bulk cooler, price $31,000. Close to Clinton, 180 acres, 8 -room house, good barn 42 milk cows and heifers, all the implements, price $33,000 Close to Clinton, Highway, 320 acres, 2 houses, all con- veniences, large barn, can be bought with 90 head of dairy cows , and heifers and all the implements. Close to Clinton, highway, 220 acres, 10 -room house, large. barn, can be bought with cattle and implements, milk contract. 115 acres, 7 -room house, good barn, driveshed, silo, 20 milk cows and implements, price $28,000. 95 acres, 8 -room house, large barn, 20 milk cows, Goderich Township. Price $23,000. 10 acres, good buildings, between Clinton and Goder- ich, Highway 8,'price $10,500 1.00 acres of land on High- way- 8, Holmesville, price $10,000. • Lovely house in, the Village of Walton, price $12,000. Ch,11 C. BURUMA RR 2, Clinton, phone 482-3287 Salesman for JOHN ROSVELD T eaford, Ontario. 14-16.1' 14. Property For Sale FARM FOR SALE 140 acres, good buildings, clay loam land, in cash .crop area of Stanley Township. Immediate possession. ° HAROLD JACKSON - Realtor, Phone 527-0640, Seaforth, Ontario. 14-16-2 FOR SALE 300 acre farm, 2 silos, 2 harps, 1 60 x 65, 1 36 x 56. Room to tie-up 50 head of cattle. Very modern home. 200 acres workable land, 40 acres pasture, 20 acres maple bush aha- 40 acres rock elm and ash. This timberland will be very valuable in the near future. Price $37,000, $1,0,000 down, balance long term mortgage. 5 houses in Seaforth, pric- ed from $2,000 to $20,000. Joseph McConnell Realtor, Victoria St., Seaforth. 14-16-1 -GODERICH sr. WEST Cape Cod style, moderniz- ed home, white with pink shutters, broadloom wall to wall; bathroom's` upstairs and down;'Comp-Tete, comfortable, inviting. Two -car garage, • in centre of residential district. Phone for an appointment. WILLIAM •M. HART Seaforth Salesman GEO. R. JOHNSTON Real Estate 14-16-1 15. Property For Rent STORE and apartment: See J. C. Crich. 15-15-2 MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex -e titer, 235-1510. 15-14-tf APARTIVfENTS, $16 to $60. Apply Harvey Dale, phone 527-1406. 15-10x8 APARTMENT; ; on Main St:; heated with gas furnace, available shortly. Box 1540, Huron Expositor. 15-12xtf 'OR RENT — Apartment,. vailab1e now, with private entrance, - close to uptown. For further information call 527-1352. . 15-14-tf ROOMY two-bedroom.. apart- ment, on Main Street. Batn- room, kitchen, 3 -piece bath, heated by recently installed gas furnace. Now available. Phone 527-0241. 15-15x2 ONE -bedroom, self contained• apartment, ` Goderich Street East. Bath, kitchen, large living, room. Pleasant sur- roundings. Now available. Phone 527-0241. 15-15x2 NOW FLUNK(); FOR111 NEXT PARTOF YOUR DRIVERS TEST, 111 SHOW YOU SLIDES OF VARIOUS :ROAD SYMBOLS, AND Yt,)U TELUAE WHAT THEY MEAN H:.. iii4R011 E]cP #!SI',O i $0A0OftitifC *wt.,1Ye 1'1 i w11 15. Property For Rent THREE - bedroom upstairs apartment. Harold 'Jackson, Seaforth. 15.-16-2 TWO 100 -acre pasture farms, good pasture, never failing water. A. Shanahan,142 Joseph St., Clinton, phone 482-3802. 15-16x3 SELF contained, attractive apartment, one bedroom, a larga living room, full bath- room, kitchen. Box 1541, Huron. Expositor. 15-12xtf 17. Wanted To Rent HIGH School teacher and family, 3 children, wish nice clean cottage in Village of Bayfield, first 3 weeks in August Write R. W. Lans- peary, 1598 Cherrylawn Cr., Windsor„ 17-16-1 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED' Modern equipment used. All work guarargeed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442w6. Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-63x25 ni FCTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Raley, 163 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. - 19-14-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives sf Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R._16, -Dublin. Call Collect 19-14-tf SINGER Sales and Service, sewing machines vacuole clean- ers, floor polishers, and type- writers. Call Jim McGregor, phone '527-1486. 19-14-tf MASONRY service — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; basements repaired, water- proofed and white. coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire phone 527-1'332, Box 335, Seaforth. 19-14-tf WATCH REPAIRS ,.