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The Huron Expositor, 1966-02-24, Page 3
41. • • M • 0 • • • • • 4 r • AGRoSS 1 -Watch pO4ket 4.43ea.sts ef, burden 9 -confederate general 12- Female sheep 13,Slumber 14 -Doctrine 15 -Atmos- pheric con- ditions 17•- Leases 19 -Musical in. strument 20 -Withered 21 -Underworld 23 -Reached across 26 -War god 27- Negates 28- Roman gods 29- Land measure 30*emalcs 31 -Metal fast, ener 32- Postscript (abbr.) 33 -European 34 -Small valley 35 -Continued stories 37 -Journeys forth 38 -Sicilian volcano 39 -Unit of Italian cur• rency 40 -Sacred cll0rai com- position • 42 -Altar screen 44 -Silkworm 46-VVdtbe out 48-S a eagle 49. Afternoon party 90-Depresslonll 51 -Period of time • DOWN 1 -Small number Be in debt 3. Having whiskers 4- Residue 6. Winter vehicle 6 -Weight of India 7 -College de- gree--(abbr.) 8 -Scatters 9;Fabric 10 -Superlative end rng 11- Printer's measure (pd-) 16 -Golf mounds 18 -Sea eagles 20-Qverflowed 21 -Musical In- struments 22 -Got up 23 -Rail birds 24- Roman official 25- Eats 27 -Musical 1n• strument 307P e rtn itted 31 -Marched 83- Quote 34 -Challenge. G1171:1 MEMO 1 IMIt1191 ©me EE MME Ili i ©ECI€IMOM (13NHEM OEM =HQ NOEM.!2rI ©®C7Mli"1EN 0®00 BOOM OM ©EM NWEIM 1 ONEJ WIt1 F911iUJG1 NEMO MIEIMMMi". W NDI!1L EGON OEM Nli3©©I<J MOM= ©©1 MEMO 1000 E€llri OSEOM OOM 30 -Nerve net• Works 37 -Conflagra- tions 39 -For fear that 40- Encount- ered SOLUTION 41-NafIve metal 42 Hurried 43- Anglo • Sax • on' money 44- Vessel's curved • planklnd 47 -Note of scale 611111111111111Mil 1111M111111 ®■I:s;11®uIly11.■ 11111111E so 11111►i®11111 WEDDING INVITATIONS Phone 527-0240 CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS! Get your debts. under control with one loan, one payment. —Loans life insured free. —Maximum interest rate 10 per month on the Unpaid Balance. AND—Where You are Part Owner—In Your Own Organization. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED 482-3467 CofC At Annual —Last Thursday evening about 05 men and women partook of a delicious dinner, sponsored by the Brodhagen and District Chamber of Commerce as "Ladies' Night"; when members of the LCW of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church catered at the Community .Centre. The evening opened with the singing of "0 Canada," follow- ed by prayer by Rev. John Kappes. Mr. Lloyd Prueter, the president, was the chairman of the evening and welcomed all present. Mr. Edgar Elligsen led a sing -song with Mrs. Lloyd Prueter accompanying on the piano. Messrs. Orval Parrott, Fred Herbert and George Jarmuth were in charge of presenting humorous awards to different individuals. Potted plants and fancy place -cards decorated the tables. Russell Sholdice presented re- tiring president Leonard Rose with a plaque for his service, and Mr. Rose' spoke encourag- ing word to future presidents. All the ladies were presented with a beautiful gift of a relish= dish and spoon, and Wilfred' Ahrens gave an address to the ladies and proposed the toast to them. • Mrs. Orval Parrott, on behalf of the ladies, made a fitting reply. ' Mr. Taylor, of the Children's Aid Society of Perth County, of Stratford, was the guest speaker. He was introduced by Rudolph Bauer, and was thank; ed and presented with a gift by Kenneth Smith. The president thanked the caterers for the delicious dinner, and Mrs. Mar- tin Dietz, president of the LCW, made a suitable reply. Everyone then adjourned to the upper auditorium of the hall where William S. Riehl showed ' interesting slides of their trip. to Hawaii. He was thanked by Leonard Rose. • Pio- gressive euchre was then play- Ladle lay ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton• Office in Masonic. Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 Seaforth SEED CORN Lad e rQdhageri Vete ed with Mrs. Gordon Mogic,:a134: Gary Sholdice, high; 14_§..]