HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-17, Page 64,41i4 HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAR. 17, 1966 Auspices Seaforth FRIDAY NIGHT 8:30 p.m. March 18th ORANGE HALL --- EVERYONE WELCOME — Admission 50c — Lunch Served PAR • Theatre GODERICH First Run Films in Air-con- ditioned Comfort! Entertain- ment is Our Business Wed., Thurs., Fri. March 16-17-18 THE CINCINNATI KID In Color, Starring Steve McQueen & Karl Malden ' Edward G. Robinson and Ann Margaret He Takes On Anyone At Any- time — It Was Only a Matter— Who Came First Two Showings At 7:15 and 9:20 p.m. Adult Entertainment Sat., Mon., Tues. March 19 - 21 - 22 Elvis Presley • STARS IN "GIRL. HAPPY" Elvis Jumps With the Campus Crowd — to Make the Beach Ball Bounce! It's in Color, Too TWO SHOWINGS at 7:15, and 9:20 p.m. Special Matinee Saturday, March 19th ONLY "SNOW WHITE" In Blazing color A New, Live Show Not a Cartoon Never Before Shown Anywhere •ALL SEATS 50c For This Engagement There will be two Complete Matinee Showings Saturday afternoon — First at 1:00 o'clock, next at 3 o'clock . Wed., Thurs." Fri., Sat. -Merck- 23`` . 24 25 - 26 - "Country Music on ' Broadway IN COLOR Over 30 Song Hits, •featuring the Greatest Stars of them all: Hank Snow — Ferline Husky Hank Williams, Jr. Plus All the Greats of Country Music TWO SHOWINGS at 7:15 and 9:20 p.m. Admission prices for this at- traction as follows: Adults $1.00 — Students 75e Children, (under 12) 25c Councils Discuss (continued from Page 1) Council endorsed a proposal advanced by the Seaforth Lions Club that steps should be tak- en to replace the obsolete bridge on No. 8 Highway, op- posite the Lions Park. A resolu- tion will go forward to the Min- ister of Highways, pointing out the bridge is unsatisfactory in terms of the load' it is called on to carry under today's traf- fice conditions. Reporting on PUC matters, Mayor Flannery, who is a mem- ber of the commission, said he would try to obtain complete information in connection with the special investigations which have gone ,on within the PUC the past two years, so that a final statement could be made at the next meeting of council. The matter was raised as Councillor Cardno inquired whe- ther the PUC had written off the losses which had resulted, and whether it had accepted the statement prepared by the auditors. Council agreed there should be a final statement, so that the public could be inform- ed as to what the situation was. Mayor Flannery referred to the condition of the paving on County Road 12, south of Sea - forth, and suggested some re- pair work should be carried out. Reeve Dalton agreed to check with the county to see if the anticipated takeover as a devel- opment road could be aceeler= ated. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. John. Broadfoot visited with their -..daughter, Mrs. G. Adair and family in Kit- chener on Sunday. Mrs. Meenay Squires and fam- ily visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan and brother, Robert Allan, Jr., and family. Mrs. Glen Swan and Barbara and Mrs. Edgar Allan visited friends•'in Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Kirk- connell, Tiverton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling. Mr. and Mrs. William Stew- art, Toronto, were guests, at the Manse with Mr. Stuart's par- ents, Rev. D. and Mrs. Stuart. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. SPRING DANCE Constance Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 25th Sponsored by-C.O.F. Ladies - Proceeds in aid of Cancer Fund Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 75c—Lunch .Counter- Dancing10 'til 1 a.m. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Randy Wettlaufer (nee Diane Dolmage) BRODHAGEN. Community Hall Thurs., Mar. - 24 Ladies please bring sandwiches — EVERYONE WELCOME — SEAFORTH TEEN - TWENTY THE. ALL - STARS • Saturday, March 19th COMMUNITY CENTRE ADMISSION DRESS — CASUAL Dancing 9 =12 Huron County Drama Festival FRIDAY, MARCH 18th, at 8:00 p.m. S.D.H.S. Auditorium ° TWO ONE -ACT PLAYS , — Plus. Other Entertainment Tickets from Junior Farmer Member's or at the door Now Appearing in the CROWN ROOM THE NEW ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL The True Tones featuring VOCALIST MARION GfAMVIBOA PR.ANIt'AINSWORTII and GENT BILL NEWS OF WALTON Friends Gather on 25th . Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James William- son, of the 17th concession of Grey, celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary on Saturday. Open house was held during the afternoon and evening, when friends, relatives and neighbors called to congratulate them. The dining room was decorated' with white bells and the table was centred with a three -layer wedding cake. Mrs. Alvin Stimore, Stratford, and Mrs. Nelson Reid poured tea in the afternoon, and in the evening Mrs. Clarence Mc- Dougall and Mrs. Ivan Thomp- son, Mitchell, did the honors. Girls serving in the afternoon and evening included Mary Hel- en Buchanan, Glenna Houston, Bonnie Uhler, .Catharine Mur- ray and Sandra Gray. Mrs. Wm. Murray served in the kitchen. Guests also attended from Lon- don, Stratford, Mitchell and Londesboro. Mrs. Williamson is the form- er Irma Gray,. of near Mitchell. They were married March 15, 1941, at the Latter Day Saints' Church, Rostock, and have two daughters: Arlene, a school teacher in Kitchener, and June at home, and also one son, Keith, at home. The family and relatives presented the cou- ple with a chesterfield and chair Other gifts and cards of congratulations were also re- ceived. Mrs. Clarence Hudie has re- turned home from Stratford. General Hospital. .. Mr Tom Love, ;;udhury,,..spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Love. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 'Rut- ledge, of Toronto,' were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. •Roy Bennett. Mr. W. C. Ennis, London, an Mr. and Mrs: Ross Cunningham Ethel, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Bosman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose, Shakespeare, last 'Sun- day. Mrs. Joseph Bewley, of Clin- ton, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bew- ley. Miss Geraldine -.Dennis, Strat- ford, spent the '"weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Donald entertained at a • family dinner last Sunday. Guests in=- cluded: Mr: and Mrs. James Mc- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mc- Donald and Lynne, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hue- ther and Joan,.of Brussels, • and, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kreuter, Atwood. Mrs. Edward Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turvey, Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Taggart, Goderich, .visited in Stratford last Sunday, guests df WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The vanishing parties . con- tinue. Mrs. James M. Scott was hostess at a bridge party for Miss Gladys Thompson, Miss Peg G"rieve,• Miss Bess Grieve and .Mrs. R. R. McKindsey. Donations were received from Mrs: A. Wright, John Street and Mrs. Alex Bethune, Spar - ling St, Mrs. R. Kerslake entertained at a dinner ,party: Mrs. P. B. Moffat, • Mrs. Ross Savauge, Mrs. N. Schneider, Mrs., J. A. Stew- art, Mrs. B. ll'. Christie, Mrs. J. M. Scott and Mrs. Helmer Snell. At a bridge party, Misses Peg and Bess Grieve entertained: Miss Janet Cliff. Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth, Mrs. J. McConnell, Miss Abbie Seip, Mrs. F. Cos- ford, Miss" Dorothy Parke, Mrs. Harold Whyte and Mrs. C. P. Sills. VARNA We are sorry to report that Mrs. Nelson Reid is still confin- ed to Clinton Hospital. Making maple syrup is the ordelr of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keyes and Mr. Clifford Keyes and her daughter, Sybil, visited Mr. Clif- ford Keyes, Burlington Hospi- tal, on Sunday and found that he was improving. St; Patrick's DANCE Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, March 18 Paul Cross Orchestra Daneing 10 to 1 INVITATION ONLY Admission -- $1.00 Per Person Anyone wishing invitations Call 527.1787 or 527-9005 Auspices:. SEAFORTH BRANCH 156 Royal Canadian Legion Mr. and Mrs. Scott McTaggart. Mr. James Bolger has re- turned home from Victoria Hos- pital, London. Mrs. Edna Hackwell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLI° wain, Seaforth, on Sunday. Mr. Malcolm Fraser has re- turned home after spending a few weeks with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr'. and Mrs. Glen Fraser, Stratford. He will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fraser before returning to his home in the village. Miss Brenda Houston, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Houston. The March meeting of Wal- ton Women's Institute will be held in the Community Hall next Wednesday evening with Mrs. Gerald Watson and Mrs. Allan McCall as co -conveners for Historical Research and cur- rent events. The roll call will be answered by bringing a wed- ding picture or a wedding gift you received, and members are to bring a current event. Hos- tesses are Mrs. David Watson, Mrs. Gordon McGavin, Mrs. An- drew Coutts and Mrs. George Love. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall have returned home after visit- ing in Florida, the guests of Mr. and,..Mrs. Harold Jackson, who also returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Huether and Steven visited over the weekend at Royal Oak, Mich., as guests of the former's sister, Mrs.__.Gordon. Saunders .and_Mr._ Saunders. The Women's Institute held their progressive euchre party Friday evening in the Commun- ity Hall with the following as prize winners: ladies' high, Mrs. James Clark; ladies' low, Mrs., Edna Hackwell; men's high, Harvey Craig; men's low, Roy Bennett; men's lone hands, Harry Bolger; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Jack Bosman. Hibbert Co-op Meets The 33rd Annual Meeting of The Hibbert Co -Operative Dairy Association Ltd., was held in the Hibbert Township Hall;- Staffa, Tuesday after- noon. President, Russell Worden -Welcomed the' • sliereholders and guests. Arthur Kemp, secretary -treasurer read the minutes of -the last Annual meeting. Brock Monteith, company auditor, presented the annual report. Shareholders learned the total amount • of butter man- ufactured in 1965, was 1,336,575 lbs. and the bonus paid to patrons ' $4.4,085.21, Harris Butson'introducted the • speaker, Dr. W. D., Schaefer, of Kirkton, who spoke on Acetanemia and herd Health. He • was thanked by Victor Jeffery, CTerald Carey, Provincial Direi~tbr of the Cream Pro- ducers Association, for Huron and Perth Counties, discussed importance of high quality cream. Gerald Agar, plant manager, thanked the share- holders and patrons for their co-operation and interest in the " company's business. Ar- thur Kemp was reappointed as director for another five- year term. WINTHROP The Winthrop UCW met in the church with Mrs. William Little presiding. "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" was sung, with Mrs. G. Smith at the piano. Mrs. James Axtmann intro- duced the Bible study period on "The Gospel of the New World" by all singing from song sheets three Gosepl songs, namely: "Shall We Gather At the Riv- er", "Sweet Bye and Bye," and "Wonderful Words . of Life." She took for the scripture les- son, verses 31-46 from. the 25th chapter of Matthew, and also led in prayer. The., topic was presented, by a panel of three ladies, Mrs. Mervin Godkin, Mrs. John Boyd and Mrs. S. Hillen, with Mrs. James Axtmann as moderator. It was in the form of a ques- tiop and answer. period. The roll call was answered by 23 members and one visitor. Delegates to the fourth annual meeting of the Huron Presby- terial in Clinton are Mrs. G. Case and Mrs. E. Beuermann, with Mrs. S.-Hillen as alternate: Mrs. S. Hillen brought in the recommendations of the bazaar committee. The UCW are to sponsor' a chicken barbecue at the church, a suggested date being July lath..It was decided to have a bazaar v�yyith the an- nual Jane Visitors''''Day meet- ing. Donations Were received for an In Memoriam in honor of Mrs. Oliver Anderson by some friends., It was decided to buy gowns for the choir also. The mission study, in the form of a film on Brazil, was shown by Mrs. Aktinann The flim dealt Mr. and Mrs. William Colquhoun A highly respected and well- known couple in Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. E. William Colquhoun, marked their fiftieth annivers- ary of their marriage on Sat- urday. They make their home with their eldest son, A. Laurie Colquhoun, owner and publish- er of the Clinton News -Record. On Saturday a family dinner was _ served at the .Community Hall, Londesboro, when they were joined by their family of 11 children, 37 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. On the actual anniversary date, Marc,, 8, they were at-home to relatives of both their families. On hand were the bridal atten- dants of 'fifty years ago, Mrs. Jennie (McGill) Colquhoun, Mit- chell, and Lindsay McKellar, Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Colquheun were married at the Presbyterian manse, Cromarty, by the Rev. David Ritchie, now deceased. They farmed for the first three years of their . marriage at Shaunavon, Sask., and'then re- turned to their native .Hibbert Township, Perth ...County. When the. Rural Hydro Operating Ar- ea opened a station in Clinton in 1930, Mr. Colquhoun