HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-17, Page 101G -,THE HURON E(.PQSITOR,, •,.EAFORTH;, Ot!it, 044%R. 17, 1 ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Road East - Goderich Phone 524-9521 DID YOU KNOW . that Sun Life of Canada is ens of the world's leading life insurance companies, with 150 branch offices throughout North America? As the Sun Life rsprsseid• atioe in your cwnmmfta, may I be of nerviest? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 271-3000 - - 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada INCOME TAX The first payment of self-employed persons into the Canada Pension Plan is due March 31st. If you made less than $1700 last year you may pay your whole contribution on December 31st. "Earnings" do not in- clude income from investments, but are as shown in your Incom. ,;.,'[ x return. Make your return early and avoid pen- alties. H. G. MEIR, Counsellor TAX RETURNS AND APPEALS Contract Your Bean Acreage at E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. - Quality Michigan and Ontario - Sanilacand Seaway Seed - Fertilizer Supplied - EPTAM Available FERTILIZER WE HAVE BAGGED OR BULK HARRISTO i FERTILIZER Available At Competitive ..Prices SPRING SEED Registered,. Certified and Commercial . Spring Seed Available .-SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL E. L. Mickle &Son Ltd. HENSALL - Phone 262-2714 Central School Board Approves $500 Increase An increase of approximately $40,000 was granted by the Cen- tral Huron Secondary School Board, Clinton, to the school's staff of 73 teachers. for 1966-67 salaries. The $700 across the board increase requested by the teachers was turned down, and a $500 increase was approved by both parties. Half of a $400 increase requested for co-ord- inators, department heads and directors was also approved. Robt. Elliott, Goderich Town- ship representative on t h e board, who chairs the Study and Welfare Committee, called the increase "substantial". He add- ed that the board must accept the fact that they had been pay- ing below the provincial aver- age in teacher salaries last year. John Lavis, Clinton, stated that the dew schedule is similar to that of the Exeter board at South Huron Secondary School. The new rates will be: Cate- gory I, minimum $5,300 (was $4,800), maximum $9,000, (was $8,500; Category II, minimum Levy Is Increased By Board The 1966 education levy on eight supporting municipalities was increased by more than $24,000 at a meeting of the Central Huron Secondary School Board in Clinton Wednesday night. The board approved the $930,955 budget for 1966, . as pre- sented by Norman Counter, Clin- ton, a Huron County representa- tive on the 14 -member board. This will require a tax levy of $194,511.00, as compared . to $170,208.00 of last year. Total assessment for the school area is $10,858,225.00. The board op- erated on a total budget in 1965 of $891,434,00. - Provincial grants this year are estimated at $370,703.00, an 'in- crease of $43,285.00, or 39.9% of the total revenue; tuition fees, $319,217.00, a decrease of $12,688.00, or 34.5% of the to- tal revenue. A 1965 surplus of more than $42,000.00 will .be carried. Cost of instruction by the 72 teachers and the princil'al will represent 59.6% of the expen- ditures, or $649,298.00. Teachers' salaries wall be increased by close to $40,000. Other expendi- tures budgeted for are: ad- ministration, $55,343.00, an in- crease of $9,656.00; plant oper- ation and maintenance, $77,510, an increase of $8,791.00; auxil- iary services, $7,169.00, an in- crease of $2,741.00; transporta- tion, $56,000.00, a jump of. $1,- 048.00; new addition, $17,893.00;. land development, $11,583.00, an increase of approximately $3,000.00; debenture debt charg- es, $47,512.00-.a- decrease- ,of approximately $400.00. The bud- get calls for an adjustment of $6,136.00 for fees to the send- ing boards, that is Seaforth, Ex- eter, Goderich and Clinton. INSURANCE WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. BEAT the TAX TIRE SALE 40% DISCOUNT. ALL SIZES FIRST LINE GOODYEAR -FIRESTONE -DOMINION Seaforth Motors Phone 527-1750 0 4 Operi Evenings • • Seaforth • No Reasonable Offer Refused k $3,600 ($5,100), maximum $9,- 300 ($8,800); Category III, mini- mum $6,200 ($5,700), ,maximum $10,500 ($9,800); Category IV, minimum $6,600 ($6,100), maxi- mum $10,900 ($10,200). Co-ordjators. in addition to their regular salaries, will re- ceive an additional $500; de- partment heads, $1,100, and di- rectors, $1,400. Mr. Elliott suggested that some arrangements be made, if the other secondary school boards in the area are inter- ested, to hold a meeting in the near future to "get the feel- ing of the other boards regard- ing salary schedules". Effective Sept. 1, 1966, will be an increase in the maximum salaries for the office staff. Sec- retaries will have a maximum of $3,800, an increase, of $100, while the minimum will remain the same at $2,700; clerk -typists will receive a maximum of $3,- 100, also an increase of $100, while their minimum will stay at $3,000. ' There will be no change in the pay for part-time clerk -typists, which has been a minimum of $1.00 per hour and $1.50 maximum. A request for an allowance for experience was turned down. The board accepted the resig- nation of Mrs. Mary Lynn Mor- rison, Clinton, as clerk -typist, as her husband has been trans- ferred. The resignation was' al- so accepted of Ed. Dennis, who has taught mathematics since Huron F- of A ---- Meets The Huron County Federa tion of Agriculture called for amendments to the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board Act at a special Sembers' meet- ing of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture in Toronto on Friday. Decision to seek the change was "taken -Thursday, when 2 directors of the Huron Count Federation, meeting in Clinton favored legislation which would make public hearings of appeal mandatory in any dispute be- tween a local marketing board and the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board. The directors also wish a compulsory hear- ing. within 60 days of the pro- vincial board announcing its in- tention to dissolve a local board. In addition, a vote of the producers to elect new di- rectors to any board replacing a dissolved board within 30 days of the completion. of the in- quiry into the old board's dis- solution, is sought. Charles Thomas, of Brussels, president of the county federa- tion, and Alfred Warner, Bay- field, third vice-president, pre- sented the resolutions at the Toronto meeting. In a brief discussion which preceded the presentation of the resolution by Resolution Committee chairman, Mr. War- ner, Elmer. Hunter, RR 3, Gode- rich, asked if any of the direc- tors had learned why the Farm Products. Marketing Board, had taken over the Bean Board. Mr. Thomas replied that nothing on the matter has been made pub- lic, while Mr. Warner said that it has been stated that there have been faults on both sides. Mrs. Brenda Brooks, Blyth, was appointed the federation's new secretary .to -succeed Mrs. Florence Elliott, Clinton. Mrs. Elliott, who has acted in this capacity for the past four years, is leaving the community.' Mrs. Brooks, whose application was one of two received, will re- ceive $1.20 an hour, and her work week will be three hours, each morning, Monday -to Fri- day. The Education Committee, headed by Mr. 'Hunter, was ap- pointed by, Mr. Thomas to con- sider plans for the observance of the federation's 25th anni- versary later this year. The compiittee will report to the April meeting 'of the directors. Mr. Warner, as chairman of the publicity committee, was instructed to start plans for the annual survey ,paper which is printed prior to the federation's annual meeting in November. s 4 Y • Classified ads pay dividends. GRT A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES • SSRVICE • INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEPIELD SALES .•- SERVICE Phone Collect: 482.9250 w Clinton joining the stat in 1963. Be- cause he is leaving the com- munity, the resignation was ac- cepted from Ewan Ross, -Gode- rich Township, as a deputy at- tendance officer. A request for a $100 salary increase was re- fused Donald Cooper, custodian. The board approved the trans- fer of Mrs. Melba Whetham, Seaforth, from the Home Eco- nomics department, to the Guid- ance Department as of Sept. 1, 1966. The board favored the re- quest for William Craig, tech- nical director, to display the various articles of woodwork- ing, metal, etc., made by the vo- cational. students, . in stores in Seaforth, Exeter, Goderich and Clinton. Norman Counter, Clin- ton, the board's representative on the advisory Committee, said that there are many people