HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-03, Page 10ii ,: i0treA1'hE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH. ONT., MAR. 3, 1946 - ACROSS 1-Pronpun 4 -Amid 9+Label 12.Macaw 13 -Toil 14 -Greek letter 15 -Smaller 17 -Knocked 19 -The ones here 21 -Insect . 22 -Genus of maples 24 -Pronoun 26,Tableland 29 -Tossed 31 -Ship's reoord 83 -Bishopric 34 -Behold: 35 -Emerge victorious 37 -Armed conflict 39 -Indefinite article 40 -Skill 42 -Joke (slang) 44 -Chimes 46 -Juncture . 48- Bow 50 -Comfort 51 -Comb. form: bad 53 -Secluded valleys 55 -Hit lightly 58 -Defeated 61 -Beverage 82 -Water wheel 64 -Period of ti'm`e• 66• Deface 66 -Molars e7 -Arid DOWN 1 -Man's nicknamt 2 -Anger 3 -Expert 4 -Toward the sheltered side 6 -Bog 6 -River In Siberia 7-ConJunOtICD 6 -Snatch 5 -Indian tents' 10 -Devoured 11 -Mild. expletive 16 -Scolding woman 18.Writing Implement 20 -Lamprey 22.Book of maps 23•Job 25 -Quarrel 27•Fur•bearing mammals 28 -Feeling 30 -Peruke. 32 -Idle talk ' 36 •Girl's nickname 38 -Walks unsteadily 41 -Deal secretly 43 -Deity 45.Endured MOO MEM MUM UMO =MOM EEC 00E000 MEMO@ MIMEO MMO ©©Its© DOM MOE@ ©M©r i 0001 BMW ©O MUM MEM EE EE© E7LI J ©E IE R ROOM 1 OE© 0E80 EEE] E©00® =num MERMEN OHO BOOM UMIN Oil© @MOM Moto SOLUTION 47 -Chart 49•Charge the account of 52 -Period of fasting 54 -Girl's name 55 -Scottish cap 56-A state (abbr.) 57 -Female deer 59 -Be mistaken 60 -Period of time f3.Note of scale 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 23 O�•i 30 24 31 25 32 34 40. 46 53 61 56 41 51 35 47 42 36 43 48 53 :❖ 62 57 63 37 49 58 44 26 33 54 38 50 45 64 27 28 39 59 60 65 66 67 OFFICE SUPPLIES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 - - Seaforth NOTICE To Public Utility Commission Customers CHANGES IN billing, discount DATES To facilitate accountingprocedures and to conform with accepted monthly billing dates and a new billing practise introduced by the e x. HEPC - COMMENCING WITH MARCH BILLING All Hydro, Water and Sewer bills will go out on the first of the month, rather than the 10th, as previously, and will be due on. or ,before the 15th, rather than• the 23rd, as has beenthe case. Commencing with March Billings th discount date `will - be 1 of each, month SLAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION R. J. BOUSSEY, Manager R. S. BOX, Chairman We Are in the Market For SEED OAT • Gary • Rodney y • Russell Registered, Certified 'or Canada No. 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID We are now taking Corn Shelled or on the Cob Thompson Sons Ltd. em o I.I Phone 2624627 Integration c�� Defence Is VWell /advanced -Minister When presenting the Depart- ment of National Defence esti- mates in the House of Com- mons recently, Hon. Paul Hellyer, the Minister, reviewed the progress of integration. Integration of staffs at C:fHQ was largely completed, he said, and added that the second step in the integration process was the development of a new Com- mand structure, He said all Command HQ have been creat- ed and either have assumed or are in process of assuming new responsibilities. In dealing with Mobile .Com- mand, Mr. Hellyer said forma- tion of this Comr$and is basic to the philosophy of Canada's new defence policy. Its task is to operationally train and Main- tain the land elements of the Canadian Force and its tactical air support and to keep this force in a state of combat readi- ness which will enable it to be deployed in units of required size to meet Canadian commit- ments and undertakings any- where in the world. Tactical Air Squadrons equipped with the new CF5 will increase to marked extent capability and flexibility of the Force. Acquisi- tion of Voyager helicopters and Buffalo STOL military trans- port will give Mobile Command greatly enhanced tactical cap- ability. Strategic transport for Mobile Command will be pro- vided by Air Transport Com- mand and sea element by Mari- time Command. The Minister said - the spe- cial force concept announced in the White Paper to apply to one Brigade has now been ex- panded and current plans call for two Brigades to be com- pletely converted on planned basis 'to this Concept of air i transportability with an addi- tional Airborne Battalion Group !for added flexibility and quick I response to domestic needs and overseas commitments as they arise. Dealing with Maritime Com- mand, Mr. Hellyer pointed out its ' primary mission continues to be anti-submarine role with. secondary role provision of sea- lift and related naval capabil- ity to Mobile- Command. Fleet modernization.' program is con- tinuing and its operational cap- ability is being increased. Most recent addition is HMCS Ojibwa, first of three "0" class submar- ines. In April the first Cana- dian Submarine Squadron will be formed and will operate out of Halifax. The Minister then reviewed the roles of Materiel and Train- ing Command and the progress they