—••FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT • JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-14-tf N--TICE Township of Hibbert • In order to facilitate Snow Plowing operations in the Township of Hibbert, the public is asked not to park cars on the Township Roads. The Council of the Town- ship of Hibbert will not be responsible for damages - to, any vehicle parked on the' Township roads. ANNE BURCHILL, Clerk -Treasurer. 19-13-6 ROAD CURVES '-7O 1-tE RIGHT 19. Notices VACUUM "Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice or all takes, Filter OO,een Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350 Hensall. .-- 19-14-tf INTERIOR, exterior paint- ing. Eldon Jarrott, I3ru.cefi0d, phone Clinton, 482-7544. 19.-15x3 FLANNERY CLEANERS Main Street, Seaforth Phone 527-0250. 19-16-1 FOR_. AUCTIQN SALE SERVICE that is most efficient and courteous call Wright Auc- tioneer. phone Mensal), 262-5482 Percy Wright, Cromarty, 19-13-8 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 19-14-tf TOWN of SEAFORTH Dog Tax for 1966. IS NOW DUE Male dog $6, each additional $9; female dog $_2, eech ad- ditional $15; spayed female, nee same as a male Tags nowTOWN IeCLERK'S OFFICE ' 19-14-3 20. .-Auction Saks CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing AuctiojSale, on MONDAY, MARCH 28th, at 1 p.m., at Lot 13, Con: 6, of Stanley Township, 2 miles South of Varna. MACHINERY — Cockshutt 35, live power take -off trac- tor; Allis-Chalmers C trac- tor; Cockshutt 350 baler, (new); Mayrath bale elevat- or, 40 -ft. long; Cockshutt 4 - bar side rake; International 6 -ft. mower; 'International 3 - furrow plow, .on rubber; In- ternational 7 -ft. binder; Her- gott threshing machine, 28 - inch, with shredder; Allis- Chalmers No. -68 oWer' take' off combine; John Deere 10 - inch hammer mill; Viking el- ectric hammer mill, (new); Knight power take -off man- ure spreader; -rubber tired wagon, with racks; , 120 gal. gas barrel); 2 -wheel trailer; 2 -unit Hyman milking ma- chine: McCormick -Deering electric cream separator; Pioneer., chain • saw, (nearly new); 20.0 -ft, snow fence, (new); 75 -ft. endless hammer mill belt, (new); dehorners; hydro electric fencer. Approximately 1.500. bales 20 Auctio ales n imed,- lay TERMS-�Cosh, no reserv'e,.. farm sold. r ALF 4 BRIICZ JO1 1SEON,,.' PrOn0:090, Harold, 'Jaen}, Auctlgln¢er,. 20404 CLEARIM AUCTION" $,E Clearing Auction Sale of Hereford Cattle, Power Ma- ..' ch eery, EaY, onto act d Household Effects, at ,L,ot 9, Con. 7, Morris Township, 21/2 miles South and 5 nilly West of Brussels, dr 2 miles East` of No. 4 Highway,- on WED- NESDAY, MARCH 23rd, at 12 o'clock sharp. MACHINERY 1964. 1 - ton Ford truck, racks, •(12,090 miles); Super 6 Internation- al tractor, .A-1 condition; 'In- ternational Farman A trac• - tor; tarps; 3 -furrow Interna- tional plow; tractor disc; 3 - section drag harrows; dia- mond harrows;.' 13 -disc John Deere fertilizer seed drill, (new)_;- 7 -ft. Ma_ssey rris binder; Mount Forest thresh- ing machine, 28 -inch, fully equipped with cutter, 120 -ft. drive belt; 6 -ft mower; side rake; 2 rubber tired wagons; 16 -ft. hay racks; Internation- al manure spreader; New Holland 34 -ft. ,hay elevator; 1 H.R. . motor; electric Vik- ing cream separator; 2,000 - lb. scales; grain box; wheel barrow; hose; 2 steel water troughs; snow fence; posts. CATTLE — Registered Hereford bull, 3 years old; 10 registered Hereford cows, due in March._and_r April 3 grade cows; 2 butcher heif- ers; 27 Hereford steers, short keep, 1050 lbs.; 1 Holstein cow, due time of sale; 11, year-old Hereford steers; 3, year-old Hereford heifers. PIGS — 32 chunks. POULTRY — 125 Hybrid hens, 10 months ,old. ' HAY and GRAIN — 1,500 r, bales mixed hay; 12 tons of mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Co-Op. refrigerator, (like newt; Westinghouse 4 -burn- er electric stove; cook stove; Quebec heater; Rogers Ma- jestic 21 -inch television; radio; kitchen table, chairs; buffet; drop head Singer sewing machine; clocks; mir- rors; 3 -piece chesterfield suite; organ; accessional chairs; rockers; small tables; pictures; vacuum cleaner; washing machine. - Other articles too numer- ous to mention. .TERMS --Cash, No reserve, -farm sold. THOMAS and WILLIAM KELLY, Proprietors: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. See Page 12 For - Additioflal Classified REV UP 10 X004 AND, BOUNCE 11 E•CLUTCH' J. UiE u� � �`•.t� �1 � , I1 d,1 I4A V t,OPA s HENRY -GRAB `FOUR 1-IACKSAW AND COME TO GKWIRES ee STUDIO! YOU MEAN - THAT FELLOW WHO WELDS& THAT MODERN VES -HIS WIFE PHONED TO. SAY HE INCLUDED HIN'i5ar tN 1 -its NEW MAATERDIEC'E- BY MISTAKE!