in the area who .haven't children attending the school and are therefore not aware of what is being done in the vocational department. Principal` Robert Homuth re ported that there has been a decrease of 42- -pupils since opening day last September. The enrolment on March 1 was 1,114. Mr. Homuth reported that "very' few staff changes are anticipated". Classified ads pay dividends. YOUR RED CROSS THANKS .YpU FOR. YOUR HELP To aU • Tenders In April It is expected that plans and specifications for the proposed $467,000 addition to the Cen- tral Huron Secondary, School at Clinton will be completed by the architect by April 5th, af- ter which •tenders will be call- ed, The addition will include four classrooms, a typing room, one special classroom, a merchan- dising room, a boys' occupation- al shop and an electric shop. Norman Counter, Clinton, who represents the board on the ad- visory vocational committee, told the regular.meeting.of the board, that the. A.V.C. had re- quested to sit in at a meeting with the school board and the architest to study the plans. The cost of the addition will be largely borne. by .govern- ment grants. In the 1966 bud- get, brought down by the board March 9th, $17,893 was estimat- ed under expenditures for the new addition: ,- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 - John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire,. Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical ' Services • Wind Insurance We Are in the Market for SEED OATS • Gary Rodney • Russell Registered, Certified or Canada No. 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID We are now taking Corn Shelled or on the Cob. W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. Hensall 'Phone 262-2527 WAN7',ADS.BRING QUICK RESULT: Dial 527-0240 1 66 )C EQUIREMENTS BEANS 1966 Bean Contracts for SEED - FERTILIZER - CHEMICALS CH.EMICALS- We have recently become the Warehouse for Chipman Chemicals for this area and will have a large stock of all Herbicides, Insecticides, Seed Treatments._. and Spray • Equipinerit. EPTAM-$23.00 (spring); $24.00 gal. (contracted) EPTAM is now competitive in cost for weed control in beans, and has prdven itself well in this area. SEED GRAIN - _Carr. No. Rodney, Russell, Clintland- . 1.80 Garry Oats 1.90 Keystone, Herta, York, Brant Barley 2.35 Selkirk Wheat 3.40 T. P. Rye 2.45 Buckwheat 2.0.0 Crest or Merit Soybeans ... . 4.15 • MIXED GRAIN 1. fodney 65%, Herta 20%, Selkirk4l5% 2. Rodney 65%, Herta 35% 3.. Garry 65%, Herta 20%, Selkirk 15% 4. Garry 65%1 Herta 35% SEED CORN -Warwick and Northrup King CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS - Cert. No. 1 1.95 2.15 2.50. 3.50 Reg. No. 1 2.05 2.25 2.60 3.60. 50 bus. or more - 5c per bus. discount 100 bus. or more - 10'c per bus. discount All seed is treated in heavy 2 -bushel paper bags •a ALL -CAN. NO. 1 MIXTURES $4.90 per 'Bag , All' above mixtures are packed in 85-1b. paper bags. • Sow at the rate of 1 bag acre. All orders over 50 bags, 10c discount Can. No. 1 Timothy Cert. No. 1 Climax Timothy Cert. No. 1 Dupuits Alfalfa Cert. No. 1 Verpal Alfalfa Can. No. 1 Alfalfa Canadian Can. No. 1 D. C. Red Clover Can. 'No. 1 Alsike Cert. No. 1 Ladino Clover Can. No. 1 White -Dutch Clover ... .27 Can. No. 1 White Sweet Clover ... . .33 -Can. No. 1 Yellow Sweet Clover . .79 Cert. No. 1 Seratoga Brome Grass . . .65 Can. No. 1 U.S. Lincoln Brome Grass .50 Cert. No. 1- Frode Orcha-rd Grass .. . .37 Can. No, 1 Danish OrO'hard Grass . .28 - Can. No. 1 Perennial Rye Grass ... . .77 Can No. 1 Meadow Fescue .59 Terms . 17 .16 .65 .28 .45 . 32 .23 .41 FERTILIZER -- We will, be able to custom blend fertilizer to meet your particular needs this Spring. This will be handled only in bulk for added convenience and saving to you. Your savings will be $2.00 ton pick up, $5.00 ton bulk on any fertilizer.• We have 3 - 4 ton bulk spreaders to serve you. at $2.00 ton rental charge. We will also have six popular blends on the floor in bags. Pick up discount $2.00 ton. 15-15-15 $91.00 ' 3-15-9 .5-20-20 79.00 8-16-8 $60.00 .. 72.00 8-32-16 99.00 ' 4-24-20 85.00 CEMENT - $1.15 bag, paper or plastic EQUIPMENT - Fall line of Rosco Metal Products. Bins, Roofing, Siding, Bulk Feed Bins, Farm Gates, Barn Ventilators. Touren Gravity Grain Boxes and Wagons. " Mitchell Fertilizer & Supply Ltd. Built By Fgrmers For Farmers - 3484627 x 5