have made to date on in- tegration. - Dealing with operational read- iness of forces, the Minister re- ferred to the Zambia Oil Air- lift. He - also referred to First Black Watch Battalion Group and Exercises Caribou and Win- ter Express. Speaking of the Reserves, Mr. Hellyer said an important de- velopment was the appointment of Deputy Chief Reserves, who will have full responsibility for Reserve ,Components and Ca- dets of the Navy, Army and Air Force. The minister comment- ed on the reorganization of the Militia and the reintroduction of Corps Training. More emph- asis is being given to Militia Training with Regular Force Units. After dealing in some details with new management tech- niques introduced into the De- partment, the Minister referred to progress being made in re- search 'end development includ- ing the successful launch of Alouette II last November. Tribute To Forces The minister concluded his statement with a tribute to the _hen and women of the Armed Forces. He said the strength of the Canadian Armed Forces is in the dedication, training and professionalism of its 'officers and men. Just as no Force, he went on, no matter how well trained can operafe effectively without good equipment, similarly, no amount of modern equipment by itself 1 can be effective without per- sons skilled and trained in its use. We have in the past • en- joyed and still enjoy a tremen- dously proud and effective force -unsurpassed anywhere in the world. We fully recognize that if we are to maintain this ef- fectiveness in the future, we must continue to provide the training, remuneration, and ca- reer opportunities to attract the high calibre of person required for our demanding tasks. Whereas it is true that- reorgan- ization of any kind raised...q.ues- tions in respect . to the effects that it may have on individuals, the. important problems relat- ing to individuals in the Armed Forces today are not those re= Highways Minister Made Life Member Presentation of an Honorary Life Membership in the On- tario Good Roads Association to Hon. Charles' S. MacNaugh- ton, Minister of Highways, On- tario, was made by the Board of Directors of the OGRA "in .recognition of his valuable con- tributions to the cause of good roads in thin Province", at its recently concluded. annual con- vention in Toronto. The scroll said in part: "Ad- vocate of a total roads concept for the roads 'system •of the Province, notable progress has been made since he became Minister, in all 'parts., of that system, through the adoption of plans and programs in keeping with that concept? such as the expansion of the Program of. Assistance to Municipalities, County Needs Study and the Area Planning Studies." The scroll also noted that as Chairman of the Executive Committee, Metropolitan Toron--• to and Region Transportation Study, under his leadership, ,plans are well advanced for the inauguration of modern com- muter transportation -by -rail fa- cilities, for the relief of daily traffic congestion on, highways in and about the Metropolitan Toronto area. The scroll is signed by C. • S. Anderson, president, 'and W. S. McKay, secretary -treasurer of the association. BARN' CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A ,BADGFR SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES - SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton Home need fixing up? DO IT NOW with HFC cash! Materials are in stock ... service is prompt ... and low, off-season prices mean real savings. Remodel, re- decorate, or refurnish your home. Then, repay HFC in convenient monthly amounts. Don't wait for spring, do it now -with a Householder's loan from Household Finance. Also, ask abouur lower rates on loans over $1500. ASIS about Credit life Above 0 yments Include principal and interest and are based Insurance at low group rates on pram trepayment, but donal Include the COM o:lee Imitate . AMOUNT OF LOAN i;lIIO 300 560 1000 1600 2600 3000 4000 6000 MONTHLY PAYMENt PLANS 60 48 36 30 10 11 months months months months months months $ $ $ $.....$6.12 $9.46 18.35 28.37 23.73 32.86 51.24 41.45 58.11 91.56 I01.01 126.26 73.35 88.02 117.37 146.71 57.72 90.18 108.22 144.30 180.37 HOUSEHOLD FINANC Ask about ourevening hours GODERICH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) STRATFORD 119 Ontario Street -Telephone 2714440 (next to Stmpton..S'sars) suiting from integration,. they are the same real problems af- fecting men and women in all walks pf life, that is, pay, al- lowances, housing, career op- portunities, etc. I might add that there perhaps are many Canadians who do not•fully ap- preciate just how good the Can- adian Armed Forces really are and what a tremendous • job they do as ambassadors for Canada as they pursue their task of contributing to the de- terrence of war and helping to preserve world order. Honour- able members who have visited our Armed Forces Units and