HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-03, Page 9w• 4 4 b 0 e 4 • 0 • LEADING STRAINS OF LAYERS ' • QUALITY. CONTROLLED HATCHING. DEPENDABLE SERVICE First step Q more e .x� income Buying the -right flock -- • replacements is the first step toward higher egg income. You can be sure of that important first step when you buy the J. J. Warren Sex - Sal -Link from your Swift's Hatchery. - We believe—and we think the records prove -that the Sex -Sal -Link is the most outstanding brown egg layer on, the market today, and the equal of any white egg layer. It averages 240 to 255 eggs per bird housed fora full year of lay, has good feed efficiency and egg size with low mortality. This year, head for higher egg income with the famous J. J. Warren Sex -Sal -Link from your Swift's' Hatchery. Order from us soon. SWIFT'S HATCHERY Walter McClure R.R. 2,' Seaforth, Ong. Phone 527-0476 SFIE'S TQQ AVAILABLE DEAR DO IS—I met a 'guy at a farm wedding dance. I have been going with him near- ly every Saturday. It seems that I go to my girl friend's plaoe, then she and her boy friend and - I go uptown for a drive, .and usually find my bqy- friend' As soon as we find him; I usually go out with him. How can I get him to pick me up at home?, He always takes me home like a man does, and always seems happy with me. I know he doesny't go out with anyone else and I also don't go with anyone else. I sit and wait for Saturday to see him. Worried Gal DEAR WORRIED = All he may need is a word from you. If he's not a dater, he hasn't practised making dates. Tell him you like his com- pany but are puzzled as to why he never arranges ahead to take you out. He'll appreciate you INSURANCE. WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone' 527-0467 Seaforth Representing the Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co, Woodstock, Ont. • PROMPT .WATCH REPAIR SERVICE at SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President Cromarty Martin' Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - ItR. 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill. Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Liican Agents: Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Sec reta ry-T i'e asu rem Arthur Fraser - - Exeter NOTICE! TO CENTURY FARM OWNERS Of the Township of McKillop Anyone now owning a faun in the Township of McKillop that will have been in the same family for 100 years or more by 1967, please contact the undersigned by March 5, 1966, as they may be eligible for recognition through a project sponsored by the Junior Farmers Association to . com- memorate Canada's Centennial Year. J. M. E'CKERT Clerk -Treasurer Township of McKillop R.R. 1, Seaforth more if he has to make a little effort to see you. DEAR DORIS—! am 13. I live in a very broken, disorgan- zed home. Mom rriet:. Dad. through a newpaper. You know!, .Men and women send in their navies and ages and so on and find someone to marry in this way. Mom babies my seven-year- old sister. She shows love for some of us and hates the rest. She hates Dad. It's funny she hasn't' driven him to insanity or something. She is • the laz- iest, untidiest person I know. Doris, you just can't imagine what it's like to live here. Our house is a mess. We come home from school and the floors are unswept. She never krubs, waxes' or anything. I think she, and every- thing she does, will drive me crazy. My older brothers and sister complain also. My little sister isn:t yet affected by her. Desperate DEAR DESPERATE—Sounds like a home which, if not ac- tually broken, is at least badly bent! I'd say your mother has needed help for a 'long time,. and of several kinds. Is she, by chance, under par physically? She babies and cuddles little sister because she needs s'bme- one who loves her no matter what. The rest of you no long-.. er 'respect her. A conspiracy with your Dad and the other teens just could result in a clean-up which would give all -of . you — ineJud-ing- Mom — a great big lift. • This might be followed by some kindness from you to Mom, when she least expects it. Like making her a cup