HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-17, Page 44---THW HURON EXPOSITO SEAFORTH, ONT., MAR. 17, 1966 1.1%11 ' COW' 1J 1965 AMBASSADOR 1965 ACADIAN 1962 RAMBLER 2 -DOOR 1961. CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 Cylinder 1960 PONTIAC TWO -DOOR • See the New 1966 Models Now on Display MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 •Seaforth tWiebtliktaMnit THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 Seaforth O. • Fresh, clean, crisp that's the effect Basic Banking is having on the atmosphere at Canada's First Bail. Basic Banking has cleared away outmoded procedures and put the emphasis 'where it belongs — on quick, efficient handling of the three vital services you usein your dayto•day banking. Basic Banking is based on the fact that nine times out of ten when you enter a,bank you are looking for service in (1) Savings Accounts, (2) Current Accounts or (3) Personal Chequing. Inputting Basic Banking into effect, we have simply geared our branch offices to give you absolutely top performance in these basic services. Basic Banking doesn't eliminate other banking services, of course. You'll still find a more complete range of financial services at the Bank of Montreal than at any other type of financial institution. Why not drop into your neighbourhood branch of Canada's First Bank soon and y way the wind is blowing? see for ourself which "There s a fresh wind - blowing at Canada's First BaTik"., BANK.. OF MONTREAL:. Hensall Women's Institute Hears Talk on Medicare Dr. C. L. Wallace, of Zurich, was guest speaker at the Home Economics and Health meeting of Hensall Women's Institute Wednesday evening in the Le- gion Hall. Dr. Wallace discuss- ed the new Medicare scheme, which had its origin in England and Sweden. • In his talk he explained some of the things people have won- dered about. He also spoke on the Blue Water Rest Home for senior citizens of South Huron area, of which he is chairman), explaining how it started, how it developed, and what is need- ed now to turn Blue,Water Rest Home into a reality. The speak- er was introduced by`Mrs. Clar- ence Reid and thanked by Mrs. Fred Beer. UCW Has Meeting! "Youth in Action" was the theme of the . United Church Women's general meeting. Mal- colm Hiltz, of Exeter, was guest speaker, describing the Older Boys' Parliament and outlining the reactions and thoughts of the young people of today. He left some provocative questions of the Centennial—the Indian Problems, War in Vietnam. He advised 'that the Church ap- • point a youth to the Session, rather then let them be dorm- ant for 20 years after accept- ing them, as members. Ann Mickle and Robert Mc- Naughton gave an interesting account of Toe Alpha Confer- •..ence in Niagara Falls, and told of the fellowship, discussions and• lectures they attended, and the wealth of information de- rived -from this conference. James Pyette and Jim Tra- quair performedpiano solos. Bob Forrest favored with . a trumpet solo, arid Joyce Flynn, Nancy Kyle and Linda Mock sang a trio. Mrs. Edison Forrest conduct- ed the revotional and used as "a theme questions on religion asked by the young people. Mrs. Victor Pyette gave cour- tesy remarks. It was indeed a pleasure to hear from the voice of youth today, • expressed so aptly. Mrs. Harold Currie conduct- ed the business part of the meeting, outlining the dates of the Huron -Presbyterial, Tues- day, March 22, in Wesley -Willis United Church in Clinton, and London Conference, March 29 and 30. in Wingham. She ex- pressed a hope, that many of the ladies would attend these -conferences. • The, budget, outlined by fi- nance chairman. Mrs. Walter Spencer_ was read and accepted for 1966. • For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CKR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE ' SEE JOIIN A. CARDNO Insurance' Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors Roll call was "Pennies saved are pennies earned," telling how to save a few pennies. A shower of get -well cards Was brought to the meeting by mem- bers. Ten dollars was donated to the Hensall Girl Guides and $30 to the Hensall Legion. The nominating committee to bring in the 1966-67 slate of officers were Mrs. Jack Corbett, Mrs. Mary Funk and Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. Mrs. Beaton gave a re- port of a meeting which she and Mrs. V. Pyette attended in Exeter to promote interest in the Goderich Ontario Hospital. Mrs. Garfield Broderick pre- sided for the program which consisted of a sing -song, direct- ed by Miss Greta Lammie; piano selections by Mrs. Norman Pep- per, and vocal solos by Miss Joyce.. Ferguson, accompanied at the piano by Miss Lammie. Articles made, sewn or grown, brought by the members, were auctioned and realized $14.00. Mrs. Beer was auctioneer. Prize for person having birthday clos- est to St. Patrick's went to Mrs. Beaton, while Mrs. T. Kyle, 'Sr., won the. prize for guessing the correct number. President Mrs. Beverly Bea- ton presided for the business, and Mrs. Beer gave courtesy 10 Quilts . Complete Chiselhurst UCW met for their March meeting Tuesday afternoon, a pot -luck dinner and quilting preceding the meeting. President Mrs. R. Taylor pre- sided, the worship period being led by Mrs. William Brintnell, assisted by Mrs. Robert Kins- man. The • ladies are planning a musical concert to be pre- sented by ".The Sweet Ade- lines" of Stratford district, in the near future. Mrs. Jack Brintnell showed -a film on Brazil, to end three ble study programs, assisted b Mrs. Ben Stoneman and Mrs. Ire Harris. A poem, "The Golden Rule," was read by Mrs. Earl Kinsman. For their quilting project, the ladies have completed 10 quilts, six custom, three large bale quilts, and one bale crib quilt.