HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-02-24, Page 5• • • t • M Seaforth D�feats.....Mitheil Advance In WOAA Playoffs In WOAA Midget "B" action here Tuesday night, Seaforth dumped Mitchell 4-2 to win win their series two games to one. Seaforth took charge' early in the first period on a scoring play by Murray Henderson, as-. sisted by Dale Kennedy. In the dying seconds of the same period, John -McLean counted, to give Seaforth a 2=0 lead. Glen Nicholson scored on a pass from Gary Nicholson -to complete the only scoring in the second period. In the third period Glen Nicholson counted his second goal of the night to give Sea- "- a 4-0 lead,„ Mitchell made a last-minute attempt to win as they scored twice in the third period on goals by O'Donnell and Hay. Sea'forth hung on in the final minutes of play to win 4-2. Expert goal -tending by Allan Carter was a contributing fac- tor in the Seaforth victory. Each team was assessed two penalties throughout the game. Mitchell 7, Seaforth 3 Mitchell downed Seaforth 7-3 on Saturday night .to even their best -of -three series °at one game apiece. Mitchell Midgets, play- ing a strong game, took com- mand and were only threatened once midway in the third per- iod. Mitchell opened the sco at 8013 of the first perid on a goal by Danny Gloor. Min- utes later Mitchell scored again Ter Wee% Al the Seaforth District Mee sett their game 38-29. Top scorers were Brian Hodgert 7, and Hank Scott, Steve Brady, Fred Stev- enson and Murray Hulley, with six points each. •The final game is on Monday, with the boys going to Mitchell and the Mitchell girls coming to Seaforth. * a: * By BILL MORRIS Last Saturday some of the students of Grades 12 and 13 attended the Computer -Science day at the University of Water- loo. Here they hada chance to work on the IBM 1710 computer. Present were Janet Turnbull, Sally Cosford, Susan MacLen- nan, Kaye Matheson, Diane Fin- layson, Maureen Looby, Bruce Elliot, Brian Scott, Brenda Flan- nery, Mike Newnham, Gary Van Lpon, Dave Britton, Bill Morris and Mr. Murdie, - * * 8: 'On' Mon day our basketball teams started' a home -and -home. series with Mitchell, to see who goes to. WOSSA "B". Both the girls' teams won their games. The -Seniors won 19-17-; ._the. -Jun-._ iors, 23-17. On the same day our boys played at home against Mit- chell. The Senior boys lost 60- 51, with Brian Stewart getting f5 points .and Brian Scott get- ting 10. The Junior boys won Winthrop To Meet Marden Winthrop Warriors will play Marden in a WOAA Intermedi- ate "D" playoff series. The series will be a best four -out • of -seven, with- the first- game to be in Seaforth next Monday. The dates for the remainder of the series will be announc- ed later. The winner pf this series will meet the winner of the Monk - ton -Atwood series for the group championship. • de • • 0 • Grade 13 students went to Goderich Monday afternoon to see the production, "MacBeth." With exams• coming up next week, this should ..prove quite helpful. .* * English students were glad to see Mrs. Robinson back to school last Monday after, a three-week vacation down south. tVir _,.Rnberts._,had been filling_ in as supply teacher while Mrs, Robinson was away. Name Euchre Winners. •. The February euchre and bridge party was held at the. home of Miss, Gladys Thomp- son- on Tuesday evening. Three tables of bridge and three of euchre were in play. The bridge prize, donated by Thelma Dale, was won by Abbie Seip, and the euchre prize, do- nated by, Janet Schneider, was won by Mrs. Bethune. A vote of thanks was extend- ed to Miss Thompson for the use • of her home and the love- ly evening by Thelma Dale. Two parties are planned for March, the first early in March to be held at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot. Prizes for it will :be donated by Janet Cluff and Mary Thompson. Mrs. Mae -Habkirk offered her home for the second party later in.March. Read the Advertisements — It''s a Profitable Pastime! Got some lazy dollars? Put -them to work for you! Having cash is great — but it's just .a beginning. Making it work for you is.the next step. You can use your cash to buy an Investors Syndicate Single Payment Certificate. It offers you all these special advantages: • 1. An attractisjuaranteed interest rate. 2. Interest compounded annually. 