HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-03-03, Page 60-41iE HURON E,XPOSITQR,. SEAFORTH, O' NT., MAR. 3, 1966 RECEPTION M.R. and MRS. BILL UHLER (nee Gail Finlayson) WALTON COMMUNITY 'HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 4th Jim Scott's Orchestra Ladies .pl ase bring Lunch -- Eve ne Welcome — YOUR RED CROSS - THANKS YOU ORYOUR NEEP SEAFORTH TEEN - TWENTY THE WIN -JAMMERS Saturday, March 5th COMMUNITY CENTRE ADMISSION $1.00 Dress — Seani-formal - Dancing 9 -12 Seaforth Figure Skating Club presents its 16th Winter Carnival t"THE MIDWAY" under the direction of Mr. Wm. Windove>r FEATURING LOCAL TALENT ' assisted by Championship Skaters MISS KIM ROBERTS and MR. BRUCE BRADY -.. SEAFORTH ARENA Friday, March 11th — 8:15 p.m. Admission: Adults 75c " Students and ' Children 50c Come out and support local talent 1 ' • Public Skating MIDGET GROUP PLAYOFF CLINTON MIDGEI`STT TS. SEAFORTH MIDGETS SAT. NIGHT MARCH 5 at 8 p.m. SEAFORTH ARENA • Seaforth won the opening game 5-3, and with your support can wrap up the best two -out, -of -three series on Satur- day night! We count on your help! An Evening of MUSIC -- featuring -- The Dominion Life Choir 'Waterloo . . Seaforth District High School Friday, March 1 ith- 8:30 p.m. ADULTS, 75c STUDENTS and CHILDREN 50c • • Sponsored by " E SiHS OI -I i1T3 y(►�jy .4 HAND 0 LOCAL BRIEFS , Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Ranson, of Midland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stephenson over the weekend.. Mrs. Ron Williams and Kim- erly,, of Calgary, are spending two weeks with Mr. and ..Mrs. Michael Williams and with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neilly at Pais- ley. Mrs. Hank Van Rooijen is leaving by plane on Saturday for a month's visit to Holland to '. isit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Cham- bers, John and Debbie, and Mrs. A1mira Chamber, of Pres- ' ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fischer, Seaforth, on Sun- day, and also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Shannon.. } Mrs. Wesley Roe spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Justason. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and family, 'of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams. Members of the Seaforth Public Utility Commission, chairman, R. S. Box, .Mayor J. F. Flannery, commissioner D'Orlean Sills and manager R. J. Benssey are in Toronto this week attending the OMEA Convention. Mr. ,and Mrs, Merton Keyes Senforth and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Keyes and family, of Brampton visited with their uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Keyes in Kitchener on Sun- day. . Miss Rose • Kampman, Kit- chener and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward McIver and family of Kitchener spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs.,, Sarah McIver. I Arnold Stinnissen., repre- OBITUARY MRS. ROBERT BURCHILL, SR. . Mrs. Robert Burchill, Sr., late of Lot 4, Con. 3. Hibbert Town- ship, died Monday at her home at the age of 91. She ,was born Feb. 15, 1875, the former Hes- ter Anne Robinson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson. She w•ae mareied'to Robert Burchill on Oct. 19th, 1898, and they farmed in, Hili bert Township until Ivir. Bur - chill's death in 1948. Mrs: 'Bur- chill was. a member , of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, and of the. Ephraim Scott So- ciety. Surviving are three sons, Ro- bert, Mitchell; John, Hibbert, and Daniel, Toronto; one daugh- ter, 'Mrs. Thomas (Mary) Coyne, Hibbert; one- brother, Richard Robinson, Stratford; two sis- ters, Mrs. Ada Burchill, Hibbert Township, and Mrs. Mayme Smith, Stratford; four grand- ildren and one great -grand - n. One son, Roy, predeceas- ed her in 1962. --The-„bodF -rested at the_home_ of her -son, John, Lot 4, Con. 3, Hibbert, where the funeral ser- vice was held at 3 p.m. Wed- nesday... Rev. ' Alan Ross, of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mit-- chell, officiated. Temporary en- tombment was in the Woodland cemetery, with burial later in Knox Presbyterian cemetery. Classified ads pay dividends. