HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-02-24, Page 741111•1011111.01111....11.,. • OPPOSITE POST OFFICE ,PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE at • SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers ,m•mmo••••••11.. Classified ads pay dividends. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A /BADGER SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BRUCEFIELD SALES — ,SERVICE Phone Collect: 482-9250 - Clinton USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Directors: - Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, • PresidentCromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - RR. 4, Mitchell V. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Tjm Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucarr - Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - • - Exeter Clayton. Harris _ _ - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Arthur Fraser -. - Exeter NEWS OF WOODHAM The UCW held a Valentine social in the hall on Friday evening. A variety program was enjoyed, which included the choir, from Usborne Central School. The World Day of Prayer will be held in the church on Fri- day afternoon at 2 p.m., with Cooper's UCW assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rixon and family, of London, were Sun- day guests with oMisses Blanche and Rhea Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. ,Mrs. Roy Kirk Is visiting with her daughter and .family, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Skinner, of Munro. Miss Mary Helen Cunningham of Lucan is visiting for some time with her sister, Mrs. Ken Wilson. The UCW catered to -the Men's Club .supper meeting on Tuesday evening. Mr. Everard Miller, of Zion West, showed pictures of his trip to Western Canada. THIS WEEK AND NEXT by Ray Argyle The Quiet Canadians Among the many paradoxes of the Vietnam war, none was more mystifying this week than the unexplained reluctance of Canada to attempt to move the conflict from the jungle to the conference table. Canada's failure to act was dqubly strange because as a member of the International Control Commission which had been given the job of truce - watching in Vietnam by the 19.54 Geneva Conference, this country is one of three nations. having.a recognized legal right to speak out on the war. Along with neutralist India and Communist Poland, Canada accepted the Geneva Conference request to maintain observers in Vietnam When that country was partitioned after the French withdrawal. -The ICC grew increasingly helpless as the, Communist -led National Liberation Front step- ped up its guerilla war in South Vietnam, and the U.S. reacted with material' and military aid. External Affairs Minister Mar- tin, who two years ago tried to get Japan to take over Can- ada's role, assured Parliament recently that Canada would stay on with the truce commission. But because' of -PrimV Minis- ter Pearson's reluctance to 'ev- en discuss the Vietnam conflict, there has. been a growing suspi- 'cion that Ottawa would not make any moves which had not first 'been cleared with Wash- , • BURNS CLEANE R NO SMOKE, NO ODOUR • HEATING 014 „ Walden .& Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 Seaforth yam=mwmmminw•=mmimommommi. ington. As prince 'Minister, Mr. Pear- son's_preoccUpatien with domes- tic ,politics has Waisted him from the kind of international diplomacy at which he showed such daring in the 1956 Suez crisis. Also unexplained ha: been President Johnson's famous let- ter to Ottawa of last summer. Did Mr. Johnson ask Canada to send troops to Vietnam or did he not? If he did, it would in; dicate the U.S. expected Can - ada to give Washington Its full backing despite this country's commitment to the Vietnam truce commission. But because the President re- fuses to give Mr. Pearson per- mission to make the letter pub- lic, it is doubtful if we will d.heer ate ever know what it contain It is recognized around t world that it will take anoth Geneva conference to extric the U.S. from Vietnam. W'hyhe then has Canada not taken t lead to get one going? ' The explanation is either" that behind -the -scene efforts are al- ready being made