HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-17, Page 84,1 8:,* -THE' HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAR. 17, 1966 NEWS OF HENSALL Discuss Medicare With kinsmen Dr. J. C. Goddard was guest speaker at the dinner meeting of Hensall Kinsmen Thursday night and discussed the Medi- care scheme. Vice-president Murray Baker, who presided for the meeting, introduced the speaker, who was thanked by Harold Knight, who presented a gift. Plans were finalized for the Shamrock Ball at the local Arena Friday, March 25. Kins- men and Kinettes will provide entertainment for the patients of Goderich Ontario Hospital March 23rd. John Thomas Johnston Jahn Thomas Johnston, a pa- tient at Queensway Nursing Home for one year, died sud- denly Thursday of a heart at- tack. A native of British Col- umbia, he came to Hensall from London. Ile was in his 78th year. Sur'vivin'g is one sister in British Columbia. Private fun- eral services were held from Bonthron Funeral Chapel Sat- urday morning, conducted by Rev. J. -C. Boyne. Interment was in Hensall Union Ceme- tery. The Girl Guide§ of the First Zurich Company visited with the Hensall Girl Guides at their regular meeting Tuesday eve- ning; C"ampfire singing was in charge of the Zurich girls. Mrs. Gordon Troyer is a pa- tient in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Mr and_.1Vlr-s. Oswald Brown: of Detroit, Mich., .and. MrS. Mar- guerite Ulch, Windsor. were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Little and family. Mr. John F. Ingram has pur- chased the property of the late Matthew England on Queen St., and has sold his property on Brock .St. to Mr. Don •Travers. Mrs. Jean Turvey was in To- ronto over the weekend attend- ing a hair stylist convention. Mr. and Mrs. James McAllis- ter and Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan left Thursday for a five weeks' vacation to New Orleans and through to' Arizona. Damage $250 • An accident , last Thursday caused $250 damages but no in- juries, Chief,.E. R, Davis, who investigated; stated. Theodore Saint, Clinton, travelling north on No. 4 ,Highway, and Jack Wisdorf, Willowdale, also trav- elling north, were in collision at Mill Street and No. 4. WMS Meets 1'he March meeting of the Senior Women's Missionary So- ciety of Carmel Presbyteiia'n Church was held Thursday af- ternoon last, with president Mrs. Earl Campbell opening with a word of welcome to the thir- teen members who attended;' For the devotional period, in charge of Mrs. R. A. Orr, five ladies took part, namely: Mrs. Harry Snell, who spoke on "In- dia"; Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, "Formosa"; Mrs. Al Hoggarth, "Nigeria"; Mrs. George Walz, "British Guiana"; Mrs. Harvey Hyde, "Japan and Korean Chris- tian Church." Word was received of the sudden ,,passing of ..Mr. Se.aton, of Brockville, who died of a heart attack while returning home from the hospital where he had been a patient. He was the father of Mrs. Ross Mac- Donald, of Rodney, formerly of. Hensall, and often visited here on many occasions. Hensall Pee 'Wees in two re- cent exhibition hockey games, defeated Seaforth Pee Wees 2-1 in a game at Seaforth on Satgr- day, and also defeated Lucan Pee Wees 5-1 on Monday. Mrs. Gus Voth, of Birming- ham, Mich., was a weekend visi- tor with her'm`other, Mrs. Louise Simpson. Mrs. George Hess, Mrs. J. E. McEwen and Mrs. Annie Reid, Hensall, and Mrs: Valerie Arm- strdng and Mrs. Harold Beaver, Exeter, were guests of Radio Coffee Club. London, Saturday, and were entertained to. a fash- ion show at the Odeon Theatre, a_ musical program and a .film; "Madam X," Hensall Pee Wees lost the first game of the WOAA play - downs to Mildmay with an 8-5 score in favor of Mildmay, Sat- urday afternoon at Mildmay. Next game in the series is at Hensall Friday evening, Mar. 18, at 8 p.m. Mr. Ross Jinks, of London, formerly of Hensall, underwent surgery at Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday. - If You Want To Live Within Your Income: • SHY AWAY FROM "EASY" PAYMENT PLANS • STAY AWAY FROM REVOLVING CREDIT AND CHARGE ACCOUNT PURCHASES • DON'T BE AN IMPULSE BUYER • BEFORE ,MAKING ANY MAJOR PURCHASE SEE.... CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT `UNION LIMITED 482-3467 - KIPPEN Kippen 44-1 Club met Satur- day evening at the honle of Mrs. Gary Triebner, when of- ficers were elected: President, Lois Wright; vice - president, Brenda. Triebner; pianist, Gail Henderson; press reporter, Lyn- da Workman. The name, "Kippen's Mad