• CROMARTY Mrs. T. Laing presided at the March meeting of the Women's Missionary Society, which was held at the home of Mrs. Sadie Scott. She opened the meeting with a' poem, followed with a hymn and prayer led by Mrs. N. Harburn. The Scripture les- ' son was read in unison and Mrs• Harburn- gave 'the medita- tion. Mrs. T. L.. Scott conducted remarks.a Program conveners were Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. Broderick; hostesses, Mrs. Mary Funk and Mrs. Carl Payne. Hear of Trinidad - The March Unit Four meet- ing of UCW was held in the Fellowship Hall on Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. James Mc- Allister in the chair. The devo- tional on "The Greatest of These is Love," was given by Mrs. Gordon Love. Miss M. Ellis gave an informative talk on Trinidad, which is a beautiful island of approximately 40 by 50 miles in size. Miss Ellis ex- plained the flag of Trinidad and what each•color stands for, and stated: "Christianity is abso- lutely the only power that can save these people." A piano solo was rendered by Miss Greta Lammie. Members reported calls made on the sick and shut-ins. Mrs. J. Flynn re- ported on the quilting project. Two quilts for the bale and six custom had been finished, and there was one of each still`to be done. , It was reported that yarn was available for knitting articles for the Children's Aid Society and to contact Mrs. Edison For- rest for this. This Unit is re- sponsible for placing flowers in the church for the month of April; and also responsible for the general meeting in June. Date for the Snowflake- bazaar was set for . Nov. 26th. The unit catered for a din- ner for Sunday school superin- tendents and assistants of South Huron and theft–wives Tuesday evening.. At the general meet- ing Monday evening it was de- cided to cater:for a dinner for men which the Stewards are planning. the Bible study,' "Called to'Pro- ' claim•" and also the mission study program, "Outreach," with" Mrs. R. Dodds, Mrs. E. Moore .and Miss Olive - Speare assist- ing. The 'roll' call tope "was ••Chosen.., Reports were given by the secretary and , the treasurer, Who reported the World Day • of Prayer offering of .$42.50. The card comrhittee reported 15 cards sent,. to the sick: ' Mrs. T. Laing read the Glad Tidings Prayer and 'Mrs.- Scott i gave a topic, "Taking the Rough With the Smooth." Cur" rent events were given by Mrs. 1 F. Allen. 'Mrs.. Harburti closed with prayer, "Happy Birthday" was sung for Mrs. Scott. and a dainty aun.ch served by the committee in charge, Mrs. C. McKaig and Mrs. W. Harper, Bumper Crop ol chesterfields - For Spring new styles—new designs—new prices • BOX FURNITURE Phone 527-0680 Seaforth TUCKERSMITH ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald . G. Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth Tuckersmith U C W, "The Friendly Unit," met at the new home of Mrs. B. Watters with an .attendance of 15 and four guests from Seaforth. Miss M. Swan opened the meeting by singing' Hymn' 502, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," fol- lowed by prayer. In the absence of Mrs. Ross Scott, Mrs, (Rev.) D. Stuart spoke on different missionaries. Miss Swan spoke on Brazil. The roll call was the name of a missionary. Mrs, John Broadfoot took the, chair for the business part of the meeting. Mrs. Elgin Thomp- son gave the treasurer's report. The offering was received by Mrs. Norris Sillery and dedi- cated. Thank -you notes were read by Mrs. Ham from the Walters family, R. Dallas and Mrs. Stackhouse. The unit Was asked to donate one cent a meal during Lent, and hand it in at the April meeting, which will be held at the home of. Mrs. E. Tstompson, April 12th. Mrs. M. Wilson contributed an interesting St. Patrick's reading. Mrs. Stuart was greatly sur- prised when a basket was brought in by Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. 'Berry, containing homemade pickles, janis and jellies. ' Mrs. Stuart thanked everyone for beim so kind to both she and her huand since coming to Brucefield mdnse. Mrs. Broadfoot closed the meeting with a poern,, and lunch was served by Mrs. Walters and committee. Kiflettes et Plans Mrs. John Peftz, Kippeft, was hostess at her home Wednesday evening for the regular meeting of Hensall •Kinettes, chaired by past president Mrs. John Baker, when it .waS announted that the annual ''spring rummage sale, will be -held at the local arena, May 7th. Visits to shut-in local resi-. debts, Queensway Nursing Home and area hospitals is sche- duled for April 3rd. At the next meeting, Kinettes and Kinsmen will entertain patients at Gode- rich Ontario Hospital. YOUR RED CROSS THANKS YOU: FOR YOUR HELP For Spring - Like New! ! Have all the nicks, dents, bumps and cor- prosioots fixed now before they go fur- ther! No job too big or too small. Call in now for a free estimate. Our pric- es are lower and quality of work is higher! Have It Painted Look Just Clip This Coupon ' — Good for a Paint Special $74.95. Ask for Gord Hildebrand Seaforth Motors Dial 527-1750 Seaforth PAINT SPECIAL One Color ■ 9_5_ This offer expires Mar. 31/66 Repack Universal Joints Clean, inspect and repack uni- versal joints on all cars. Regular Price Complete $8.00 Bring This Coupon and Save $2.00 YOUR SPECIAL PRICE $6.00 (Materials Extra) Good only at Seaforth, Ont. (Coupon must be presented at time' order is written) e one beer so good its made. thiada famous for beer throughout the world! In . 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