in this direc- tion, or' that Mr. Pearson has decided the problem is too criti- cal lo Ottawa -Washington rela- tions for Canada to dabble in. The North Vietnamese, back• ed up solidly by China and re- luctantly by the Soviet _Union, have, said that U.S. troops will have to get out of Vietnam be- fore -talks can begin. They've added that the U.S, would then have to sit down with the Na- tional Liberation Front — the Viet Cong to work out peace terms. The U.S., on the other hand, contends that the negotiations would have to be between two entirely different parties —.the South Vietnamese 'government in -Saigon and the North—VI-et-- namese regime in Hanoi. The Communists - view the conflict as an undeclared war between the U.S. and the peo- ple..of...South Vietnam (the yiet Cong). The Americans view it as .an invasion of South Viet- nam by the Hanoi regime in the, north. Following the Honolulu con- ference between President Johnson and Saigon Premier N. C. Ky (rhymes with be), the U.S. appeared to have ,at last settled on a basic strategy to maintain maximum pressure without escalating the -war be- yond recovery. • The main elements of the strategy are to try to recover the three-quarters of South Vietnam now,..controlled by the Communists, but to avoid any troop incursions into North Vietnam. Such super -escalation would bring the Chinese Army marching into ' the Indo-China deltas. The hope is that a war of attrition—and time—will even- tually convince the, Commun- ists that they cannot win 4h mili- tary victory in the south. The U.S. already appears re- signed to being pliable to win military victory. The chorus of rising dissent at horde will even, tually make it politically safer for President Johnson to nego- tiate a settlement, providing- he can find some way of present- ing it to the American public as a settlement, and not a 'sell- out. Remember! It takes but a moment to place. an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240.. S[AFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF - CEMETERY MEMORIALS Inquiries are invited. Telephone—NUmbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas advice from Doris Clark The Fear Of Failure DEAR DORIS—There has .al - Ways been a feeling a incom- petency and a tear of failure in my life. In a .period of optim- ism I decided to teach but now I knoW I will never ,triake a good teacher. I started a commercial art course, by mail, at 14, but nev- er finished it. I love art but don't really know if I have any talent. • One thing that haunts me is the fear that I am abnermal. My mind seems to be preoccu- pied with sex. I never date be- cause the church is the center of social activities here and I am not a ,member. I am 20. Just Existing DEAR JUST—Even geniuses have been classed as below nor- mal; the most promising student needs encouragement. When a little girl. is told often enough that she'll never amount to any- thing, and her life is packed full of prohibitions with no posi- tive praise nor promise, she be- lieves it. I know a middle-aged woman who never finishes anything she starts.. There's that old nagging fear, hangover from childhood, which tells her, she'll never get anywhere, so why try?' Sex is just one more, frustra- tion. You need dates, friends, the lift one rousing success can give you. Some new contacts, some religious philosophy—the positive, believing kind—can change your doubts to hope. Join that church YOU can, have them for a stamped, self-addressed envel- ope and ten cents sent in to me through this newspaper. Ask for "Everyday Recipes from a Happy Housewife." * * DEAR DORIS—Am I right in saying that you made up A sheet of six supper recipes from some ideas sent in by a reader? If so, how do I get them? Stretching The Pennies •DEAR STRETCHING—Yes. A cook -housekeeper ..i,vhd_loves to experiment is sharing some concoctions. We had them test- ed by a home economist. They use chuck steak, chicken, chick- en livers, pork chops to produce delectable ,dishes. 1964. PONTIAC, AT. -:-A62141 1964 CHEV. BEL AIR "8", A.T. and R.—A61212 1963 , CHEVY II SEDAN --A61763 1963 'CHEV. BISCAYNE 'SEDAN—A49948 1963 DODd "8" SEDAN—A59102 196HEV. BEL AIR SEDAN, A.T.