3. Extra profits through additional credits. 4. No income tar on the gain until it is actually received. 5. Excellent collateral value at all times. 6. Retirement income option without additional cost. Don't you think you should put your lazy dollars to work with Investors? Fill in this coupon and mail it touay. W. G. CAMPBELL Seaforth gittelfiela SYNDICATE LIMITED --•----------Or mail this coupon— Without obligation, pteass sand ms ators Information. br NAME .....»»» ...:...' ADr1I2ESS ...»...».....»»». to lead 2-0 after one period. Midway in the second period John McLean scored, to put Seaforth on the scoreboard. Mitchell in a final burst of pow- er scored at -19:50 of the sec- ond period, to hold their two - goal edge. In the third period Mitchell counted on a goal by Hay. Sea - forth fought back, scoring two goals by Don Murray and •Ricky Wood. This closed the gap to 4-3 for Mitchell. Mitchell re- taliated, scoring three unan- swered goals to end the scor- ing and win the game. Mitchell marksmen were Greg Strathdee counting two, and Bill Walkom.. Nine penalties were assessed throughout -the game, and Sea - forth accounted for six of them. -Seaforth line-up:; Allan Car- ter, goal; Wayne Loney; Gary Nicholson, Murray Henderson, Dennis Hodgert, Glen Nichol- son, Dale Kennedy, John Mc- Lean, Ted Wilbee, Don Murray, Jon Fraiser, John Wilson, Hank Scott, Brian Leonhardt, Doug Phillips, Ricky Wood. Seaforth will now advance to a play-off 'series with Clinton Midgets in their conquest for the Western Ontario champion- ship. DOWN. AT T H E LANES BY LEE THEE Seaforth Mixed League Teani standings : Petunias, 89; Sunflowers; '16;; Sweet Peas,. 67; Daffodils, 66; Daisies, 66; Marigolds, 35. Ladies' high, single and tri- ple, June Boussey, 273 and 671; men's high, single and triple, Art Finlayson, 303 and 874. Seaforth Legion League, Team standings: Go-Gos, 99; Gophers, 72; Birdies, '65; Spit- fires, 59; Polecats, 56; Ramblers, 48. Ladies' high single, Betty Leonhardt, 272; high triple, Winnie Nott, 587. Men's high, single and triple, Norm MacLean; 328 and 844.• Games this week: Gophers vs. Go=Gos on 1 and 2; Ramblers vs. Spitfires on 3 and 4; Pole- cats vs. Birdies on 5 and 6. 'Egmondville Church League Team standings: Snappers, 81; Turtles, 81; Weasels, 77; Ramblers, 75; Lucky Strikes, 62; Bo -Hunks, 45. Ladies' high, single, Betty MacLean, 241; high triple, Mar- jory Papple, 587; men's high, single and triple, Norm Mac-• Lean, 317 and 714. St. James' Church League Team standings: Sweepers, 89; Blowers, 78; Sowboys, 70; Misfits, 69; Hustlers, 69; Alley Cats, 66. Ladies' high, single, triple and average, 'Fran Ryan, 250, 603 and 201; men's high, single, triple and average, Leo Hagan 294, 712 and 237. Ladies' Auxiliary " Spark Plugs, 89; Chevelles, 89; Busy Bees, 85; Deadeye Dicks, 55; Queenettes, 48; Eag- er Beavers, 33. High singles: Bev Smyth; 251; Norah Brown, 245; high tri- ples, Norah Brown, 656; Bev Smyth, 563. ' COF Ladies' Bowling • Feb. 9—nigh single, regular, Marilyn Riley., 276; high triple, regular, Marilyn Riley, 638. Team standings: Lightning, 73; Thunder, 53. Feb. 16—High single, regular, Anna Dolmage, 218; high sin- gle, spare, Beatrice Campbell, 158; high triple, regular, Mar- ilyn Riley, 535; high triple, spare, Beatrice Campbell, 402. Team' standings: Lightning, 77; Thunder, 56. Men's Inter -Town League .. Team standings: Exeter, 173; Little Bowl, 147; Cloud Nine, 143; Clinton RCAF, 137; Jim;s Selects, 124; Seaforth, 110;' Zur- ich, 93. Seaforth garnered four points last Saturday from the league - leading Exeter team. Following are the individual scores: Exeter—B. Nicol 273, 304, 245,, 236, 232'--=1310; P. McFalls, 16, 112, 234, 258, 193 <1097; J. Coughlin, 165'', 191,. 