of tea. DEAR DORIS—My mother' di- vorced my father when" I was in high school. Later she re- married and was' divorced again. There were no children by this marriage, but she kept this man's name. My father died 20 years ago and now my mother says that she should be buried beside my father, at her death: She does not bear his name. What ,is proper? She has a lot with her mark- er all on it, in the town where she was born and also where her mother and father are bur- ied. A sister put it up, un- known to her, but she says she doesn't want to be there. Both of these plaOs are 3600 miles away. She does not want to be buried here either, so what do I do? She is 77' years of age. Casting Lots DEAR CASTING—We usual- ly go by the expressed wishes of . the person who owns the body! After all these years She looks .back on your father with some sentimental, regard. A bit unusual—but not unheard of. Shipping- a body would' in-' volve the cost of express and of a person to travel with it. If finances can be arranged, con- sider 'it. • ' If not, she might look with favor on the .purchase of a family plot to accommodate you and yours, in which she would have a place. •"' A personal chat with your minister 'would help you sort things out better than a letter from me. CONFIDENTIAL TO PEN- HAPPY—By nature we are so- ciable. Not many enjoy being alone and on their own as much as you are. My leaflet, "How To Get More Mail," provides some addresses for finding kin- dred spirits to write to. Send in ten cents and a stamped, self- addressed envelope and I'll put it in the mail to you. Classified ads pay dividends. 'blue coa.I' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS • DUNDAS Office 527-0150 - Res. 527-1053 TRAIN TO TORONTO Askaboutconvenientdepartu.re - • and return times For Information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office .- - wHfre One 1 ... BARE $3.40I/4 Re er<ue � �� ire 90 CANADIAN IIATIoNAL - T Burns' UCW 1a A �• Meeting Burns' Church UCW members met at the home of Mrs. Pete Salverda..iday for their°regu- lar monthly meeting and the World Day of Prayer service, when '17 ladies were present. Mrs. George Smith, the group leader, had thane of the- Day - of Prayer service. She chose for her helpers Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Miss Ida Leiper, Mrs. Jim Scott, Sr., Miss Gladys Lei- per, Mrs. Frank McGregor, Mrs. Hills, Mrs. Ed Salverdo, Jr., Mrs. Pete Salverda, Mrs. Tre- win, Mrs. Leslie Reid, Mrs. Jim Howatt, Miss Jean Leiper, Mrs. George Carter and Mrs. George Watt. Mrs. Ed Salverdo, Sr., favored with a solo. Mrs. Jim`Howatt, president of the society., had charge of the business part of the meeting, which she opened with a,p'em, "Marking Time." The roll 'calla, was taken by ,Mrs. George Watt and answered by a verse of Scripture. The treasurers, Miss Jean Leiper and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, gavqe their reports. An invitation to Walton bazaar at 2:30 p.m. on April 13, was ac- cepted. It was decided to send used greeting cards to Mrs. Van Egmond for use at the Ontario Hospital. •On motion of Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Carter, the so- ciety agreed to help with the father-andson banquet in Lon- desboro. Members are request- ed to help with the bale in April. If suitable to the hostesses in future, the- meetings will be held on the last Tuesday of each month. Mrs. Howatt closed the meet- ing with a poem, "A Daily Prayer." Miss Ida Leiper was organistfor' the meeting. - FUNERAL MRS. REBECCA WOOD ' Mrs. Rebecca ,Wood, 94, of Hullett Township, died Friday in Clinton Public Hospital, where she --had- been a patient for two years. The former Rebecca Towns- end, "she. was the daughter of the late Mr:''.ifnd -Mfg. Frank - Townsend. Her husband._ Frank died in 1946.4She had lived all her life in Hullett. She is survived by one son, Edwin, at home; one daughter, Mrs. William (lry) Manning, RR 1 Londesbo `' two sisters, Mrs. t1James (Mary) Robertson, Hirronview, Clinton; Mrs. Em- ilia Parklow, Toronto; two brothers, El.isha, Ottawa; Wal- ter, Brantford; four