Establishments Overseas, i n Canada and at Sea, and who have been impressed by the superb quality and pro- ficiency of the men and women of the , Forces woukf be per- forming a most useful service if at every opportunity they in- formed their constituents and Canadians generally of the ac- complishments of those who wear our country's uniform. With respect to pay and al- lowance, the Minister said that a number of questions had been raised and these are all under active study at the present time. He said: "We fully realize that we have to compete for man- power in a booming economy and measures will be 'taken - measures designed to do justice to the men and women of the Arfated Forces and to attract neje recruits to the organiza- tion." ' Classified ads pay dividends Rev. A. R. Looby, CSB, Wind- sor; Mrs. R, J. Curran: Mont- real, and Mrs. C. A. Trott, of Clinton., visited their' nlotl4ler, Mrs. A. M. Looby. Mrs. Thomas Butters took charge of 'the Dublin WI meet- ing °held at the home of Mrs, Charles Friend. Twenty-three ladies were present. The roll call was on safety in the home. Mrs. Herbert Britton introduc- ed the speaker, Constable Lar- ry Stacey. Her showed a film, "A Day in Court." There was a discussion on the film, also had questions. and answers on traffic signs, signals and what they mean. Mrs. T. Butters readan art- icle on potash and its uses. Lunch was served by Mrs. Joe Dorsey, Mrs. William Smith and Mrs. C. Friend, and courtesy re- marks were given by Mrs. R. Aikens. - UP TO on Guaranteed INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES, (depending on terms ,and company) W. E. ,Southgate Seaforth Representing: Sterling Trusts Corporation Huron & Erie Mortgage Corp._, Crown Trust Company Industrial Mortgage . & Trust Company INCOME TAX - JUST A ,WORD • OF CAUTION ..TO THOSE SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS WHO HAVE NEVER FILED A TAX RETURN! If ,you ' were not taxable you would riot incur a penalty.;,, But now, with the requirements of the new Canada Pension Plan to meet, a return is compulsory,. , ., Telephone 527-1250 for an appointment. H. G. MEIR .a. •'that San Ike of 0,4=4 lis :ow of theworld's leading life humane* companies, with 150 branch oLc throughout North America? As the Sun We taproom* ative in pour cossmomitg, mewl beofservice? JOHN J. WALSH Phone 2714000 -., 48 Rebecca St., STRATFORD Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements - It's a Profitable Pastime! Contract Your Bean Acreage at E. L. MICKLE & SON LTD. - Quality Michigan and Ontario - Sanilac and Seaway Seed - Fertilizer Supplied. - EPTAM Available FERTILIZER WE HAVE BAGGED OR BULK HARRISTON FERTILIZER Available At Competitive Prices ,SPRING SEED Registered, Certified and Commercial - - Spring Seed Available . .- SPECIAL SEED. MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL E. L.Mickle&Son Ltd. HENSAL1. - - Phone 262-2714 See those giant wide doors? Handi-Van is easy to load and unload. Two curbside doors may be specified, and then there are a number of extra window combinations available. . Handl-Van can turn in a 35.5 foot circle. Lets you scoot out of packed traffic and deliver. .your goods where and when you promised. Look at all the space. Handi-Van measures 211 cu. ft. inside. That will hold up to a ton of payload. Loadspace length from engine housing back is over 92 inches. The engine is a 120 - hp engineeringgem. And if you want more muscle, you can specify a 140 - hp workhorse. Powerglide is avail- ble too. The metal floor is built to shrug off abuse from 'most any kind.of load, In fact, it's 3 heavy duty floor at no extra cost. Handi-Van's body and frame are uni- tized. And the heavy -gauge steel has extra resistance' to corrosion, giving' you longer sttrvike. 0 ff..`!i1. '; . w �i 9; iy.:;':;•i ii3i . >:.. :.r; .;i•`.` F r You can see how great Handi-Van is from the ;back. But the most important thing is on the front. It's that GMC. nameplate that makes the difference. Not the plate itself of course, but what it represents. GM4 has a reputation for Engineering Leadership. For instance: realizing most Nandi - Vans would be city -operated and subject to road moisture and salt, GlYlt engineers started at the bottom. Sheet metal in exposed' areas is first galvanized, then covered with aluminum paint, phosphated ...then, after all that, undercoated! No wonder Nandi - Van stands up so well under the worst aCanadian winter has to offer. And no wonder GMC has earne'dfihat-repiitation- for -leader- ship. When you're thinking vans think Handi-Van by GMC. A OENBRAa MOTORS VA: -ug WEST -END GARAGE TRUCKS ENfl NEE 11Ng ttI(DERSRIP AUTHORIZED GMC TRIJ K DEALER 82 HURON ST. IN MI1Ctlt:LL MITCHELL, ONT, « .. -• 0.4 alai to watch "T.letcopila'alhe Fugitive" oad'•The Reit Sit ltolillets sew shewiltg Sit tallvied% Clock Wel liftiop fK tins lad chsMiiil - - , WEST -END GARAGE 7.4660 1 0 . r 0