190, 248, 236--1030; D. Couture, 210, 216, 231, 161, 200-1030; D. Beaverstock, 241 153, 228, 158, 282=1063; J, Fuller, 178, 180, 224, 285, 232-1099., Total, 5,766: , Seaforth—A. Finlayson, 189, 171, 244, 291, '211=1106; J. Scott, 198, 195, 221, 278, 140= 1038; D. Wood, -.264, 224, 224, 254, 196-1162; Bill Brown, 154, 169, 243, 174, 163=803; Gord Moble, 200, 252,•283, 149 173= 1007; Erie . Nlatzold, 155, 171, 262, 269, 193=••1050.° Tdtal, 5,437, • CUr:liu News Seaforth Ladies' Curling Club held its invitation bonspiel Wednesday. Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. John Cardbo and committee. Special -events committee was Convened by Mrs. G. Buettenmiller. The dinner was catered by Mrs.. W. Miller. Winners of the 9 a.m.. draw were: first prize won, by Kit- chener, skipped by Trudy Clas- sen; second prize won by Gode- rich rink, skipped by K. Bak- er; third prize to Exeter rink, skipped by Edith Boyle; conso- lation prize won by RCAF Clin- ton rink, skipped by Margaret Bush. Winners of the 11 a.m. draw were: first prize went to Exe- rink, skipped by Helen Burton; second prize went to Seaforth rink, skipped by Mrs. Dave Cornish; . third prize, RCAF Clinton rink, skipped by Fran Ripley. Consolation prize went to the Goderich rink, skipped by Isa- bel Riehl. A rink skipped by John Pat- terson came second in the 11 o'clock draw in a bonspiel in Goderich on Sunday, sponsored by the Goderich Branch- of the Royal Canadian Legion. Other members of the rink were Archie Dobson, vice; Clarence Petrie, second, and Gordon Beauttenmiller, lead. •A second team, skipped. by Frank Case, with Lloyd Rowatt, vice; Robert McDonald, second, and Charles Wood, lead, also attended. A successful Topnotch bon - spiel was held Saturday, spon- sored by Toppotch Feeds Ltd, The- winners-, of the first draw was -a rink from Brussels, skip- ped by Carl Veitch; second, a rink skipped by Bill. Roberton, of Seaforth, and a rink front Atwood and Thedford tied for third-place. -' The ,winners of the seco.n. draw ,was a rink from Exeter, skiplied by Lee Learn; second, a rink from Kitchener skipped by Bob Reith; and third, a rink from Dublin, skipped by Bill Campbell.• 1.6 Risks Compete At Hensall Sixteen rinks, participated in the mixed bonspiel, sponsored by the Hensall Legion Branch 468, held at Hensall arena on Saturday: First prize, first event—Skip, H. McLachlan, Thedford; Mrs. M. McLachlan, V. Jamieson, Mrs. H. Jamieson --3 wins .plus 10. Second prize, first . event— Skip, .Douglas Mann, Hensall; Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Robert Caldwell, Mrs. Douglas Mann - 2. wins plus 10: Consolation prize, Hensall— Fred Beer, George Beer, Mrs Ray Consitt.. First prize, second event Skip, G. Sitter, Thedford; Mur- iel Alexandra, Arthur Alexan- dra, Lillian Sitter -3 wins plus 17. Second prize. second event— Skip, Lloyd Mousseau, Hensall; Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, Alex Munn, Mrs. Alex Munn -2 wins plus 12. Consolation prize, second ev- ent—Skip, Jack Simmons, Hen- sall; Mrs. Jack Simmons, Ross Richardson, Mrs. Rdss Richard- son: Lunch and dinner were cater- ed to by the Legion Ladies' Aux- iliary. Beavers Win Final Game. • , TH.� HUtIoN: '+fort ► a ► ; 5'c: ..