•2a1,-' ton Hinz and Teti Vandenburgh., low. Tickets were sold on a surprise gift, with Harry Mueg- ge the winner. Master John Brink, who has been at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Wes- terveld, Seaforth, for the. past month, has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brink. Mrs. Howouwers, of Holland, Who is spending three weeks visiting in Canada, also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brink last week. Lenten services are being held every Wednesday evening, be- ginning at 8:30, with Holy Com- munion. The World Day of Prayer ser- vice will be held Friday, Feb.. 25; at 2:30 o'clock, at McKillop United Brethren Church, with members of the LCW of St, Peter's Lutheran Church and members of UCW of Zion Unit- ed Church, on Highway 8, tak- ing part, along with the Wo- men's Organization of the Mc- Killop Church. The theme is, "Ye Are My -Witnesses." . The guest speaker- will be , Mrs. (Rev.) Shatto. Quite a number from here at- tended the Ice Capades at Kit- chener arena last. week. On Thursday evening the Midwestern. Ontario Develop- ment Association herd a spe- cial dinner meeting at the Brodhagen Chamber of Com- merce Community building, to hear an outline on the new role of_ Perth •County in the Midwestern .Ontario Develop- ment Association. Mr. Lloyd Prueter, president, and Russell Sholdice, secretary -treasurer of the Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce, also Reeve Rudolph Bauer, Zone 2 chairman, Perth County, attended. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family, of Burlington, with Mrs, Charles Ahrens. - --- Quite a number from here, members of the Glee Club of the Mitchell and District High School, went to .Toronto by bus on Friday to sing at the Kiwan- is Music Festival,- and the Glee, • UNITED HYBRIDS • FUNKS and _JACQUES All Early Hybrids Available ' United — U-108, U-10 and U-7 Funks — G-2, G-31 A and G-11 A Jacques — 80 to 95 -Day Hybrids Order Today as, Early Hybrids Are in Demand and Very Short Supply ! Seed Grain, Grass Seed and Forage Mixtures. AVAILABLE ORDER TO -DAY ! Supplies of: Seed Grains some varieties. are lirriited on • 011) SUPER. - O IFERTILIZER PRECISION GRANULATED CANADIAN INDUSTRIES UMIILD A• FERTILIZER At Competitive Prices Truck Load Lots of FEED GRAINS At Competitive Prices, including Wheat, Oats, Barley, or Corn DELIVERED DIRECT TO YOUR GRANARY OPNO-TCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORTH •PHQNE 527-1910 " THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR " • Honor Bride At Shower Club won first prize in both, their entries. Miss Beverley Sholdice pass- ed her Grade 2 theory with honor's. Last Wednesday evening Mr. Cameron -Walsh, implement. dealer of Bornholm, showed pictures at the Community Hall here. Last: Friday evening a dance was held at the Community Centre with the Concords orch- estra providing the music, and oil ,Saturday night a cabaret dance was held, with Wagner's orchestra. The Married Couples group of St. Peter's Lutheran Church held their meeting with Mr. and Mrs.- Reuben Buuck and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice in charge of devotions, ,.lunch and recreation. Pastor Kappes gave a Bible study: Hold Talent,Night Monday evening the mem- bers of the Luther League of St. Peter's Lutheran Church presented a talent night at the.. Community Centre, consisting of two one -act plays, "Ghost For Rent" and "Shotgun Wedding." Art Linklater, 'Hawaiian: "'dance by the boys; a skit; "A Little Canie"; a Hootnanny; singing duet,. piano duet, an orchestra, and a , variety of other talent. Larry Kistner was master of ceremonies. Pastor and Mrs, Kappes were the directors, and Miss Joanne Elligserf Was the pianist throughout the evening: Miss Barbara I-loegy, the presi- dent of the League, spoke brief- -ly:-at the close of the meeting. A miscellaneous- shower; was held Wednesday evening in Kippen United Church in honor of Miss Jean Turner, whose wedding takes place next Sat- urday. aturday. Guests included the la- dies of the congregation and of School Section No.° 7, Stan- ley, and of the Varna commun- ity. - Miss Nancy Consitt was chair man •fo9'''a short program, which included community singing with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot at the piano; a piano duet by Di- ane and. Darlene McKay: muni-, cal numbers by Cheryl and Kathy Peck and Ann Hayter, accompanied by Donna. Peck at the pian;':;, : •reading by Myra Lovell; a piano number' by Lynn Taylor. and a duet by Mrs. Pearl Love and Mrs, Harold Jones Jean was invited to take her place in a decorated chair and a humorous, address was read by Miss Marjorie Turner. Many lovely gifts were presented to the bride-to-be by Gayle Turn- er, Dianne Consitt and Brenda and Janice Turner. Jean expressed her thanks to everyone, ,"after which lunch was served. Legion ° Corner ° By JACK HOLLAND We11, comrades and friends, back again with news from here and there.