Hatters" was decided upon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Dave Triebner. Mr. Harry Norris has sold his farm, RR 3, Kippen to Messrs. Nic and Peter Oud, who take possession immediately. The many friends of Mr. Viv- an Cooper will regret hearing he is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, having had eye trouble. Mr. John Cooper returned home a week ago after being hospitalized in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and is report- ed .to be improving in health. Mrs. , Marguerit Ulch, Wind- sor, and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Brown, Detroit, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. UCW Meets The UCW met Tuesday eve- ning with 28 •ladies in attend- ance. The roll call was an- swered by naming your fav- orite Irish song. Preparations. were discussed for the Easter thankoffering meeting, April 12. The scripture was taken by Mrs. Laird Finlayson, and the hostesses were Mrs. Wm. Con- sitt and, Mrs. Gerald Moffatt. Mrs, Rena Caldwell gave an in- teresting talk on her re -cent trip to Australia. Bowlers Hold Euchre The March euchre and bridge of - the Seaforth Ladies Lawn Bowling' Club was held Monday knight at th'e home of Mrs. Grace Broadfoot. There were three tables of euchre, the prize be- ing won by Thelma Dale, and donated by Mary Finlayson. The 'bridge prize was won by Mrs. T. Flynn, and donated. by -Janet Cluff. The next euchre and bridge will be, held at the ,home of. Mrs. Mae Habkirk Monday eve- ning. Mrs. Janet Schneider ex- pressed appreciation. Mark Retirement Over forty employees of the CNR and "friends from Clinton, Seaforth, St. Marys, Granton, Ailsa Craig, Camlachie, Exeter and Hensall, honored Asa Deeves, of `HensaZT, at a party Friday night in the Legion Hall and presented him with a. gold wrist watch on the occasion of hisretirement recently after 31 years of service as sectionman of the CNR Mrs. Deeves was presented with gold earrings and pin. A. social hour was enjoyed' playing cards, with dancing an added feature - of the evening with music supplied by Cecil Maxwell on the violin, Don Mc- Curdy on the banjo, and Miss Mar.ilyn Maxwell at the piano. In' charge of arrangements were Mrs. Cecil Maxwell, Mrs. Doug Maxwell, ,.Miss Marilyn Maxwell and Mrs. Garnet Allan. °M'orris Council Morris Township Council met Monday. Motions approved in- cluded: By Walter Shortreed and Ross Smith: That we adopt the engineer's report on the Mc- Arthur Drain and instruct the Clerk to prepare the by-laws. By Walter Shortreed and Jas.. Mair: That the . Township of Morris request approval of. the Department of the following transfers in 1965 road expendi- ture by-laws: Transfer $3,-597.451 from construction reads to con- struction bridges; transfer $3,- , 900.13 from maintenance bridg- I es to maintenance roads. .13y Walter Shortreed and Jas. Mair: That we accept tender of George Radford Construction Ltd. for supplying, crushing and delivering approximately 20,- 000 cubic yards gravel at 85c per cubic yard. Tenders receiv- ed were: George Radford Con- struction, 83c; Joe Kerr Limited, 83c; Sandy Contracting Co., 92c. By Ross Smith and William Elston. That tender of Murray Reid to spray cattle at 10 cents per head be accepted. Mair and Shortreed: That we charge 15c per head for spray- ing cattle. By Mair and Shortreed: That we hire Clem Steffler as warble fly inspector at $1:10 per hour and 5 cents per mile. By Elston and Smith: That Bylaw No. 5, 1966, road..expen- diture by-law for $63,000, be passed. By Mair and Shortreed: That we advertise again for assistant treasurer. General Accounts — • Wing - ham Advance -Times, advertise- ment, $3.78; Municipal World, supplies, ,$2.43; Ronnenberg In - surance Agency, bond for Treas- urer, $1,2; Hydro for hall, .$607; Blyth Fire Area, lire call and levy, $326; Department of Health, insulin, $643; Wingham Fire Area, fire calls and share of deficit, $779.19; Kilbarehan Nursing Home, $104.25; Wing - ham Advance -Times, 'advertis- ing, $7.29; Amos Smith, welfare acct., $56.55; James A. Howes, survey, plans, report, McArthur Drain, $300; John Brewer, ver- ifying tax arrears, $32; Ross Smith, convention expenses, $40; Wm. Elston, convention ex; penses, $40; James Mair, con- vention expenses, $40; W. R. Shortreed, convention expenses, $40; Stewart Procter, conven- tion expenses and mileage, $50; R. B. Williams, rent, $50; Cal- lander Nursing Home, $208.50; Helen Martin, salary, $119.00; Supertest, oil, $67.69. Road