� t:S Efltertain Fathers,- Pe fo>'th Cubs and Scouts en- fe>vtained Seaforth, fathers Tues- day ;evening at the annual father and son banquet in St. Thomas' Church, Hall. Tlie hall was crowded .tn ca- pacity for the event—a feature of Scout Week. Scoutmaster Ted Wales was chairman for a short program,- which rogram;which included -greetings from eayor.John F. Flannery, from Lions Club president Art J. Wright, and from t.: G. Vier, representing the boys' and ,girls' Committee of the Lions Club, who sponsor the Scout program. Ron Eyre, assistant district commissioner, told details _of - Seed trip to the mountains that is being planned for Scouts of Perth district. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mrs. F. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLaren 'and Rodney were Saturday guests with Mrs. W. Crawford and Alvin in Dub- lin. Mr. and. Mrs. Percy Adams, Janet and Helen, pf Blyth,. and Mrs. Verna Brooks, Stratfprd, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. • Mr. David Scott, London, and John Scott, of Dorset, spent the weekend...at.. their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chappel and daughter, Adeline, were, guests at the Elliott -Kenny wedding, which took place in St. Mary's Church, London, en Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle, Barbara, Douglas and Geraldine visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith, of Zur- ich. Miss Adeline Chappel left by plane from Malton Airport on Monday to visit with friends at Couperfife in Scotland. : Owing to weather conditions on Sunday, the Sunday school ana`eliicrch service- of Cromarty • Church were cancelled. hMr. Gordon Scott is a mem- /I of the jury at Qntario's Supreime Court sitting at l'ertliw Coat"rTty`'court in Stratford this The women of Staffa United Church will join with Cromar- ty women for ' the World Day of -Prayer 'in Cromarty Church on Friday. . •Evening Auxiliary Meets The ? bruary meeting of the Marian Ritchie. Evening Auxil- iary was held at the home of Mrs. Carter Kerslake with 12 members and one visitdr pres- ent; -Mrs. Bill' Taylor presided and opened the meeting with a poem, followed with a 'hymn and prayer. Life membership certificates were presented to Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Miss Nettie Mc- Curdy by the president, Mrs. John -Miller. rt;, Mrs. T. L. Scott was a guest and presented the second pro; gram of "Ye Are My .Witness- "es4 with Mrs. Norman Har - bun, Mrs. Eldon Allen, Mrs. Frank Hamilton and Mrs. Lloyd Miller assisting. and taking part in a discussion on the Bible study. Mrs. Taylor led in the closing prayer, all joining in the Lord's Prayer. . WOODHAM A crokinole , party was held in the Base Line School Thurs- clay 'evening by the school chil- dren, with proceeds going to I1he Bonin. Bundle. Twelve tables were in play with prizes for most twenty, Ellis Strahan: high 'score, Mrs. J. Dr Braban- dere; low score, Barbara Mc- Lean; lucky chair, Mrs. Oliver Baker. • Miss Wilma Elston,- of Lon- don, spent the weekend with he°r parents, Mr. and Mrs." Rohl.. Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell. of St. Marys, were Sunday din- ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNaughton, Jim and Ronald, The World Day of Prayer ser- vice will be held in the church on'Friday at 2 p.m., with Coop- er's UOW assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and family, of Lakeside, were Sun- day guests with Mr.. and. Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Witteveen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Roudi, of Port Credit. Mrs. Witteveen remain- ed for a few,.days with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keizer and family, ,of Emhro, were Sunday guests with Mr. and. Mrs. Lawr- ence Beckett and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. William Holli- day and, Ken, of Rannock, were Saturday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett and daughters. Rev, John ,Wilson, of Abbots- ford, B.C., and ,Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sillits, of