grandchil- dren and 11' great-grandchil- dren. The body was at, the Tasker Memorial Chapel., Blyth, until Monday at 3 p.m., when Rev. R. Tschanz, at a service at Londesboro United Church. Temporary burial was in Blyth Memorial cemetery chapel. ' USB NE EIInwifto' Wincheise Zion. CHANGES OF NAMES and boundaries of certain Pro- vincial Electoral Districts 'in Ontario' have been proposed by the Special Commission on Redistribution. Illustration de- fines ,boundaries of the Provincial Ridings as proposed by the Commission. RRUCEFIELD ' NEWS.. OF THE WEEK .,, The ladies of Brucefeld and Kippen met at the Brucefield Church lot. the 'World Day of Prayer. Mrs, Robert Allan, Jr., was key woman and ''presided. Assisting from Kippen were Mrs. John Sinclair and Mrs.• H. Binnindyk; from Brucefield, Mrs. John McGregor, Mrs. J. A. McEwan, Mrs. Alex McBeath and Mrs. Harvey Taylor. The offering was received by Mrs. 'Ken Scott and Mrs. Allan Hill and dedicated: by Mrs.. Al. Ian. Mrs. W, Kyle, Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. Emmerson Kyle ' sang CORSETTI'ER- Bras; Girdles, Corsets and Support Garments TO, FI'T ALL FIGURES - At Reasonable 'Prices,' Mrs. J. Hoelscher SEAFORT.F George St. — One Block East of Library' "The Garden of Prayer.' Leaders in prayer were Mrs. Kyle, Mrs. John Broadfoot, Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Mrs. Bert Taber and Mrs. H. Taylor. Mrs. John Anderson . will be key woman for the next meet- ing which will be held in Kip - pen. BUY NOW and S -AVE! • Work Boots • Rubber Footwear SHOES REPAIRED at Jack Thompson's Footwear Service Main St. STAFFA Staffa• No. Two 4-13 ' Home- - making Club• held their third meeting of their club, "Accent On Accessories," at the home of their leader, Mrs. John .Wal- lace, on Wednesday evening. The meeting opened with ev- eryone repeating the ,4 -11. Pledge, followed ,by the secre- tary's report. Each girl answer- ed the roll call , with, "The ac- cessories which I have chosen to make," The leaders showed . the girls how to tie their squar- ed materials to form a pattern by tieing.. in .marbles, etc, then dipping ' the material, in dye, removing it and untieing, to see the patterns which they had on their material. Then each• girl. practiced making a hand - rolled hpm. The next meeting will be an all-daymeeting at Mrs. Doug• las'' home on Saturday, March 5th. The Staffa United Church wo- men held an all -day quilting in the Family Life Centre on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Viv- ian, Mrs. Penelope Pell and Mr. Lyle Worden returned home from Florida on Sunday. Mrs. Ross Smale spent a few clays the early part of the week in Toronto. Mrs. Bell resumed teaching at S.S. No. 3, on Monday after being ill for four weeks. Mrs. Earl Kemp taught in Mrs. Bell's absence. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. -- NOTICE. -- For Co -Op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St: SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For:S Auto and Truck ' • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence; .Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services +� ,'DYind Insurance 411E H IRON ;Ex. PQSNTOR, S.EAI ORM, ONT,r M R 1 ROY N. .BENTLEY Public ,Accountant 4 Britannia Road Vast Goderic Phone 524-9521 . WILLLAM M. HART Phone 527-0870 Seaforth. S UNWORTHY WALLPAPER Here is what you need • for a Fresh NEWIOOIU • Plastic Coated O Washable • Ready -Pasted al Fade Proof • Easy to Apply • Non -Pasted -,— Inexpensive, Too! — You can dec- ROOM LOTS orate your D wale for .. as little as• ... $1 r5® -Up Latest Styles Now IN STOCK ! NO NEED TO WAIT FOR DELIVERY Friendly Decorating Service:. GRAVES' WALLPAPER .,& PAINT DIAL 527-0050 ..-'-SEAFORTH e one beer so goodit made Canada farnous for becr throughout the world! In Ireland and over 60 other countries, you can enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced beer. x'. '•N,.,{'i4;'ri'v%3Gi:. .,. { - ;5.• .. '4� „yam s{';,�.,•;y`:r':::''r?{{fy.:y'; to �!. j16 j °, {•,: _ y, Irish folk singers a The CABLING 'BREWERIES Limited Dublin's popular Abbey' Mnn. rve •