obtain- ed employment as an electri- cian and moved his family to, the Huron County town. From 1943 to 1947 he served with the RCAF as an electrician in the construction maintenance Unit. In ,1961 he retired as a civilian electrician at the Clin- ton RCAF Station, after six years. The Colquhouns, both of whom are 71 years of .age, are ad- active, healthy -couple; who - take a great interest in their family, friends and the com- munity around them. Mr. Col- quhoun was born in Staffa, a son of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Colquhoun. His parents lived to observe their 65th an- niversary. Mrs. Colquhoun, the former Isobel Catherine McKel- lar, was born at Cromarty, a daughter of the late Mr". and Mrs. Donald McKellar. Their family 'includes seven sons: Laurie, Donald, Kenneth and Thomas, all of Clinton;'Ross and Murray, both of Toronto, and Hugh, of 'Willowdale; four daughters: Mrs. Leonard ,'(Jean) Caldwell, of Londesboro; Mrs. Leonard (Isobel) Theedom, Red Deer, Alta.; ,Mrs. George (Aud- rey) Hepburn,' Willowdale, and Mrs. John E. (Margaret) Robin- son, RR 1, Zurich. . OBITUARIES titi MRS. JOSEPH CARPENTER_ Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, 91, formerly of 'Dublin; died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Sun- day. She was the former Teresa Devereaux, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dev- ereaux, and was. born in Tuck- ersmth. Township, where she lived until she was married in Seaforth 'in 1907. She rived near Dublin until 1955, when . she moved to make her homewith her family. • Surviving are a daughter,.' 1 Mrs. Fergus (Teresa) Reynolds, Detroit;, one on, Joseph, of j Chatham, and four grandchil- dren. The body was at the W. J. Cleary funeral horife, Seaforth, from 7:30 p.m. Monday until Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Re- quiem High Mass was said at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, at 10'a:m. Rev. Remi Durand of- ficiated.Temporary entomb- ment was in Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum, Seaforth, with bur- ial later in St. Patrick's ceme- tery,, Dublin. Pallbearers' Fere James Dev- ereaux, William Byrne, Robert. McGrath, Pat McConnell, Wil- liam Carpenter and James Car- penter. MRS. MARY AGNES MALONEY The communities of Seaforth, Dublin and Kinkora were sad- dened on Saturday,- March 12, upon receiving'wbrd of tfie'pass- ing of Mrs. John J. Maloney, RR 4, Seaforth, in Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Maloney who was 40, had been a patient in the hospital for the past six weeks. . She was the daughter of Mrs. Mary (Curtin) McCarty, of Mit- chell, and the late John Mc- Carty, of Logan Township. She was married in 1952 at St. Brig - id's Church, Kennicott, to John Maloney, who survives. Also surviving is a son, Danny; a sis- ter, Mrs. Wilfred (Ellen) Ma- loney, Mitchell; two brothers, Leo, of Preston;' and Daniel, of Wed 5.8° Years • Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dale, John Street, will quietly celebrate their 58th wedding anniversary at their home on Sunday. Both are in usual good' -health. They have a family; ;.df°. Lour children, 14 grandehildrepy.•and 28 great- grandehildren. with. the story of a missionary and the struggle he had to ob- tain an aeroplane for use in getting over the great distances in Brazil, and what it had meant, to ..the Brazilian people. Mrs Little, gave the closing prayer* - . Galt. A brother-, Pat' .McCarty, predeceased her overseas 'dur- ing World War II. • At the time of her death she was .a member of the teaching staff of , St. James' Separate School, Seaforth. She was a faithful member. of St. James'. Roman- Catholic Chureh• and- a - member of St. James' Catholic Women's League, and was a past president, of that society. The many Mass cards, floral tributes and large attendance at the funeral Tuesday morn- ing showed the high esteem in which she was held in the corn munity.. The funeral was held from her late residence to St. James' Church, where 'Solenmmt Requiem High Mass was cele- brated at 10 a.m. 