HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-10, Page 10RA 104411-11E T1•E HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ,ONT,s ,MAR. 10, 1966 'ACROSS 1 -Abstains . from food 6 -Inasmuch as 11 -Most rational 12 -Vegetable (pt•) 14 -Pronoun 15 -Unit of Chinese weight 17 -Brazilian estul ry 18 -Gratuity 20 -Covered with thick grasses. 23 -Fall behind 24 -Wine cups 26 -Cheap street show 28 -Earth god- dess 29 -Amount at which a per- son I rated 31 -Saves 33•Protective shield 35 Heavy blow (colloq,) 36 -Lawmaker 39 -Mephis- topheles 42 -Preposition 43 -Kind of wool 45 -Tissue 46 -Distant 43 -Grates 50 -Edge "551 -Border on • 53 -Server 55 -Compass point 56 -Slumbers 59 -Makes amends 61 -Slaves 62 -Temporary shelter (pl.) DOWN 1 -Favorite daughter of Mohammed 2 -Indefinite article k3 -Place Former Rus• n ruler 5•$eef animdi 6 -Conjunction 7 -Preposition 8 -Pinch • 9 -Fuel 10 -Anger 11•Hindu guitar 13 -Wise men 16•Shakespear- ran king 19 -Communion plate 21 -Delineated 22 -Affirmative votes 25 -Epic tales 27•Acclanu 30 -Liquid measure 32 -Declare 34 -Rail bird 36 -Couches 37 -Empower 38 -Remainder 40 -Places in line 41 -Designates © t 00W©ir000 ©W MOH MWOM MMM ©00DFJ ODM OMME! 000E10 r 13101e010 oo©Iii©©© 18111©© MIME • • ©Ea©©©o ©o©oil ©0 I ©MO 0000 Mow 141:3000 0111EI 1510CAEl ' E©D©'IMO 0121011M0 MIMEIMMI0 ©o©ra© ©o©a0 44- European herring 47 -Regrets 49 -Satiate 52 -Number 54 -More distant (poet.) SOLUTION 57 -Hebrew letter 58 -Steamship (abbr.) 60 -Symbol for niton : 1 7 3 4 4 -40 7 8 9 10 __ --j ; L i 1 11 111111[1 h i 7 14 it• ••• 16 ♦ 74-4;A "Nd• 18 . 19• . ref. 25 20 .p• 25 - 21 `.•N �y 27 23 00•+• 28 •. 24 29 - • 30 :$'ti'31 34 . •. wt 33 32 A& l\ :4•H419 ik;0* •M•• 33 36 37 .38. i39 '40 41 42 NA 43 44 or 45 40 47 ,• 43 49 ,,,,c So 51 52 O•• D•`` 55. 54tx'i�c<55 36 57 S8 t, :.•3 59 G0 •• it: 61 •• N 62 INCOME TAX .LUST A il'OI D OF CAUTION TO THOSE SELF-EMPLOYED-PERSONS—WHO HAVE • NEVER FILED' A TAX. RET URN! If you were not taxable you would not incur a penalty. But now, with the requirements . of the new;' Canada Pension Plan to meet, a return is compulsory. .Telephone 527-1250 for an appointment H. 'G. MEIR IF EVERY _COW. WAS AS GOOD AS THE BEST IN THE, HERD, WHAT -A CHANGE IT WOULD MAKE .IN THE PROFIT ! You can't make an "average" cow anybet- ter, but you can give her the opportunity to produce a .better, calf, by using -a quality herd :sire. Make 'tomorrow's herd as good as to- day's best cows by using reliably proven sires, whose offspring have already demon- strated their abilities. For service or information phone weekdays till 10 a.m. (for Sunday°service phone Satur- days 6-8 p.m.) to the nearest office of WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Better Livestock for Better Living HON. CHARLES S. MacNAUGHTON, Minister of Highways of Ontario, is shown receiving a colorful. scroll designating him as an Honorary Life Member in the ' Ontario Good Roads Association at that organization's recent annual convention in 'Tpronto.. The presentation was -.made by C)GRA President C. S. Anderson. (See 115- WEEK ND NEXT by RayArgyle SI(h ... Senate Asleep ! The Senate — that "assembly of old men" as the Romans called it — contained some younger, faces at Ottawa this week. But the reputation of Canada's upper chamber was, if anything, the worse because of it. The Liberal Party's 1963 'plat- form contained a firm pledge to reorganize the upper house. That was the election which first put Mr. Pearson into the office. 