Stratford, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Tel Weibe and family. ' Mr. and Mrs.. Ellis Strahan attended the all boys' student recital at St. John's United Church, Stratford, on Wednes- day„ evening, put on by the On- tario „Registered Music Teach- ers' Association, Stratford Branch. David was taking part. Mrs. Alfred Baker:'•visited en Sunday with her Barents; Mr. and Mrs. George, Carter, of Blanshard,. By BOB HUARD Seaforth Beavers wound up their series of scheduled games with a bang. Tuesday night, when they defeated Petrolia 14- 0 and tock_ top . place in the group. Beavers now have a rest while Petrolia and Lucan play off. Tom Dick scored three goals as Gar Baker in the locals nets worked hard for a well-deserv- ed shut -out. The' other goal - getters for Seaforth were Bob Beuttenmiller 2, Jack McLlwain, Ken Doig and Bill McLaughlin with two each, Larry Dale, Ray Anstett and Ray Henderson each' got one. Fourteen penalties were handed out, including ene mis- conduct. Ron Urry, the Petro- lia goalie, was the main star of the visiting team. Seaforth 15, Owen Sound 5 Last Thursday night the Beav- ers in a game that started an hour late,- gave a hockey les- son to Owen Sound and- scored 15 goals to Owen' Sound's 5. The delay in starting result- ed from the late arrival of Owen Sout4d. When the visi- tors did arrive and ,got •on the ice they were short several players. LOCAL BRIEFS. Mrs. Charles Rosi, of Wing - ham, has been spending a few days this week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart. Miss Kathleen Cannon and Miss Jean Brett, of . Toronto, spent the ,weekend with Mr. aid Mrs. James F. Scott. Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, Miss Marion' Chamberlain and Mr. and Mrs. John 'Young, of Lon - .,don, were guests of 'Mrs. W. R. Kerslake over the weekend. Mrs. James F. Scott was in Toronto this week attending a school reunion. - The World Day of .Prayer is being held on Friday, Feb. 25, at' 3:00 pan. in St. Thomas' An- glican Church. The service this year was prepared by 'a com- mittee composed of Scottish wo- men in Edinburgh, who have taken as their theme, i"Ye• Are My Witnesses." Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke in Lon- don, and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Busby in Chatham; also Mr. and Mrs. Orville Schilbe in Thames- ville. Weekend visitors at the resi- dence of Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart were., _the_ former's daughter, Mrs, Alvin Hammond 'and Mr., Hammond, Donald Hammond', Norma and Susan Wilson, all of Moorefield,,,and-, Miss Carol Mitchell, of Rothsay. Obituaries LLOYD ELLIOTT Funerial service for the late' Llyod Elliott, late of Staffa, was held at the Lockhart funeral home, Mitchell, Thursday. Rev. A. H. Daynard, of Staffa United Church, officiated and burial war -in-Staffa-cemetery:- -- The pallbearers were John Sadler, Mitchell; . Robert Sadler, Harvey Hambly and .Henry Han: burn, • Staffa; Otto Walker, Cromarty, and Charles Price, Stratford, We like, the story about lit- tle Kenny buying •a ticket for an •afternoon movie. "Why aren't yoti in school?" tha cashier asked. "I don't have to go," was the nearer. "I've got the measles.' JOSEPH MATTHEWS Joseph Matthews. 66, died in Toronto Friday. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mat- thews, he had lived in the St. Columban area until going to Toronto about 20 years ago. There are no immediate sur- vivors. " The body was at the W. J. Cleary funeral home, Seaforth, from.... -7:30 p.m. Saturday until 9.30 ami. Monday. When remov- al was nmadc' to_...St. Columban Roman Catholic Church for Re- quiem High Mass a'L 10 a.m. Rev. L. J. Coughlin officiated. MPO5IT011y .SI /ilFO*TM. 14, 2,4190-4 A THE i NEW PR. '0 SAMPLE$' ,ARE Order Tour NEW SPRING 1 Tsilored - to;-10/fasur0 SUIT Now.! Drop in to -day and feast your eyes on the