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH - REV.' DOUGLAS 0. FRY Minister Sunday, !March 6th WORSHIP — 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 10 A.M. BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH.. (Services at Orange Hall) Sunday, March 6th 9:45 A.D1,AY SCHOOL - Classes for all ages 11:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. GOSPEL SERVICE Guest Speaker: 'Pastor Christian Knetsch "They that waif upon the •Lord shall r-e-rf`e-w their strength.” —Isaiah 40:31 sentative of the Sun Life Assura{tce Company 4f Can- ada, London. Branch, hes re- turned home. from a market- ing forum, at Mont Gabriel Lodge, in the Laurentian mountains, north of Mont- real, when more than 125 representatives in North America attended. Mrs. Andrew McNichol spent last week with l.Vlr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, Wat- erloo, who moved to their new home .on Summit Ave.,. Forest Hill, Kitchener, on Saturday. Sunday visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart were, the form- er's son. Dr. Kenneth G. Stewart, Valerie and John of Kitchener. Mrs. A. A. Case'of Water- loo was a Sunday visitor with Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Don Riehl, Mich- ael, Bruce and Jimmy, of R.R. 5, Stratford, visited Mrs. Riehl's parents, . Mr.. and Mrs.. --J.- .R. Jefferson, on Saturday evening. Mr. John Wallace and Deb. ie spent the weekend with' Mrs. Shirley Wallace and fain- ily in Essex. Mrs. Wallace re- turned home after visiting for two weeks with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jeffer- son, Debra and Anne, of Mun- ro, were..Sunday evening visi- tors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson. Mrs. Alex Gardiner returned home on Sunday from Stratford Hospital, where she was a pa- tient for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex _Grego, Kirktot. Hold Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer ser- vice was held in Cromarty Church with the ladies of Staffa United Church joining in the service. Scripture lessons and prayers were taken by ladies of both groups. and the wor- ship periods were led by Miss Vera' Hambly, Mrs. M. Lamond, Mrs. Mervin Dow and ,Mrs. Har- old. Pethick. Meditation on the theme, "Ye Are My Witnesses," was taken by Mrs. A. .H. Day- nerd. A musical "number was ren- dered by a double quartette, Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs. C. Douglas, Mrs, Gerald Carey and Mrs. T. L. Scott,. with Mrs. K. McKel- lar at the piano. • A. filmstrip, "The Day Thou Gavest," was shown by' Mrs. M. mond. - Groups Make -Presentations Mr. and• Mrs" Harry Curring and family who have moved to Sudbury, .were honored Thurs- day evening following choir practihe in. First Presbyterian Church. The Fireside Fellowship Group,Explorers, Sunday School, Choir and Board of Man- agers joined in presenting them with a mantel clock in apprecia- tion of their services to the • church during their stay in Sea - forth. ' They left Saturday for Sud- bury. where Mr. Cuming is man- ager of the Toronto -Dominion Bank there. CASH BINGO friday, March. 4 8:15 p.m. Legion : Hall, Seaforth 1e Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Specials. One $50.00 Jackpot (Children under 16 note permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 256, or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Cenediars Legion PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK - INTERMEDIATE HOCKE PLAYOFFS First Game in 4 -out -of -7 Series TUESDAY, MARCH 8th Lucan at Seaforth • SEAFORTH ARENA j. 'me: $'30 p.m. , ADMI' SIGN — 50c ant 25c ..ssesI (Continued' from Page 1) particular area it would not necessarily follow that this would be granted. . Council Sillery referred to the difficulties there would be in 'obtaining an arhitrator who would be fair to all sides. Un- der the circumstances, he sug- gested it perhaps would be bet- ter to leave the decision to the county. Should Act Now Councillor Cleave Coombi felt some action should be taken as quickly as possible so as to -slow down," lie said, the ac- tion of the Tuckersmith-Stanley school board in rushing plans for the large' school at Kip -- pen. "Why slow it down?" Coun- cillor McGregor asked; "we haven't been shown that it. can be done- any cheaper in any other way." "Are you going to base all your thinking on .cheapness?" Councillor. Forrest asked him, and Mr. McGregor said not nec- essarily, but •pointed out that delays cost mohey. Councillor Forrest said' that no school board member or councillor could convince him that they ' are working in the interests of the children when they take them 10 to 15 miles to a school when they could provide them- with schooling •w•ith.in-a mile or so from home. Emphasizing that he was tir- ed of the whole' thing, Reeve Thompson said that he was not in favor of taking it out of the school board's hands. Pressing council on what he described as its inconsistent ap- proach, Councillor Forrest re- viewed again the action that had been taken in February -of last year in connection with the school board's request J,'e ,re-, called also that council, with- out reference to the school board. had gone directly to In- spector Kincaid and had made arrangement to visit the Cert. tral School in Howick. Discussion of the school prob- lems was not reached on the agenda until after' six o'clock, as .council, struggled to recon- cile differences of opinion in connection with a drain report:, It was after 7 o'clock before• the six -hour meeting adjourn- ed. Grant To F of A A dplegatibn including John Broad opt 'and John McKay, re- presenting the Township Fed- eration of Agricultpre, asked for the usual grant of $750. Councillors discussed the ad- vantages of a broader member- ship 'base :-as opposed to a flat grant from the township, but Mr. Broadfoot recalled this had been tried and ..there had been a problem in carrying on a campaign at the grass roots in the early days of the organiza- tion. It meant- that F of A of- ficials were spending much of their time soliciting member- ships, and had time to do lit- tle else for the organization. Agreeing with Councillor For- rest that all ratepayers in Tuck - Former Seaforth Rector Dies Rev.,R. P. D. Hurford, rec- tor of Christ Anglican Church, London, from...1944 to 1956, died.. at his home, 280 Steele St., Lon- don, on Monday. He was a for- mer rector of St. Thomas' Angli- can Church here, where he served from 1938 to 1944. • • Dr. Hurford held an .earned Doctor of Divinity 'degree: Most Doctor of -Divinity , degrees in• the Anglican Church are hon- orary.,,He served for 1,Q years in the parishes in the ,Diocese of Ontario, before ;Dinar to' the Diocese 'of Huron in 1924, Dr.. Hurford cattle to Canada 'from -Upper Norwood, London, England, in 1909, and graduat- ed from Wycliffe Cbllege in 1913 with thegold medal pre- sented as winner of the col- lege oratory contest. He was ordained deacon in 1913, took his bachelor of divinity in 1920 and doctorate in 1934. He lectured in New Testa- ment at Wycliffe College in 1937, and was appointed part professor and member of the faculty at Huron College in 1944, until he retired in 1955: For 12 years, Dr. Hurford was a member of the general -,synod and for 10 years secretary of its committee on reunion. He was also a member of the. pro- vittcial. synod, Huron College Couhcil and the executive com- mittee of the Synod of Huron. In Seaforth he was chairman of the public school board, and was active in Britannia Lodge, 'No. 170, AF & AM, and the Lions Club. Dr. Hurford is survived by hie wife, the former Grace- nib. berd: a daughter, Mrs, Ray (Jean) Evans, of Maidenhead, England; and two grandsons, Richard. and Andrew, both of 'Maidenhead, • , Service '%vas con dieted at . p til. bn- Wednesday -at The Church df,the deemer° byr1te , Devi ' II. ' t¢es, Burial,, tva8 l� WoOditii t "fi inetel a To ersmith were not farmers and therefore not directly involved in the organization, Mr. Broad - foot said at the same time the farmingelement a ement contributes to the welfare of everybody in the township. Council read the Finlayson drain report, prepared by En- gineer E. H. Uderstad, covering works in lots 18 to 21, conces- sions 3 and 4, LRS, and set a court of revision for April 5th. Adjourn Drain Hearing • Problems arose following the. reading of the McCully drain report when those in the area suggested there would not File advantages from the 'work in keeping with the cost. Discuss- ing the matter with council and the engineer, A. Timmerman, John Sinclair and Charles Eyre recalled action that had been taken in connection with the drain since it . was first con- structed in 1928. Certain work had been car- ried out in 1946 and a proposed scheme in 