'When he went back to the country last November, that plank was strangely miss- ing from the Liberal campaign platform. The Liberal Government did succeed in one minor bit of Senate--reform—the compulsory retirement at the age of 75 of those appointed since last May. Senators who were appointed before last May=when the re- tirement bill was passed—are also eligible to step down at 75, on a pension of $8,000 per year. The first to do so was Alberta's J. W. Stambaugh. Canada's 102 Senators are now appointed to the age of 75 at $15,000 per year, of which $3,000 is tax free. As everyone knows, the Sen- ate was designed after • the pat -- tern of 'Britain's House of Lords, the theory being that in Canada as well -as Britain, there was a need for a non -elective body which could take a sober. second look at House of Com- mons legislations. Bills do not become -law un- til they clear the Senate, but in recent years in Both Canada and .Britain the voice of the House has been so strong that the upper. chamber has not dar- ed prevent passage. Because Senators need ,ntst obligate themselves to the vot;, ers, they would have the coun- try- from . radical legislation. This was the historic reasoning behind the acceptance by the Fathers of Confederation of the idea of a two -chamber par- liament. Contract Your Bean Acreage at E. L. I MICKLE & SON •LTD. --- Quality Michigan and Ontario Sanilac and Seaway Seed — Fertilizer Supplied — EPTAM Available FERTILIZER WE HAVE BAGGED OR BULK HARRISTON FERTILIZER Available At Competitive Prices. SPRING SEED liegistered, Certified and Commercial Spring Seed Available - SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL E.L. Mickie &Son Ltd. HENSALL - Phone 262.2714 Name Euchre Winners Winners at the euchre spon- sored by the Eastern Star on Thursday evening were: ladies, first, Mrs. Robert Elgie; lone hands, Mrs. Leslie McClure; low, Mrs. Harvey, Dolmage; men, first, Harvey Dolmage; lone hands, John Tremeer; low, An- drew Crozier. "Stacking" pensions ' w i 11 mean both cuts in take-home pay and higher prices. r Cornier Legion ' — Jack Holland Well, comrades and friends, just a short note this week re- minding us of coming events. First of all, of course, is the regular monthly meeting held on Thursday night, March 10. Do your best to be there; it's the only way of knowing just what the Branch is doing. And speaking of doing: the bingos are going great; the hockey is in full swing; the curlers are battling it out against tough op- position around the country; the bowlers are busy every week—so there's lots of activ- ity around. The Legion is playing host. to a public speaking contest being held at the Legion Hall Tues- day night, March 15, at 8 p.m., with contestants from the Pub- lic and Separate Schools, and speakers from the McKillop Federation of Agriculture. For this event the public are cor- dially invited and the evening is absolutely freee, so come out to hear the youth speak on dif- ferent topics. It will help their morale and give them a boost. It's a fanny thing how time flies! Twenty-one years ago, on March 7th, the U.S. First Army: crossed the Rhine at Remagert they seized, it before the dem- olition crews could effectively blow the bridge, and for this failure Hitler had all the offi- cers who escaped the Ameri- cans, courtmaritialled and shot. There was one officer who es- caped, and as a result the world knows what happened. Besides the regular meeting this week, the zone commander, Al Nicholson, is calling a meet- ing of the zone executive, to be held in Goderich, Sunday, Mar. 13th, so members of this coun- cil, keep the date in mind, Well, comrades, this winds it up for this week. We still have a few members of the Branch in hospital and sick at home. Spare a thought for them, and if you can make it, drop in and say "hello!" "At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them." RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP INSURANCE. WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS -Phone 527-0467 • . Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. While the Senate was estab- lished in the tradition of the House -of Lords, it has in fact worked out very differently than its British counterpart. But in Britain drastic chang- es in the membership of the House of Lords have come about in recent years. Because tke Labor party had its turn at government and- in'reco,mmend- ing the creation of peerages, radical new blood streamed in- to the House of Lords. " More recently, the creation of lifetime peerages (in which on- ly the recipients and nbt their descendants would be eligible to sit in the House of Lords) opened up the old institution to_, many more ex -commoners. Legislation permitting members of the House of Lords to re- sign• if they wished to, seek election to the House of Com- mons finally democratized the system. The result has been that in Britain the House of Lords, be- cause ofl•the quality of -its mem- bership,' has become a leader of public opinion. It has ,spear- headed , new legislation,, such as the abolition of capital punish-, ment and the legalization of homosexual acts between con- senting adults. The inference must be that it is not the system so much that is at fault as the kind of peo- ple who run the system. As long as the Canadian Senate re- mains a haven for unsuccess- ful politicians—and the ability to lose elections was the chief claim to distinction of nine of the ten latest appointments— the Senate will continue to be a pimple on the body politic. USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICit - EXETER, Ont.` Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, Preskient Cromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President - Wm. 11. Chaffe - RR. 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey - RIt. 3, Luean Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates • - Exeter Claytet Martis' - Mitchell Socrateey+Treaaurern Atthttr Praser - Exeter DON'T RISK DISAPPOINTMENT. BUY J- S.EEDS AND BE SURE! It takes a seed expert with world wide connections to buy the right seeds,.at the right time, from the right sources, at the right price. So, if you're not an expert, trust Jones, MacNaughton to pro- vide you with seeds that will ' give you completely satisfy- ing results—they're experts! In fact, seeds — and only seeds — are Jones, MacNaugh- ton's business ... and they've specialized in seeds for West- ern Ontario for a great many years. • You can be sure of reliable and dependable performance from all Jones, MacNaughton Seeds—true to variety, high in germination and ,exactly suited to the soils and climate of Western Ontario. Get full value, too', from' Jones, Mac- Naughton's long-time policy of selling the best seeds at the fairest prices. For all your'seed needs, or- der from your local dealer or &banes MacNaughton Seeds EXETER' — Phone 23S-)363 CREDITON -- Phone 234-363 HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES - offers to Residents of Huron County Comprehensive Medical_ Cover- age- At Cost! — Individual and Group Rates Available Inquire to -day from: • ROBERT McMILLAN, RR 2, Seaforth ART WRIGHT, C.T.A.; Seaforth GORDON RICHARDSON, RR 1, Brucefield BERT IRWIN, RR 2, Seaforth ... or at. HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES - 70 Ontario St., Clinton. Phone 482=9751 FOR SEEDS THAT REALLY GROW TONIGHT—Thursday, March 10 BANQUET anci ANNUAL' MEETING- EGMONDV1LLE . UNITED. CHURCH -- A few. 'tickets are 'still available at the Office or from Directors SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527-0770 Seaforth OFFICE SUPPLIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 : Seaforth e one beersogoodit made thiada famous for beer throughout the world! -A In the Canary Islands and over 60 other countries, -you can enjoy a world of flavour in the balancedbeer.. : . . -..; _- • -- ',::,%7.'•g . h! rfl ' i'>7 %l d'' !%-+ �it�•.6{':k� fr.•:::.f:"Y,Y,n{.F: %/nri{+.$:n``•;ky 45 .if..f r:� /.+ . + ,w•' •'c xf kir r,!d rf.:�.>::•`•/?i✓y>r'f{�G/+?j, •;�rfi: s.:,c d#sy.:gr. r F' i3 r .r kri r.+N+y:\\/ !r�::: �,+ :10:::4',,y /rt //:{{, f'•3 n i 6 }'iYr r r/••r:.i�' :• :.C!/7/•:,F%!.%Ir f''h'/'.•:fi¢{.:3y.f ,syr i Y%•r r,�+> :' / •••:`,•''. , / •Z i.. r >+'44 X{. }:31i 'X+, i)'X ``{l� irr.'! �`;i `�Y: <;%. �• / n ,� ¢+ r{.:.:: ...:::::. .. rn{: +./l. K:,{,�••rF/.c:.},+ r}F.•{ Y,.,r�:''/ .s// / .k'�•.F fwv'✓.sF:.^'lr•,rii.•c:3cr'ia*G^iirf.,i - , Playa Lab Canteraa, Las Palmas, Canary Idllands The CARLING REW RIES Limited , 1.1414.8842 d 5