neweext fashion fabrics for men for this Spring! There are literally hundreds to choose from. See the ' new greens, browns, burgandies and blues featured in silk and wools, yarn-dyed worsteds and satin -face Venetians, plus a brand new range of striped fabrics that are destined to become top sellers. The styles will feature a widened shoulder line, with more trim body fit. If you're adventurous you'd do well to pick a double-breasted style they're back in style in Europe now! "WE FEATURE THESE THREE POPULAR MAKES: Devon Dark Clothes • • • • 65.00 - 75.00 - 85.00 Tip Top Tailors "Fleet Street" • • • • • • 95.00 Warren K. Cooke 98.50 to 119.50 PHIS WEEK'S HOT SPOT SPECIAL GOOD FOR THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY !- LARGE SIZE' 80" x 90" FIRST QUALITY "Ibex" Flannelette Blankets Regular $7.95 Quality -HOT-- SPOT -SPECIAL-- 6.95 SPECIAL...- 6.95 'Pair LIMIT ONE PAIR PER CUSTOMER STEWART BRO.SS, 1)S BIZI»G QOICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 O E Egli E OE ENE RALSTON PURINA Co. and burial .was"'iii -sr Columbary �'de•�Wd�®®� cemetery. .. E. EL,, -- - - -.- . MRS. FRED WATSON ' • Funeral service wee he'd on Wednesday, Feb. 9. for' Mr Fred Watson. Bdyfie'irl, at the - ' Ball funeral home, C;intnn. 11T(, ^ • March 6 -k8 Rev. W. J. Maine.. Bayfald United Church. Ofiieiateri. IntE•r meet was in Ba, frcri cemetery.Pallbearers w e r e Wat>o'T Sheardown,. Logan Cleaves and Bob Watson. nephews. and Joh:. Campbell, Roy Scotehnier air:: Albert Dunn. Flowerbearers were grandson~, Jimmy Watson. Tom Leeming. Bob Watson and John Leeming. Born on May 17. 1841; in Bayfield, Mrs, Watson Ova - Mary Scott. the daughter .or the late Mr. and Mrs. .Hugh McDougall, • Mrs. Watson who had been in ill health for a number of years.' had been seriously ill for two• weeks prior to her death in Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Monday, Feb. 7. She was a member of St, Andrew's United' Church, Bayfield, She is survived by her "hus- band, Fred S. Watson, whom she married on' March 27, 191$; two sons, John. Stanley Town- ship. and Stuart, Dundas, Ont., and a daughter. Mrs. W. .J. (Ethel) Leeming, Walton. Among those attending the" funeral were relatives from St, Thomas, London and Dundas. JOHN FABER Rcstrlepts trf Hensall and com- munity were saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Mr. John Faber, 58, who passed away at his home, RR 1, Hen- sall, Friday evening,' while watching television. Surviving are his widow, the former Beatrice Madge Ford; one daughter, Mrs. Wm. (Joyce) Sims, Exeter; his --father, Stoffer Faber, RR 1, HensalL four brothers, Harry, RR 1, Hensall; Rochus and Egbert,. RR $, Rip - pen; Cornelius, RR 3, Exeter, and three grandehildrenr Public funeral services were held from. Bonthron Funeral Chapel. Monday at 2 p.m., con- ducted by Rev. H.. F. Currie. Burial 'was in Itensall anion Cenn,etery. Pallbearers were Harvey x•Iyde, Gordon Troyer, Bruce Tuckey, Bob Pryde, :Sill Itoweliffe and Malcolm Dougall, fly over the cities and' countryside of Ontario, Ohio, Illinois & Missouri Visit one of North America's largest 4li,i 7 --w St. Lo lis, Missouri. the Ne orld's largest Agriculture Re- search Farm. the latestresearch developments in animal nutrition. tour see hear ask (earn discussions by the leading animal researchers. the farm experts about your own farm problems. facts that will help• you make your farm more profitable. treat- yourself to food fit for a king. enjoy laugh fellowship with a terrific group of people you'll never forget. with your friends at the special evenai,itg stage show (actors are aft members of Purina's Sit. Louis staff) . c, IF INTERESTED, PHONE OR SEE US THIS WEEK ! - MILTON- J. DIETZ Purina Chows Sanitation Products Layer Cages Ventilation (Wholesale - Retail) Phone 527-0608 : ' SEAPO1'E, nit. 3 rMI.rr 11111 111