1954 had been aban- doned after some repairs were completed. Mr. Uderstad, follow- ing an hour and a half discus- sion, agreed the matter could be adjourned until the next meeting of council and in the meantime he would have a fur- ther look at certain of. the lev- els which it had been suggest. ed did not properly reflect the actual situation. Council enddrsed a resolu- tion' protesting a proposal of the CNR to abandon passenger service between Stratford and Goderich and discussed with Andrew Crozier charges cover- ing the provision of a deed for a street in Harpurhey which had been closed at his 'request. A grant• of $100 was`"`approv- ed for the . Hurdn Agricultural Society. Reporting in connection with the search for .farms which had been in a particular family for 100 years, council was told as far as it was known, there were 15. such farms in Tuckersmith, and 136 in the county. The Department of Highways approved a total road expendi- ture of $63,484. Council took• note of a course designed for assessors so that they could be- come fully licensed. There .are three 'assessors in Huron in this category. Delay in completing the plans for the Broadfoot drain led to C.O.F. EUCHRE Foresters' Hall KINBURN FRIDAY, MARCH 4th Ladies please bring lunch K Theatre GODERICH First -Run Films in Air -con- ditioned Comfort! Entertain - meat is 'Our Business Thurs.- - Fri. _' — Marek 3 - 4 "SHIP OF FOOLS" Stars VIVIEN LEIGH SIMONE SIGNORET and JOSE FERRER Shows at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Sat. - Mon. - Tues. $ March 5 - 7 - 8 BOEING— BOEING'. IN COLOR -Starring JERRY LEWIS ' and ' TONY CURTIS It's the Big, Comedy of Nineteeh Sexty Sex TWO SHOWINGS at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Adult Entertainment Special Matinee Sat., March 5th CHILDREN'S MATINEE Reg. Matinee Prices Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. March 9-10-11 THE SANDS of KALAHARI In Color Stars Stuart Whitman Stanley Baker Susannah York The Strangest Ad'ven. ture the Eyes of Mari ilave Ever Seen ! 1'yV0 SHdWihib at 1:13 and 9:x,5 p:m. ,Adult Entertainment instructions being given Clerk J. I. McIntosh to advise the en- gineer that it was imperative that the report be received by the next meeting of council. Council reappointed Charles Eyre as weed inspector. Dis- cussion revealed Tuckersmith was possibly the only township in the county in which a° weed inspector was appointed. In other townships the county in- spector, who is located in Tuck- ersmith, carries out the respon- sibility. "In" deciding to make the ap'- pointment, councillors recalled on previous occasions when the matter had been investigat- ed, it had been found the rela- tively small • cost involved was justified as a result of a clean- up carried out in Egmondville, Herpurhey and in school yards. a.� EUCHRE in I.O.O.F. 'Hall THURSDAY, MAR. 3 8:30 p.m. -- EVERYONE WELCOME — PRIZES -- LUNCH ADMISSION 5a CENTS Legion STAG EUCHRE Legfon -- Downstairs Tuesday, Mar. '8 8:30 p.m. sharp Prizes -- Lunch Admission 50c BRING YOUR PARTNER -- Everyone Welcome -r,- SHOW AND SALE BEEF BULLS Under the auspices of THE ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE IMPROVEMENT ° ASSOCIATION HAYS SALES ARENA, TRAFALGAR 5 Miles North of Oakville March 15 and 16th, 1966 Entries as follows: CLASS 1—HEREFORDS CLASS 2—SHORTHORNS CLASS 3—ABERDEEN ANGUS 123 39 16 HEREFORD BULLS Sell TUESDAY, MARCH 1541, at 11:00 a.m. SHORTHORN &ABERDEEN BULLS. sell . 1Y MARCH 16th, at 11:00 aan. The bulls will be judged on the mornings of the days they are scheduled to be sold, commencing at 8:00 a.m. A catalogue of entries can be obtained from the Secretary. ROBT, McGREGOR, President ' C. A. GRACEY, Secretary RR #2 , Kippen,"Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario The Bull Premium Policy of 20% of the purchase price up 'to a maximum of $150.00 will apply on all bulls sold that are Qualified on Performance. Seaforth Farmers. Co-operative.' BANQUET and ANNUAL MEETING Thursday,, March 10th ` at 7':00 o'clock' EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Guest Speaker: JULIAN SMITH ° Manager Co-op Wholesale Division of UCO, of Weston lta Tickets available at the Office or from Directors SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone 527-0710 Seaforth 4 4 1 Y $ F 4