—A60777 1962 ENVOY—A61811 • 1962 CHEV. SEDAN—A61474 1961 CHEV. PICKUP—C75701 1961 ,PONTIAC SEDAN, A.T.—A62058 1961 METEOR SEDAN—A61511 1961 DODGE SEDAN—A73765 • Name Your Own Deal — We Must Lower Inventory .Seaforth Motors Phone 527-1750 Open Pvenings • Seaforth No Reasonable Offer Refused * * * DEAR DORIS—This gentle- man I am about to marry is a widower. I have known him for 35 years and it is, a second wed- ding for both of us. 1. Do we send invitations to relatives a long distance aWay, when we know they cannot at- tend? 2. Is it proper for me to wear a corsage? 3. Would it be proper for us to give corsages to our daugh- ters? 4. What about a solo sung at second weddins? Second DEAR SECOND -1'. No. Send announcements. 2. Yes. 3. No. 4. Fine. The rule is that second wed- dings call for less fuss and frills; fewer guests. One attend- ant apiece; gifts not expected. * * * DEAR DORIS-1 have been engaged for over a year, but for some reason I dream of other bo Yit especially' one. NoW I'm not sure if I love the boy I'm engaged to or not. If I were to break up with him, how would I tell him? I'm afraid of what he would do to himself if I did. Confused • : Kippen 47H. • .01.01.S: Meet. • Members of the Thrifty Kip- penettes 4-H Club met Satur- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Bell to honor Miss Jean Turner, a former member and bride -elect of Saturday, Feb. 26. During the afternoon Mrs. William Caldwell and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott conducted con- tests, followed by playing char- ades. Jean, seated in a chair decor- ated in pink and white, was then presented with a pair of dresser lamps with best wishes for the future. Joan thanked everyone for the lamps, and lunch was served. DEAR CONFUSED—Better to be afraid of what it would do to you if you don't. Such un- certainty could mean a lifetime of misery for both of you. Have the courage to talk to him about your doubts—pronto! * * * 'CONFIDENTAL TO HEAD OVER HEELS—Listen to your heart? Yes! But don't entirely ignore your head. Make sure you Are not reacting to your family's disapproval by becom- ing more stubbornly determin- ed to have your own way. You and Jake have much, in common. If you take my advice TFIg I1UR 9,14 EXP051TDR.AEAF9R11,14. OM' 01110,24, iti+4 Arnold Stinnissen GROUP 1.1F0 ACCIDENT 414.PKENNESTOS• at:Ae.:AA;NitgNIAUIETDIEIC." sun.Life Assurance Company Godexicb. St. East ," Seaforth of Canada '. TELEPHONE 6274410 you'll enjoy your carefree friendship with him and simply refuse to get serious for a while. The light will dawn in its own good time. • Every week more people idis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. MM•11111111111MENION Farmers! Increase Your MILK PRODUCTION Build a Concrete Silo, height to suit your needs. : Upright Concrete Silos 14 feet up to 55 feet ARNOLD HUGILL 92 Cambria Rd. North GODERICH —'524-9437 Collect MALTING BARLEY and • BEAN CONTRACTS Barley Contracts— , •—BETZE, a Two -Rowed High Yield- ing Variety —Seed and Fertilizer Supplied Bean Seed- -Quality Ontario and Michigan Sanilac and Seaway Seed, grown from Foun- dation Stock Contracts- -Seed and Fertilizer Supplied • th FERTILIZER Competitive Harriston Fertilizer BAGGED or BULK Available at Hensall E. L M ick le & SOn Ltd. HENSALL - Phone 262-2714 W.0.59inagaPr wr4=0.00r, ...OR E.T I NSURANcE. D YOU KNOW THAT The ONTAPIO OVERNMENT HAS A BRAND , • NEW PLAN FCR PAYING. DOCroRs' 8.4 u.s .477eLi'Pii:));"11:1:41:11:"11:17;/' wir azu,•::,,-..re.;,,a IP•ip-- '''' 1 . • ,./110/.6/1I7716 OV7A47/0 0014EcZNMENT-GREW LIP 779A477414. c E - vr5o EVERYONE CAN 41/0 0:6774'V NO MATTER ,4101-1/ • LYME AlfWEY T71EY -11-41/&*. , ..... ,.. . . 1 • . • Jo/iv, is CAN cieicosEArvy c7.72)-2 4./" MAIL, WE CAN GET. C'L;Cr:7ei13// / 5 ,4://42 ,c0Q .E/1/77,PE ,4Z41/4.>'/" ,.„ al,:44q...„42104 srAtzr5 - NJULY Flasr AND lIDLJ CAN GET APPLICATION FORMS ATANY RANK RIGHT NOW/ .•• • Su es, att TFE J1,1;11111( 1 .E44,294.44/NOUS/Pis EAt77,<',ELY kt:41./Nptc>>-;44,0 INLYWIWALS AND 77/EiR A441/1./E:5 cwiY At•? -//./1.)e Of31,AGOLJIE X:0E244,0fe. ERVA14Y /5IS6 ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES. INSURANCE PLAN er. •