'by Rev. Ger- ald' Maloney, of Detroit, cousin of the deceased, assisted by Rev. H. J. Laragh and Rev. J. T. Saigeon, both of St. James' par- ish. Present in the Sanctuary were Rev. Remi Durand, Dublin, and Rev. Stephen Toth, St. Brig - id's, Kennicott, and Rev. Chas. Caruana, of Kingsbridge. Rev. Father Laragh spoke briefly, ex- tending to her husband and son the sincere sympathy of the children and staff of St. James' Schooland of the parish.. In his remarks he said: "While leading others to God, she 'won for herself a crown that shines as the stars k the heavens." Temporary entombment fol lowed in the Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum, Seaforth, with bur- ial later in St. James' cemetery. Pallbearers were James Dev- ereaux, Joseph Devereaux, Ar- thur Devereaux, James Banner- man, Frank- Nolan ,and Michael Williams. FIRST - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. DOUGLAS O. PRY Minister Sunday, March 20th WORSHIP — -11:00 •A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 10 A.M. BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH (Services at Orange .H8H) Sunday, March 20th 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for all. ages 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 B.M. , GOSPEL SERVICE Guest Speaker: Pastor Christian Knetsch "Teach us to number our days, that we may apply Our hearts unto wfsdoln." —Psalm 00.12 NEWS OF WEEK IN ZION Mr, B 11 i;annin was in Guelph over the weekend with the jun- ior Farmers. Zion Sunday 'School held a successful crokinole party Fri- day night with a good' crowd, prizes going to Mrs. Lloyd Bar- ker, Robert Roney, Beth Roney, Calvin Annis, Nancy Pepper. A lunch.. was served and a good time was reported. Miss Eleanor Lannin spent the weekend with Ann Aikens. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar- ker and Wendy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George - Pepper on Sunday; also Mrs. John Barbour and Arthur, of London, were present. Miss Nancy Lannin spent -the weekend in London. Mr. Ross Murdie visited his cousin, Mrs.. Mary Malcolm, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Eric Norris, of Montreal, spent Saturday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker. They attend- ed a wedding in Guelph on Sat- urday, where Eric was grooms- man for a friend. Mr. Howard Wright visited re- cently -with his daughter, Mrs. Ross Pepper and Mr. Pepper and family. Mrs. Mary Malcolm received a telegram on Tuesday 'that her aunt, . Mrs. Margaret Stark, 96 years of age, had passed away at Vancouver, B.C., at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Dr. Ellen S. Elliott and Dr. Gra- ham Elliott. Mr. Larry Barker and Mr. Grant Pepper were home from London over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' Gibb, Sherrie and Lynn, of Glencoe, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- non arrived home Sunday af- ter a two weeks' holiday in Florida. Mrs. Gladys Balfour and Mrs, Earl Vipon, Mitchell, called on Mrs,. Mary Malcolm,.on Sunday. `LOCAL BRIEFS.. Inspector John L. Hotham, of Windsor, spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Hotham, Wilson St. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Coyne, of Port Dover, were in Seaforth on Thursday attending the fun- eral of his uncle, the late Al- bert O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Dor ald Millard, of¢Brantford, arid Mr. Ed Laith- waite, of Goderich, and Miss Pauline Anderson, of London, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Mary A. Hotham, Wil- son St. Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. McKen- zie, of Georgetown, were week- end guests -of Mrs. Nelson Card - no. Mr. and Mrs. Russel A. Wal- ter, of Dundas, were guests of Mrs. J. E. Willis last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Keyes, Glen, Carolyn and David, of Brampton, visited with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Keyes, Seaforth, on Sunday. Mr. John L. Hotham, Mrs. Mary A. Hotham and Miss Leone Hotham spent last Thursday at the home' of Mrs. C. E. Leith-` waite, Goderich. Mr. Don Stephenson and daughter, Anne, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Effie Stephenson. Classified ads pay dividends. ST. PATRICK'S- PARTY' COMMERCIAL HOTEL — Seaforth Thursday, March 17th' -- ENTERTAINMENT WOAA Semi -Final MIDGET PLAYOFFS LISTOWEL MIDGETS vS. SEA -FORTH MIDGETS SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 19 at 7:30 p.m. 4.1 SEAFORTH ARENA Admission — 25c - and 35c INTERMEDIATE -CKEY PLAYOFFS 'Fifth Game in 4 -out -of -7 Series TUESDAY, MARCH 22nd Lucan at... Seaforth SEAFORTH ARENA Time: 8:30 p.m. - ADMISSION — • 50c and 25c Held Over ALL THIS WEEK "Bud Roberts" and his Border Men Coming Next Week— COUNT1tY RHYTHM PALS QUEEN'S HOTEL Phone 527-9011 Seaforth Nice, Clean, Comfortable Rooms by the day • or by the •week t I) a ) ► 4 ► ►