• It's hard to imagine that in less than a month we'll be into Spring and all that it means. . • _• Was down to Westminster re- cently and was talking to George Eaton,'Tom Beattie and Bob Spittal, who were patients. there and all ,members of our Legion Branch. The zone commander, Allan Nicholson, held. a zone execu- tive council meeting at the lo- cal branch and Al is also the chairman of the ,Centennial pro- ject, and all 'members , have re- ceived a letter concerning the nature of this project, and it is .up to us al Ito do our ut- most and go over the 'top of our objective. Our curlers have been hav- ing a busy time with the dif- ferent bonspiels held recently at Walkerton, Goderich and Hensell, with more ' of, them corning up. The Legion -spon- sored hockey for the young folk is moving right along with some outside teams giving our locals' a'. whir] now and then. This is' one community, service performed yearly by the Le- gion., of which we are all quite proud, as there is nothing at all for the young fads 'from the town and surrounding com- munity to do on Saturday mornings, and this effort by the Legion provides an outlet for their youthful energies. This is about all for now. If you do get a chance, drop in or send a card to our veterans 'in-hospital. "At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.•' P.S.—Due to the many re- quests, I think that another euchre party is in order as soon as possible. •W. H . 14 • , ?'AI's;Wii1iattl Walters.. visited vh•- -Wednesday with •,W. 0:44 Mrs .John S14sO1, of Sun• shine Line. • Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs, Phil Dern attended the, dessert euchre in Exeter on Wednes- day afternoon. - Mrs. Garnet Miners visited her sister, Mrs. F7reema11, `Per- kins, on Wednesday. Mrs. Per- kins is a. patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Bar.' bare visited Tuesday evening with Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Macdon- ald, of Staffa. - Mrs. Elson Lynn. and Mrs. Ron Fletcher attended the Homemaking C 1 u b leaders' training school at Hensel' Le- gion Hall on Monday and Tues- day. Mr. Itay Clarke, of Sunshine Line, visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Wal- ters. • Master Randy Gilligan, Exe, ter, visited Saturday • evening with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gil- fillan and Barbara. Mrs. Ben Morgan and Susan, of Thames Road, Mrs. Phil Hern, Mrs. John Coward, Mrs. William Walters and ,Mrs. Mur- ray Coward, of Sunshine Line, visited with Mrs. Newton Clarke Monday evening, celebrating her birthday. Miss Ellen Simpson, of Sun- shine Line, visited Saturday with Helen Campb.Pll,1, Miss' Susan Morgan,• Thames Road, spent they;• ,,eekend with her grandmother, 'Mrs. Newton Clarke, w S UNWORTHY WA L LPA P E R Here is what you need for a Fresh NEWLOOK! • Plastic Coated O Washable • Ready -Pasted • Fade Proof • Easy to Apply • Non -Pasted — Inexpensive, Too! — You can dec- orate Your walls for as little- as ROOM' LOTS $x:.90 $1.50 Up Latest Styles Npw IN STOCK ! NO NEED TO WAIT FOR DELIVERY Friendly Decorating Service GRAVES' WALLPAPER & PAINT -DIAL 527-0550 ---- •. SEAFORTH 'blue coal' Champion' Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS - DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 For Complae INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS," 'FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR, LIFE -SEE Ttig OVUM XPA$IT 39AFO* H, 7`,F t,NlMi: THE HURON - POSITO1. Phone 527.0.240SOfifortit Fabrics Here at LARONE'S you will find the LATEST IN YARD GOODS Attractive patterns, in a wide, variety of .exciting cloth's including: B.roa.dcloths. - Linens Ginghams Prints and Straw Hat. JOHN A., CARI)NO Insurance Agency Phone •527-0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors RO-NE S Seaforth's 5c to $1.00 Store STATIONERY and GIFTS PERSONALIZED ()ASTERS GIFT IDEAS SERVIETTES.-. , THE HURON EXPOSITOR • Phone 527-0240 Seaforth. AIN T R 0 NT0 Ask about convenient departure and return timess. For information, phone the local . CN Passenger Sard.i Office CANADIAN NATIONAL wk1,T, PARS �a E ,53.40 SLUE PARE awe 53.90 ENGINE QVERHAU.L SPRING . SPECIAL for 6 cyl:cock co Chev, Cars AND MOST OTHER MAKES AND MODELS "includes piston rings, piston pins, motor overhaul gasket set and •• 4 %Z quarts of oX, • Complete Valve Grind • New Rings • New Pins 'Clean Oil Breather eck Oil Pump Ope=ration heck Oil Pan and Oil Lines SEAFORT'V OTORS YOUR GUARDIAN;,; x ; ANCE SERV•CE ° Phone 52 1750Seaforth