Accounts—Wm. McAr- ter, wages, mileage, bookkeep- ing, $198.40; James Casemore, wages; $310.50; John Smith, wages, $202.50; Daily Commer- cial News, tender calls, $29.40; Glenn Snell, snowplowing, $300; J. M. McDonald, sheet plywood, $7.42; Hydro for shed, $44.77; Mel Jermyn, snowplowing, $275; J. C. McNeil, oil and wiper re- pairs, $138.56; Glenn VanCamp, hauling gravel, $13.75; - George Radford, snowplowing, $178.50; Ideal Supply Co., battery and acid, $68.60; Dominion Road Machinery, filters, gauge and service call, $78.98; Morris Township, repairs to Smith Drain, $43.17; Alex- Inkley, oil, gas, fuel oil and tax, $238.93; Brussels Coal Yard, coal and stove oil, $103.80. Classified ads pay dividends. ,11 1 stat wte Entertains Husbm.,.s -Members of the Seaforth In- stitute entertained their hus- bands and friends when they met for a dinner 'meeting at the Commercial Hotel. During the business a letter Was read from the institute's adopted child in Hong' Kong. The members voted to continue the adoption for another year. Greetings were brought from the District WI by Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall, the diatriet presi- dent, and .Ken Stewart, Huron County Warden, spoke briefly. A mirror from the -Institute• has Keen installed in the Hospital. A humorous ,reading was giv- en by Mrs. Mae Hillebrecht. Contests and a sing -song fol- lowed. ' Following are the winners for euchre; h)gh, Mrs. H,4roid Hai ndahands,Jack Matey and garQld f iugill; low, Mrs. ]pe Uillebrecht and Leonard Stropg; lucky chair, Eldon Kerr; },I�t+r- est birthday, Mrs. Ken Stew- art. A vote of thanks to comazit- tees in charge was moved by 1,1rs. Lorne Dale. Safety -Tested USED CAR SALE! AT HURON COUNTY'S FINEST USED CAR MARKET 1-1965 Meteor Montcalm, 4 -Door H.T.- 8 cylinder 2-1965 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans 2-1965 Chev. Bel Airs -6 Cyl. and 8 Cyl. 1-1965 Chev. Impala Convertible, 8 2-1965 Chev. Impala 4 -Door H.T., 8 2-1964 Chev. Impala ' 283. 3-1964 Pontiac Laurentian Sedans—Auto- matic, fully equipped, 6 and 8's 1-1964 Dodge Polaris V-8, fully equipped 1-1962 Olds 4 -Door Station Wagon 1-1962 Pontiac Laurentian 4 -Door, A.T. 1-1962 Pontiac Parisienne 4 -door HT, V-8 , 2--1962 Meteor Custom Sedans, 6 and 8 A Written Guarantee 'for 60 Days on all Late BRUSSELS BRUSSELS PHONE 173—"The Home of Better Used Cars" 1962 Fontiac Strato-Chief, Standard 1-1962 Pontiac Parienne Convertible 8 1962 Falcon Sedan—A.T. 1-1961 Laurentian Sedan, 6 Cylinder 1-1959 Ford Galaxie' 500 4-Dood Hardtop, V-8, fully equipped A ' Wide Selection of Other Models, 1957 to 1960, to Choose From STATION WAGONS 1-1962 Pontiac 9 -Passenger TRUCKS 1-1964 Chev, 3-fibii.Pickup 1-1963 Chev. 1 -Ton Pickup, Long Box 2-1962. Chev. .%. Ton..Piekups, Long Box 2-1962 Chev. 1 -Ton Pickups, one long box, one short bole • Model Cars—Many other Models to choose from MOTORS ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING FLAX BEANS. CORN CONTRACTS AVAILABLE CONTACT US, ON ANY CONTRACT . • FOOD IS A BARGAIN DURING IGA's ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE 'MARCH 16-19 INCLUSIVE. WE RESERVE PUREX (Assorted Colours) . - BATHROOM TISSUE SCOTTIES (Asiorted Colours) Special Pack Rolls8 Pkgs. 8 FACIAL TISSUE .... , �_ a0o DORIC ,. PIE FILL ;i JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH LEMON OR RAISIN THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PRODUCT OF ISRAEL NEW CROP JAFFA • 320 -oz. 884e Jars 2 SWIFT'S • BeeF • STEWIrish 15 -oz. e • a.t Tins SWIFT'S PREM LUNC1IEON MEAT 2 64 -oz. 88„ Plastic Ctnrs 24 -oz. 88c Tins 2 12 -oz. Tins 99' SOMERDALE FROZEN . FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 89-°=� PkEs. 811" $ 00 ALL SWEET (Special Pack) PARCHMENT MARGARINE 3 Pkgs. TOP VALU T.OMATO.IUICE •.•..•.,... 48 -oz. Tins SHIRLEY GAY 24 -oz., CHERRY PIE + F°mily Pie lOc CREST TOOTHPASTE .... Family. Size Tube LOIN PORK ROAST (FILLET END) RANGES 5 -LB. BAG ONTARIO No. 1 . 79 TOP VALU POTATOES .. , . 50-Ibi, gag CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE • FANCY s - '690 MacINTOSH APPLES . `. Bog GOLDEN YELLO2W CHIQUITA BRAND lbs. BANANAS 3 FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST LOIN PORK ROAST (BONELESS) Seed Grain, Gross, Seed and - Forage Mixtures, AVAILABLE - ORDER TO -DAY ! Supplies of Seed Grains are limited on, some varieties. LIMITED E ONI ikf7.1910 SE AIrORTII "THE MOST VALUE FOR Tilt FARA/MR% DOLLAR" SEE THIS WEEK'S IGA HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTANDING VALUES!! �ORTH • • • • • • • • 4